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Lms Admin Guide

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LMS Administrators Guide

Version 2.2

Web site: www.e-learningconsulting.com E-mail: info@e-learningconsulting.com 1722 232nd Avenue NE Sammamish, WA 98074 Copyright 2008 e-Learning Consulting. All Rights Reserved.

Table of Contents

ABOUT THIS GUIDE...................................................................................................... 4 WHO SHOULD USE THIS GUIDE ....................................................................................... 4 HOW TO USE THIS GUIDE ................................................................................................ 4 TYPOGRAPHIC CONVENTIONS .......................................................................................... 4 RELATED PUBLICATIONS ................................................................................................. 4 OVERVIEW ...................................................................................................................... 5 LMS CAPABILITIES .......................................................................................................... 5 WHAT IS A COURSE ......................................................................................................... 6 COURSE PUBLISHING, LAUNCHING AND TRACKING ......................................................... 6 LMS SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE ......................................................................................... 8 LOGIN AS THE LMS ADMINISTRATOR .................................................................. 9 ACCESS ADMINISTRATOR FUNCTIONS .............................................................. 11 MANAGE USERS .......................................................................................................... 13 MY PROFILE PAGE ......................................................................................................... 13 MANAGE USERS PAGE ................................................................................................... 14 ADD USERS PAGE .......................................................................................................... 14 FIND USER PAGE ............................................................................................................ 15 USER LIST PAGE ............................................................................................................ 15 AUTOMATICALLY REGISTERED USERS........................................................................... 17 VIEW REPORTS............................................................................................................ 18 ALL COURSES REPORT ................................................................................................... 19 FIND A COURSE .............................................................................................................. 20 COURSE ENROLLMENT REPORT ..................................................................................... 22 COURSE RESULTS REPORT ............................................................................................. 23 SCO DETAILS REPORT ................................................................................................... 24 FIND A LEARNER ............................................................................................................ 25 LEARNER COURSE ENROLLMENTS REPORT.................................................................... 27 LEARNER COURSE RESULTS REPORT ............................................................................. 28 LEARNER SCO DETAILS REPORT ................................................................................... 29 LEARNER STATUS REPORT ............................................................................................. 30 MANAGE GROUPS ....................................................................................................... 31 CREATE A GROUP .......................................................................................................... 32 FIND GROUPS ................................................................................................................. 33 CHANGE GROUPS ........................................................................................................... 34 MANAGE COURSES .................................................................................................... 35 PUBLISH A COURSE ........................................................................................................ 35 LMS Administrators Guide Page 2 of 57

UPLOAD A SCORM PACKAGE ....................................................................................... 36 READ SCORM MANIFEST ............................................................................................. 38 FINDING A COURSE TO ASSIGN, UNASSIGN, EDIT, ACTIVATE OR DELETE THE COURSE . 40 ASSIGN A COURSE.......................................................................................................... 42 UNASSIGN A COURSE ..................................................................................................... 44 EDIT THE CATALOG .................................................................................................. 47 SETTING SYSTEM OPTIONS .................................................................................... 50 REGISTRATION REQUIRES ADMIN APPROVAL ................................................................ 50 USE EMAIL AS USER NAME............................................................................................ 51 MAXIMUM TIME LEARNER CAN BE INACTIVE BEFORE BEING LOGGED OFF.................. 51 MAXIMUM TIME TO UPLOAD A COURSE ........................................................................ 51 WELCOME MESSAGE ..................................................................................................... 51 MAX NUMBER IN SELECT GROUP LIST .......................................................................... 52 APPENDIX A: SCORM ................................................................................................. 53 APPENDIX B: SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ............................................................. 54 SERVER REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................ 54 USER PLATFORM REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................. 54 APPENDIX C: ERROR MESSAGES .......................................................................... 55

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About This Guide

Who Should Use This Guide
This guide is for the Learning Management System (LMS) administrator and the group administrator.

How To Use This Guide

The guide is divided into chapters. We recommend you read the overview chapter before you use the LMS. You can use the rest of the chapters as a reference as you use the LMS.

Typographic Conventions
Bold Arial Font is

used to identify user interface elements such as the names of pages and the names of buttons.

Related Publications
The LMS Installation and Configuration Guide describes how to install and configure the LMS.

