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The aim of this chapter is to offer a guide, from the endodontist’s perspective, as
to how root canal-treated teeth should be restored, and to give some clinical
recommendations to help meet these restorative goals. The endodontic and
restorative components of treatment are typically considered as independent
phases. However, when considering the impact of each of these phases on the
long-term prognosis of the tooth, it becomes apparent that both the endodontic
and restorative plans should be considered jointly before treatment is carried out.
With so many options for the timing of treatment, endodontic and restorative
materials, and restoration design, the clinician is left with some difficult decisions
at the treatment planning phase. In this chapter, considerations for the material
characteristics, restoration design, and management of post placement
complications are presented and discussed with respect to their impact on long-
term prognosis. In addition, treatment sequencing, techniques of temporization,
and strategies to prevent coronal microleakage of endodontically treated teeth
are discussed in detail.
1.1 Introduction
outcome of healing and function, ultimately, depends upon maintaining the coronal
and apical seal of the endodontically treated tooth.
Similarly, when determining the long-term prognosis for a tooth requiring end-
odontic therapy, it has been suggested by the results of several studies (Ray and
Trope 1995; Gillen et al. 2011) that the quality of the coronal restoration after end-
odontic therapy may be as important as the quality of the endodontic treatment
itself. These studies highlight the importance of coronal restoration after endodontic
treatment. It follows that the plan for the definitive occlusal restoration should ide-
ally be established at the time the endodontic therapy is planned. The question then
arises of how these endodontically treated teeth are best restored.
Although there has been a recent trend in endodontic research to promote conser-
vative access and canal preparation (Krishan et al. 2014), the fact remains that some
loss of tooth structure does occur even with conservative endodontic treatment tech-
niques. Additionally, the materials used during root canal therapy may also play a
role in decreasing the integrity of dentin (White et al. 2002). And in many cases,
teeth requiring endodontic therapy present with preoperative tooth structure loss
due to caries or previous restorations, thereby adding complexity to both the end-
odontic and restorative phases of treatment.
The aim of this chapter is to offer a guide, from the endodontist’s perspective, as
to how root canal-treated teeth should be restored, and to give some clinical recom-
mendations to help meet these restorative goals.
rate by more than 10 %. However, if the quality of the root canal filling was poor,
the quality of the coronal restoration was of no importance for the outcome of the
endodontic treatment.
In a systematic review published by Gillen et al. (2011), the impact of the quality of
coronal restoration and the quality of root canal fillings on success of root canal treat-
ment were considered. Their findings gave support to the notion that all aspects of
treatment have impact on outcome. The odds for healing of apical periodontitis increase
with both adequate root canal treatment and adequate restorative treatment. Poorer
clinical outcomes may be expected with adequate root filling-inadequate coronal resto-
ration and inadequate root filling-adequate coronal restoration. There seemed to be no
significant difference in the odds of healing between these two combinations.
It is difficult at best to understand the risk of unfavorable outcomes where there
exists such variation in treatment protocols and outcome measures. Large, epide-
miological studies can be useful in assessing cohorts to better interpret clinical
decision making and outcomes. One such study by Salehrabi and Rotstein (2004)
retrospectively evaluated the records of 1,126,288 patients having received an initial
endodontic treatment over a period of 8 years. Over this 8-year follow-up period,
97 % of teeth treated by nonsurgical root canal therapy were retained in the oral cav-
ity. Of the teeth requiring extraction, 85 % did not have a permanent crown placed.
So, while it becomes imperative to provide a permanent restoration on the end-
odontically treated tooth, is there an expected rate of unfavorable outcome asso-
ciated with prosthodontic failure? Vire (1991) evaluated and classified failures of
endodontically treated teeth according to prosthodontic, periodontic, and endodon-
tic categories. Teeth that had been crowned had a greater longevity (87 months) than
uncrowned teeth (50 months). Interestingly, of the 116 endodontically treated teeth,
59.4 % were prosthetic failures, primarily due to crown fracture.
