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IT Development

Systems Development Methodology Handbook

Iterative and Incremental Development
Glossary of Terms

Envisioning: Overview
Envisioning: Tasks
Envisioning: Artifacts

Planning: Overview
Planning: Tasks
Planning: Artifacts

Developing: Overview
Developing: Tasks
Developing: Artifacts

Stabilizing: Overview
Stabilizing: Tasks
Stabilizing: Artifacts

Deploying: Overview
Deploying: Tasks
Deploying: Artifacts


Liberty University 1971 University Blvd. Lynchburg,VA 24502 (434)582-2000

Updated 8/14/05 8:09 PM | Contact Us
IT Development

The IT Development and Engineering Systems Development Methodology (SDM) Handbook is
a collection of tasks, artifacts, best practices, resources, and recommendations used internally
to create information systems for Liberty University.

How the methodology was created

Defining a systems development methodology for any development team is a
tricky venture at best. Systems development is a rapidly changing and complex
field. Compounding that is a sort of "methodology war" going on within the field
between various industry and academic groups, each claiming that they know the
best way to develop software and systems. "Just follow these three easy steps..."
or "Employ these tools..." or "Organize yourself in this fashion...". How does one
wade through all the books, articles, and slogans to employ an effective
methodology? To compound this, developers tend to have very strong ideas about
how they like to develop software and usually do not take well to anyone coming
from on high giving them directives about a methodology.

Our programming department has also undergone much change in the past few
years. From the late 1990's, when the department consisted of 2 people, to
2004, when it consisted of 12 people, and now as it consists of about 30 people,
the size of the department has radically changed. From developing utilities and
add-ons to be used with a third-party student information system to building full-
fledged applications on that platform, as well as applications on the web and the
University website, the nature of the software we are developing has changed
(and is changing still with the advent of Banner). Also, we are developing more
than just software now, with systems development, network engineering, and
image development groups. From single-developer teams who work directly with
one customer to multi-person teams, including developers, project managers,
customers, operations, and support personnel, the way in which we are
developing systems is changing as well. It became apparent that defining a
standard methodology for the department was critical to managing the
complexity and size of our undertaking.

In the Spring of 2004, Programming Services (our name at the time) at Liberty
University formed an internal task force that was charged with creating a
software development methodology for the department. That task force was
chaired by Jonathan Minter (Director of Programming Services) and its members
included Lori Baker (Project Manager), Darrell Hyatt (Developer), and Anderson
Silva (Developer).

The task force decided that the best approach for developing the methodology
would be to do it in an iterative, incremental fashion. Therefore, instead of
retreating to a hole for 6 months and emerging with a large, complex document
that is to be followed immediately, we would develop the methodology in small
iterations. This has all the benefits of iterative and incremental software
development, including rapid feedback, easier management, and delivery of early
The basis for the methodology
Over the last several years, IT Development and Engineering had begun
researching and utilizing components of the Microsoft Solutions Framework (MSF).
This framework includes many models and bodies of knowledge that have been
gleaned from Microsoft's internal development and services groups. Specifically,
the we had begun to utilize the MSF Process Model, which includes a specific
description of the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) and various principles
for good systems development. Also, we began using the MSF Team Model, which
includes a team structure and roles to properly construct a project team.

Therefore, this methodology utilizes the MSF as the basis for the methodology,
including the Process and Team Models. Much of the content in the methodology
is adapted directly from the white papers found at http://www.microsoft.com/msf

The MSF endorses iterative and incremental development. We are also

incorporating agile development principles into our methodology. Therefore, we
are valuing individuals and interactions over processes and tools, working
software over comprehensive documentation, customer collaboration over contract
negotiation, and responding to change over following a plan (The Agile Manifesto,

The goals of the methodology

At the onset of the task force, we identified certain outcomes that the task force should
achieve for IT Development and Engineering

The methodology should define areas of expertise and knowledge in which the
entire department should be proficient.
The methodology should be able to be succinctly communicated inside and
outside of IT Development and Engineering.
The methodology should enable communication among IT Development and
Engineering employees, customers, and other IS employees.
The methodology should be sufficiently flexible to handle all projects, large and
small, whether they are in house software development, implementation of a
COTS product, systems projects, network projects, or any other IT project.
The methodology should be sufficiently flexible to allow each project to tailor the
methodology to suit the specific needs of the project.
The methodology should support iterative and incremental development.

The structure of the methodology

In defining the methodology, we chose to create one page per phase in the cycle. Each
page has a similar structure.

Description of the Phase

Tasks and Artifacts Table

A table defining the various tasks that should be undertaken by the project team during
this phase as well as the artifacts that should be present after the phase is complete.
This table should serve as a quick reference guide for project managers each time they
enter and exit a phase.

Questions to Answer
A list of questions that the project team should be able to answer if they are done with
the phase. This can also serve as a cheat sheet for the project manager.
The name and description of the milestone that will be hit when the phase is complete.

List of tasks and artifacts

Each task or artifacts will include a description as well as resources that would help a
team member better perform that task or create the artifact.

How to Change the Methodology

We view this methodology as a living document, always open to change. We view the
methodology as a tool to help us create better software, not something to be followed
blindly. Therefore, we should be constantly evaluating our methodology to ensure that
we are serving our purpose (creating software). Any areas of the methodology that are
not bring value to that goal should be stripped out or refined.

Suggestions for changes in the methodology should be given to the Director or any
person on the Methodology Task Force.

Next: Iterative and Incremental Development

Back: Table of Contents

Liberty University 1971 University Blvd. Lynchburg,VA 24502 (434)582-2000

Updated 8/14/05 8:25 PM | Contact Us
IT Development

Iterative and Incremental Development

What is Iterative and Incremental Development?

The following discussion is adapted from "Agile and Iterative Development: A
Managers Guide" by Craig Larman.

Iterative Development
An approach to building systems (or anything for that matter) in which the
overall lifecycle is composed of several iterations in sequence. Each iteration is a
a self-contained mini-project composed of activities such as requiremens analysis,
design, programming, and test.

Incremental Development
An approach to building systems in which the final system is built by adding and
releasing new features, iteration by iteration. In this approach, the team does not
wait until the entire system is functionally complete to deploy the product to
users. It is deployed little by little until the feature set is adequate or funding for
new enhancements is removed.

How does that fit with our methodology?

This systems development methodology uses five primary phases (Envisioning
through Deploying). It is quite possible that a development team could take those
phases and take a waterfall approach to development (that is, a strict sequencing
of phases that is focused on fully completing each phase before moving on to the
next). In this scenario, if there are 12 months of features to be developed, the
development team takes 2 months for Envisioning, 3 months for Planning, 6
months for Developing, and so on.

That approach is not espoused by this methodology. Instead, this methodology

encourages splitting up the features into many iterations and deploying several
times during that 12 month period. There are two main ways to structure the
project using the MSF Process Model and iterative development:

One Envisioning phase and iterate over Planning through Deploying

With this approach, the project team will spend a large amount of time
Envisioning the entire project (i.e. all 12 months of development). The team will
structure the project, come up with a rough schedule, and plan out which
features go in each iteration. Then, they will embark on many iterations, basically
treating an iteration as Planning through Deploying. This has the benefits of
iterative development, without all the overhead and the "fuzzy front end" delays
of Envisioning.

Iterate over Envisioning through Deploying each Iteration

In this approach, the team treats each iteration as its own project. They cycle
through the all the phases as if they were starting the project over again. In
practice, the subsequent Envisioning phases will be shorter than the first one, but
the activities will still be performed. The advantage of this approach is that the
team makes sure they are not assuming too much or getting too far off track
from their original goals and structure of the project.

How long should an iteration be?

Again from "Agile and Iterative Development: A Manager's Guide".

In modern iterative methods, the recommended length of one iteration is

between one and six weeks. Each iteration includes production-quality
development, not just requirements analysis, for example. And the system
resulting from each iteration is not a prototype or proof of concept, but a subset
of the final system.

This methodology espouses an iteration length of 3-6 weeks. This has several

It provides early value to the users. They are able to start using the system and
getting the benefit of the system as soon as the features are developed.
It provides early feedback to the development team. If the features developed
somehow do not meet the needs of the users, the developers become aware of
that shortly after developing the features. Those problems can be corrected
before moving on too far into the rest of the project (possibly with bad
assumptions). It ensures that the final system meets the users' true needs.
It gives the users confidence in the development team. When the users see
early, concrete features they can actually start using, it will inspire confidence in
the team. Also, if they provide feedback to the team and the product is changed
because if it (in the next iteration), they will feel that their voice has been heard
and they will take greater ownership in the product.
It provides for easier implementations. It is much easier to deploy a small set of
features (including deploying the code, converting data, training, writing users
manuals) than it is to do the entire system at once. If too many features are
delivered at once, critical activities (like full testing, users manuals, training) will
most likely be skipped because they are too labor-intensive.
It provides the University with flexibility for changing priorties. If priorities change
and resources must be diverted from a project, all the work done in the project
will not be lost. The development team has at least provided some value to the
users. Otherwise, 6 months could have been spent in development, with nothing
to show for it.

Are we agile?
Again, adapted from "Agile and Iterative Development" by Larman.

The hype around supposedly "agile" methodologies leave almost everyone claiming that
they are "agile". What does this mean?

Agile Development Defined

If agile methods have a motto, it is embrace change. If agile methods have a strategic
point, it is maneuverability. It is not possible to exactly define agile methods, as
specific practices vary. However, short timeboxed iterations with adaptive, evolutionary
refinement of plans and goals is a basic practice various methods share. In addition,
they promote practices and principles that reflect an agile sensibility of simplicity,
lightness, communication, self-directed teams, programming over documenting, and

In short, this methodology espouses those principles, and the principles of the Agile
Manifesto without adhering to a specific methodology that classifies itself as agile (XP,
SCRUM, DSDM, etc.)

The Agile Manifesto

No, we aren't trying to overthrow any government or create a Communistic society. In
2001, a group of methodologists met to bring together the various "new"
methodologies that had been developed over the previous decade or so. They boiled
down the principles of those methodologies into a simple statement, now known as the
Agile Manifesto:

"We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others
do it. Through this work we have come to value:

Individuals and interactions over processes and tools

Working software over comprehensive documentation
Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
Responding to change over following a plan

That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left
more." (Agile Manifesto)

Next: Glossary of Terms

Back: Introduction

Liberty University 1971 University Blvd. Lynchburg,VA 24502 (434)582-2000

Updated 8/14/05 8:30 PM | Contact Us
IT Development

Glossary of Terms

This section serves a glossary of many terms that will be used throughout this handbook. It
serves several purposes:

Assist in understanding of various terms in the discipline

Resolve discrepancies or ambiguity in terms used in different areas of the
Assist in creating a common language for the department
Assist our customers in understanding the terms we use in our projects

Artifact: Any document (physical or electronic) that persists after the project is completed.
Artifacts include items delivered to the customer (project plans, requirements, etc.) as well as
items used internally (design documentation, etc.)

Deliverable: Items created in the development process that are built for the customer.
Deliverables are defined by the team and are different for each team. Examples include
source code (and associated features), users manuals, etc.

Measurements: (also known as metrics) The collection of numeric assessments of a project's

success. Project success should be (if at all possible) stated in terms of objective, measurable
goals that leave no room for interpretation. For instance, a project measurement could be the
number of defects found after release of the product.

Methodology: A set of standards or protocols to follow when developing software. Typically,

the methodology will include an SDLC and associated practices for each phase. Methodologies
are also defined in terms of their "weight". That is, heavyweight methodologies require much
documentation and ceremony. Whereas, lightweight methodologies require little
documentation and ceremony outside of writing the code.

Microsoft Solutions Framework (MSF): A software development framework developed by

Microsoft for their consumer product development, as well as internal and external business
application development (see http://www.microsoft.com/msf). The MSF describes ways of
organizing teams, structuring projects, and other effective practices for software

MSF Process Model: A subset of the Microsoft Solutions Framework that describes the life
cycle of an MSF project. It describes the five phases of a project (Envisioning, Planning,
Developing, Stabilizing, Deploying), as well as principles to be used in development.

MSF Team Model: A subset of the Microsoft Solutions Framework that describes best
practices in organizing teams for software development. It describes 6 roles that should be
filled and other principles and best practices of building teams.

Risk Mitigation: The process of risk assessment in software projects is the act of finding all
possible things that could go wrong with a project during its development and deployment.
The process of keeping these risks from occurring, or minimizing the impact of a risk that
does occur is risk mitigation.
Scope: What features are in the project (as opposed to those that are out of the project).
The scope defines the boundaries of the work that will be done on the project.

Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC): The phases a software development project will
go through from inception of the project to completion.

Stakeholders: Members of the University community (or sometimes outside the community)
that have a stake in the outcome of the project. Frequently stakeholders are senior staff
members who are responsible for large parts of the university. Additionally, stakeholders
might be those in departments who are affected by the work of the department the project is

Task: In this methodology handbook, we are using the term task to denote anything the
project team must do throughout the cycle of development that doesn't necessarily yield an
artifact or deliverable. Sometimes these tasks become an input to an artifact (e.g. developing
a Rough Draft of Schedule becomes an input to the Project Plan). Many times, it is
something that just creates value for the team that doesn't need documented (e.g. Peer
Reviews or User Department Observation)

User Department: The departments represented by the users of the system. The user
department is classicly labeled the "business side" (as opposed to the IT side)

User Interface: The part of the software system that the user interacts with. This could be a
web page, an RPG program, or a windows application. The distinction is made between this
user interface and the application logic that goes on "behind the scenes"

Next: Envisioning - Overview

Back: Iterative and Incremental Development

Liberty University 1971 University Blvd. Lynchburg,VA 24502 (434)582-2000

Updated 6/2/05 2:40 PM | Contact Us
IT Development

Envisioning: Overview
The purpose of the Envisioning phase of a project is to allow the project team to determine
the initial goals, scope and structure of the project.

Tasks and Artifacts

Tasks Req'd Role Responsible
Team Formation Yes Project Management
Risk Assessment Yes Project Management
Security Analysis Yes Development
Preliminary Schedule Development

Rough Draft of Scope Yes Project Management

Rough Draft of Schedule

User Department Observation Product Management

Measurements Development Project Management

Artifacts Req'd Role Responsible

Project Plan Yes Project Management

Questions to Answer
Have you identified team members for each role of the team?
Does the team include appropriate customer representation, with the needed
authority to make decisions about features, priorities, and resources?
Does the team have adequate Information Services representation that can
ensure a smooth implementation, training, and ongoing maintenance of the
Have you identified the major features that will be included on this project?
Have you identified the major risks associated with this project, along with
mitigation strategies for those risks?
Have you developed a high-level schedule for all phases of the project?
Do the developers on the project have an adequate understanding of the
business domain?
Does the team have an understanding of the sensitivity of the data that will be
handled through the system?
Does the team know what measurements you are going to track throughout the

Project Scope and Vision Approved

The Envisioning phase is complete when the entire team and stakeholders have
come to an agreement regarding the scope and structure of the project.

<- prev : Table of Contents Planning - Overview : next ->

Envisioning - Tasks : next ->

Liberty University 1971 University Blvd. Lynchburg,VA 24502 (434)582-2000

Updated 6/2/05 2:36 PM | Contact Us
IT Development

Envisioning: Tasks

Team Formation
The team formation process is modeled after the Microsoft Solutions Framework (MSF)
Team Model. This model identifies 6 roles for each project.

The goal of this task is to identify at least one person to be the lead on each role.
Individuals may fulfill duties on more than one role. Also, there may be more than one
person fulfilling one role.

For reference, a short description of each role is listed below.

1. Product Management
Satisfied Customers: This role is primarily responsible for giving requirements to the
developers, prioritizing requirements within the project, and establishing the business

2. Program (Project) Management

Delivery Within Project Contraints: This role is primarily responsible for making sure
the project meets the established goals of the team, making sure it is delivered on
time and within budget, allocation resources, facilitating communication, and driving
critical decisions.

3. Development
Delivery to Product Specifications: This role is primarily responsible for building the
product such that it meets the needs of the customer, being a technological consultant,
and creating and maintaining estimates.

4. Testing
Release After Addressing All Issues: This role is primarily responsible for making sure
all issues are known and addressed before release.

5. User Education
Enhanced User Performance: This role is primarily responsible for making sure the
users can be as productive as possible with the new (or revised) product, providing
input on usability, and training the users on the product before and after release. For
each project, a representative from DISC will fulfill this role.

6. Logistics Management
Smooth Deployment and Ongoing Management: This role is primarily responsible for
ensuring that the deployment goes as smoothly as possible and that the product is set
up for long-term maintenance.

MSF Team Model Detailed Description
Peopleware - DeMarco and Lister
Getting Your Team Off on the Right Foot

Risk Assessment
Risk Assessment is the process of perceiving, analyzing and preparing for (or dealing
with) conditions or events which threaten the success of a project. The amount of effort
needed to assess risk is usually proportional to the size and scope of the project. Since
life changes as a project moves along, risk assessment must be done in all phases of
the project.

During the envisioning phase of a project, most of the risk assessment effort will be
directed towards predicting which conditions or events which are the most likely to
threaten the success of the project. As such, your goals in risk assessment are:
list as many potential dangers that can be reasonably foreseen
determine the probability of occurrence for each danger listed
determine the extent of potential loss for each danger listed

Once this is done, re-order the entire list from most dangerous to least dangerous. This
will help keep things in perspective as the project wears on. (Remember to re-order
the list again when re-assessing the dangers in later phases.)

5 Common Risks to Assess for the Project

Are the stakeholders actively involved in their role in the project?
Are new features requested after the requirements have been declared complete?
Do any features or products utilized violate the provided Information Security
Do the requirements affect a change in other products not previously included in
this project?
Does inadequate testing contribute to a larger number of defects in the deployed

Risk Management - Wikipedia
Conducting a Project Risk Assessment
Risk Assessment - 17 Steps to Success
Risk Management - Tasmanian State Government Guide
Project Management Framework - Risk Management
Reducing Project Management Risk
Project Health - Should We Keep Investing?
When is a Risk Not a Risk?
The NASA Guide to Effective Risk Management
Take a Risk (Gantthead.com article)

Security Analysis
The Security Analysis for the project should be incorporated into the Risk Assessment
document. If security is not taken into consideration from the beginning of a project, it
will become more and more expensive to maintain an application’s security. We want to
distance ourselves from the "penetrate and patch" process to a new "cradle-to-grave"
mindset where security is taken into consideration in all phases of the SDM.

The developer should consider the nature of the data/application in deciding an

appropriate level of security.

Most security measures are based on the following concepts (also known as the CIA
model of security):
Security Levels

RED - where data would only be stored temporarily and after a task is completed, we
delete part of the data. (i.e. credit card information).

ORANGE - where data is sensitive, and belongs to a person, but some other authorized
people may have access as well. The data has importance outside the University as
well. (i.e. SSN, Address)

YELLOW - where data is sensitive, but it is sensitive only to the university. (i.e. Grades,
Financial Aid, etc). It is still only accessible by the owner or an authorized person.

GREEN - Data that identifies a person that could be displayed to the public. (i.e. Name)

BLUE - Stats info. (Public Data)

Some questions to consider during this phase are:

How sensitive is this project?
Have you picked the Security Level your project falls under?
What metrics will be used throughout the project to monitor security development?
Will it have public access? restricted access?
Are there legal issues involved with this application? (e.g. privacy)
Do you have enough resources in the team (including stakeholders) to analyze
security risks?

Rough Draft of Scope

The purpose of preliminary schedule development in the Envisioning phase is to define
the broad milestones of the project.

In the MSF, a milestone is a synchronization point for the project. It represents a major
event in the life of a project, such as the first working release, requirements freeze,
project closure, etc. Milestones can also be defined using the transition from phase to
phase in the project.

A list of milestones for the project, and corresponding target dates for those milestones
should be present in the Vision and Structure document (see below)

MSF Process Model (description of milestones)

Rough Draft of Schedule

The purpose of developing a rough draft of the scope is to identify the major features
and goals that the new or modified product is to provide and to accomplish. When a
project begins, each member of the team may have a different set of assumptions for
what the project is to accomplish. This allows the team to identify the major
differences in these assumptions.

At this level, we are most concerned about identifying the deliverables so that a project
schedule can be drafted. Deliverables refer to the products that will be delivered to the
customer, such as the features that will be developed, training manuals, etc.

Defining the Scope of a Project
User Department Observation
The purpose of user department observation is to learn as mush as possible about the
business processes of the user. User observation assists in the development of the
problem definition, business needs, business processes, and user interface design.

Methods of User Department Observation

1. Observation - Take anywhere from a couple of hours to several days to observe
users going through the business process that is being programmed for the project.
2. Training - Participate in any training classes or new employee training that the
department uses. User manuals may also be a valuable tool for this task.

The I.T Inside the World’s Biggest Company

Measurement Development
A metric is simply a measure of some property or component of a project which is
collected for the purpose of diagnosing a problem or evaluating the success of a
product. Many project teams initially will go overboard and attempt to measure
everything, hampering the pace of the project. Other teams, having been burned by
over-metrification, abandon metrics altogether and lose out on the benefits that a
precisely conceived metrics set could provide. The point is to measure only that which
will yield quality information.

In the envisioning phase, we are only concerned with deciding which metrics are
important and planning to collect data for those metrics. The exact method used for
collecting each metric does not need to be decided at this time. One of the easiest
ways to generate a set of metrics is to take each goal stated in the Vision and
Structure Document and attempt to re-state it in a quantifiable manner. For some
goals, this may mean conducting research into what the baseline measurement is. For
example, if the goal is "to reduce account balance processing time by 50%", then you
must know what the average account balance processing time (and generally the range
of one standard deviation in either direction) to determine if you have met the goal.

Most of all, start off with a set of metrics you can manage. As we get used to
determining, collecting, and analyzing the kind of metrics which matter to us, we can
let the data tell us where we are missing measures. We can add the new metric to the
set in the next version of project. It is better that we not have one or two measures
that we would have liked than that we collect too much useless data, get frustrated and
give up on metric collection altogether.

5 Common Measurements
Number of changes to requirements
Number of defects caught before deployment (after development is complete)
Number of defects caught after deployment
Average amount of reduced time for business processes
What are the average amounts of time that it takes to train a person to use this

TenStep - Managing Metrics
Wikipedia - Software Metrics
Software Metrics Primer
Process and Project Metrics
Software Productivity Center, Inc. - Metrics
Spin.org - Customer Success Metrics
CIO.com - The Metrics Trap
Designing Metrics

! prev : Envisioning - Overview Envisioning - Artifacts : next "

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Updated 6/2/05 2:37 PM | Contact Us
IT Development

Envisioning: Artifacts

Project Plan
The Project Plan combines the three main documents that must be completed for the
Envisioning Phase. These documents are: The Vision Document, the Project Structure
Document, and the Master Risk Assessment Document. The following is a description of
the components of The Project Plan.

The official version of this document should be signed by the project team and
stakeholders. The signed copy of the document should be provided to the IS
Administration Office for filing.

Vision - Documents the description of the project’s deliverable as the solution to the
stated need.

Need - Why is this project needed? What is the problem definition?

Goals and Objectives - What are the broad goals and objectives for the project?

Feasibility - Has this project been determined as feasible for the University to

Constraints/Assumptions - What are the project assumptions and constraints?

Scope Statement - What are the boundaries for the project? What is in and what is

Schedule/Timeframe - What is the high level estimate for the timeframe of the project?

Performance Objectives -
1. Broad Design Considerations
2. Measurable Goals - What are the team’s measures of success for the project?

The Project Team
1. Team Organization - Who is the project team and what are their roles? See Team
Formation for a description of the team roles.
2. Staffing Management Plan - Documents the required human resources and their
approximate contribution time for the project.

Stakeholders - Who are the stakeholders?

Communication Plan -
1. Email List - Documents the memebers of the project team and the email distribution
list that was created for the project.
2. Meeting Schedule - Documents when the team will meet and who is required to
attend the meetings.
3. Reporting Plan - Documents the various reports and items that must be
communicated to keep the team and stakeholders thoroughly informed of the status of
the project.

Change Management Plan (optional) -

1. How will change requests be handled?
2. How will changes be tracked?

Quality Assurance Plan (optional) - The process to evaluate the project’s performance to
ensure that the project will perform within quality standards.

