Pak Indo Relations
Pak Indo Relations
Pak Indo Relations
India lies to the East and South East of Pakistan and shares a border of around 1600 km.
Pakistan and India have a complex and hostile relationship that is rooted in multiple historical and
political events, most notably the Kashmir issue.
Soon after partition Indian forces illegally occupied Kashmir against the will of the Kashmir people and
the unrest turned into a full-scale revolt. The majority of the people were Muslims while the ruler was a
Sikh, when Pakistan sent Mujahideen from Waziristan, the Sikh ruler was helped by India at the cost of
signing the agreement of Kashmir's accession to India. A formal ceasefire was declared effective on 1
January,1949, resulting in the establishment of Line of Control (LOC)
Indian army occupied the military post of Pakistan in Rann of Kutch, Sindh in July 1965. Pakistan army
pushed the Indian troops back into their territory but an agreement was signed which stated that both
countries would resolve their issues through negotiation. However, practically the situation did not
improve, India occupied other posts, Kargil Pass, and started a full-scale war by targeting Punjab on 6
September 1965. The UN appealed to both countries to ceasefire and it became effective on 23
September,1965, after a 117-daywar.
India played a key role in the Separation of East Pakistan by the propaganda of West Pakistan exploiting
East Pakistan which infused hatred in the people of East Pakistan and resulted in full-scale rebellion in
the province, and thus the ration. In 1971 East Pakistan was separated from West Pakistan and a battle
was fought between Indian and Pakistan forces on the western front.
India's first nuclear test in Rajasthan caused a sense of insecurity in Pakistan and arm-race between both
Kargil valley is difficult to conquer due to its high mountain peaks and ridges. A part of the valley was
liberated by Freedom Fighters during Kashmir War in 1948. However, later it was recaptured by the
Indian Army illegally in 1971. In early, Kashmiri fighters sneaked across Line of Control and occupied
Kargil. By April 1999, Indians realized the success of Mujahideen and responded with full military might.
India called it 'infiltration' by Pak Army at the international l. Pak Army helped Mujahideen and fought
against India. The war ended in July 1999. Captain Kernel Sher Khan and Havildar Lalak Jan were among
the recipients of Nishan-e-Haider. The Army Chief at this time was Pervez Musharaff.
An agreement was signed in 1988 by Pakistan PM Benazir Bhutto and Indian PM Rajiv Gandhi. The two
countries resolved to abstain from attacking each other's nuclear installations and to withdraw forces
from Siachen.
In 1997, Indian PM Attal Bihari Vajpaye came to Pakistan and was received by Pakistan PM Nawaz Sharif.
They signed an agreement to settle all mutual disputes through peaceful negotiations. India's PM visited
Allamah Iqbal's mausoleum and Minar-e-Pakistan as a token of respect. In 12, President Asif Ali Zardari
visited India and made pilgrimage to a Muslim shrine.
After Vajpaayee, the Indian government went into the hands of Hindu extremists and the process of
reconciliation came to a halt.