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Restoring the Endodontically Treated

Tooth: Treatment Planning 3


Fouad Badr, Wook-Jin Seong, and Jorge Perdigão

The objective of this chapter is to provide different treatment considerations to
guide the clinician in the practice of evidence-based dentistry when performing
treatment plans for endodontically treated teeth. As some of the existing litera-
ture is not clinically relevant, one must understand the limitations of published
studies as they apply to clinical dentistry.
There are known clinical complications one could anticipate when attempt-
ing to restore a severely weakened vital or non-vital tooth with minimal residual
sound tooth structure, incomplete ferrule, and fewer than two proximal
contacts. The decision to endodontically treat a tooth should be based on its
expected function within the entire dentition and whether or not it could predict-
ably utilize its function for a long time. When the integrity of the enamel and
dentin is compromised, one should consider coronal coverage, whether the
tooth is vital or non-vital. Other chapters will discuss the different post and core
materials and alternatives.
Ultimately, it is our responsibility to inform the patient of the risks/benefits
and effort involved in attempting to maintain and restore a tooth.

F. Badr, DMD (*) • W.-J. Seong, DDS, MS, PhD, FACP

Division of Prosthodontics, Department of Restorative Sciences,
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA
e-mail: badrx006@umn.edu; seong001@umn.edu
J. Perdigão, DMD, MS, PhD
Division of Operative Dentistry, Department of Restorative Sciences,
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA
e-mail: perdi001@umn.edu

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016 45

J. Perdigão (ed.), Restoration of Root Canal-Treated Teeth:
An Adhesive Dentistry Perspective, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-15401-5_3
46 F. Badr et al.

3.1 Introduction

The oral cavity… one of the most hostile environments there is. Yet, teeth have
found shelter in it. The human tooth presents in various forms and shapes with a
unique history of restorations and/or trauma. Stem cell-based biological tooth repair
and regeneration is not part of the restorative dentist’s armamentarium just yet.
However, as clinicians, we are often confronted with situations where we feel that
we have to take upon the role of the “herodontist.” It is not uncommon for a patient
to present with a dentition ornamented with different types of restoration materials:
gold foil, silicate, amalgam, composite resin, and ceramics, just to name a few.
Sometimes, a medley of these materials is present on the same tooth. Whether upon
a routine examination or when evaluating an emergency patient with a trauma or a
with a periapical lesion, practitioners must agree, in syntony with the patient, on the
fate of problematic teeth. Before deciding on the outcome of a tooth with a periapi-
cal lesion or one that is extensively restored or severely damaged due to a carious
lesions or trauma, the clinician must first assess the clinical status of the dentition as
a whole, then that of the tooth, and have a clear understanding of the patient’s signs,
symptoms, and chief complaint. Guided by the patient’s needs and preferences, and
combining his or her experience with scientific evidence, the clinician must then
practice the art of evidence-based dentistry. A methodological approach to every
clinical situation can facilitate the thought process that takes place during treatment
planning of the tooth, whether it is endodontically treated or not.
This chapter will discuss the treatment planning considerations that the clinician
must walk through as he or she is faced with a moderate to severely damaged tooth
with or without lesion of endodontic origin. After the establishment of a pulpal
diagnosis, the evaluation of the remaining sound tooth structure and its relation to
the periodontium, a decision is made on the restorability of the tooth. If it is restor-
able and the patient wishes to keep the tooth, one must consider the function the
tooth will serve within the entire dentition and the stress it will be subjected to. In
order to achieve full function and a predictable outcome, will the tooth require root
canal therapy or a retreatment? Will the tooth necessitate a full coverage restoration
with or without a post and core? Is there a ferrule effect or does the tooth need
crown lengthening and/or orthodontic extrusion? This chapter will also be discuss-
ing the impact and outcome of such modalities. Finally, we will review different
options if it is the patient’s final decision to extract the tooth.

3.2 Diagnosis

3.2.1 Assessing the Pulpal Status

An accurate diagnosis must be made to provide the appropriate treatment. After

collecting the necessary information on the patient’s background through a meticu-
lous medical and dental history, the clinician must pay careful attention to the signs
and symptoms that are present in order to determine pulpal status. Even with an
3 Restoring the Endodontically Treated Tooth: Treatment Planning Considerations 47

array of clinical tests, it is difficult to make a precise diagnosis as the pulp gradually
evolves from one pulpal status to another. It is beyond the scope of this chapter to
go in detail about endodontic diagnosis. Practically, we can say that root canal ther-
apy is indicated when the pulpal status is irreversible pulpitis or pulpal necrosis.
Nevertheless, when there is not enough sound tooth structure to serve as a founda-
tion for a planned prosthetic procedure, it is sometimes indicated to perform an
elective root canal treatment in situations of reversible pulpitis with deep carious
lesion or normal pulp (Carrotte 2004).

