Risk-Trust Flawed
Risk-Trust Flawed
Risk-Trust Flawed
Background: The pace at which the present pandemic and future public health crises
involving viral infections are eradicated heavily depends on the availability and routine
Edited by: implementation of vaccines. This process is further affected by a willingness to vaccinate,
Susan Garthus-Niegel,
Medical School Hamburg, Germany
embedded in the phenomenon of vaccine hesitancy. The World Health Organization has
Reviewed by:
listed vaccine hesitancy among the greatest threats to global health, calling for research
Yongxin Li, to identify the factors associated with this phenomenon.
Henan University, China
Bijaya Kumar Padhi, Methods: The present cross-sectional study seeks to investigate the psychological,
Post Graduate Institute of Medical contextual, and sociodemographic factors associated with vaccination hesitancy in a
Education and Research (PGIMER),
large sample of the adult population. 4,571 Norwegian adults were recruited through an
online survey between January 23 to February 2, 2021. Subgroup analyzes and multiple
Omid V. Ebrahimi logistic regression was utilized to identify the covariates of vaccine hesitancy.
Results: Several subgroups hesitant toward vaccination were identified, including
† These authors have contributed males, rural residents, and parents with children below 18 years of age. No differences
equally to this work
were found between natives and non-natives, across education or age groups.
Specialty section: Individuals preferring unmonitored media platforms (e.g., information from peers, social
This article was submitted to media, online forums, and blogs) more frequently reported hesitance toward vaccination
Public Mental Health,
a section of the journal
than those relying on information obtainment from source-verified platforms. Perceived
Frontiers in Public Health risk of vaccination, belief in the superiority of natural immunity, fear concerning significant
Received: 26 April 2021 others being infected by the virus, and trust in health officials’ dissemination of
Accepted: 31 May 2021
vaccine-related information were identified as key variables related to vaccine hesitancy.
Published: 01 July 2021
Citation: Conclusion: Given the heterogeneous range of variables associated with vaccine
Ebrahimi OV, Johnson MS, Ebling S, hesitancy, additional strategies to eradicate vaccination fears are called for aside from
Amundsen OM, Halsøy Ø, Hoffart A,
Skjerdingstad N and Johnson SU
campaigns targeting the spread of false information. Responding to affective reactions
(2021) Risk, Trust, and Flawed in addition to involving other community leaders besides government and health officials
Assumptions: Vaccine Hesitancy present promising approaches that may aid in combating vaccination hesitation.
During the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Front. Public Health 9:700213. Keywords: vaccine hesitancy, general adult population, COVID-19 pandemic, information platforms, erroneous
doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2021.700213 beliefs, psychological predictors, risk perception, governmental trust
forthcoming modifications were provided. The data collection and preferred information obtainment from friends, family
period was planned to last for 14 days, but was interrupted after and peers.
11 days with respect to the stopping rule as novel information Adherence to pandemic mitigation protocols was measured
about modification of mitigation protocols was provided (23), by asking participants how well they were able to adhere to the
thus keeping expectation effects constant. hygienic behavior-recommendation (e.g., covering mouth and
nose with a tissue or elbows when coughing and sneezing, and
avoidance of touching the eye, nose and mouth area) and the
2.3. Measurement social distancing protocols (e.g., maintaining one meter distance
2.3.1. Demographic Information to individuals not in one’s household) implemented in Norway
The participants reported their age, sex, education, ethnical at the time of data collection, measured on a continuous scale
background, employment sector, parental status, and residency ranging from 0 to 100, with the left anchor labeled “Not at all
in urban vs. rural areas. (0% of the time)” and the right anchor labeled “Fully (100% of
