Workplace Bullying
Workplace Bullying
Workplace Bullying
for ages .It is cosidered damaging,continual and longlasting where one party exerts some negative influence and supremacy over the other. Workplace bullying is a pattren of presistent , malicious,insulting,or exclusionary intentional or nonintentional behaviour adopted by individuals or groups againts coworkers to harm,control or drive them from the workplace. Although different concepts have been used to describe this phenomenon such as mobbing , emotional abuse ,harassment, mistreatment and victimisation, they all seem to refer to the same phenomenon. That phenomenon is the systematic torture of a colleague, a subordinate or a superior, which, if continued, may cause severe social, psychological and psychosomatic problems for the victim. Workplace bullying has becoming a serious problem for the organizations. It prevails in both private and public organizations, and finds its victims among men and women as well as among managers and workers alike. Research and Studies also show that exposure to bullying in the workplace is a severe source of stress at work and may be a crippling and devastating problem for those who are exposed to it. Although acts of aggression and harassment occur fairly often in everyday interaction at work,but they seem to be associated with severe health problems,when occurring on a regular basis. Workplace bullying is a serious phenomenon which organisations are facing nowadays. Bullying causes
occupational stress among the workers which has damging effect on their health, their personal and social lives which in turn devastates organizations productivity because bullying behaviour affects the targets ability to perform at job which in result effects the organizations productivity In this study we will discuss the nature of workplace bullying, its causes that why people adopt this practice and what are its impact on the individuals as well as organisations. PROBLEM STATEMENT Identifying the causes or factors which encourage bullying behaviour at workplace and their impact on employees performance and the productivity of the organization RESEARCH PURPOSE The main purpose of this study is to examine the root cause or factors associated with workplace bullying which affects individual and organization performance. The root causes includes both individual and organizational factors. Individual factors includes Differences in age, race, gender, ethnicity, and educational levels which may intensify conflicts and increase bullying behaviors because people do not understand the motivations and actions of people who are perceived as different Additionally,individuals who lack selfconfidence or sufficient conflict management skills are more likely to be targets of workplace bullying . Finally, people who are characterized as overachievers may also fall prey to a workplace bully because the bully may feel threatened by the targets competence . whereas organizational factors include, organizational changes, cultures, and leadership
styles which contribute towards the bullying behaviors. Besides this, factors like restructuring, downsizing, job security may also lead to stressful working conditions that become a cause of workplace bullying. RESEARCH OBJECTIVES The main aim of this study is to: Investigates the factors associated with workplace bullying. Examine the assosiation of workplace bullying and its impact on individual and organization performance RESEARCH QUESTION:workplace bullying is a highly complex phenomenon faced by many organizations throughout all the industries.Because of its prevalence and negative effects it can have on oraganizationa and employees this topic is very much important to management parctice.The main focus of this study is to examine the causes of workplace bullying and the assosiation between workplace bullying and its impact on individual as well as oraganization performance. This study will attempt to find an answer to the following questions: 1. What circumstances or factors encourage bullying within organizations? 2.What effect does workplace bullying have on its victims and an organization as a whole?
SIGNIFICANCE OF STUDY:Due to the diverse nature of social interactions and individual perceptions, identifying the behaviour that can be labelled as workplace bullying is complex.Growing studies have identified as major occupational problem which has devatating effects on both individul and oraganization. There are a wide range of intimidating tactics practiced by the bullies which may have a very negative impact upon individual workers and therefore upon organisational performance as a whole. The negative impact may range from the generation of a stressful working environment, to increased numbers of sick days, low production, and a high turnover in organisations where workplace bullying is present. The consequences of these negative behaviour patterns upon the organisation range from decreased production and increased legal costs, to being labelled as a hostile working environment and therefore being avoided by potential employees. The contemporary competitive business world requires management to be aware of potential costs and negative impact caused by bullying at their workplace.The importance of this study is to intensify the understanding of the phenomenon of workplace bullying,this study also helps current and future generations and organizations become aware of workplace bullying and give insight into ways to prevent and eliminate the harmful behavior. It provide leaders and managers insight into the prevalence of the mistreatment of employees and how it affects the productivity of their workers and suggests ways to prevent and overcome this practice.