3.2.2 Endo/Perio Lesions

Oftentimes, there is a close connection between the periodontal tissues and the
pulpal tissues, whether through the apical opening or through lateral canals. Pulpal
disease could cause periradicular lesions that take the same appearance as lesions of
periodontal disease, at least radiographically. Accurate analysis of the combined
information regarding the status of the pulp, the periradicular lesion, and the
presence/absence of infraction or vertical root fractures will help the clinician to
obtain the proper diagnosis and determine whether the problem is of an endodontic
origin, a periodontal origin, or a real combination of both.
The pulp can be tested to determine its status. However, even necrotic pulps may
have pain receptors that can be stimulated and lead to a false-positive response
(Dummer et al. 1980). Sometimes, when using vitality tests, the presence of adja-
cent metal-based restorations might lead to a false diagnosis (Stock 1995). In most
cases, if the testing indicates a pulp disease, a conventional root canal treatment can
help in the healing of the periradicular lesions. It is uncommon for periodontal dis-
ease to be limited to a single tooth, and, generally, pockets are wider when of peri-
odontal origin.
Other origins for periradicular lesions are developmental malformations, failing
root canal treatments, and poor coronal restorations that provide a pathway for bac-
terial contamination (Ray and Trope 1985; Saunders and Saunders 1990, 1994).
Root perforations as a result of extensive caries lesions, or resorption, or iatrogenic
reasons during instrumentation of canal can also be responsible for a combined
endodontic-periodontal problem (Seltzer et al. 1970).

3.2.3 Resorption

The dental pulp is an integral part of the rest of the body, and when there is disruption/
rupture of the neurovascular supply in an otherwise normal pulp, ingress of bacteria
could occur and pulpal necrosis could result (Andreasen and Kahler 2015), that is,
of course, besides the potential injury to the periodontium and surrounding bone.
Compromise of the neurovascular supply and trauma to the periodontal ligament
may lead to resorptive processes that could sometimes be stopped provided the
appropriate treatment is performed (Fig. 3.1). By completing a root canal therapy
48 F. Badr et al.

a b

Fig. 3.1 (a) A patient presented to the clinic complaining of an unusual “bump on her gum”. Intraoral
examination revealed localized swelling on the labial mucosa, buccal of left maxillary central incisor.
Probing around the tooth was within normal limits and the patient was asymptomatic. Percussion was
inconclusive on all anterior teeth. The patient could recall a history of dental trauma a year prior to the
examination. This periapical radiograph of the left maxillary central incisor shows a periapical radiolu-
cency with what seems to be a communicating internal-external inflammatory resorption. The tooth tested
non-vital to pulpal testing. (b) Endodontic treatment was initiated and an attempt to induce calcification by
using calcium hydroxide alone was made. (c) Root canal therapy was completed and adjunct surgical
procedure was performed to apply ProRoot MTA (Dentsply Tulsa Dental Specialties) on the buccal aspect
of the root, where the resorption communicated with the periodontal ligament space. A fiber post was
bonded into the root canal and a provisional crown was fabricated
3 Restoring the Endodontically Treated Tooth: Treatment Planning Considerations 49

(Heithersay 1999) or performing a decoronation (Malmgren et al. 2006), the

clinician could salvage a tooth prior to the resorption process breaking down a sig-
nificant amount of tooth structure. The clinician must keep in mind that resorption
could be trauma induced or idiopathic (Rivera and Walton 1994) and could also be
in conjunction with a root fracture. It is important to assess the type of resorption as
some do require root canal treatment and some do not. An evaluation by the
endodontist might be of order.

3.2.4 Periodontal Considerations

There are many factors to be evaluated when assessing the periodontal condition.
The age of the patient, the initial bone loss, the probing depths, the clinical attach-
ment loss, the mobility, the root form, the furcation involvement, and whether or not
the patient is a smoker are to be considered when determining the prognosis of a
tooth. In a retrospective study of 102 patients (816 molars) undergoing regular peri-
odontal therapy, Miller et al. assigned scores to all teeth on the basis of periodontal
prognostic factors. They determined that of all the factors evaluated, smoking had
the most negative impact (246 % greater chance of losing their teeth), far exceeding
the impact of pocket depth, mobility, or furcation involvement. The authors also
mentioned that 78.3 % of the molars treated were never extracted and survived for
an average of 24.2 years, which indicates that under preventive maintenance ther-
apy, periodontal health can be maintained (Miller et al. 2014). One limitation of the
study resides in the fact that the severity of the furcation involvement was not
assessed; only its presence or absence was considered. However, it is understood by
dental health professionals that the more severe the furcation involvement, the more
difficult it is for the patient to maintain proper dental hygiene. The same could be
said about pocket depths in excess of 3 mm. Surgical periodontal therapy could be
indicated to reduce the pocket depth and increase the likelihood of dental hygiene to
be effective.
Another prospective study on 100 treated periodontal patients under mainte-
nance care (2509 teeth) was carried over a period of 16 years in an attempt to deter-
mine the effectiveness of commonly taught clinical parameters utilized in the
assignment of prognosis to accurately predict tooth survival. The study concluded
that initial probing depth, initial furcation involvement, initial mobility, initial
crown-to-root ratio and parafunctional habit with no biteguard were all associated
with tooth loss (McGuire and Nunn 1996). Teeth that were used as abutment for
fixed partial dentures (FPDs) were lost at a lower rate than those who served the
same function for removable partial dentures (RPDs). Interestingly, the authors sug-
gested that the reasons that FPDs may have greater survival rate might be related to
the initial choice of the tooth as an abutment, as only very healthy teeth would be
used for a fixed abutment.
Multiple authors have reported that periodontal reasons are the most common
cause for extraction of endodontically treated teeth with 59.4 % and 42.6 % of all
extracted teeth (Fonzar et al. 2009). In esthetically challenging situations, with the
presence of apical periodontitis, or when retreatment is needed, extraction of the
tooth followed by implant placement has been recommended (Setzer and Kim
50 F. Badr et al.