the time).” All fully continuous measures were re-scaled from a
2.3.2. Measurement of Vaccine Hesitancy and 0–100 to a 0–10 scale for ease of interpretation.
Vaccine-Relevant Beliefs
Vaccine hesitancy was measured by asking participants whether 2.4. Statistical Analyzes
they planned to vaccinate themselves against COVID-19 when All statistical analyzes were performed using R [Version
offered a vaccine on a binary scale (Yes vs. No), with individuals 4.0.2; (25)]. Descriptive analyzes concerning subgroups were
responding ‘No’ being coded as hesitant toward vaccination. reported applying percentages and proportions, using chi-square
Perceived risk of vaccination was measured by asking statistics to test differences between subgroups. To inspect
participants how risky they judged vaccinating themselves the predictors of vaccination hesitancy, a two-step hierarchical
against COVID-19 on a continuous scale ranging from 0 to 100, logistic regression was conducted with vaccine hesitancy as the
with the left anchor labeled “No risk at all” and the right anchor criterion variable. The first step of the model involved the
labeled “Maximum risk.” demographic background variables (i.e., sex, age, and education)
Participants’ beliefs in the superiority of natural immunity to control for the potential confounding influence of these, in
as compared to vaccination was measured by asking them addition to identifying the demographic risk factors associated
to rate the statement “Overall, I believe it is less risky or with the criterion variable. The second step of the model included
dangerous for me to obtain natural immunity as compared to the mentioned variables (see Measurement section) concerning
vaccinating myself against the coronavirus”, rated on a five-point vaccine-relevant beliefs, contextual, and psychological variables.
Likert scale (1–5; 1 = Completely Disagree, 5 = Completely Improvements in model fit was evaluated using the Akaike
Agree). Participants further reported their degree of trust in the Information Criterion (AIC). Odds ratios along with their 95%
vaccination information disseminated by the government and confidence intervals are provided. To further estimate model fit
health-care officials on a five-point Likert scale (1–5; 1 = Not at and explanatory power, the confusion matrix was inspected, with
all, 5 = Completely). the diagonal revealing the correctly identified cases of vaccination
hesitancy and vaccination intention given the specified model as
2.3.3. Other Psychological and Contextual Variables compared to the observed data.
The Obsession with COVID-19 Scale [OCS; (24)] was used to
measure persistent and obsessive thinking about COVID-19, 3. RESULTS
consisting of a five-point Likert scale (0: Not at all to 4: Nearly
every day over the last 2 weeks). The internal consistency of this 3.1. Sample Characteristics
scale was good in this sample, with a Cronbach’s alpha of 0.78. The sample consisted of 4,571 participants, with the age ranging
Fear of significant others being infected was measured with from 18 to 86 with a mean of 36.66 years (SD = 13.72). The
the item "I fear that someone close to me may contract the demographic details of the participants is presented in Table 1.
coronavirus," rated on a four-point Likert scale (0–3; 0 = Not at Approximately 78% of the sample were females, with all analyzed
all, 4 = Nearly every day). subgroups richly represented in the study (e.g., N = 999 males),
Participants were further asked whether they were subject to and sensitivity analyzes on the same group of participants [see,
strict social distancing protocols, including visitation regulation, (22)] revealing the sample as accurate and representative for
quarantine, and isolation, providing the duration of which they the general adult population following a) analysis solely on the
were subject to these protocols in the unit of weeks. The time- randomly selected proportion of participants, in addition to b)
scale of the length of exposure to strict distancing protocols was analysis on an adjusted, post-stratified and weighted sample,
transformed from weeks to months. both of which replicated and demonstrated indifferent results
Media preference source was measured by asking participants as the main sample. The sample was further geographically
to disclose their preferred media platform in obtaining representative of Norway, with the ratio of individuals from each
information about the pandemic, with source-verified platforms region closely approximating the population distribution.
consisting of source-checked and recognized national, regional,
and local television, newspapers, and radio channels, and 3.2. Vaccine Hesitancy Among Subgroups
unmonitored sources consisting of social media platforms Overall, 478 (10.46%) participants reported being hesitant toward
(e.g., Instagram, Snapchat, Tiktok), online forums and blogs, vaccination. Table 2 presents the proportions and percentages
TABLE 1 | Demographic characteristics. TABLE 3 | A hierarchical logistic regression model revealing the predictors of
vaccine hesitancy.