Further adding to the complexity of restorative considerations, Iqbal et al. (2003)
performed a retrospective analysis of factors associated with the periapical status of
restored endodontically treated teeth. The benefit and uniqueness of this study were
that the authors explored possible associations between prosthodontic, occlusal,
endodontic, and periodontal factors with the apical health of endodontically treated
teeth. Three factors were significantly associated with the presence of an apical
radiolucency: confirmed occlusal contact, by virtue of the tooth being involved in
group function or the only contact in working side and protrusive movements, and
endodontic filling and crown margins of poor quality. Good-quality endodontic fill-
ing and crown margins improved endodontic outcome. However, occlusal contact
was shown to be associated with failing endodontic treatment, thereby increasing
the range of factors that may influence endodontic outcomes.
In support of the considerations of permanent restoration, restorative material,
and tooth position, Ng et al. (2010) performed a prospective study on the factors
affecting outcomes of nonsurgical root canal treatment. This study evaluated tooth
survival following primary and secondary root canal treatment. Five hundred
seventy-two patients receiving primary root canal treatment and 642 patients receiv-
ing secondary treatment were followed annually between 2 and 4 years. Survival
was determined as the tooth being present and potentially functional at the time of
4 B.D. Barsness and S.H. Roach
recall, whereas failure was determined to be a tooth that had been extracted. As a
result, the 4-year survival following primary and secondary root canal treatment
was 95.4 and 95.2 %, respectively. The restorative factors found to increase the
chance of tooth loss were restoration with a temporary restoration only, restoration
with a cast post and core, lack of two interproximal contacts, and a position as the
terminal tooth in the arch.
In summary, the endodontic and restorative treatment complex poses numerous
clinical considerations to the clinician. As presented, the significance of both end-
odontic and restorative measures relies on thoughtful consideration of material sci-
ence, biomechanical principles, and treatment timeframes. With proper application
of these considerations, the restored endodontically treated tooth can be expected to
serve its intended function for many years.
The need for a full-coverage restoration after endodontic therapy is largely deter-
mined by tooth type, amount of tooth structure loss, and the amount of occlusal
stress on the tooth.
By an in vitro study, Trabert et al. (1978) found that there was no significant differ-
ence in resistance to fracture between untreated anterior teeth and endodontically
treated anterior teeth without full-coverage restoration. In a more clinically based
retrospective study including 1273 endodontically treated teeth, Sorensen and
Martinoff (1984) found that long-term prognosis for anterior teeth, both maxillary
and mandibular, was not increased with full-coverage restoration with or without a
metal post versus simple restoration of the endodontic access. However, some cur-
rent research may indicate that bonded fiber posts may offer some reinforcement (for
more on this concept, see Chap. 6). In most cases, anterior teeth with small proximal
restorations can be restored with lingual resin restorations. To restore these teeth, the
gutta-percha should be seared off at or below the level of the cementoenamel junc-
tion, and the resin should be placed directly on top of the gutta-percha. In anterior
teeth, full coverage may only be necessary when there has been significant loss of
tooth structure prior to endodontic therapy or for esthetic reasons.
In the same study by Sorensen and Martinoff (1984), it was found that full coronal
coverage did significantly improve the long-term success rate for endodontically
treated maxillary and mandibular premolars and molars. The reasoning behind
1 Endodontic Considerations for the Restoration of Endodontically Treated Teeth 5
1.3.3 Ferrule
If a crown is deemed necessary after root canal therapy, it is also imperative that the
dentist considers the amount of tooth structure remaining coronal to the alveolar
crest in order to respect biologic width and provide space for a crown margin on
tooth structure. The preservation of intact coronal and radicular tooth structure is
crucial in optimizing the biomechanical behavior of the restored tooth, by allowing
for incorporation of a “ferrule” feature during crown preparation. As stated by
Sorensen and Engelman (1990), a ferrule effect is created by incorporating a 360°
collar of the crown surrounding the parallel walls of the dentin extending coronal to
the shoulder of the preparation. The result is an increased resistance form of the
crown from the extension of dental tooth structure (Fig. 1.1).
Restorative considerations for endodontically treated teeth always include main-
taining an effective coronal seal, protection of the remaining tooth, and restoration
of both function and esthetics. Rosen (1961) defined the concept of extra-coronal
“bracing” as a subgingival collar or apron of gold extending as far as possible
beyond the gingival seat of the core and completely surrounding the perimeter of the
cervical portion of the tooth, serving to prevent fracturing of the root. Rosen and
Partida-Rivera (1996) tested this using 76 extracted maxillary lateral incisors
restored with gold cervical collars and coronally threaded with a post until fracture
occurred. The collar significantly reduced the incidence of root fracture. Libman
and Nicholls (1995) reported that an increased ferrule length increased the resis-
tance to fracture, while an increased post length did not. One significant consider-
ation in the ferrule design is the influence of biologic width. Fugazzotto and
Parma-Benfenait (1984) stated a minimum of at least 3 mm should be left between
the crown margin and the alveolar bone in order to avoid impingement on the coro-
nal attachment of the periodontal connective tissue. In consideration of the restor-
ative dimension then required, at least 3 mm of supra-alveolar tooth structure, in
addition to ferrule height, may be required to provide an effective restorative dimen-
sion (Fig. 1.2).
6 B.D. Barsness and S.H. Roach
a b
c d
e f
1 Endodontic Considerations for the Restoration of Endodontically Treated Teeth 9
Fig. 1.3 Cuspal coverage amalgam (Courtesy of Dr. Scott B. McClanahan, University of
Minnesota School of Dentistry). (a) Radiographic image showing tooth #19 root canal completed
and coronal temporary restoration in place. (b) Clinical image showing tooth #19 root canal
completed and coronal temporary restoration in place. (c) Temporary restoration is removed,
occlusal tooth structure is reduced 2 mm, and mesial and distal box preparations are created. (d)
Occlusal view of tooth preparation for amalgam cuspal coverage. (e) Completed amalgam cuspal
coverage restoration (occlusal). (f) Completed amalgam cuspal coverage restoration (lingual). (f)
Radiographic image showing amalgam cuspal coverage in place. Note amalgam condensed into
distal canal for retention
10 B.D. Barsness and S.H. Roach
Once it is decided that a post is indicated, the practitioner must consider the timing
of the post placement, the design (length, width, taper, etc.), and the best location to
place the post within the tooth in question.
The length of the post space preparation is determined by both the mechanical
retention requirements and the need to maintain an adequate root canal filling
dimension for an apical seal. In vitro studies using pressurized dye leakage systems
have suggested caution is advised when making the assumption that a minimal api-
cal obturation dimension is equivalent to the apical seal obtained with the intact root
canal filling (Abramovitz et al. 2001). The authors of these studies reported that a
retained apical filling dimension of 5 mm was inferior to that of the intact root canal
filling. Additionally, reduction of the fillings to 3 mm resulted in an unpredictable
1 Endodontic Considerations for the Restoration of Endodontically Treated Teeth 11
1 2
seal. Portell et al. (1982) found that 7 mm of remaining gutta-percha in the apical
fill resulted in less leakage than 3 mm, reaffirming the need to maintain an adequate
apical dimension of root canal filling material.
Occasionally, one is confronted with the dilemma of a short crown-root ratio
potentially limiting the apical filling dimension as a compromise to maximizing post
length retention form. A novel approach presented by Mavec et al. (2006) incorpo-
rates the use of an intracanal glass ionomer barrier to assist in the resistance to micro-
leakage resulting from an inadequate dimension of apical filling material. In this
in vitro study, for teeth requiring a post and core that allowed for only 3 mm of remain-
ing gutta-percha, a 1 mm glass ionomer barrier placed over the remaining gutta-per-
cha reduced the risk of recontamination of the apical filling material (Fig. 1.4).
