Immunologie, Hôpital Robert Debré, 48 Blvd. Serurier, 75019 Paris,
ESPITE advances in the treatment of France.
childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia Other authors were Brigitte Nelken and Martine Fournier (Centre Hos-
(ALL), the risk of relapse remains about pitalier Universitaire, Lille, France), Patrick Boutard and Emmanuel Le-
brun (Centre Hospitalier Universitaire, Caen, France), Françoise Méchi-
30 percent. Studies have shown that the naud and Richard Garand (Centre Hospitalier Régional Hôtel Dieu, Nantes,
presence or absence of residual disease, as assessed France), Alain Robert and Nicole Dastugue (Centre Hospitalier Universi-
taire, Toulouse, France), Emmanuel Plouvier and Evelyne Racadot (Centre
by the polymerase-chain-reaction (PCR) assay, can Hospitalier Régional, Besançon, France), Alice Ferster (Centre Hospitalier
serve as a prognostic factor in patients with ALL,1-4 Universitaire, Reine Fabiola, Brussels, Belgium), Jan Gyselinck (Algemeen
and threshold levels of residual leukemic cells have Kinderziekenhuis, Antwerp, Belgium), Odile Fenneteau and Michel Duval
(Hôpital Robert Debré, Paris), Gabriel Solbu (European Organization for
been proposed for predicting relapse.5-10 However, Research and Treatment of Cancer Data Center, Brussels, Belgium), and
many of the studies have been retrospective anal- Anne-Marie Manel (Centre Hospitalier Régional, Lyons, France).
1 and 28. This consolidation phase was followed by an eight-week Bone marrow samples from all patients were obtained at the time
course of daily mercaptopurine and four courses of high-dose of diagnosis and at the end of induction therapy. In the standard-
methotrexate (interval therapy). A delayed intensification phase risk group, samples were obtained after consolidation, interval,
consisted of dexamethasone (for 3 weeks), four weekly injections and delayed intensification treatments. In the very-high-risk group,
of vincristine and doxorubicin, and four injections of asparaginase samples were obtained on completion of intensified consolidation
(protocol IIA), followed by daily thioguanine (for 14 days), one therapy, which was given after induction therapy. Bone marrow
injection of cyclophosphamide, two courses of cytarabine, and samples were analyzed at one of two reference laboratories (in
one intrathecal injection of methotrexate (protocol IIB). The du- Brussels, Belgium, and in Paris) for the detection of residual dis-
ration of treatment from the start of induction therapy to the ease. Quantitative analysis was performed at a single laboratory
completion of the delayed intensification phase was about 27 (in Paris) for all samples in which residual leukemia was detected.
weeks. Delayed intensification therapy was followed by mainte- Personnel at both laboratories were unaware of the patients’ sta-
nance treatment consisting of daily mercaptopurine and weekly tus at the time the samples were assayed. Clinical and molecular
methotrexate. The total duration of treatment was two years. data were centralized at the EORTC data center, where the sta-
Patients at very high risk for relapse received intensified consol- tistical analysis was performed.
idation therapy of six weeks’ duration, consisting of cyclophos-
phamide, high-dose methotrexate and cytarabine, asparaginase, Patients
and oral mercaptopurine, followed by two series of three chemo-
therapeutic courses according to the BFM relapse protocol.13 A total of 246 children with ALL were enrolled in the study at
the time of diagnosis. The enrollment period started in Novem-
Detection of Residual Disease ber 1989 (at 1 center) or July 1993 (at 10 centers) and ended in
March 1996. Four patients were excluded because they did not
Bone marrow mononuclear cells were counted, lysed, and have a remission, defined by the detection of fewer than 5 percent
stored at ¡20°C until analysis. Rearrangements of the T-cell– blasts in bone marrow smears, which were independently re-
receptor genes TCRg (V1–J1,2; V1–JP1,2; and V9–J1,2) and viewed by two cytologists. At least three bone marrow samples
TCRd (V2–D3, V1–J1, D2–D3, and V2–J1) were sought in from each patient were studied, with the exception of patients
samples obtained at the time of diagnosis.11,14 If none of these re- who had relapses before delayed intensification therapy was com-
arrangements were detected, rearrangements of the gene for im- pleted. Sixteen patients were excluded because fewer than three
munoglobulin heavy chain (IgH ) were sought with the use of follow-up bone marrow samples were obtained.
consensus FRIII and JH primers.15 The presence or absence of Among the remaining 226 patients, no gene rearrangements
such clonal markers was determined after polyacrylamide-gel elec- were detected in 25 (11 percent), whereas at least one rearrange-
trophoresis. Discrete bands of PCR products corresponding to ment was detected in 201 (89 percent). TCRd was rearranged in
clonal rearrangements were sequenced. An oligonucleotide probe 115 of 188 patients (61 percent) with B-lineage ALL and in 14
specific for the junctional sequence was synthesized for each re- of 38 (37 percent) with T-lineage ALL. TCRg was rearranged in
arrangement. Tests for residual disease were conducted by PCR 108 patients (57 percent) with B-lineage ALL and in 32 (84 per-
amplification of 2¬105 mononuclear bone marrow cells in sam- cent) with T-lineage ALL. An IgH rearrangement was detected
ples obtained during remission, with the use of the primer set in 12 of 32 patients (38 percent) with B-lineage ALL in whom
corresponding to the T-cell or B-cell clonal rearrangement iden- no TCRd or TCRg rearrangement was detected.
tified at the time of diagnosis. PCR products were dot-blotted In 23 of 201 patients with at least one rearrangement, no
and hybridized to the radiolabeled clone-specific probe.11 probe could be obtained because of an oligoclonal pattern of re-
All frozen samples obtained at all time points from a given pa- arrangement or biallelic rearrangements that were unsuitable for
tient were run at the same time. The specificity of detection was good electrophoretic separation. At least one clone-specific probe
checked for each probe on at least two different polyclonal sam- was available for 178 patients, who formed the study group. Re-
ples. The sensitivity of each probe was assessed by testing serial sidual disease was evaluated with the use of a single probe in 132
dilutions of the patient’s blasts in a mixture of polyclonal marrow patients (74 percent) and with two or more probes in 46 patients
mononuclear cells. The median level of detection was 5¬10¡5 (26 percent). One or more TCRd probes were used alone in 64
(i.e., 5 blasts per 100,000 normal mononuclear cells). For the sta- patients (36 percent), one or more TCRg probes were used alone
tistical analyses, the results were considered negative only if the in 83 patients (47 percent), both TCRd and TCRg probes were
level detected was less than 1.5¬10¡4. used in 19 patients (11 percent), and one or more IgH probes
We used a competitive PCR assay to quantitate residual blasts. were used alone in 12 patients (7 percent). In 18 patients, residual
Amplification was carried out as for blast detection in the pres- disease was detected but could not be quantitated because the
ence of 100 copies of internal standard in each PCR sample. In- samples were inadequate. Data for the 25 patients in the pilot
ternal standards consisted of DNA from monoclonal cells that study11 were included in the statistical analysis.
had a rearrangement involving the same genomic segments as the The comparability of our patients with the general population
patient’s blasts but with a distinct junctional sequence. Each PCR of children with ALL was evaluated by comparing the outcomes
series included serial dilutions of the patient’s blasts. PCR prod- in our group with those among the 654 children treated during
ucts were hybridized in duplicate with clone-specific probes cor- the same period in the Childhood Leukemia Cooperative Group
responding to the patient’s blasts and to the internal standard. centers that did not participate in the study of residual disease
The ratio of the radioactivity of the two probes was calculated. A (Table 1).
calibration curve was drawn from the results obtained with the
serial dilutions. In samples obtained during remission, the num- Statistical Analysis
ber of blasts per 100,000 mononuclear marrow cells was derived
from the calibration curve. Replicate assays gave results with a The principal end point used to determine the prognostic value
standard deviation of 15 to 30 percent of the mean value. When of the presence or absence of residual disease was the relapse-free
two different markers (e.g., one TCRd V2–D3 rearrangement interval, which was calculated as the interval from the time of a
and one TCRg V9–J1 rearrangement) were analyzed to quanti- given assessment of residual disease until the date of the first re-
tate residual leukemic cells in the same sample, the results were lapse. Actuarial curves were computed according to the Kaplan–
closely correlated (correlation coefficient for 28 samples, 0.94). Meier method.16 The prognostic value of the variables studied
was assessed with the use of the log-rank test,17 or the log-rank
Study Design test for linear trend in the case of ordered categorical variables.
The relative risk represented the ratio of the daily risk of relapse
The 11 centers participating in the study enrolled all their pa- in patients with residual disease to the risk in patients without re-
tients at the time of diagnosis, after obtaining informed consent. sidual disease or the ratio of the daily risk of relapse in those with
592 · Augus t 2 7 , 19 9 8
*Percentages may not sum to 100 because of rounding. The patients at other centers were treated
with the same chemotherapeutic regimen as the study group, but these centers did not participate in
the analysis of residual disease.
†The relative risk was estimated by calculating the ratio of observed to expected relapses.
‡P values were determined by the log-rank test. Because of the small number of relapses in the
study group (38), the P value did not reach statistical significance for several comparisons.
§Fifteen of the patients had poor responses to the corticosteroid therapy, and one had the t(9;22)
¶The prognosis was slightly worse for the T-lineage group, particularly because of their higher re-
lapse rate during therapy.
¿The instantaneous risk of relapse was similar in the two groups of patients (relative risk in the
study group as compared with the patients at other centers, 1.19). For the analysis of outcomes, data
for patients who died while in remission were censored at the time of death.
a high level of residual disease to the risk in those with a low level. for residual disease. These 178 patients were similar
This was estimated by calculating the ratio of observed to expect- to the 654 patients in the nonparticipating centers
ed relapses18 with the use of log-rank computations.
The prognostic significance of other variables measured at the with regard to the time to relapse and the distribu-
time of diagnosis was determined in the same way. Subgroups of tion of prognostic factors (Table 1). The effects of
patients were defined according to classic prognostic factors (Ta- prognostic factors were also similar in the two groups,
ble 1). The stratified log-rank test was used to determine the except for immunophenotype. The duration of re-
prognostic value of residual disease as compared with other prog-
nostic factors, and the corresponding stratified relative risks were
mission in the group of 68 patients who were en-
computed. Cytogenetic characteristics were not included in the rolled at the time of diagnosis but were subsequently
stratified analyses because of the high percentage of patients in excluded from the study was similar to that in the
whom they could not be evaluated (22 percent). The Cox regres- 178 patients who remained in the study. The medi-
sion model19 was used to determine the most significant inde- an follow-up period was 38 months.
pendent prognostic factors. The stratified Cox regression model19
was used to determine the prognostic value of residual disease as Residual Disease during the First Six Months of Remission
compared with that of immunophenotype. This method provided
an estimate of the relative risk and 95 percent confidence interval. After the completion of induction therapy, 42
percent of the patients had residual leukemia (Table
RESULTS 2). Residual blasts were detected in 38 percent of
Of the 246 patients enrolled in the study at the the standard-risk group and 66 percent of the very-
time of diagnosis, 178 (72 percent) were monitored high-risk group; they were detected in 36 percent of
594 · Augus t 2 7 , 19 9 8
*During the first six months, residual disease was not detected in any of the patients who did not previously have de-
tectable residual disease.
†The relative risk was estimated by calculating the ratio of observed to expected relapses. For all comparisons, P<0.001
by the log-rank test for linear trend.
60 Residual disease
30 »10¡2 Residual blasts
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
No residual diseaseL L 7L L88L 86L 74L 44L 18L 1L 1L
Residual diseaseL 25L 63L 53L 42L 25L 10L 4L 1L
<10¡2 Residual blastsL 12L 118L 115L 98L 58L 25L 2L 1L
»10¡2 Residual blastsL 11L 15L 7L 4L 3L 0L 0L 0L
Figure 1. Kaplan–Meier Estimates of the Relapse-free Interval According to the Presence or Absence
and Level of Residual Disease in Patients with a First Complete Remission of ALL at the End of Induc-
tion Therapy.
P<0.001 for the comparison between patients with residual disease and those without residual disease
and for the comparison between patients with »10¡2 residual blasts and those with <10¡2 residual
blasts. Nine of the 15 patients with a high level of residual disease (»10¡2 blasts) died, as compared
with only 4 of the 118 with a lower level of residual disease (<10¡2 blasts). The numbers of patients
shown below the graph are the numbers at standard or very high risk for whom bone marrow samples
were available. In 18 patients, residual disease was detected but was not quantitated.
In the very-high-risk group, patients without de- were associated with the poorest outcome, with a
tectable residual disease after intensified consolida- relative risk of relapse ranging from 2.18 to 2.58
tion therapy had a lower probability of relapse than (Table 1). Bivariate analyses showed that the pres-
those with detectable disease (P=0.03 by the log- ence or absence and level of residual disease at dif-
rank test). ferent time points remained significant prognostic
factors after stratification for white-cell count, im-
Predictive Value of Residual Disease after Stratification munophenotype, risk group, and age (Table 4). With
for Other Factors
the use of the stratified log-rank method, the esti-
The T-lineage immunophenotype, a white-cell mated relative risk of relapse was about 5 for the pa-
count of 100,000 per cubic millimeter or higher, an tients with residual disease and more than 5 for
age of 10 to 15 years, and assignment to the very- those with 10¡2 or more residual blasts after induc-
high-risk group (which accounted for 9 to 16 per- tion and 10¡3 or more subsequently (Table 4).
