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neuroendocrine tumors
The aim of this study was to assess the potential of 99mTc‑Hynic‑TOC imaging in the primary diagnosis and follow‑up of midgut neuroendocrine
tumors (NETs). In comparison to 111In‑octreotide, 99mTc‑Hynic‑TOC has a higher imaging quality and leads to a lower radiation absorption
in patients. 99mTc‑Hynic‑TOC was used for assessing primary diagnosis (n = 14) and during follow‑up (n = 17) in patients with NETs. The
scintigraphic findings were compared with computed tomography scans and follow‑up. In 31 patients, 34 somatostatin receptor scans using
99mTc-Hynic-TOC were performed. The primary diagnoses were midgut NET. The scintigraphy was true positive in 17 patients, true negative
in 9, false negative in 4, and false positive in 1. From these data, a sensitivity of 81%, specificity of 90%, positive predictive value of 94%, and
negative predictive value of 69% were calculated. In summary, 99mTc‑TOC represents a useful radiotracer in imaging SSTR‑expressing tumor
lesions with slightly higher sensitivity, higher imaging quality, and lower radiation exposure for patients compared to 111In‑octreotide. A 1‑day
double‑acquisition protocol should be used to reduce false‑positive findings of the gut.
Nephrotoxicity is an important side effect of peptide Germany). For the whole‑body studies and single‑photon
receptor radionuclide therapy (PRRT). The data analysis emission computed tomography (SPECT), the camera was
showed acute nephrotoxicity in 279 patients (34.6%), and in equipped with a low‑energy high‑resolution parallel‑hole
197 patients (24.3%), the impairment of renal function was collimator, window setting 140 keV, width 10%. Whole‑body
persistent. 90Y treatment was associated with significantly scintigrams were obtained at 1 and 4 h after administration
higher rates of nephrotoxicity (43.9%) and persistent renal of the radiopharmaceutical with SPECT following the 4 h
impairment (33.6%) compared to 177Lu treatment (25.5% and whole‑body scan in each patient.
13.4%; P < 0.001).[4]
Imaging and data analysis
Essential for PRRT is a pretherapeutic imaging of the The observer of the scans was blinded and had no information
somatostatin receptor (SSTR, especially the SSTR2. about the primary diagnosis of results of other diagnostic
Since 1992, 111In‑[DTPA‑D‑Phe1]‑octreotide was used for modalities. All the patients were diagnosed by the same
SSTR scintigraphy, and the most data are available for reader. Any focal tracer uptake exceeding physiological
this radiopharmaceutical.[5,6] Unfortunately, the physical uptake was regarded as a pathologic finding. Linear, nonfocal
characteristics of 111In are not optimal for gamma camera slight increase uptake of the intestine was also stated
imaging. Optimal methods for diagnosis of GEP‑NETs are as a physiological uptake. Of 23 patients, 22 underwent
Ga‑DOTATATE positron emission tomography/computed a previous CT and another one patient had a magnetic
tomography (CT)[7,8] or 64Cu‑DOTATATE.[9] Unfortunately, resonance imaging (MRI) of the abdomen within 1 month
a 68Ge/68Ga generator for the labeling of 68Ga‑DOTATATE before 99mTc‑TOC scan. In addition, in 3 patients ultrasounds
or DOTATOC is very expensive and so the availability of of the abdomen and in 4 MRI of the brain were performed.
a 99mTc‑labeled SSTR analogs allows a wide use of SSTR The clinical follow‑up was at least 2 years after first 99mTc‑TOC
scintigraphy with good imaging quality.[8,10] scan.
Whole‑body imaging was performed using a double‑headed In summary, the scans were true positive in 17 patients
camera (Discovery NM630, GE Healthcare, Solingen, (6 in primary disease and 11 in recurrent disease), true
152 World Journal of Nuclear Medicine / Volume 17 / Issue 3 / July-September 2018
Liepe and Becker: 99m
Tc‑Hynic‑TOC imaging
a b
c d
e f
Figure 1: patient with false‑positive finding in 99mTc‑TOC and also in 111In‑octreoscan; (a and b) 99mTc‑TOC scan in 2015 with positive lesion in the right
upper lung; (c and d) 99mTc‑TOC scan in 2016 with the same lesion; (e) 111In‑octreoscan in 2006 with same lesion as in the first 99mTc‑TOC; and (f) computed
tomography chest in 2016 with no pathologic finding as correlate to the positive lesion in 99mTc‑TOC
In different papers,[15‑19] the accuracy of 99mTc‑TOC in GEP‑NETs the uncinate process of the pancreas, mimicking malignancy
was documented, for example, Chrapko et al.[20] showed the in 20% of the investigated patients. However, this was a
usefulness of 99mTc‑TOC in 117 NET patients, especially in single report, and we did not observe any patients with
primary diagnosis and restaging after primary tumor surgery. false‑positive uptake of 99mTc‑TOC in this area.
Another group[17] investigated the usefulness of 99mTc‑TOC
scans in solitary pulmonary nodules (SPNs) (n = 84). Positive Artiko et al. [19] published preliminary results from a
scintigraphic results were found in 37 of 40 (93%) patients multicenter trial that included 495 patients with different
with malignant SPNs including 34 of 35 (97%) patients with NETs. There were 334 true positive, 73 true negative, 6 false
primary lung carcinoma. Two remaining false‑negative cases positive, and 82 false‑negative results. The authors calculated
turned out to be metastatic lesions of malignant melanoma a sensitivity of 80%, specificity of 92%, PPV of 98%, NPV of
and leiomyosarcoma. Among 45 benign tumors, negative 47, and accuracy of 82%. Unfortunately, the paper included
results were obtained in 31 cases (69%) and positive results different NETs such as medullary thyroid carcinomas (48),
in 14. False‑positive findings were in 6 cases by inflammatory lung (50), mediastinal (12), ovarian (6), kidney (4), hypophysis
lesion, 3 by tuberculosis, 3 by hamartomas, and 2 by unknown (10), brain (5), breast (7), paraganglioma (12), parathyroid (1),
etiology. The authors calculated an accuracy of the method pheochromocytoma (7), NET of unknown origin (95),
of 80%. Another study[10] included 88 patients with GETNEPs. pancreatic (97), gastric (32), colorectal (21), small bowel (71),
They reported true‑positive findings in 56 patients, true carcinoid of appendix (10), and liver (7).
negative in 17, false negative in 14, and false positive in 1.
The false‑positive finding was caused by a colonic adenoma. Patients with SSTR‑positive lesions are potential candidates
The authors calculated a 99mTc‑TOC scan sensitivity of 80%, for therapy with radiolabeled PRRT. One monocentric
specificity of 95%, and accuracy of 83%. These data are retrospective study from Bad Berka [22] examined the
comparable with the results of our study with a sensitivity effectiveness of PRRT labeled with Lutetium‑177 and
of 73%, specificity of 88%, PPV of 92%, and NPV of 54%. In our Yttrium‑90. In a total of 450 patients, a high effectiveness of
study, we also found one false‑positive patient. However, PRRT for patients with low‑to‑intermediate neuroendocrine
the exact cause of the false‑positive signal in the patient’s neoplasms with minor adverse effects was shown, with a
lung could not be solved over a 10‑year period where the complete remission in 5.6% of patients, a partial response
finding was constant and thus was left without resection in 22.4%, and stable disease in 47.3%. One of the patients
and treatment. Physiologic uptake in the uncinate process in our study also had two cycles of Lutetium‑177‑DOTATOC
of the pancreas can also mimic a (false) positive finding in with a partial response [Figures 2 and 3]. A follow‑up using
SSTR scans. Yamaga et al.[21] presented a focal uptake within 99m
Tc‑TOC was not performed.
Figure 2: Male patient; 64 years; neuroendocrine tumor of pancreas, after surgery of pancreas splenectomy two years ago; actual multiple liver metastases
and in the area of pancreas. Whole body imaging one and four hours after 736 MBq of 99mTc –TOC is shown. The tumor lesions showed a high target to
background ratio indicating a high SSTR receptor expression. In the follow-up this patient had two cycles of Lutetium DOTATOC therapy with partial response
and without severe side-effects
Figure 3: The single‑photon emission computed tomography imaging using 736 MBq of 99mTc‑TOC in the same patients as in Figure 2
Unfortunately, only limited data on kinetics and dosimetry given his/her/their consent for his/her/their images and other
are available. Grimes et al.[23] observed the uptake in critically clinical information to be reported in the journal. The patients
normal organs for radiation exposure (kidney, liver, and spleen) understand that their names and initials will not be published
in 28 patients. The maximum uptake in the kidney occurred and due efforts will be made to conceal their identity, but
after 5–10 min, followed by the washout phase. In the liver, anonymity cannot be guaranteed.
maximum uptake occurred in <5 min, followed by a rapid
washout. Uptake in the spleen was slower. From these data, Financial support and sponsorship
an effective half‑life of 5.3 h and biological half‑life of 47.9 h in Nil.
tumor lesions were calculated with similar effective half‑life/
biological half‑life of 5.4 h/51.5 h for kidney, 5.4 h/51.0 h for Conflicts of interest
liver, 5.3 h/57.9 h for spleen, and 4.6 h/19.7 h for thyroid, There are no conflicts of interest.
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