Topic 4 Genetics and Livestock Improvement
Topic 4 Genetics and Livestock Improvement
Topic 4 Genetics and Livestock Improvement
Application of the principles of animal genetics with the goal of improvement of animals. It also
referred to as the study of genetic differences among animals, it aims to improve the quality,
efficiency, quality, and aesthetic value of farm animals and their products.
Functions of Genes:
Act as backbone of the chromosome, as part of DNA molecule.
To replicate when new cells are produced.
Carry genetic code for the formation of polypeptide chain of a protein.
To synthesize specific proteins and enzymes (structural genes).
To regulate the activity of the structural genes and the amount of protein synthesized
(regulator genes).
Control several structural genes in an off-on manner (operator genes).
Genes may modify the phenotypic expression of other genes Note: Regulator gene may
produce repressors.
Different species of animals have different pairs of homologous chromosomes. Within a species, the
number of pairs is constant regardless of breed.
Common Name Scientific Name Chromosome Number (2n)
Water buffalo Bubalis bubalis 50 (river type)
48(swamp type)
Cattle Bos taurus, 60
Bos indicus
Horse Equus caballus 64
Each body cell contains one pair of sex chromosome. All chromosomes other than sex
chromosomes are called “autosomes”.
In mammals, female has XX and male has XY; in poultry, female has ZW and male has An individual
receives one member of each pair from the male parent & the other from the female parent.
Genotype – the genetic make-up of individuals; fixed at conception and expressed until
death (except for possible mutation). It reflects the action of genes in different combinations
within the individual.
Environment – causes variations other than heredity (e.g. disease, nutrition, others). It
affects the phenotypic expression of quantitative traits (e.g. production and reproduction
Genetic potential is determined at the time of conception, but the degree to which the potential
is reached during the animal’s life is determined by environment.
Gene Action:
Non-additive gene action
1. Dominance and recessive - A gene is dominant when it covers the expression of its allele
(gene occupying the same loci but have different effects).
Example: Coat color in Angus cattle
2. Lack of dominance - Two alleles are not dominant to each other, and each expresses itself in
the phenotype.
Example: Coat color in Shorthorn cattle
R – gene for red, W – gene for white
Genotype Phenotype
RR Red
WW White
RW Roan
Genotype Phenotype
CC Dwarf
Cc Comprest (midway between Dwarf & Normal)
Cc Normal
B. Genotype Phenotype
at atmm Black, tan and white (tricolor)
at atMm Blue merle
at atMM White merle
Thus, gene M influences the way the tricolor gene a t expresses itself phenotypically
even though the M and at genes are not alleles.
The effect of each gene that contributes to the phenotype of an individual for a certain trait
adds to the phenotypic effect of another gene that contributes something to the same
Genotype Phenotype
Aabb White Each contributing gene
Aabb or aaBb Light A or B makes the skin
Aabb, aaBB, or AaBb Medium color darker
AABb or AaBB Dark
AABB Black
B. The Mechanics of
1.2. Dealing with any trait in a population that is controlled by 2 alleles (or one pair of
genes), A & a, 3 genotypes are possible: AA, Aa & aa, which can be united in 6
possible ways;
Parents Progeny
AA x aa Aa
aa x aa aa
Aa x AA ½ Aa, ½ AA
Aa x aa ½ Aa, ½ aa
Aa x Aa ¼AA, ½ Aa, ¼ aa
Mating between any two homozygous will produce only one kind of genotype.
2.1.Two or more pairs of genes & the traits they control will show up in the succeeding
generations in the same proportion as if they were acting alone.
Example: Angus (dominant black BB) x Hereford (recessive red bb, dominant white
face HH) cross.
Bh bH
(white-faced black)
The offsprings, heterozygous for 2 sets of alleles are called “dihybrids”.
The traits involved have been the kind where phenotypes were rather easily distinguished one
from another (qualitative). Cows were either black or red or white, spotted or not, had horns or not.
Hogs have white belt or not, have droopy ears or erect. These traits are controlled by either only
one or few pairs of genes. The interaction between the genes involved varying degrees of
dominance and epistasis.
Quantitative traits are controlled by many pairs of genes (polygenic), each having only a
small effect. The relationship among alleles is usually of “codominance” or “lack of dominance”.
