S ystem Analysis
& Design
Undergraduate Coursebook
Introduction ____________________________________________________________ 4
A Modern Approach to SAD ______________________________________________ 5
Developing Information Systems and System Development Life Cycle ___________ 7
Agile Methodologies _____________________________________________________ 8
Object-Oriented Analysis and Design _______________________________________ 9
Rational Unified Process ________________________________________________ 10
Summary _____________________________________________________________ 10
Learning Outcomes
After learning this chapter, you should be able to:
Define information systems analysis and design
Describe the information systems development life cycle
Describe the agile methodologies, eXtreme Programming, and Scrum
Explain object-oriented analysis and design and the Rational Unified Process
According to Scott Tilley, System analysis and design (SAD) is a step-by-step process
for developing high-quality information system. An information system combines
technology, people, and data to provide support for business functions such as order
processing, inventory control, human resources, and many more. Some information
systems handle routine day-to-day tasks, while others can help managers make better
decisions, spot marketplace trends, and reveal patterns that might be hidden in stored
data [1].
How information systems are important?
The world runs on information systems. Information systems form the foundation for
every major organizational activity and industry, from retail to healthcare to
manufacturing to logistics. Although advances in information technology continually
give us new capabilities, the analysis and design of information systems is driven from
an organizational perspective. An organization might consist of a whole enterprise,
specific departments, or individual work groups. Organizations can respond to and
anticipate problems and opportunities through innovative use of information technology
[2]. Information systems analysis and design is therefore an organizational improvement
process. Systems are built and rebuilt for organizational benefits. Benefits result from
adding value during the process of creating, producing, and supporting the
organization’s products and services. Thus, the analysis and design of information
systems is based on your understanding of the organization’s objectives, structure, and
processes, as well as your knowledge of how to exploit information technology for
With the challenges and opportunities of dealing with rapid advances in technology, it is
difficult to imagine a more exciting career choice than information technology (IT),
and systems analysis and design is a big part of the IT landscape. Furthermore,
analyzing and designing information systems will give you the chance to understand
organizations at a depth and breadth that might take many more years to accomplish in
other careers.
Although many people in organizations are responsible for systems analysis and design,
in most organizations the systems analyst has the primary responsibility. When you
begin your career in systems development, you will most likely begin as a systems
analyst or as a business analyst. The primary role of a systems analyst is to study the
problems and needs of an organization in order to determine how people, methods, and
information technology can best be combined to bring about improvements in the
organization. A systems analyst helps system users and other business managers define
their requirements for new or enhanced information services. As such, a systems analyst
is an agent of change and innovation.
Methodologies. In the early 1990s, key players in the field collaborated to develop the
Unified Modeling Language and the Unified Process. Agile approaches followed, as did
other dynamic methods. These approaches remain heavily employed in the development
of contemporary information systems. At the same time, new approaches such as
DevOps and DevSecOps continue to emerge [3].
Agile Methodologies
According to Fowler (2003), the agile methodologies share three key principles:
There is no question that object-oriented analysis and design (OOAD) is the standard for
systems development (we elaborate on this approach later throughout the book). OOAD
is often called the third approach to systems development, after the process-oriented and
data-oriented approaches [2]. The object-oriented approach combines data and processes
(called methods) into single entities called objects. Objects usually correspond to the
real things an information system deals with, such as customers, suppliers, contracts,
and rental agreements. The goal of OOAD is to make systems elements more reusable,
thus improving system quality and the productivity of systems analysis and design.
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This chapter introduced you to information systems analysis and design, the complex
organizational process whereby computer-based information systems are developed and
maintained. You also learned about the basic framework that guides systems analysis
and design - the systems development life cycle (SDLC), with its some common stages:
planning, requirement analysis, system analysis, system design, prototyping,
implementation, testing, documentation, deployment, evaluation, maintenance. The
Waterfall model was the first process model to be introduced. The Evolutionary model
is a combination of Iterative and Incremental model of SDLC. You were also briefly
introduced to object-oriented analysis and design, and RUP is a kind of OOAD. RUP
include use-case driven, iterative, and Incremental in value by nature. All these
approaches share the underlying idea of iteration.
System development life cycle, phases and processes:
Object-oriented analysis and design: