(A Central University)
Project Management
Paper Code : MBFM 3004
III Semester
Dr. B. Charumathi,
Associate Professor,
Dept. of Management Studies,
Pondicherry University,
Edited by
Prof.G. Chalam,
Department of Commerce & Business Administration,
College of Arts & Commerce,
Acharya Nagarjuna University,
Andhra Pradesh.
Project Management
Unit - I
Unit - III
project evaluation – Commercial vs. National Profitability – Social Cost
Benefit Analysis, Commercial or National Profitability, social or national
Unit - IV
Unit - V
When you travel, you happened to see bridges being built, roads
being laid, buildings being constructed and a lot of other activities, which
are unique in nature and which deliver physical outputs. The same way, you
might come across several activities, which deliver services like marriage
contract, software development, health camp, literacy camp, etc. If you
look at the above activities, they are unique in nature and they require
defined time and resources. We can call these activities as projects and
managing these projects has become more critical with the limited time
and resources at our disposal. Thus, project management has become an
important area and its application is found in almost all the business and
non-business activities. Let us study in this unit, the meaning of project
management, its importance, classification of projects, project portfolio
management system, project management structure, steps in defining
project, causes and constraints in executing project.
Unit Structure
Learning Objectives
Concept of Project
goals. Any project that we may consider has an objective, or a set of
objectives, to achieve. It has to be operated within a given set of rules,
regulations, constraints and restrictions. Implementation of projects
needs resources or inputs. Every project converts the given inputs into
outputs through a process of implementation. The outputs in the short
run lead to outcomes, which, in the long run, should result in impact.
Projects also involve one or more elements that have not been done
in the past, and are therefore unique. A product or service may be unique
even if the category to which it belongs is large. For example, although
several residential complexes have been built in the past, creation of a
new house will be a project because each facility can have elements such
as a unique - location, customized or adapted design, regionally available
resources, and/or discrete owners.
Characteristics of a Project
departments is very much essential. Thus, the use of multiple
talents from various departments (sometimes from different
organizations and across multiple geographies) becomes the key for
successful project management. For example, take the construction
of house building; the expertise of very many professionals and
skills of various people from various fields like architect, engineers,
carpenters, painters, plumber, electrician, interior decorator, etc,
are being coordinated to complete the house project.
Conditions or Restraints
The two basic activities which normally get completed before
undertaking the installation of equipment in any project are: (a) land
acquisition, and (b) infrastructural development. Most of the projects are
undertaken next to a river or road/railway junction, or a busy commercial
centre with a view to cutting down the expenditure for developing the
external infrastructure needed for the project, such as road/railway
points, schools, commercial centers, and residential accommodation,
which otherwise put a heavy burden on the project authorities. There is
a general sentimental opposition from the landowners as well as tillers to
handover their land for fear of losing their earning opportunities, and the
project team must try to cope with such contingencies.
White Elephants
The project life cycle typically passes through four stages, viz.,
Initiating, planning, executing and closing. The following figure shows
the Project Life Cycle.
The starting point begins the moment the project is given the go-
ahead. Project efforts starts slowly, build to a peak and then declines to
delivery of the project to the customer. The stages in the project life cycle
are discussed below:
b) Project Planning Stage: In this stage, the effort level increases and
plans are developed to determine what the project will entail, when
it will be scheduled, whom it will benefit, what quality level should
be maintained and what the budget will be. More specifically, this
stage will include planning schedules, budgets, resources, risks and
d) Project Closure stage: This is the final stage which includes two
activities, viz., delivering the outcome of the project to the customer
and redeploying the project resources. Delivery of the project
might include customer training and transferring documents.
Redeployment usually involves releasing project equipment/
materials to other projects and finding new assignments for team
members. More specially, this stage will undertake activities
relating to training the customer, transfer of documents, releasing
resources, releasing staff and learning lessons.
Classification of Projects
1) Based on Ownership
a) Public Projects: These are the projects which are done by public
projects. E.g. Construction of Roads & Bridges, Adult Education
Programmes, etc.
b) Private Projects: These are the projects which are undertaken by
private enterprises. Eg. Any business related projects such as a
construction of houses by real estate builders, software development,
marriage contracts, etc.
c) Public Private Partnerships: These projects which are undertaken by
both government and private enterprises together. E.g., Generation
of Electricity by Windmill, Garbage Collection, etc.
2) Based on Investment
4) Based on Sector
5) Based on Objective
6) Based on Nature
into: Low-Tech projects which relay on the existing and well
established base technologies; Medium-Tech projects which
rest mainly on existing base technologies but incorporate some
new technology or feature; High-Tech projects in which most
of the technologies employed are new, but existent, having been
developed prior to the project’s initiation; and Super High-
Tech projects which are based primarily on new, not entirely
existent technologies.
7) Based on Time
b) Medium term projects: These projects take a medium term
duration like 3 to 5 years. For example, Modernization projects,
computerization of operations, etc.
d) Very short term projects: By very name you can understand that
these projects are completed within a very short period, say, within
a day. For example, product launch project.
8) Based on Functions
9) Based on Risk
b) Low Risk Projects: These projects do not involve risk and they are
carried out in the normal course of action. For example, road and
bridge construction, house construction.
each other. The cash flows of the plant cultivation will be enhanced
by the existence of a nearby manufacturing plant. Conversely, the
cash flows of the manufacturing unit will be enhanced by the exist-
ence of a nearby cultivation farm.
in the plant and machinery. Economies of scale and the associated
cost competitiveness also prompt the establishment of large scale
Project Management
effectively and efficiently. It’s a strategic competency for organizations,
enabling them to tie project results to business goals — and thus, better
compete in their markets.It has always been practiced informally, but
began to emerge as a distinct profession in the mid-20th century. It is no
longer a special-need management. It is rapidly becoming a standard way
of doing business. Project Management Institute’s A Guide to the Project
Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) identifies its recurring
elements. Project management processes fall into five groups such as
initiating, planning, executing, monitoring, controlling and closing.
it is executed is project management. Project management includes:
identifying requirements, establishing clear and achievable objectives,
balancing the competing demands from the different stakeholders and
ensuring that a commonality of purpose is achieved. It is clear that
unless there is a structured and scientific approach to the practice of
management, organizations would find themselvesaimless and hence
would be unable to meet the myriad challenges that the modern era throws
at them. Hence, the importance of project management to organizations
cannot be emphasized more and several reasons why project management
is important is discussed below.
The product life cycle is one of the most significant driving forces
behind the demand for project management. As the lives of the products
are shortened, time to market for new products with short life cycles has
become increasingly important. Innovation and invention becomes the
key for success and speed to innovate or invent becomes a competitive
advantage. More and more organizations are depending on cross-
functional project teams to get new products and services to the market as
quickly as possible.
b) Global Competition
c) Knowledge Explosion
d) Corporate Downsizing
An Integrated Approach to Project Management
Learning Objectives
to achieve a defined business objective or benefit. Project management
guru Bob Buttrick summarized it when he said; “Directing the individual
project correctly will ensure it is done right. Directing ‘all the projects’
successfully will ensure we are doing the right projects.” Project portfolio
management organizes a series of projects into a single portfolio of
reports that capture project objectives and other critical factors. While
at individual project level it is important to know how each project is
performing, the impact of each project on the portfolio is also important.
The following questions should be asked:
If the answer to any of these questions is no, immediate action is
needed to bring the portfolio back on track.
a) Implementation Gap
b) Organizational Politics
c) Resource conflicts and multitasking
a) Classification of Project
b) Selection Criteria
In case of net present value method, the project which gives positive
NPV is selected. NPV is the excess of present value of cash inflows over
present value of cash outflows. Non-financial criteria may include the
following: a) restoring corporate image or b) enhancing brand image.
Many organizations are committed to corporate citizenship and support
community development projects. Thus, the social desirability of the
projects is also equally important as financial viability.
f) Balancing the portfolio for risks and types of projects
the viewing glass or perspective through which individuals see their
organization and its environment. An organization can be structured in
many different ways, depending on their objectives. The structure of an
organization will determine the modes in which it operates and performs.
Organizational structure allows the expressed allocation of responsibilities
for different functions and processes to different entities. Organizational
structure affects organizational action in two big ways. First, it provides
the foundation on which standard operating procedures and routines
rest. Second, it determines which individuals get to participate in which
decision-making processes, and thus to what extent their views shape the
organization’s actions.
management channels. The functional organization is also commonly used
when, given the nature of project, one functional area plays a dominant
role in completing the project or has a dominant interest in the success of
the project. Under these circumstances, a high ranking manager in that
area is given the responsibility of coordinating the project. The following
figure shows how project is managed within the functional organization.
b) Organizing Projects as Dedicated Teams
➢ It is expensive
➢ Sometimes, the technological expertise of the specialized project
teams may be very limited and that will affect the project outcomes.
arrangement. Project, heavy weight, or strong matrix is used to describe
a matrix in which the balance of authority is strongly on the side of the
project manager.
Weak/Functional Matrix
Balanced/Functional Matrix
Strong/Project Matrix
➢ As the management principle unity of command is violated, project
participants have two bosses at the least and hence it will create
stressful situations.
➢ In case of balanced matrix form, the projects get slow down.
The advantages of networked organizations include
Thus, managing projects has witnessed a lot of changes depending
on the changes in the organizational structure from hierarchical to
networkedorganizations which are shown in above figure.
a) Organizational Considerations
➢ Number of Projects: If an organization has very few projects, then
a less formal arrangement is sufficient. Temporary task forces can
be created on need based and the organization could outsource
project work also.
b) Project Considerations
Higher the levels of these seven factors, the more autonomy and
authority the project manager and project team need to be successful. This
would lead to using of either a dedicated project team or a project matrix
Understand the Impact of Culture on a PMO
➢ What resources are you able to dedicate full or part time to the
project office?
➢ Do you currently follow a standard project management
➢ How well do your different business units or departments work
➢ How many projects does your organization typically complete in a
➢ What problems is your organization facing when managing
➢ What are those problems costing your organization?
implement and track quality project schedules, and facilitators, who can
help guide projects in conjunction with a project manager.
The PMO can also get a “project police” reputation, which may not
encourage good project practices outside of the project office. This struc-
ture is effective when an organization is working with a large number of
complex projects and only if the culture of the organization includes well-
developed communication and teamwork skills.
Learning Objectives
The first step in defining the project is defining its scope. Project
scope is a definition of the end result or mission of the project – a product
or service for the customer or client. The primary objective is to define as
clearly as possible the deliverables for the end user and to focus project
plans. The scope should be developed under the direction of the project
manager and customer. The project manager is responsible for seeing that
there is agreement with the owner on project objectives, deliverables at
each stage of the project and technical requirements. The project scope
definition is a document that will be published and used by the project
owner and project participants for planning and measuring project
success. Scope describes what the organization expects to deliver to the
customer when the project is complete. The project scope should define
the results to be achieved in specific, tangible and measurable terms.
and specific kinds of projects. Many projects suffer from scope creep,
which is the tendency for the project scope to expand over time – usually
by changing requirements, specifications, and priorities.
