Module 3 Gen Chem
Module 3 Gen Chem
Module 3 Gen Chem
Province of Cotabato
Municipality of Makilala
Makilala, Cotabato
Criminology Department
Bachelor of Science and Criminology
I. Learning Outcome
A. Differentiate mass and weight
B. Demonstrate the understanding of the definition of mass and weight
III. References:
Hein, Marris, Leo R. Best and Scott Pattison. College Chemistry, 3 rd ed. Brooks/Cole Publishing
Company, California. 1984. ISBN 0-534-02863-2
Chemistry is an experimental science. The results of experiments are usually determined by making
measurements. In basic experiments the quantities that are commonly measured are mass, length, volume, pressure
and temperature.
Mass and weight are often used interchangeably. The two words are quite different words.
Mass- of a body is defined as the amount of matter in that body. The mass of the body is a fixed and
unvarying quantity that is independent of the object’s location.
Weight- of a body is the measure of the earth’s gravitational attraction for that body. Weight varies in
relation to its distance from the earth. The rate of motion is changing of the object is changing with respect
to the motion of the earth.
Example: 1. Mass of astronaut’s body is 70 kg before taking off to space travel. As the distance from the
earth increases into orbiting course the weight of the body decrease until a state of weightlessness is
attained. However the mass of the astronaut’s body has remained constant at 70.0 kg during the entire
V. Activity:
A. Express the mass and weight of the following quantities and locations:
VI. Evaluation:
B. Your weight on the earth is 50 kg but when you travel to the space it becomes lighter. Explain.
I. Learning Outcome
III. References:
Hein, Marris, Leo R. Best and Scott Pattison. College Chemistry, 3 rd ed. Brooks/Cole Publishing
Company, California. 1984. ISBN 0-534-02863-2
There is some degree of uncertainty in every experimental measurement due to limitation inherent in the
measuring instrument and the skill of the experimenter. The value recorded for measurement should give some
indication of reliability (precision) .To express some precision this value should contain all digits that are known plus one
digit that is estimated. The last estimated digit introduces some uncertainty. B because of this uncertainty every number
that expresses a measurement can have only a limited of digits
Figure 2.1 (a) scale on a balance indicating a weight of 15.4 grams (b) scale on a balance indicating a weight of 15.0
II. Significant Figures or Significant Digits used to express a measured quantity. It is defined as any of the digits of a
number beginning with the digit farthest to the left that is not zero and ending with the east digit farthest to the right
that is either not zero or zero but is considered to be exact.
2. Zeros to the left of the first nonzero digit are not significant. These zeros are used to locate a decimal point:
0.0025 has two significant figures (2,5).
0.0108 has three significant figures (1, 0, 8).
4. Zeros to the right of nonzero digits but before the decimal point may or may not be significant:
1000 (The zeros may or may not be significant.)
590 (The zero may or may not be significant.)
One way of indicating whether these zeros are significant is to write the number using a decimal point and a
power of 10. Thus, if the value 1000 has been determined to four significant figures, it is written as 1.000 x 10 3.
If 590 has only two significant figures, it is written as 5.9 x 10 2 (in this case the zero is not significant).
V. Activity
Directions: Write your answer in the space provided before each item.
VI. Evaluation
I. Learning Outcome
II. Topic: Standards for Measurement- Rounding Off Numbers to Proper Digits of Significant Numbers
III. References:
Hein, Marris, Leo R. Best and Scott Pattison. College Chemistry, 3 rd ed. Brooks/Cole Publishing
Company, California. 1984. ISBN 0-534-02863-2
In calculations we often obtain answers that have more digits than we are justified in using. It is necessary,
therefore, to drop the nonsignificant digits in order to express the answer with the proper number of significant figures.
When digits are dropped from a number, the value of the last digit retained is determined by a process known as
rounding off numbers. There are three rules for rounding off numbers.
Rule 1. When the first digit after those you want to retain is 4 or less, that digit and all others beyond it are dropped.
The last digit retained is not changed.
74.693 = 74.69
1.00629 = 1.006
Rule 2. When the first digit after those you want to retain is 6 or greater, increase the last digit retained by 1 and drop
all digits to the right of the last digit retained.
1.026868 = 1.027
These three digits are dropped.
This digit is changed to 7.
25.6294 = 25.63
These two digits are dropped.
This digit is changed to 3.
12.899 = 12.90
This digit is dropped.
These two digits are changed to 90.
Rule 3. When the first digit after those you want to retain is 5 and all others beyond are zeros, increase the last digit
retained by 1 if it is an odd number; leave it unchanged if it is an even number. Drop all digits to the right of the last
digit retained. When any digit beyond the 5 is other than zero, increase the last digit retained by 1.
28.2850 = 28.28
These two digits are dropped.
This digit is unchanged.
18.02500 = 18.02
These three digits are dropped.
This digit is unchanged.
146.55 = 146.6
This digit is dropped.
This digit is changed to 6.
V. Activity
Directions: Write your answer in the space provided before each item.
___________ (a) 42.246 (four digits) _____________ (d) 0.08965 (two digits)
___________ (b) 88.015 (three digits) _____________ (e) 225.3 (three digits)
___________ (c) 0.08965 (three digits) _____________ (f) 14.150 (three digits)
VI. Evaluation
Directions: Round off the following numbers to three significant figures. Write your answer in the space
provided before each number.
I. Learning Outcome
III. References:
Hein, Marris, Leo R. Best and Scott Pattison. College Chemistry, 3 rd ed. Brooks/Cole Publishing
Company, California. 1984. ISBN 0-534-02863-2
The age of the earth has been estimated as about 4,500,000,000 (4.5 billion) years. Because this is an estimated
value, let us say to the nearest 0.1 billion years, we are justified in using only two significant figures to express it. To
express this number with two significant figures we write it using a power of 10 as 4.5 x 10 9 years.
Very large and very small numbers are often used in chemistry. These numbers can be simplified and
conveniently written using a power of 10. Writing a number as a power of 10 is called scientific notation.
To write a number in scientific notation, move the decimal point in the original number so that it is located after
the first nonzero digit. This new number is multiplied by 10 raised to the proper power (exponent). If the decimal was
moved to the right, the power of 10 will be a negative number. Study the examples that follow.
Example 1. Write 5283 in scientific notation.
5283. Place the decimal between the 5 and the 2. Since the decimal was moved three places
to the left, the power of 10 will be 3, and the number 5.283 is multiplied by 10 3.
5.283 x 103 (Correct scientific notation)
4 500 000 000. Place the decimal between the 4 and the 5. Since the decimal was moved
nine places to the left, the power of 10 will be 9, and the number 4.5 is
multiplied by 10 9.
0.000123 Place the decimal between the 1 and the 2. Since the decimal was moved four
places to the right, the power of 10 will be -4, and the number 1.23 is multiplied by
10 -4.
V. Activity
Directions: Write the following numbers in scientific notation. Write your answer in the space provided before
each number.
VI. Evaluation
Directions: Express each of the following numbers in exponential notation. Write your answer in the space
provided before each number.