Unitek: Zerobase Orthodontics
Unitek: Zerobase Orthodontics
Unitek: Zerobase Orthodontics
Dr. Carl F. Gugino Dr. Terry Sellke
graduated in 1953, at the University of opened his orthodontic specialty
Buffalo where he specialized in practice in 1974. He and his part-
Orthodontics in 1961. A member of ner, Donald J. Reily, D.D.S., M.S.,
the most important American and have three office locations in
European societies of orthodontists, he has practiced Illinois. He has been actively involved in teaching since
orthodontics exclusively and held lectures on this sub- 1970 at the University of Illinois at Chicago. His activ-
ject throughout the world. Dr. Gugino is President of ities have involved teaching of early treatment, surgical
the French R.M. Ricketts Society and of the orthodontics, the ZeroBase technique, ethical marketing
Bioprogressive Study Club in Japan as well as a mem- of an orthodontic practice, business aspects of ortho-
ber of the Foundation for Orthodontic Research. dontics, graduate options upon graduation (pros and
Dr. Gugino is the author of the next generation cons), and in recent years, Masters Thesis Advisor.
™ ™
Bioprogressive Philosophy, ZeroBase Orthodontics
which combines treatment planning and diagnosis into
time efficient treatments.
The Continuing Education Program
Zero Base Orthodontics is a patient specific diag- The Continuing Education Program based on the
The ZeroBase Orthodontics Philosophy
nostic system that gathers information in a logical and ZeroBase Orthodontic Philosophy will provide ortho-
efficient way, enabling the orthodontist to diagnose and dontists with a clear and complete vision of what ortho-
individualize each patient’s treatment, based on degree dontics is and which problems orthodontics aims to
of difficulty. solve.
The key is the ability to diagnose and treat any facial We still classify orthodontics by the different
dysfunction in four dimensions: transverse, mechanics techniques used by the professionals, and
anterior/posterior, vertical, and time. while mechanics is obviously important, it is just a
Zero Base Orthodontics uses baseline logic to diag- portion of orthodontics. To be really successful it is
nose and develop treatment prescriptions utilizing state- necessary to remove the causes that originated the mal-
of-the-art appliances for time efficient treatments and occlusion.
functional results. It also offers the clinician a wider Dr. Gugino has developed his logical approach by
range of options in therapy and a higher level of sophis- applying management science criteria to orthodontics.
tication and efficiency in patient management. He and his group of associated clinical trainers present
a worldwide intensive Education Program including
basic and advanced ZeroBase Orthodontics Courses
where one of the most important and differentiating
features is the use of the leading edge technologies in
orthodontics, practice management and a paperless
office ... today a key success factor ... tomorrow a pre-
requisite of a competitive orthodontic office.
The ZeroBase Orthodontics™ Appliance
3M Unitek has worked closely with Dr. Carl Gugino to
configure an orthodontic appliance system that con-
forms to the ZeroBase philosophy. This encompasses a
range of fully compatible APC™ Brackets, micro-etched
molar bands, buccal tubes and quad-helices that allow
standardization as well as individualization of the pre-
scription based on the facial type of the patient. This
new appliance offers the orthodontist the opportunity to
efficiently individualize diagnosis, treatment, and fin-
ishing by using a prescription that will accommodate
the three different facial/skeletal types while effectively
managing inventory.
The system allows the anterior/posterior position of
the denture to be individualized to facial morphology or
treatment objective. The lower incisors are key to den-
ture position for occlusion, function and aesthetics. To
accomplish these objectives, anterior guidance requires
the upper incisor torque be individualized. Therefore,
in the ZeroBase appliance, we have upper incisor torque
values for the three different facial types.
The Mesofacial prescription will be appropriate for
about 70% of orthodontic patients. The Brachyfacial
and the Dolichofacial prescriptions will allow a specific
individualized treatment for these types by using the
majority of brackets in the Mesofacial prescription with
limited additions of specific brackets.
The Victory Series™ Appliance System
3M Unitek presents the ZeroBase Orthodontics™ The inner surface of our Victory Series micro-etched
Appliance in the Victory Series System including bands is uniformly etched which creates a higher reten-
Miniature Metal Brackets, Buccal Tubes and Micro- tion bonding surface and provides significantly
Etched Molar Bands. increased bonding strength.