All participants
N 4,571 (100.00%) Step Predictor Logit SE OR (95% CI) p
1 Demographic control variables
Female 3,560 (77.88%)
Sexa 0.252 0.114 1.287 (1.026, 1.605) 0.027
Male 999 (21.86%)
Age 0.002 0.004 1.002 (0.995, 1.009) 0.608
Education –0.060 0.052 0.942 (0.852, 1.044) 0.248
Completed Junior High School 227 (4.97%)
2 Psychological and contextual variables
Completed High School 807 (17.65%)
Perceived risk of 0.287 0.026 1.332 (1.265, 1.404) < 0.001
Currently studying 911 (19.93%) vaccination
Completed University Degree 2,626 (57.45%) Belief in superiority of 0.980 0.065 2.663 (2.350, 3.028) < 0.001
Age group, years natural immunity
18–30 1971 (43.12%) Trust in disseminated –0.772 0.067 0.462 (0.405, 0.526) < 0.001
31–44 1369 (29.95%) information
45–64 1037 (22.69%) about vaccination from
65+ 194 (4.24%) health officials
Obsession with –0.057 0.029 0.945 (0.892, 1.000) 0.054
TABLE 2 | Proportions and percentages of different subgroups expressing Fear of significant –0.344 0.095 0.709 (0.587, 0.853) < 0.001
hesitation toward vaccination.
others being infected
N Hesitancya Chi-square test by the virus
Adherence to –0.105 0.042 0.900 (0.829, 0.977) 0.011
All participants 4,571 10.46% pandemic
Health-care sector employee χ 2 (1, N = 4,571) = 6.10, strict distancing
p = 0.014 protocols
Yes 1,301 8.67% Length of exposure to 0.042 0.020 1.043 (1.002, 1.085) 0.041
No 3,270 11.16% strict distancing
Natives and immigrants χ 2 (1, N = 4,571) = 0.74, protocols
p = 0.385 a Male (1), Female (0).
Immigrants 270 8.89%
Natives 4301 10.56%
Rural and urban residency χ 2 (1, N = 3,431) = 13.93, 3.3. Psychosocial Predictors of Vaccine
p < 0.001
Urban resident 2943 9.11%
Rural resident 488 15.55%
The hierarchical logistic regression model investigating
predictors of vaccine hesitancy may be found in Table 3. The
Media preference χ 2 (1, N = 3,354) = 13.58,
p < 0.001 confusion matrix revealed excellent model fit and performance,
Source-verified media platforms 2,937 9.13% with the specified model correctly predicting 92.30% of the
Unmonitored media platforms 417 14.87% cases of vaccination hesitancy and vaccination intention. The
Has children below 18 years χ 2 (1, N = 4,571) = 18.63,
model substantially improved from Step 1 to Step 2 with the
p < 0.001 AIC equal to 3,056 at Step 1 and 1,722 at Step 2. Among the
Yes 1,484 13.28% demographic variables, only sex was significantly associated with
No 3,087 9.10% vaccine hesitancy, with the odds of males being hesitant toward
vaccination larger by a factor of 1.29 as compared to females.
a Percentage of subgroup hesitant toward vaccination.
Age and education were unrelated to vaccination hesitancy.
Concerning the psychological and contextual variables, a one
unit increase in perceived risk of vaccination increased the odds
of specific subgroups’ vaccine hesitancy. Individuals with a of vaccine hesitancy by 1.33. Stronger belief in superiority of
preference for unmonitored media platforms as compared to natural immunity as compared to vaccination was associated
those preferring source-verified media platforms had a near 2- with vaccine hesitancy, with a one-unit increase elevating the
fold (i.e., 1.64) odds of being hesitant toward vaccination. Rural odds of vaccine hesitancy by a factor of 2.66. For a one unit
residents had a near 2-fold (i.e., 1.71) odds of being hesitant increase in trust of disseminated information about vaccination
toward vaccination compared to urban residents. Parents with from health officials and governments, the odds of being hesitant
children aged below 18 had 1.46 times higher odds of reporting toward vaccination was smaller by a factor of 0.46. For a one
vaccine hesitancy. Health-sector employees were less hesitant unit increase in fearing that significant others may be infected by
toward vaccination by a factor of 0.78. No difference was found coronavirus, the odds of vaccine hesitancy was smaller by a factor
between immigrants and natives concerning vaccine hesitancy. of 0.71. Per months increase in having predominantly socially
distanced oneself (e.g., as a result of quarantine), the odds of implemented campaigns translating vaccination and pandemic-
being hesitant toward vaccination increased by 1.04. For a one related information in the native languages of minority groups
unit increase in adherence to pandemic mitigation protocols, the seems to have been an appropriate precautionary strategy in
odds of vaccination hesitation was smaller by a factor of 0.90. preventing the development of such forecasted problems.
