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Hope - 3 Grade 12 Energy System: Quarter 1 Week 1 Module 1

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Republic of the Philippines

Region I
Schools Division Office I Pangasinan
Pangasinan National High School
Lingayen, Pangasinan

HOPE - 3
Quarter 1 Week 1 Module 1

Most Essential Learning Competency:

Explains how to optimize the energy system for safe and improve performance

Explains the role of physical activity ion managing one’s stress
Sets FITT goals based on training principles to achieve and/or

maintain HRF.

Self-Assesses Health-Related Fitness (HRF) status, barriers to
physical activity assessment participation and one’s diet.

Lesson 1: Text as Connected Discourse (Times New Roman, Bold, size 13)
(Use Times New Roman in all activities, size 11, regular. Observe 1.15 line spacing. Use double
space from the last item in Lesson 1 to the first item in the next part, etc. Use mirrored margin in all
What I Need to Know: Learning Objectives
This module will help you to:
1. Know the meaning of Energy System
2. Identify the different kinds of Energy Systems
3. Discuss the importance of Energy System in dance 4. Perform a dance where energy systems
can be used.
What’s New:

Energy Systems in the Body

The energy system of our body works in different ways in which it generates fuel and uses it as an
energy to perform a certain task. We all know that in able for our body to work, all we must do is to
eat. The food that we eat gives as the energy to do work and to accomplish something. These food
serves as the fuel of our body. A certain energy system of our body becomes predominant
depending on the intensity, duration, and type of exercises we perform.

Energy systems in our body includes the ATP-CP System, Glycolysis, and Oxidative. In the previous
grade level, these energy systems were discussed in the concept of exercise and sports. In this
module, you will learn how energy systems functions in the concept of dance.

What is It:
Energy Systems in the Body
The human body uses energy from food to fuel movement and essential body functions, but the body
cells don't get energy directly from food. After food is digested, the carbohydrates, protein and fat
break down into simple compounds -- glucose, amino acids and fatty acids -- which are absorbed into
the blood and transported to various cells throughout the body. Within these cells, and from these
energy sources, adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is formed to provide fuel. The body uses 3 different
systems to supply cells with the necessary ATP to fuel energy needs. Most of the body's activities use
a continuum of all three energy systems, working together to ensure a constant supply of energy.

ATP-PC System
The body needs a continuous supply of ATP for energy -- whether the energy is needed for lifting
weights, walking, thinking or even texting. It's also the unit of energy that fuels metabolism, or the
biochemical reactions that support and maintain life. For short and intense movement lasting less than
10 seconds, the body mainly uses the ATP-PC, or creatine phosphate system. This system is
anaerobic, which means it does not use oxygen. The ATP-PC system utilizes the relatively small
amount of ATP already stored in the muscle for this immediate energy source. When the body's
supply of ATP is depleted, which occurs in a matter of seconds, additional ATP is formed from the
breakdown of phosphocreatine (PC) -- an energy compound found in muscle.

Lactic Acid System

The lactic acid system, also called the anaerobic glycolysis system, produces energy from muscle
glycogen -- the storage form of glucose. Glycolysis, or the breakdown of glycogen into glucose, can
occur in the presence or absence of oxygen. When inadequate oxygen is available, the series of
reactions that transforms glucose into ATP causes lactic acid to be produced -- in efforts to make
more ATP. The lactic acid system fuels relatively short periods -- a few minutes -- of high-intensity
muscle activity, but the accumulation of lactic acid can cause fatigue and a burning sensation in the

Aerobic System
The most complex energy system is the aerobic or oxygen energy system, which provides most of
the body's ATP. This system produces ATP as energy is released from the breakdown of nutrients
such as glucose and fatty acids. In the presence of oxygen, ATP can be formed through glycolysis.
This system also involves the Krebs or tricarboxylic acid cycle -- a series of chemical reactions that
generate energy in the mitochondria -- the power plant inside the body cells. The complexity of this
system, along with the fact that it relies heavily on the circulatory system to supply oxygen, makes it
slower to act compared to the ATP-PC or lactic acid systems. The aerobic system supplies energy for
body movement lasting more than just a few minutes, such as long periods of work or endurance
activities. This system is also the pathway that provides ATP to fuel most of the body's energy needs
not related
to physical activity, such as building and repairing body tissues, digesting food, controlling body
temperature and growing hair.

The Energy Used in Dancing by Cherish Plummer

Production of Lactic Acid
• Lactic acid occurs when your body is working hard.
• When it is not working fast enough, lactate builds up in your muscles causes your muscles to

Aerobic or Anaerobic
• The motion of dancing (Ballet) is aerobic
• This particular activity is aerobic because in most cases dancing is slow and rhythmical.

• The body stores ATP in muscle in the form of Glycogen.
• This storage is for needed energy for doing activities

Energy System
• The oxidative system is the primary source of ATP during aerobic activities •
Oxidative energy primarily uses carbohydrates and fats as substrates for energy.

Mitochondrial/Metabolic Rate
• Mitochondria are referred as the “powerhouse of the cell”
• They also contain a lot of the enzymes, associated with aerobic energy • The aerobic oxidative
system forms a big part of our bodies metabolic rate.


• The body needs a • The lactic acid system, • The most complex
continuous supply of also called the energy system is the
ATP for energy - anaerobic glycolysis aerobic or oxygen
whether the energy is system, produces energy system, which
needed for lifting energy from muscle provides most of the
weights, walking, glycogen -- the storage body's ATP. This
thinking or even system produces ATP
form of glucose.
texting. It's also the
unit of energy that • Glycolysis, or the • as energy is released
• fuels metabolism, or the breakdown of glycogen from the breakdown of
biochemical reactions into glucose, can occur nutrients such as
that support and in the presence or glucose and fatty acids.
maintain life. For short absence of oxygen. In the presence of
and intense movement oxygen, ATP can be
lasting less than 10 • When inadequate
formed through
seconds, the oxygen is available, the
series of reactions
• •
• body mainly uses the • that transforms glucose •
ATP-PC, or creatine into ATP causes This system also
phosphate system. lactic •
This system is acid to be produced -- involves the Krebs or
anaerobic, which in efforts to make more tricarboxylic acid cycle
means it does not use ATP. -- a series of chemical
oxygen. The ATP-PC The lactic acid system reactions that generate
system fuels relatively short energy in the
utilizes the relatively periods -- a few mitochondria - the
small amount of ATP minutes -- of high power plant inside the
already stored in the intensity muscle body cells.
muscle for this activity, but the The complexity of this
immediate energy accumulation of lactic system, along with the
source. acid can cause fatigue fact that it relies heavily
and a burning sensation on the circulatory
in the muscles. system to supply
oxygen, makes it slower
to act compared to the
ATP-PC or lactic acid

The aerobic system

supplies energy for
body movement lasting
more than just a few
minutes, such as long
periods of work or
endurance activities.

This system is also the
pathway that provides
ATP to fuel most of the
body's energy needs
not related to physical
activity, such as
building and repairing
body tissues, digesting
food, controlling body
temperature and
growing hair.


https://prezi.com/ls6qoce3qptw/the-energy-used-in-dancing/ (Cherrish Plummer)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dWe8vtztW-4 (Youtube channel by What’sUp Dude)
toperfect-goal-oriented-exercise.html (Bindu Nambiar)

https://www.livestrong.com/article/131444-3-energy-systems-body/ (Thelma Gomez)

http://pureperformancetraining.com/energysystems/#iLightbox[gallery421]/0 Agcaoili,
Jarrel Keane M. et.al.Dance and Recreation for Health First Edition p.1

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