2014). However, as discussed above, if proper periodontal treatment is rendered,

even on teeth with moderate vertical bone loss or furcation involvement, the prog-
nosis could be good (Setzer and Kim 2014).
Any tooth is just as strong as its weakest link. If its foundation is compromised,
its entire outcome also is. Besides a dental emergency, periodontal health has to be
achieved and maintained before any treatment is to be initiated. As we will discuss
later, when it comes to mechanical forces, a tooth is subjected to stresses that come
from all directions. The weaker the support it has from its periodontium, the more
likely the horizontal stresses on the entire system are to increase and the more strain
the restoration and the periodontium have to absorb. Distribution of stress being a
cornerstone concept in prosthodontics, the clinician must consider, when dealing
with a less than ideal, yet healthy, periodontium to lighten the occlusion in eccentric
movements. For example, when restoring a canine with a compromised, yet accept-
able, crown-to-root ratio, the clinician should consider a group function rather than
a canine guidance.

3.3 Tooth Restorability

For a comprehensive treatment plan to be formulated and before using the treatment
planning flowchart in Fig. 3.2, a complete evaluation of the mouth along with that
of the particular tooth in question is necessary. The clinician must evaluate the over-
all periodontal support, the occlusal scheme, and the presence or absence of para-
function. With regard to the occlusal plane in a comprehensive treatment plan, a
tooth that has extruded and is not in harmony with the occlusal plane might not
allow enough vertical space for an antagonist. For this tooth to be restored, the plan
might involve the possibilities of orthodontic intrusion or crown lengthening with or
without root canal therapy (see Fig. 3.3). Also, when it comes to the tooth in ques-
tion, one must evaluate the quality of the root canal treatment. The latter is still a
major cause of failure, as reviewed in Chap. 1.
A tooth serving as an abutment for an FPD or an RPD is subject to different
stresses than if it were to support a single restoration. Lastly, if the possibility of
crown lengthening is considered, the clinician must keep in mind some consider-
ations for the crown-to-root ratio, the taper of the root, and the location of any

3.3.1 Evaluation of the Remaining Tooth Structure

Some clinical conditions (e.g., a vertical root fracture or an infraction that extends
far apically into the periodontium) could justify the extraction of the affected tooth,
particularly if the patient is not keen on the clinician performing an explorative
surgery to determine its restorability. Other, less dramatic scenarios require the
removal of carious dentin and/or defective restorations in order to properly assess
the overall condition of the tooth (Fig. 3.4). It is following this step that we would
3 Restoring the Endodontically Treated Tooth: Treatment Planning Considerations 51

Proceed with removal of carious dentin,

temporary restorations and unsupported ename|;
only sound tooth structure should remain.

- Crown lengthening
- C/R ratio If the ferrule is
- Vertical space available for core less than 2 mm height and
Evaluate how much ferrule
- Guidance 1 mm thickness
is available?
- Parafunction
(height and thickness)
- Etc.

Extraction and consider

other options (Implants/FPDs)

Can the tooth be restored by either a:

1. Build up only Are there no or one wall of tooth

2. Prefabricated post and build up structure remaining with
3. Cast dowel and core possible high lateral stress?

If the tooth is restorable,

how much tooth structure is available
to retain the core material?
Cast dowel and core
One to three walls of
tooth structure
- Three or four remaining
walls of tooth
- Short core Prefabricated post
+ core Use resin cement for:
- Space available
- Cast dowel and core,
- Prefabricated post,
- Crowns on core build up
Use a
composite core or an
amalgam core only

Fig. 3.2 This is the treatment plan flowchart that is referred to throughout this chapter

determine if the margin placement of the intended prosthesis is violating biologic

principles (see the concept of biological width in Chap. 1, Fig. 1.2) and if the
remaining sound tooth structure is sufficient in order to provide a strong support that
will confer the restoration longevity and function. It is also at this stage that we
assess the crown-to-root ratio and the occlusal forces the tooth is subject to in the
dentition and determine the necessity of crown lengthening (Fig. 3.2).

3.3.2 Ferrule

Following excavation of carious dentin and removal of defective restorations, it is

essential that sound tooth structure remains circumferentially to produce a cervical fer-
rule. Please refer to Chap. 1 for more detailed explanation about the ferrule concept.
If the condition of the tooth is such that even adjunct surgical and/or orthodontic
procedures cannot provide a 2 mm-high ferrule, without compromising significantly
52 F. Badr et al.

Fig. 3.3 This photograph shows the right mandibular second molar (mirror image) that has supra-
erupted into the opposing edentulous space. Several years after its extraction, this patient is con-
sidering replacing his maxillary missing right maxillary first molar. An interdisciplinary approach,
possibly involving orthodontic movement and/or crown lengthening and/or endodontic therapy,
has to be considered to bring this tooth into the normal occlusal plane