Victory Series brackets feature high bond strength, Bondable molars with micro-etched bases are also
easily readable identification system and better bracket available.
ligation than competitive brackets. The innovative base Victory Series brackets and bondable molars are
design, incorporating an 80 gauge woven mesh bonding available with APC™ Adhesive Coating.
pad, closely matches the curvature of each tooth for
maximum contact and strong, consistent bond strength.
Bracket designs incorporate torque-in-base function
for level arch alignment and a long axis scribe line for
accurate placement. Brackets are color-coded to corre-
spond with a specific quadrant in the mouth.
The Victory Series buccal tubes include a patented,
trouble-free integral convertible cap that converts easily
and consistently, every time.
The APC™ Adhesive Coated Appliance System
The APC adhesive coated Victory Series™ Appliance et and bondable molar inventory in a compact, orga-
System will allow you to get maximum benefit when nized unit with removable storage trays. These efficient
using the ZeroBase Orthodontics™ Appliance. The organizer trays enable you to see, at a glance, your
APC system is the fastest, most convenient and effi- entire bracket and bondable molar inventory.
cient method you can use for bracket application. This APC adhesive coated appliance system allows you to
is the only orthodontic bonding system that coats the effectively implement the Zero Base Orthodontics
base of each bracket and molar bonding base with patient specific philosophy into your practice.
adhesive. There is no mixing, no application, no oppor-
tunity to contaminate the base, and, therefore, fewer
bond failures. And since the amount of adhesive is
strictly controlled, there is little flash clean-up.
The APC Inventory and Dispensing System gives
you the flexibility and control you need to keep pace
with today’s demand for higher office efficiency and
inventory management. The system consolidates brack-
The MIA Quad-Helix System
The MIA Mobile Intraoral Arch is a palatal and lingual appliance
that further enhances treatment efficiency in the ZeroBase
Orthodontic™ System. Other Quad-Helix lingual arches are convention-
ally soldered to molar bands and require cementation or rebanding each
time you need to place or remove the arch. The MIA system makes the
application less time consuming, offering the advantage of inserting
and removing the lingual arches into sheaths pre-welded on bands.
Easy removal and reinsertion allow greater flexibility and control dur-
ing treatment. The system offers various preformed sizes with straight
or curved retention sheaths.
The ZeroBase Orthodontic Treatment Philosophy takes .018 Slot Appliance wire inventory needs
advantage of contemporary wire technology. It is now Permachrome Resilient .016” round
feasible to replace Elgiloy™ wires and multiloop arch- Nitinol Heat-Activated .016” round
es with a simplified mechanics system. This means Permachrome Resilient .016 x .016” square
fewer arch changes and far fewer expensive and time Unitek™ Twist .0175” round
consuming multilooped arches; today’s utility arch is Permachrome Resilient .016 x .022” rectangular
fabricated of improved stainless steel preformed arches. Nitinol SE SuperElastic .016 x .022” rectangular
With ZeroBase Orthodontics each patient’s wire Nitinol SE Reverse Curve .016 x .022” rectangular
sequence is of necessity, individualized. Only the wires
needed to treat each case are chosen from the following
inventory. The result is minimal archwire changes,
minimal fabrication, and minimal costly inventory.
.018 in. .022 in.
Maxillary Torque Ang. D/O Right Left Right Left
The ZeroBase Orthodontics™ Bracket System
Central Brachyfacial 22° 5° 2 017-562 2 017-561 2 017-662 2 017-661
Mesofacial 17° 5° 2 017-596 2 017-595 2 017-696 2 017-695
Dolichofacial 14° 5° 2 017-402 2 017-401 2 017-502 2 017-501
One case kit (5x5 Upper & Lower) .018 in. .022 in.
ZeroBase Brachyfacial Rx 2 017-453 2 017-553
ZeroBase Mesofacial Rx 2 017-454 2 017-554
ZeroBase Dolichofacial Rx 2 017-455 2 017-555