Master Risk Assessment

See the Risk Assessment Plan

Security Analysis
What is the security level for the project? How will security be monitored throughout
the project?
(See the Security Analysis task for more information)

DLP Contact System Vision and Structure Document
Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge
Complete Idiot’s Guide to Project Management
Low Intensity Project Management (Gantthead.com)

! prev : Envisioning - Tasks Planning - Overview : next "

Liberty University 1971 University Blvd. Lynchburg,VA 24502 (434)582-2000

Updated 6/2/05 2:38 PM | Contact Us
IT Development

Envisioning: Artifacts

Project Plan
The Project Plan combines the three main documents that must be completed for the
Envisioning Phase. These documents are: The Vision Document, the Project Structure
Document, and the Master Risk Assessment Document. The following is a description of
the components of The Project Plan.

The official version of this document should be signed by the project team and
stakeholders. The signed copy of the document should be provided to the IS
Administration Office for filing.

Vision - Documents the description of the project’s deliverable as the solution to the
stated need.

Need - Why is this project needed? What is the problem definition?

Goals and Objectives - What are the broad goals and objectives for the project?

Feasibility - Has this project been determined as feasible for the University to

Constraints/Assumptions - What are the project assumptions and constraints?

Scope Statement - What are the boundaries for the project? What is in and what is

Schedule/Timeframe - What is the high level estimate for the timeframe of the project?

Performance Objectives -
1. Broad Design Considerations
2. Measurable Goals - What are the team’s measures of success for the project?

The Project Team
1. Team Organization - Who is the project team and what are their roles? See Team
Formation for a description of the team roles.
2. Staffing Management Plan - Documents the required human resources and their
approximate contribution time for the project.

Stakeholders - Who are the stakeholders?

Communication Plan -
1. Email List - Documents the memebers of the project team and the email distribution
list that was created for the project.
2. Meeting Schedule - Documents when the team will meet and who is required to
attend the meetings.
3. Reporting Plan - Documents the various reports and items that must be
communicated to keep the team and stakeholders thoroughly informed of the status of
the project.

Change Management Plan (optional) -

1. How will change requests be handled?
2. How will changes be tracked?

Quality Assurance Plan (optional) - The process to evaluate the project’s performance to
ensure that the project will perform within quality standards.

Master Risk Assessment

See the Risk Assessment Plan

Security Analysis
What is the security level for the project? How will security be monitored throughout
the project?
(See the Security Analysis task for more information)

DLP Contact System Vision and Structure Document
Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge
Complete Idiot’s Guide to Project Management
Low Intensity Project Management (Gantthead.com)

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IT Development

Planning: Overview
The planning phase is when the bulk of the planning for the project is completed. During this
phase, the team prepares the requirements, works through the design process, and prepares
work plans, cost estimates, and schedules for the various deliverables.

Tasks and Artifacts

Tasks Req'd Role Responsible

Requirements Gathering Yes Project Management
Schedule Development Yes Product Management
Risk Reassessment Yes Project Management
Peer Reviews Yes Development
Project Management
Measurements Collection

Artifacts Req'd Role Responsible

Use Cases Yes Product Management
Design Documents

Yes Development

Updated Project Plan Yes Project Management

Security Checklist Yes Development

Questions to Answer
Did the requirements gathering provide enough information to design the system?
Does the project team have a rough idea of how long this iteration will take?
Do the risks identified in Envisioning still apply or have new risks surfaced?
Is the project team doing what they said they would do to keep the risks identified in
Envisioning from occurring?
Have the designs been reviewed and evaluated by someone outside the project team?
Is the project team collecting the data they said they would in Envisioning?
Does the team have a shared understanding of the business problems the system is
designed to solve?
Can the peer reviewers understand the intended design of the system through the
design documents?
Does the project plan accurately reflect changes made to requirements, schedule,
resources, and risks?
Has the developer constructed a security checklist appropriate for the environment and
requirements of the project?

Project Plans Approved
At the project plans approved milestone, the project team and key project stakeholders
agree that the due dates are realistic, that project roles and responsibilities are well
defined, and that mechanisms are in place for addressing areas of project risk. The
functional specifications, master project plan, and master project schedule provide the
basis for making future trade-off decisions.

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Planning: Tasks

Requirements Gathering
A requirement is a necessary attribute in a system, a statement that identifies a
capability, characteristic, or quality of a system. The difficult part of requirements
gathering is not documenting requirements; it is the effort of helping the customer
figure out exactly what they need. A requirement specifies what will be provided, not
how a requirement will be provided. The question of how is part of the design.
(Source: Recommened Requirements Gathering Practices -Dr. Ralph R. Young)

There are three levels of requirements:

1 . Business requirements: high-level needs that, when addressed will increase the
value of the business.
2 . User requirements: Bridge the requirements of the business and the requirements
of the software.
3 . Software Requirements: The doing parts are the functions that derive directly from
your user requirements. The being parts are non-functional needs that must be

There are numerous requirements gathering techniques that can be adapted for the
project. A few are listed below:
Interview/Discussion: The most common way to gather requirements is through
interviews and discussions. It is an effective way to formally or informally research
what the necessary requirements are for the project.
Requirements Workshops: A structured way to capture requirements from which
commitment, teamwork and consensus is often found. (See Requirements by
Collaboration: Workshops for Defining Needs - Ellen Gottesdiener for more
information on workshops)
Prototyping: See Design Documents: User interface for more information on
Use Cases: See the Use Cases section below for more information on Use Cases
Storyboards: A storyboard is a set of drawings depicting a set of user activities
that occur in an existing or envisioned system or capability.

Requirements by Collaboration
Recommended Requirements Gathering Practices

Schedule Development
Steps to Building a Project Schedule:
1. Develop a task list
- Developing a task list involves dividing the project into smaller, more manageable
components and then specifying the order of completion. It answers what tasks need to
be done to accomplish the projects objectives. The task list should not only include task
development time, but other project management tasks such as training, testing, and

2. Estimate Task Duration

- 5 options for estimating task duration:
1. Ask the people who will be doing the work
1. Get an objective expert's opinion
2. Find a similar task in a completed project plan
3. Perform a test session of the task if time permits
2. Make your best educated guess

3. Document the Project Schedule

- There are numerous ways to document the project schedule. Some examples are MS
Word, MS Excel, MS Project, Sticky Notes, etc.

Schedule Checklist - Gantthead.com

Risk Reassessment
Throughout the life of the project continual risk reassessment must be practiced in
order to make certain that the success of the project is not threatened. During Risk
Reassessment the results of the Risk Assessment task during the Envisioning Phase
should be revisited. There are a few areas that must be addressed for Risk
Do the risks identified during the Envisioning Phase still apply?
Have any additional risks been discovered during the Planning Phase?
Is the probability of occurrence for each risk still accurate?
Are appropriate measures being taken to make sure that the risks do not occur?
Are any risks that have occurred being properly handled as documented in the
Project Plan?

Peer Reviews
Peer Reviews provide a resource for teams to identify potential design and
implementation flaws, and increase the probability of success. Applying this process
early in the life cycle allows for maximum advantage in terms of resource efficiency as
well as design confirmation and ultimate mission success.

Issues that should be addressed by the Peer Reviews in Planning:


Peer reviews will be performed throughout the lifecycle of the project. In Planning, the
developer should identify someone in the department (outside the project team) that
will be the reviewer for this particular project. This will enable someone to see the
designs as they evolve and also review the code as it is written.

The developer and reviewer should work out the details of how they want to perform
their reviews on a project by project basis.

An Abridged Guide to Reviewing Code
Part of Your Complete Breakfast: Code Reviews

Measurements Collection
For Measurements Collection in Planning, you should refer to the measurements defined
in Envisioning. Basically, whatever measurements you said you would track in
Envisioning, you need to collect (where appropriate) in Planning.

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Planning: Artifacts

Use and Misuse Cases

Use cases are a method of gathering and analyzing requirements. In essence, they are
stories of using the system. Most often use cases are textual descriptions of some actor
(some user) performing some action in the system. The use case then describes the
steps by which the user and the system will interact. Also, the use case can document
what will happen in certain exception conditions.

Misuse cases on the other hand are concerned with security requirements. Use cases
typically concentrate on what the system should do, while misuse cases describe what
the system should not do. Stakeholders do not normally think about what the system
should not do, rather they are more concerned with what the system should look like
and what it will do. A misuse case is a sequence of actions that will result in a loss to
the organization. In order for us to be able to properly assess the security risks wihin
our projects we must take time to also look into misuse cases when we are completing
the Planning Artifact of Use Cases.

See the link below for example use cases. The body of knowledge for use cases is too
broad for a full treatment in this handbook. See the other resources below and the
books listed below for more information.

This handbook espouses the following principles in writing use cases:

1 . Use cases should not include any information about the user interface. UI
information only bogs down the use case and makes it more unmanageable. UI
requirements should be documented in the User Interface Design document
2 . Use cases should focus on the user's actions, not the system's actions. Although
this information is sometimes necessary to include, the use cases should not get
bogged down in low-level system details. Use cases are for customers to express
how they think the system should behave when they interact with it.
3 . We will err on the side of informality rather than formality and simplicity rather
than complexity. A simple list of steps for the use case and any alternate flows will
be sufficient. The "fully dressed" format espoused by some is not necessary to
provide value and only muddies the waters when getting user feedback on the use
4 . Use case diagrams are not necessary. These diagrams create little value and are
just one more place to record changes in requirements.

Use Cases: Robert C. Martin
Use Cases, Ten Years Later: Alistair Cockburn
Use and Abuse Cases: Martin Fowler
Writing Effective Use Cases: Alistair Cockburn
How to Avoid Use Case Pitfalls
Use Cases of Mass Destruction
Use Case Examples
Templates for Misuse Case Description
Design Documents: User Interface
Non-Function User Interface Prototyping is a method of usability testing that is useful
for Web sites, Web applications, and conventional software. In a nutshell, you make
screen shots, diagrams, hand written drafts of web screens, menus, image placement,
forms, pop-up windows, etc of the project you are trying to build.

Non-Function User Interface should help the Project Manager and the Programmer
answer some of the following questions:

Concepts and terminology: Do the target users understand the terms you've chosen?
Are there key concepts they gloss over or misconstrue?

Navigation/workflow: If there's a process or sequence of steps, does it match what

users expect? Do they have to keep flipping back and forth between screens? Does the
interface ask for inputs that users don't have, or don't want to enter?

Content: Does the interface provide the right information for users to make decisions?
Does it have extra information that they don't need, or that annoys them?

Page layout: Although your scribbled screens may not be pretty, you'll still get a sense
of whether users can find the information they need. Do you have the fields in the
order that users expect? Is the amount of information overwhelming, not enough, or
about right?

Functionality: You may discover missing functionality that users need, or functionality
you'd planned but users don't care about.

Source: Paper Prototyping - Morgan Kaufmann

Paper Prototyping - Carolyn Snyder
IBM - Paper Prototyping
Paper Protyping: Getting User Data Before You Code

Design Documents: Business-Logic

The Business Logic layer is the layer of code that sits between the Database layer
(where information is actually stored) and the User-Interface layer (where information
is presented to the user of the software in a way that he or she understands). The
purpose of the Business Logic layer is, in a sense, purely transformative. That is, its
sole reason for existing is to take the information stored in the database and to alter it
into a format which the User-Interface layer can present to the product user.

The entire trouble with the Business Logic layer is that it is not usually implemented
entirely separate of either of the other two layers. More often, it is either included in
the user-interface (e.g. a Cold Fusion script or an RPG program which displayed
"Freshmen" when given the value 1 from the database, "Sophomore" when 2, "Junior"
when 3, etc.) or it is included in the database (e.g. through the use of table joins,
views, or stored procedures). This means that the temptation arises for the analyst to
say "oh, well, look THAT is just part of the user-interface/database". However, for
documentation puposes, this temptation must be resisted because later programmers
(or, indeed, you yourself) may need to alter the layer in which the business logic was
placed (e.g. a stored procedure must be created to do the transformations because the
script/program doing them now processes too slowly).

One simple way to track how the data is transformed is to create a spreadsheet that
details what database values resolve to what user-interface values (and, of course, vice
versa). In the case where shortcuts are used (e.g. joining in a table of country names
and abbreviations), documenting the way that table should be joined in is sufficient.

Another method is simply to describe in a text document what transformations will be


For more complex projects, the above suggestions may not work. If this is the case,
the use of Data Flow Diagrams, flow charts, UML Sequence Diagrams or even some
other method may be neccesary. For these techniques, using drafting/drawing or some
sort of presentation software (e.g. VISIO or PowerPoint) is preferable and generally

The Data Flow Diagram Quick Reference
How to Draw Data Flow Diagrams
A Fresh Look at Flow Charting
Flow Chart and Decision Process
UML 2 Sequence Diagram Overview
Modeling with UML

Design Documents: Database

One of the most important features of database documentation is how the various
tables relate to one another.

The easiest way to document these relationships, if you are creating the database using
SQL Server, is to create all of your tables and relationships using the Diagrams tool in
Enterprise Manager. This tool will document your database in a visual manner intuitive
enough for other developers.

If you are creating the database on the AS/400, you have less luck since there is no
native tool to document the relationships involved. However, since you are stuck doing
your own documentation, it is recommended that you use a visual tool such as VISIO
or PowerPoint to document the tables and their relationships.

Data Modeling
Database Normalization for the Average Jane/Joe
Wikipedia - Database Normalization
Database Normalization and Design Techniques
UT Austin - Database Management Principles

Updated Project Plan

The Project Plan is a living document and must be updated as changes are made to the
various areas of the project. The use of iterative and incremental development justifies
updating the project plan. Iterative and incremental development allows for some
changing of requirements and goals as the project goes through different iterations and
phases. There are numerous areas in the Project Plan that could change throughout the
life of the project. For example, the scope could be modified, a team member may be
replaced, or the projects deliverables may change.

The preferred method for updating the Project Plan is to create a revision of the
existing document. Previous versions of the Project Plan should be saved so that they
can be referred to in the future if historical information is needed.
Security Checklist
During the planning process, security planning is focused on identifying security risks
for the application being developed.

The developer should construct a checklist that identifies all possible security risks that
should be accounted for in the development process. This checklist will serve as a basic
security requirements document. The items on the checklist will come from known
vulnerabilities for the platforms on which the application is being developed, as well as
special considerations based on the type of data manipulated by the application.

For web applications, see the OWASP Top Ten Web Application Vulnerabilities (linked
below) as a start.

For AS/400 applications, see the AS/400 Top Ten (or so) Vulnerabilities (linked below)
that was developed in-house as a start.

For systems implementations, see the SANS Top 20 vulnerabilities (linked below) as a
start for the specific target platform.

Based on the security planning done in the Envisioning phase, you should be
documenting the types of data that will be handled in the application. For instance, you
might identify that you will be manipulating biographical information, credit card
payments, usernames and passwords, etc. You should identify how (in general) each
type of data will be stored. That is, you will specify that biographical information will be
available only to an authorized user, credit card information will be destroyed after use,
and usernames and passwords will be stored (encrypted) in a database file.

Developing a security checklist
OWASP Guide to Building Secure Web Applications
OWASP Top Ten Web Application Vulnerabilities
SANS Top 20 Vulnerabilities

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Developing: Overview
During the developing phase, the team accomplishes most of the building of the system.
However, some development work may continue into Stabilizing in response to testing. The
developing phase involves more than code development and software developers. All roles
are active in building and testing deliverables.

Tasks and Artifacts

Tasks Req'd Role Responsible

Risk Reassessment Yes Project Management
Security Implementation Yes Development
Peer Review Yes Development
Unit Testing Yes Development
Test Planning Yes Testing
Usability Testing User Education
Schedule Tracking Yes Project Management
Measurements Collection Product Management
Coding Style Yes Development
Reusability Planning Development

Artifacts Req'd Role Responsible

Updated Project Plan Yes Project Management
Source Code Yes Development
Test Plan Yes Testing
API for Reusable Components Development

Questions to Answer
Has the entire scope of this iteration been developed?
Do the risks identified in Envisioning and Planning still apply or have new risks
Is the project team doing what they said they would do to keep the risks identified in
Envisioning and Planning from occurring?
Has the developer followed the security checklist constructed in Planning?
Is the peer reviewer satisfied that the quality and readability of the source code
complies with this document?
Has the developer certified that the system is ready for integration testing?
Has the testing lead documented all test cases for the system?
Is the user interface intuitive and easy to use?
Has the project manager appropriately documented any changes to the estimated
Is the project team collecting the data they said they would in Envisioning?
Has the developer identified, implemented, and documented any potentially reusable
components in the system being developed?
Does the project plan accurately reflect changes made to requirements, schedule,
resources, and risks?

