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Os Edit

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1.)What is an Operating System? Give its b.

)Network Computers:-Network
purpose. How it work similarly to the computers are the computers that are
government? connected to each other through a
Ans:- An operating system (OS) is the network. It is possible to share resources
program that, after being initially loaded and communicate with other computers in
into the computer by a boot program, the network. They have very less
manages all of the other application resources locally and minimal operating
programs in a computer. The application systems too. They rely on the server for all
programs make use of the operating their required resources.
system by making requests for services Firmware is set of instructions programed
through a defined application program on a hardware device. It provides the
interface (API). users can interact directly necessary instructions for how the device
with the operating system through a user communicates with other hardware and it
interface, such as a command-line is typically stored in non-volatile memory.
interface (CLI) or a graphical UI (GUI). Changing the firmware of a device may
-The purpose of an operating system is to rarely or never be done during its lifetime
provide a platform on which a user can so in some cases if the firmware is damage
execute programs in a convenient and ,the machine will be unusable. However
efficient manner. An operating system is a the kernel needs update and changes so
piece of software that manages the the only reason to use a firmware as
allocation of computer hardware. storage for the (O.S) would be if the
-government provides the rules, device cannot contain a disc or a disc is
conventions, protections and basic not available for it.
services which are urgent for the citizens.
Sometimes, a computer's Operating
System is attacked by virus programs.
Then we have to use anti-virus programs.
Similarly, the government can be attacked
by corrupt people, unfair lawmakers, etc.
2.)How are network computers different
from traditional personal computers?
Why do some system stores the O.S in
filmware and other on disc ?
Ans:- a.)Personal Computers:-
PCs are general-purpose computers; those
that are independent and can be used by a
single user. Sharing of resources,
communication is not possible in PCs.
They have all the necessary resources local
to the machine and are efficient in
processing all the requests locally.
3.)How does the distinguish between and the kernel. Users can interact with the
kernel-made function as a rudimentary shell using shell commands.
form of protection or a security system ?
enlist all O.S services ?
Ans:- The distinction between kernel
mode and user mode provides a
rudimentary form of protection in the
following manner. Certain instructions
could be executed only when the CPU is in Kernel:-
kernel mode. Similarly, hardware devices For this operating system, Kernel is the
could be accessed only when the program central core that interacts directly with
is executing in kernel mode. Control over the hardware of the system. The main
when interrupts could be enabled or functions of Kernal are:-
disabled is also possible only when the a.)Computer hardware such as memory,
CPU is in kernel mode. Consequently, the disc, printers, etc. b.)The kernel schedules
CPU has very limited capability when the processes, control, and executes
executing in user mode, thereby enforcing various user-defined tasks. c.)Manages the
the protection of critical data storage and control the computer
resources. accesses by several users.
An Operating System provides services to Commands:-the major commands used by
both the users and to the programs:- the Unix operating system are – ‘sh’ – shell
a.)It provides programs an environment to commands providing a primary user
execute. interface, ‘utilities’ forming the core to
b.)It provides users the services to execute commands.
the programs in a convenient manner. A system administrator or sysadmin,
Following are common services provided or the admin is responsible for the upkeep,
configuration, and reliable operation
by an (O.S): -a.)Program execution. b.)I/O
of computer systems, especially multi-
operations. c.)File System manipulation.
user computers, such as servers. The
d.)Communication. e.)Error Detection. system administrator seeks to
g.)Resource Allocation. h.)Protection. the uptime, performance, resources,
4.)Explain the architecture of UNIX O.S? and security of the computers they manage
What is System Administration? Describe meet the needs of the users.
the role of all members of the system Role of all members of system
Administration? Administration:-a.)Managing Windows,
Ans:- Unix Architecture:-The architecture Linux, or Mac systems. b.)Upgrading,
of this operating system is four-layered. It installing and configuring application
consists of Hardware, Kernel, System Call software and computer hardware.
interface(shell) and application c.)Troubleshooting and providing technical
libraries/tools, utilities, etc. The kernel support to employees. d.)Creating and
controls the hardware of the computer managing system permissions and user
and resides at the core of the architecture. accounts. e.)Performing regular security
System calls acts as the interface between tests and security monitoring.
the kernel and other libraries. f.)Maintaining networks and network file
Shell:-It is the interface between the user systems.
