Fetal Heart Tones
Fetal Heart Tones
Fetal Heart Tones
Fetal decelerations
The nurse should administer 02 and the baby needs to be
delivered as quickly as possible.
Memory trick
Early decelerations : A decrease in FHR during uterine contraction mirrors
uterine contractions . caused by uterine squeeze
❖ FHR slows as the contraction begins
V: variable deceleration C: cord compression ❖ Lowest point coincides with the highest point ACME of the
E:early deceleration H: head compression contraction
A: acceleration O: ok ❖ Deceleration ends with the contraction
Late deceleration Placental insufficiency Late deceleration: occurs after the peak of contraction due to uteroplacental
insufficiency, pitocin, HTN, diabetes, placental abruption.
❖ Too many decelerations will indicate a need for C-section
❖ Prepare for fetal resuscitation
Variable decelerations: may indicate cord compression. Occur at different
times during a contraction, resulting in fetal HTN that causes the aortic arch
to slow the FHR. usually abrupt and sudden.
Measures to clarify NONreassuring FHR patterns
❖ Fetal stimulation
❖ Fetal scalp sampling
❖ Fetal scalp oximetry