Obsession with COVID-19 was unrelated to vaccine hesitancy. Moreover, the importance of combating false information
from unmonitored media sources is underscored in the
present study, further accentuated through findings illustrating
4. DISCUSSION that exposure to as little as 5–10 min of negative and
inaccurate information about vaccines increases the risk
The pace of which the pandemic crisis is eradicated heavily perception associated with vaccination (35). The present study
depends on vaccination and the successful combating of extends the literature by empirically revealing that information
vaccination hesitancy. Furthermore, incidences of public health obtainment from unmonitored platforms further is associated
scares related to vaccines as exemplified by the AstraZeneca with vaccination hesitation, beyond and above the influence of
public health scare (26) is likely to increase the observed rates such platforms on risk perception. Additionally, this association
of vaccine hesitancy. Thus, empirical findings concerning the is found between other important types of information platforms
predictors of vaccination hesitation, including the subgroups at other than social media. Thus, the present study highlights the
greater risk for such hesitancy is of imperative value in the present importance of extending the efforts to prevent the spread of
and forthcoming pandemics. misinformation beyond social media platforms. Social media
The presented results indicate that around 11% of the sample platforms will however continue to be an important battleground
displayed vaccine hesitancy, meaning that the majority of the to hinder misinformation. Given lower levels of editorial
sample (89%) intend to vaccinate when given the opportunity. oversight, social media use has previously been found to be
The results portray somewhat less skepticism toward vaccination related to overestimation of vaccine risks, thus explaining the
in the Norwegian population compared to other countries across greater likelihood of hesitancy among social media users (20, 36),
Europe. Vaccine hesitancy rates in European countries in the first revealing in conjunction with the present findings that it will
half of 2020 (i.e., February until the end of May) ranged from 17 be important to sustain the misinformation-prevention efforts
to 38%, and in the second half of 2020 (i.e., June until December) directed at these ubiquitous platforms. The present study further
ranged from 25 to 46% (8, 27). A plausible explanation for the found an association between a prevalent contextual factor,
lower prevalence of vaccination hesitancy in Norway includes namely adherence to general pandemic protocols (e.g., hygiene-
the high level of trust in health and governmental officials in behavior adherence) and vaccination hesitancy, highlighting
the Norwegian population and the Nordic countries in general that those who adhere to pandemic protocols more likely to
(28, 29). Indeed, this was reflected in the aforementioned studies be associated with intentions to vaccinate, identifying non-
on vaccine hesitancy, identifying less frequent vaccine hesitancy adherent individuals as an in-risk group. It is however interesting
in the Nordic countries compared to other nations. to note that length of exposure to strict distancing protocols
Comparisons across subgroups led to the identification of (e.g., isolation and quarantine) was associated with vaccination
the following groups more frequently reporting vaccination hesitation. A possible explanation of this finding may include
hesitancy: people not working in the health sector, those living in that some of the individuals experiencing such strict protocols
rural vs. urban districts, people preferring information obtained of prolonged length are those in isolation as a result of
from non-monitored information sources rather than source- having contracted the disease, thus possibly developing beliefs of
verified media platforms (e.g., national newspapers and television being immune to the disease. Given the possibility of multiple
channels), and parents of children below 18 years of age. People infections by the virus, efforts to clarify such misconceptions are
in the health sector are likely more able to realistically evaluate imperative. In sum, the presented results point toward several
the benefits and risks of vaccines and less prone toward the subgroups that could benefit from tailored campaigns aimed at
type of erroneous conclusions (e.g., belief in greater benefits of reducing vaccine hesitancy.
