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Hans Christian Oersted discovered that a

compass needle got deflected when a current

carrying metallic conductor is placed nearby it According to him, deflection of compass

needle was due to the produced by electric current

magnetic afieldmetallic .

ooo Electric current

around it .
through conductor produces a
magnetic field
Magnetic fields

space surrounding a
magnet within which a
magnetic force is
experienced .

It is a rector quantity SI unit is tesla . .

field Lines
Imaginary lines used to
represent magnetic field .

When iron
fillings are kept near a
magnetic they get ,

arranged in pattern which

a represents the magnetic
field lines .

They originate from North pole of a magnet and end
at its south pole outside the magnet g but inside the

magnet it is from south to north it


They are continuous and form closed curves.

Tangent at any point on magnetic field gives the din


of magnetic field .

Magnetic field are
lines never intersect each other .

If field lines close field is
stronger If field lines
, . are far apart field,

is weak nsfcbse 20191


Magnetic field due to current through a

field lines are concentric circles with
a conductor

centre at wire .

Magnitude of magnetic field increases if current
is increased .

of magnetic field decreases if we
Magnitude move
away from .

# Maxwell 's
( Direction of
Right Hand thumb Rule :
field Ittihad tf IFT 1)
It states that , if
you hold the current
straight wire in the grip of your right hand in
such that stretched thumb points in direction

of current then ,
the direction of the curl of the
fingers will give the direction of magnetic
field .
Magnetic field due
to a current
through circular Loop .

Here also
( because
we can use
hand thumb rule
Stright wire tf et if circular death Fi )

Strength of magnetic field
the number of turns in the coil
be can
by increasing
° Also ,
by increasing the current .

Magnetic field due to current in a lsolenoid

coil of wrapped closely
many circular turns of insulated copper wire in

shape of cylinder .

Magnetic field due to a current

is similar to that of that of

magnetic field
produced by a bar
magnetic .

field lines inside the solenoid are parallel straight
lines .

core with
: A
temporary magnet of soft iron
coil wound around it which retains
used in electric
magnetism only when current
passes through the coil It is
electric motor etc

bells , telephones, .

conductor in
Force current
on a
in carrying field magnetic
If we place a current conductor
magnetic field then it
experiences a force ( except placed parallel )

Here we consider the direction of current and that of field is magnetic
perpendicular to each other .

It is due to the interaction between field magnetic
the current produced by
conductor and external magnetic field in which conductor is
carrying placed .

Fleming 's Left Hand pule.TK bse 202920191
If the forefinger , thumb and middle finger of left hand
are stretched
mutually perpendicular to each other , such
that the forefinger points along the direction of external
magnetic field , middle finger indicates the direction of
current , then the thumb points towards the direction
of force acting on the conductor .

Electric Motor fcbse 20191

device that converts electrical
An electric motor is
mechanical energy .
rotating energy to
PRINCIPLE: force on current carrying conductor in a
magnetic field .
Initial ABCD is in horizon al position
is closed the current flows in ABCD

B •
, permanent
° As BC and AD are
parallel so No force acts magnet
on them .

( UEF 4T ET 34T Iforce) topic that AT af ¥1 )

AB force in downward direction and arm
experiences a
CD experiences an equal force in upward direction ( Fleming 's left hand rule if .

direction Hiatt ) This causes the coil to rotate in anti clockwise direction


att 'T

When coil rotates in vertical position, the brushes lose contact with the and

But the coil does not stop due to inertia of motion

current stops
flowing .

When coil rotates , rings also change their positions and come in contact with

opposite brushes .

This reverses the direction of current through the coil but the direction of current
on hand side of coil remains the same
right .

so the force on
hand side is
right upward
alwaysThus and a force on left hand
side is always in downward direction .
the coil continues to rotate
in anti clockwise direction

# Commercial uses of motor :

o can be used as an
An armature which is the
in place of permanent

of soft iron coil

, core .

Electromagnetic Induction ( Discovered by Michael Faraday)

An electric current produced in a closed circuit by a changing magnetic
field is called as induced current This phenomenon is called Electromagnetic .

Induction .
↳ ¢ bse 20201
Galvanometer An instrument that can detect the
# presence of a current
in a circuit . The pointer remains at zero (centre of the scale) for zero
flowing through it It can deflect either to the left or to the

the direction of
right of the zero
depending on current .
# Ways to Induce current in a circuit :-

⑦ By moving a coil in a
magnetic field :
a coil towards
current in the
sets a
coil circuit
up an
direction of galvanometer needle
The induced current is found to be maximum

when the direction of motion of coil is at right

to magnetic field
angle direction .

The of induced current can be reversed by
reversing thethendirection of magnetic field and if the coil
no current is induced in the coil
. as well as
magnet are
stationary ,

III BY changing magnetic

the field around a nearby coil .

coil L is
primary coil and coil 2 is secondary coil .

Primary one is connected to a battery

When .

the ( Kl is closed , the

current in primary
coil takes a little time rise
to from zero to a
maximum valve This causes a
momentary change

field around this coil

magneticcurrent This induces a

momentary the in the

secondary coil
direction when the
The same

happens in reverse
opened Current B induced in coil 2 when current

in coil L is
changed which is indicated the deflection in
by galvanometer needle.

Hand middle finger

Fleming 's
Right Rule : If , forefinger
and thumb of the right hand are stretched at right
angles to each other with the forefinger in the direction
of the motion of the wire , then the induced current
in the wire is in the direction of middle
finger .
—- Types Of Current —-
1. There are mainly two types of electric currents:
(I) Direct current or D.C. : It is the electric current which flows in the same

(II) Alternating current or A.C. : It is the electric current which reverses its
direction after every fixed interval of time.

Advantages of AC :
i. AC can be easily converted to D.C.
ii. A pure choke coil does not su er from loss of energy when operated
on A.C.
iii. Alternating current can be transmitted at very high voltage and
lesser current over long distances with negligible loss of energy.
iv. A.C. machines like transformers are very e cient.

Disadvantages of AC :
i. AC cannot be used for electric processes like electroplating,
electrotyping, electrolysis etc.
ii. AC does not travel through the core of a conductor. It travels on the
surface of a conductor so thicker conductors are required for
iii. It can be dangerous to work on an AC system of the same voltage as
compared to DC because there are higher peak values in A.C. systems
for the same value of the voltage. For example, a 220 V a.c. has peak of
311 V.

—- Domestic Circuit—-
- Electricity produced at power stations is brought to our homes by two
thick copper or aluminium wires.
- One of these is called live wire (in red insulation cover), which is.at a
potential of 220 V with a frequency of 50 Hz.
- The other is called neutral wire (in black insulation cover), which is at
zero potential

- These wires (live and neutral) pass into an electricity meter (connected in
homes) through a main fuse.
- They are connected to the line wires in the home there through a main
- Each distribution circuit is provided with a separate fuse. If a fault like
short circuiting occurs in one circuit, its corresponding fuse blows o
but the other circuit remains una ected.
- All the electric appliances like bulb, fans are connected in parallel
across the live wire and neutral wire.

1. EARTH WIRE: Earth wire is green in colour. Earth wire is connected to
metal plates placed in the earth near the house for safety purposes. It
provides safety for all the appliances and devices connected at home
which have a metallic body. This is done to prevent shock when leakage
of charges happens in the metallic body.

2. FUSE: A safety device which is a thin wire made of tin and lead allo
having low melting point. It is used to prevent the possible damage by
overloading and short circuiting.
Q1. What is the function of a galvanometer in a circuit? [1M,2019]
Ans 1 To detect the presence of electric current in a circuit.

Q2. Why is a series arrangement not used for connecting domestic electrical appliances in a
circuit? [1M,2008]
Ans 2 A series arrangement is not used for connecting domestic electrical appliances in a circuit
because (write any one in exam):
(i) Same current flows through each device, but different devices need current of different values
to operate.
(ii) If one device in a series circuit is defective, current is cut off.
(iii) Total resistance of the circuit increases, so current flowing is reduced.
(iv) Selective operation of devices is not possible.

Q3. A charged particle enters at right angles into a uniform magnetic field is shown. What should
be the nature of charge on the particle if it begins to move in a direction pointing vertically out of
the page due to its interaction with the magnetic field? [1M,2010]

Ans 3 Using Fleming's left hand rule we can easily find out that the nature of the charge on the
particle is positive.

Q4. Define magnetic field of bar magnet. [1M,2015]

Ans 4 Magnetic field around the bar magnet is the region in which magnetic force due to the bar
magnet can be experienced. Magnetic field lines start from the north pole and terminates at the
south pole outside the magnet.

Q5. What is the direction of magnetic field lines inside a bar magnet. [1M,2017]
Ans 5 South pole to north pole. danie.li

Q6. Define the term 'Induced current'. [1M,2012]

Ans 6 The current induced in a conducting loop that is exposed to a changing magnetic field is
known as induced current.

Q7. Why are magnetic field lines more crowded towards the pole of the magnet? [1M,2016]
Ans 7 This indicates that the magnetic field in that region is strong.
Q8. Why do two magnetic field lines not intersect? [1M,2017]
Ans 8 The two magnetic field lines do not intersect each other because if they do it means at the
point of intersect the compass needle is showing two different directions which is not possible.

Q9. When a current carrying conductor is kept in a magnetic field, state the position when
maximum force acts on it. [1M,2014]
Ans 9 The force experienced by a current carrying conductor placed in a magnetic field is the
maximum when the conductor is kept perpendicular to the direction of the magnetic field.

Q10. List two sources of magnetic fields. [1M,2012]

Ans 10 Permanent magnets, electromagnets

Q11. State the effect of a magnetic field on the path of a moving charged particle. [1M,2012]
Ans 11 It can deflect the path of the charged particle

Q12. Name the physical quantities which are indicated by the direction of the thumb and the
forefinger in Fleming's right hand rule. [1M,2012]
Ans 12 In Fleming's Right hand rule, the thumb indicates Motion, the Forefinger indicates Field and
middle finger indicates Induced current.

Q13. What is meant by the term, 'magnetic field'? Why does a compass needle show deflection
when brought near a bar magnet? [2M,2008]
Ans 13 Magnetic field is the region around a magnet in which a magnetic material experiences a
force because of that magnet.
The needle of a compass is actually a small bar magnet. So, when a compass is brought near a bar
magnet, the compass needle enters the magnetic field of the bar magnet. Therefore, the needle
experiences a force because of the bar magnet and gets deflected.

Q14. A coil of insulated wire is connected to a galvanometer. What would be seen if a bar magnet
with its north pole towards one face of the coil is
(i) Moved quickly towards it,
(ii) Moved quickly away from the coil and
(iii) Placed near its one face?
Name the phenomena involved. [2M,2010]
Ans 14 (i) A momentary deflection in the galvanometer will be seen, indicating a flow of current in
the circuit. [½]
(ii) A momentary deflection in the galvanometer (but in opposite direction) will be seen, indicating
a flow of current in the opposite direction in the circuit. [½]
(iii) No deflection in the galvanometer will seen, indicating that not current flows in the circuit.
The phenomenon involved is electromagnetic induction. [½]

Q15. Name and state the rule which determines the direction of magnetic field around a straight
current carrying conductor. [2M,2012]
Ans 15 Right Hand Thumb Rule : Imagine holding the current carrying straight conductor in your
right hand such that the thumb points towards the direction of current. Then the fingers of right
hand wrap around the conductor in the direction of field lines of the magnetic field.
Q16. When a current carrying conductor is kept in a magnetic field, it experiences a force. List the
factors on which the direction of this force depends. [2M,2013]
Ans 16 When a current-carrying conductor is placed in a magnetic field the wire experiences a
force due to the interaction between the field and the magnetic field produced by the moving
charges in the wire.
The current carrying conductor generates its own magnetic field around it. This interacts with the
external magnetic field. When two magnetic fields interact there will be attraction and repulsion
between them based on the direction of the external magnetic field and the direction of the
current in the conductor. That is why the conductor experiences a force.

Q17. Draw magnetic field lines produced around a current carrying straight conductor passing
through cardboard. How will the strength of the magnetic field change, when the point where
magnetic field is to be determined is moved away from the straight wire carrying constant current?
Justify your answer. [2M,2012]
Ans 17 Using a compass needle. When we move away from the straight wire, the deflection of the
needle decreases which implies the strength of the magnetic field decreases.

Q18. Magnetic field lines are shown in the given diagram. A student makes a statement that
magnetic field at X is stronger than at Y. Justify this statement. Also redraw the diagram and mark
the direction of magnetic field lines. [2M,2012]

Ans 18 The relative strength of the magnetic field is shown by the degree of closeness of the field
lines. The degree of closeness is more at 'X' than at 'Y'.
Therefore, The field is stronger at X where the field lines are crowded.

Q19. When does short-circuit occur? [2M]

Ans 19 If the insulation of the wires used in the circuit is damaged or the appliance used is faulty
due to which the live wire and the neutral wire comes in direct contact as a result current in the
circuit rises and the short circuit occurs.

Q20. What is solenoid? Mention two ways to increase the strength of the field of a solenoid.
Ans 20 A coil of many circular turns of insulated copper wire wrapped closely in the shape of a
cylinder is called a solenoid. Two ways to increase the strength of the field of a solenoid : (i) By
increasing the number of turns. (ii) By increasing current.