Scope Complete Milestone

At the Scope Complete Milestone, all features are complete and the system is ready for
external testing and stabilization. This milestone is the opportunity for customers and
users, operations and support personnel, and key project stakeholders to evaluate the
solution and identify any remaining issues that must be addressed before the system is

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Developing: Tasks

Risk Reassessment
During the Developing Phase, Risk Reassessment must once again be completed
to make certain the success of the project. Since our projects have the possibility
of continually changing it is imperative that risks be assessed throughout the life
of the project. As with the Planning Phase, the following questions should be
answered when completing the Risk Reassessment task during the Developing

Do the risks identified still apply to the project?

Have any additional risks been discovered during the Developing Phase?
Is the probability of occurrence for each risk still accurate?
Are appropriate measures being taken to guarantee that the risks do not
Are any risks that have occurred being properly handled as documented in
the Project Plan?

Security Implementation
During this phase, the developer should be coding the product in a secure way.
That is a very broad goal that is not always practically feasible. To obtain the
most feasible level of security, the developer should be following the security
checklist developed in Planning.

The only way to ensure that the security checklist is being implemented is to
make the checklist an item to be reviewed by the peer reviewer identified in
Planning. This also helps in the overall education of the department in developing
secure software.

For more information, see the resources listed in Planning.

Peer Reviews
A peer review (sometimes called a code inspection or a walkthrough) is simply a
review of the source code by developers who are not a part of the project
development team. The primary purpose of the peer review is to make sure that
the code is readable and commented such that code should be easily
maintainable and modifiable by others when the members of the development
team go on to other projects.

In this task it is more important that the comments and code agree with each
other than that either agree with the design documentation. Gaining assurance
that the source code is in agreement with the design documentation is the
primary task of the test planning task.

However, there may be some desire to establish pre-testing assurances of

compliance to the design, making this a secondary purpose of the peer review.
Even if this is the case, it is best that the first time reviewers see the code, they
see it without having previously seen the design. This will allow the reviewers to
focus on what the code actually does and what the comments actually say, rather
than on what they should do and say.

Other benefits of peer review include cross-training in a language or tool which

may be unfamiliar and promoting code reusability. When a reviewer seens a piece
of code that would serve the entire team better by being broken out on its own
and more generalized, this is promoting code reusability.

Code Review Checklist
SATC - Software Inspections
MFeSD - Peer Reviews
Macadamian - Single Committer Software Development
Addison Westey - A Little Help from Your Friends
Peer Reviews
The Peer Review Process

Unit Testing
The objective of Unit Testing in Developing is to ensure that each component of
the system works in isolation from other components. Naturally, during the
development of the product, the developer will be testing the interaction between
various system components. However, unit testing is only concerned with
inidividual components.

A key method in unit testing is to test your code very quickly after it is written.
Identify the conditions under which it succeeds and ruthlessly test. There should
be a quick code-test cycle when in Developing.

Unit testing does not need to be a heavyweight, documentation centric activity. It

is primarily for the developer's benefit and to ensure that integration testing in
Stabilizing can actually occur. Another perspective on unit testing is to write your
tests before you write your code. This is known as "Test Driven Development"

Proactive Testing
Unit Testing Databases
Unit Testing Cold Fusion Code

Test Planning
Test planning occurs after Unit Testing and before Usability Testing. This task
exists to create a roadmap to test the entire product (and the interaction
between products, when appropriate) to make sure that it complies with the
expectations agreed to from the Requirements Gathering task of the Planning
Phase. The Test plan should be built in collaboration between the Test and
Verification Team and the developer(s).

See Test Plan Artifacts for more details.

Usability Testing
Usability testing is a semi-structured way to get feedback on your design from
actual users, not other developers. It is semi-structured because it is more than
just focused groups (you aren't just asking people what they "think" about a
design) but it is not so rigid as a scientific experiment.

Generally, you should get 5-6 people together for each major part of the system.
For instance, if you have a public interface and an administrative interface, you
should probably test them separately. Then, you will come up with a test plan for
them, giving them just enough instructions so they know what to do, but not too
many instructions so they are left to experience the product as the average user
would. It is best to be present with the user as they are testing the system and
to have more than one person observing and recording notes about where the
user trips up and where the design succeeds.

Usability testing should be done in an iterative way, not waiting until the product
is completely done to start usability testing. Usually, the testing will uncover
more than just cosmetic changes, but changes that sometimes require a major
shift in architecture to support the users better. This allows for rapid feedback on
design and the ability to fix major user interface design flaws before they become

UseIt.com - Jakob Nielson's website
Why you only need to test with 5 users
Usable Web - Portal for usability resources
Web Style Guide

Measurements Collection
During the Developing Phase the tracking of measurements continues as it did in
the Planning Phase. Measurements for the project are decided upon during the
Envisioning Phase and must be tracked throughout the life of the project.

Schedule Tracking
Once the Project Schedule is completed in the Planning Phase it is now imperative
that the Project Manager properly track the progress made based upon the
schedule. The Project Schedule should be broken into specific tasks and have a
task duration associated with the various tasks. The Project Manager should be
involved with the progress that the Developer makes on the schedule. This would
include everything from planning the tasks that should be done for a day or
week, following up on the task, and finally confirming that a task has been
completed. This process should not be one where the Project Manager hands the
developer a task list and waits for it to be completed. Schedule tracking is an
interactive process. The following is a suggested method for managing the

1 . Meet with the developer to discuss the forecasted tasks for the day or
week (whichever timeframe that you feel necessary). Find out if there are
any areas that you, the Project Manager can help the developer out with.
2 . Check up on the developer mid-way through the task(s) time frame and
find out if everything is on track and if the developer needs any help.
3 . Confirm that the task(s) have been completed and properly document the
finished task.
4 . Make any adjustments that are necessary to the task list.

Ultimately it is up to the Project Manager to decide with the Developer how

communication will be handled for the tracking of the schedule.
Schedule Tracking is very beneficial to the project because it allows for Project
status to be properly reported, it forecasts any anticipated changes in the
schedule more appropriately and it allows for the customer to have a more
accurate understanding of the status of the project.

Coding Style and Recommendations

Source Code Comments

1. Every file that contains source code must be documented with an introductory
comment that provides information on the file name and its contents.
2. All files must include copyright information.
3. All comments are to be written in English.
4. Write some descriptive comments before every code major section.
5. During Peer Review, if a developer who is familiar with the language in
question does not understand your code, it means your code needs

Naming Conventions (Files, Fields and Variables):

This section will be implemented in the next iteration of the SDM.

Language-Specific Recommendations:

Fusebox-based File Structure:

The logic uses a “star” application flow where all branching starts in and returns
to the index.cfm. This is usually accomplished by passing an action to the
index.cfm which includes the correct act or dsp file.

File Name Prefixes:

act – action template that executes some business logic on the server side. For
example, add contact to a database.
dsp – display templates, mostly html.
qry – queries, stored procedure calls that populates the display templates.

Reusability Planning
Reusability helps software development in maintainability, modularity, portability,
productivity, interoperability, reconfigurability, commonality, adaptability,
reliability and quality.

One of the best ways to plan reusability is to think of programming as a

collection of components. A component is defined as "a nontrivial, nearly
independent, and replaceable part of a system that fulfills a specific function
within a system's architecture."

For components to be reusable they need to be clearly specified, portable and

adaptable. To make a component truly reusable, it has to be designed in a way
so as to allow adaptation. Adaptability is necessary because the developers of a
component cannot predict the requirements for all the systems and scenarios in
which it will be reused.
Repositories of such components need to be made available and easily accessible
to developers.

