5 - Mu7lu Ic F 5 & Mu7lu Id 9
5 - Mu7lu Ic F 5 & Mu7lu Id 9
5 - Mu7lu Ic F 5 & Mu7lu Id 9
DLP No. 5 Learning Area: Music Grade Level: 7 Quarter: First Duration: 1 hour
Improvises simple rhythmic/melodic accompaniments to selected
music from the Lowlands of Luzon Code: MU7LU-Ic-f-5
Learning Competency/ies
Provides harmonic accompaniments to selected music of the MU7LU-Id-9
Lowlands of Luzon
Concepts/Understandings Music of Luzon lowlands has rhythmic and melodic patterns.
to be Developed:
I. Objectives
Knowledge Discuss the concepts of rhythm, melody and harmony in Music
Improvise a simple rhythmic/melodic/harmonic accompaniments to selected music from the
Lowlands of Luzon
Attitudes Display creativity in designing simple accompaniments to selected music
Values Demonstrate responsible consumerism through the wise use of the available resources
2. Content/Topic Musical Instruments in Luzon lowlands
3. Learning Resources/ Laptop and projector; pictures; recyclable materials like (strings, cans, etc.); worksheets
Materials/Equipment MAPEH(First Year) pg. 35-36; 58-59; 84-85
4. Procedures
4.1. Inroductory Activity
(5 minutes) SIMPLE Recall!
The teacher will conduct a review of the previous lesson which is about the musical instruments
of the lowlands of Luzon using pictures.
4.2. Activity
(5 minutes) CLAP CHALLENGE!
(The teacher will present a video about following the beats through clappings.)
The students will follow the beat.
4.3. Analysis
(5 minutes) The teacher will ask the following questions:
1. How did you find the activity?
2. What difficulty did you encounter while doing the activity?
3. What element of music shown in our activity?
4.4. Abstraction (The teacher will discuss the Rhythm, Harmony and Melody in Music using powerpoint
(10 minutes) presentation)
Music is a composition of sounds that have vibrations on beat when put together, they
create rhythm, melody and meaning. All sounds, whether quiet or noisy are caused by
vibrations. Music is composed of tones and silences of varying durations, moving through time.
This movement through time is rhythm. It is the basic element of music, the only one which can
exist independently of the others. It refers to the distribution of notes in time- that is, the
arrangement of long and short notes, and their accentuation.
As Music moves through time – when music is played or sung – we feel regular pulsations
which are called – beats. Beats may be grouped into two’s (2’s), three’s (3’s) and four’s (4’s).
The grouping of beats with accented and uncecented beats is called meter. The length of time
a tone is sounded is called duration.
A melody may be compared to a spoken sentence, in which words have been arranged in
certain relationships to one another, and then spoken with varying pause and inflections. The
tones of a melody corresponds to the words; they must be arranged in rhythmic relationship to
one another in order to convey a musical idea.
Melody is pitch added to rhythm. It consist of series of tones of varying pitches sounded in
succession. When the keys of the piano are struck one after another, we have tones in
succession. Tones may go up and down or may remain on the same level.
Harmony is the simultaneous sounding of a group of tones with the tones of melody.
Melody and harmony are closely related. Changes in harmony are dictated by changes in the
melodic line. Harmony is the vertical relationship between a melody and its accompanying
chords or between melodies simultaneously played or sung. Harmony may be light, heavy, thin
or thick in texture.
4.5. Application
(15 minutes) Group Activity. Clapping the Rhythm!
1. Divide the class into 5 groups.
2. Give a sample piece to each group to be used as their clapping exercises..
3. Each group is given two minutes for their performance.
Concentration/Focus ------------------------- 10 pts.
Synchronized Movement -------------------- 10 pts.
Correctness ------------------------------------- 10 pts.
5. Assessment
Analysis of Learner’s DIY Activity!
Product Mechanics:
(15 minutes) 1. The class will be divided into 5 groups.
2. Each member of the group will make/design an instrument that will be used to
accompany their selected music from the Lowlands f Luzon.
3. The group should be able to create variety of instruments of their own masterpiece
using recylable materials.
(3 pts.) (2 pts.) (1 pt.)
Instrument Student can accurately Student can Student can accurately
Famiily state, whether this is a accurately state, state, whether this is a
string, wind, brass or whether this is a string, wind, brass or
percussion instrument string, wind, brass or percussion instrument.
and explain why? percussion instrument
but cannot explain
why without prompts.
Creativity Student made more Student made some Student showed
than the expected effort effort in making their minimal or no effort in
in making their instrument look and making their
instrument look and sound creative. instrument look and
sound creative. sound creative.
Materials Instrument is Instrument is Instrument is
constructed of all constructed of very constructed of no
recyclable materials. little recyclable recyclable materials.
6. Assignment
Reinforcing Practice this at home.
(2 minutes)
7. Wrap-up/Concluding
(3 minutes)
Prepared by: