No. 3
No. 3
No. 3
Learning Area:
DLP No. 3 Grade Level: 7 Quarter: Third Duration: 60 minutes
Analyzes the musical elements of some Mindanao vocal and
Code: MU7MN-IIIa-g2
instrumental music;
Learning Competency/ies Sing songs from Mindanao;
Creates appropriate movements or gestures to accompany the
Concepts/Understandings to Vocal Music of Mindanao exhibits unique musical elements
be Developed:
I. Objectives
Knowledge Describe the different vocal music of Mindanao
Skills Perform a creative presentation of the representative songs from Mindanao
Demonstrate understanding of the musical elements and processes among culturally diverse
communities in our country
Values Display patriotism through singing songs form our own country
2. Content/Topic Vocal Music of Mindanao
CG p.: 66-67
3. Learning Resources/
The 21st MAPEH in ACTION Revised Edition 2015 pg. 42
Laptop & projector/TV
4. Procedures
4.1 Inroductory Activity JUMBLED WORDS
(5 minutes) Mechanics:
1. The class will be grouped into 6.
2. Each group will be given papers with jumbled letters.
3. The group will be given 3 minutes to arrange the jumbled letters to form the correct
4. The group with the most number of correct answer will win the game.
(Note: The set of words must be about the sample of MIndanao)
5. Assessment
Observation Rubrics:
(7 minutes) Always Sometimes Seldom
Demonstrated Demonstrated Demonstrated
(5) (4) (3)
Vocal Perfromance Melody sung with Melody sung with Pitch accuracy still
good tune and mostly accurate being developed,
accurate pitching pitching with only song performed with
throughout. Music some sections being unclear /inaccurate
performed with good out of tune/sung melody
phrasing inccorrectly
Stage Presence All group members Group members use Group members do
always use their only some of their not use their entire
entire performance entire performance performance area.
area. Movemens are area. Some
projected purposely movements are
projected purposely
Vocal Technique All group members Group members can Group members
exhibit evidence of remember some of have trouble
practicing and what they practiced practicing and
performing vocal and are trying to performing vocal
technique and timing perform with some technique and timing
(tempo) vocal technique and (tempo)
timing (tempo)
Concentration ad All group members Group members Group members
focus maintain maintain seldom maintain
concentration and concentration and concentration and
focus throughout the focus some of the focus during the
performance. time performance
Members are not
distracted by each
other or those
around him/her
Variety of Actions All group members Some group Group members do
have added a members have not use a variety of
minimum of 2 added a minimum of actions and not all
different actions per 2 different actions group members
person. per person or each have added at least
group member has one movement.
only added 1 action.
6. Assignment
Watch this video in youtube: “Kulintang Ensemble, Mindanao 1966”. Then write something
Preparing for the New
about performance.
Bring any recyclable materials
(3 minutes)
7. Wrap-up/Concluding
Any good music must be an innovation.
- Les Baxter
(2 minutes)
Prepared by: