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Assessment and Management of Tomato Diseases Under Plastic House Conditions in Lamjung

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The Journal of Agriculture and Environment Vol:22, June, 2021


S.K. Neupane 1, G.B. K.C. 2, S.M. Shrestha 3 and A. C. Neupane 4

An experiment was conducted under plastic houses at three farmers’ field, each
farmer as a replication, in Tarku and Banhjakhet VDCs in Lamjung district during
July to December 2010, to identify and manage major fungal diseases of tomato
(variety Srijana) using chemicals and bio-pesticides. The treatments Bio-cure-F
(Trichoderma viride, bio-fungicide), carbendazim (Bavistin, systemic fungicide) and
Dithane M-45 (Mancozeb, contact fungicide) were applied as foliar spray. Control
plot was maintained without application of any treatment. Mainly four fungal
diseases, early blight (Alternaria solani), late blight (Phytophthora infestans),
powdery mildew (Leveillula taurica) and septoria leaf spot (Septoria lycopersici)
were recorded. Dithane M-45 appeared the best to control early blight, late blight
and septoria leaf spot, followed by Bavistin and Bio-cure-F over control. Bavistin
performed the best to control powdery mildew, followed by Dithane M-45 and Bio-
cure F over control. Severity of fungal diseases appeared high on tomato in plastic
house. Based on type of disease, Dithane M-45 or Bavistin is suggested to spray for
the management.
Key words: tomato, plastic house, fungal diseases, control measures.

Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill) belongs to family Solanaceae and is
one of the most remunerable and widely grown vegetables in the world. The
world annual production of tomato during 2003 was 113.3 million tons
covering an area of 4.3 million hectare with the productivity of 26.34 tons per
hectare. Tomato is one of the important vegetable crops in Nepal and is
grown commercially in plains and hills for fresh consumption and processing
to some extent. In Nepal, tomato stands in third position after cauliflower
and cabbage in terms of area (21,389 ha) and production (400,674 tons)
(MOALD, 2018). It is also known as poor man’s apple in Nepal. Although the
Terai region produces and sells more vegetables, vegetables grown in the hilly
region have greater value; these vegetables are produced during the rainy
season when prices are higher (NEAT, 2011). Tomatoes, which are actually a
fruit vegetable, are loaded with all kinds of health benefits for the body.

1 Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development, Singhadurbar, Kathmandu

* Corresponding Author’s Email: shree.neupane2000@gmail.com
2 Nepal Academy of Science and Technology (NAST), Khumaltar, Lalitpur
3 Agriculture and Forestry University, Rampur Chitwan
4 CIMMYT International, Nepal

The Journal of Agriculture and Environment Vol:22, June, 2021

Tomato contains a very powerful antioxidant called lycopene which

purportedly fights the free radicals that can interfere with normal cell growth
and activity. These free radicals can potentially lead to cancer, heart disease
and premature aging. Introduction of tomato cultivation under plastic house
conditions favored the off season production making possible availability of
tomato in all the seasons in the market.
There are several diseases on tomato caused by fungi, bacteria, viruses,
nematodes and abiotic factors (Balanchard, 1992) that are limiting its
production and productivity. Early blight caused by Alternaria solani, late
blight caused by Phytophthora infestans and septoria leaf spot caused by
Septoria lycopersici are the major fungal foliar diseases. Powdery mildew
caused by Leveillula taurica and Oidium spp.is another foliar disease
generally appearing in late season. To combat with diseases growers/farmers
are using chemical fungicides haphazardly, but still satisfactory level of
diseases control are not achieved by them. At the same time, the ultimate
results of haphazard use of chemicals create health related problems,
increase environmental pollution and yield loss also due to non- target
fungicides application resulting in fungicide induced disease resurgence, the
whole natural ecosystem is adversely affected and also financial burden
increased to the poor farmers (Palikhe, 2006). Therefore, the objective of the
study was to find out the effectiveness of most commonly used chemical
fungicides and bio-fungicide for the management of major, foliar fungal
diseases of tomato grown under plastic houses.

An experiment was conducted in three plastic houses on three farmers’ fields
at two VDCs in Lamjung (Tarku and Banhjakhet) during July to December,
2010. Mean area of each plastic house was 50 sq m (10 m x 5 m). Two plastic
houses were selected, from Banjhakhet, one from the village an altitude of
900 masl, situated north- east from Beshisahar and Marshyangdi river, and the
other at Kupling village, a pocket region of vegetable production in Lamjung,
at an altitude of 1,150 masl, on the southern face of a hill, and the third
plastic house was taken from Thakle village of Tarku VDC, situated at 800
masl in southern side of Lamjung district on the bed of Paudi Khola. A nursery
bed of 5 m2 size was prepared, applying 18 kg well decomposed FYM, at one
corner inside the plastic house at Tarku. After seed bed preparation, 5 gram
seeds of “Srijana F1 hybrid” tomato were sown continuously in row in 1 cm
depth with row to row spacing of 10 cm on 18th June, 2010. Twelve days old
seedlings were uprooted and transplanted on the same bed for hardening.
Each plastic house was taken as a replication where there were 4
plots/plastic house with a size of 5m x 2m and inter plot spacing 40 cm. The
plots were slightly raised to avoid the water logging and flooding. Twenty five

The Journal of Agriculture and Environment Vol:22, June, 2021

days old, 20 seedlings per plot and 80 seedlings per plastic house were
transplanted on 12th July, 2010 in all the plastic houses. There were two
rows/plot and planting distance was 80 cm row to row and 50 cm plant to

There were 4 treatments as below in the study, which were replicated 3
times. Treatments details are presented below.
T1 = Bio-cure-F (Trichoderma viride)
T2 = Bavistin (carbendazim)
T3 = Dithane M-45 (mancozeb)
T4 = Control
Application of treatments
The bio-pesticide, Bio-cure-F @ 5 g/l, Bavistin at the concentration of 2 g/l
and Dithane M 45 @ 2 g/l water were sprayed five times at seven days
intervals after the appearance of any of the fungal diseases.

Observations on plant height, leaf numbers, yield, disease incidence and
severity were taken. Plant height and leaf number were recorded two times,
first 10 days after transplanting and the second 15 days after the first
observation. Disease scoring was done from the central four plants of each
plot after the appearance of the disease. Each 3rd plant from both the ends
among the 10 plants in a row is selected for the observation. Disease scoring
of infected plants was done using the following standard scales.

Scale used for assessment of late blight (Mayee and Datar, 1986)
0= No symptoms, 1 = 1 - 10% leaf area infected, 2 = 11 - 25% leaf area
infected, 3 = 26 - 50% leaf area infected, 4 = 51 - 75% leaf area infected and
5 = >75% area infected.
Scale used for assessment of early blight (Mayee and Datar, 1986)
0 = no symptoms, 1 = 1-9% plant parts infected, 2 = 10-24% plant parts
infected, 3 = 25-49% plant parts infected, 4 = 50-74% plant parts infected and
5 = 75-100% plant parts infected.
Scale used for assessment of powdery mildew (Thayerand Stall, 1962)
0 = no appearance, 1 = <25% leaf area infected, 2 = 50% leaf area infected,
3 = >75% leaf area infected and 4 = 100% leaf area infected.

The Journal of Agriculture and Environment Vol:22, June, 2021

Scale used for assessment of septoria leaf spot (Emua, 1980)

1 = Disease free leaf, 2 = Few lesions on leaf 3 = large number of lesions but
with little coalescence. 4 = Large number of lesions with yellowing, 5 = leaf
completely destroyed.
Disease incidence and severity were calculated by using the following
Number of infected plant units
Disease Incidence (%) = × 100
Total number of plant units

Sum of all numerical value in each category

Disease severity (%) = × 100
Total no. of samples x maximum scale value

Sum of all disease ratings

Disease Index (%) = × 100
Total no. of samples x maximum scale value

These formulae were applied to all the numerical scales.

AUDPC was calculated by using the following formula (Das et al., 1992).

 X (i+1) + X i 
AUDPC = ∑  2
 T(i+1) − Ti )
i=1 
Xi = Disease intensity on the ith date. Ti = Days from transplanting to
the date of disease scoring
n = number of dates on which disease was scored
Preparation of Potato Dextrose Agar and Trichoderma Selective Media
Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA) and Trichoderma selective media (Table 1 and 2)
were prepared in the laboratory of IAAS, Rampur, Chitwan, for the
confirmation of potato diseases from the research plots and to check the
viability of the commercial product of Trichoderma viride.

Table 1. Composition of potato dextrose agar medium

Constituents Quantity
Potato (Peeled) 200.0 g
Dextrose 20.0 g
Agar 20.0 g
Dicrysticin 0.1 g
Distilled water 1000.0 ml

The Journal of Agriculture and Environment Vol:22, June, 2021

Table 2. Compositions of Trichoderma selective medium

Contents Quantity

Potato 200.0 g
Dextrose 20.0 g
Agar 20.0 g
Dicrysticin 0.1 g
Vitavex 0.1 g
Distilled water 1000.0 ml

Statistical analysis
Data entry was done in MS-excel and analyzed using SPSS, MSTATC (MSTAT,
Michigan State University, USA). Mean values were compared by using analysis
of variance, Duncan’s Multiple Range Test and descriptive analysis.


Mainly four major diseases were observed in tomato plants under plastic
house during experimental period. They were early blight, late blight,
septoria leaf spot and powdery mildew. Powdery mildew appeared in late
season of cropping period. All the treatments were significantly different
from untreated control as shown in the tables 3, 4 and 5 below.

Initial symptoms of early blight were appeared on 26th September, 2010. The
disease was identified by the appearance of brown to dark, leathery, necrotic
spots first on leaflets in a target board pattern. The pathogen was identified
as Alternaria solani by its typical conidiophores and conidia under
microscope. Older leaves of tomato were affected first and the disease
progressed upwards. Finally the leaves dried up and dropped down. Walker
(1952) reported that the spots were oval or angular in shape up to 0.3 or 0.4
cm diameter and there was usually a narrow chlorotic zone around the spot
which later faded into the normal green color.

Effect of treatments
The results of the experiment revealed that the least disease incidence and
severity of early blight were recorded in Dithane M-45 treated plots (27.0%
and 6.6%), followed by Bavistin (30.0% and 11.67%) and Bio-cure-F (35.33%
and 16.67%) as compared to Control (45.33% and 30.0%) respectively (Table 3
and 4). Choulwar and Datar (1992) reported also similar results. Among the
tested fungicides, copper oxychloride, mancozeb, carbendazim and captafol
against early blight of tomato, mancozeb was the most effective in reducing
disease intensity and increasing the yield in cultivar Pusa Ruby.

The Journal of Agriculture and Environment Vol:22, June, 2021

Symptoms of late blight caused by Phytophthora infestans were noticed on
October 5, 2010, which were at the base of the petiole as water soaked
lesions with ash or green colour in later days. The symptoms were also seen in
green fruits which were rotted in late stage. The pathogen was identified
with papillate lemon shaped sporangia developed in the lesions under moist
Effect of treatments
The least incidence and severity of late blight was shown by Mancozeb (18.0%
and 11.25%), followed by Bavistin (22.33% and 13.67%), respectively (Table 3
and 4). As reported by Gisi et al. (1983) mancozeb was more effective in
controlling Phytopthora infestans on potato and Plasmopara viticola on
grapes than the other systemic fungicides used alone.
The symptoms of powdery mildew caused by Leveillula taurica were
appeared on November 3, 2010. The fungus produced a white talcum like
covering on the lower leaves first and progressed toward upper leaves. The
infected leaves became yellow and prematurely dried up. Correll (2014),
stated that three fungal species (Leveillula taurica, Oidium lycopersici and
Oidium neolycopersici) cause powdery mildew in tomato.
Effect of treatments
The least disease incidence of powdery mildew was observed in Bavistin
treated plots (10.67%) followed by Dithane M-5 (12.0%) and Bio-cure-F
(15.0%). Similarly, the least disease severity of powdery mildew was recorded
in Bavistin (5.83%), and followed by Dithane M-45 (10.43%) and Bio-cure F
(12.50%) as compared to control (20.56%) (Table 3 and 4). Germination of
powdery mildew fungi may distinguish from other fungi is the manner in
which water is bound with in the conidia (Somers. and Horsfall, 1966).
The initial symptoms of septoria leaf spot caused by Septoria lycopersici
appeared on September 26, 2010. The symptoms were minute to small
brownish spots on the lower leaves. As the spots grew larger, they became
more or less circular in outline and showed definite brown colored margin
with grey centre in which minute fruiting bodies, pycnidia, were appeared
and black circular spots were appeared on the fruits.
Effect of treatments:
The least disease incidence of septoria leaf spot was observed in Dithane
M-45 treated plots (24.0%), followed by Bavistin (29.45%) and Bio-cure-F
(33.33%). Similarly, the least disease severity of septoria leaf spot was

The Journal of Agriculture and Environment Vol:22, June, 2021

observed in Dithane M-45 (24.0%), followed by Bavistin (29.39%) and Bio-cure-

F (33.33%) as compared to control (40.0%). respectively.
Table 3. Effect of treatments on incidence of fungal diseases in tomato under plastic
house during July to November, 2010 at Lamjung.