Fig. 3.4 Several of these teeth would be deemed unrestorable even without removing the carious
dentin and defective restorations. If crown lengthening is performed to obtain adequate ferrule on
sound tooth structure, with or without endodontic therapy, the crown-to-root ratio becomes com-
promised. Considering the taper of the roots, the tooth preparation for any type of complete-
coverage crown might result in very thin residual dentin walls

the prognosis of the tooth, extraction might be the solution (Fig. 3.4). When exten-
sive tooth structure is lost after carious dentin or a faulty restoration are removed, or
following trauma or endodontic access, but that the ferrule is at least 2 mm high and
1 mm thick, the clinician must consider the fabrication of a foundation prior to tooth
preparation for complete-coverage restoration. In some cases, the tooth breakdown
is so extensive that it could be in proximity to the pulp. These scenarios might
3 Restoring the Endodontically Treated Tooth: Treatment Planning Considerations 53

necessitate an elective root canal treatment and the buildup of a core. The latter will
increase the retention and resistance form of the future restoration.
According to Hempton and Dominici (2010), most of the retention and resis-
tance to dislodgment of the restoration occurs at the apical third of the preparation.
Therefore, the positioning of the margin remains of crucial importance. The clini-
cian must avoid placing the margin if it is to be seated partially or completely on the
core buildup. This precaution must be taken in order to avoid the stresses from
occlusion to be transmitted to the foundation restoration or, in the case of a post and
core, to the internal aspect of the post and the root. That interface is usually filled
with cement, and, under occlusal stress, the fatigue of the cement could lead to dis-
lodgment of the post and core or to the fracture of the tooth. In an in vitro study, Pilo
et al. (2008) suggested that having a minimum thickness and length of ferrule is
very important to prevent fractures. They explained that, in case fractures occur,
they do so in the tooth structure, not in core material. Also, the potential of the teeth
to fracture is directly related to the amount of dentin removed.

3.3.3 Dentin and Enamel Integrity

Worthy of mention, careful attention must be taken when instrumenting the canal
during endodontic therapy as well as when preparing a post space. Over-
instrumentation will contribute to over-enlargement of the root canal and unneces-
sary dentin removal. It is well accepted that a minimum of 1 mm of dentinal
thickness wall is necessary to prevent its fracture and properly support the core
foundation, if any is planned (Ouzounian and Schilder 1991).
As it was discussed in the previous chapter, mechanical properties of endodonti-
cally treated teeth could confer the dentin of the tooth different mechanical proper-
ties. However, it has been suggested that the type of cavity preparation could play
an even more significant impact on cuspal deflection (separation of the cusps). In
one study, it has been determined that intact mandibular molars had a cuspal deflec-
tion of up to 1.0 μm. As for MO cavity preparations, the deflection was noted to less
than 2 μm of movement. MOD preparations showed a movement of 3–5 μm.
Endodontic access preparations were responsible for a movement of 7.0–8.0 μm for
the MO group and 12.0–17.0 μm for the MOD group (Panitvisai and Messer 1995).
It has been advocated that maintaining the continuity of enamel maintains the tooth
rigidity; henceforth, consideration should be given to some sort of cuspal protec-
tion, particularly when there is an increase of twofold or threefold from the MO to
the MOD group with endodontic access preparation.
It seems that the mechanical properties of the endodontically treated tooth’s den-
tin might not be as critical as the initial appearance of the tooth that lead to the
endodontic treatment. The integrity of the enamel seems to play a more important
role than whether or not it has been treated endodontically. In the next section, we
will have a closer look at the literature when it comes to the impact of such results
on the overall outcome of the tooth.
54 F. Badr et al.

a b

Fig. 3.5 (a) After removal of the carious dentin and defective margins, the remaining tooth struc-
ture on the maxillary right second premolar is insufficient to retain a core and is not strong enough
to resist crown fracture at the neck of the tooth. As for the maxillary right first molar, it has fewer
than three walls left and would need a post to retain a core. On the other hand, the maxillary right
second molar has sufficient walls left to retain a core and resist crown fracture at its neck. (b) A cast
dowel and core was placed on the maxillary right second premolar, a prefabricated metal post was
inserted into the palatal root of the maxillary right first molar, and an amalgam core was built. As for
the maxillary right second molar, an amalgam core was used to rebuild the missing tooth structure

Let us go back to the treatment planning flowchart (Fig. 3.2). After determining
the stress that will be applied to that tooth, we need to answer two questions: (1) Is
there enough remaining sound tooth structure to retain a core? and (2) Is the remain-
ing tooth structure strong enough to resist crown fracture at the neck of the tooth? If
the answer to both these questions is “no,” then a cast dowel and core or a prefabri-
cated post and core buildup are to be considered. If the answer to both questions is
“yes,” then a (composite resin or amalgam) core restoration buildup should be con-
sidered (Figs. 3.2 and 3.5).
In a randomized clinical trial on 360 premolars followed up for 3 years, Cagidiaco
et al. (2008) divided the teeth in six groups of 60 premolars based on the amount of
the dentin left at the coronal level after endodontic treatment and before abutment
buildup. They then randomly assigned them into subgroups with or without fiber
posts. They determined that a (fiber) post might not be needed in four coronal walls
situation but that as soon as we lost one wall, we started seeing failures in the groups
with no post. In the post group, failures increased in the group with one coronal wall
and the groups with no wall with or without a 2 mm ferrule. Two studies by Ferrari
et al. (2007, 2012) also confirmed that the placement of a fiber post reduced signifi-
cantly the failures on endodontically treated premolars. The preservation of one
coronal wall significantly reduced the failure risk.
In situations of three or four coronal walls remaining, one must choose between
different core materials. In a fatigue study, Kovarik et al. (1992) tested glass iono-
mer cement (GIC), composite resin, and amalgam as a core material under crowns.
It took 20,000 cycles to bring all GIC core crowns to failure. At 50,000 cycles, 80 %
of composite core crowns experienced failures. As for amalgam core crowns, 30 %
experienced failures at 70,000 cycles. Gateau et al. (2001) reported that two GIC-
based materials used as core materials showed a higher number of defects than
3 Restoring the Endodontically Treated Tooth: Treatment Planning Considerations 55

amalgam, suggesting that fatigue resistance of GIC-based materials may be inade-

quate for post and core applications. Some clinicians have used silver-reinforced
GIC-based materials (known as cermets) for core buildups. As stated by Combe
et al. (1999), cermet GIC materials are one of the weakest materials in terms of
tensile, flexure, and modulus values, despite being similar to some resin materials in
terms of compressive strength. Cermet GIC materials are not suitable for core
buildup procedures in the posterior teeth.