There are several inputs you will need to get you off on the right foot:
These inputs should give you all the information you and your
team needs to create your WBS. Along with these inputs, you will use
certain tools as well. Finally, using these inputs and tools you will create
the following outputs:
The first step to creating your WBS is to get all your team, and
possibly key stakeholders, together in one room. Although your team
is not listed as an input or tool in the above sections, they are probably
your most vital asset to this process. Your team possesses all the expertise,
experience, and creative thinking that will be needed to get down to the
specifics of each deliverable. Next, we have to get the first two levels setup.
The first level is the project title, and the second level is made up of all
the deliverables for the project. At this stage it is important to function
under the 100% Rule. This rule basically states that the WBS (specifically
the first two levels) includes 100% of all the work defined in the project
scope statement and management plan. Also, it must capture 100% of all
the deliverables for the project including internal, external, and interim.
In reality the WBS usually only captures between 90-95%, and 100% is our
goal. The following diagram shows the WBS.
Work Packages
Once we have completed the first two levels set, it is time to launch
into our decomposition. Decomposition is the act of breaking down
deliverables in to successively smaller chunks of work to be completed in
order to achieve a level of work that can be both realistically managed by
the project manager and completed within a given time frame by one or
more team members. This level of breakdown and detail is called the work
package. Work packages are the lowest level of the WBS and are pieces of
work that are specifically assigned to one person or one team of people
to be completed. This is also the level at which the project manager has
to monitor all project work. Most project managers concur that the work
package can usually be measured using the 8/80 Rule. The 8/80 Rule says
that no work package should be less than 8 hours or greater than 80 hours.
Pitfalls to Creating WBS
The WBS is an extremely valuable tool to the project management
methodology. It can make or break a project. It sets the foundation
for the rest of the project planning. A solid WBS helps ensure proper
project baselines, estimating, resource use, scheduling, risk analysis, and
As in the WBS, the OBS assigns the lowest organizational unit the
responsibility for work packages within a cost account. The intersection
of work packages and the organizational unit creates a project control
point (cost account) that integrates work and responsibility. Control
can be checked from two directions – outcomes and responsibility. In
the execution phase of the project, progress can be tracked vertically on
deliverables (client’s interest) and tracked horizontally by organizational
responsibility (management’s interest).
Project Roll-Up
The WBS is best suited for design and builds projects that have
tangible outcomes. The project can be decomposed or broken down into
major deliverables, sub-deliverables, and further sub-deliverables and
ultimately to work packages. It is more difficult to apply WBS to less
tangible, process-oriented projects in which the final outcome is a project
of a series of steps or phases.
Here, the difference is that the project evolves over time with each
phase affecting the next phase. IT project typically fall in this category.
Project projects are driven by performance requirements, not by plan/
blueprints. The following figure shows the process breakdown structure.
Responsibility Matrix
Person 1 Person 2 Person 3
Review Resumes R S
Interview Applicants I R S
Hire Personnel R I I
Purchase Equipment A R
Also, it is recommended that each role for each activity receive just
one participation type code. When more than one code is used, it implies
that resource’s role has not yet been fully resolved, which can impede the
value of this technique in clarifying the level of responsibility for the task.
➢ Consulted - Those whose opinions are sought and with whom there
is two-way communication.
of work (deliverables). It’s not a list of every task: rather, it’s a “tree”
structure showing the meaningful groups of activities that make up the
main segments of the project.
The project delays happen when they take more time than what
is estimated and it is called as time overrun. You may recall, this phe-
nomenon is referred in the first unit as white elephants, i.e., most of the
government projects are time overrun. When projects are time overrun
(i.e., delayed), cost overrun will be the result. Cost overrun happen when
the projects consumer more resources than what is estimated. It is natu-
ral when the projects are delayed, more resources, in terms of material,
money, manpower, will be required and thus, the cost overruns happen.
Let us understand the external causes and internal constraints of project
➢ Government policies
➢ Import regulations
➢ Panic taxation
➢ Resource constraints
➢ Defense expenditure
➢ Political situation
➢ Inflation
➢ Non-development expenditure
➢ Budgetary deficits
➢ Economic stagnation
➢ Natural disasters, like earthquakes, floods, etc.
➢ Labour unrest
➢ Law and order problems
➢ Social turmoil like terrorists’ menace, communal vandalism, etc.
➢ Unscheduled mid-term elections
➢ Global recession, or unrest, and
➢ Interference from unexpected quarters.
Internal Constraints
➢ Price escalation because of change in exchange rates
➢ Delay in obtaining import licences
➢ Inadequate or improper liaison with customs, excise, sales tax,
police, octroi, etc.,
➢ Poor monitoring and control, and
➢ Infrequent monitoring and review amongst members and
4) What is project management?
5) Explain the importance of project management.
6) Explain the integrated approach to project management.
7) What is project portfolio management system?
8) Explain the need for project portfolio management system.
9) Explain the design of project portfolio management system.
10) What is pipeline management?
11) Write short notes on
a) White elephants
b) Pearls
c) Oysters
d) bread and butter projects
12) Explain the various organization structure used in managing
13) How to manage projects in functional organizations?
14) How to manage projects within matrix structure?
15) Explain the various forms of matrix organizational structure for
managing projects.
16) How to manage projects in networked structure?
17) How to manage projects using dedicated project teams?
18) Explain the considerations used while choosing appropriate
project management structure.
19) Explain the options available for project management office
20) Explain the steps in defining project.
21) What is work breakdown structure?
22) What are work packages?
23) Explain the process of creating work breakdown structure.
24) Explain the pitfalls to work breakdown structure.
25) What is responsibility matrix?
26) Explain the steps in developing the responsibility matrix.
27) What is project roll up?
28) What are project overruns?
29) What is time overrun?
30) What is cost overrun?
31) What are white elephants?
32) Explain the external causes of project delays.
33) Explain the internal constraints of project delays.
AmeriHealth Mercy Driving Results and Increasing Competitive
invest in its people. That’s what drives us,” says Ms. Guerrero. She adds,
“Since we’ve made the right investments to improve organization project
management, we’ve seen the company meet its strategic and operating
plans. The benefits that we’re reaping from the enhanced PMO are being
used to fund additional project work, including future improvements. The
PMO has truly become a strategic operations center for the organization.
According to Joanne McFall, Chief of Staff for AmeriHealth Mercy’s Chief
Operation Officer, “Our success in achieving our strategic goals is directly
linked to the effectiveness of our overall portfolio management function.
By continuing to enhance our use of organization project management
practices, we expect to see even greater benefits in future years.” Analyse
the importance of PMO.
Unit Structure
Learning Objectives
a) Opportunity studies
b) Pre-feasibility studies
c) Techno-economic feasibility studies
Opportunity Studies
Governmental agencies, development financial institutions
and other industrial promotion or development corporations are also
continuously engaged in identifying worthwhile investment opportunities.
For instance, the Industrial and Technical Consultancy Organization
of Tamil Nadu Ltd. (ITCOT), a joint venture of national and state level
financial institutions, has brought out a collection of papers presented by
various central research laboratories and other technology information
and financing sources, at two technology seminars, and a guide book,
providing information on technology and project opportunities.
➢ The prevailing and expected investment climate in the country;
➢ The industrial policies in vogue;
➢ The availability and the cost aspects of factors of production;
➢ Opportunities for export.
Area Studies
Sub-Sectoral Studies
Resource-Based Studies
promotion and development agencies often provide this information for
prospective investors. The Gujarat Industrial Development Corporation,
the Gujarat Industrial Investment Corporation and the Gujarat State
Financial Corporation have an appreciable degree of coordination in
extending all assistance to prospective investors, in terms of information
on available locations, market situation, infrastructural facilities, etc. and
help in launching projects.
Pre-Feasibility Studies
depth analysis, through further support or functional studies.
Market surveys may be necessary, or laboratory tests may have to be
carried out to establish the attributes that the product is claimed to
possess. The production process may have to be tried out through
pilot plant tests.
Market size and plant capacity: The market scope and size have
to be assessed, taking note of the prevailing and prospective demand. The
sales organization, the marketing network and distribution channels that
will be appropriate, the plant capacity to be installed and the production
processes to be adopted are all aspects on which a reasonable degree of
clarity is needed before the feasibility study can be taken up.
Material inputs: the raw materials and other critical stores items
that are needed and the alternatives or substitutes in respect thereof, the
different sources for their procurement and the related economics of
purchase should be examined and suitable options chosen.
choice of having a sales network or distributing through wholesale outlets,
etc. are aspects on which, at least. Tentative decisions should be taken to
guide the feasibility study.
Materials input studies: The ready availability of raw materials
and other essential inputs has to be examined, and reliable sources for
these supplies have to be identified. Need for developing proximate sources
of supply for critical items or components through vendor development
initiatives have to be assessed, as this would involve additional project
outlays. The prevailing and anticipated price trends for these items have
also to be studied.
The functional or support are investigative in nature, with reference
to the specific areas of scrutiny and the conclusions there from provide
clear guidance for proceeding with the subsequent stages of project
preparation. The support studies can precede or follow a pre-feasibility
study or a feasibility study. It is the outcome of the felt need to examine,
in depth, certain aspects that are found to be critical, calling for closer
investigation. Such requirements may arise even after feasibility studies
have been completed.
(n) Plant site, within the location
(o) Local conditions
(p) Layout and physical coverage of project
(q) Technology and equipment
(r) Civil engineering
(s) Plant organization
(t) Overhead costs
(u) Labour
(v) Staff
(w) Implementation scheduling
(x) Financial evaluation
(y) Economic evaluation
a) Executive Summary
The feasibility study, being the final scrutiny, analysis, and projec-
tions prior to the decision to commit resources, has to provide definite
conclusions on all basic issues of the project. In the course of the project
opportunity study and the prefeasibility study, various alternatives would
have been considered and precise decisions would have been arrived at on
critical aspects such as location, capacity, technology, etc. The summary
of the conclusions and recommendations should be provided in the form
of an executive summary to facilitate a quick grasp of the essentials of the
project. The table of contents in feasibility study given above provides the
sequence of presentation of information. On each aspect, a brief write-up
on the essential information should be given. At the end of the technical,
operational and financial data, the major advantages of the project, the
major drawbacks of the project and the prospects of implementing the
project should be highlighted.
interest in the project. The nature of preliminary and subsequent studies
that have proceeded from the feasibility study should be mentioned, giving
the highlights and the costs incurred.
The projected sales and income are critical factors affecting the vi-
ability of the project. Optimistic estimates may help launching a project
sooner, but it is an act of self-deception, as the ambitious assumptions fail
to materialize and the project slides down to disaster. We have innumer-
able examples of such projects that had looked splendid paper, but could
either produce the quantities promised, or failed to find the market antici-
➢ The geographical boundaries of the market for the product and the
size and composition of the present demand.
➢ The market share that the project is likely to achieve, taking note of
the anticipated trends in domestic and international competition
and shifts in consumer needs or preferences.
➢ The pricing structure that is being adopted which is the basis for
the expectations of market penetrations.
d) Demand Projections
➢ Identify the major factors that have influenced past demand, and
assess the extent of their influence;
➢ Project the expected impact of these factors on future demand; and
➢ Forecast the demand through extrapolation of the influencing
e) Forecasting Techniques
f) Exports Projections
➢ Special aspects concerning these products, such as quality
stipulations, special selling arrangements, etc.