In addition to maintaining adequate apical canal filling dimensions, another post
length consideration relates to the influence of post fit or “form-congruence” as
presented by Schmage et al. (2005). This concept of form-congruence aims to maxi-
mize adaptation of the post to the surrounding root canal walls, in order to facilitate
stress distribution along the canal wall. This effect was observed in studies by
Sorensen and Engelman (1990) with tapered cast post and cores and crowns luted
with zinc phosphate cement. This was not, however, observed with parallel-sided
posts and post space preparations. There may be an effect of destabilization by cre-
ating a post space that transforms a naturally conical canal space into a cylindrical
form. Kishen et al. (2004) have suggested that not only the thickness of the dentin
wall stabilizes the root but also the presence of inner dentin with a lower elastic
modulus than the more mineralized outer dentin. This is particularly important
when large diameter post space preparations are created to transform an oval canal
12 B.D. Barsness and S.H. Roach
into a cylindrical form for the purpose of circumferential post fit, thereby removing
critical dimensions of inner dentin. Selecting a post that closely approximates the
existing canal form preserves the inner dentin and elastic modulus but may be asso-
ciated with poor form-congruence. Büttel et al. (2009) reported that the fracture
resistance of teeth restored with fiber-reinforced composite posts and direct resin
composite crowns without ferrules was not influenced by post fit within the root
canal, irrespective of the post length. This implies that excessive post space prepara-
tion aimed at producing an optimal circumferential post fit is not required to improve
fracture resistance of the root.
Although posts may be indicated in certain clinical situations, the creation of the
post space adds a certain degree of risk to the restorative procedure. These risks
include contamination of the root canal system, root perforation, and weakening of
root dentin leading to vertical root fracture, all of which can affect the long-term
prognosis for the tooth.
An important factor in root fracture subsequent to post placement is the reduc-
tion of root dentin thickness during post space preparation (Hunter et al. 1989). In a
clinical study, Cohen et al. (2003) found that 91 % of diagnosed vertical root frac-
tures were due to inadequately designed posts (either too wide or too long), indicat-
ing that the thickness of root dentin had been overly reduced. Therefore, it is
important that when creating a post space, the practitioner is as conservative as
possible with the removal of dentin to prevent the root weakening due to canal over-
enlargement (Tjan and Whang 1985). Using solvents, such as chloroform or heat to
remove gutta-percha, will facilitate creating a post space without removing addi-
tional dentin or affecting the apical seal as compared to rotary removal techniques
(Grecca et al. 2009). However, there is evidence that chloroform, and other solvents
used to soften gutta-percha (halothane or xylene), may decrease the microhardness
of dentin (Rotstein et al. 1999). Therefore, heat may be the safest way to remove
gutta-percha for post space preparation, as long as the practitioner is mindful of the
possible damage heat can produce on the supporting tissues if the temperature on
the external root surface is significantly raised (Eriksson and Albrektsson 1983).
Generally, however, electronic heat sources are safe to use within the canal at tem-
peratures of around 200 °C (Silver et al. 1999) and with short (4 s) intervals of heat-
ing (Buchanan 2007).
When the canal space has already been subject to overenlargement either by iatro-
genic error or by a previous provider, it may be possible to reinforce the root dentin by
using a resin-reinforced dowel system (Saupe et al. 1996). By this method, a smooth
light transilluminating post is placed into the overenlarged canal space, and resin is
compacted around it against the canal walls. The resin is cured by transmitting light
through the post pattern. The post pattern is then removed, the post space is refined
within the cured resin, and a permanent post is cemented. Saupe et al. (1996) found
this technique to increase fracture resistance in endodontically treated thin-walled
teeth. There is evidence, though that this strengthening effect may be reduced over
1 Endodontic Considerations for the Restoration of Endodontically Treated Teeth 13
time with occlusal forces and as the bond between the dentin and the resin weakens
(Heydecke et al. 2001). For more on this technique and concept, see Chap. 5.
When post-preparation burs are misdirected away from the canal space or when
large post drills are used in areas of thin root dentin, there is risk that the post drill
can perforate the root dentin and create a communication between the canal space
and the external surface of the root (Fig. 1.5). In a radiographic study, Kvinnsland
et al. (1989) observed that more than half of the perforations noted in their cases
were attributed to post-preparation procedures. The main complication that arises
from perforations is the potential for secondary inflammatory periodontal involve-
ment and loss of attachment, eventually causing tooth loss (Wong and Cho 1997).
Bacterial infection originating either from the root canal or the periodontal tissues,
or both, prevents healing and brings about inflammatory reactions in the tooth-sup-
porting tissues. Conditions such as suppurations, abscesses, sinus tracts, and bone
resorptive processes may follow (Tsesis and Fuss 2006). It follows that the goal of
repairing a perforation is to achieve a tight and permanent seal that will prevent
bacteria and their by-products in the root canal from entering the surrounding peri-
odontal tissues. As far as prognosis for the repair of perforations, the chance of
healing of the supporting tissues is improved if the perforation is small, if it occurs
below the level of the bone, and if it is repaired immediately under aseptic condi-
tions, preventing bacterial contamination (Fuss and Trope 1996).
