Performance Audit Report ON Skyrooms (PVT.) LTD (Airport Hotel) A Subsidiary of Piac
Performance Audit Report ON Skyrooms (PVT.) LTD (Airport Hotel) A Subsidiary of Piac
Performance Audit Report ON Skyrooms (PVT.) LTD (Airport Hotel) A Subsidiary of Piac
Articles 169 and 170 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan,
1973 read with sections 8 and 12 of the Auditor General’s (Functions, Powers and
Terms and Conditions of Service) Ordinance 2001 require the Auditor General of
Pakistan to conduct audit of expenditure and receipts of the Government of Pakistan.
4.1 Organization and Management
4.1.1 Irregular payment of salaries & remuneration to 1
officers & staff of Airport Hotel in absence of
sanctioned strength and recruitment rules -
Rs. 843.137 million
4.1.2 Irregular composition of Board of Directors of 2
Skyrooms(Pvt.) Ltd
4.1.3 Non-availability of Business Plan, Human Resource 3
and Promotion Policy, Service Rules and SOPs
4.2 Financial Management
4.2.1 Non-recovery of huge receivables - Rs. 92.73 5
4.2.2 Non-finalization of annual accounts by the 5
management since 2013
4.2.3 Business loss due to less receipt of revenue - Rs. 6
552.713 million
4.2.4 Loss to government on account of less deduction of 7
sales tax from transit passengers - Rs. 13.458
4.2.5 Non-production of record 8
4.3 Procurement and Contract Management
4.3.1 Irregular purchase of sweet water from M/s. Zain 9
Enterprises and other private parties - Rs. 70.57
4.3.2 Irregular award of contract for purchase of 10
vegetables / fruits - Rs. 7.54 million
4.3.3 Irregular purchase of chicken from various suppliers 11
- Rs. 3.30 million
4.3.4 Irregular award of contract for purchase of eggs 12
amounting - Rs. 2.96 million
4.3.5 Irregular purchase of vegetables/fruits without 14
competitive bidding - Rs. 1.15 million
4.4 Construction and Works
4.4.1 Irregular expenditure in split manner on renovation 15
of Airport Hotel - Rs. 7.121 million
4.4.2 Irregular purchase of furniture & fittings for Room 15
D-5 & D-10 - Rs. 0.528 million
4.5 Asset Management
4.5.1 Non-conducting of Physical Verification of Assets - 17
Rs. 47.487 million
4.5.2 Non-registration of lease agreement with CAA due 18
to disagreement
4.6 Monitoring and Management
4.6.1 Non-implementation of PAC directives regarding 19
timely uploading of minutes of board of directors
4.7 Overall Assessment
4.7.1 Decline in occupancy rate of Rooms & Beds in 20
Airport Hotel
4.7.2 Ratio Analysis 21
6. ANNEXES 29-32
Loss due to less Loss due to less
Passengers Room Rent
S# Year receipt of room receipt of Sales Year
in Numbers Received
rent Tax
1 2013 159,939,294 1,378,105 2013 149,005 163,251,007
2 2014 161,844,559 4,167,093 2014 146,675 182,841,691
3 2015 137,102,777 4,154,103 2015 133,953 177,686,773
4 2016 93,825,984 3,758,356 2016 106,645 156,789,766
Total Loss 552,712,614 13,457,657 Total 536,278 680,569,237
Sales Tax Loss due to
Room Rent Due deducted by Sales Tax due less duduction
SRL of Tax
Directorate General, Commercial Audit & Evaluation Karachi (DG
CA&E) conducted performance audit of Skyrooms (Pvt.) Limited (also
called Airport Hotel) for the years 2012 to 2016. Audit was conducted to
examine the overall performance of the entity. Audit examined the objectives
of establishing the hotel, business plan, management performance, revenue
earned, rooms and beds occupancy rate, and scrutinized accounts and
procurement contracts.
b. Recommendations:
Action may be taken against the persons who are responsible for
receiving less revenue and depositing less tax into government
The hotel has an area of 30,468 square yards comprising open space
of 21,442 square yards and covered area of 9,026 sq. yards. In the year 1983-
84 four new blocks comprising 244 Rooms, Reception, Shops and Dining
Hall facilities were added to the hotel. In the same year, the then
management of the hotel decided to close down the old wing consisting of
100 rooms due to their dilapidated condition and unsafe accommodation.