➢ Other countries with export assistance or export incentive provided
by the home country, and the prospects of their being continued or
➢ Risk of violent shifts in demand due to rapid technological changes,
or changes in political situations.
g) Market Penetration
There are also strategic levers that can be employed for achieving
market penetration. These include:
➢ Product quality;
➢ Packaging;
➢ Marketing and distribution methods, and;
➢ The after-sales services provided.
h) Sensitivity Analysis
➢ Unrealistic assumptions being made with no proper justifications;
➢ Rapid technical and technological changes.
these have to be clearly defined and properly estimated. It is not uncommon
to come across project estimates where the sales quantities and prices are
overstated thereby boosting up the revenues, intentionally or otherwise.
j) Production Programme
k) Plant Capacity
reach maximum output figure, overtime as well as excessive consumption
of factory supplies, utilities, spare parts, and wear and tear, will inflate
the normal level of production costs. With reference to the nature of
operations, technology and also the resource and input constraints, the
feasible normal plant capacity has to be determined and the production
costs computed on that basis.
In the case of products that have rapid growth potential, the initial
production capacity should be higher than the initial demand and sales so
as to be able to cover subsequent demand growth. Care should, however,
be taken to see that the planned underutilization of capacity does not fall
below the break-even level. Where expansion can be taken up fast to meet
the demand growth, the initial production should match the demand and
creation of idle capacity should be avoided. In keeping with the feasible
normal capacity selected, the input requirements of materials, manpower,
services, etc. should be worked out in detail.
➢ Raw materials;
➢ Processed industrial materials (intermediates or components);
➢ Manufactured (subassemblies):
➢ Auxiliary materials;
➢ Factory supplies;
➢ Utilities.
m) Supply Programme
n) Location
o) Plant Site
p) Local Conditions
project. It is interesting to note that some of the State Industrial Develop-
ment Corporations, that build international estates and invite promoters
to set up units, work on the premise that it is sufficient of the land for the
factory structure is made available initially and that the infrastructure fa-
cilities such as roads, water, drainage, transports, etc., can be developed in
due course as the number of units in the estate increases. The consequence
has been that the earlier units in these industrial estates were starved of
essential infrastructure facilities and had to struggle for survival.
r) Technology and Equipment
s) Civil Engineering
t) Plant Organization
u) Overhead Costs
and the expenditure under the individual items estimated. Depreciation
charges and financing cost should also be duly reckoned.
v) Labour
w) Staff
Where foreign collaboration is involved is involved, the
commitments on foreign experts as per agreed terms and the cost of
training of selected employees at the collaborator’s plant have to be duly
reckoned and included in the estimates. The arrangements for training
should not be confined to preproduction phase, but should be planned
and organized even during the operation phase, since the upgrading of
skills and management development is a continuous process.
x) Implementation Scheduling
y) Financial evaluation
Conceding that the estimates and projections have been well and
adequately prepared, the final acts in the feasibly study are the financial
and economic valuations of the project. The inter-relationship between
the estimated capital costs, the estimated annual revenues have to be
analyzed to see whether the project is likely to pay its keep and leave a
reasonable surplus for further growth. The discounted cash flow analysis
and the sensitivity analysis are very useful tools to be applied at this stage
of evaluation of financial and economic aspects of the project.
z) Economic Evaluation
Detailed project report is a complete document for investment decision-
making, approval. Detailed project report is base document for planning
the project and implementing the project. Preparation of detailed project
report is a step in firming up the proposal. When an investment propos-
al has been approved on the basis of functional report and the proposal
is a major proposal, it would be necessary for detailed project report to
firm up the proposal for the capital cost as well as the various facilities.
It includes:
8. Initial contribution in terms of finance, technology development,
technical and equipment tie up by the promoter and user agency
(mention separately).
9. Organizations to operate and maintain the demonstration project.
10. Organization to replicate the project in a specific region or
throughout India.
11. Fulfillment of statutory requirements (like PCB clearance,
environmental clearance/ safety, etc.
Learning Objectives
World Bank Guidelines reveals the following six major steps in the
project life cycle. Conception (identification), Formation (preparation),
Analysis (appraisal), Implementation (Supervision), operation and
All the steps given in different studies can be grouped into three
main phases viz.,
➢ Pre-investment phase
➢ Investment/Implementation phase and
➢ Operational phase
a) Pre-investment Phase
➢ Licensing and governmental clearances
➢ Finance
➢ Systems and procedure
➢ Identification of project manager
➢ Design basis, general condition for purchase and contracts
➢ Construction resources and materials.
➢ Work packaging
This phase is involved with preparation for the project to take out
smoothly. Once a project opportunity is conceived, it needs to be examined.
Preliminary project analysis concerns with marketing, technical financial
and economic aspects of the project. It seeks to determine whether the
project is prima facie worthwhile to justify a feasibility study and what
aspects of the projects are critical to its viability and hence call for an in
depth investigation.
b) Implementation Phase
Negotiations and Contractions
c) Operation Phase
Project Life Cycle
The project life cycle serves to define the beginning and the end of
a project. For example, when an organization identifies an opportunity to
which it would like to respond, it will often authorize a needs assessment
and/or a feasibility study to decide if it should undertake the project. The
project life-cycle definition will determine whether the feasibility study is
treated as the first project phase or as a separate, standalone project.
➢ What technical work should be done in each phase (e.g., is the work
of the analyst part of the definition phase or part of the execution
➢ Who should be involved in each phase (e.g., resources that need to
be involved with requirements and design)?
➢ Cost and staffing levels are low at the start, higher toward the end,
and drop rapidly as the project draws to a conclusion. This pattern
is illustrated in the figure below:
➢ Project life cycle defines phases that connect beginning and end
of the project. After each phase deliverables are reviewed for the
completeness in time, accuracy according to defined objectives and
their final approval (approval for acceptance) before moving to the
next phase.
Care should be taken to distinguish the project life cycle from the
product life cycle. For example, a project undertaken to bring new banking
software to market is but one phase or stage of the product life cycle.
Stages of Project Life Cycle
a) Project Initiation
➢ A description of the preferred solution;
➢ A summarized plan for implementation.
Appoint the project team: the project teams are now ready to be
appointed. Although a project manager may be appointed at any stage
during the life of the project, the manager will ideally be appointed prior
to recruiting the project team. The project manager creates a detailed job
description for each role in the project team, and recruits people into each
role based on their relevant skills and experience
➢ Documentation, such as a project methodology, standards, pro-
cesses, forms and registers;
➢ Tools, such as accounting, project planning and risk modeling
b) Project Planning
➢ Once the scope of the project has been defined in the terms of
reference, the project enters the planning phase. This involves
creating a:
➢ Project plan outlining the activities, tasks, dependencies and
➢ Resource plan listing the labor, equipment and materials required;
➢ Financial plan identifying the labor, equipment and materials costs;
➢ Quality plan providing quality targets, assurance and control
➢ Risk plan highlighting potential risks and actions to be taken to
mitigate those risks;
➢ Acceptance plan listing the criteria to be met to gain customer
➢ Communications plan describing the information needed to inform
➢ Procurement plan identifying products to be sourced from external
Create a project plan: The first step in the project planning phase
is to document the project plan. A ‘work breakdown structure’ (WBS) is
identified which includes a hierarchical set of phases, activities and tasks
to be undertaken to complete the project. After the WBS has been agreed,
an assessment of the level of effort required to undertake each activity and
task is made. The activities and tasks are then sequenced, resources are
allocated and a detailed project schedule is formed. This project plan is the
key tool used by the project manager to assess the progress of the project
throughout the project life cycle. Create a resource plan: Immediately after
the project plan is formed, the level of resource required to undertake
each of the activities and tasks listed within the project plan will need to
be allocated. Although generic resource may have already been allocated
in the project plan, a detailed resource plan is required to identify the:
the project. Detailed financial planning is an extremely important activity
within the project, as the customer will expect the final solution to have
been delivered within the allocated budget.
provide the customer with the opportunity to assess each deliverable and
provide formal acceptance that it meets the requirements as originally
c) Project Execution
Build Deliverables
The execution phase is typically the longest phase of the project
in terms of duration. It is the phase within which the deliverables are
physically constructed and presented to the customer for acceptance.
expenses such as labor, equipment and materials costs. Expense forms are
approved by the project manager and recorded within an expense register
for auditing purposes.
Acceptance management: Acceptance management is the process
of gaining customer acceptance for deliverables produced by the project.
Acceptance forms are used to enable project staff to request acceptance
for a deliverable, once complete. Each acceptance form identifies the
acceptance criteria, review methods and results of the acceptance reviews
d) Project Closure
Perform project closure: Project closure, or ‘close out’, essentially
involves winding up the project. This includes:
Project Constraints
Physical constraints are caused by contractual or environmental
conditions. For example, due to space limitations an activity such as
painting a wall may have to be performed by only one person (Gray and
Larson, 2003).
Self Assessment Questions
Feasibility Study on Hainan Project
More about the company, Lippo is one of the major business conglomerates
in Asia with businesses geographically diversified in Hong Kong, Singapore,
China, Korea, Macau, Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand, and other countries.
Property and retailing are the key focus. Lippo also has interests in other
businesses, e.g., hotels, food business, securities broking and banking. The
Client proposes is to build a unique mixed use development in a landmark
building in Lingshui area. The project focused on four main property
markets: Residential; Serviced apartment; Hotel and Retail (Shopping
malls including dining and retail facilities).
Project Evaluation
Unit Structure
Learning Objectives
There are several methods for evaluating and ranking the capital
investment proposals. In case of all these methods the main emphasis is
on the return which will be derived on the capital invested in the project.
In other words, the basic approach is to compare the investment in the
project with the benefits derives there from.
1) Traditional Methods
1) Traditional Methods
In case the cash flow is not even, i.e., if each year’s cash inflows are
different, cumulative cash inflows will be calculated and by interpolation,
the exact pay-back-period can be calculated. For example, if the project
needs an original investment of ` 1,00,000 and the annual cash inflows for
5 years are ` 30,000, ` 40,000, ` 25,000, ` 20,000 and ` 20,000 respectively,
the pay-back-period will be calculated as follows:
The above table shows that in three years ` 95,000 has been
recovered. ` 5,000 is left out of initial investment. In the fourth year the
cash inflow is ` 20,000. It means the pay-back period is between three to
four years, which is calculated as below:
Pay-back period = 3 years + = 3.25 years
Decision Criterion
Ignore taxation.
Machine X Machine Y
= 18,000 = 36,000
9,000 12,000
= 2 years = 3 years
Advantages of Payback Method
➢ The method ignores the returns generated by a project after its pay-
back period. Projects having longer gestation period will never be
taken up if this method is followed though they may yield high
returns for a long period.
➢ The method does not take into account the time value of money.
b) Accounting or Average rate of Return (ARR) Method
a) Original Investment
x 100
Decision Criterion
➢ The method takes into account savings over the entire economic life
of the asset. Hence, it provides a better comparison of the projects
as compared to the pay-back method.