Materials that have been used to repair perforations include amalgam (Benenati
et al. 1986; Balla et al. 1991), gutta-percha (Petersson et al. 1985; Benenati et al.
1986; Kvinnsland et al. 1989), tricalcium phosphate (Sinai et al. 1989; Balla et al.
1991), zinc oxide eugenol (Bramante and Berbert 1987), Super EBA (Bogaerts
1997), dentin chips (Petersson et al. 1985), Cavit (Sinai et al. 1989), hydroxyapatite
(Balla et al. 1991), glass ionomer cement (Fuss et al. 2000), and mineral trioxide
aggregate (MTA) (Holland et al. 2001). Currently MTA is widely used as a perfora-
tion repair material due to results of in vitro studies demonstrating its sealing ability
(Nakata et al. 1998; Daoudi and Saunders 2002) and biocompatibility (Hakki et al.
2012) and case reports demonstrating its clinical success in these types of repairs
(Arens and Torabinejad 1996; Main et al. 2004; Mente et al. 2010). Biodentine
(Septodont, USA) is a calcium silicate-based material that has been recently advo-
cated as another root perforation repair material. Although in vitro studies have
shown Biodentine to exhibit biocompatibility (Mori et al. 2014), there is a lack of
evidence supporting its clinical success as a perforation repair material at this time
(Malkondu et al. 2014). Another recently introduced perforation repair material is
Endosequence Root Repair Material (ERRM). Initial investigations have suggested
that ERRM may offer a seal superior to that created by MTA (Jeevani et al. 2014)
and provide a similar biocompatibility (AlAnezi et al. 2010). Yet again, there are
few clinical cases or long-term clinical studies that have been published using this
material as a perforation repair material. Therefore, clinical success and long-term
prognosis associated with ERRM are unknown at this time.
In some cases, especially in large perforations, it may be difficult to avoid
pushing repair materials beyond the root and into the periodontal ligament space,
possibly changing the architecture of the supporting structures and impairing the
healing process. In these cases, the use of an internal matrix using a biocompatible
14 B.D. Barsness and S.H. Roach
a b
c d
Fig. 1.5 (a) Digital radiographic image of tooth #27 showing fiber post placement mesial to canal
space. (b) Cone beam CT image showing post perforating facial aspect of root. (c) Surgical clinical
image showing fiber post perforating mesial-facial aspect of root. (d) Surgical clinical image
showing root end resection and repair of perforation (Clinical photos attributed to Dr. Cynthia
Tyler, University of Minnesota Division of Endodontics)
1 Endodontic Considerations for the Restoration of Endodontically Treated Teeth 15
material has been advocated to help maintain repair materials inside the tooth and
preserve the health and structure of the supporting bone and periodontal ligament.
This technique, as described by Bargholz (2005), involves placing pieces of resorb-
able collagen membrane through the perforation and into the defect in bone. The
collagen serves to recreate the outer surface of the root. MTA or another perforation
repair material can then be layered against the collagen barrier without great risk of
extruding the repair material beyond the root surface. After the perforation is
repaired, the collagen membrane will be resorbed within a few weeks.
In the case of a large perforation, a perforation as a result of resorption, a perfora-
tion that does not heal after nonsurgical repair, or a perforation that is inaccessible
from an orthograde approach, surgical repair of the root perforation may be an
option (Tsesis and Fuss 2006). Generally this surgical repair consists of a reflecting
the gingival tissue, accessing the area of the perforation via osteotomy if necessary,
removing any inflammatory tissue around the site of perforation, and repairing the
perforation with a perforation repair material, such as MTA, to create a permanent
seal. It has also been suggested that guided tissue regeneration, by the use of a bone
allograft and a membrane, may promote healing in surgical perforation repair sites
where a significant amount of bone was lost due either to the inflammatory process
or the osteotomy created to access the perforation area (Dean et al. 1997).
