Assignment 2
Assignment 2
Assignment 2
Teacher helps
Educate the Focus on past and students think
rational person. permanent studies, rationally. Classical subjects
Perennialism mastery of facts,
Cultivate and timeless Explicit teaching Constant curriculum
Realism the intellect. knowledge. of traditional
Based on students’
Knowledge leads interests.
to growth and Teacher is a guide Involves the application
Promote development. for problem- of human problems and
Progressivism Pragmatism democratic,
solving and affairs.
social living. Focus on active
scientific inquiry.
and relevant
subject matter;
activities and projects.
Teacher serves as
Improve and an agent of change Emphasis on social
reconstruct Skills and subjects and reform. sciences and social
society. needed research methods.
Reconstructivism Pragmatism to identify and sol Helps students
Education is ve problems of become aware of Examination of social,
for change and society. problems economic, and political
social reform. confronting problems.
Values Absolute and Absolute and eternal; Situational and Freely chosen; based on
eternal based on natural laws relative; individuals perception
Subject to change
and verification
Teacher’s Role To bring latent To cultivate rational To cultivate critical To cultivate personal
knowledge and thought; to be moral thinking and choice and individual
ideas to and spiritual leader; scientific process self-defination
consciousness; to to be source of
be a moral and authority
spiritual leader