➢ The method embodies the concept of ‘net earnings’ while evaluating
capital investment projects, which is absent in case of all other
➢ The method does not take into account the time value of money.
Thus, it has the same fundamental defect as that of pay-back
Each method gives different results. This reduces the reliability of
the method.
outflow in the year the project starts commercial production. Profit after
tax before depreciation represents cash inflows. The Net Present Value
(NPV) is the difference between the total present value of future cash
inflows and the total present value of future cash outflows.
Decision Criterion
cost of ` 20,00,000 and requiring ` 1,00,000 as additional working capital
at the end of 1st year. Earnings after taxation are expected to be as follows:
Note: the following table gives the present value of ` 1 due in ‘n’
number of years.
Year 1 2 3 4 5
PV of ` 1 at 20% .91 .83 .75 .68 .62
Decision Criterion
Calculation of NPV
Amount Proitability Cash inlows NPV of Project
(in `) Index of project (`) (in `)
A B C D=A*B E= D - B
1 9,00,000 1.22 10,98,000 1,98,000
2 4,50,000 0.95 4,27,500 -22,500
3 10,50,000 1.2 12,60,000 2,10,000
4 13,50,000 1.18 15,93,000 2,43,000
The above table shows that the allocation of funds to the projects
1, 3 and 5 (as selected according to P.I.) will give NPV of ` 5,28,000
(198000 + 210000 + 120000) and ` 4,50,000 [3000000 - (900000 + 1050000
+ 600000) will remain unspent. However, the NPV of the project 3, 4 and
5 is ` 573000which is more than the NPV of projects 1, 3 and 5. Moreover,
by undertaking projects 3, 4 and 5 no money will remain unspent. Hence,
the company is advised to undertake investment in projects 3, 4 and 5.
Cash Inflows
Cash Outflows
Thus, in case of this method the discount rate is not known but the
cash outflows and cash inflows are known. Rate of Return is calculated as
Decision Criterion
When cash inflows are not uniform, the internal rate of return
is calculated by making trial calculations in an attempt to compute the
correct interest rate which equates the present value of cash inflows with
the present value of cash outflows. In the process, cash inflows are to be
discounted by a number of trial rates. The first trial rate may be calculated
on the basis of the same formula which is used for determining the
internal rate of return when cash inflows are uniform, as explained above.
However, in this case ‘C’ stands for ‘annual average cash inflow’, in place
of ‘annual cash inflow’.
After applying the first trial rate the second trial rate is determined
when the total present value of the cash inflows is greater or less than the
total present value of cash outflows. In case the total present value of cash
inflows is less than the total present value of cash outflows. In case the
total present value of cash inflows is less than the total present value of
cash outflows, the second trial rate taken will be lower than the first rate.
In case the present total value of cash inflows exceeds the present total
value of cash outflows, a trial rate higher than first trial rate will be used.
This process will continue till the two flows more or less set off each other.
This will be the ‘internal rate of return’.
The cash flows are not uniform and hence the Internal Rate of
Return will have to be calculated by the Trial and Error Method. In order
to have an approximate idea about such rate, it will be better to find out
the “Factor”. The factor reflects the same relationship of investment and
‘cash inflows’ as in case of pay-back calculations. Thus,
The factor in case of Project A would be:
= 3.14; [where the average cash inflow
= (12000+4000+2000+10000)/4]
= 2.86; [where the average cash inflow
= (2000+2000+4000+20000)/4]
Project A
Year Cash inlow (`) Present Value (`)
Factor at 10%
1 12,000 .909 10,908
2 4,000 .826 3,304
3 2,000 .751 1,502
4 10,000 .683 6,830
Total Present Value 22,544
Cash outflow 22,000
Net Present Value +544
In case more exactness is required another trial rate which is
slightly higher than 10% (since at this rate the present value is more than
initial investment) may be taken. Taking a rate of 12%, the following
results would emerge:
Year Cash inlow (`) Present Value (`)
Factor at 12%
1 12,000 .893 10,716
2 4,000 .797 3,188
3 2,000 .712 1,424
4 10,000 .636 6,360
Total Present Value 21,688
Cash outflow 22,000
Net Present Value -312
The internal rate of return is thus more than 10% but less than
12%. The exact rate may be calculated as follows:
22544 -22000
= 10% + x2
22544 - 21688
= 10% + x 2 = 10% + 1.27% = 11.27%
= 10 + x2
= 10 + 1.3 = 11.27%
Project B
Year Cash inlow (`) Present Value (`)
Factor at 15%
1 2,000 .870 1,740
2 2,000 .756 1,512
3 4,000 .658 2,632
4 20,000 .572 11,440
Total Present Value 17,324
Cash outflow 20,000
Net Present Value -2676
Year Cash inlow (`) Present Value (`)
Factor at 10%
1 2,000 .909 1,818
2 2,000 .826 1,652
3 4,000 .751 3,004
4 20,000 .683 13,660
Total Present Value 20,134
Cash outflow 20,000
Net Present Value +134
At 10% the present value is + 134
At 15% the present value is – 2,676
10% + 134 x 5
134 + 2676
= 10 + 0.24 = 10.24%
IRR of Project A is 11.27%
IRR of Project B is 10.24%
➢ The method takes into account only the cash inflows on account of
a capital investment decisions. As a matter of fact, the profitability
or otherwise of a capital investment proposal can be judged only
when the net income (and not the cash inflow) on account of
operations is considered.
➢ The method is based on the presumption that cash inflow can be
invested at the discounting rate in the new projects. However, this
presumption does not always hold well because it all depends upon
the available investment opportunities.
The firm must take into consideration the risk factor while
determining return/cash flows from a project or taking capital budgeting
decisions. However, incorporation of risk factor in capital budgeting
decisions is a difficult task. Some of the popular techniques used for the
purpose are as follows:
1) General techniques
➢ Risk Adjusted Discount Rate
➢ Certainty equivalent coefficient
2) Quantitative techniques
➢ Sensitivity analysis
➢ Probability assignment
➢ Standard Deviation
➢ Coefficient of variation
➢ Decision Tree
General Techniques
Risk premium rate is the extra return expected by the investor over
the normal rate (i.e., the risk-free rate) on account of the project being
risky. Thus, risk adjusted discounted rate is a composite discount rate that
takes into account both the time and risk factors. A higher discount rate
will be used for more risky projects and lower rate for less risky projects.
Riskless cash flow means the cash flow which the management is
prepared to accept in case there is no risk involved. Naturally, this will be
lower than the cash flow which will be there in case the project is risky.
Certainty equivalent coefficients can be calculated for estimated cash flows
of each year. They are then multiplied with the cash flows to ascertain cash
flows which may be used for the purpose for determining IRR or NPV for
capital budgeting decisions.
Quantitative Techniques
a) Sensitivity Analysis
While using general techniques, since only cash flows for each year
are considered, there are chances of estimation errors. The sensitivity
analysis approach takes care of this aspect by providing more than one
estimate of the future return of a project. It is thus, superior to one figure
forecast since it gives a more precise idea about the variability of the
return. Usually sensitivity analysis provides information about cash flows
under three assumptions:
➢ Pessimistic,
➢ Most likely, and
➢ Optimistic out-comes associated with the project.
It explains how sensitive the cash flows are under these different
situations. The larger is the difference between the pessimistic and
optimistic cash flows, the more risky is the project and vice versa.
b) Probability Assignment
c) Standard Deviation
The following steps are taken for calculating the standard deviation
of the possible cash flows associated with a project:
d) Coefficient of Variation
Standard Deviation
Coefficient of variation =
Expected (or Mean) Cash flow
(e) Decision Tree Analysis
c) Graphing the Decision Tree: The decision tree is then laid down
showing decision point (i.e., the cash outlay), decision branches
(i.e., alternatives available and other data).
to be acceptable while others may be weak or unacceptable. The
firm may proceed with the profitable alternative or alternatives or
may decide to reconsider them because of incomplete data or other
Learning Objectives
➢ Technical Evaluation
➢ Commercial Evaluation
➢ Financial Evaluation
➢ Economic Evaluation
➢ Management Evaluation
➢ Government Consents
a) Technical Evaluation
➢ It is essential to get information on the process know how and that
is available, as also the basic engineering package and the associated
technical services covering the quality control, pollution control
effluent and wastage disposal, collaboration arrangements for the
process licence and the consultant services for detail engineering.
b) Commercial Evaluation
The market projections in the project could also be cross checked with
➢ Market surveys done on the specific products;
➢ Forecast of the planning commission
➢ Projections of the directorate of technical development and other
specialised bodies
Where the review establishes the need, the promoter may be asked
to revise the estimates of the cost, time and other technical significant
c) Financial Evaluation
Syndication: where a group of institutions participate in financing
the project, they come to an understanding on the proportion in which they
will be providing funds. IDBI is generally expected to take a substantial
share in such joint financing.
➢ The unit has run into rough weather and is likely to become sick.
➢ The financial institution holds more than 26% of the share capital.
➢ Where the stake of the financial institution by way of loan/
investments exceeds ` crores.
return on investment etc. depending on the nature of projects being
reviewed. It is expected that the project will have a debt service ratio
ranging from 1.5 to 2 and will be able to pay a dividend on equity of not
less than 10 % within three years of commencement of production
d) Economic Evaluation
e) Management Evaluation
Government Consents
➢ Letter of intent
➢ Industrial licence
➢ Capital goods clearance
➢ Import licence
➢ Foreign exchange permission
➢ Approval of technical/financial collaboration
➢ Clearance under MRTP Act
➢ Consent of the controller of capital issues (SEBI)
or national profitability analysis which is nothing but the socio-economic
cost benefit analysis done at the national level.
arises to have an analysis done of social costs and social benefits. The
various inputs required for the project are drawn out of the resources
of the economy and constitute social costs. The outputs of the project
represent the social benefits. The inputs of goods and services and the
outputs should be valued with reference to their relative value to society.
values fail to reflect the relative worth on the society’s value scale. From
society’s stand point, goods and services should be valued in terms of
relative contributions to consumption. In the same manner the social
value of resource should be reckoned in terms of its opportunity cost,
represented by the output or consumption value that it is capable of
yielding in its next best alternative use.
A project may confer considerable good to society that does not get
reflected in financial projections. Others though financially very rewarding
may have some harmful effects on society that the financial results
fail to interpret. These effects that are outside the purview of financial
projections are known as externalities and are essential ingredients in
the social profitability computations. The emphasis in social cost benefit
analysis is the import on the whole society and not one segment.
completing the big project, we need big investment. In social cost benefit
analysis (SCBA), we see whether return or benefits on this investment are
more than its cost from point of view of society in which we are living.
In public investment, we analyze and compare government expenditure
with total benefits to society through SCBA. It is also a good technique
of financial evaluation of a project because we reject those projects whose
benefits to society are less than their total cost because all the resources
are drawn from the society.
c) Tax and Subsidies: Tax is levied on the earning of the project and
it will reduce the overall benefits. On the other hand, if government
gives us subsidy for operating any project, it will count for our cost
benefit analysis.