These polygenes increase the magnitude of value of the trait and are called additive genes which
cause “additive gene action”, in contrast to “dominance” and “epistasis” which cause “nonadditive
gene action”. It should be noted that polygenes segregate independently and have specific
effects, just as do genes with dominant and epistatic effects.
The variation observed among large groups of animals is continuous, and differences
among separate phenotypes may be so small that they cannot be distinguished by casual
Examples: Weight gain in beef cattle, milk production in dairy cows, rate of speed in racehorses.
The phenotypic ratio of a cross among hybrids for n number of genes can be represented by
the coefficient of the binomial expanded to the nth power (p + q)n, where p and q are
probabilities of the two alternative outcomes of the event (e.g. dominant or recessive) and n is
the number of offspring. as follows:
C. Genes in Population
Genetic composition of animal population
p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1.0
“After one generation of random mating in a population where the frequencies of two
alleles are p and q, the genes will segregate to produce p2, 2pq, and q2 whose sum is equal to 1.0
provided that no migration, mutation, or selection occur”.
Selection = either natural or artificial; choosing some individuals to leave more offsprings than
Mutation = a chemical change in a gene resulting to the formation of an allele. The gene no
longer expresses its phenotype.
Migration = movement of a population sample from one location to another. It introduces new
genes into a population.
The amount of change in gene frequency depends on the proportion of immigrants in the
population & the difference in gene frequency between immigrants & natives.
Chance or Genetic Drift = a change in gene frequency due to random fluctuations caused by
chance in mating patterns or sampling errors.
Selection Methods
A process in which certain individuals in a population are preferred to others for the production of
the next generation. Individuals possessing superior genotypes or genetic potentials for maximum
efficiency of production are used as parents to improve the herd.
Kinds of Selection
Natural selection – that due to natural forces. In nature; the main force responsible for
selection is the survival of the fittest in a particular environment.
Artificial selection – that due to the efforts of man. Thereby, man determines to a great extent
which animals will be used to produce the next generation.
Breeding Methods
Outbreeding – the mating of animals of different species or breed but are further related to each
other; synonymous to crossbreeding.
Breeding System
Livestock improvement can be affected through utilization of any of the following breeding
Inbreeding – This is the mating of individuals that are more closely related than the average of
the breed or population. The primary effect is to fix hereditary qualities and bring about
homozygosity or purity for certain characters. There are two types of inbreeding, namely:
1.1.Close breeding – The mating of closely related individuals such as brother to sister, sire
to daughter, or son to dam.
1.2.Line breeding – The mating of animals related to a lesser degree, like between cousins,
half-brother to half-sister, grandparents to grandchildren.
The creation of inbred lines from the same or different breeds and the subsequent mating of the
selected lines. This is one of wide application in producing the commercial strains of broilers or
egg-type chickens.
Bro. x Sis. Bro. x Sis. Bro. x Sis. Bro. x Sis.
Bro. x Sis. Bro. x Sis. Bro. x Sis. Bro. x Sis.
Bro. x Sis. Bro. x Sis. Bro. x Sis. Bro. x Sis.
Inbreed A Inbred B Inbred C Inbred D
(Commercial Hybrid)
When mated among themselves, the hybrids produce a wide range of variation in their
progeny, hence their offspring are not good for breeding purposes.
Puberty is the age at which sperm or egg cells start to be produced; sexual maturity is the
age when production of sperm and egg cells is at maximum.
Spermatogenesis is stimulated by FSH from anterior pituitary; the LH stimulates the
production of testosterone by the interstitial cells (sometimes called ICSH).
Oogenesis is stimulated by FSH, then estrogen is produced by the ovary which induces
estrous cycle & ovulation.
Varying age of puberty & sexual maturity can affect the rate of genetic improvement:
(months) CYCLE (days) HEAT (hr) Vol. (ml) Million/ml
Cattle 8-12 21 12-18 2-10 300-2000
Sheep 5-8 16-17 24-36 0.7-2 2000-5000
Goat 4-8 19-20 34-39 0.6-1 2000-3500
Swine 4-8 20-21 48-72 150-500 25-300
Horse 12-24 19-23 90-170 30-300 30-800
Chicken 4-5 0.2-1.5 0.5-60
Ovulation is the process of release of ovum from ovary. The interval for “spontaneous
ovulation” (in cow, ewe, mare, sow) depends on estrous cycle and duration of heat, but
the “non-spontaneous” (in rabbit) is dependent on copulation. Thus, rate of genetic
improvement can also be affected by estrous cycle & ovulation type.