5.)Write a short note on file types and file 6.)Boot Block and Bad Block in details?
structure? Ans:-The operating system is responsible
Ans:-File type:-A file is a collection of for several other features of disk
correlated information which is recorded management, such as disk initialization,
on secondary or non-volatile storage like boot block or booting from disk, and bad
magnetic disks, optical disks, and tapes. It block. A boot block is a region of a hard
is a method of data collection that is used disk, floppy disk, optical disc, or other data
as a medium for giving input and receiving storage device that contains machine code
output from that program. In general, a to be loaded into random-access memory
file is a sequence of bits, bytes, or records (RAM) by a computer system's built-
whose meaning is defined by the file firmware.
creator and user. Every File has a logical Boot Block:- When a computer starts
location where they are located for running or reboots to get an instance, it
storage and retrieval. needs an initial program to run. This initial
File structure:- A File Structure needs to program as the bootstrap program, and it
be predefined format in such a way that must initialize all aspects of the system,
an operating system understands. It has such as:
an exclusively defined structure, which is a.)First, initializes the CPU registers, device
based on its type. A file structure is a controllers, and main memory, and then
combination of representations for data starts the operating system.
in files. It is also a collection of operations b.)The bootstrap program finds the
for accessing the data. It enables operating system kernel on disk to do its
applications to read, write, and modify job and then loads that kernel into
data. File structures may also help to find memory.
the data that matches certain criteria. An c.)And last jumps to the initial address to
improvement in file structure has a great begin the operating-system execution.
role in making applications hundreds of The bootstrap is stored in read-only
times faster.The main goal of developing memory (ROM). This location is
file structures is to minimize the number convenient because ROM needs no
of trips to the disk in order to get desired initialization, and it is at a fixed location
information. It ideally corresponds to that the processor can start executing
getting what we need in one disk access or when powered up or reset. Since ROM is
getting it with as little disk access as read-only memory, it cannot be infected
possible. by a computer virus. The problem is
Three types of files structure in changing this bootstrap code requires
OS:- changing the ROM and hardware chips.
a.)A text file: It is a series of characters That's why systems store a tiny bootstrap
that is organized in lines. loader program in the boot ROM whose
b.)An object file: It is a series of bytes that job is to bring in a full bootstrap program
is organized into blocks. from disk.
c.)A source file: It is a series of functions
and processes.
7.]Disk Structure in Operating System? 8.)What is deadlock? Suggest necessary
Ans:-The actual physical details of a condition for deadlock?
modern hard disk may be quite Ans:- All the processes in a system require
complicated. Simply, there are one or some resources such as central processing
unit(CPU), file storage, input/output
more surfaces, each of which contains
devices, etc to execute it. Once the
several tracks, each of which is divided
execution is finished, the process releases
into sectors. There is one read &write the resource it was holding. However,
head for every surface of the disk. Also, when many processes run on a system
the same track on all surfaces is known as they also compete for these resources
a cylinder, When talking about movement they require for execution. This may arise
of the read & write head, the cylinder is a a deadlock situation.
useful concept, because all the heads (one A deadlock is a situation in which more
for each surface), move in and out of the than one process is blocked because it is
disk together. holding a resource and also requires some
resource that is acquired by some other
process. Therefore, none of the processes
gets executed.
Necessary Conditions for Deadlock.
The four necessary conditions for a
deadlock to arise are as follows.
A.)Mutual Exclusion: Only one process
We say that the “read & write head is at can use a resource at any given time i.e.
cylinder 2", when we mean that the top the resources are nonsharable.
read/write head is at track 2 of the top B.)Hold and wait: A process is holding at
surface, the next head is at track #2 of the least one resource at a time and is waiting
next surface, the third head is at track 2 of to acquire other resources held by some
the third surface, etc. other process.
The unit of information transfer is the C.)No preemption: The resource can be
sector (though often whole tracks may be released by a process voluntarily i.e. after
read and written, depending on the execution of the process.
hardware). As far as most file-systems are D.)Circular Wait: A set of processes are
concerned, though, the sectors are what waiting for each other in a circular fashion.
matter. In fact, we usually talk about a For example, lets say there are a set of
block device'. A block often corresponds processes {P0.P1, P2,P3} such that P0
to a sector, though it need not do, several depends on P1,P1 depends on P2,P2
sectors may be aggregated to form a depends on P3 & P3 depends on P0. This
single logical block. Structure of Disks creates a circular relation between all
Disks are usually divided into tracks, these processes and they have to wait
cylinders, and suffixes. Hard disks are forever to be executed.