Arriving Net Benefit of Project to Society
➢ Benefits and costs may relate to different types of goods and it may
be difficult to compare their relative values. This usually occurs
when one of the goods does not have an obvious and agreed upon
price. For example, we may be spending standard capital goods
today in order to obtain environmental benefits tomorrow.
think this could be considered under uncertainty, however the two
points are rather different: two people agreeing that an outcome
follows some probability distribution are different from them
arguing about its mean and variance.
The elements of costs and benefits are identified both from the
point of view of undertaking, implementation and managing the project,
and from the point of view of the society. The Project Appraisal Division
of the Planning Commission is the main agency that scrutinizes and
evaluates all projects after the Public Investment Board has carried out
the scrutiny from the financial angle. Together, these two agencies have
the responsibility for the planned and the coordinated development of the
such, the selection of their projects requires to be synchronized with the
national plan. This synchronization process has two stages.
➢ Growth
➢ Equitable distribution of gains
➢ Self-reliance
b) UNIDO Method
➢ Eliminate all transfer cost items, i.e., taxes and duties, including
indirect taxes;
b) Infrastructural Investment
SCBA has equal validity for large private sector projects too. It
should be a discipline that applies to all major investments, in the public
or the private sector, to make the system of national planning systematic
and effective. There is the need to create the awareness in the private
sector of the logical necessity for using SCBA in project appraisal.
3) What are the sophisticated methods of evaluating projects
4) What is Payback method? What are its advantages and
5) What is ARR method? What are its advantages and disadvantages?
6) What is NPV method?
7) What is PI or BC ratio?
8) What is IRR method?
9) Evaluate the discounted cash flow methods.
10) The initial cost of the project is ` 5000. What is the payback period
for this investment if the projected cash flows from a proposed
investment are ` 1000, ` 2000 and ` 5000 in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd
years respectively.
11) Following are the details of two projects, calculate NPV and PI at
10% and rank them using both the methods. Also calculate IRR of
both the projects and rank them.
20) Explain the project evaluation methodology followed by financial
21) What are the dimensions of technical evaluation of projects?
22) What are the dimensions of financial evaluation of projects?
23) What are the dimensions of economic evaluation of projects?
24) What are the dimensions of management evaluation of projects?
25) What is commercial/financial profitability?
26) What are the steps involved in determination of social or national
27) What are externalities?
28) What is social cost benefit analysis?
29) Explain the rationale for SCBA?
30) How to arrive at net benefit of project to the society?
31) Explain the factors which complicate SCBA.
32) Explain the importance of SCBA.
33) Explain the methodologies used for SCBA.
34) Explain the SCBA considerations used for appraising various
categories of investments/projects.
Financial Evaluation of Projects
1 2 3 4
Funds needed (960,000) (720,000) (540,000) (900,000)
Present value 1,134,540 866,800 672,280 1,045,940
of cash inflows
Net present $174,540 $146,800 $132,280 $145,940
Project life 6 years 12 years 6 years 3 years
Internal rate of 16% 14% 18% 19%
return (IRR)
Due to limited funds, all projects cannot be accepted.
Unit Structure
Learning Objectives
with the computer. These revisions can be communicated to all project
participants quickly (for example, via e-mail or project Web site).
shows dependency and project flow. The following diagram shows the
WBS/ Work packages to network for a software project:
The figure shows a segment of the WBS example and how the
information is used to develop a project network. The lowest level
deliverable in the figure is “circuit board.” The cost accounts (design,
production, test, software) denote project work, organization unit
responsible, and time phased budgets for the work packages. Each cost
account represents one or more work packages. For example, the design
cost account has two work packages (D-1-1 and D-1-2)—specifications
and documentation. The software and production accounts also have two
work packages. Developing a network requires sequencing tasks from all
work packages that have measurable work.
The figure also traces how work packages are used to develop a
project net work. You can trace the use of work packages by the coding
scheme. For example, activity A uses work packages D-1-1 and D-1-2
(specifications and documentation),while activity C uses work package
S-22-1. This methodology of selecting work packages to describe activities
is used to develop the project network, which sequences and fix times for
the project activities. Care must be taken to include all work packages. The
manager derives activity time estimates from the task times in the work
package. For example, activity B (proto 1) requires five weeks to complete;
activity K (test) requires three weeks to complete. After computing the
activity’s early and late times, the manager can schedule resources and
time-phase budgets(with dates).
(1) Different groups (people) are used to define work packages and
activities and
(2) The WBS is poorly constructed and not deliverable/output-
Constructing a Project Network
Merge activity: This is an activity that has more than one activity
immediately preceding it (more than one dependency arrow flowing to it).
Parallel activities: These are activities that can take place at the
same time, if the manager wishes. However, the manager may choose to
have parallel activities not occur simultaneously.
Critical path: When this term is used, it means the path(s) with
the longest duration through the network; if an activity on the path is
delayed, the project is delayed the same amount of time.
Burst activity: This activity has more than one activity immediately
following it (more than one dependency arrow flowing from it).
Two Approaches
7. Conditional statements are not allowed (that is, this type of
statement should not appear: If successful, do something; if not, do
8. Experience suggests that when there are multiple starts, a common
start node can be used to indicate a clear project beginning on the
network. Similarly, a single project end node can be used to indicate
a clear ending.
The arrows indicate how the activities are related and the sequence
in which things must be accomplished. The length and slope of the
arrow are arbitrary and set for convenience of drawing the network. The
letters in the boxes serve here to identify the activities while you learn the
fundamentals of network construction and analysis. In practice, activities
have identification numbers and descriptions.
The following figure shows a few typical uses of building blocks for
the AON network construction.
pouring a concrete driveway (activity Y) can take place while landscape
planting (activity Z) is being accomplished, but land clearing (activity X)
must be completed before activities Y and Z can start. Activities Y and Z
are considered parallel activities. Parallel paths allow concurrent effort,
which may shorten time to do a series of activities. Activity X is sometimes
referred to as a burst activity because more than one arrow bursts from the
node. The number of arrows indicates how many activities immediately
follow activity X.
Components of PERT/CPM Network
➢ Activities, and
➢ Events
Event: An event (or node) will always occur at the beginning and
end of an activity. The event has no resources and is represented by a circle.
The ith event and jth event are the tail event and head event respectively.
Merge and Burst Events: One or more activities can start and end
simultaneously at an event.
The critical path for any network is the longest path through the
entire network. Since all activities must be completed to complete the entire
project, the length of the critical path is also the shortest time allowable
for completion of the project. Thus, if the project is to be completed in
that shortest time, all activities on the critical path must be started as soon
as possible. These activities are called critical activities.
time, it would require more resources (at extra cost) to reduce the time
taken by the critical activities to complete.
Step 1: Begin from the start event and move towards the end event.
Step 2: Put TE = 0 for the start event.
Step 3: Go to the next event (i.e., node 2) if there is an incoming activity
for event 2, add to calculate TE of previous event (i.e., event 1) and
activity time.
Step 4: Repeat the same procedure from step 3 till the end event.
Step 1: Begin from end event and move towards the start event. Assume
that the direction of arrows is reversed.
Step 2: Latest Time TL for the last event is the earliest time, TE of the last
Step 3: Go to the next event, if there is an incoming activity, subtract
the value of TL of previous event from the activity duration time.
They arrived value is TL for that event. If there are more than one
incoming activities, take the minimum TE value.
Step 4: Repeat the same procedure from step 2 till the start event.
d) Determination of Float and Slack Times
TFij = LS ij – ESij....................(1)
TFij = (TL – TE) – tij…………..(2)
Critical Path: After determining the earliest and the latest
scheduled times for various activities, the minimum time required to
complete the project is calculated. In a network, among various paths,
the longest path which determines the total time duration of the project
is called the critical path. The following conditions must be satisfied in
locating the critical path of a network.
1. TL – TE = 0
2. TLj – tij – TEj = 0
a) From the data given in the problem, the activity network is constructed
as shown in Figure given below
b) To determine the critical path, compute the earliest time TE and latest
time TL for each of the activity of the project. The calculations of TE
and TL are as follows:,
TE1 = 0
TE2 = TE1 + t1, 2 = 0 + 4 = 4
TE3 = TE1 + t1, 3 = 0 + 1 =1
TE4 = max (TE2 + t2, 4 and TE3 + t3, 4)
= max (4 + 1 and 1 + 1) = max (5, 2)
= 5 days
TE5 = TE3 + t3, 6 = 1 + 6 = 7
TE6 = TE5 + t5, 6 = 7 + 4 = 11
TE7 = TE5 + t5, 7 = 7 + 8 = 15
TE8 = max (TE6 + t6, 8 and TE7 + t7, 8)
= max (11 + 1 and 15 + 2) = max (12, 17)
= 17 days
TE9 = TE4 + t4, 9 = 5 + 5 = 10
TE10 = max (TE9 + t9, 10 and TE8 + t8, 10)
= max (10 + 7 and 17 + 5) = max (17, 22)
= 22 days
TL10 = TE10 = 22
TL9 = TE10 – t9,10 = 22 – 7 = 15
TL8 = TE10 – t8, 10 = 22 – 5 = 17
TL7 = TE8 – t7, 8 = 17 – 2 = 15
TL6 = TE8 – t6, 8 = 17 – 1 = 16
TL5 = min (TE6 – t5, 6 and TE7 – t5, 7)
= min (16 – 4 and 15 –8) = min (12, 7)
= 7 days
TL4 = TL9 – t4, 9 = 15 – 5 =10
TL3 = min (TL4 – t3, 4 and TL5 – t3, 5 )
= min (10 – 1 and 7 – 6) = min (9, 1)
= 1 day
TL2 = TL4 – t2, 4 = 10 – 1 = 9
TL1 = Min (TL2 – t1, 2 and TL3 – t1, 3)
= Min (9 – 4 and 1 – 1) = 0
Project Evaluation Review Technique (PERT)
Time expected for each activity is calculated using the formula (5):
Calculate the time earliest (TE) and time Latest (TL) for all the activities.
To find Z0,
= 0.0901
= 9.01%
Learning Objectives
crash duration, but at a maximum cost. The linear relationship shown
above between these two points implies that any intermediate duration
could also be chosen.
Total project costs include both direct costs and indirect costs of
performing the activities of the project. If each activity of the project is
scheduled for the duration that results in the minimum direct cost (normal
duration) then the time to complete the entire project might be too long
and substantial penalties associated with the late project completion might
be incurred. At the other extreme, a manager might choose to complete
the activity in the minimum possible time, called crash duration, but at a
maximum cost.
The below figure shows the direct and indirect cost relationships
with the project duration. The project total time-cost relationship can be
determined by adding up the direct cost and indirect cost values together.
The optimum project duration can be determined as the project duration
that results in the least project total cost.
Step1: Calculate Earliest time Estimates for all the activities. It is calcu-
lated as
Step 2: Calculate Latest time Estimates for all the activities. It is calcu-
lated as
Step 3: After knowing the TE and TL values for the various events in the
network, the critical path activities can be identified by applying
the following conditions:
Step 4: Find the project cost by the formula
Iteration Step
Step 7: In the new Critical path select the activity with the next minimum
cost slope, and crash by one day, and repeat this step until all the
activities along the critical path are crashed up to desired time.
