Deck Slab Methodology
Deck Slab Methodology
Deck Slab Methodology
The purpose of this document is to lay down the procedure for Construction of cast in situu pe
I-Girder Chainage 66+270.
2.0 SCOPE:
The Scope of deck slab Quality Plan covers the following activities:
The words like Contract, Contractor, Engineer (Synonymous to Engineer’s
representative), Drawing, Employer, Government, Works, Worksite used in this Quality
Plan shall be considered to have the meaning as understood from the definitions of these
terms given in the General conditions of the contract.
The following abbreviations shall have the meaning as set forth below:
M.O.R.T.H : Ministry Of Road Transport & Highways
BOQ : Bill Of Quantities
BBS : Bar Bending Schedule.
(i) M.O.R.T.H Specification For Road and bridge Works (Fifth Revision)
(ii) Technical Specifications & Addendum.
M/s Ram kripal singh Dhruv Consultancy
Construction Pvt. Ltd. Services
Method of Statement - Association with M/s
Deck Slab Designilla
6.0 PROCEDURE: Preliminary works: During the previous stages of construction
The detail design of staging, formwork shall be submitted to Engineer for prior approval.
6.1approved staging/
Construction formwork shall be fabricated at yard.
Temporary fence of C.G.I.sheets shall be erected on either side of existing railway track.
6.1.1 General
The minimum clear distance of 2.5 m shall be maintained from center of railway track. Survey works: The survey work would be carried out along the alignment to fix
The R.O.B.(Rail Over Bridge) of the project consists of 4 spans at chainage 18+172, 5
the bridge beam and center line of the bridge axis.
span att chainage 37+085, 9 span at chainage 53+632 & 20 span at chainage 66+270,
The superstructure would be cast in situ and would be cast in two
the levels
During first stage of
and coordinates the pointsoftolongitudinal
concreting be checked girders and diaphrams shall be
carried out up to bottom of deck and than second stage concreting shall be carried out
portion. for inspection at predetermined and pre-marked points shall offer
To cast of levels
the and coordinates.
superstructure steel The same would
formwork be supported
is used, submitted to on the
theengineer before
ground staging
hand. The beamof cribs. The adjustments
soffit profile to the
in all the spans formwork
would i.e. with
be aligned lowering and raising
the bearing levels are
made by providing the adjustable stirrup heads fixed to the staging. The crins rest on
the bedinblock.
the provision of pre-camber above the bearing surface.
The grounding
When supporting
the deck concrete the staging
is complete is survey
the leveled points
and compacted.
established in the ground and on
the towers are transferred to the centerline of the casted deck, which would be used for
The reinforcement is cut, bent and kept ready. Before fixation of reinforcement the
the survey of the future spans.
6mm foam is used.
The placement of the
ANDbe through concrete pump and concreting of end
diaphram is done in layers of about 400 mm thickness. The placed concrete is vibrated
(A) Erection
using needleofvibrators.
ismb & ismc.
The design of staging and formwork shall be submitted to Engineer for prior approval.
The placement of concrete for deck portion shall be carried out in 3.0 m wide horizontal
The final top surface is given a broom finish by using brooms. Adequate lighting
For curing of the deck shall be made by sand cement mortar. The formwork and
M/s Ram kripal singh Dhruv Consultancy
Construction Pvt. Ltd. Services
Method of Statement - Association with M/s
Deck Slab Designilla
To provide safety during construction, Staging of slab shall be carried out using
beam, channel & bracket.
Minimum clear horizontal distance between two bracket is 1 m. Longitudinal
pressing shall be placed on girder.
When the bracket of the girder is completed, the beams are fixed in the cribs. The
shuttering panels are held in position by bolting arrangement and joints of top
panel shall be sealed of using 6 mm thick foam sheet and sealing compound. To
meet the requisite levels of the form panel with one end other minor adjustments
i.e. small rise in the stirrup head is carried.
When the entire staging and formwork is ready the same is checked and
approved by Engineer. The deck profile is checked and approved by Engineer
before concreting .Any minor adjustments to the deck profiles are made by rising
or lowering stirrup heads or by placing packing material. Placement of reinforcement:
The BBS shall be prepared and got approved from Engineer. The reinforcement
are cut and bent at the site. The reinforcement work would be carried in one
Deck reinforcement
Before placement of reinforcement the entire formwork is cleaned using
compressed air. The reinforcement is fixed in position and tied using binder steel.
Suitable cover blocks are provided to provide cover to the reinforcement. When
the entire reinforcement of bridge deck is completed the same is got approved by
The top reinforcement is fixed in position as described earlier. The reinforcement
projecting into crash barrier & Railing is also provided. When the entire
reinforcement work is completed the same is again got checked by Engineer.
Pockets for the fixing expansion joints would left by using thermo coal (insulation
material). The reinforcement in the location of the drainage spouts is moved
locally to accommodate the recess of the drainage hole. The drainage spouts are
fixed at their respective locations. The drainage spouts are packed with sand so
that the concrete doesn’t get filled in.
M/s Ram kripal singh Dhruv Consultancy
Construction Pvt. Ltd. Services
Method of Statement - Association with
Deck Slab M/s Designilla CONCRETING:
The deck superstructure is of the design mix concrete of grade M-40 and is cast
in situ.
Phase I-Deck slab
Before the concreting operations are planned the entire checking with the
supervision consultants would be completed. All the loose materials are
removed/blown using air compressor. The concreting operations would be done
in single pour from end diaphragm to end diaphragm. Prior to concrete, the
arrangements for concreting are checked so that no interruption occurs during
concreting. Approved mix design would be followed during concreting. The
placement of the concrete would be through concrete pump/crane & bucket
arrangement. The placed concrete is vibrated using needle vibrators of
appropriate diameters.
The concrete would be carried in horizontal strips of 3.0 widths. The concrete
placing would be carried forward followed by finishing activities. The final top
surface is given a texture finish using brooms. When the concrete of the first
strip is partially complete, masons would finish the concrete top surface using
floats & trowels. Exposing the aggregate partially, where further concrete is to be
carried out i.e. in the location of crash barrier.
M/s Ram kripal singh Dhruv Consultancy
Construction Pvt. Ltd. Services Asso-
Method of Statement - ciation with M/s De-
Deck Slab signilla CURING:
Immediately after concrete is hardened, curing shall be started. For the curing
purpose we will have a flexible pipe, which is connected to the main line from
which continuous curing is carried out. Bunds of size 2.0x2.0 m2 shall be made
using sand cement mortar. Curing shall be carried out for period of 14 days.
The de-shuttering of the girder would be completed in stages.
In the stage1, side form panels of longitudinal girder, diaphragms is removed
after 12 hrs. of concreting.
In the stage 2, vertical panels of deck are removed after 24 hours of concreting.
In stage 3,stagings along with soffit panels underneath longitudinal girders and /
diaphragms are removed after 21 days of concreting.
Hazard Identification, Risk assessment and Risk control measures for each and
every activities and sub-activities involved in the present Segment shall be
identified and necessary action plan shall be initiated.
C.G.I. sheet fencing shall be erected on either side of railway track at a distance
of 2.5 M from centre of existing track .No manpower /equipments shall be
allowed to cross the fencing.
All workmen shall use personal protective equipment like hardhat &safety shoes.