usually arranged as concentric stacks of
disks. There are two surfaces on each
platter, two read/write heads, and two
slots for writing. There is a No. 1 on each
9.)How do we differentiate storage request and suspend the execution of the
management from the device or I/O process until the I/O request has been
management? satisfied, and the CPU is once more
Ans:- I/O Management:-a.)Input devices available.
are used to get information into a
computer system, and include peripheral 10.]What is scheduling in operating
devices like the keyboard and mouse now systems? What are the types of
found attached to virtually all computer scheduling? Ans:-CPU
systems. Output devices receive Scheduling:-a)CPU Scheduling algorithm is
information from a computer, and include an algorithm which is used to assign
devices such as monitors and printers. system resources to processes in a
Some input and output (I/O) devices can computing system. b)Consider the case
be used for input and output, including where you are using two apps namely a
network adapters and secondary storage game like Fortnite and a desktop
devices. B.)The transfer of data into or out application like Evernote. c)Both with
of the computer can take place one require the use of a graphics processor
character at a time or in fixed-size blocks. and but only one can use it at a time. d) It
In the personal computer systems of the is the CPU scheduling algorithms which
1980s and 90s, devices such as printers manages which process will use a given
and disk drives were connected to the resource at a time. e)The focus of such
system’s main circuit board. algorithms is to maximize CPU resources
Storage Management:-a,)The term usage and minimize waiting time for each
process refers here to program code that process.
has been loaded into a computer's The different CPU algorithms are:-
memory so that it can be executed by a)First Come First Serve.
the central processing unit (CPU). In a b)Shortest Job First.
multiprogramming system, there will be a c)Shortest Remaining Time First.
number of competing processes. The d)Round Robin Scheduling.
operating system must ensure that each e)Priority Scheduling.
process gets a fair share of the CPU's time. f)Multilevel Queue Scheduling.
b.)Before a program can be executed, at g)Multilevel Feedback Queue Scheduling.
least part of the program's executable
code must be loaded into memory as a
process. The operating system must then
determine when the CPU can be made
available to the process, and for how long.
Once a process controls the CPU, its
instructions will be executed until its
allotted time expires, or until it
terminates, or until it requests an input or
output operation. In the latter case, the
operating system will service the I/O
11.]Explain FCFS Scheduling with 12.) Short note on SJF
Example? Ans:- Shortest Job First (SJF):-
Ans:-FCFS Scheduling:-1) First come first a.)Shortest Job First (SJF) is an algorithm in
serve (FCFS) scheduling algorithm simply which the process having the smallest
schedules the jobs according to their execution time is chosen for the next
arrival time. 2) The job which comes first execution.b.)This scheduling method can
in the ready queue will get the CPU first. be preemptive or non-preemptive. c.)It
3)The lesser the arrival time of the job, the significantly reduces the average waiting
sooner will the job get the CPU. 4)FCFS time for other processes awaiting
scheduling may cause the problem of execution. d.)The full form of SJF is
starvation if the burst time of the first Shortest Job First.
process is the longest among all the jobs. There are basically two types of SJF
Example:- methods:-
1) Let's take an example of The FCFS 1.)Non-Preemptive SJF:-In Non-
scheduling algorithm. 2) In the Following Preemptive Scheduling, if a CPU is located
schedule, there are 5 processes with to the process, then the process will hold
process ID P0, P1, P2, P3 and P4. P0 arrives the CPU until the process enters into the
at time 0, P1 at time 1, P2 at time 2, P3 waiting state or terminated.
arrives at time 3 and Process P4 arrives at 2.)Preemptive SJF:-In Preemptive SJF
time 4 in the ready queue. 3) The Scheduling, jobs are put into the ready
processes and their respective Arrival and queue as they come. A process with
Burst time are given in the following table. shortest burst time begins execution.
4) The Turnaround time and the waiting Characteristics of Shortest Job First
time are calculated by using the following Scheduling
formula. 1.)SJF algorithm is helpful in batch
A.)Turn Around Time = Completion Time - operating where the waiting time for job
Arrival Time. completion is not critical.
B.)Waiting Time = Turnaround time - Burst 2.)SJF improves the throughput of the
Time. process by ensuring that the shorter jobs
The average waiting Time is determined are executed first, thus the possibility of
by summing the respective waiting time of less turnaround time.
all the processes and divided the sum by 3.)SJF enhances the output of the job by
the total number of executing the process, which is having the
shortest burst time.
