CAO Orthodontic Assistant Permit Manual
CAO Orthodontic Assistant Permit Manual
CAO Orthodontic Assistant Permit Manual
C. Treatment Sequencing
1. Diagnostic records
2. Preventative Treatment
3. Interceptive Treatment
4. Comprehensive Treatment
D. Role of the Auxiliary
1. Diagnostic records
2. Patient treatment
3. Patient education
4. Appliance wear/care instruction
F. Infection Control
1. Basic Infection Control
2. Cross contamination
3. Myths
4. Common Q.s & A.s
This section introduces you to the specialty practice of orthodontics. Much of this
material is available in patient education brochures and Orthodontics: A Patient
Education Guide made available by the American Association of Orthodontists. Many
orthodontists are also making informative material available online, some with
accompanying photos or videos. The wealth of information available and its easy
access has helped patients become more educated and informed regarding their
options, care and the benefits of seeking such care. You will need to have a working
knowledge of this information to assist the orthodontist both in treating and informing
anterior tongue thrust - the tongue rests on the lingual surfaces of the maxillary teeth.
arch wire - a metal or coated (esthetic) wire that provides force when attached to the
teeth (with elastic or steel ties) to the brackets or bands (which are bonded or cemented
to the teeth).
auxiliary - attachment located on brackets and bands that hold arch wires and elastics
band - stainless steel ring attached to teeth (primarily molars and bicuspids) to hold the
arch wire and auxiliaries for orthodontics. Typically has a facial bracket and may have a
lingual attachment as well (i.e. a cleat or a sheath)
bracket - a small device bonded to teeth to hold the arch wire to the teeth.
Centric occlusion - occurs when the jaws are closed in a position that produces
maximal stable contact between the occluding surfaces of the maxillary and mandibular
teeth. In this position, the condyles are seated in an unstrained position in the glenoid
crossbite - condition that occurs when a tooth is not properly aligned facio-lingually with
its opposing tooth or teeth.
crowding - condition that occurs when teeth are not properly aligned in the arch.
dentofacial - structures that include the teeth, jaws, and surrounding facial bones.
distoclusion - a class II malocclusion in which the mesiobuccal cusp of the maxillary
first molar occludes mesial to the mesiobuccal groove of the mandibular first molar.
fiberotomy - a minor surgical procedure that releases tiny elastic fibers around teeth.
functional occlusion - the term used to describe contact of the teeth during biting and
chewing movements (also known as physiologic occlusion).
headgear - an external orthodontic appliance that is used to control growth and tooth
ligature tie – a soft, light wire that can used to hold the arch wire in its bracket.
linguoversion refers to the position of the maxillary incisors behind the mandibular
incisors (anterior crossbite). Normally, the maxillary incisors slightly overlap the front of
the mandibular incisors.
mesioclusion - a class III malocclusion in which the mesiobuccal cusp of the maxillary
first molar occludes distal to the mesiobuccal groove of the mandibular first molar.
mouth breathing - may be the result of narrowing of the maxilla or blockage of the nasal
airway. If present for a number of years it can cause a change in the dentofacial
structure of the child.
occlusion - the natural contact of the maxillary and mandibular teeth in all positions.
open bite - a lack of vertical overlap of the maxillary incisors with the mandibular
incisors, creating an opening of the anterior teeth.
parafunction – function demanded of the teeth and jaws outside the norm (i.e. bruxism)
retainer - an appliance used for maintaining the positions of the teeth and jaws after
orthodontic treatment.
separator - a device made from wire or elastic and used to separate teeth before fitting
and placement of orthodontic bands.
tongue thrust swallowing - the tongue presses forward against the anterior teeth with
each swallow, placing a forward pressure against the teeth
fig. 1
Maxillary arch – eruption. see figure 3 fig. 2
fig. 3
Mandibular arch – eruption. see figure 4
fig. 4
fig. 6
fig. 5
fig. 7 arch – eruption. see figure 8
fig. 8
Tooth Numbering Systems
The orthodontic office will be communicating with many different general dental offices
(as many offices may refer patients for specialty care), oral and maxillofacial surgery
offices, as well as offices of other dental specialties. Referral forms will vary from office
to office, but it is imperative that accurate information is being transmitted, especially
when that information deals with the request for specific care, or perhaps removal of a
specific tooth.
Numbering systems are used as a simplified means of identifying the teeth for charting
and descriptive purposes. Three basic numbering systems are used, and the dental
assistant must be familiar with each system.
Universal/National System
The system most often used in the United States is the Universal/National System,
which was approved by the American Dental Association (ADA) in 1968. In this system
the teeth are numbered from 1 to 32. Numbering begins with the upper right third molar
(tooth #1), proceeds forward towards the central incisors and then works its way
posteriorly to the upper left third molar (tooth #16). It then continues with the lower left
third molar (tooth #17) and proceeds anteriorly and works back around to the lower right
third molar (tooth #32).
The primary teeth are lettered with capital letters from A to T. Lettering begins with the
upper right second primary molar (tooth A) and proceeds in the same fashion anteriorly
and works around to the upper left deciduous second molar (tooth J). It then drops
down to the lower left deciduous second molar (tooth K), comes forward and works
back around to the lower right deciduous second molar (tooth T) (see figures 9a & 9b).
Fig. 9b
Fig. 9a
The ISO/FDI system uses a two-digit tooth-recording system. The first digit indicates
the quadrant, and the second digit indicates the tooth within the quadrant, with the
numbering from the midline toward the posterior.
The digits should be pronounced separately. For example, the permanent canines are
teeth #1-3 (―number one-three‖), #2-3 (―number two-three‖), #3-3 (―number three-
three‖), and #4-3 (―number four-three‖).
Fig. 10
Palmer Notation System
In the Palmer Notation System, each of the four quadrants is given its own tooth bracket
made up of a vertical line and a horizontal line (see figure 11). The Palmer method is a
shorthand diagram of the teeth presented as if one is viewing the patient‘s teeth from in
front of them. The teeth in the right quadrant would have the vertical midline bracket to
the right of the tooth numbers or letters, just as when one is looking at the patient. The
midline is to the right of the teeth in the right quadrant.
For example, if the tooth is a maxillary tooth, the number or letter should be written
above the horizontal line of the bracket, thus indicating an upper tooth. Conversely, a
mandibular tooth symbol should be placed below the line, indicating a lower tooth.
The number or letter assigned to each tooth depends on its position relative to the
midline. For example, central incisors, the teeth closest to the midline, have the lowest
number, 1, for permanent teeth and the letter A for primary teeth. All central incisors,
maxillary and mandibular, are given the number 1. All lateral incisors are given the
number 2, all canines are given the number 3, first premolars are the number 4 and
second premolars 5, first molars are 6, second molars are 7, and third molars are
number 8.
Fig. 11
fig. 12
You will note in this chart that the mean age for the fastest increase in height is
approximately at 11.5 years of age for girls and 14.5 for boys.
As the child develops their mandibles go through a series of three growth spurts or
accelerations (see figures 13, 14).
fig. 13 fig. 14
As orthodontists are attempting to improve both facial balance as well as dental
alignment, they frequently try to take advantage of this. However, due to the individual
variations that exist in the timing, amount and number of these accelerations it is quite
difficult to predict mandibular growth in any one specific patient. It is for this reason that
it is beneficial for a child to see an orthodontist as soon as a problem is recognized.
This allows for corrective treatment to be initiated at the age that is best for that child.
Clinical Examination
The purpose of the orthodontic clinical examination is to document, measure, and
evaluate the facial aspects, the occlusal relationship, and the functional characteristics
of the jaws. At the initial evaluation visit, the orthodontist decides which diagnostic
records are required for the patient.
In the profile evaluation, their profile relationship is analyzed for the following reasons:
To determine whether the jaws are proportionally positioned
To evaluate lip protrusion (excessive lip protrusion most often is caused by protrusion of
the incisors)
To evaluate the vertical facial proportions and the mandibular plane angle
Diagnostic Records
Before the treatment plan can be completed, diagnostic records are required in the form
of photographs, radiographs, and diagnostic study models.
Photographs capture the color, shape, texture, and characteristics of intraoral and
extraoral structures. Photography also is useful as an aid in patient identification,
treatment planning, case presentation, case documentation, and patient education.
Some offices may use computer programs that can morph pre treatment photos to give
a reasonable estimate of what the face may look like after treatment. This is most
commonly done when the malocclusion is so severe that both tooth movement and jaw
movement (surgery) will be required.
The type of radiograph that is exposed most commonly for an orthodontic patient is the cephalometric
radiograph. This extraoral radiograph makes it possible to evaluate the
anatomic bases for malocclusion: skull, bones and soft tissue. (see figure 15) Comment [1]:
fig. 15
Serial cephalometric radiographs taken at intervals before, during, and after treatment
can be superimposed to study changes in jaw and tooth positions, due both to the
growth that has occurred as well as the treatment that was rendered. They can also be
used to determine when jaws have completed growth and subsequently when it is
permissible to proceed with orthognathic surgery (in patients where excessive jaw
growth is the concern).
Advances in radiology have led to newer techniques (e.g. cone beam imaging) and
many offices are taking advantage of the benefits of 3-dimensional images. From a
single exposure any number of diagnostic images can be generated.
Cephalometric Analysis
Cephalometric analysis is not completed on the radiograph but instead is performed as
a tracing or a computerized drawing that emphasizes the relationships among selected
points. Cephalometric landmarks are represented as a series of points, making it
possible for the orthodontist to compute mathematical descriptions and measurements
of the status of the skull. From these measurements the orthodontist can analyze
growth patterns and use this information to help determine which type of treatment
should be provided for the patient.
Case Presentation
The orthodontist reviews the information gathered and develops a treatment plan and
cost estimate for the patient in preparation for the case presentation. Approximately
one hour is reserved for the case presentation visit. If the patient is younger than 18
years of age, an adult who is responsible for the child should also be present. At this
visit, the orthodontist uses the photographs, radiographs, cephalometric tracing,
diagnostic models, and other aids to present the diagnosis and treatment plan. The
presentation includes the approximate length of treatment and a clear statement of the
responsibility of the patient in helping to ensure successful completion.
Once treatment has been accepted, the adult or the legal guardian signs a consent
form. This consent form clearly states the information delineated during the case
presentation. It covers risks, benefits and alternatives, and the risks and benefits of
those alternatives as well.
Understanding Occlusion
To comprehend the importance of occlusion, it is necessary to understand differences
among individuals in the of size and shape of the jaw, occlusions, and the reasons why
some teeth become crowded. In most cases, malocclusion and dentofacial deformities
result from moderate distortions of normal development. The orthodontic problems of
most people result from the interaction of developmental, genetic, environmental, and
functional influences.
Development Causes
Disturbances of dental development can accompany major congenital defects however,
they occur more frequently as isolated findings. The most commonly encountered
developmental disturbances include the following:
malformed teeth- irregular formation of the teeth with defects in shape or color
interferences with eruption (i.e. an impaction in which eruption is blocked or the tooth
is forced to erupt into an abnormal position)
Genetic Causes
Genetic causes are responsible for malocclusion when there are discrepancies in the
size of the jaw and/or the size of the teeth. This happens more commonly when the
child inherits a small jaw from one parent and larger teeth from the other parent. If you
have a congenitally missing tooth, it is likely that one of your parents or grandparents
has the same missing tooth.
Environmental causes
Birth Injuries
Injuries can occur at birth in two major categories: fetal molding and trauma during birth.
Fetal molding occurs when an arm or leg of the fetus is pressed against another part of
the body, such as when an arm is abnormally pressed against the mandible. This
pressure can lead to distortion of rapidly growing areas.
Trauma during birth such as an injury to the jaw, may occur during the actual birth,
particularly from the use of forceps in delivery.
Normal occlusion – has the same first molar relationship of the Class I malocclusion,
but the rest of the teeth are properly aligned (see figure 16).
fig. 16
fig. 17
Class II malocclusion (distoclusion) - the mesiobuccal cusp of the first maxillary molar
occludes mesial to the mesiobuccal groove of the mandibular first molar (e.g. the
mandibular molars are posterior to the maxillary molars).
Class II Division 1. Distoclusion in which the maxillary incisors are typically in extreme
labioversion (see figure 19).
fig. 19
Class II Division 2. Distoclusion in which the maxillary central incisors are near normal
anteroposteriorly or slightly in linguoversion, whereas the maxillary lateral incisors have
tipped labially and mesially (see figure 20).
fig. 20
Subdivisions – When the distoclusion occurs on only one side of the dental arch, it is
referred to as a subdivision of its division (e.g. Class II Div 2, subdivision right if the
distoclusion exists only on the right).
fig. 21 fig. 22
When recording the dental classification the orthodontist may state in millimeters the
amount by which the molar relationship deviates from class I. The extent to which the
cuspid occlusion deviates as well may be noted at the same time, again, possibly with
the addition of millimeter measurements.
Compromised Occlusions
When a posterior tooth, such as a permanent first molar, is extracted and is not
replaced, deterioration of the entire bite may occur:
1. Adjacent teeth drift into the extraction space; contacts between these teeth are
lost; spaces develop, and food becomes lodged between the teeth.
2. The mandibular dentition collapses; a deep overbite occurs; proper contact with
the maxillary teeth is lost, and the mandibular incisors impinge on the palatal
mucosa (‗impinging overbite‘).