3.4 Prognosis of Endodontically Treated Teeth

Restorative considerations put aside, endodontic therapy has been demonstrated to

be a predictable procedure provided that the quality of the canal disinfection and that
of the root canal obturation are good. In the absence of preoperative apical periodon-
titis, primary root canal therapy has shown success rates above 90 % (Marquis et al.
2006). However, when preoperative apical periodontitis was present, this number
dropped to approximately 80 % (Sjogren et al. 1990; de Chevigny et al. 2008).
In their systematic review, Gillen et al. (2011) suggest that all aspect of the treat-
ment, from the periodontal condition to the root canal therapy to the restoration,
have an impact on the overall outcome. When coronal restorations are inadequate,
the odds of maintaining the healed status of an apical periodontitis decrease as
microbes ingress through the defective margins of the restorations.

3.4.1 Survival Rate of the Endodontically Treated

Anterior Teeth

There is a belief that endodontically treated anterior teeth without crowns are not
susceptible to as much fracture as posterior ones. However, a recent study on
1.4 million teeth (Salehrabi and Rotstein 2004).demonstrated that 83 % of teeth that
were extracted had not received a crown, while 9.7 % of the extracted teeth had a
crown and a post and 7.3 % of the extracted teeth had a crown without post. The
result of this 2004 large-scale study contrasts the findings reported by Sorensen and
Martinoff in 1984, where it was suggested that endodontically treated anterior teeth
do not have a significantly better prognosis if they are crowned, compared if there
were not (Sorensen and Martinoff 1984). Please refer to Chap. 6 for more evidence
about the positive impact of fiber posts on endodontically treated anterior teeth.

3.4.2 Survival Rate of the Endodontically Treated

Posterior Teeth

When endodontically treated posterior teeth are not restored with a crown, they are
more likely to fracture than vital teeth (Aquilino and Caplan 2002). In another study,
it was demonstrated that teeth without crowns failed after an average period of
56 F. Badr et al.

50 months, while pulpless teeth restored with a full coverage restoration were lost
after an average of 87 months following the placement of the restoration (Vire
1991). In a retrospective cohort study, it was demonstrated that endodontically
treated molars that were intact, except for the endodontic access opening, were suc-
cessfully restored using composite resin restorations. It is interesting to know that
composite resin restorations had better clinical performance than dental amalgam
restorations. On a 2-year basis, the survival of molars restored with composite resin
restorations was 90 % vs. 77 % for amalgam restorations. At 5 years, the survival
declined significantly for both restorative materials, to 38 % for composite resin and
17 % for dental amalgam restorations (Nagasiri and Chitmongkolsuk 2005).
Similarly, a 3-year investigation found comparable success rates between endodon-
tically treated premolars restored with only a post and direct class II composite resin
and premolars restored with complete-coverage crowns (Mannocci et al. 2002).
Amalgam may be used provided all cusps adjacent to teeth with missing mar-
ginal ridges are covered and sufficient thickness of amalgam is present, as seen in
Chap. 1. It has been recommended that a thickness of 4.0 mm of amalgam protects
the functional cusp and 3.0 mm over the nonfunctional cusp (Liberman et al. 1987).
Once we have determined the restorability of the tooth as a unit, it is important
to assess the stress that will be applied to that tooth. As we will discuss in the next
section, there is scientific evidence that suggests that an endodontically treated
tooth’s position in the arch as well as its future function has an impact on its survival
rate. Also Chap. 6 covers the impact of placing fiber posts on the longevity and
prognosis of posterior endodontically treated teeth.

3.4.3 The Importance of Proximal Contacts

It has been determined that the presence of two proximal contacts had a significant
positive impact on the survival rates of endodontically treated teeth (Aquilino and
Caplan 2002; Caplan et al. 2002). Caplan et al. (2002) performed a retrospective
study in which they reviewed charts and radiographs of 400 teeth from 280 patients.
They suggested that endodontically treated teeth with less than two proximal con-
tacts underperform the ones with two proximal contacts. To reinforce that point, a
meta-analysis of 14 clinical studies also pointed out that observation. In descending
order of influence, the conditions increasing the survival rate of endodontically
treated teeth were as follows: (1) a crown restoration after RCT, (2) tooth having
both mesial and distal proximal contacts, (3) tooth not functioning as an abutment
for removable or fixed prosthesis, and (4) tooth type or specifically non-molar teeth
(Balto 2011).
Another 4-year prospective study involving 759 primary root canal-treated teeth
and 858 endodontically retreated teeth demonstrated that teeth with two proximal
contacts had a 50 % lower risk of being lost than those with less than two proximal
contacts. It was demonstrated that terminal teeth were associated with almost 96 %
more tooth loss than those that were not located distal most in the arch (Ng et al.
2011). In a 10-year follow-up study, Aquilino and Caplan demonstrated that second
3 Restoring the Endodontically Treated Tooth: Treatment Planning Considerations 57

molars had a significantly lower survival rate than any other type of teeth. The
greater than fivefold decrease in the endodontically treated second molar’s survival
rate could be explained by the result of increased occlusal stresses and difficult
endodontic treatment due to a compromised access and restricted visibility (Aquilino
and Caplan 2002).
It is well documented that the position of the endodontically treated tooth in the
arch and the presence or absence of proximal contact have a significant impact on
its survival rate. This could be explained by the unfavorable distribution of occlusal
forces and higher non-axial stress on these teeth. Also, regardless of the chewing
forces of the patient, an endodontically treated tooth is better off, in terms of stress,
to oppose an acrylic tooth from a complete conventional denture than it is to oppose
a single implant crown. It has more to do resiliency of the opposing prosthesis than
it is about the material.