Step 8: At this point all the activities are crashed and further crashing is
not possible. The crashing of non critical activities does not alter
the project duration time and is of no use.
Step 9: To determine optimum project duration, the total project cost is
plotted against the duration time given by figure.
Step10: Now see if the project cost can be further reduced without affect-
ing the project duration time. This can be done by un-crashing
the activities which do not lie along the critical path. Un-crashing
should start with an activity having the maximum cost slope. An
activity is to be expanded only to the extent that it itself may be-
come critical, but should not affect the original critical path.
Proposed Work
Step 1: Find earliest time estimates for all the activities, it is denoted as
Step 2: Find latest time estimates for all the activities, it is denoted as TL
Step 3: Determine the Critical Path.
Step 4: Compute the cost slope (i.e., cost per unit time) for each activity
according to the following formula:Cost slope = (Crash cost-
Normal cost)/(Normal time-Crash time)
Step 5: Among the critical path identify the activity with the minimum
cost slope, and crash the activity by 1 day.
Step 6: Calculate the project cost. Identify new critical path. Project
Cost= [(Project Direct Cost + Crashing cost of crashed activity)
+ (Indirect Cost*project duration)]
Step 7: Now in the new critical path select the activity with the next
minimum cost slope, and crash by one day.
Step 8: Repeat this process until all the activities in the critical path have
been crashed by 1 day.
Step 9: Once all the activities along the critical path are crashed by one
day, repeat the process again i.e., goes tostep5.
Step 10: Find the minimum project cost and identify the activities which
do not lie along the critical path
Step 11: Now perform un crashing, i.e., un crash the activities which do
not lie along the critical path.
SA = CC – NC
14000 – 12000
SA = = ` 100/day
120 - 100
SB = ` 200/day
SC= ` 600/day
SD= ` 60/day
SE = ` 120/day
SF = ` 300/day
The normal cost for the project is the sum of a normal cost for
each activity. The normal cost for the project is ` 48300 and the normal
duration is 140 days. The activity which should be crashed is the one on
the critical path which will add the least amount to the overall project cost.
This will be the activity with the flattest or least-cost slope. The duration
can be reduced as long as the critical path is not changed or a new critical
path is created. In addition, the activity duration cannot be less than the
crash duration.SD = ` 60/day (least-cost slope) Maximum of 10 days can
be cut from this schedule by reducing the duration of activity D to the
crash duration of 20 days.
Overall duration is 130 days and there are multiple critical paths
(B-F-E and B-C-D-E). Total project cost at this duration is the normal
cost of ` 48300 plus the cost of crashing the activity D by 10 days (60 *
10 =` 600) for a total of ` 48900.The next activity to be crashed would be
the activity E, since it has the least-cost slope (` 120per day) of any of the
activities on the critical path. Activity E can be crashed by a total of 10
days. Crashing the activity E by 10 days will cost an additional ` 120 per
day or ` 1200.
The project duration is now 120 days and the total project cost
is ` 50100. There are now three critical paths (A, B-C-D-E, and B-F-E).
The next stage of crashing requires a more thorough analysis since it is
impossible to crash one activity alone and achieve a reduction in the overall
project duration. Activity A is paired with each of the other activities to
determine which has the least overall cost slope for those activities which
have remaining days to be crashed.
The least-cost slope will be activity A + activity B for a cost increase
of ` 300 per day. Reducing the project duration by 5 days will add 5*300
= ` 1500 dollar crashing cost and the total project cost would be ` 51600.
Activity B cannot be crashed any more.
tasks simultaneously. When more resources such as machines or people
are needed than are available, or perhaps a specific person is needed in
both tasks, the tasks will have to be rescheduled concurrently or even
sequentially to manage the constraint. Project planning resource leveling
is the process of resolving these conflicts. It can also be used to balance the
workload of primary resources over the course of the project[s], usually at
the expense of one of the traditional triple constraints (time, cost, scope).
When using specially designed project software, leveling typically means
resolving conflicts or over allocations in the project plan by allowing
the software to calculate delays and update tasks automatically. Project
management software leveling requires delaying tasks until resources are
available. In more complex environments, resources could be allocated
across multiple, concurrent projects thus requiring the process of resource
leveling to be performed at company level. In either definition, leveling
could result in a later project finish date if the tasks affected are in the
critical path.
Resource Allocation
resources, especially in the near term, to achieve goals for the future. It is
the process of allocating resources among the various projects or business
units. The plan has two parts: Firstly, there is the basic allocation decision
and secondly there are contingency mechanisms. The basic allocation
decision is the choice of which items to fund in the plan, and what level
of funding it should receive, and which to leave unfunded: the resources
are allocated to some items, not to others. There are two contingency
mechanisms. There is a priority ranking of items excluded from the plan,
showing which items to fund if more resources should become available;
and there is a priority ranking of some items included in the plan, showing
which items should be sacrificed if total funding must be reduced.
➢ Continuity of the project manager, at least till the start of the plant
➢ Adequate training of the workers, supervisors involved
➢ Anticipating omissions, mistakes and preparing the organisation
to face crisis
➢ Minimising managerial lapses
➢ Identifying transport bottlenecks by proper liaison
➢ Communication, and following-up with vendors and subcontractors
to know the latest status and location of project material
➢ Regular follow-up with local, national and international financial
➢ Innovative attitude and skills of the project team
➢ Adequate project information system
➢ Maintaining ecological balance and avoiding environmental
➢ Clarity of scope on project objectives
➢ Lucid description of team and sub-team tasks
➢ Lucid financial cost estimates
➢ Milestone charts and project audit reports, and
➢ Minutes of the co-ordination committees’ meetings with contractors
and government agencies
Learning Objectives
Project Appraisal
participating in their operational phases and have emerged as major
stockholders in most enterprises. They participate in and underwrite
equity and debentures and provide medium and long-term loans, often
accounting for the major part of funds employed in enterprises. Before
they commit their funds, they have to necessarily satisfy themselves about
the feasibility of the projects to be assisted.
The Application
in principle, further details for closer scrutiny are obtained from
the promoter.
➢ The appraisal team prepares flash report on the project and
circulates it to the senior executives of the participating institutions
for their consideration.
The SEM or IIM, as the case may be, decides on the extent of
participation by the member institutions of the syndicate, as also the
extent of assistance from the concerned commercial banks and terms
of assistance. The commitment of assistance by each institution can be
formalized through the scheme of participation certificates. Over the
years, the institutions have been able to evolve uniform approaches to
the methods of appraisal and approval, though there can be variations in
emphasis on specific aspects depending on the nature of the project.
Project Controls
relating to duration is derived from the work breakdown structure (WBS)
database; and time-sequence data are derived from the network and
resource scheduling decisions. The WBS defines the work in discrete work
packages that are tied to deliverables and organization units. In addition,
each work package defines the work, duration, and budget. From the
WBS, the project network schedule is used to phase all work, resources,
and budgets into a baseline plan.
Key Programme/Project Monitors, Controls and Reports
d) Stage Plan: Provides detail of how and when the objectives for
the stage are to be met by showing the deliverables, activities and
resources required. The Stage Plan provides a baseline against
which stage progress will be measured and is used as the basis of
management control throughout the stage.
g) Highlight Reports: The highlight reports are used to provide the
Project Board (and possibly other stakeholders) with a summary of
the stage status at intervals defined by them and to monitor stage
and project progress. The Project Manager also uses it to advise the
Project Board of any potential problems or areas where the Project
Board could help.
i) Project Issue Log: A project issue is a generic term for any mat-
ter that has to be brought to the attention of the Project Team and
requires an answer. An issue can have a negative or positive impact
on the project and includes items such as requests for change, off-
specifications (this is an item not included in the original specifica-
tion or errors or omissions found in work already completed which
would result in the agreed specification or acceptance criteria not
being met), questions and statements of concern.
l) End Project Report: A report sent from the Project Manager to the
Project Board, which confirms the hand-over of all deliverables,
provides an updated business case, and an assessment of how well
the project has done against its Project Initiation Document.
approved by the Project Board then held centrally for the benefit
of future projects. If the project is one of a number attached
to a programme this document will also be used as input to the
programme review.
Gantt Charts
Gantt and control charts serve well as a means for tracking and
trending schedule performance. Their easy-to-understand visual formats
make them favorite tools for communicating project schedule status-
especially to top management who do not usually have time for details.
Adding actual and revised time estimates to the Gantt chart gives a quick
overview of project status on the report date. The following figure shows
the sample of multi-color Gantt chart.
Control Charts
Work packages, Deliverables, Organization units, Resources and
Budgets for each package.
➢ At the work package level, collect the actual costs for the work
performed. These costs will be called the actual cost of the work
completed (AC).
The baseline PV is the sum of the cost accounts, and each cost
account is the sum of the work packages on the cost account. Three costs
are typically included in baselines, viz., labour, equipment, and materials.
Sometimes project direct overhead costs are also included.
Rules for Placing Costs in Baselines
The major reasons for creating a baseline are to monitor and report
progress and to estimate cash flow. Therefore, it is crucial to integrate the
baseline with the performance measurement system. Costs are placed in
the baseline exactly as managers expect them to be “earned”.
Performance Indexes
Project Percent Complete Index
There are two project percent complete indices, which are used
depending on the nature of project. The first index assumes the origi-
nal budget of work complete, which is the more reliable information to
measure project percent complete. The second index assumes the actual
costs-to-date and expected cost at completion, which is the most reliable
measure for measuring project percent complete. These indices compare
the up-to-date progress to the end of the project. The implications un-
derlying the use of these indices are that conditions will not change, no
improvement or action will be taken, and the information in the database
is accurate.
Forecasting Final Project Cost
➢ The first method allows experts in the field to change the original
baseline durations and costs because new information tells them
the original estimates are not accurate.
Baseline changes
Changes during the life cycle of projects are inevitable and will
occur. Some changes can be very beneficial to project outcomes; changes
having a negative impact are the ones to be avoided. Careful project
definition can minimize the need for changes. The price for poor project
definition can be changes that result in cost overruns, late schedules, low
morale and loss of control. Change comes from external sources or from
within. Externally, for example, the customer may request changes that
were not included in the original scope statement and that will require
significant changes to the project and thus, to the baseline.
Contingency Reserve
to the uncertainties and risk of schedule and cost estimate inaccuracies.
Contingency reserve is not a free lunch for all who come. Reserve funds
should only be released by the project manager on a very formal and
documented basis. Budget reserve contingency funds are not for scope
changes. Scope changes are covered by management reserve fund.
Scope Creep
b) Schedules: Make sure the project starts on time and that tasks are
completed on a timely basis. To help assure project completes by
the planned completion date, employ the critical path method. This
method defines critical and non-critical tasks that impact timely
project completion.
d) Requirements: Use a structured approach for defining requirements
so that the delivered project matches the expectations of project
stakeholders. Rather than waiting until the end of a project to
deliver what stakeholders want, provide interim deliverables to
make sure the organization and the stakeholders are in agreement
with project progress. Waiting until the end of the project to share
information with users could result in project cost overruns if
changes must be made in what was delivered.
f) Staffing: Make sure the project is staffed with people who have the
required skills to achieve project objectives. Have weekly meetings
with project staff so you can quickly address any project team or
stakeholder problems.
exception plan. Time driven controls are regular progress feedbacks.