Incidence (%)
Treatments EB LB PM SLS
Bio-cure-F 35.33b 27.67b 15.00b 33.33b
Bavistin 30.00c 22.33c 10.67d 29.45c
Dithane M-45 27.00d 18.00d 12.00c 24.00d
Control 45.33a 38.00a 21.00a 40.00a
SEM (±) 1.014 1.280 0.645 1.054
LSD (= 0.05) 2.025 2.558 1.29 2.106
Probability <.01** <.01** <.01** <.01**
CV (%) 2.9 4.8 4.4 3.3

Treatment means followed by the same letter in a column are not significantly
different by DMRT at 5% level of significance. LSD = Least Significant Difference,
SEM = Standard error of mean. CV = Coefficient of variation, **significant at 1% level.

Table 4. Effect of treatments on severity of fungal diseases in tomato under plastic

house during July to November, 2010 at Lamjung.
Severity (%)
Bio-cure-F 16.67b 16.25b 12.50b 33.33b
Bavistin 11.67c 13.67c 5.83d 29.33c
Dithane M-45 6.66d 11.25d 10.43c 24.00d
Control 30.00a 29.58a 20.56a 40.00a
SEM (±) 1.443 0.859 2.45 1.054
LSD (=0.05) 1.104 1.716 4.995 2.106
Probability <.01** <.01** 0.02** <.01**
CV (%) 8.9 2.9 12.4 3.3

Figures in the column with the same letter are not significantly different (p=0.05)
according to DMRT, LSD =Least Significance Difference, SEM =Standard Error of mean
difference, CV= Coefficient of variation, EB =Early blight, LB = Late blight, PM =
Powdery mildew, SLS= Septorial leaf spot. ** Significant at 1%.

The Journal of Agriculture and Environment Vol:22, June, 2021


Table 5. Effect of treatments in AUDPC values of major fungal diseases of tomato
under plastic house during July to November, 2010 at Lamjung

Treatments EB LB PM SLS
Bio-cure-F 870.00 b 1325.00 b 198.27 b 1597.00 b

Bavistin 604.00 c 1120.00 c 95.56 c 1381.45 c

Dithane M-45 339.00 d 890.80 d 172.34 d 1146.00 d

Control 1167.00 a 1685.80 a 328.76 a 1888.00 a

SEm (±) 44.6 31.43 38.8 40.50

LSD (=0.05) 89.1 62.80 77.40 80.90
Probability <.01** <.01** 0.002** <.01**
CV (%) 6.0 2.5 19.5 2.7
Figures in the column with the same letter are not significantly different (p=0.05)
according to DMRT, LSD =Least Significance Difference, SEM = Standard Error of Mean
difference, CV= Coefficient of variation, EB =Early blight, LB = Late blight, PM =
Powdery mildew, SLS= Septorial leaf spot. ** Significant at 1%.


Dithane M-45 treated plots showed the highest yield (52.35 ton/ha), which
was significantly highest than other treatments, and it was followed by
Bavistin (48.40 ton/ha), Bio-cure F (46.24 ton/ha) and control (41.47 ton/ha).

Dithane M-45 (mancozeb) can be used as foliar application To manage early
blight, late blight and septoria leaf spot in tomato under plastic house at
Lamjung and similar conditions. Similarly, foliar application of Bavistin
(carbendazim) can be used to reduce powdery mildew disease in tomato. As
powdery mildew appeared late in the season, early planting might be one of
the best management tools to reduce this disease, which seemed to be an
important area for future research work to find a potential measure for the
proper management of the disease.
Conflict of interest: The authors declare no conflicts of interest regarding
publication of this manuscript.

The Journal of Agriculture and Environment Vol:22, June, 2021

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