3.4.4 FPDs and RPDs

Multiple clinical studies have suggested that FPDs supported by endodontically

treated abutment teeth fail more often than those supported by vital abutment teeth
(Reuter and Brose 1984; Karlsson 1986; Palmqvist and Swartz 1993; Sundh and
Odman 1997). Over 20 years ago, Sorensen and Martinoff (1985) reviewed over
6000 patients’ records, and based on 1273 teeth endodontically treated that served
as an abutment for either an FPD or an RPD, they concluded that abutments for
FPDs and RPDs that were endodontically treated had significantly higher failure
rates than single crowns. Respectively, the success rate of all endodontically treated
RPD abutments was 77.4 % compared with FPDs, which was 89.2 %. Interestingly,
they also found that post placement was associated with significantly decreased suc-
cess rate for single crown, produced no significant change for FPD abutments, and
significantly improved the success of RPD abutment teeth. The nature of the study
being retrospective, variables that were not recorded and may have affected that
function of the RPD, and stresses on the endodontically treated teeth include the rest
and retainer design, the quality of the adaptation of the extension bases, and the
occlusion. Also, the span of the distal extension was not recorded, and no distinction
was made between a tooth-borne and a distal extension RPD.
A more recent clinical study compared FPDs and single crowns for up to
20 years. The authors reported that the survival rate of three-unit FPDs with at least
one endodontically treated abutment was comparable to FPDs on vital teeth. More
failures were associated with FPDs with cantilevered units and those with more than
three units (De Backer et al. 2007). Once again, when considering an endodonti-
cally treated tooth as an abutment for a prosthesis, one must accord crucial impor-
tance on the antagonist prosthesis, if any, on the periodontal condition and bony
support, as well as the amount of stress bearing the abutment will be subject to. The
clinician’s judgment plays an important role when, for example, he/she is con-
fronted to a situation where a three-unit posterior FPD is retained by two endodonti-
cally treated abutments opposing a stable complete conventional denture and
58 F. Badr et al.

another situation where a nonterminal single endodontically treated and crowned

posterior tooth is opposing an implant crown. The literature does not have any
answer for which of the two scenarios is more favorable on the endodontically
treated tooth.

3.5 Adjunct Surgical Procedures

3.5.1 Biologic Width

When carious dentin, cavitation, or existing restorations are extensive and in prox-
imity with the root and that crown lengthening is planned, the biologic width (Fig.
1.2, Chap. 1) has to be considered. If it is violated, it may induce chronic inflamma-
tion (Gunay et al. 2000) and even lead to periodontal breakdown (Cunliffe and Grey
2008). Gargiulo et al. (1961) published one of the first studies on the issue of the
dimensions of the biologic width. They averaged the length of the dentogingival
junction to be 2.04 mm, the epithelial attachment to be of a mean value of 0.97 mm,
and the connective tissue attachment to be of a mean value of 1.07 mm.
When it comes to restoration margin placement, some authors have advocated
the importance of maintaining a 3 mm biologic distance coronal to the osseous crest
and the plaque-associated margins (Nevins and Skurow 1984). Another retrospec-
tive study indicated that 40 % of the molars developed a furcation lesion at 5 years
after the crown placement if their initial margin-to-bone distance is less than 4 mm
(Dibart et al. 2003).
Although it seems to be widely accepted that a minimum of 3 mm from the
osseous crest to the restoration margin significantly reduced the risk of periodon-
tal attachment loss, the clinician must always keep in mind that every patient’s
dental anatomy is slightly different. Vacek et al. (1994) tested a hypothesis simi-
lar to that of Gargiulo et al.’s previous study and published a range of biologic
width (Table 3.1). Adequate probing and proper diagnostic radiographs are
When in doubt, it is typically because we are about to violate the biologic width.
However, if one wishes so, a long-term provisional restoration could be a good
method to test the response of the epithelial attachment prior to deciding on crown
lengthening. Careful attention must be taken to have tight margins and a well-
polished provisional restoration to prevent marginal leakage and/or accumulation of
inflammation-inducing plaque.

Table 3.1 Range of Biologic width (EA + CTA) (Vacek 1994)

biological width, as published
Arch position Measurement Range
by Vacek et al. (1994)
Anterior 1.75 ± .56 .75–3.29
Premolar 1.97 ± .67 .78–4.33
Molar 2.08 ± .55 .84–3.29
3 Restoring the Endodontically Treated Tooth: Treatment Planning Considerations 59

Fig. 3.6 In this clinical presentation, the inflammation of the gingival tissue is evident. The retain-
er’s margin of this FPD (9-X-11) has clearly violated the epithelial attachment. The clinician must
keep in mind the gingival margin level of the contiguous teeth if crown lengthening is to be per-
formed. Forced orthodontic extrusion, combined with crown lengthening, could be considered

3.5.2 Crown Lengthening

When the tooth presents with little structure to allow for retention and resistance on
sound dentin, the clinician might need to “create” additional sound tooth structure by
reverting to surgical procedure. The crown lengthening surgical procedure might need
to be combined with orthodontic forced eruption (Fig. 3.6). We will not be discussing
the details of orthodontic forced eruption in this chapter. The reader who is interested
will find a great deal of information on the subject in other dental literature. The addition
of sound tooth structure to be embraced by the future restoration allows for the occlusal
forces to be distributed into the periodontium rather than on the post-core-tooth inter-
face. However, one must keep in mind the crown-to-root ratio as the mobility of the
tooth could increase and accentuate the amount of horizontal components to the occlu-
sal stress. The inertia of the periodontal membrane to an axial load has been calculated
as being 17 times as great as it is to a transverse load (Thayer 1980). Al-Hazaimeh and
Gutteridge (2001) tested in vitro the effect of a ferrule preparation on the fracture resis-
tance of ten post crowned natural central incisor teeth with a 2 mm ferrule preparation
and compared it to his control group of ten without ferrule. The author suggested more
attention be given to the post length than the presence of a ferrule.
The need for the future restoration to embrace sound tooth structure circumfer-
entially in order to increase its resistance to fracture cannot solely justify the cre-
ation of a ferrule through surgical procedure. Along with the overall treatment plan,
other considerations have to be taken into account during treatment planning.
In order to remain favorable, the crown-to-root ratio must remain at a maximum
of 1:1. Considering that the reduced periodontium is still subjected to the same
amount of load, increased mobility could result from poor planning. Also, when
roots are in near proximity, it becomes difficult to remove the interdental bone with-
out damaging the roots. This will also result in a limited crown exposure since the
soft tissue cannot be repositioned apically.
The clinician must keep in mind that the further apically the preparation of the
tooth, the thinner the dentinal wall is and more likely the chances of pulp exposure
or of over-contouring of the restorations due to insufficient restorative space later-
ally. The clinician must be diligent in choosing the appropriate finish line, particu-
larly in the lower anterior teeth (Borelli et al. 2015).
60 F. Badr et al.

Fig. 3.7 Despite adequate

ferrule and respect of other
resistance and retention
principles, biologic principles
like the lack of attached
gingiva are evident around
the preparations of these right
maxillary premolars

In order to maintain periodontal health and prevent the creation of a mucogingi-

val defect, it is important that the amount of attached gingiva remains at least
2–3 mm (Fig. 3.7) (Maynard and Wilson 1979).
Finally, the clinician must keep in mind the entire dentition and the overall treat-
ment plan. In an esthetically driven patient, or with patient with a high smile line, the
patient’s lip position could reveal a disharmony between the gingival levels and affect
the esthetic outcome. In cases of passive eruption in the anterior region, the short clini-
cal crowns sometimes accompanied by a high smile line could result in excessive
gingival display. If the patient is concerned about having teeth with better proportions
in the anterior sextant, surgical crown lengthening exposing more anatomical crown
might be warranted (Allen 1993; McGuire 1998). In these scenarios, a diagnostic
wax-up must be completed in order to provide the surgeon with a surgical stent to
properly determine the position of the new restorations. Functional and esthetic crown
lengthening can be combined when subgingival caries do not extend apically into the
root. Also particular care must be taken due to the possible loss of the interproximal
papillae. One must determine whether there is a need for resective surgery of the inter-
dental bone or whether it should be limited to the labial aspect. In the advent that the
gingival embrasures are widened, resulting in an unpleasant display, the restorative
dentist might need to better contour the restorations or widen their contact area. Black
triangles can develop where the distance between the interdental osseous crest and the
contact point is greater than 5 mm (Tarnow et al. 1992) (Fig. 3.8).

3.6 Treatment Options for Missing Teeth

When one or several teeth are deemed unrestorable or have poor prognosis, extrac-
tion is often the outcome. The patient has to be informed of the diagnosis and the
rationale prior to discussing replacement options.
3 Restoring the Endodontically Treated Tooth: Treatment Planning Considerations 61

Fig. 3.8 (a) The provi-

sional crowns on the
maxillary right lateral
incisor, the maxillary right
central incisor (implant), the
maxillary left central
incisor, and the maxillary
left lateral incisor were left
in the mouth for approxi-
mately 6 months to allow
for the papillae to creep into
the gingival embrasures.
(b) Ultimately, crown
lengthening only on the
labial aspect of the
maxillary left central incisor
and proper contouring of
the permanent restorations
created an esthetically
pleasing result (Courtesy of
Dr. Remi Elkattah and
master ceramist Aram

3.6.1 FPDs

For many years, FPDs have been considered the gold standard. They are relatively
quick to fabricate and provide a reasonable and a somehow predictable result.
Undeniably, their downfall is the preparation of the adjacent teeth and their diffi-
culty to clean. It is more likely the noncompliance of the patient to perform oral
hygiene under the pontic than their difficulty to clean that affects their survival rate
and increases the risk of decay around the margins of the restoration. Although
some cases of bone deposition under pontics have been reported, the lack of stimu-
lation of the alveolar bone by the periodontal ligament under pontics most often
results in bone loss and the need of the restorative dentist and the dental technician
to fabricate bigger than normal pontic height or to mask the defect with pink
Several authors have written on the longevity of FPDs. Salinas et al. (2004) have
reported a 69 % survival rate at 15 years. Others have suggested a 50–69 % survival
rate at 20 years (Budtz-Jorgensen 1996). The survival of adjacent teeth at 10 years
has been reported at 92 % (Aquilino et al. 2001). A proper solution is only one that
complies with evidence-based dentistry and meets the patient’s expectations.
Henceforth, the patient is presented with other treatment modalities to replace an
edentulous area.
62 F. Badr et al.