Proc Arrival Burst Com Turn Wait
ess Time Time pletio Time ing
ID n
0 0 2 2 2 0
1 1 6 8 7 1
2 2 4 12 10 6

3 3 9 21 18 9
4 6 12 33 29 17
Avg Waiting Time=31/5
P0 P1 P2 P3 P4 P5
13.)Explain Process Life Cycle with 4)Block or wait :- a.)From the Running
suitable dig? state, a process can make the transition to
Ans:-OS Process State Diagram the block or wait state depending upon
The process, from its creation to the scheduling algorithm or the intrinsic
completion, passes through various states. behavior of the process. c.)When a
The minimum number of states is five. process waits for a certain resource to be
assigned or for the input from the user
then the OS move this process to the block
or wait state and assigns the CPU to the
other processes.
5)Completion or termination:-a.)When a
process finishes its execution, it comes in
the termination state. b.)All the context
of the process (Process Control Block) will
also be deleted the process will be
terminated by the Operating
The names of the states are not 6)Suspend ready:- which is moved to
standardized although the process may be secondary memory from the main
in one of the following states during memory due to lack of the resources
execution. (mainly primary memory) is called in the
1)New:-A program which is going to be suspend ready state. b.)If the main
picked up by the OS into the main memory memory is full and a higher priority
isnewprocess. process comes for the execution then the
2)Ready:-a.)Whenever a process is OS have to make the room for the process
created, it directly enters in the ready in the main memory by throwing the
state, in which, it waits for the CPU to be lower priority process out into the
assigned. b.)The OS picks the new secondary memory. c.)The suspend ready
processes from the secondary memory processes remain in the secondary
and put all of them in the main memory. memory until the main memory gets
c.)The processes which are ready for the available.
execution and reside in the main memory 7)Suspend wait:-a.)Instead of removing
are called ready state processes. d.)There the process from the ready queue, it’s
can be many processes present in the better to remove the blocked process
ready state. which is waiting for some resources in the
3)Running:-a.)One of the processes from main memory.b.)Since it is already waiting
the ready state will be chosen by the OS for some resource to get available hence it
depending upon the scheduling algorithm. is better if it waits in the secondary
b.)Hence, if we have only one CPU in our memory and make room for the higher
system, the number of running processes priority process.
for a particular time will always be one.
c.)If we have n processors in the system
then we can have n processes running
14.)What is the processsynchronization? 15.]Explain Virtual Memory?
Ans:-a.)Process Synchronization is the task Ans:-1.)Virtual memory is a memory
of coordinating the execution of processes management technique where secondary
in a way that no two processes can have memory can be used as if it were a part of
access to the same shared data and the main memory. Virtual memory is a
resources. b.)It is specially needed in a common technique used in a computer's
multi-process system when multiple operating system (OS). 2.)Virtual memory
processes are running together, and more uses both hardware and software to
than one processes try to gain access to enable a computer to compensate for
the same shared resource or data at the physical memory shortages, temporarily
same time. c.)This can lead to the transferring data from random access
inconsistency of shared data. d.)So the memory (RAM) to disk storage. Mapping
change made by one process not chunks of memory to disk files enables a
necessarily reflected when other computer to treat secondary memory as
processes accessed the same shared data. though it were main memory. 3.)Today,
e.)To avoid this type of inconsistency of most personal computers (PCs) come with
data, the processes need to be at least 8 GB (gigabytes) of RAM. But,
synchronized with each other. sometimes, this is not enough to run
*An operating system is a software that several programs at one time. This is
manages all applications on a device and where virtual memory comes in. Virtual
basically helps in the smooth functioning memory frees up RAM by swapping data
of our computer. Because of this reason, that has not been used recently over to a
the operating system has to perform storage device, such as a hard drive or
many tasks, and sometimes solid-state drive (SSD). 4.)Virtual memory
simultaneously. This isn't usually a is important for improving system
problem unless these simultaneously performance, multitasking and using large
occurring processes use a common programs. However, users should not
resource. overly rely on virtual memory, since it is
Process considerably slower than RAM. If the OS
Synchronization or Synchronization:-is has to swap data between virtual memory
the way by which processes that share the and RAM too often, the computer will
same memory space are managed in an begin to slow down this is called thrashing.
operating system. It helps maintain the 5.)Virtual memory was developed at a
consistency of data by using variables or time when physical memory also
hardware so that only one process can referenced as RAM was expensive.
make changes to the shared memory at a Computers have a finite amount of RAM,
time. There are various solutions for the so memory will eventually run out when
same such as semaphores, mutex lock etc. multiple programs run at the same time.
6.)A system using virtual memory uses a
section of the hard drive to emulate RAM.