3. The opposing maxillary molar overerupts and extrudes into the extraction space;
the contacts between adjacent maxillary teeth are lost, and food becomes lodged
between these teeth.
4. These conditions can result in periodontal disease and further loss of teeth.
5. With the occlusion now totally disrupted, cusp interferences may create a
functional displacement of the mandible, resulting in possible involvement of the
temporomandibular joint (see figure 23).
fig. 23
The following are possible adult conditions, some of which could have a negative impact
on their occlusion.
discoloration of teeth - age related
occlusal wear – possibly from parafunction (e.g. grinding or bruxing) or from age
uneven wear - tipped teeth
interproximal wear - large contact areas
gingival inflammation
root caries
recurrent caries
extracted teeth
drifting teeth
tipped teeth
open contact areas
food impaction
periodontal degeneration
bone loss
injured teeth
discoloration of teeth - devitalized
root canal restorations
porcelain veneer restorations
osseointegrated implants
porcelain fused to metal crowns (PFM)
amalgam restorations
composite resin restorations
excessive overbite
congenital absence of third molars
supra-eruption of third molars
functional interferences
temporomandibular disorders
Crowding of the teeth - is the most common contributor to malocclusion. One or many
teeth can be involved.
Fig. 24
Fig. 25
Splayed maxillary lateral incisors resulting from crowding in the root area. Insufficient
space for the unerupted permanent canines creates pressure on the roots of the
incisors. Bulging of the mucosa area is frequently indicative of the situation (see figure
Fig. 26
Environment – examples of malposition of teeth that may be the result of environmental
influences. These often may be corrected by the regaining of space and treated without
the extraction of permanent teeth
Premature loss of the primary maxillary second molars with unfavorable drifting of the
permanent molars, resulting in a lack of space for the erupting second premolars (see
figure 27).
Fig. 27
Prolonged retention of the primary maxillary second molar, causing a deflection of the
erupting first premolar and a lack of space for the permanent canine (see figure 28).
Fig. 28
Prolonged retention of the primary second molar associated with uneven resorption of
its roots causing the permanent premolar to be displaced to one side out of alignment
(see figure 29).
Fig. 29
Spacing of Teeth
Hereditary – examples of tooth-size, jaw-size discrepancies that result in spacing.
These conditions may require the use of restorative dentistry in conjunction with
orthodontic treatment for complete correction.
Congenital absence of a permanent maxillary right lateral incisor* and a relatively small
left lateral incisor (‗peg‘ lateral)** (see figure 30).
Fig. 30
Fig. 30
Fig. 30size, jaw size discrepancy resulting from relatively small teeth (see figure 31).
Fig. 31
Supernumerary tooth positioned between the permanent maxillary central incisors (see
figure 32).
Fig. 32
Environment – examples of malposition of teeth that may be the result of
environmental influences which may be corrected by the removal of the causative factor
prior to or during orthodontic treatment.
Muscle imbalance of a strong tongue force on the inside of the teeth and a weak lip
force on the outside resulting in a dental protrusion with spaces (see figure 33).
Fig. 33
Fig. 34
Fig. 36
Fig. 37
Horizontal –
Class I
It is not sufficient to categorize orthodontic malocclusion on the basis of a classification
of the teeth alone. The relationship with other craniofacial structures must also be taken
into consideration. For instance, a Class I dentition may be associated with a variety of
craniofacial features which might necessitate totally different treatment plans.
Class I malocclusions occur more frequently than either Class II or Class III. They
constitute 55 percent of all malocclusions. This varies ethnically.
Fig. 38
Possible combinations of Class I faces
1. Maxillary–mandibular alveolar dental protrusion – teeth
2. Maxillary-mandibular alveolar dentral retrusion – teeth (see figure 39). Also
called ‗bimaxillary retrusion‘, this is an example of a Class I dental malocclusion
that is often treated without the extraction of teeth.
3. Maxillary-mandibular prognathism – jaws
4. Maxillary-mandibular retrognathism – jaws
Fig. 39
Class II
Class II malocclusions constitute 32 percent of all malocclusions. Again, this will vary
Fig. 40
Fig. 41
fig. 42
Class III
Class III
Class III malocclusions constitute 3 percent of all malocclusions. Like Class I and II,
this percentage will vary ethnically.
Fig. 43
Treatment protocol cannot be generalized. Early treatment (carried out prior to the
emergence of all the permanent teeth) may be appropriate for some patients but not for
others. The timing of treatment depends on the circumstances.
A. Interceptive guidance (I.G.) Active Treatment (A.T.) vs. One Phase (see figure 45).
Fig. 45
B. First Phase, Interceptive treatment observation Second Phase, Active Treatment vs.
One Phase (see figure 46).
Fig. 46
C. One Phase, Active Treatment (see figure 47).
Fig. 47
D. Adult Treatment
Adult treatment must be diagnosed and managed somewhat differently from treatment
that is carried out prior to maturity. In the adult, growth and development of the face
has virtually ceased. Quite often, adult treatment is a compromise due to this lack of
growth. Additional complications such as periodontal breakdown, loss of teeth, or
temporomandibular disorders frequently make adult care a cooperative effort involving
several members of the dental team. (see figure 48).
Fig. 48
A. Interceptive Guidance / Active Treatment
Interceptive orthodontics allows the orthodontist to intercede or correct problems as
they develop. Interceptive orthodontics includes the following:
Correction of a crossbite through the use of a removable or fixed appliance
Correction of a jaw size discrepancy through the use of a removable or fixed appliance
Reducing the risk of trauma to protruding front teeth
Use of appliances cemented in place to correct oral habits such as thumb sucking that
may be damaging to the permanent dentition and have an adverse affect on the
development of the jaws. (see figure 49).
Fig. 49
Early detection of genetic and congenital anomalies that may influence dental
Supervision of the natural exfoliation (shedding) of the primary teeth. If retained for too
long, primary teeth may cause permanent teeth to erupt out of alignment or to be
Extraction of primary teeth that may be contributing to malalignment of the permanent
Space Maintenance
Use of a space maintainer to save space for the eruption of permanent teeth. (see
figures 50, 51).
Fig 50 Fig 51
Space maintainers most often are cemented into place (to insure wear and avoid loss)
and are retained until the permanent tooth erupts.
A thorough diagnosis should be carried out prior to the placement of a space
maintainer, or the initiation of serial extraction, to determine if the patient‘s malocclusion
is to be treated with or without the extraction of permanent teeth.
Serial Extractions
Typically reserved for a very specific type of malocclusion, i.e. when a decision has
been made during the early mixed dentition that expansion is fruitless and that some
permanent teeth will need to be removed. It can, however, also be used in less
crowded malocclusions where it stops short of the removal of permanent teeth.