Subsequently out of 100 closed rooms, 67 rooms were renovated and opened
for business. At present, the hotel has 310 rooms having 538 beds.
The management provided the audited accounts for the year 2012 and
unaudited accounts for the years 2013, 2014 & 2015 and account for the
years 2016 & 2017 was not provided. The comparison of assets, expenses
and accumulated losses for the year 2011and 2015 as under:
Sr. 2011 2015
Description Increase/
(Rs. in million)
1. Property Plant & Equipment 61.144 44.364 (27.44)
2. Trade debts of the hotel 49.431 95.669 93.54
3. Staff retirement gratuity 64.956 155.688 62.14
4. Accumulated loss 133.080 155.688 16.99
The assigned task of performance audit of SRL for the period 2012 to
2016 was carried out as per following scope and methodology:
a. Check and scrutinize the record on random basis for the audit
Matter was reported to the management in June 2017. The management in
its reply dated January 29, 2018 stated that SRL has its own approved sanctioned
strength of 483 number of employees, but no documentary evidence was
provided to audit in support of reply. DAC meeting was not convened by PAO
despite request by audit dated August 04, December 07 and December 19, 2017.
Board of Director in its 58th, 61st and 64thmeetings held on January 03,
2014, May 28, 2015 and June 30, 2016 respectively directed the management of
SRL to develop business plan to make SRL profitable by analyzing the
possibility to enter into Joint Venture by hiring the best human resource and
industry experts and also decided that the company should have its own service
rules like other organizations.
4.2 Financial Management
Audit is of the view that the management failed to recover huge amount
Rs.92.729 million since 2014 which shows inefficiency and weak internal
Audit is of the view that non-implementation of above referred directives
is a sheer violation of framed rules.
(Amount in Rupees)
No. of Room Rent Rate Room Rent
Year Loss
Passengers Received Due
1 2 3 (1 x 3) =4 5
2013 149,005 163,251,007 2,169 323,191,845 (159,940,838)
2014 146,675 182,841,691 2,350 344,686,250 (161,844,559)
2015 133,953 177,686,773 2,350 314,789,550 (137,102,777)
2016 106,645 156,789,766 2,350 250,615,750 (93,825,984)
Total 536,278 680,569,237 - 1,233,283,395 (552,714,158)
passengers as per agreement. In the light of reply, the para was revised and the
amount was reduced as per rate of agreement. DAC meeting was not convened
by PAO despite request by audit dated August 04, December 07 and December
19, 2017.
(Amount in Rupees)
Sales Tax
Passengers Room Rent Room Rent Sales Tax
Year deducted by Loss of Tax
in Numbers Received Due Due
2013 149,005 163,251,007 323,190,300 53,564,243 54,942,351 (1,378,108)
2014 146,675 182,841,691 344,686,250 54,429,570 58,596,663 (4,167,093)
2015 133,953 177,686,773 314,789,550 49,360,121 53,514,224 (4,154,103)
2016 106,645 156,789,766 250,615,750 38,846,322 42,604,678 (3,758,356)
Total 536,278 680,569,237 1,233,281,850 196,200,256 209,657,916 (13,457,660)
4.2.5 Non-production of record
The matter was reported to the management in June 2017, but no reply
was received. DAC meeting was not convened by PAO despite request by audit
dated August 04, December 07 and December 19, 2017.
4.3 Procurement and Contract Management
4.3.1 Irregular purchase of water from M/s. Zain Enterprises and other
private parties - Rs. 70.57 million
PPRA Rule 8 says that within one year of commencement of these rules,
all procuring agencies shall devise a mechanism, for planning in detail for all
proposed procurements and Rule 9 prohibits splitting up of proposed
procurement and provides that a procuring agency shall announce through an
appropriate manner all proposed procurements for each financial year. Further,
PPRA Rule 12(2) says that all procurement opportunities over two million rupees
should be advertised on the Authority’s website as well as in other print media or
newspapers having wide circulation. The advertisement in the newspapers shall
principally appear in at least two national dailies, one in English and the other in
Urdu. Further, as per BoD’s directives the management should also approach
Karachi Water Board for supply of water.
Audit is of the view that management purchased the water worth Rs.70.57
million without competitive bidding. The management should have also
approached Karachi Water Board for supply of water which was also directed by
4.3.2 Irregular award of contract for purchase of vegetables / fruits -
Rs. 7.54 million
As per Rule 38 of PP Rules 2004 the bidder with the lowest evaluated bid,
shall be awarded the procurement contract, within the original or extended period
of bid validity. Rule 40 further provides that there shall be no negotiation with
the bidder having submitted the lowest evaluated bid or with any other bidder.
Further, As per tender terms & conditions of tender documents "Suppliers must
be registered with Sales Tax Authorities having GST/NTN; the supplier has to
submit 2% Earnest Money along with quotation and food law / regulatory
compliance certificate, preferably with Pakistan Standards Quality Control
1. News cutting as well as tender uploaded on PPRA site was not available.
2. Technical Evaluation of bids was not available.
3. The Supplier got registered with Sales Tax Authorities in July 1999,
whereas his registration was suspended in June 2013. This indicated that
terms of tender were not fulfilled and the contract was awarded.
5. The Supplier submitted rates for 30 items, whereas the rates as well as
amount were to be quoted for 48 items as per tender documents.
6. The Supplier provided different business addresses without cogent
justification and documentation thereof.
Audit is of the view that award of contract to M/s. Trade &Technique was
in violation of PPRA Rules 2004.
DAC meeting was not convened by PAO despite request by audit dated
August 04, December 07 and December 19, 2017.
Ordinance to represent trade, commerce, industry or service or any combination
thereof, in Poultry sector on all Pakistan-basis.
The matter was reported to the management in June 2017, but no reply
was received. DAC meeting was not convened by PAO despite request by audit
dated August 04, December 07 and December 19, 2017.
4.3.4 Irregular award of contract for purchase of eggs - Rs. 2.96 million
Sr. No. Name of Supplier Total Value (Rs)
1. M/s. Fedcom 2,992,500
2. M/s. Trade & Technique 2,964,000
1. The technical evaluation was not carried out as required under Rule
36 (b) (v) of Public Procurement Rules, 2004.
2. The Supplier got registered with Sales Tax Authorities in July 1999,
whereas his registration was suspended in June 2013. This indicated
that terms of tender were not fulfilled and the contract was awarded.
Audit is of the view that undue favour was extended to supplier as the
contractor did not fulfill the requisite criteria, thus, award of contract was held
The matter was reported to the management in June 2017, but no reply
was furnished. DAC meeting was not convened by PAO despite request by audit
dated August 04, December 07 and December 19, 2017.
4.3.5 Irregular purchase of vegetables/fruits without competitive bidding -
Rs. 1.15 million
Audit is of the view that management did not devise a mechanism for a
yearly procurement and purchase vegetables/fruits worth Rs. 1.15 million in split
manner which is irregular.
4.4 Construction and Works
Audit is of the view that management did not devise a mechanism for the
procurement under PPRA and renovated the hotel and incurred an expenditure of
Rs. 7,120,563 in split manner to avoid competitive bidding.
The matter was reported to the management in June 2017, but no reply
was received. DAC meeting was not convened by PAO despite request by audit
dated August 04, December 07 and December 19, 2017.
Audit is of the view that management did not devise a mechanism for the
procurement under PPRA and purchased furniture & fixture worth Rs. 528,000 in
split manner to avoid competitive bidding.
The matter was reported to the management in June 2017, but no reply
was received. DAC meeting was not convened by PAO despite request by audit
dated August 04, December 07 and December 19, 2017.
4.5 Asset Management
Rule-151 of GFR provides that the head of an office or any other officer
entrusted with stores of any kind should take special care for arranging their safe
custody, keeping them in good and efficient condition and protecting them from
loss, damage or deterioration. He should maintain suitable accounts and
inventories and prepare correct returns in respect of the stores in his charge with
a view to preventing losses through theft, accident, fraud or otherwise and to
make it possible at any time to check the actual balances with the book balance
and the payment to suppliers, etc.
Audit is of the view that Fixed Assets Register was not prepared by
organization, consequently, title, completeness and valuation of certain operating
Fixed Assets and rate of depreciation charged thereon for the years under review
could not be verified.
The matter was reported to the management in June 2017. The
management in its reply dated January 29, 2018 stated that audit observation was
not correct, however, no documentary evidence was provided to audit in support
of reply. DAC meeting was not convened by PAO despite request by audit dated
August 04, December 07 and December 19, 2017.