With virtual memory, a system can load
larger or multiple programs running at the
same time, enabling each one to operate
as if it has more space, without having to
purchase more RAM.
16.]Explain Memory Allocation with 17.)What is file management?
suitable dig.? Ans:- 1.)File management describes the
Ans:-Memory allocation Memory fundamental methods for naming, storing
allocation is the process of reserving a and handling files. 2.)By using appropriate
partial or complete portion of computer file and folder naming strategies, along
memory for the execution of programs with good metadata practice and catalog
and processes. Memory allocation is software, you can make the most of your
achieved through a process known as image collection. 3.)The data that we work
memory management. 1.)Memory with on computers is kept in a hierarchical
allocation specifies the memory address to file system in which directories have files
a program or a process. Memory and subdirectories beneath them.
allocation has two methods static memory 4.)Although we use the computer
allocation and dynamic memory operating system to keep our image data
allocation. 2.)Static memory allocation organized, how we name files and folders,
provides efficiency as it assigns the how we arrange these nested folders, and
memory to a process before its execution how we handle the files in these folders
has started. So it doesn’t have any are the fundamental aspects of file
overhead of memory allocation operation management. 5.)The operating system's
during the execution of the program organization of our data can be enhanced
which leads to faster execution of the by the use of cataloging programs, which
program. 3.)In static memory allocation, make organizing and finding image files
the required memory size must be known easier than simply relying on the
prior to the execution of the program. computer's directory structure.
Static memory allocation assigns the 6.)Another feature of catalog programs is
assumed amount of memory space to a that they can streamline backup
process as it is unaware of the amount of procedures for better file protection.
memory required by the program. This
leads to the wastage of memory.
5.)Dynamic memory allocation is
performed during the time of execution of
a program. So it allocates the exact
amount of memory to the program
avoiding memory wastage.
6.)Dynamic memory allocation provides
flexibility during memory allocation, as if
the program is large enough then it
performs memory allocation operations
on different parts of the programs and
reduces memory Wastage.
18.)Define O.S and explain O.S? 19.]Explain any four scheduling criteria?
Ans:-An O.S is an interface between Ans:- 1.)CPU utilization:multiprogramming
computer user and computer hardware. the main objective is to keep CPU as busy
an O.S is a software which perform all the as possible. CPU utilization can range from
basic tasks like file management, memory 0 to 100 percent. 2.)Throughput:-It is the
management, process management, number of processes that are completed
handling input and output and controlling per unit time. It is a measure of work done
peripheral devices such as disk drives and in the system. When CPU is busy in
printers. executing processes, then work is being
Types of O.S. 1)Batch O.S, 2)time sharing done in the system. Throughput depends
O.S, 3)distributed O.S, networked O.S, on the execution time required for any
real-time O.S, multiprocessing O.S, process. For long processes, throughput
multitasking O.S, multi-programmed O.S. can be one process per unit time whereas
A)batch O.S:-it does not interact with for short processes it may be 10 processes
computer directly.there is an operator per unit time. 3.)Turnaround time:- The
which takes similar jobs having the same time interval from the time of submission
requirements and group them into of a process to the time of completion of
batches. that process is called as turnaround time.
b)time sharing O.S:-each task is given the It is the sum of time period spent waiting
same time to execute so that all the task to get into the memory, waiting in the
work smoothly. ready queue, executing with the CPU, and
c)Distributed O.S:-many computers are doing I/O operations. 4.)Waiting time:-It is
interconnected to each other through a the sum of time periods spent in the ready
network for the purpose of sharing their queue by a process. When a process is
task then it is called distributed O.S. selected from job pool, it is loaded into
d)network O.S:-it have a server that the main memory (ready queue). A
connects many other client computer we process waits in ready queue till CPU is
can easily share our files resources and allocated to it. Once the CPU is allocated
many more from the server machine to all to the process, it starts its execution and if
the machine which are connected through required request for resources. When the
a server. resources are not available that process
e)Real time O.S:-it is define as a data goes into waiting state and when I/O
processing system in which each task has a request completes, it goes back to ready
deadline to complete. queue. In ready queue again it waits for
f)Multiprocessing O.S:-it is also known as CPU allocation. 5.)Response time:-The
parallel system or tightly coupled system time period from the submission of a
have more than one processor in class request until the first response is
communication,sharing the computer bus, produced is called as response time. It is
the clock. the time when system responds to the
g)Multitasking O.S:-it is one that can work process request not the completion of a
on more than one task at a time by process. In the system, a process can
switching between task very rapidly. Produce some output fairly early and can
h)Multiprogramming O.S:-it is an ablity of continue computing new results while
an O.S that executs more than one previous results are being output to the
program using single processor machine. user.