natural immunity) and overestimation of risks which were here In examining the psychological predictors of vaccine
found to be related to vaccine hesitation. Moreover, parents tend hesitancy, central demographic characteristics were controlled
to feel more responsible for their children than for themselves for. Being male was slightly associated with hesitancy toward
and their perception of vaccine risk accordingly seems to vaccination. This finding is diverges from a recent review
be increased, echoing previous findings (30, 31). The finding exploring vaccine hesitancy and intention during the ongoing
that rural residents were more likely to be hesitant toward pandemic [see (37)], with more frequent hesitancy found among
vaccination is further consistent with findings showing more females compared to males. A possible explanation of this
vaccine resistance among people residing in the suburbs than inconsistency could reflect the fact that Norwegian females to a
in cities (32). Importantly, although highlighted as a concern greater extent than males seek out health services [Norwegian
in the literature (33, 34), the present study found no empirical health service use (38)]. This finding could also be mirrored
support for the notion that immigrants display more skepticism by the fact a larger proportion of females are employed in the
toward vaccination compared to natives. This has been a Norwegian health sector, with health-care workers found to
theorized concern assuming less access to public information display less prevalent hesitance toward vaccination in a previous
as a relevant factor (33, 34). Thus, the Norwegian governments (39) and the present study.
The results further highlight the importance of considering highlights the importance of strengthening the government as a
the cognitive and emotional risk-benefit evaluation processes credible sender of information, something which is threatened
ongoing in individuals, with those perceiving that the risk by digital misinformation (47, 48). Importantly, other sources of
of vaccination greater than the risk of being infected by the information should be incorporated in the vaccine campaigns,
disease more likely to report hesitancy toward vaccination. such as religious or political leaders, healthcare workers, or other
Consistent with previous findings, increased risk perception influential members of the community [European Centre for
was associated with vaccination hesitancy (9, 40). Moreover, Disease Prevention and Control (49)], not solely leaning on
the present study found specific belief sets to be related to the information dissemination by the government and health
vaccine hesitancy, with stronger belief that obtaining natural officials. Such a wide dissemination strategy may be a potent
immunity is less dangerous than vaccinating being associated strategy in lowering vaccination hesitancy by increasing the
with vaccination hesitation. Given the stressed necessity of probability of reaching out to skeptical and hesitant individuals
vaccination implementation procedures in eradicating the through alternative sources which they trust.
coronavirus (41), accurate information regarding the actual Finally, this study reveals that individuals fearing that
effect of natural immunity vs. vaccination and the associated someone closely related to them could potentially be infected by
risk factors should be disseminated to the general population. the virus less frequently reported hesitance toward vaccination.
Achieving natural immunity through infection rather than Accordingly, the encouragement of the prosocial implications of
vaccines puts individuals at greater risk when considering vaccination and caring about the welfare of others may be a utile
the reports of long-term complications after infection with strategy of lowering hesitance, previously found to be positively
COVID-19, and the large proportion of COVID-related deaths associated with vaccination intent in the population [e.g., (50,
that follows a herd immunity strategy (42, 43). Thus, such 51)]. These results point toward lifting the focus from the
maladaptive beliefs must be combated to impede the health- individual costs of vaccination toward the negative consequences
related risks for those withholding them in addition to society at of non-vaccination for others (e.g., family members, elderly,
large. In light of recent public health scares and the rapid pace at people with underlying diseases) and society at large, which may
which information spreads (e.g., digitally), fearful and inaccurate further aid in reducing vaccine hesitancy.
vaccine beliefs are likely to increase and flourish across social
media and other digital platforms (44). Thus, health officials must 4.1. Strengths and Limitations
identify outlets and information channels where groups with The present has several limitations, including its cross-sectional
such beliefs and more prevalent degrees of vaccine hesitancy are design precluding causal conclusions, and that random selection
found and further given the possibility of dialogue, which may was not conducted on the full sample due to the online
minimize the reactivity associated with distrusting the messenger dissemination strategy chosen. As this strategy plausibly is
and thus have the possibility to foster the grounds upon which less accessible to elderly, we had to recruit elderly adults
inaccurate perceptions of vaccination risks may be corrected. through broadcastings on national television, radios, and
Acknowledging fears, anger and other negative emotions while newspapers, thus leaving parts of the sample non-randomly
emphasizing the safety of COVID-19 vaccines may provide aid selected. Notwithstanding, these efforts to provide the full adult
in reducing vaccine hesitancy. Indeed, several scholars have population an equal opportunity to participate proved futile, with
highlighted the limitation of communication strategies solely the resulting sample revealed as representative with no influence