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Developing: Artifacts

Updated Project Plan

The Project Plan that was created in the Envisioning Phase and updated in the
Planning Phase must once again be reexamined in the Developing Phase. One of
the major areas that will continually need to be addressed is the Risk Assessment
Plan that is document in the Project Plan. Risk Assessment is a task that must be
completed throughout the life of the project and as changes are made they
should be properly documented in an updated version of the Project Plan. Some
other areas of the document that may be updated are the Project Team and the
Security Information.

The preferred method for updating the Project Plan is to create a revision of the
existing document. Previous versions of the Project Plan should be saved so that
they can be referred to in the future if historical information is needed.

Source Code
All source code (including SQL scripts, views, stored procedures, and CL scripts)
should be backed up in one of the code managment systems (Source Safe or
MKS Implementer).
All source code should be peer reviewed and tested before deployment.

For further guidance, see the Coding Style and Recommendations section of the
Devloping: Tasks page.

Wikipedia - Source Code

Test Plan
The Test Plan is the set of documentation that results from the Test Planning
task. It will contain testing scenarios which are used to identify discrepancies in
the product. These scenarios should be reproducible by the developers and other
testers. Where appropriate, the identified measurements should be used as the
benchmarks for testing the product. Any problems encountered during testing
should also be documented.

The general rule is, when in doubt, let nothing be assumed for someone trying to
reproduce the discrepancy. So, document the tools you used, the computing
environment you tested in, and anything else which might be useful to anyone
intending to reproduce the problem.

Test Plan Template (Revision 1.1 - 05/04/2005)

API Documentation
Application programming interface (API) is a set of definitions of the ways in
which one piece of computer software communicates with another. It is a method
of achieving abstraction.

One of the primary purposes of an API is to provide a set of commonly-used

functions—for example, to draw windows or icons on the screen. Programmers
can then take advantage of the API by making use of its functionality, saving
them the task of programming everything from scratch. (See Reusability

Everytime a developer writes a reusable component, there must be a API

document that would allow other developers to reuse that component.

What should be documented on the API?

1. Description of what the component does

2. Usage notes (exceptions, flags, etc)
3. List of attributes, parameters, return values (if they are required or not, and
default values)
4. Example of code usage

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Stabilizing: Overview
The stabilizing phase conducts testing on a system whose features are complete. Testing
during this phase emphasizes usage and operation under realistic environmental conditions.
The team focuses on resolving and triaging (prioritizing) bugs and preparing the solution for

Tasks and Artifacts

Tasks Req'd Role Responsible

Establish target deployment date Yes Project Management
Deployment Planning Yes Testing
Training User Education
User Acceptance Yes Project Management
Security Testing Yes Testing
Stakeholder Communication Yes Project Management
Risk Reassessment Yes Project Management
Schedule Tracking Yes Project Management
Measurements Collection Yes Project Management

Artifacts Req'd Role Responsible

Deployment Sign-off Document Yes Project Management
Deployment Planning Document Yes Testing
System Admin Handoff Document Logistics Management

Questions to Answer
Do the risks identified in Envisioning, Planning, and Developing still apply or have new
risks surfaced?
Is the project team doing what they said they would do to keep the risks identified in
Envisioning, Planning, and Stabilizing from occurring?
Are all team members (as well as outside IS resources) aware of and ready for the
Have the customers and stakeholders accepted the product as developed?
Have the end users been trained on the new system (or the new features of an
existing system)?
Has the project team communicated with all stakeholders according to the
communication plan generated in Envisioning?
Has the testing team verified that the system is ready for deployment?
Does the NOC have enough information about the system to be able to respond to
crises and support the system in production?
Does the project team have a repeatable and testable way to deploy the system into
staging and production?
Is the project team collecting the data they said they would in Envisioning?

Release Readiness Milestone

The release readiness milestone occurs at the point when the team has addressed all
outstanding issues and has released the solution or placed it in service. At the release
milestone, responsibility for ongoing management and support of the solution officially
transfers from the project team to the operations and support teams.

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IT Development

Stabilizing: Tasks

Establish Target Deployment Date

The project target deployment date should have been established in the planning stage
of the project. At this point, a more accurate deployment date should be settled upon.
This date should be coordinated with the following parties.

The Verification and Testing Unit

The developer
The Director of IT Operations (if downtime is required)
The customer

Additional time of two weeks minimum, should be built into the schedule to allow the
Verification and Testing Team to examine the product for any defects or errors. This
team should be made aware of the deployment schedule as determined in the planning
stage. The size of the project will determine the length of time required by the
Verification and Testing Team to complete testing.

If any down time is necessary, this downtime must be approved by Aaron Mathes, Chief
Operations Officer for Information Services. Downtime notices should be placed on the
University website 5-7 days before the downtime.

Deployment Planning
Verification and Testing Unit should work together with Developer, Project Manager and
System Developers to create the Deployment Plan Document. Not all plans will require
the envolvement of all parties, it will mostly depend on the size of the project and its
importance. Minor projects will be incorporated into the regular "defect" deployment
that happens twice a week (see Web Patch Deployment Procedures on
molly/4200/Verification and Testing/Deployment Procedure.doc), and may not need a Deployment Plan

After the system has been deployed in the staging environment, training should occur
for all end users. This includes administrative offices, as well as students. Preferably,
the training should be carried out through the trainers in DISC so they can add the
new product or features to their portfolio of training. There might be instances,
however, where the training will be carried out by the user departments. The project
manager should work with the DISC trainers and the user department to determine the
best course of action.

Security Testing
The testing team should utilize the security checklist generated in Planning and test the
application based on that checklist. Also, they should use any tools available to test the
general security of the product. Any vulnerabilities identified should be identified and
cataloged as a defect. The developer should then resolve the defect before deployment.

OWASP Testing Project
Common Criteria for IT Security Evaluation (from NIST)

Risk Reassessment
During Stabilizing, Risk Reassessment must once again be completed to make certain
the success of the project. Since our projects have the possibility of continually
changing it is imperative that risks be assessed throughout the life of the project. As
with the Planning Phase, the following questions should be answered when completing
the Risk Reassessment task during the Stabilizing Phase.

Do the risks identified still apply to the project?

Have any additional risks been discovered during the Stabilizing Phase (especially
risks related to deployment)?
Is the probability of occurrence for each risk still accurate?
Are appropriate measures being taken to guarantee that the risks do not occur?
Are any risks that have occurred being properly handled as documented in the
Project Plan?

Schedule Tracking
Now that the project is in Stabilizing, the completion date for the project should be
more certain. At this point, a review should be done of the schedule as described at the
beginning of Developing. If the project is running later than anticipated, this should be
communicated to the project team and all stakeholders.

Measurements Collection
During Stabilizing the tracking of measurements continues as it did in Planning and
Developing. Measurements for the project are decided upon during the Envisioning
Phase and must be tracked throughout the life of the project.

Most notably, the project team should be tracking the number of defects found during

Stakeholder Communication
An important task within every project is stakeholder communication. Every project has
a number of stakeholders that will be affected by the release of the product. It is
important that all stakeholders affected by the project are communicated to when a
product is deployed. This communication can take place through email, phone
conversations, or face-to-face meetings; whichever is more appropriate.

The project plan developed in Planning should have included a stakeholder

communication plan. In this phase, it is important to make sure all communication was
carried out as planned.

User Acceptance
Throughout the Stabilizing Phase it is important that the main end user(s) is involved
in the decision for the deployment of the product. The user should give his or her
approval of the new features and changes to the product to confirm that the new
development is satisfactory for the end user to complete his job or function. This
communication to the end user can be done through group demos, one-on-one
walkthroughs, and even the training that is completed during the Stabilizing Phase.

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IT Development

Stabilizing: Artifacts

Deployment Sign-off Document

The deployment sign-off document is the agreement by the members of the team
that they are ready for the deployment of the developed product. This document
indicates the deployment date, what will be deployed, and includes signatures
from the following individuals:

Project Manager indicates that all team members have done what they need
to do to deploy the product
Product Owner indicates that they authorize changes to their system
NOC Director indicates that they are ready to deploy the system
IT Operations director indicates that campus stakeholders have approved
downtime (if necessary) and that he/she approves the system to be
Verification and Testing Lead indicates that the product has been tested and
ready to be deployed

Example Document
Commencement Photo Deployment Approval

Deployment Planning Document

Deployment will happen in two major stages:

Stage 1:

Development Envirnoment -> Testing Envirnoment

The Testing & Verification Unit will run tests on the deployed resources in the
Testing Envirnoment and communicate recommendations to the developers of
what may need to be changed for a successful deployment into production.

