AI - SEC Nasscom - AI
AI - SEC Nasscom - AI
AI - SEC Nasscom - AI
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Course – 2 - DA-100 pathway consists of 5 courses and 2 reading material: 08 hours
Data Analyst 1. Get started with Microsoft data analytics
Associate 2. Prepare data for analysis
(DA-100) 3. Model data in Power BI
4. Visualize data in Power BI
5. Data analysis in Power BI
6. Manage workspaces and datasets in Power BI
7. Key Influencers Visualizations Tutorial - Power BI
8. Smart Narratives Tutorial - Power BI | Microsoft Docs
Flipped classroom pedagogy is recommended for the delivery of this course.
For every class:
1. All the faculty who takes this class should go for a Faculty Development Program on
these before starting the session.
2. Faculty needs to introduce this course to the students then students need to start
learning from Future Skills PRIME platform.
3. Faculty also needs to explain the course outcomes and needs of the course and why it
is needed for the students.
4. Then students need to start learning online after registering on the platform.
5. Classroom activities are designed around the topic of the session towards developing
better understanding, clearing doubts and discussions of high order thinking skills like
application, analysis, evaluation, and design.
6. Every theory class ends with announcement of exercise for practical activity of the
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Formative Assessment
Assessment Occasion Weightage in Marks
1. Summative Assessment: After completion of This assessment may be given
both the courses, the student can optionally give 50% weight in computing the
Assessment for each of the courses on Future final grade of the students.
Skills Prime platform. Students will have two
attempts and those who score at least 50% marks
per course will get certificate from NASSCOM-
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