It is a planned sequence of tooth removal that can reduce crowding and irregularity
during the transition from the primary to the permanent dentition. It will also allow the
teeth to erupt over the alveolus and through keratinized tissue, rather than being
displaced buccally or lingually. This sequence involves the timed extraction of primary
and ultimately, when the crowding is severe, permanent teeth as well (as illustrated
Step 1 Crowded mixed dentition prior to serial extractions – the extraction of the primary
canines (see figure 52).
Fig. 52
Step 2 The extraction of the primary first molars (see figure 53).
Fig. 53
Relieving the crowding in the apical area of the permanent lateral incisor by extracting
the primary first molar accelerates the eruption of the first premolar, which may prevent
the impaction of the canine. Timing is important, and it may be done in patients that are
being treated either with or without extraction of permanent teeth.
Step 3 The extraction of the permanent first premolars (see figure 54).
Fig. 54
Step 4 The extractions have been completed, patient is almost ready for appliances
(braces) (see figure 55).
Fig. 55
Fig. 56
Fig. 57
B. First Phase, Interceptive Treatment / Observation / Second Phase, Active
Patients with protruding maxillary incisors may benefit from early treatment. The
retraction of the incisors creates a more normal relationship between the lips, teeth
tongue and jaws. It also reduces the risk of injury to the incisor teeth
Fig. 58
Low Angle (hypodivergent face)
Excessive Freeway Space
Maxillary Alveolar Dental Protrusion (protruding teeth)
Mandibular Alveolar Dental Retrusion (retruding teeth)
Short Anterior Face Height
The removable functional appliance is held in place by the teeth but the patient must
posture their jaws to ‗fit‘ into the appliance. There is still some debate on the exact
mode of action, but it appears, as in this illustration, that the teeth are moved (retraction
of the upper incisors, uprighting of the retruded lower incisors) while the posterior teeth
are allowed to erupt, reducing the freeway space and increasing the anterior face
There are many kinds of headgears. Each model, in its own specific way, constitutes a
valuable auxiliary to treatment mechanics – if it is worn by the patient properly and with
consistent regularity. The type and design of the headgear depends on the patient‘s
specific problem, the treatment philosophy and the mechanotherapy involved.
Posterior pull – headgear that is inserted into the tubes on the upper first molar bands,
can be used to retard forward growth of the upper jaw and move maxillary molars
distally (see figure 59).
Fig. 59
Anterior pull (―J‖ hook type) – headgear hooks are inserted onto the arch wire, can be
used to retract cuspids and intrude incisors (see figure 60).
Fig. 60
Those that contribute to malalignment must be corrected if orthodontic treatment is to
be successful. Thumb sucking, tongue thrusting, lip biting and mouth breathing are
usually treated as early as possible. Functional problems such as mandibular
displacement – often associated with anterior or posterior crossbites – are also best
treated early.
Habit appliances are designed many different ways. Some designs are more
successful than others. Much depends on the habit, the effects of the habit, the timing
of the treatment and, most importantly, the cooperation of the patient.
There are many effective methods for correcting crossbites. There are also unfavorable
responses to some methods. It is important to make a careful diagnosis in the
beginning, and it is important to monitor the progress for unfavorable responses during
treatment. For example, unfavorable extrusion of posterior teeth will create an openbite
in the anterior area
The scope of corrective orthodontics includes conditions that require the movement of
teeth and the correction of malrelationships and malformations. These adjustments
between and among teeth and facial bones are made by the application of fixed
appliances with force and sometimes through stimulation and redirection of functional
forces within the dentofacial structure. Corrective orthodontics includes the following:
Fixed appliances (e.g. cemented or bonded in place; cannot be removed by the patient)
Removable appliances for the correction or maintenance of orthodontic treatment.
Orthognathic surgery when the orthodontic problem is too severe to be corrected by
movement of the teeth alone.
D. Adults
Adults frequently require a multi-disciplinary approach. It is especially important that the
supporting structures of the teeth are healthy prior to orthodontic treatment (no
inflammation). Consultation with the referring dentist or a periodontist regarding
periodontal health may be necessary.
In response to the stimulus of pressure, cells within the bone and periodontal ligament
differentiate to form specialized cells called osteoclasts, which are associated with bone
resorption in advance of the moving tooth. In response to the stimulus of tension, other
cells differentiate to form specialized cells called osteoblasts, which produce bone
behind the moving tooth (see figure 61).
Fig. 61
Periodontal disease -
Gingival inflammation
Periodontal ligament infection
Bone loss
Tooth must not be moved until periodontal infection is under control
The periodontium should be in a healthy condition prior to orthodontic treatment
Many adult patients require some periodontal therapy prior to orthodontic treatment (see
figure 62).
Fig. 62
Retaining appliances are usually required at the completion of the active phase of
orthodontic treatment to stabilize the teeth in their new position while the supporting
tissues are adapting. The wearing time varies from patient to patient and is determined
by the orthodontist. In some instances, indefinite retention wear may be necessary.
Figure 63 depicts how excessive overjet of the maxillary incisors was corrected during
the active phase of orthodontic treatment, and then is retained with a removable
Fig. 63
Extensive collapse of the mandibular teeth may be associated with excessive muscular
force. Since this muscle force does not disappear after orthodontic treatment, retention
may be required for many years or indefinitely.
Figure 64 depicts how an upper removable appliance with a ‗bite plane‘ (added acrylic
lingual to the maxillary incisors) is being used to prevent a return of the deep overbite.
There is also a bonded lingual wire in place to prevent the lingual collapse of the lower
Fig. 64
Typically an orthodontic patient is not dismissed until the status of the third molars is
resolved. The decision on the third molar removal is frequently a decision made in
consultation with the referring dentist and/or with the input from an oral surgeon.
Patient cooperation
The most difficult challenge in orthodontic treatment is patient motivation. If the patient
does not cooperate by following instructions, keeping the teeth clean, being on time for
and not missing appointments, and caring for the appliance properly, the most
sophisticated treatment plan or appliance therapy will fail to produce a satisfactory
Dental Disease
Malocclusion can contribute to dental decay and periodontal disease. When the teeth
and tissues do not receive the benefits of normal occlusion and natural cleansing,
proper plaque removal becomes difficult.
Fig. 65 Fig. 66
Excessive Overbite
In severe cases the mandibular incisors contact the palatal mucosa lingual to the
maxillary incisors, also known as an impinging deep bite (see figure 67). A removable
appliance to help prevent this from recurring was shown in figure 64.
Fig. 67
Tipped Roots
Bone loss (see figure 68).
Fig. 68
Fig. 69
Fig. 70
Fig. 71
Psychological Considerations
Severe malocclusion and dental facial deformities can be a social handicap. The impact
of these types of problems may have a strong influence on a patients‘ self-esteem and
their positive feelings about themselves.
Whether the patient is a teenage boy competing in high school, a college graduate
about to begin a professional career, a young executive striving to establish their
position In the business world, a young mother attempting to create an ideal image for
their young children, a child standing on the threshold of a lifetime or a grandmother
who is enjoying a senior position of respect and dignity within the family circle….a
beautiful, healthy smile translates into happiness, invites communication, and opens the
doors to success and fulfillment.
Patient Education
Following are descriptions and instructions that can be discussed with patients
regarding various phases of their treatment (tooth brushing, wear of elastics, wear of
headgear, adjunctive periodontal procedures, etc).
Removable Appliances
The key to orthodontic treatment with a removable appliance is wearing it, not removing
Removable appliances often are not braces at all. Unlike conventional braces, which
create pressure by being attached directly to the teeth, removable appliances are used
in different ways. Some (i.e. functional appliances) are intended to influence growth of
the jaws in order to effect changes in facial structure. Some are used to retain teeth in
their corrected positions (i.e. retainers). In addition, they are often used before and in
conjunction with fixed appliances (braces).
Still, removable appliances are not right for all orthodontic problems. It takes skill and
experience to recognize conditions that will respond favorably to removable appliances.
Timing of such therapy also is very important. An orthodontic specialist is trained to
make such treatment decisions.
Palatal Expansion
Palatal expansion is a combination of tooth movement and jaw expansion. It works by
widening the two halves of the upper jaw, called the palate. The two halves are joined
together by a ‗suture‘ in the middle of the roof of the mouth. The orthodontist custom
makes an expander for each patient. An expander can be fixed or removable. The
expander is attached to the upper back teeth and eases the suture apart, which makes
the upper jaw wider. As the jaw expands, new bone fills in between the two halves of
the palate. This process is called distraction osteogenesis. Expansion can take a few
weeks to a few months, depending on the amount of expansion required for an
individual patient.
A Rapid palatal expander (RPE), also known as a rapid maxillary expander (RME), is
generally worn from four to six months. During the first few weeks of wear it is
necessary to expand (activate) the appliance. Depending on the appliance, the RPE
may require activation with a special key or wrench. The orthodontist will provide
detailed instructions on how to activate the appliance and operate it properly to achieve
the desired results.
Palatal expansion improves the way the upper and lower jaws and the upper and lower
teeth work. It widens the jaw so there is sufficient room for permanent upper and lower
teeth to come in. Expansion can make the final smile broader and more attractive.
Without expansion, and depending on the problem, permanent teeth may not have
enough space to come in; or the lower jaw could grow out of proportion, which could
require corrective surgery as an adult. Left untreated, a narrow palate can lead to
excessive wearing of the teeth or the need for extensive dental work as an adult.
The orthodontist will advise the patient or parent on the need for expansion and which
type of expansion is best suited to correct the problem. Expansion is easiest and
results are most stable when performed on the growing child or teen.
Age alone, however is not the best predictor of when a palatal expansion should be
used. Ideally a patient should still be growing. The orthodontist may analyze the
growth plates on a hand-wrist x-ray to help determine skeletal maturation and whether a
patient is still growing. Patients who have completed growth may require surgically-
assisted rapid palatal expansion.
The orthodontist will recommend the type of expansion appliance necessary. Different
appliances require different activation techniques. The orthodontist will provide specific
instructions on how to expand the appliance and how often to expand it.
It may take a few days to get used to the palatal expander. Chewing, swallowing and
talking may be awkward at first. The mouth and nose may be sore or may tingle. Some
patients report a slight headache. The orthodontist may recommend over-the-counter
analgesics to relieve discomfort.
After a few days of expanding, the patient may notice space between the front teeth.
This is a sign that the appliance is working and the palate is being expanded.
Most patients require full orthodontic treatment (braces) following palatal expansion.
Successful orthodontic treatment primarily depends on two things: constant pressure
and time. Sometimes it takes added force to move teeth and jaws into their correct
positions. Elastics, also called rubber bands, have the pull to make that happen. But
they won‘t work without the patient wearing them. Therefore, to achieve the desired
results, the patient must carefully follow the instructions they receive regarding their
placement and use. Any time missed in wearing will only make the treatment take
Patients are responsible for placing the elastics on their braces between appointments.
They are to make sure they wear them as they were instructed. They are to remove
them only when brushing their teeth, gums and braces after meals. They are then to
place them back on immediately, unless different instructions have been given.
Patients are to always carry elastics with them, so if one breaks they can replace it right
away. If their supply runs low they are to contact the office to pick up more or possibly
have some mailed to them.
If a patient happens to forget to insert their elastics one day, they are not to double up
the next day - just follow the regular instructions.
Elastics get tired. When they lose their stretch, elastics don‘t provide the proper
pressure on the teeth and jaws. It is therefore very important to change them as
directed, even when they are not broken.
Elastics may cause the teeth to hurt a little at first. That is because the teeth are
moving, which is the goal. Usually the tenderness lasts a day or two. Not wearing the
elastics as instructed will only make the tenderness last longer, and make the tooth
movement take more time.
If the patient has any problems - like elastics breaking frequently, a wire or a band
loosening, or a hook breaking off - they are to call the office immediately. Patients
should not wait until their next scheduled appointment. These problems need to be
corrected as soon as possible.
Orthodontic Headgear- can be a very important part of the treatment for certain
patients. Its purpose is to achieve the best possible correction of their orthodontic
Headgears create special forces that guide the growth of the face and jaws. They are
also used to move teeth into better positions or to prevent teeth from moving when they
are not supposed to.
Regular use of the headgear achieves the best results. That is why it is important for the
patient to follow the instructions on the number of hours each day it should be worn.
Forgetting will just make the treatment take longer, and it may even affect the final
Patients are to take proper care of the headgear and bring it with them to every
The teeth may be tender or even slightly loose the first few days the headgear is worn.
This tenderness will disappear as the patient adjusts to the new pressure, so they
should not be discouraged.
If the patient continues to be uncomfortable for more than a few days they should
contact the orthodontist right away.
The wear of a headgear may not be much fun, but it is necessary for their treatment. If
they follow the instructions exactly, they will be finished sooner than they think. The
short-term sacrifice they make now will well be worth the healthy, beautiful smile that
they will have for a lifetime.
Facebow type - Consists of a metal bow that fits into the tubes on the back teeth and a
band that fits behind the neck or over the head to provide pressure to the facebow.
―J‖ Hook type - consists of a metal wire with a loop on the end that attaches to hooks or
eyelets on the archwire. Sometimes the loops are opened to slide over the archwire
and pull directly against one or more teeth on either side. The ―J‖ hook is attached to a
head cap that fits over the patients head or to a neck strap to prove force or pressure on
the teeth.
Safety instructions:
1. Always be careful to remove the headgear as show by the orthodontist. If the
headgear is removed carelessly, the part that fits into their mouth and attaches to their
teeth could injure their cheeks, lips, face, or even their eyes.
2. Never try to remove the headgear until the straps have been disconnected.
3. Never try to lift the headgear over the face.
4. Never wear the headgear when running or playing sports. This includes rough-and-
tumble games. Accidents can occur even when the patient is just having fun.
5. Never allow anyone to grab or pull on the headgear. Brothers, sisters, or friends who
do not wear headgear may not understand the dangers involved, even in play.
A frenectomy is a minor surgical procedure that removes or repositions a portion of the
frenum where there is excessive or particularly thick tissue.
The term ―frenum‖ refers to the fibrous gum tissue that connects the lips, cheeks or
tongue to the gums.
A frenectomy is most often performed for patients who have a gap (diastema) between
their upper two front teeth that may be caused by the frenum. The procedure
repositions or removes some of the tissue to allow the diastema to close and stabilizes
the teeth so the space can remain closed. Patients with a thick frenum may need the
procedure to relieve tension that otherwise could eventually cause gums to recede. A
frenectomy may be recommended to achieve optimal results from orthodontic
treatment. The orthodontist is in the best position to advise if the procedure is indicated
and, if so, when it should be performed.
A fiberotomy is a minor surgical procedure that releases tiny elastic fibers around teeth.
For some patients, these fibers cause teeth to turn, or rotate, significantly. The
procedure may be recommended as an additional measure to maintain the functional
bite and healthy, beautiful smile achieved through orthodontic treatment.
Patients whose teeth had a high degree of rotation before orthodontic treatment may
need a fiberotomy. Such teeth have a strong tendency to relapse, or return to their
original positions, due to the ―memory‖ of the elastic fibers. This ―memory‖ may work to
return the teeth to their pre-treatment positions. A fiberotomy releases the elastic fibers
to minimize rotational relapse after braces or other orthodontic appliances are removed.
The orthodontist will base the recommendation for a fiberotomy on his/her education
and clinical experience. The orthodontist is in the best position to advise on the timing
of this treatment.
Retainers may still be needed to maintain alignment of the teeth following treatment.
A gingivoplasty is an adjunctive, or additional procedure that may be performed
separate from, or often, at the same time, as a fenectomy or fiberotomy. A
gingivoplasty can be a removal or sculpting of gingival (gum) tissue, to correct a
―gummy‖ smile, or to balance uneven gum heights.
The orthodontist may also recommend a gingivoplasty if there is hyperplastic tissue.
This condition can be caused by: poor oral hygiene (especially during orthodontic
treatment) some medications, or some illnesses.
Some patients may opt for a gingivoplasty if they have a ―gummy‖ smile. This kind of
gingivoplasty is often referred to as ―crown lengthening.‖ It uncovers normal tooth
surfaces that are concealed by excess gum tissue, and contributes to a more beautiful
Patients whose gums are uneven may be candidates for a gingivoplasty to sculpt and
even out the height of the gums. The result is a balanced, symmetrical appearance of
the teeth.
The orthodontist will advise when a gingivoplasty should be performed, whether during
or immediately following orthodontic treatment.
Interproximal reduction
To help patients achieve a healthy new smile the orthodontist may feel that
interproximal reduction, making some of the teeth slightly narrower, will contribute to the
successful outcome of their orthodontic treatment. It may also contribute to long-term
stability of the reults after the braces are removed. It involves removal of some of the
outer tooth surface (enamel) usually between teeth that touch. It has been used in
orthodontics since the 1940s. It is also known as slenderizing, stripping, enamel
reduction, reproximation and selective reduction.
Whatever the name, the intentions are the same - to acquire more space for the teeth,
to bring the teeth into alignment, to improve the bite or to make the teeth more
attractive. Sometimes interproximal reduction is done alone, but it is usually done in
combination with orthodontic appliance treatment (fixed or removable). Sometimes it is
even done in conjunction with tooth extractions. Sometimes it is done following
orthodontic treatment to establish stability. Many times front teeth are contoured during
or after orthodontic treatment to create a balanced and harmonious appearance of the
The health of the patient‘s teeth and gums is of utmost concern to the orthodontist.
Studies among patients who have had interproximal reduction show that the procedure
does not make teeth more susceptible to tooth decay. Nor does the procedure
predispose gums to gum disease. Occasionally, some patients may experience some
sensitivity to hot or cold. Overall, the results are generally positive.
How the procedure works:
1. The orthodontist will identify which teeth are to be slenderized
2. Enamel is removed from the sides of each tooth, where the tooth comes in contact
with neighboring teeth. The enamel may be removed manually or with the aid of a
specially designed dental hand piece.
3. The orthodontist carefully removes the desired amount of enamel, leaving each tooth
with sufficient enamel to remain healthy and sound.
4. In performing enamel reduction, the doctor carefully creates needed space that will
allow teeth to be placed so that the bite is improved and the teeth take on a pleasing
5. Desired positioning can be achieved after teeth are slenderized.
When deciding if reshaping of teeth is to a patient‘s advantage, the orthodontist will
consider such factors as the size and shape of the teeth, their positions and alignment,
and the patient‘s facial features. Front teeth form the framework upon which the lips
rest, and their positions play an important role in facial appearance. Sometimes the
orthodontist may suggest the removal of teeth to enhance the facial appearance.
Education and experience in evaluating facial characteristics allow the orthodontist to
develop a treatment goal that produces a healthy bite, which can contribute to nice-
looking teeth and facial attractiveness.
The removal of the enamel generally causes no discomfort for most patients because
there are no nerve endings in the outer layer of the tooth.
After the teeth have been slenderized, they are smoothed and polished. Your doctor
may recommend a topical fluoride treatment, as well as daily use of a fluoride rinse to
help the teeth maintain their resistance to decay.
Where indicated, interproximal reduction will help the orthodontist position the teeth for
good function and good looks. In some cases, enough space can be created so that
teeth do not need to be removed. After the braces are removed, the more slender teeth
are more likely to stay where the orthodontist has moved them.
Timing of Treatment
Age 1 - Good dental health begins
The American Dental Association (ADA) recommends that a child first visit the family
dentist by their first birthday. Even though all of a child‘s primary (baby) teeth usually
have yet to erupt it‘s an excellent time to lay the foundation for a lifetime of good dental
At this early age, the child‘s teeth can be examined and cleaned without discomfort.
This allows the child‘s first experience with the dentist to be a positive one. That in turn
begins to establish a good attitude toward dental care and future visits.
At the first checkup, the patient and child will likely receive instructions on proper
toothbrushing and advice on the importance of a proper diet. Thereafter, regular visits
are necessary for detecting problems early and maintaining good dental health.