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LMS Capabilities
The Learning Management System (LMS) manages the delivery of web-based courses to learners. The web-based courses must conform to the SCORM 1.2 and the SCORM 2004 standard (see Appendix A: SCORM for more details about the SCORM standard). The LMS manager can perform these functions: Manage Users. The users of the LMS include the administrator of the LMS, the administrators of groups and learners. The LMS and group administrators can add, delete and edit users in the groups that they control. View Reports. The LMS provides reports on courses and learners. Manage Groups. The LMS initially contains a group called "everyone". The LMS administrator can create one or more additional groups. Each group contains learners. A learner can only belong to a single group. Manage Courses. The LMS administrator can publish SCORM-based courses. A published course can be set to active or inactive. An active course can be placed in the catalog and can be assigned to learners. Edit The Catalog. The catalog is a collection of courses. The learner browses the catalog to find courses that he or she would like to launch. The catalog can be organized by headings. Headings can contain multiple levels of sub-headings. Set System Options. The LMS administrator sets system options to control the behavior of the LMS.

A group administrator can perform these functions: Manage Users. A group administrator can add and delete users for his/her group. A group administrator can edit information about each user. View Reports. A group administrator can get reports on his/her group.

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What Is a Course
A course is one or more web pages that provide a self-paced learning experience to the learner. The learner can begin the course at any time, stop it and resume it at a later time. The learner decides how quickly he or she will move through the course material. The learner can come back and review the course after it has been completed. All courses must conform to the SCORM 1.2 or SCORM 2004 standard. Any authoring tool that creates a course that conforms to the SCORM 1.2 or SCORM 2004 standard can be used to create courses for delivery by the LMS.

Course Publishing, Launching and Tracking

Figure 1 provides a high level view of how the LMS publishes, launches and tracks courses. 1. The administrator publishes courses to the LMS and places the courses into the catalog. 2. A learner logs into the LMS using a username and password. The learner finds a course in the catalog and then launches it. 3. The LMS keeps track of the learners activity with each course. 4. The administrator views reports that show activity of all of the learners with the courses.

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2. Learner launches a course 1. Administrator publishes courses 3. LMS tracks activity




4. Administrator views reports

Administrator Figure 1 - Course Publishing, Launching and Tracking

Figure 1 Course Publishing, Launching And Tracking

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LMS System Architecture

Web Server User Browser Figure 2 - LMS System Architecture

Database Server

Figure 2 shows a high level view of the LMS system architecture. Every user accesses the LMS with a web browser. The web browser provides the user interface. The web browser communicates actions to the LMS software running on the web server. The LMS software requires the Windows operating system and Microsofts IIS Web Server. The LMS software stores information in a SQL Server database.

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Login as the LMS Administrator

To login as the LMS administrator you must first launch a browser. Appendix B: System Requirements provides a list of browsers that work with the LMS. Once your browser is running, enter the web address of your LMS. The person who installed the LMS determines the web address of your LMS. Contact the installer to get the web address of the LMS and then set a bookmark to that address in your browser. Once you enter the web address of your LMS you will get a login page. The username is initially set to admin. The password is initially set to admin. The person who installed your LMS may have changed the administrative username and/or password. The login page is shown in figure 3. Your login page may look quite a bit different then the one shown in figure 3. The appearance of the LMS can have significant changes in appearance. The logo, layout, colors and fonts can be changed.

Figure 3 - The Login Page LMS Administrators Guide Page 9 of 57

You should change the administrative password if it is still set to the default value (admin). To change your password: 1. Login 2. Click on the Edit Profile link 3. Change you password on the Edit Profile page and click on the Submit button (see figure 4).

Figure 4 - Changing the Password on the Edit Profile Page

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Access Administrator Functions

After you login, you are automatically routed to the Welcome page (see figure 5). The Welcome page is identical for learners and the administrator except for the extra link to the Administrator Functions available to the administrator. To access the Administrator Functions, click on the Administrator Functions button. This will take you to the Administrators Functions page (see figure 6). The Administrator Functions page shows the number of registered users and maximum number of registered users that you can accommodate with your LMS license. You can register new users as long as you stay below the level provided by your current LMS license. You can purchase an upgrade to your LMS license if you need to register additional users.

Figure 5 - The Welcome Page

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Figure 6 - The Administrator Functions Page

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Manage Users
The LMS database keeps track of registered users (the LMS administrator, group administrators and learners). Registered users have a username and password that they use to login into the LMS. There are three ways to register users. 1. Users register themselves without any approval by the administrator. 2. Users start the registration process. The administrator must approve their registration before they can login to the LMS. 3. The administrator registers all learners.

My Profile Page
The user can modify his or her registration information. The user does this by clicking on the My Profile button on the Welcome page. Clicking on the My Profile button takes the user to the My Profile Page. The My Profile page contains required data items. These are: User Name Password Email First Name Last Name The My Profile page can contain many other optional data items. These optional items can include Salutation, Middle Initial, Jr/Sr, Company Id, Company Name, Department, Job Title, Address 1, Address 2, Address 3, City, State/Province, Country, Postal Code, Work Phone, Home Phone, Cell Phone, Pager, Fax Phone and 10 other optional fields to use as needed. The person who installed the LMS may have configured the fields on this page and modified the titles of the data.

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Manage Users Page

As administrator, you are able to add and delete users (unless the person who installed your LMS has removed this capability). You can also change the information about each user. To manage users, click on the Manage Users button from the Administrative Functions page (see figure 6). This will take you to the Manage Users page (see figure 7). The Manage Users page lets you add a user or find an existing user.

Figure 7 - The Manage Users Page

Add Users Page

When you click on the Add User button on the Manage Users page, you will go to the Add New User page. This page is similar to the My Profile page. You add the new user by filling out the form and clicking on the Submit button.

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Find User Page

When you click on the Find User button on the Manage Users page, you will go to the Find User page (see figure 8). This page lets you search the database for users. You enter search criteria on this page. For example, find all users whose Username starts with the letter L.

Figure 8 - The Find User Page

User List Page

When you click on the Find Users button, you will go to the User List page (see figure 9). The User List page provides the list of users that match your search criteria. LMS Administrators Guide Page 15 of 57

Figure 9 - The User List Page You can edit the user information by clicking on the Edit button to the left of the user name. To select a user, put a check mark in the checkbox to the right of each users name. Once one or more users are selected, you can perform these functions: Delete a user by clicking the Delete User button. Register a user by clicking the Register User button. The users state will go from Pending to Registered. A registered user can login with a username and password. An unregistered user has a username and password but cannot login to the LMS. Unregister a user by clicking the UnRegister User button.

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Automatically Registered Users

Your IT department may have developed procedures to automatically add and delete users from the LMS database. If your IT department has developed these procedures, you should not use any of the LMS methods to register users.

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View Reports
The LMS provides reports on courses and learners. To view reports, click on the View Reports button from the Administrative Functions page (see figure 6). This will take you to the View Reports page (see figure 10).

Figure 10 - The View Reports Page The View Reports page provides links to a report on all courses published to the LMS. It also provides links to pages that let you find specific courses and learners.

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All Courses Report

To view the All Courses Report, click on the All Courses button from the View Reports page (see figure 10). This will take you to the All Courses Report page (see figure 11). This report shows the total number of courses published to the LMS. The report shows the number of courses active and inactive. The report also provides a list of all of the courses. To the right of each course name are links to more detailed reports described in this chapter. The links will show the learners enrolled in the course the average results for all learners who have completed the course.

Figure 11 - The All Courses Report Page

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Find a Course
When you click on the Find A Course button on the View Reports page (see figure 10), you will go to the Find A Course page (see figure 12). This page lets you search the database for courses. You enter search criteria on this page. For example, find all courses whose name starts with the letter I.

Figure 12 - The Find a Course Page When you click on the Search button, you will go to the Course List page (see figure 13). The Course List page provides the list of courses that match your search criteria. To the right of each course name are links to more detailed reports described in this chapter. The links will show the learners enrolled in the course the average results for all learners who have completed the course.

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Figure 13 - The List Courses Page

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Course Enrollment Report

The Course Enrollment Report shows the number of learners enrolled in the course. The report also shows a list of the learners. You can sort the list by column by clicking on the column links. You can go to the Learner Course Report by clicking on the name of the learner.

Figure 14 - The Course Enrollment Report Page

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Course Results Report

The Course Results Report shows average results for all learners who have completed this course.

Figure 15 - The Course Results Report Page

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SCO Details Report

The SCO Details Report shows the average results for all learners who have completed this SCO.

Figure 16 - The SCO Detail Report Page

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Find a Learner
When you click on the Find A Learner button on the View Reports page (see figure 10), you will go to the Find A Learner page (see figure 17). This page lets you search the database for users. You enter search criteria on this page. For example, find all users whose Username starts with the letter L.

Figure 17 - Find a Learner Page When you click on the Search button, you will go to the Learner List page (see figure 18). The Learner List page provides the list of learners that match your search criteria. To the right of each learner name is a link to a detailed report for that learner.

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Figure 18 - The Learner List Page

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Learner Course Enrollments Report

The Learner Course Enrollments Report shows a list of all of the courses in which this learner has enrolled.

Figure 19 - The Learner Course Enrollments Report Page

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Learner Course Results Report

The Learner Course Results Report shows the results for this learner in a specific course.

Figure 20 - The Learner Course Enrolments Report

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Learner SCO Details Report

The Learner SCO Details Report shows the results for this learner in a specific SCO. A SCO is one module of a course.

Figure 21 - The Learner SCO Details Report

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Learner Status Report

The Learner Status Report shows the results for all learners and all of the courses they are taking. This report can be finding learners that match specific criteria. This report can take quite a bit of time to generate if you have a large number of learners.

Figure 22 - The Learner Status Report

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Manage Groups
Learners can be organized into groups. Each group can have one or more group administrators. A group administrator can manage the learners in the group and view reports for members of the group. The LMS administrator can add, delete and edit groups. To manage groups, click on the Manage Groups button from the Administrative Functions page (see figure 6). This will take you to the Manage Groups page (see figure 23).

Figure 23 - The Manage Groups Page

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Create a Group
As a LMS administrator, you can create groups. To create a group, click on the Create Groups button from the Manage Groups page (see figure 23). This will take you to the Create Groups page (see figure 24). A group must have a short name and a description. Once a group has been created, the LMS Administrator can add group administrators to the group. The LMS and group administrator can add learners to a group.

Figure 24 - The Create Groups Page

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Find Groups
The LMS Administrator can find groups. To find groups, click on the Find Groups button from the Manage Groups page (see figure 23). This will take you to the Find Groups page (see figure 25). This page lets you select all groups, a specific group or the groups that meet your search criteria.

Figure 25 - The Find Groups Page

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Change Groups
A user may be the administrator of more than one group. So, the LMS provides a way to see the current group and to change groups. The current group is shown in the upper right hand portion of the screen as shown in figure 26.

Figure 26 - The Current Group

The LMS provides buttons to change the current group. These buttons are found in the administrators functions page, manage users page, manage groups page and view reports page.

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Manage Courses
As a LMS administrator, you can publish courses to the LMS. You can also set the courses to active or inactive. To manage courses, click on the Manage Courses button from the Administrative Functions page (see figure 6). This will take you to the Manage Courses page (see figure 27).

Figure 27 - The Manage Courses Page

Publish a Course
A course is published when all of its files have been moved to the web server and the information about the course has been read into the database. The simplest way to publish a course is to upload a SCORM package. Most SCORM conformant authoring tools create a SCORM package or tell you how to create one. A SCORM LMS Administrators Guide Page 35 of 57

package is a zip file that contains all of the files for the course plus a file called the SCORM manifest which is always named imsmanifest.xml (see figure 28).

Course Files

SCORM Manifest

Figure 28 - A SCORM Package

Upload a SCORM Package

Figure 2 LMS System Architecture To publish a course as a SCORM package, click on the Upload SCORM Package button on the Manage Courses page. After you click on the button you will go to the Upload SCORM Package page (see figure 29). This page asks you to locate the SCORM package on your computer. Click on the Browse button to find the SCORM package file. Refer to the authoring tools documentation to find the location and Package name of the SCORM packages it creates. Once you have found the SCORM package file, click on the Upload button. It may take several minutes to upload a SCORM package. The time it takes to upload the file depends on the size of the SCORM package and the speed of your connection to the web server. If your course is very large you should consider publishing the course by reading the SCORM manifest. That method is describes in the next section. The publishing process will only work with a SCORM package that fully conforms to the SCORM 2004 or the SCORM 1.2 standard. If the upload process does not work, you should make sure your package passes the SCORM conformance test (see Appendix A: SCORM for more details about the SCORM conformance test). You can also use the LMS to validate your SCORM package by checking the Validate Only checkbox. When the upload is successful, you will have the ability to edit the name and description of the course. Once you have made the edits, click on the Activate Course or Manage Course button to complete the upload process (see figure 30). LMS Administrators Guide Page 36 of 57