Fertilization is the union of male & female gametes to form a zygote or new individual. Only
one sperm is required to fertilize each ovum. Many sperms may enter the zona
pellucida but only one penetrates the vitelline membrane to unite with the nucleus of
the ovum. This membrane creates a
“fertilization block” to prevent entrance of other sperms. However, in delayed
copulation leading to fertilization of aged ova, “polyspermy” can occur which can lead to
“polyploidy” (3n chromosomes) which cause embryonic death losses & consequently
slows the rate of genetic progress.
Pregnancy – Is the time in which the female carries her developing young within the uterus
(also called gestation) until delivery.
The fertilized ovum gets its food from the yolk and uterine secretions (uterine milk)
until implantation occurs in the uterus.
Implantation varies (e.g. 10-18 days after fertilization in the ewe, 12-24 days in the cow
and 30-60 days in the mare).
Delayed implantation also occurs in some wild animals, like the weasel (mating occurs
in summer, implantation occurs in late winter).
Artificial Insemination
Commercially used in the US in 1938, primarily in dairy cows.
Popular in turkey (because of difficulties in natural mating), in swine (using fresh semen),
and in dairy cattle; less in beef cattle, sheep and horses.
More rapid genetic improvement through use of superior sires
Reduction of cost & risk of maintaining a sire for small herd or flock
Reduced risk of spreading certain reproductive diseases
Semen collection
“Artificial vagina & a dummy” (or electro-ejaculator) in cattle.
“Gloved hand technique & a dummy” in pigs.
“Stroking & milking technique” in poultry.
Semen evaluation
Concentration or density
Morphology (structure)
Semen storage
Fresh semen stored at 400F or under CO2 at room temperature.
Frozen semen stored in plastic straw, chilled slowly to 00C, then rapidly frozen in
liquid N vapor.
Use of extenders (glycerol, egg yolk, milk, chemical buffers).
Semen deposition
Frozen semen is thawed in 32-350C water bath for 30 seconds.
Deposited beyond cervix or body of uterus by means of insemination syringe or
Poultry semen does not stand freezing & thawing, so it is used within 2 hours after
collection. Extended boar semen can be used up to 72 hours.
Multiple ovulation and embryo transfer involves the use of gonadotrophic hormones to
stimulate ovulation of large number of ova and then transplanting fertilized ova to recipient
females for pregnancy and parturition (Bondoc, 2008).
1. Advantages/Benefits
1.1. More offspring from outstanding females
1.2. Opportunity for genetic testing of males suspected as carriers of undesirable traits
1.3. World movement of embryos (rather than animals) made easier, less costly, & less
disease risk.
1.4. Increased diversity of germplasm available from many sources.
1.5. Long-time storage provided by cryopreservation (freezing).
2. Costly procedure
2.1. Administer hormones to superovulate the donor (PMS & chorionic gonadotropin).
2.2. Administer hormones to synchronize recipients (prostaglandin F2 or Lutalyze, and
2.3. Specialized skill to harvest, sort, store, and implant embryos.
The splitting of embryos for the production of identical twins or triplets, made possible
through advances in microsurgery & micromanipulation.
Quickly increases a herd of flock productivity.
Use of identical animals reduces the numbers needed in experimentation.
Cloning, like ET, does not produce offspring of the same genotype as the donor animal.
DNA barcoding
Use of DNA sequence analysis of a uniform target gene to enable species identification.
New method for identifying and classifying species of organims using the cytochrome c
oxidase subunit I (COI) in the mitochodrial genome.
Used as standard barcode marker for animals especiallt birds, fishes, amphibians, and
lepidoterans, with a species discrimination rate of more than 95%.
Focuses on the delineation between species rather than their relationships.
Maybe used in introgression studies to assess the effectivenss of local animal dispersal
Promote proper labelling of breeding animals including breed srtificates required for
imported and threatened breeds/strains of livestoc and poultry animals
Prevent and control smuggling, illegal trade, and poaching of threatened breeds/strains and
their relatives.
Instructor Program Chair, BSA Asst Director, ARI