3.6.2 RPDs

An RPD is a relatively inexpensive tooth replacement alternative and has the poten-
tial to replace areas where the soft tissue is deficient in volume. Unfortunately,
patients sometimes report the sensation of having a “mouthful.” Also, depending on
the clinical situation, removable partial dentures could represent significant torque/
stress on adjacent teeth, and being partially supported by the underlying tissue, bone
loss is to be expected under the load-bearing areas. The longevity of this type of
prosthesis at 10 years has been reported at 50 % (Budtz-Jorgensen 1996). Aquilino
et al. (2001) reported a 56 % survival rate at 10 years for the teeth adjacent to the
edentulous areas.

3.6.3 Endosseous Dental Implant

Taking over FPDs as the gold standard for replacing edentulous areas, dental implant
restorations help maintain bone in edentulous spaces by stimulating the bone.
Although this alternative often requires a longer treatment time, involves surgical
procedures, and represents an initial increased cost, the adjacent teeth remain more
often than none untouched and the long-term financial investment is considerably
reduced. Although dental caries are not a concern for implant restorations, new
concepts of peri-implant mucositis and peri-implantitis have surfaced with the
advent of implants. Wilson has reported cases of cement-induced peri-implantitis
manifesting as long as 9 years after the insertion of the final cement-retained pros-
thesis (Wilson 2009). On the other hand, several studies have demonstrated endos-
seous dental implant survival rate of above 95 % on 15–20 years (Budtz-Jorgensen
1996; Salinas et al. 2004).
From a prosthetic point of view, the presence or absence of the periodontal liga-
ment makes a significant difference in tactile sensitivity between implants and natu-
ral teeth. The mean values of an axial displacement of teeth are approximately
25–100 μm, compared with a dental implant of 3–5 μm (Schulte 1995; Kim et al.
2005). The dental implant restoration and its components are therefore subject to
more stress, and the periodical evaluation of the occlusion is of utmost importance
to prevent fracture or chipping of the ceramic or technical/mechanical complica-
tions of the implant restoration system. In a 10-year retrospective study assessing
the rate of mechanical/technical complications and failures with implant-supported
fixed dental prosthesis and single crowns, Wittneben et al. (2014) demonstrated that
out of 397 fixed implant reconstructions, ceramic chipping was the most frequent
complication (20.31 %) followed by occlusal screw loosening (2.57 %) and the loss
of retention (2.06 %).
Dental implants could play a role in preserving remaining teeth; Priest has reported
a 99.5 % survival rate of the adjacent teeth on a 10-year period (Priest 1999).
Finally, if it is the patient’s wish to do so, an edentulous space could remain so.
Inevitably, this could lead to bone loss in the edentulous area and affects the survival
of the adjacent teeth (Aquilino et al. 2001).
3 Restoring the Endodontically Treated Tooth: Treatment Planning Considerations 63

3.7 Summary

In a very concise way, here is the thought process leading to the treatment
The clinician must perform a complete evaluation of the whole mouth, in
tandem with the particular tooth in question, so that a clear and comprehensive
treatment plan can be formulated.

1. How are the current condition and the prognosis of the tooth?
(a) Periodontal support
(b) Quality of root canal treatment
2. How much of sound tooth structure will remain after?
(a) Caries removal
(b) Root canal treatment
(c) Crown preparation
3. How much of stress will be applied to that tooth?
(a) Serving as a single crown vs. abutment of FPD/RPD
(b) Enduring eccentric guidance
(c) Occlusal force (anterior vs. posterior tooth), bruxism/clenching
4. After knowing the structure and stress issues, ask the following questions, while
considering how much vertical space exists for core buildup.
(a) Is the remaining sound tooth structure sufficient to provide a strong support
to the restoration? (sub-question: Will post improve the retention of the
(b) Is the remaining tooth structure strong enough to resist crown/core fracture
at the neck of the tooth? (sub-questions: Pocket depth? Is crown lengthening
possible and worth it? Will bonded post strengthen the system?)

If the answers of the two questions are:

YES, the options are:

1. Amalgam or composite core restoration (four, three, two remaining walls)
(sub-question: Will composite core bonding against amalgam lower the
chance for cusps split?)
2. Prefabricated post (three, two remaining walls) + core buildup (sub-questions:
If vital, is elective endodontic treatment worth it? Even with enough tooth
walls, will addition of fiber post improve prognosis of the tooth?)
3. Prefabricated post, if maxillary anterior teeth had an endodontic treatment
and crown is indicated

NO, the options are:

1. Prefabricated post (three, two, one wall) + core buildup (sub-question: If
vital, is elective endodontic treatment worth it?).
2. Cast dowel and core (one wall or ferrule only or compromised ferrule) (sub-
question: If vital, is elective endodontic treatment worth it?).
64 F. Badr et al.

3. Crown lengthening + cast dowel and core (sub-question: If vital, is elective

endodontic treatment worth it on top of crown lengthening?).
4. Extract and replace tooth with implant or FPD.
5. Finally, consider overall treatment plan of full dentition, the longevity of
treatment, other options that might be available (implant, FPD, RPD), cost
effectiveness, what patient wants, etc.

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