Examples of time driven controls include checkpoint and highlight
reporting. This does not replace the need for the Board to maintain
an overall view of progress. Monitoring is used to oversee progress of
products, outputs, and outcomes. Reporting advises the correct people at
the correct time of positive and negative events, allowing for progression or
remedial action as appropriate. Controls then assist with both monitoring
and reporting by provision of required review points such as End Stage
Lesson 4.4 - Project Audit and Evaluation of Project Team and its
Learning Objectives
Project Audits
Project audits are more than the status reports which check on
project performance. Project audits use performance measures and
forecast data. But project audits are more inclusive. Project audits review
why the project was selected. It includes a reassessment of the project’s role
in the organization’s priorities. It includes a check on the organizational
culture to ensure that it facilitates the type of project being implemented.
It assesses if the project team is functioning well and it is appropriately
staffed. Audits of projects in process should include a check on external
factors that might change where the project is heading on the right path
– for example, technology, government regulations, and competitive
products. It includes a review of all factors relevant to the project and to
managing future projects. It can be performed while a project is in process
and after a project is completed. There are only a few minor differences
between these audits.
Post Project Audits
These audits tend to include more detailed and depth than in-
process project audits. Project audits of completed projects emphasize
improving the management of future projects. These audits are more
long term oriented than in-process audits. Post project audits check on
the project performance, but the audit represents a broader view of the
project’s role in the organization.
The depth and detail of the project audit depends on many factors:
➢ Organization size
➢ Project importance
➢ Project type
➢ Project risk
➢ Project size
➢ Project problems
g) The audit should be completed quickly.
h) The audit leader should be given access to senior management
above the project managers.
Step 2: Data Collection and Analysis
Step 3: Reporting
The major goal of the audit report is to improve the way future
projects are managed. Concisely, the report attempts to capture needed
changes and lessons learned from a current or finished project. The
report serves as a training instrument for project managers of future
projects. Audit reports needs to be customized to the specific project and
organizational environment. Nevertheless, a generic format for all audit
reports and the managers who read and act on their content. Usually, the
following items are included in the reports:
b) Resource Management
c) Personnel Management
d) Information Management
The purpose of the audit is not just analyzing various project man-
agement resources and functionalities but also to help the organization
understand the performance of each of them. For this purpose, most audit
processes use a grading system to rank each audited project constituent:
Project Closure
Thus, closure is the final stage in the project life cycle and is
triggered when the sponsor formally accepts the project. The objectives
of this stage are to: transition the product, services and deliverables to
operations and support; logically complete administrative and logistical
close-out activities including contracts; release project resources and
capture performance information that will help improve future projects.
a) Normal
b) Premature
For a few projects, the project may be completed early with some
parts of the project being eliminated. If early project closure happens, it
should have the support of all project stakeholders. The decision should
be left to the audit group, project priority team or senior management.
c) Perpetual
d) Failed Project
e) Changed Priority
Closure Process
As the project nears the end of its life cycle, people and equipment
are directed to other activities or projects. Carefully managing the closure
phase is as important as any other phase of the project. Getting the project
manager and team members to wrap up the odds and ends of closing down
the project is sometimes difficult. The typical close-out plan includes
answers to questions like:
Implementing the closedown plan includes several wrap-up
activities. Many organizations develop lengthy lists for closing projects
as they gain experience. These are very helpful and ensure everything is
taken care of. Implementing closedown includes the following five major
Team Evaluation
Team evaluation should be beyond time, cost, and specifications.
Whether there are any other conditions beyond these three criteria?
The “characteristics of highly effective teams” can easily be adapted as
measurements of team effectiveness.These “in-place conditions” will
support any evaluation approach for teams and their members.
e) Life Cycle - How well did the team perform within the life cycle
of the project? Were deadlines met? If not, identify overruns. Try
to analyze what happened if the life cycle of the project was longer
than anticipated. What could have been done differently?
f) Judge Individuality - By looking at individual evaluations, analyze
what each individual contributed to the project. How well did
each team member do? Keep in mind that some team members
succeed in some areas while others succeed in different areas. Did
the individuals perform at a level that was helpful to the team as a
g) Be honest - You probably are pleased with your team most of the
time. Don’t use this as your guide in evaluating your team. All
employees have room for improvement including teams. Not every
project is a job well done. This is by far the hardest part of evaluating
your team. If negatives are identified and must be discussed, start
by talking about a past project that flowed well. Next, discuss past
success and compare it to the current project. How could things
have been improved upon?
Evaluations are not the most popular thing for project managers.
Evaluating team project performance is a key if team has to succeed
or improve on future projects. Keep in mind that if weak areas are not
identified, your team may just think everything is fine. If you feel you need
help on evaluating your team, talk with mentors, other project managers
and human resources department.
Individual Team Member and Project Manager Evaluation
Peer Evaluation
11) Explain the relationship between project time and cost.
12) Explain the crashing of project network with an example.
13) What is resource leveling?
14) What is resource allocation?
15) How to avoid cost and time overruns?
16) What is project appraisal?
17) Explain the steps in project appraisal process by banks and
financial institutions.
18) What is loan syndication?
19) What are project controls? Explain the steps in Project Control
20) What are the key project monitors, controls and reports used?
21) Explain the various project control issues.
22) What are the tools used for communicating project schedule
23) Explain the need for an integrated information system for project
monitoring and control.
24) What are the steps in developing an integrated cost/schedule
25) What are project baselines? What are the costs included in
26) Explain the indices used to monitor progress.
Refurbishing Heathrow Airport Terminal 1, On Time, Within
Budget, With No Disruptions to Travelling Public
with this project that made success a big challenge. Managing multiple
stakeholders, suppliers, and contractors within a strict deadline and
budget would ordinarily be difficult, but doing this alongside keeping the
terminal continuously open for passengers was a huge issue that required
strict planning and coordination. “Risk had to be tightly managed and
identified early on to ensure that a solution could be found before it turned
into a major issue that would take the project off-time and off-budget.
David Buisson, PMP, Project Manager ensured that communications
management was strictly adhered to and regular meetings are conducted.
This large-scale project had to be delivered whilst remaining completely
operational for customers—challenging enough in any circumstances, but
this was particularly the case for Terminal 1 at Heathrow Airport given
the fact that some 20 million people a year travel through the airport.
£6.3million worth of additional work was added without an increase to the
original project budget.
UNIT – 5
Project Management
Unit Structure
Learning Objectives
Differences between a Leader and Manager
Let us now take a look at the difference between a manager and leader
which is presented in the following table.
➢ View work as an enabling ➢ Develop new approaches to
process; long-standing problems and
➢ Establish strategies and makes open issues to new options;
decisions by combining people ➢ First, use their vision to excite
and ideas; people and only then develop
➢ Continually coordinate and choices which give those im-
balance opposing views; ages substance;
➢ Report that their adjustments ➢ Reportedly have not had an
to life have been straightfor- easy time of it;
ward and that their lives have ➢ Lives are marked by a continual
been more or less peaceful struggle to find some sense of
since birth; order;
➢ Have a sense of self as a guide ➢ Do not take things for granted
to conduct and attitude which and are not satisfied with the
is derived from a feeling of status quo;
being at home and in harmony
➢ Report that their “sense of self ”
with their environment;
is derived from a feeling of
➢ See themselves as conservators profound separateness;
and regulators of an existing
Influence ➢ May work in organizations, but
order of affairs with which they
of past they never belong to them;
personally identify and from
experience ➢ Report that their sense of self
which they gain rewards;
on self is independent of work roles,
identify ➢ Report that their role harmo-
memberships, or other social
nizes with their ideals of re-
indicators of social identity;
sponsibility and duty;
➢ Seek opportunities for change
➢ Perpetuate and strengthen ex-
(i.e. technological, political, or
isting institutions; display a life
development process which fo-
cuses on socialization. ➢ Support change; find their
purpose is to profoundly alter
human, economic, and political
➢ Display a life development
process which focuses on
personal mastery.
Thus, the project manager’s job is to set the project back on the
right track. A manager accelerates certain activities, finds out ways to
solve technical problems, acts as peacemaker when pressures arise and
makes appropriate trade-offs among time, cost and scope of the project.
However, in reality, project managers do a lot of things to keep the proj-
ect on track. They also innovate and adapt to ever changing situations.
They often come across deviations from plans and introduce considerable
changes in the scope of the project and counter the unexpected threats or
For example, the scope of the project may have to be modified dur-
ing the course of implementation, taking into consideration the change
in the customer’s needs. Competitors may release new products that dic-
tate switching the time, cost, and scope priorities of the project. Work-
ing relationships among project participants may break down, requiring
rejuvenating the project tem. Ultimately, there may be a wide difference
between what was planned in the beginning and what was achieved at the
end of the project.
plan. In contract, more leadership is required when the degree of uncer-
tainty encountered on projects is higher in terms of changes in project
scope, technological problems, breakdown of relationship and coordina-
tion between people, etc. For example, strong leadership is required for a
software development project where the parameters are always changing
to meet the developments in the industry.
It is a rare mix to see a person who can perform both the role of
leader and manager well. Some people may be great visionaries and inspire
others but fail in the day to day management. On the other side, there are
some other people, who may not inspire others but are well-organized
and methodical and very successful in execution. Thus, people with good
leadership qualities need the help of good managers who can oversee and
manage the projects successfully. Otherwise, people with poor leadership
qualities have to count the help of managers who are good in leading and
help the leader in understanding the need to change and coordinating
the project stakeholders. Still, one of the things that make good project
managers so valuable to an organization is that they have the ability to
both manage and lead a project. In this process, they recognize the need
to manage project interfaces and build a social network that allows them
to complete the project successful by ensure cooperation.
1. Sponsor a project, or
2. Have an interest or a gain upon a successful completion of a project;
3. May have a positive or negative influence in the project completion.
When new project managers do find time to work directly on the
project, they adopt a hands-on approach to managing the project. They
choose this style not because they are power hungry people but eager to
achieve the results. They quickly become frustrated by the slow process
and non-cooperation of various groups. Unfortunately, as this frustration
builds, the natural temptation is to exert more pressure and get more
heavily involved in the project. These project managers quickly earn the
reputation of ‘micro managing’ and begin to lose sight of the real goal they
play in guiding a project.
Project Stakeholders
They may also exert influence over the project’s objectives and
outcomes. The project management team must identify the stakeholders,
determine their requirements and expectations, and, to the extent
possible, manage their influence in relation to the requirements to ensure
a successful project. Each of the group of stakeholders brings different
expertise, standards, priorities, and agendas to the project. The sheer
breadth and complexity of the relationships that need to be managed
distinguishes project management from regular management. The project
stakeholders include the following:
a) Project Managers: They compete with each other for the available
scarce resources and the support of top management. They also
have to share resources and exchange information.
f) Project sponsors: Project sponsors champion the project and use
their influence to get approval of the project. Their reputation is
tied to the success of the project, and they need to be kept informed
of any major developments. They defend the project when it comes
under attack and are a key project partner.
a) Identify: Who are the stakeholders on your project? A stakeholder
is anyone who has a vested interest in the project – someone who
wants it to succeed but equally someone who doesn’t. You cannot
start managing stakeholders until you know who they are. Who
are the main groups or departments affected by your project?