The risk of creating thin root dentin or root perforation is higher in certain teeth
or roots where anatomic considerations, such as dentin thickness, canal shape and
size, and external root shape are a factor (Sathorn et al. 2005). Mandibular incisors
generally have a ribbon-shaped root, with more thickness of dentin in the buccal
lingual dimension and very thin dentin in the mesial-distal dimension. With a round
post space preparation, therefore, there is risk of thinning or even perforating the
mesial or distal root dentin (Gluskin et al. 1995). Maxillary premolars with two
roots also present an area of thin dentin on the furcal aspect of the buccal root
(Lammertyn et al. 2009), making the palatal root the more ideal location for a post.
Similarly, when a post is necessary in a maxillary molar, it is suggested that it be
placed in the palatal root due to greater bulk of tooth structure in that root (Schwartz
and Robbins 2004); however, the operator must also take into consideration the api-
cal curvature of the palatal root (Bone and Moule 1986). Rigid post drills and posts
will not follow root curvatures, so there is risk of perforating at the inner aspect of
the curvature if the post drill used beyond the point of curvature. In the mandibular
molar, the “danger zone” for perforation is on the distal aspect of the mesial root,
just below the furcation (Berutti and Fedon 1992). Therefore, it is generally recom-
mended to place posts in the distal root in these teeth (Schwartz and Robbins 2004).
However, recent studies have shown that the furcal aspect of both the mesial and
distal roots in the mandibular first molar can present areas of extremely thin dentin
(Harris et al. 2013), so again it is advisable to remove as little tooth structure as pos-
sible when creating post space in this tooth, even in the distal root.
Additionally, post design can contribute to the risk for root fracture. Active
threaded posts induce more stress into the dentin and carry with them a higher risk
of root fracture (Felton et al. 1991). Threaded posts, therefore, should only be used
in teeth with substantial remaining root thickness (Schwartz and Robbins 2004).
16 B.D. Barsness and S.H. Roach
Due to time constraints or patient scheduling conflicts, it may not always be possi-
ble to place a permanent coronal restoration immediately after root canal obturation.
However, in order to provide an environment conducive to healing following root
canal therapy, great care must be taken to ensure adequate sealing of coronal and
apical structures. If the canal space is not sealed adequately, then microbial organ-
isms, or their toxins, may induce an inflammatory response and lead to persistent
disease. Obturated root canal systems may be recontaminated with microbes, or
toxins, in various ways. A delay in placing a permanent coronal restoration follow-
ing root canal treatment may allow coronal microleakage of the temporary filling
material to occur. While oxide eugenol materials, such as Cavit (3M ESPE), have
good sealing properties, there is a limit to the duration of their effectiveness.
Fracturing of the coronal restoration, or tooth, resulting in exposure of the endodon-
tic filling material and preparation of a post space in which the resulting dimension
of apical filling material is less than adequate to maintain a seal are additional means
of microleakage. The factor that the clinician has the most control over in regard to
preventing recontamination of the root canal system is the use of a rubber dam dur-
ing post space fabrication and coronal restoration. In a recent retrospective study by
Goldfein et al. (2013), it was reported that when no rubber dam was used during
post placement, 73.6 % of cases were considered successful at follow-up. 93.3 % of
cases were considered successful when a rubber dam was used, and this difference
was found to be statistically significant.
The impact of coronal microleakage as it relates to clinical outcome is not new.
Allison et al. (1979) suggested the possibility that a poor coronal seal might contrib-
ute to clinical failure. In the following years, in vitro dye leakage studies by Swanson
and Madison (1987) suggested that a significant amount of coronal microleakage is
evident after only 3 days of exposure of gutta-percha to artificial saliva. The extent
of microleakage in that study was similar at 3 days and 8 weeks, implying that coro-
nal microleakage may be a rapid and significant event. Further studies have rein-
forced the significance of coronal microleakage. Torabinejad et al. (1990) found that
50 % of single-rooted teeth were contaminated with bacteria along the whole length
of the root after 19 days or 42 days, depending on the contaminating microbial spe-
cies introduced. In another study, Magura et al. (1991) assessed salivary penetration
through obturated root canals and found that gutta-percha exposed coronally for up
to 3 months should be retreated prior to placement of the definitive restoration. So,
while the critical timeframe of coronal microleakage may be debated, the significant
impact of adequate coronal seal in preventing microleakage is clearly evident.
As an ever-increasing range of restorative materials for post and core restorations
are made available, it becomes a challenge to assess which materials will best pro-
tect the integrity of the sealed crown-root complex. Earlier studies by Bachicha
et al. (1998) aimed to measure the microleakage of a stainless steel post system and
a carbon-fiber post system luted with a range of cements, including zinc phosphate,
1 Endodontic Considerations for the Restoration of Endodontically Treated Teeth 17
glass ionomer, Panavia-21 (Kuraray Noritake), and C&B Metabond (Parkell Inc.).
Statistical analysis of this fluid filtration study model showed that there was signifi-
cantly more microleakage associated with the zinc phosphate cement than those
cemented with dentin bonding cements. In a different study approach, Freeman
et al. (1998) evaluated the number of mechanical load cycles required to cause pre-
liminary failure of full cast crown restorations having standardized minimal ferrule
height and three different post systems, including passive stainless steel ParaPost
(Coltene) and dentin bonding composite core, threaded #2 Flexi-Post (Essential
Dental Systems Inc.) and dentin bonding composite, and a custom cast post and
core luted with zinc phosphate cement. Their findings suggest that in teeth restored
with a post and core, the occurrence of preliminary failure is clinically undetectable,
yet it allows leakage between the restoration and tooth that may extend down the
prepared post space. None of the post and core systems used in their study surpassed
the others in preventing or delaying preliminary failure. Increased ferrule length,
however, greatly improved resistance to cyclic loading when an additional
10,000 cycles had been applied.
The use of intracoronal orifice barriers to prevent recontamination of the canal
system is a restorative consideration with much support in the literature. Not only as
an adjunctive measure against failure of a temporary restoration but also in consid-
eration of canal morphology of multi-canal teeth. As Saunders and Saunders (1994)
reminded us, it is very important to adequately seal the coronal part of the root canal
system, due to the fact that molars have accessory canals that can be present in the
floor of the pulp chamber. This could cause bacterial leakage into the furcation
region. Excess sealer and gutta-percha should be removed to the level of the canal
orifices and the pulp chamber sealed with a restorative material. In an in vitro bacte-
rial leakage study by Chailertvanitkul et al. (1997), a 1 mm layer of Vitrabond
(resin-modified glass ionomer liner, currently known as Vitrebond, 3M ESPE)
placed over canal orifices of endodontically treated multi-rooted teeth that had been
stored at 100 % humidity for 2 years was evaluated. Teeth that had been sealed with
Vitrabond showed significantly less leakage of two types of bacteria apically
through the gutta-percha obturant than those without a barrier after just 60 days. In
another study by Maloney et al. (2005), the authors took into consideration the
effect of thermocycling on a 1 or 2 mm glass ionomer intracoronal barrier in pre-
venting coronal microleakage. A significant reduction in coronal microleakage was
observed with the use of either a 1 or 2 mm intracoronal barrier.
(1996) comparing Cavit, IRM, and T.E.R.M. restorative materials for bacterial leak-
age in a human clinical study. The access openings of 51 endodontically treated
teeth were randomly sealed with a 4 mm thickness of one of the three materials.
Following 3 weeks from placement, microbial sampling was conducted both aerobi-
cally and anaerobically. Positive growth occurred in 4 of 14 T.E.R.M. samples and
in 1 of 18 IRM samples. Cavit did not demonstrate leakage in any of the teeth
sampled. In this study, Cavit provided a significantly better seal than T.E.R.M. over
the study period.
The long-term prognosis for an endodontically treated tooth depends not only on
the disinfection of the root canal space but continued protection of that space
from bacterial contamination with a high-quality coronal restoration. Whether or
not full coronal coverage or a post is indicated or if temporization is necessary
prior to definitive restoration, it is important to consider techniques for protecting
the root canal system from infection, all while preserving crown and root dentin,
to insure the best enduring health and strength of the tooth.
20 B.D. Barsness and S.H. Roach
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