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Effect of Temperature And/or Pressure On Lactoperoxidase Activity in Bovine Milk and Acid Whey

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Journal of Dairy Research (2001) 68 625637.

# Proprietors of Journal of Dairy Research 2001

DOI: 10.1017\S0022029901005118 Printed in the United Kingdom
Eect of temperature and/or pressure on lactoperoxidase activity in
bovine milk and acid whey
Department of Food and Microbial Technology, Laboratory of Food Technology,
Faculty of Agricultural and Applied Biological Sciences, Katholieke Universiteit
Leuven, Kasteelpark Arenberg 22, B-3001 Heverlee, Belgium
(Received 23 August 2000 and accepted for publication 26 April 2001)
Snn\v.. At atmospheric pressure, inactivation of lactoperoxidase (LPO) in milk
and whey was studied in a temperature range of 6973 mC and followed rst order
kinetics. Temperature dependence of the rst order inactivation rate constants could
be accurately described by the Arrhenius equation, with an activation energy of
635n3p70n7 kJ\mol for raw bovine milk and 736n9p40n9 kJ\mol for diluted whey,
indicating a very high temperature sensitivity. On the other hand, LPO is very
pressure resistant and not or only slightly aected by treatment at pressure up to
700 MPa combined with temperatures between 20 and 65 mC. Both for thermal and
pressure treatment, stability of LPO was higher in milk than in diluted whey.
Besides, a very pronounced antagonistic eect between high temperature and
pressure was observed, i.e. at 73 mC, a temperature where thermal inactivation at
atmospheric pressure occurs rapidly, application of pressure up to 700 MPa exerted
a protective eect. At atmospheric pressure, LPO in diluted whey was optimally
active at a temperature of about 50 mC. At all temperatures studied (2060 mC), LPO
remained active during pressure treatment up to 300 MPa, although the activity was
signicantly reduced at pressures higher than 100 MPa. The optimal temperature
was found to shift to lower values (3040 mC) with increasing pressure.
K.vov-: Lactoperoxidase, bovine milk, diluted whey, pressure, temperature.
High hydrostatic pressure is clearly an emerging technology for nonthermal food
preservation since it allows production of safe and high-quality food products
(Knorr, 1993; Gould, 1995; Barbosa-Canovas et al. 1997). Hitherto, especially high
pressure pasteurisation has received a great deal of interest since vegetative spoilage
and pathogenic bacteria can be inactivated by relatively mild pressures (up to
600700 MPa) at ambient temperature (Patterson et al. 1995; Smelt, 1998). As to
sterilization, on the other hand, very high pressures are needed to inactivate bacterial
spores at roomtemperature (Sale et al. 1970; Mills et al. 1998), making this technique,
although technically feasible, not commercially protable because of the very high
cost. In this case, the use of a hurdle type approach by combining relatively mild
* For correspondence; e-mail : marc.hendrickx!agr.kuleuven.ac.be
626 L. R. LIin.z \ o1nv-
pressure with mild temperature elevation or acidication would be worthwhile.
Likewise the use of antimicrobial systems, whether naturally present or intentionally
added to the food product, may oer some potentials. Indeed, pressure treatment of
Escherichia coli MG1655 and pressure-resistant mutants in presence of antimicrobial
peptides such as lysozyme and nisin, resulted in an increased lethality, the additional
reduction being strongly dependent on the environment and the microbial strain
(Hauben et al. 1996; Garcia-Graells et al. 1999).
Lactoperoxidase (LPO) has attracted special interest by many authors because of
its antimicrobial activity in milk in presence of hydrogen peroxide (H
) and
thiocyanate or halogens (Ravanis & Lewis, 1995). It catalyses the oxidation of
thiocyanate (SCN

), a compound widely distributed in animal tissues and secretions,

by H
. The resulting hypothiocyanate (OSCN

) or higher oxyacids are responsible

for the antimicrobial activity, presumably because they react with protein
sulphydryl groups, thereby causing inactivation of metabolic enzymes that depend
on an active-site cysteine residue for their activity (Hernandez et al. 1990; Fuglsang
et al. 1995). The natural occurrence of LPO in milk could likewise oer potential
in pressure preservation (whether or not in combination with mild temperature
elevation) of dairy products, provided the enzyme has a relative high pressure
(-temperature) stability and maintains its activity under pressure. While some
reports can be found in literature regarding thermal stability of LPO in milk,
very little is known about its pressure stability. In this context, the eect of
temperature and\or pressure on LPO in raw bovine milk and diluted whey has been
focused on in this paper.
n\1vI\i- \ n1no-
Milk source
A single lot of fresh bovine milk was purchased from a local dairy farm
(9\9\1999), characterized by a fat and protein content of, respectively, 14n2 g\kg and
31n0 g\kg. The milk was divided into small portions (3050 ml) and stored under
frozen conditions (k18 mC). For the preparation of acid whey, milk proteins were
precipitated by adding successively 1n75 n-acetic acid and 1 n-sodium acetate, and
removed by ltration (S589$, Schluesser and Schnell GmbH, Germany). After
ltration, the milk whey was diluted (1\5) in 0n1 n-phosphate buer, pH 6n4, which
corresponds to the optimal pH for LPO activity (Shahani et al. 1973; Hernandez et
al. 1990). In this way, a stable solution was obtained which could be stored for
several hours at room temperature without a change in LPO activity.
Lactoperoxidase activity assay
LPO activity was measured spectrophotometrically at 412 nm (Biochrom 4060,
u.v.-visible spectrophotometer, Pharmacia Biotech, UK) and 20 mC with 10 mn-
ABTS (2,2h-azinobis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulphonic acid) and 10 mn-H
substrate, according to an adjusted procedure of Hernandez et al. (1990). Instead of
whole milk, acid whey was used for activity measurement, a procedure which is
possible because LPO activity is mainly associated with the whey fraction (Shahani
et al. 1973; Chavarri et al. 1998). Previous results showed that in this way, the
accuracy\reproducibility of the assay method was improved. The activity was
calculated from the slope of the linear part of the regression line when absorbance
increase was plotted versus reaction time.
Lactoperoxidase activity in milk and whey 627
Lactoperoxidase inactivation study
Isothermal inactivation experiments were performed in a thermostated water
bath at temperatures between 69 and 73 mC. Milk or whey samples, lled in screw cap
vials (4 ml, Vel Polylabo, Belgium) were treated at constant temperature for pre-set
times. Isobaric-isothermal inactivation experiments were performed in a thermo-
stated laboratory scale, multivessel high pressure equipment (HPIU-1000, Resato,
The Netherlands), using an oil-glycol mixture (TR15, Greenpoint Oil, The
Netherlands) as pressure transmitting uid. Milk or whey was lled in microcentri-
fuge tubes (500 l, Elkay, UK) and pressure treated for pre-set times. Pressure was
built up slowly (p100 MPa\min) to minimize the temperature increase resulting
from adiabatic heating (Kalichevsky et al. 1995). Besides, only isobaric-isothermal
conditions were taken into account for data analysis by excluding the initial phase
of variable pressure and temperature from the experiment. The initial activity (A
t l0) was dened as the activity of the enzyme sample when entering the time
domain where pressure and temperature remain constant in time (Weemaes et al.
1997). The use of this zero-point approach is only acceptable for zero and rst order
reactions. A rst set of experiments was performed at constant pressure (700 MPa)
in combination with temperatures between 15 and 65 mC. Secondly, pressure
inactivation (150750 MPa) was studied at 73 mC, a temperature where inactivation
at atmospheric pressure occurs.
After thermal and\or pressure treatment, the samples were transferred to ice
water to stop inactivation and stored there until activity measurement. In a
preliminary experiment it was veried that no reactivation of the enzyme took place
during storage (2 h). Both thermal and\or pressure inactivation experiments were
performed in duplicate.
Lactoperoxidase activation study
Since there is no method available to determine the progress of the LPOcatalysed
reaction in situ, a quench method was used to study the eect of temperature and\or
pressure on the activity of LPO in acid whey. For thermal activation studies, the
reaction was initiated at room temperature by mixing diluted whey solution with
0n1 n-phosphate buer, pH 6n4, containing 10 mn-ABTS and 10 mn-H
. Sub-
sequently, 1 ml aliquots were pipetted into individual tubes and after 3 min,
incubated in a water bath at constant temperature between 20 and 80 mC for pre-set
times. At the respective times, the reaction was stopped (quenched) using a heat
shock (2 min at 90 mC). As to pressure-temperature activation, the reaction was
likewise initiated at room temperature (0n1 MPa) and exible microtubes were lled
with the solution. After 4 min (time to prepare the samples and to enclose them
in the pressure vessels), the samples were pressurized and treated for pre-set time
periods. Pressures between 0n1 and 300 MPa in combination with temperatures
between 20 and 60 mC were selected for this study. Analogous to the inactivation
experiments, the initial phase of variable pressure and temperature was excluded
from the experimental data set. Immediately following depressurisation of the
individual vessels, the reaction was quenched using a heat shock (2 min at 90 mC).
In both cases, the samples were transferred to ice water after quenching and stored
there until absorbance measurement (412 nm). All experiments were carried out in
To dene an appropriate experimental set-up for the activation study, some
preliminary experiments were carried out. At rst it was veried that the measured
628 L. R. LIin.z \ o1nv-
absorbance remained constant during storage on ice for at least 2 h. Besides,
it was checked that in absence of milk whey, no increase in absorbance was noted
during thermal and\or pressure treatment, indicating the substrate to be stable
under all pressure-temperature conditions studied and its conversion to be merely
caused by the enzymatic reaction. Secondly, some preliminary experiments were
performed with dierent enzyme and substrate concentrations to set forth the nal
modus operandi. Concentrations inducing a linear increase in absorbance with time
during at least 15 min were chosen in order to estimate accurately the activity from
the slope of the regression line. For all experiments discussed below, the following
reaction mixtures were used: 50 l ABTS (10 mn), 50 l H
(10 mn), 10 l
diluted whey and 750 l phosphate buer, pH 6n4. In order to account for the
variability in absolute LPO activity between dierent whey samples (about 19%),
results were re-calculated relative to the activity of the same sample at 20 mC and
atmospheric pressure.
Data analysis
Isothermal and isobaric-isothermal inactivation of LPO could be described by a
rst order model (1), allowing the inactivation rate constant (k) to be determined
from a semilogarithmic plot (2) of the activity retention (A\A
) as a function of
treatment time (t)
lkkA, (1)
lkkt. (2)
Temperature dependence of the inactivation rate constant, expressed as the
activation energy (E
), is given by the Arrhenius relationship (3), in which R is the
universal gas constant, T the absolute temperature and T
the absolute reference
temperature (343 K). The E
value can hence be calculated from a semilogarithmic
plot of k versus reciprocal temperature.
lnk llnk
On the basis of the experimental data, kinetic parameter values (k, E
) were
calculated successively from equations (2) and (3) by an individual two-step linear
regression approach (SAS, 1989) from the logarithmic data. This approach was
preferred over a global one-step non-linear regression approach (Claeys et al. 2001),
in which the kinetic parameters are estimated in a global t of the entire data set
using non-linear regression analysis of relative activity retentions according to
equation (4). The latter approach does not allow calculation of individual k values in
areas where the Arrhenius equation is not applicable (Ludikhuyze, 1998).
t (4)
The reaction catalysed by LPO was followed by measuring the absorbance
increase due to conversion of ABTS in the presence of H
. The activity of LPO
(OD\min) was estimated from the initial linear part of the curves obtained when
plotting the absorbance as a function of reaction time under conditions of constant
temperature and\or pressure. Linear regressions were again performed using the SAS
package (SAS, 1989).
Lactoperoxidase activity in milk and whey 629
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time, min
Fig. 1. Residual lactoperoxidase activity (A\A
) as a function of treatment time in raw milk (#) and
diluted whey ($) treated at 70 mC. A, enzyme activity at time t ; A
, initial enzyme activity. Duplicate
measurements are represented.
Table 1. Kinetic parameters, reaction rate constant (k) and activation energy (E
for thermal inactivation of lactoperoxidase in raw bovine milk and acid whey (diluted
1\5 in 0n1 M-phosphate buer, pH 6n4)
Temperature (mC)
Raw bovine milk* Diluted whey
k-value, min" r# k-value, min" r#
69 (1n22p0n17)i10# 0n778 (2n89p0n19)i10# 0n934
70 (4n02p0n22)i10# 0n953 (7n20p0n23)i10# 0n984
71 (5n92p0n41)i10# 0n921 (14n43p0n93)i10# 0n942
72 (11n58p0n88)i10# 0n911 (34n93p3n16)i10# 0n938
73 (18n61p0n93)i10# 0n961 (55n49p4n00)i10# 0n946
: 640n6p72n5 kJ\mol E
: 736n9p40n9 kJ\mol
r# l0n963 r# l0n991
* Results on bovine milk are taken from Claeys et al. 2001.
Inactivation of lactoperoxidase in bovine milk and diluted whey
Thermal inactivation (6973 mC) of LPO in milk (Claeys et al. 2001) and diluted
acid whey could be accurately described by a rst order kinetic model (Fig. 1), as
regression coecients were situated between 0n911 and 0n984 (except for bovine milk
at 69 mC) and no systematic deviations from the semi-logarithmic linear behaviour
were observed. Our results agreed with several literature reports on inactivation of
LPO in milk and\or whey (Hernandez et al. 1990; Lo! pez-Fandin4 o et al. 1996; Barrett
et al. 1999). Olszewski & Reuter (1992), on the other hand, noted the order of the
thermal inactivation reaction of LPO in raw milk to be 1n5.
The kinetic parameters corresponding to the rst order model are presented in
Table 1. From this table it becomes clear that the thermostability of LPO is higher in
raw bovine milk than in diluted whey, the rate constants being about half in the
630 L. R. LIin.z \ o1nv-
0 20 40 60 80 100
Time, min
120 140
Fig. 2. Residual lactoperoxidase activity (A\A
) as a function of treatment time at 700 MPa in (a) raw
milk treated at 15 (#), 25 ($), 35 (=), 45 (), and 65 (i) mC and (b) acid whey (1\5 diluted in 0n1
n-phosphate buer, pH 6n4) treated at 10 (#), 40 ($) and 65 (=) mC. A, enzyme activity at time t ;
, initial enzyme activity. Values are means of duplicate determinations.
former case. The activation energy for thermal inactivation in diluted whey seemed
somewhat higher when compared to milk, but no signicant dierences were noted
on a 95% condence level.
As to pressure treatment at 700 MPa, no substantial inactivation of LPO in milk
was observed, even after treatment times of 140 min at temperatures as high as 65 mC
(Fig. 2a). In whey, minor inactivation of LPO was induced by a treatment at 65 mC
Lactoperoxidase activity in milk and whey 631
0 20 40 60 80 100
Time, min
Fig. 3. Residual lactoperoxidase activity (A\A
) as a function of treatment time at 73 mC in (a) raw
milk treated at 0n1 (#), 150 ($), 400 (=), 700 (), and 750 (i) MPa and (b) acid whey (1\5 diluted
in 0n1 n-phosphate buer, pH 6n4) treated at 0n1 (#), 150 ($), 400 (=), 700 (), and 750 (i) MPa. A,
enzyme activity at time t ; A
, initial enzyme activity. Values are means of duplicate determinations.
and 700 MPa for 140 min (Fig. 2b). In this case a rst order rate constant of
$ min
" was calculated. Similar to thermal stability, pressure
stability of LPO was higher in milk than whey.
At 73 mC, a temperature where inactivation at atmospheric pressure proceeds
very rapidly, treatment at pressures between 150 and 700 MPa completely inhibited
inactivation of LPO in milk, i.e. a very pronounced antagonistic eect of pressure
and high temperature was observed (Fig. 3a). A similar antagonistic eect was noted
632 L. R. LIin.z \ o1nv-
30 40 50 60 70 80
Temperature (C)
Fig. 4. Relative lactoperoxidase activity (A\A
) in acid whey (diluted 1\5 in 0n1 n-phosphate buer,
pH 6n4) as a function of temperature at atmospheric and elevated pressure: 0n1 (#), 50 ($), 100 (=),
200 (), and 300 (i) MPa. A
, enzyme activity at 20 mCand atmospheric pressure; A, enzyme activity
at the preset pressure-temperature condition. Values are means of duplicate determinations.
Table 2. First order rate constants for (in)activation of lactoperoxidase in acid whey
(diluted 1\5 in 0n1 M-phosphate buer, pH 6n4). at 73 mC and dierent pressures
Pressure, MPa k-value, min" r#
0n1 (55n49p4n00)i10# 0n961
150 (-0n29p0n05)i10# 0n860
400 (0n18p0n02)i10# 0n938
700 (0n59p0n06)i10# 0n939
750 (0n85p0n09)i10# 0n934
in whey. However, in this case, pressures equal to or higher than 700 MPa again
induced inactivation (Fig 4b), but the inactivation rate constants remained much
smaller than at atmospheric pressure (Table 2). In whey, even a small increase in
activity was noted after pressure treatment at 150 MPa, i.e. a negative k value was
found (Table 2).
Activation of LPO in diluted whey
From Fig. 4 it can be seen that LPO activity increased with increasing
temperature (at 0n1 MPa) up to about 50 mC, and then decreased with further increase
in temperature, becoming nearly zero at temperatures higher than 70 mC. These
ndings correspond with earlier results on inactivation of LPO in whey in absence of
its substrate, where substantial inactivation occurred at temperatures higher than
70 mC. This indicates that the substrate has no protective eect against enzyme
inactivation. The statistical accuracy of activity determination was higher at lower
temperatures, i.e. the standard error on the activity value increased from about 9%
at ambient temperature to about 24% at 70 mC.
Lactoperoxidase activity in milk and whey 633
Table 3. Lactoperoxidase (LPO) activity (values relative to the activity at
atmospheric pressure and 20 mC) in acid whey (diluted 1\5 in 0n1 M-phosphate buer,
pH 6n4) at dierent pressure-temperature conditions
Pressure, Mpa
Relative LPO activity at selected temperature-pressure conditions
20 mC 30 mC 40 mC 50 mC 60 mC
0n1 1n00p0n099 1n604p0n178 1n822p0n193 2n261p0n287 2n043p0n302
50 0n926p0n153 1n366p0n175 1n666p0n145 1n525p0n329 1n173p0n207
100 0n853p0n106 1n461p0n167 1n758p0n236 1n316p0n136 1n303p0n253
200 0n529p0n088 1n168p0n117 1n223p0n258 0n913p0n183 0n762p0n111
300 0n275p0n065 0n817p0n263 0n673p0n151 0n789p0n136 -
Because of the extreme pressure stability of LPO in milk and diluted whey, it
seemed worthwhile to investigate whether the enzyme could likewise retain its
catalytic activity under pressure. The activity values relative to the activity at 20 mC
and atmospheric pressure, together with the standard errors are summarized in
Table 3. Regression coecients of activity determination were situated between 0n870
and 0n990. From Table 3, it becomes clear that LPO remains active at pressures up
to 300 MPa although at pressures higher than 100 MPa, the activity was signicantly
reduced. Analogously to atmospheric pressure, the activity at elevated pressure is
dependent on temperature (Fig. 4). The optimal temperature at elevated pressure
is shifted to somewhat lower values (3040 mC) as compared to atmospheric
pressure (50 mC).
The most remarkable observation was the pronounced antagonistic eect
between pressure and high temperature, i.e. application of pressure up to 700 MPa
at 73 mC, a temperature where inactivation at atmospheric pressure occurs rapidly,
completely inhibits LPO inactivation. The fact that pressure greatly retards the rate
of inactivation during the early stage of thermal treatment indicates that a
considerable increase in volume of the molecules takes place in going from the native
to the activated state (Johnson & Campbell, 1945). A rst explanation in molecular
terms is that stability of native proteins is achieved by matching the volume of the
residues to the volume of an incompressible cage formed by a covalently linked
backbone. At high temperature the change in standard entropy is positive in
accordance to the high exibility of the unfolded protein (Weber &Drickamer, 1983).
A second explanation refers to the concept of microscopical ordening stating that
pressure increase intensies the degree of organisation of the protein molecule. At
high temperature, disordering of the protein molecule or unfolding of the polypeptide
chain occurs due to breaking of bonds by thermal vibrations. Such disorderliness is
counteracted by pressure (Suzuki, 1960; Heremans, 1982). At the level of the
interactions within the protein, pressure stabilization of proteins\enzymes against
thermal denaturation\inactivation arises from the counteracting eects of pressure
and temperature on the formation\disruption of intramolecular interactions and\or
interactions with the solvent. Hydration of protein functional groups is enhanced by
pressure but loosened at high temperature. Hydrophobic interactions are streng-
thened by temperature up to 70 mC, but greatly weakened by pressure as a
consequence of exposure of non-polar amino acid residues and reorganisation of the
loosely packed water structure. Where hydrogen bonds are largely destabilised at
634 L. R. LIin.z \ o1nv-
high temperature, minor stabilization by pressure is observed (Gross & Jaenicke,
1994; Damodaran, 1996; Mozhaev et al. 1996).
Antagonistic eects of temperature and pressure have been frequently encoun-
tered for protein denaturation\enzyme inactivation (Johnson & Campbell, 1945;
Suzuki, 1960; Suzuki & Kitamura, 1963; Zipp & Kauzmann, 1973; Balny & Masson,
1993; Heremans, 1993; Weemaes et al. 1998; Ludikhuyze et al. 2000; Van den Broeck
et al. 2000a, b), although in most cases retardation rather than complete inhibition
of thermal inactivation was observed. In case of LPO in milk and whey, even a small
increase in activity due to pressure treatment was observed. This has not been
reported for other milk enzymes, but various reports on this aspect have been
published for fruit and vegetable enzymes (Butz et al. 1994; Jolibert et al. 1994;
Anese et al. 1995; Cano et al. 1997; Van den Broeck et al. 2000b). Since all these
reports concern cell free extracts, cell disruption and decompartimentation cannot be
at the base of activity enhancement. Other explanations for enzyme activation by
pressure that have been put forward, include (i) limited conformational changes, (ii)
release of active enzyme from an enzyme-inhibitor complex, and (iii) liberation of a
second active site by limited proteolysis (Butz et al. 1994). The observed antagonistic
eect and the enhancement of LPO activity at high temperature by low pressure
(50100 MPa) might have potential in exploiting the antimicrobial potency of milk.
At temperatures higher than 70 mC, where activity of LPO is strongly reduced,
application of relatively low pressure might lead to preservation of LPO activity and
hence antimicrobial potency. However, not only the eect of pressure on enzyme
activity, but also on the enzymic conversion reaction is important, as the
antimicrobial activity is linked to the products formed in this reaction. In this
context it was observed that the catalytic reaction of LPO in whey can be enhanced
by a controlled pressure and\or temperature treatment. The higher temperature
(70 mC) reported by Kussendrager (1993) for maximal activity of LPO in milk
between pH 5n0 and 6n5 might be explained by the higher thermostability of LPO in
milk compared with whey. Also Barrett et al. (1999) observed the LPO system
to retain its antimicrobial activity upon milk pasteurisation, provided the time-
temperature combination was not too excessive.
At room temperature, LPO displayed very high pressure resistance, both in milk
and whey. Similar results were obtained by Rademacher et al. (1998b), who reported
residual LPO activities higher than 50% after treatment for 4 h at 800 MPa and
2560 mC. They attributed the high pressure stability of LPO to its monomeric
structure, which is stabilized by eight disulphide bonds. Sionneau et al. (1997)
reported that LPO in milk is not signicantly aected by continuous pressure
treatment at 380 MPa for 5 min. Seyderhelm et al. (1996) found pressure treatment
of raw bovine milk at 800 MPa and 2540 mC for 30 min to result in about 20%
reduction of LPO activity. In Tris buer at pH 7, on the other hand, about 70%
activity loss was found under similar processing conditions. For many other milk
enzymes, much lower pressure stability has been reported. Inactivation of alkaline
phosphatase, -glutamyl-transferase and phosphohexose-isomerase in milk at 20 mC
could be achieved by treatment for 8 min in the pressure range 400750 MPa,
400600 and 300500 MPa respectively (Rademacher et al. 1998a, 1999; Ludikhuyze
et al. 2000).
Opposed to the extreme pressure resistance, a low thermostability was observed
for LPO, which was even more pronounced in acid whey than in whole milk. This
dierence might be attributed to the presence of some protective factors which are
lost upon preparation of the whey. Opposite results were found by Hernandez et al.
Lactoperoxidase activity in milk and whey 635
(1990) for thermostability of LPO in sweet whey. In this case, preparation of whey
was accomplished by addition of CaCl
before renneting, which could be at the base
of the observed increased thermostability. Indeed, mono- and divalent cations have
been found to protect LPO against thermal inactivation (Sciancalepore et al. 1996).
In both cases, a very high temperature sensitivity was found as indicated by the high
values for the activation energy. In agreement with our results, Hernandez et al.
(1990) reported an activation energy value for LPO inactivation in buer of
602 kJ\mol, but higher values for whey (1030 kJ\mol) and raw milk (800 kJ\mol).
Also Olszewski & Reuter (1992) found a similar activation energy for inactivation of
LPO in raw milk (E
l634 kJ\mol), although in this case the order of the
inactivation reaction was stated to be 1n5. Barrett et al. (1999) calculated a somewhat
lower activation energy (p500 kJ\mol).
Where LPO in milk and diluted acid whey can readily be inactivated at
temperatures above 69 mC, it was extremely pressure resistant and withstood
treatments at 700 MPa combined with temperatures between 20 and 60 mC.
Application of pressure at 73 mC even protected LPO against thermal inactivation.
However, although LPO itself was not aected by pressure up to 300 MPa in
combination with temperature up to 60 mC, its catalytic activity in presence of the
substrate was lower under pressure compared with atmospheric pressure. Never-
theless, the obtained results may indicate possible exploitation of the natural
antimicrobial properties of the LPO system, at least when combining pressures up
to 300 MPa with temperatures of about 4050 mC.
This research has been supported by the Belgian Fund for Scientic Research
(FWO), the Oce of the Federal Oce for Scientic, Technical and Cultural Aairs
(project NP\01\034) and the Flemish Institute for the promotion of Scientic-
Technological research in industry (STWW 980366).
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