Although age 7 is the best time for the majority of children to have their first orthodontic
examination, a visit at even a younger age is advisable if a particular problem has been
noted by the parent, family dentist, or child‘s physician.
Most orthodontic patients undergo an initial period of orthodontic treatment to align the
teeth so they will fit together properly after surgery is performed. The orthodontist and
oral surgeon will schedule surgery after the teeth have been properly aligned.
Usually, braces or other orthodontic devices used to align the teeth before surgery are
left in place during the surgical procedure to help stabilize the teeth and jaws. After
surgery there is usually an additional period of orthodontic treatment to bring teeth into
their final, desired positions, complementing the new facial symmetry.
While the prospect of undergoing surgery as part of the overall treatment plan may
seem daunting, it really is not uncommon. The rewards for such treatment can be very
dramatic. Following completion of orthodontic treatment and surgery the patient will
enjoy better dental health and have a better facial appearance. Best of all, the patient
will have a more beautiful smile that reflects a happier, healthier patient for the rest of
their life.
Effective July 1, 2009, the Dental Board of California (DBC) is now the regulatory
board for licensed Dentists (DDSs), Registered Dental Assistants (RDAs) and
Registered Dental Assistants in Extended Functions (RDAEFs) health care
Our mission is to protect the health and safety of consumers.
The Board
• Licenses qualified dental health care professionals;
• Takes action to enforce compliance of the Dental Practice Act and
State of California laws;
• Strives to enhance the education of consumers and licensees.
The Dental Practice Act is published by the The Dental Board of California, whose
mission statement is as follows:
The Dental Board of California's mission is to protect and promote the health and safety
of consumers by licensing those dental health care professionals who demonstrate
competency, taking action to enforce compliance with the Dental Practice Act and the
laws of the State of California, and enhancing the education of licentiates and
CA Dental Practice Act with Related Statues and Regulations is a handy and
portable compilation of selected laws and regulations that affect the dental
industry. Published in cooperation with the CA Dental Board, this is a must have
reference manual!
The pertinent information, with regards to dental assisting, are the designations that
exist (Dental Assistant, Registered Dental Assistant, Orthodontic Assistant Permit),
levels of training that must be accomplished to attain these designations (including state
required courses and examinations) and the scope of practice (or allowable duties) that
each designation allows the assistant to perform. They can be found at their website,
and are included below:
Requirement for Dental Assistant with Expanded Functions and allowable duties - see
Introduction to Dental Infection Control
Patients must be confident that your office meets all the guidelines of the American
Dental Association (ADA), the American Association of Orthodontists (AAO), the
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), and the Center for Disease
Control (CDC).
• Introduction
• Good hand hygiene is one of the most critical control strategies in
outbreak management. Hand hygiene is defined as any method that removes or
destroys microorganisms on hands. It is well-documented that the most important
measure for preventing the spread of of pathogens is effective handwashing. Hand
hygiene programs should include clear guidance on procedures for the removal of
common pathogens from the hands of passengers and crew members. Included in this
program should be detailed instructions on when, where, why and the "how tos" of
proper hand hygiene, including the use of soap and water, followed by effective hand
drying. When supplied to either passengers or crew members, instructions should also
be given on the effective use of antiseptic hand washes and hand rubs/sanitizers.
• During outbreaks of acute gastroenteritis, enhanced hand hygiene
messages should be inserted into printed materials and announcements should be
made throughout the day encouraging proper hand hygiene.
• Handwashing and Drying
• Hand washing is defined as the vigorous, brief rubbing together of all
surfaces of lathered hands, followed by rinsing under a stream of water. Handwashing
suspends microorganisms and mechanically removes them by rinsing with water. The
fundamental principle of hand washing is removal, not killing.
• The amount of time spent washing hands is important to reduce the
transmission of pathogens to other food, water, other people and inanimate objects
(fomites), such as door knobs, hand railings and other frequently touched surfaces.
Proper hand hygiene involves the use of soap and warm, running water, rubbing hands
vigorously for at least 20 seconds. The use of a nail brush is not necessary or desired,
but close attention should be paid to the nail areas, as well as the area between the
• Wet hands have been know to transfer pathogens much more readily than
dry hands or hands not washed at all. The residual moisture determines the level of
bacterial and viral transfer following hand washing. Careful hand drying is a critical
factor for bacterial transfer to skin, food and environmental surfaces.
• The drying times required to reduce the transfer of these pathogens varies
with drying methods. Repeated drying of hands with reusable cloth towels is not
recommended and should be avoided. Recommended hand drying methods and drying
times are outlined below:
• Drying method
• Protocol
• Total drying time
• Comments
• Single-use paper towels
• Rub hands on two paper towels drying hands for 10 seconds on each
• 20 seconds
• The first towel removes the bulk of the water; the seconds achieves
complete drying
• Air dryer
• Rub hands together for while rotating them under warm air
• 30 - 45 seconds
• A prolonged drying period is required to achieve complete drying
• Single-use cloth towel
• Rub hands on two sections of the towel, drying hands for 10 seconds on
each section
• 20 seconds
• The first section of the towel removes the bulk of the water; the seconds
achieves complete drying
The following material comes from an article, ―Infection Control Patrol‖ printed in the
April/May 2007 publication, Orthodontic Products, and is authored by Leslie Canham,
CDA, RDA. Leslie currently offers courses in Infection Control to satisfy the
requirements mandated by the Dental Board of California and the Dental Practice Act
Infection-Control Patrol
by Leslie Canham, CDA, RDA
Six common areas of cross-contamination in an orthodontic practice
As new patients join your practice, the welcoming process should include a statement
about your concern for patient safety through proper sterilization and infection-control
techniques as well as strict adherence to OSHA regulations. But today's orthodontic
practices are often busy, and staff members need to work at top speed to perform
efficiently and stay on schedule. Sometimes, in the rush to stay on time, they can forget
to perform some basic infection-control protocols. Other times, the protocols are
followed but sabotaged by recontamination. Let's look at some of the common areas of
cross-contamination and how to eliminate them.
Gloves are considered single-use, disposable items, which means they should be used
on one patient and then discarded. Hand hygiene should be performed after removing
and discarding gloves. Occasionally, in the middle of treatment, the orthodontist or
assistant needs to leave the patient to get an instrument or device. If the gloves are not
removed, cross contamination could occur when you touch a surface with your gloved
Removing only one glove to open a drawer or cabinet creates another concern because
handwashing would not take place. After retrieving the desired instrument, if the same
previously worn glove is reworn, cross contamination occurs again.
As shown by a black light, a surgical mask‘s outer surface can become contaminated
with infectious droplets from spray of oral fluids or from touching the mask with
contaminated fingers. Wet masks should be changed.