Figure 29 - The Upload SCORM Package Page

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Figure 30 - The Verify Load Course Page

Read SCORM Manifest

If your courses are very large, you may want to split the course publishing into two steps. 1. Copy the course files and the SCORM manifest to the web server. 2. Read the SCORM manifest to load the course information into the LMS database. To copy the files to the web server, you must have direct file access to the server or have some other way to transfer files such as FTP. Your IT organization can provide a method that works best for you and your organization. The Microsoft IIS Web server will deliver the course files. So, the course files must be in a directory accessible to the IIS Web Server. Consult the IIS Web Server LMS Administrators Guide Page 38 of 57

documentation to learn more about file locations. In a typical LMS installation you can put your course files in a folder under the c:\Inetpub\wwwroot\LMS\LmsCourses directory. Once you have copied the files to the web server, you are ready to read the SCORM manifest. Click on the Read SCORM Manifest button on the Manage Courses page. After you click on the button you will go to the Read SCORM Manifest page (see figure 31).

Figure 31 - The Load Manifest Page You must enter the relative path to the manifest file. For example, if the LMS is installed in C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\LMS and the manifest file for the course is C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\LMS\LmsCourses\course1\imsmanifest.xml then enter the path to the manifest file as LmsCourses\course1. You can make sure you have a valid SCORM manifest by clicking the Validate Only checkbox.

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Finding a Course to Assign, Unassign, Edit, Activate or Delete the Course

Once you have published a course, you can assign it to learners, delete the assignment (unassign a course), edit it, delete it or set the course to active/inactive. To do one of these functions to a course you must first find it. To find a course, click on the Find Course button on the Manage Courses page (see figure 27). After you click on the button you will go to the Find Course page (see figure 32).

Figure 32 - The Find Course Page This page lets you search the database for courses. You enter search criteria on this page. For example, find all courses whose name start with the letter I. When you click on the Search button, you will go to the Course List page (see figure 33). The Course List page provides the list of courses that match your search criteria. LMS Administrators Guide Page 40 of 57

Figure 33 - The Course List Page To edit a course, click on the Edit button to the left of the course name. Click the checkbox to the right of the course to make the course active/inactive, to delete it or to assign the course. Delete the course by clicking the Delete Course button. You will want to unassign the course for all users prior to deletion. Activate the course by clicking the Make Active button Make a course Inactivate the course by clicking the Make Inactive button Assign the course by clicking on the Assign Course button Delete previously assigned courses by clicking on the Unassign Course button

You will get the following actions when a course is made inactive: The course is removed from the catalog. The course is removed from the My Courses list for all learners enrolled in the course. The records for the course will be retained. The course files will remain on the web server.

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You will get the following actions when a course is deleted: The course is removed from the catalog. The course is removed from the My Courses list for all learners enrolled in the course. The records for the course will be deleted. The course files will be removed from the web server.

Assign a Course
When you select the Assign Course button, you will see the assign course page (see Figure 34). The assign courses page lets you assign a course in these ways: To all learners that are currently a member of a group To all learners who join a group in the future To specific learners in a group

The assign courses page lets you make two types of assignments: Mandatory the learner is expected to take this course Optional the learner has the option to take this course

A few examples will help to show different ways to use the assign a course. Example 1: You want to assign this course to all learners in all groups. You want all future learners to be assigned this course. You would like to make this a mandatory course. Steps: 1. Make sure you have selected the "Everyone" group 2. Select the checkbox labeled, "This course will be assigned to learners in

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this group after they register" 3. Select the radio button labeled, "All registered learners" 4. Select the radio button labeled, "Mandatory the learner is expected to take the course"

Example 2: You want to assign this course to all current learners in the sales group. You want all future learners in the sales group to be assigned this course. You would like to make this an optional course. Steps: 1. Make sure you have selected the "Sales" group 2. Select the checkbox labeled, "This course will be assigned to learners in this group after they register" 3. Select the radio button labeled, "All registered learners" 4. Select the radio button labeled, "Optional the learner has the option to take the course"

Example 3: You want to assign this course to a specific learner. You would like to make this an optional course. Steps: 1. Select the radio button labeled, "One or more registered learners (selected in the next step)" 2. Select the radio button labeled, "Optional the learner has the option to take the course" 3. Click on the Assign button. You will now have the opportunity to find the specific learner.

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Figure 34 - The Assign Course Page

Unassign a Course
When you select the Unassign Course button, you will see the assign course page (see Figure 35). The unassign courses page lets you unassign a course in these ways: To all learners that are currently a member of a group To all learners who join a group in the future To specific learners in a group

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Figure 35 - The Unassign Course Page

You can also delete pending course assignments (these are courses that will be assigned to learners when they join a group in the future) by selecting Delete Course Assignments from the Manage Courses page (see Figure 36 ).

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Figure 36 The Delete Course Assignments Page

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Edit the Catalog

The catalog is a collection of courses. The learner browses the catalog to find courses that he or she would like to launch. The catalog can be organized by headings. Headings can contain other sub-headings. To edit the catalog, click on the Edit Catalog button on the Administrator Functions page (see figure 6). After you click on the button you will go to the Edit Catalog page (see Figure 37).

Figure 37 - The Edit Catalog Page The catalog is empty when the LMS is initially installed. When the catalog is empty, the words Right click on this heading to edit the catalog appear. This is the anchor point of the catalog. You can add courses or headings to the anchor point. To add courses or headings, put your mouse over the words Right click on this heading to edit the catalog and click the right button. A menu shown in Figure 38 will appear.

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Note: This menu will only appear when you are using Internet Explorer running on Windows.

Figure 38 - The Edit Catalog Menu By using this menu you can add, delete or edit headings and courses. A course can appear under more than one heading. You menu can have: A single course. Multiple courses. A mix of headings, sub-headings and courses (see Figure 39). You will need to publish a course to the LMS before you can put it in the catalog (see the Manage Courses chapter for information on how to publish a course).

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Figure 39 - A Catalog with Headings and Courses

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Setting System Options

The system options control the behavior of the LMS. To set system options, click on the Set System Options button on the Administrator Functions page (see figure 6). After you click on the button you will go to the Set System Options page (see Figure 40). You change the system options, modify the settings and click on the Set Options button.

Figure 40 - The Set System Options Page

Registration Requires Admin Approval

The learners can self-register. You can decide if the learners can complete the registration process by themselves or if they need your approval to complete registration. Yes The learners need your approval to complete registration. LMS Administrators Guide Page 50 of 57

No The learners do not need your approval to complete registration.

Use Email as User Name

Every user needs a username and password to log into the LMS. The username can be the users email address or it can be another unique set of characters. Yes The user will use his or her email address as the username No The user will use a unique set of characters as his or her username Make sure you have defined an email address for yourself before you set this option to Yes.

Maximum Time Learner Can Be Inactive before Being Logged Off

Sometimes a LMS user will stop using the LMS without logging off. This setting determines how long the LMS should wait until the user login is cancelled. The default setting is usually 20 minutes. This value can be overridden by a configuration on the server. See the section "Additional Steps for Windows 2003 Server and IIS 6.0" in the Installation and Configuration Guide for details.

Maximum Time to Upload a Course

It can take a long time to upload large courses. This setting allows you to control the amount of time the LMS will wait to upload a course.

Welcome Message
You can change the welcome message displayed on the welcome page. You can enter text or HTML in this field. LMS Administrators Guide Page 51 of 57

Max Number in Select Group List

The LMS reports show lists of users and courses. This list can be very large. This setting lets you control the maximum number of items listed.