Q21. (a) Distinguish between the terms' overloading' and 'short-circuiting' as used in domestic
(b) Why are the coils of electric toasters made of any alloy rather than a pure metal? [3M,2008]
Ans 21 (a) Short circuiting - When neutral and live wire come in direct contact.
Overloading - When too many appliances are connected to a single socket
drawing much more current or power than permissible.
(b) Resistivity of an alloy is higher than its constituent metal and alloys do not oxidize as easily as
constituent metal at high temperature. That is why the coils of electric toasters are made of an
alloy rather than a pure metal.

Q22. What is overloading and short circuiting? What is the function of earth wire? [3M,2008]
Ans 22 If too many electrical appliances of high power rating are switched on at the same time,
they draw a large current from the circuit. This is called overloading.
If the live wire and neutral wire come in contact either directly or via conducting wire, the situation
is called short circuiting.
To avoid the risk of electrical shock the metal body of the appliances is earthed. Earthing means to
connect the metal case of the appliance to earth by a means of a metal wire called earth wire.

Q23. What is the role of fuse, used in series with any electrical appliance? Why should a fuse with
defined rating not be replaced by one with a larger rating? [3M,2017]
Ans 23 Fuse is used for protecting appliances due to short-circuiting or overloading. The fuse is
rated for a certain maximum current and blows off when a current more than the rated value flows
through it. If a fuse is replaced by one with larger ratings, the appliances may get damaged while
the protecting fuse does not burn off. This practice of using a fuse of improper rating should
always be avoided.

Q24. Name two electrical appliances of daily-use in which electric motor is used. Name and state
the principle on which electric motors work. [3M,2012]
Ans 24 Electrical appliance- fan, washing machine
Fleming's Left Hand Rule - It states that "Stretch the forefinger, the central finger and the thumb of
your left hand mutually perpendicular to each other. If the forefinger shows the direction of the
magnetic field and the central finger that of the current then the thumb will point towards the
direction of motion of the conductor.

Q25. Distinguish between alternating current and direct current. Explain why alternating current is
preferred over direct current for transmission over long distances. [3M,2014]
Ans 25
A.C. is preferred over D.C. because it can be transmitted over long distance without much loss of

Q26. (a) What is a magnetic field? How can the direction of magnetic field lines at a placed be
(b) State the rule for the direction of the magnetic field produced around a current carrying
conductor. Draw sketch of the pattern of field lines due to a current a flowing through a straight
conductor. [5M,2009]
Ans 26 (a) Magnetic field is a region near a magnetised body where magnetic forces can be
The direction of the magnetic field line at a place is determined by the direction in which a north
pole of the compass needle moves inside it.
(b) Direction of the magnetic field produced around a current carrying conductor is determined by
the right hand thumb rule. According to this rule, if we hold a current carrying straight conductor in
right hand such that the thumb points towards the direction of current, then fingers will wrap
around the conductor in the direction of the field lines of the magnetic field. This is also shown in
the figure given below

Pattern of field lines due to a current flowing through a straight conductor:

Q27. (a) What is a solenoid? Draw a sketch of the pattern of field lines of the magnetic field
through and around a current carrying solenoid.
(b) Consider a circular loop of wire lying in the plane of the table. Let the current pass through the
loop clockwise. Apply the right hand rule to find out the direction of the magnetic field inside and
outside the loop. [5M,2009, 2010]
Ans 27 (a) A solenoid is a long coil (shaped like a cylinder) containing a large number of close
turns of insulated copper wire. [1]
(b) Direction of magnetic field inside and outside the loop is given as follows:

Q28. (a) State Fleming's left hand rule.

(b) Write the principle of working of an electric motor.
(c) Explain the function of the following parts of an electric motor.
(i) Armature
(ii) Brushes
(iii) Split ring [5M,2018]
Ans 28 (a) Hold the forefinger the centre finger and the thumb of your left hand at right angles to
one another. If the forefinger points in the direction of magnetic field, and centre finger points in
the direction of current, the thumb gives direction of motion conductor.
(b) Electric motor is based on the principle that a current carrying conductor placed perpendicular
to the magnetic field experience a force.
(c) (i) Armature: It contains of a single loop of insulated copper wire in the form of a rectangle.
(ii) Brushes : Two carbon brushes B, and B2 press against the commutator.
These brushes act as the contacts between the commutator and the terminals of the battery.
(iii) Split-ring It consists of two halves (R, and R2) of a metallic ring. The two ends of the armature
coil are connected to these two halves of the ring.
Commutator reverses the direction of current in the armature coil.

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