relying on fact checking, emphasizing the need for effective demonstrated in sensitivity analyzes by the few undersampled
communication to address emotional responses and cognitive subgroups (e.g., less males and elderly) on the results (22). Given
biases that may arise during pandemics [e.g., (45)]. Additional the lack of existing measures for some of the variables related
aid toward this aim may be achieved by appealing to altruism, to the research questions of this investigation, several variables
framing vaccination as a step toward a meaningful goal for the were adapted and developed for the present study, thus being
society as a whole, creating a sense of communion in the battle untested across other settings and serving as a limitation of
against the virus (46). this study. The study also includes several strengths, including
The present study demonstrates that trust in disseminated the fit and performance of the model, large sample size, and
information about vaccination from the government and health simultaneous investigation of a multitude of relevant variables
officials was associated with less frequent vaccination hesitancy. providing more robust estimates of factors while controlling
Clever strategies are required to reach individuals who distrust for the impact of all relevant predictors. It is noteworthy that
information from their government and health officials with investigations involving sensitive criterion variables, including
accurate information concerning risks, which have the ability of the present study on vaccine hesitancy, may be susceptible to
modifying risk perceptions and beliefs about natural immunity. the Hawthorne effect, which postulates that participants may
It is thus imperative for health officials to propagate such alter their responses and attitudes toward a phenomenon when
information in a manner which minimizes reactivity from the knowing they are being investigated. The potential presence of
more distrusting and skeptical subgroup of the population. such an effect could thus have led to underestimations of vaccine
One possibly utile strategy may include information campaigns hesitancy in the general population. However, the present study
through platforms which information dodgers less typically was designed to contain the set of sensitive questions concerning
avoid, such as the dissemination of information in-between vaccination between larger sets of measures related to other
entertainment programs (e.g., TV-series). This finding further phenomena (e.g., sleep difficulties), thus increasing the chance of
suppressing such reactivity given the efforts undertaken to mask data are to be kept at a secure server only accessible by the authors
the research question. at the University of Oslo. Access to the data can be granted from
the principal investigators Omid V. Ebrahimi and Sverre Urnes
4.2. Concluding Remarks Johnson following ethical approval of a suggested project plan
Vaccine hesitancy is interwoven with an array of psychological, for the use of data from NSD and REK. Requests to access the
demographic, and contextual factors, including political and datasets should be directed to omideb@uio.no.
systemic factors. The phenomenon is tied to impeding pandemic
eradication, in addition to increasing the risk of vaccine-
preventable disease and death toll during pandemics. Thus, the ETHICS STATEMENT
empirical underpinnings of vaccine hesitancy are not only of
The studies involving human participants were reviewed and
importance during the present, but also forthcoming pandemics.
approved by The Regional Committee for Medical and Health
The present study investigated a multitude of factors
Research Ethics (reference: 125510). The patients/participants
associated with vaccine hesitancy, laying the grounds for possible
provided their written informed consent to participate
strategies that may be of benefit in reducing hesitation and
in this study.
worth pursuing in upcoming studies for further validation. On
the individual level, the present findings suggest that emphasis
should be placed on the perceived risk of vaccination, and AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS
further highlight the importance of combating the inaccurate
assumption of superiority of natural immunity. Interventions OVE designed the study, conducted the data collection, and
on the community level impact larger numbers of individuals performed the data analyzes under the supervision of AH
and should be prioritized. At this level, proposed ways to and SJ. The literature review was conducted by OVE, SE,
counter vaccine hesitancy includes transparency in policy- NS, MJ, OMA, and ØH. All authors contributed to the
making decisions regarding the vaccination program and clear discussion of the results in addition to writing and revision
provision of information about the rigorous process that underlie the manuscript under the supervision of OVE and SJ. The
the approval of new vaccines. Given the highly heterogenous final revision and preparatory work of the manuscript was
covariates associated with vaccination hesitancy, additional cues done by OVE. OMA and OVE formatted the manuscript
besides provision of rational and fact-based information are for submission.
called for. Finally, to compensate for the detrimental association
between vaccination hesitancy and low trust in governments and FUNDING
health officials, the involvement and aid of other community
leaders are called for and of importance. This paper is a collaborative effort by the COPE (Complexity
in treatment Outcome, Psychopathology and Epidemiology)
DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Research Team. The authors are employed by the University
of Oslo, University of Bergen, and Modum Bad Psychiatric
Our received ethical approval precludes us from submitting the Hospital. The funders of the project had no role in any part of
data to a public repository. In line with the ethics approval, the the study.
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