Stakeholders can also be external to your organization like the
government and third party providers as well. The identification
exercise should not be done in a vacuum: you will not be able to
complete the list yourself, so get your project team involved too.
c) Feel: Begin to analyze the attitudes of the people who have been
identified as your key stakeholders: those named individuals who
represent each stakeholder group. Contact them and explain about
the project. Get them onboard and coming to project meetings if
necessary. All this will help you understand how they feel about the
work you are doing. Do they support the project? Or would they
rather it was stopped now? Are they ambivalent? This group can
often be the hardest to manage effectively. Your initial stakeholder
analysis is now complete.
e) Review: People and job roles change. So do projects. The person
who put themselves forward to represent the marketing team six
months ago may not be the right person today. If you notice that
their influence is slipping away, or they are less inclined to come
to meetings or respond to emails, then ask them if they still want
to be involved. If they say no, they could suggest someone else
who would be a relevant addition to the team. Make sure you brief
any new stakeholder representative on their roles and responsibili-
ties, decisions in the pipeline and what decisions you will expect of
them in future.
In building the social network, there are four steps, viz., mapping
dependencies, managing by wandering around, managing upward rela-
tions and leading by example.
a) Mapping Dependencies
It is always better to overestimate rather than under estimate de-
pendencies on too often, otherwise talented and successful project man-
agers have been de-railed because they were blindsided by some who’s
position or power that they had not anticipated. After identifying who you
are dependent on, you are ready to “step into their shoes”, and see their
project from their perspectives. To help you do that asks yourself the fol-
lowing questions:
Once, you begin this analysis, you can begin to appreciate what
others value and what currencies you are able to offer on the basis on
which to build a mutually satisfying relationship. Likewise, you begin to
realize where potential problems lie, relationships in which you have a
current debit or n 0 convertible currency, furthermore, diagnosing others
point of view as well as the basis for their positions will help you anticipate
the reactions and feelings about your decisions and actions. This informa-
tion is vital for selecting the appropriate influence strategy and tactics and
conducting win-win negotiations.
Once you have established who the keep players are that will deter-
mine success. Then you initiate contact and begin to build a relationship
with those players. Building this relationship requires a management style
referred as management by wandering around (MBWA) to reflect that
managers spend the majority of the time outside their offices. MBWA is
somewhat of a misnomer in that there is a purpose or pattern behind the
wandering. Through face to face interactions, project managers are able to
stay in touch with what is really going on in the project and build coopera-
tive relationship essential to project success.
Effective project managers initiate contact with key payers to keep
abreast of developments, anticipate potential problems, provide encour-
agement and re-enforce the objectives and vision of the project. They are
able to intervene to resolve conflicts and prevent stalemates from occur-
ring. In essence, they “manage” the project. By staying in touch with the
various aspects of the project, they become the focal point for information
on the project. Participants turn to them, to obtain the most current and
comprehensive information about the project, which re-enforces as cen-
tral role as project manager.
an appropriate budget, responsiveness to unexpected needs, and a clear
signal to others in the organization about the importance of cooperation.
Visible top management support is not only critical for securing the sup-
port of other managers within an organization, but it also is a key factor
in the project manager’s ability to motivate the project team. Nothing es-
tablishes a manager’s right to lead more tan his/her ability to defend. To
win the loyalty of team members, project managers have to be effective
advocates for their projects. They have to be able to get top management
to withdraw unreasonable demand, provide additional resources and
recognize the accomplishment of team members. Working relationship
with top management is a common source of concern. While it may seem
difficult for a subordinate to manage a superior, smart project managers
devote considerable time and attention to influencing and garnering the
support of top management. Project managers have to accept profound
differences in perspective and become skilled at the art of persuading su-
d) Leading by Example
Learning Objectives
stake in the project. They empower people to experience the vision
on their own. According to Bennis “They offer people opportunities
to create their own vision, to explore what the vision will mean to
their jobs and lives, and to envision their future as part of the vision
for the organization.” (Bennis, 1997).
confident commitment to a project that others want to share his or
her optimistic expectations. Enthusiasm is contagious and effective
leaders know it.
problems. A leader with a hardy attitude will take these problems
in stride. When leaders encounter a stressful event, they consider it
interesting, they feel they can influence the outcome and they see
it as an opportunity. “Out of the uncertainty and chaos of change,
leaders rise up and articulate a new image of the future that pulls
the project together.” (Bennis 1997) And remember - never let
them see you sweat.
achieve their outcomes through people – a variety of people working
together in a coordinated way to produce the desired results. How are
you encouraging peak performance from your project team? As with any
manager getting the best out of their people, you will need to pay attention
to your general leadership and management skills. Some of these skill
areas that you will need to pay attention to are:
➢ Team meetings
➢ Team working
➢ Team communication
➢ Team member relationships
➢ Team decision-making
Discussing the ground rules will uncover hitherto unspoken
assumptions. Each team member will come to see more clearly where
other team members are coming from and what they need from the team
to get their job done. Be sure to post the agreed ground rules in a visible
place where the teams meet regularly. The bigger problems for project
managers are those associated with the human element: conflict resolution,
team building, coaching, mentoring and negotiation. This workshop is
intended to provide team leaders with fundamental skills necessary to
copy with this element of the art of managing project teams.
Learning Outcomes
a) Define the Scope: The first, and most important, step in any project
is defining the scope of the project. What is it you are supposed to
accomplish by managing this project? What is the project objective?
Equally important is defining what is not included in the scope of
your project. If you don’t get enough definition from your boss,
clarify the scope yourself and send it back upstairs for confirmation.
b) Determine Available Resources: What people, equipment,
and money will you have available to you to achieve the project
objectives? As a project manager, you usually will not have direct
control of these resources, but will have to manage them through
matrix management. Find out how easy or difficult that will be to
e) List the Big Steps: What are the major pieces of the project? If
you don’t know, start by asking your team. It is a good idea to list
the steps in chronological order but don’t obsess about it; you can
always change the order later.
f) List the Smaller Steps: List the smaller steps in each of the larger
steps. Again, it usually helps you remember all the steps if you list
them in chronological order. How many levels deep you go of more
and more detailed steps depends on the size and complexity of your
i) Request Project Adjustment: There is almost never enough time,
money or talent assigned to a project. Your job is to do more with
the limited resources than people expect. However, there are often
limits placed on a project that are simply unrealistic. You need
to make your case and present it to your boss and request these
unrealistic limits be changed. Ask for the changes at the beginning
of the project. Don’t wait until it’s in trouble to ask for the changes
you need.
j) Work Your Plan, But Don’t Die For It: Making the plan is
important, but the plan can be changed. You have a plan for
driving to work every morning. If one intersection is blocked by an
accident, you change your plan and go a different way. Do the same
with your project plans. Change them as needed, but always keep
the scope and resources in mind.
k) Monitor Your Team’s Progress: You will make little progress at the
beginning of the project, but start then to monitor what everyone is
doing anyway. That will make it easier to catch issues before they
become problems.
Learning Objectives
The following figure shows the five stages team development model.
Stage 1: Forming
safe. They set about gathering impressions and data about the similarities
and differences among them and forming preferences for future sub
grouping. Rules of behavior seem to be to keep things simple and to avoid
controversy. Serious topics and feelings are avoided. The major task
functions also concern orientation. Members attempt to become oriented
to the tasks as well as to one another. Discussion centers around defining
the scope of the task, how to approach it, and similar concerns. To grow
from this stage to the next, each member must relinquish the comfort of
non-threatening topics and risk the possibility of conflict.
Stage 2: Storming
Stage 3: Norming
cliques dissolve. When members begin to know-and identify with-one
another, the level of trust in their personal relations contributes to the
development of group cohesion. It is during this stage of development
(assuming the group gets this far) that people begin to experience a
sense of group belonging and a feeling of relief as a result of resolving
interpersonal conflicts. The major task function of stage three is the data
flow between group members: They share feelings and ideas, solicit and
give feedback to one another, and explore actions related to the task.
Creativity is high. If this stage of data flow and cohesion is attained by
the group members, their interactions are characterized by openness and
sharing of information on both a personal and task level. They feel good
about being part of an effective group. The major drawback of the norming
stage is that members may begin to fear the inevitable future breakup of
the group; they may resist change of any sort.
Stage 4: Performing
Stage 5: Adjourning
can create some apprehension - in effect, a minor crisis. The termination
of the group is a regressive movement from giving up control to giving up
inclusion in the group. The most effective interventions in this stage are
those that facilitate task termination and the disengagement process.
Team Focus
Effective Team Characteristics
Factors in Leadership
a) Enthusiastic Beginner
b) Disillusioned Learner
c) Reluctant Contributor
d) Peak Performer
the importance of the project and the management structure being used
to complete the project. For high priority projects which are critical to the
future of the organizations, the project manager will be given complete
freedom to choose whomever he or she deems necessary. For less
significant projects, the project manager will have to persuade personnel
from other areas within the organization to join the team. When selecting
team members, project managers look for individuals with the necessary
experience and knowledge/technical skills critical for project completion.
At the same time they are less obvious considerations that need to be
factored into the recruitment process such as a) problem solving ability,
availability, technological expertise, credibility, political connections,
ambition, initiative and energy.
The establishment of operational ground rules for how the tea will
work together is the important duty of project manager and this can be
done as part of an elaborate first meeting or during follow-up meetings.
These ground rules involve not only organizational and procedural issues
but also normative issues on how the team will interact with each other.
Though specific procedures will vary across organizations and projects,
some of the major issues that need to be addressed include:
a) Planning decisions
b) Tracking decisions
c) Managing change decisions; and
d) Relationship decisions
e) Establishing a Team Identity
to motivate and recognize individual contributions include letters of
commendation, public recognition for outstanding work, job assignments
and flexibility.
j) Rejuvenating the Project Team
a) Groupthink
adverse consequences that could follow their preferred course of
action; and they too quickly dismiss any alternatives that on the
surface appear to be unsatisfactory.
Project teams are often licensed to get things done without having
to go through normal protocols of the parent organization. Bypassing
bureaucratic channels is appealing and invigorating. However, if bypassing
becomes a way of life, it results in the rejection of bureaucratic policies
and procedures, which provide the glue for the overall organization. A
team that operates outside the organization may alienate other workers
who are constrained by the norms and procedures of the organization;
eventually, these outside bureaucrats will find ways to put up road blocks
and thwart the project team.
c) Entrepreneurs Disease
d) Team Spirit Becomes Team Infatuation
e) Going Native
If the team appears to be suffering from group think, then the project
manager can encourage functional conflict by playing the devil’s advocate
to encourage dissent. Finally, formal team-building sessions may reveal
dysfunctional norms and refocus the attention of the team on project
store development (e.g. Asda’s low carbon flagship store in Bootle,
Liverpool); minimising packaging on own-label products; continually
improving waste management practices at store level; encouraging
customer and associate recycling through ‘bring back’ facilities and ‘green’
transport. Below are examples of the finance team’s specific contribution
to some recent projects at ASDA.