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Appendix A: SCORM
The LMS supports the Shareable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM) version 2000 and version 1.2. SCORM is an e-Learning standard that describes the way a course works with a LMS. The SCORM standard defines: The way a SCORM course is packaged. The format of the manifest file. The manifest file defines the following: The names of all of the Shareable Content Objects (SCOs) in the course. The manifest file also specifies the way to launch each SCO. The organization of all of the SCOs in the course. The list of all of the files in the course. Metadata for the course such as the name of the course and the description. The way to the LMS should control the sequencing and navigation of the SCOs (this feature is only available in SCORM 2004 courses). The way a SCO communicates with the LMS The SCORM standard is defined by the ADL. ADL is a cooperative effort between government, corporate and educational organizations. The complete SCORM standard is available on the ADL Web Site http://www.adlnet.org. The ADL site includes a free conformance test. This test allows lets you test SCORM packages and manifests to see if they meet the SCORM standard. If you have any problems publishing your SCORM packages or manifests you should test examine them with the SCORM conformance test.

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Appendix B: System Requirements

Server Requirements
Operating System: Windows 2000 Server or Windows 2003 Server Database Server: SQL Server 2000, SQL Server 2005 or SQL Server 2005 Express Web Server: Microsoft IIS Web Server 5.0 Or Above

User Platform Requirements

W3C Standards Compliant Web Browsers including: Internet Explorer V5.5 Or Higher Firefox 1.0 Or Higher Netscape V7 Or Higher

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Appendix C: Error Messages

The LMS can generate the error messages described in the table below. Error Message (LMS-10) Unable to launch course (LMS-12) Course should be in My Courses Explanation The LMS has found an error when trying to launch a course. The course is either Closed or Inactive. The LMS has encountered an error while trying to find a course. Please contact technical support. To assign a course to a learner, you must first put a check in the checkbox next to course. The registration form is missing required information. The registration has failed. Provide the missing information. You have not interacted with the LMS for some time so the session has expired. You must login again. The length of the session can be set in the Set System Options page. The course has not been assigned to a learner. A course cannot be launched by a learner until it has been assigned. The manifest does not conform to the SCORM standard. The course cannot be published. Use the ADL Test Suite to identify the source of the error in the manifest. The LMS was unable to run the unzip program. The files from the SCORM package cannot be extracted. Make sure the unzip program is installed. The course could not be saved on the server. The upload of the course was not completed. Check the Page 55 of 57

(LMS-13) No active courses selected

(LMS-14) Failed to register

(LMS-15) Session expired

(LMS-16) UnAssigned course

(LMS-100) Error validating course manifest

LMS-101) Failed to execute unzip

(LMS-102) Failed to save file

LMS Administrators Guide

(LMS-103) File is not a valid Zip file

(LMS-104) ImsManifest load error

(LMS-105) Manifest validation error

(LMS-106) No files were unzipped (LMS-107) Received 0 bytes

(LMS-108) Request.BinaryRead() failed

security permissions of the LmsUploads folder and check the remaining space on the hard drive. The LMS accepts SCORM courses which are packaged as Zip files. The supplied file was not a zip file or the data is corrupt. The manifest does not conform to the SCORM standard. The course cannot be published. Use the ADL Test Suite to identify the source of the error in the manifest. The manifest does not conform to the SCORM standard. The course cannot be published. Use the ADL Test Suite to identify the source of the error in the manifest. No files were extracted from the SCORM package. The SCORM package was empty. The SCORM package was not uploaded. Review the size of the SCORM package. The SCORM package could not be uploaded. Please contact technical support.

(LMS-109) Too many courses with similar The LMS generates a course name directory name by tagging a number to the root of course zip file name. The LMS made the maximum number of attempts to create the file. Please check the LMS Courses folder. Consider renaming the zip file or deleting some courses with the same zip file name. (LMS-110) Unable to delete zip file from The SCORM package cannot be LmsUploads deleted from the LMSUploads folder. Review the LMS Installation manual for the appropriate security settings for the LmsUploads folder. (LMS-111) Unable to delete folder The LMS did not have enough privileges to delete a folder. Review the LMS Installation manual for the LMS Administrators Guide Page 56 of 57

(LMS-112) Unable to make course folder

(LMS-113) Unzip error exit

appropriate security settings for the LmsUploads and LmsCourses folders. The LMS did not have enough privileges to create a folder. Review the LMS Installation manual for the appropriate security settings for the LmsUploads and LmsCourses folders. The unzip program reported an error. The files from the SCORM package cannot be extracted. A Course With the same manifest location already exists in the system. You cannot publish two courses to the same location. Select another name and location for the course.

(LMS-114) Course exists

LMS Administrators Guide

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