Once the changes are made (if any) the process of deploying to the Testing
Envirnoment will be repeated where the Testing & Verification Until will run the
tests again, once the deployment to the Testing Envirnoment is successful, Stage
2 can begin.

Stage 2:

Development Envirnoment -> Production Envirnoment

Once Stage 1 sucessfully completed, and the assumption that Testing

Envirnoment is mirrored from the Producation Envirnoment that means
(theoratically) the patches created for Stage 1 should work on Stage 2. The
Testing & Verification Unit should be able to run the same tests they ran on
Stage 1 and get the same results. If the results cannot be duplicated that
probably means that both Production and Testing Envirnoment are out of
synchronization and the issue should be taken care of appropiratelly.
Personnel Requirements

Organize your deployment team and then assign specific roles to team members.

If the necessary resources cannot be offered for deployment it will be safer to

delay the deployment until the resources are made available.

Organizing Your Deployment Teams

Usually team members will include:

* Developer in charge of Application System

* At least one System Administrator that will be available to carry the
* At least one Tester to verify and test the Application System after it has been

Current Computing Environment

Everyone in the team should receive a short briefing from System Administrators
of what the current server and network environments looks like and what risk the
deployment in questions may pertain to the environment.

Application Requirements

The bits and pieces and configuration files that need to be deployed. A list of all
files, SQL scripts, Application Server configuration, server permissions, web
applications configurations should be listed.

Establishing Standards and Guidelines

The ultimate goal of creating a Deployment Planning Document is to automate

any future deployment for a given Application. As Deployment Planning
Documents and procedures and logic are generate for deployment they should be
done following Department standards and guidelines so they can be duplicated
with little effort as possible.

Deployment Design

Currently Programming Services have a patch deployment design based on the

deployment of patch and release files to a network share. These files are
deployed to the Staging Server, tested, and once correctly working, the
deployment takes place from this network share into the production server.

Risk Assessment

Depending on the Current Computing Environment briefing, the Testing &

Verification team will have to evaluate the risks with the System and Network
Administrators, who have the ultimate power of veto on a deployment.

Problem Escalation Plan

The escalation plan should be the set of tasks necessary to revert the deployment
in case something unexpeceted happens. The original version of the Application
being deployed should always be available for a "rollback" in case the Deployment
is not successful.
Communications Strategy

The communication strategy should be a simple common understanding of all

parties involved in deployment on where, when and how they can be contacted
during the deployment tasks.

Testing & Verification Plan

See Testing & Verification Unit Documents.

System Admin Handoff Document

To facilitate the handoff of new server systems from Development to Operations,

a handoff document should be created. This should be created for all new or
reconfigured servers. If the project is simply adding new functionality to an
existing application that has already been deployed, or adding a new application
to an existing web server, this is not necessary. The document should contain
the following sections:

General Configuration
This includes things like the OS, IP configuration, applications installed, service
accounts and permissions, machine name, DNS entries, where it is racked, what
systems it interfaces with, etc.

Testing Plan
This should be a copy of the testing plan that was used during Stabilizing. The
point here is that if a NOC employee has to do maintenance to the server, they
can run through the testing plan to make sure it is still functioning correctly.
Without this information, it is very difficult for them to know if the machine is
truly "up" or not.

Security Benchmarks
This section should include the initial security configuration of the machine. If
the CIS benchmark scoring tool could be used, this should also include the initial

Response Plan
This section should identify any possible problems the systems developer has
encountered or thinks the NOC might encounter during maintenance of the
machine and how to go about responding to the issue. This basically serves as
the NOC's playbook that they can add to or modify as things change in

Example Document
Arial Campaign Enterprise Handoff

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Updated 8/3/05 1:55 PM | Contact Us
IT Development

Deploying: Overview
During this phase, the team deploys the core technology and site components, stabilizes the
deployment, transitions the project to operations and support, and obtains final customer
approval of the project. After the deployment, the team formally closes the project.

Tasks and Artifacts

Tasks Req’d Role Responsible

Deployment Yes Logistics Management
Defect Resolution Development
Test in Production Yes Testing

Artifacts Req’d Role Responsible

Project Closeout Document Yes Project Management

Questions to Answer
Has the system been deployed to production successfully?
Has the system been tested in production?
Have all defects identified been resolved?
Do the users understand how to get support on the product after the project has been
Does IT Operations have the necessary documentation and knowledge to fully support
this system?

Deployment Complete Milestone

The deployment complete milestone culminates the deploying phase. By this time,
the deployed solution should be providing the expected business value to the
customer and the team should have effectively terminated the processes and
activities it employed to reach this goal.

The customer must agree that the team has met its objectives before it can
declare the solution to be in production and close out the project. This requires a
stable solution, as well as clearly stated success criteria. In order for the solution
to be considered stable, appropriate operations and support systems must be in

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Updated 6/2/05 2:23 PM | Contact Us
IT Development

Deploying: Tasks

This section describes Development and Engineering's responsibilities during the
actual deployment of the system to production. This could include either the
deployment of new files to a web server, or when a new server is first being used
by new customers. This may vary depending on the size of the project. The
project manager and other resources should use their discretion to determine
how this should be carried out.

The project manager and user education lead should be heavily engaged with the
users at this point in time. It might be useful to be physically present in their
department at the time of deployment. This gives them the ability to watch the
customers using the new system and react immediately to deployment issues or
other defects.

The developer (either system or application) should probably be onsite with the
NOC when the system is actually deployed and then should move to be onsite
with the customers to see them use the system.

The developer should also be available for the Verification and Testing Unit if

Defect Resolution

In the deployment stage, there will be a period of time during which the number of
defects identified in the product will sharply increase. The bulk of these defects should
be identified and resolved before deployment to the production system, but it is
possible that some defects may slip through due to configuration differences or
limitations in testing resources available. When such defects are encountered
immediately following a deployment, the fixing of such defects will be considered
development's highest priority. No software maintainance requests (i.e. tickets) are
needed from the customer in order to repair these defects, however development may
choose to use such software maintainance requests to track the defects identified and
their resolutions.

Testing in Production

The Verification and Testing Unit will run the tests created during the Stabilizing Phase,
one last time on production to make sure that deployment was successful. If the
deployment does not pass the test(s), Developer(s), Project Manager and System
Developer may be contacted for generation of "defect resolution" patches under
Emergency mode.

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Updated 6/29/05 10:12 AM | Contact Us
IT Development

Deploying: Artifacts

Project Closure Document

Administrative closeout involves gathering and centralizing project documents, obtaining
signoffs, and communicating the finish of the project. It also provides a reference
source that can be used to improve the success of future projects. A communication
plan is created to inform all project stakeholders that the project has now been

The document should include the following:

Project Title Page

-Project Name
-Prepared by
-Project Team/Roles

Executive Summary
-Project Overview
-What were the original goals and objectives
-Success criteria
-Were the goals and objectives met

Project Goals
-Review the milestones and success of the project
-Outstanding issues, risks, and recommendations
-Lessons Learned (which processes worked well; which did not work well)

Why Project is being closed

-Closing Activities

Post-Project Tasks
-What actions were not yet completed?
-What deliverables are not yet achieved?
-Which training requirements are still outstanding?

Project Closure Recommendations

Gain project closure approval from the Project Sponsor, including agreement that the
project has fulfilled all of the requirements as documented and the Project Sponsor is
satisfied that all outstanding items have been satisfactorily addressed.

Project Approvals and Agreement

Product Sponsor and team members sign name and date the sign-off document
Service Level Agreement states:

In IT Development and Engineering, our agreement to you, the customer, is to

maintain any software that we have released for the university. If a problem occurs
with the current system, a Help Desk ticket should be submitted and a response will be
received by the customer within 24 hours. For any new requests, a Project Request
Form (located on the IT Development and Engineering web page) should be submitted
and the request will be prioritized for the next version of the product or for a new

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Updated 6/29/05 10:12 AM | Contact Us

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