cent of the patients monitored for residual disease) In a Cox model, residual disease remained the
Patients withoutL
80 <10¡3 Residual blasts
Relapses (%)
Residual disease
20 »10¡3 Residual blasts
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
No residual diseaseL L 8L L95L 92L 76L 46L 20L 3L 2L
Residual diseaseL 15L 32L 23L 17L 10L 3L 3L 1L
<10¡3 Residual blastsL 11L 110L 106L 88L 54L 21L 4L 2L
»10¡3 Residual blastsL 6 8L 3L 1 1L 1 1L 0L
No residual disease
Patients withoutL
<10¡3 Residual blasts
Relapses (%)
50 Residual disease
20 »10¡3 Residual blasts
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
No residual diseaseL L 11L L
108L 101L 85L 48L 14L 2L 2L
Residual diseaseL 11L 22L 12L 8L 5L 3L 2L 1L
<10¡3 Residual blastsL 13L 118L 111L 91L 52L 16L 3L 3L
»10¡3 Residual blastsL 7 9L 1L 1 1L 1 1L 0L
90 No residual disease
Patients withoutL
Relapses (%)
596 · Augus t 2 7 , 19 9 8
relative risk‡
*The cutoff points for categorical variables were identical to those in Table 1 except for age (2 to
9 years vs. others); upper and lower age groups (<2 years and »10 years) were pooled to obtain a
larger group with a poor prognosis. Analysis according to risk group (standard or very high risk) was
carried out for all patients at the end of induction therapy. For later time points, stratified and re-
gression analyses were performed only for patients at standard risk.
†The number of residual blasts is expressed as the ratio of residual blasts to 2¬10 5 mononuclear
bone marrow cells.
‡For all four prognostic factors, the relative risk was estimated by calculating the ratio of observed
to expected differences. For immunophenotype, the relative risk was also estimated with the stratified
Cox model, as shown in the right-hand column, with 95 percent confidence intervals in parentheses.
§The relative risk was not estimated because of problems with the convergence of values.
most important prognostic factor, followed by either ed relapses, indicating that the two methods give
immunophenotype or white-cell count (data not consistent results (Table 4). The lower limits of these
shown). Since the immunophenotype was a signifi- confidence intervals were markedly higher than 1,
cant prognostic factor and was closely correlated confirming that the presence or absence and level of
with the level of residual disease after induction residual disease were important independent prog-
therapy, the Cox model was stratified according to nostic factors.
immunophenotype to assess the relative prognostic
importance of the subsequent evaluations of residual DISCUSSION
disease (Table 4). The relative risks calculated with We found that the use of PCR to detect small
this model were higher than those based on the ratio numbers of leukemic cells remaining in the bone
of observed to expected relapses. However, the 95 marrow after the induction of a remission by chemo-
percent confidence intervals for the Cox-model rel- therapy can predict relapse. Since the clinical out-
ative risks spanned the ratios of observed to expect- come was similar in the 178 patients who were ana-
lyzed for residual disease and the 654 patients
registered in the same trial but not enrolled in the
Figure 2. Kaplan–Meier Estimates of the Relapse-free Interval
study of residual disease, we believe that our conclu-
in Patients with ALL at Standard Risk, According to the Pres- sions have general applicability to patients with ALL.
ence or Absence and Level of Residual Disease after Consoli- Residual disease was detected in about 40 percent
dation Therapy (Top Panel), Interval Therapy (Middle Panel), of patients after the completion of induction thera-
and Delayed Intensification Therapy (Bottom Panel).
py. After consolidation and interval treatment, the
P<0.001 for the comparison between patients with residual
disease and those without residual disease and for the com-
proportion of patients with detectable residual dis-
parison between patients with »10¡3 residual blasts and those ease decreased. Delayed intensification therapy had a
with <10¡3 residual blasts. The majority of patients with »10¡3 limited effect on eliminating residual disease, per-
blasts died: four of eight after consolidation therapy, six of nine haps because of resistance to chemotherapy. Our re-
after interval therapy, and five of five after delayed intensifica- sults differ from those of studies showing that leuke-
tion therapy. For each point in time, the numbers of patients
shown below the graph are the numbers at standard risk for
mic cells persist in most patients during the first six
whom bone marrow samples were available. In 18 patients, re- months of treatment.4,7,9,10,20 However, there are dif-
sidual disease was detected but was not quantitated. ferences in the sensitivity of detection methods. For
example, in the study by Roberts et al.,20 a detection The views expressed in this article are solely those of the authors and do
not represent the official views of the National Cancer Institute.
level of about 5¬10¡6 was achieved by testing a large
number of cells,21 thus resulting in a longer period REFERENCES
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