20.)Write Short Note On? appropriate allocation method will
Ans:-a) Free-Space Management:-A file significantly affect the performance and
system is responsible to allocate the free efficiency of the system. Allocation
blocks to the file therefore it has to keep method provides a way in which the disk
track of all the free blocks present in the will be utilized and the files will be
disk. There are mainly two approaches by accessed.
using which, the free blocks in the disk are There are the following methods that can
managed. 1.)Bit Vector:-In this approach, be used for allocation:- 1)Contiguous
the free space list is implemented as a bit Allocation. 2)Extents. 3)Linked Allocation.
map vector. It contains the number of bits 4)Clustering. 5)FAT. 6)Indexed Allocation.
where each bit represents each block. If 7)Linked Indexed Allocation. 8)Multilevel
the block is empty then the bit is 1 Indexed Allocation 9)Inode.
otherwise it is 0. Initially, all the blocks are D)File System Structure:-File System
empty therefore each bit in the bit map provides efficient access to the disk by
vector contains 1. 2.)Linked List:-It is allowing data to be stored, located and
another approach for free space retrieved in a convenient way. A file
management. This approach suggests System must be able to store the file,
linking together all the free blocks and locate the file and retrieve the file. Most
keeping a pointer in the cache which of the Operating Systems use a layering
points to the first free block. Therefore, all approach for every task including file
the free blocks on the disks will be linked systems. Every layer of the file system is
together with a pointer. Whenever a block responsible for some activities.
gets allocated, its previous free block will The figure shown below, elaborates on
be linked to its next free block. how the file system is divided in different
B.)Directory Implementation:-There is a layers, and also the functionality of each
number of algorithms by using which, the layer.
directories can be implemented. However,
the selection of an appropriate directory Application Program
implementation algorithm may affect the
performance of the system.
1.)Linear List:- a.)In this algorithm, all the Logical file system
files in a directory are maintained as singly
lined list. b.)When a new file is created, File Organization Module
then the entire list is checked whether the
new file name is matching to a existing file Basic File System
name or not.
2.)Hash Table:-a.)To overcome the I/O Control
drawbacks of singly linked list
implementation of directories, there is an
alternative approach that is hash table. Devices

b.)This approach suggests to use hash

table along with the linked lists.
c)Allocation Methods:-There are various
methods which can be used to allocate
disk space to the files. Selection of an
21.)Explain any 4 services provided by OS. 22.]Describe I/O Burst and CPU Burst
Ans:- 1.)User Interface:-All operating cycle with neat diagram?
systems have a user interface that allows Ans:- CPU burst cycle:- It is a time period
users to communicate with the system. when process is busy with CPU.
Three types of user interfaces are I/O burst cycle:-It is a time period when
available:- a)Command line interface (CLI) process is busy in working with I/O
b)Batch interface. C)Graphical user resources. a.)A process execution consists
interface (GUI). of a cycle of CPU execution and I/O wait.
2.)Program execution:- The operating b.) A process starts its execution when
system provides an environment where CPU is assigned to it, so process execution
the user can conveniently run programs. It begins with a CPU burst cycle. c.)This is
also performs other important tasks like followed by an I/O burst cycle when a
allocation and deallocation of memory, process is busy doing I/O operations. d.) A
CPU scheduling etc. It also provides process switch frequently from CPU burst
service to end process execution either cycle to I/O burst cycle and vice versa.
normally or abnormally by indicating e.)The complete execution of a process
error. starts with CPU burst cycle, followed by
3.)I/O operations:-When a program is I/O burst cycle, then followed by another
running, it may require input/output CPU burst cycle, then followed by another
resources such as a file or devices such as I/O burst cycle and so on. f.)The final CPU
printer. So the operating system provides burst cycle ends with a system request to
a service to do I/O. terminate execution.
4.)File system manipulation:-Programs
may need to read and write data from and
to the files and directories. Operating
system manages the secondary storage.
Operating system makes it easier for user
programs to accomplish their task such as
opening a file, saving a file and deleting a
file from the storage disk.
5.)Communication:- In the system, one
process may need to exchange
information with another process.
Communication can be implemented via
shared memory or through message
passing, in which packets of information
are moved between processes by the
operating system.
6.)Error detection:-Operating systems
detects CPU and memory hardware such
as a memory error or power failure, a
connection failure on a network or lack of
paper in the printer etc.

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