Environmental Surfaces
Environmental surfaces include surfaces or equipment that do not contact patients
directly but can become contaminated during patient treatment. This occurs as a result
of spray generated during treatment, contact with contaminated instruments or devices,
or when a member of the orthodontic team touches the surfaces with contaminated
gloves. These surfaces can serve as reservoirs of microbial contamination. Transfer of
microorganisms from contaminated environmental surfaces to patients occurs primarily
through DHCP hand contact. When you touch these surfaces, microbial agents can be
transferred to instruments; other environmental surfaces; or to the nose, mouth, or eyes
of workers or patients.
Environmental surfaces are divided into clinical contact surfaces and housekeeping
surfaces. Clinical contact surfaces are surfaces that come in contact with sprays,
spatters, contaminated instruments, and your gloved hand. These include:
• dental light handles;
• chair switches;
• dental radiograph equipment;
• chairside computer keyboards;
• reusable containers of dental materials;
• drawer handles;
• faucet handles;
• countertops;
• pens;
• telephones;
• doorknobs; and
• contaminated instruments or devices.
An effective way to protect some surfaces is to use barriers. Barriers can be clear
plastic wrap, bags, sheets, tubing, and plastic-backed paper or other materials
impervious to moisture. Because barriers can become contaminated, they should be
removed and discarded after each patient while you are still gloved. After you remove
the barrier, if the surface becomes soiled, then it must be cleaned and disinfected.
Otherwise, after removing gloves and performing hand hygiene, you should place clean
barriers on these surfaces before the next patient.
Clinical contact surfaces that are not barrier-protected must be disinfected between
patients. There are a number of surface disinfectants to choose from. The CDC
Guidelines state that an EPA-registered disinfectant with a minimum kill claim of HBV
and HIV should be used on clinical contact surfaces. When the surface is visibly
contaminated with blood or other potentially infectious material, an intermediate-level
disinfectant (with a tuberculocidal kill claim) should be used.
There are two steps to proper surface disinfection: First, you must clean the surface;
and second, you must disinfect the surface. Always follow the manufacturer's directions
for correct use of the product. When using spray disinfectants, the system of "spray-
wipe-spray" means spray the surface to moisten, then wipe up to remove any debris.
Once the surface is clean, spray the surface again and allow the product to remain on
the surface for the recommended contact time. When using premoistened wipes, the
manufacturer's directions indicate a system of "wipe-discard-wipe," which means wipe
the surface to remove any debris, discard the contaminated wipe, and then use a fresh
wipe to disinfect the surface for the recommended contact time. While it may seem that
you use twice as many wipes when you follow the manufacturer's directions, you may
not achieve disinfection by using only one wipe. Another issue to address is placing
disinfectant solutions in a container with 4x4 gauze for use on dental equipment. This is
not listed on the manufacturer's label as proper use of the product, primarily because
the cotton fibers contained in the gauze may shorten the effectiveness of some
disinfecting agents when they are stored together in containers. If gauze is used to
apply disinfectant to surfaces, it should be saturated with the disinfecting agent at the
time of use.
Examples of housekeeping surfaces include floors, walls, and sinks. Housekeeping
surfaces pose little risk for disease transmission in dental health care settings. The
majority of housekeeping surfaces need to be cleaned only with a detergent and water
or an EPA-registered hospital disinfectant/detergent, depending on the nature of the
surface and the type and degree of contamination.
Instruments and Other Patient Care Items
To determine if you are processing instruments properly, ask yourself three questions:
• Would I feel comfortable putting this instrument in my mouth?
• Have I sterilized this item according to the CDC guidelines?
• Is there any event that might have caused this item to become
contaminated after it was sterilized?
Here are four common pitfalls to be aware of in instrument reprocessing:
• Cleaning
Ultrasonic cleaners are an efficient way to remove debris from instruments. Use
ultrasonic solutions that are specifically designed for ultrasonic cleaner use. Other
products such as disinfectants can "fix" blood and debris onto the instrument. Be sure to
use the appropriate baskets or cassettes to suspend the instruments in the ultrasonic
solution. While bundling instruments together with a hair tie will keep sets of instruments
organized, it defeats the cleaning process by preventing the instruments from being
exposed on all sides to the action of the bubbles and solution. Be sure to close the lid of
the ultrasonic tank when in use to prevent contaminated solution from being
• Packaging
Make sure instruments are rinsed and dried thoroughly prior to packaging. The
packaging or wrap should be designed for the type of sterilization process being used.
In orthodontic practices, most of the instruments fall into the category of "semicritical
instruments," those that touch mucous membranes but will not touch bone or penetrate
soft tissue. Semicritical instruments that are sterilized unwrapped on a tray or in a
container system should be used immediately or within a short time. When sterile items
are open to the air, they will eventually become contaminated. Even temporary storage
of unwrapped semicritical instruments should be discouraged because it permits
exposure to dust, airborne organisms, and other unnecessary contamination before use
on a patient.
• Sterilizing
Load the sterilizer according to the manufacturer's instructions. Do not overload it, since
too many instruments in the chamber can cause the cycle to fail. Use the full
recommended cycle times for wrapped instruments. Allow packages to cool down and
dry before removing them from the sterilizer.
Cross-contamination can occur to instruments when autoclave bags are handled when
they are still wet. Wet bags may wick (draw in) bacteria from hands, dust, and
contaminates from surfaces. Wet bags can also puncture more easily, which
compromises the sterility of the instruments.
Use chemical indicators to distinguish processed and unprocessed instruments. Test
each sterilizer weekly, and maintain results as required by state and federal regulations.
Biological indicators commonly known as spore tests are the most accepted method for
monitoring the sterilization process.
• Storing
Store instruments in a clean, dry environment to maintain the integrity of the package.
Clean supplies and instruments should be stored in closed cabinets. Dental supplies
and instruments should not be stored under sinks or in other locations where they might
become wet or torn. If the packaging is compromised, instruments must be recleaned,
repackaged, and sterilized again.
In today's busy orthodontic practices, patients expect your infection-control practices to
protect them from diseases. You must meet their concern for safety with proper
sterilization and infection-control techniques as well as strict adherence to OSHA
regulations. With a little extra attention to the daily routine of infection control, everyone
can eliminate cross-contamination.
Risky short-cuts in sterilization - which comes from the August 2009 edition of
Dental Products Report.
Getting The Most From Infection Control - which comes from the December
2008 edition of Dental Products Report.
Both are authored by Chris Miller, PhD who is Professor Emeritus of Oral
Microbiology and Excecutive Associate Dean Emeritus at the Indiana University
School of Dentistry. The articles should still be accessible online by entering the
title of the articles into a search engine (i.e. Google search). Dr. Miller is also
the Editor-in-Chief of Infection Control in Practice. A bi-monthly publication of the
Organization for Safety and Asepsis Procedures.