4.5.2 Non-registration of lease agreement with CAA due to disagreement
The matter was reported to the management in June 2017, but no reply
was received. DAC meeting was not convened by PAO despite request by audit
dated August 04, December 07 and December 19, 2017.
4.6 Monitoring and Evaluation
4.7 Overall Assessment
Rooms Beds
Total Rooms Rooms Beds Beds
Year Occupancy Occupancy
Days Available Occupied Available Occupied
Rate % Rate %
2013 365 113,150 99,650 88 196,370 158,922 81
2014 365 113,150 95,628 85 196,370 151,689 77
2015 365 113,150 85,661 76 196,370 135,236 69
2016 366 113,460 72,919 64 196,908 113,397 58
The matter was reported to the management in June 2017, but no reply
was received. DAC meeting was not convened by PAO despite request by audit
dated August 04, December 07 and December 19, 2017.
4.7.2 Ratio Analysis:
A) Liquidity Ratios:
The current ratio of Skyrooms(Pvt.) Limited for all four years depicted
above is well below the ideal benchmark which is “one”, the above shows
Skyrooms(Pvt.) Limited's current obligations exceed the ability to pay for them.
This signifies a potential cash flow problem for the hotel, and exposes to a high
risk of default while striving to meet short term debt obligations.
ii) Quick Ratio = Current Assets - Stores and Spares - Stock-in-Trade - Taxation
Current Liabilities
Skyrooms (Pvt.) Limited Quick Ratio:
The quick ratio above (Ideally this ratio should be one); was used to
assess Skyrooms’ ability to convert current assets into cash in a short period of
time, in order to meet the current financial obligations of the hotel as they
become due. These ratios are particularly significant to the creditors and
potential lenders, because they determine the ability of hotel to meet current
payments of debt. From the above analysis it is evident that Skyrooms(Pvt.)
Limited is on high risk and this will severely hamper hotel's ability to secure
loans from financial lending institutions and any loans that it does manage to
obtain will entail higher than market interest rates;.
B) Profitability Ratios:
ii) Return on Assets (%) = (Net Profit / Total Assets) x 100
The Return on Assets is a financial ratio that shows the percentage of profit a
company earns in relation to its overall resources. It determines its ability to
utilize the assets employed in the company efficiently and effectively to earn a
good return.
From the above scenario it is quite evident that all key financial indicators
of Skyrooms (Pvt.) Limited are in undesirable range and are depicting lack of
liquidity, negative profitability and return on equity and its debt to equity mix is
heavily reliant on debt which has increased its financial risk. Skyrooms needs
massive doses of equity injection so the hotel can rectify its short term debt
position. The hotel needs to take corrective measures to increase efficient
utilization of its assets and reduction in its cost of operations, if corrective
measures are not adopted and implemented soon the ability of the entity to
proceed as a going concern will be in jeopardy.
(See Para No.4.1.1)
Salary &
107,081,140 104,944,907 97,163,552 101,949,357 100,327,606
Staff welfare
35,909,471 38,579,131 45,741,741 43,020,181 34,593,088
and benefits
Salary &
14,601,974 14,310,669 13,249,575 13,902,185 13,681,037
Staff welfare
4,896,746 5,260,791 6,237,510 5,866,388 4,717,239
and benefits
1,579,693 2,649,472 0 0 0
Executive 3,669,922 2,459,054 0 0 0
Sub Total 5,249,615 5,108,526 0 0 0
Grand Total 167,738,946 168,204,024 162,392,378 164,738,111 153,318,970
(each year)
Grand Total 816,392,429
(See Para No. 4.2.1)
(See Para No. 4.2.5)
Year Account Code Description
2012 C18-028 Sweet Water Tanker 6000 gallon 8,157,605
2012 C18-029 Sweet Water Tanker 5000 gallon 1,260,563
2013 C18-028 Sweet Water Tanker 6000 gallon 9,605,430
2014 C18-028 Sweet Water Tanker 6000 gallon 9,315,150
2015 C18-028 Sweet Water Tanker 6000 gallon 6,685,836
2015 C18-029 Sweet Water Tanker 5000 gallon 10,874,325
2016 C18-028-29 Sweet Water Tanker 5000 & 6000 gallons 17,800,000
2012 Purchased from M/s Zain Enterprises in piecemeal 6,870,000
Total 70,568,909