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FIDP - Creative Writing

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Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Montessori, Inc.

16–22 Camdas Subdivision, Baguio City

Flexible Instruction Delivery Plan (FIDP)

Grade: 12 Semester: 1st Semester
Core Subject Title: Creative Writing No. of Hours/Semester: 80 Hours
Prerequisites (If Needed) _____________________________

Core Subject Description: The course aims to develop practical and creative skills in reading and writing; introduce students to the fundamental techniques of writing fiction, poetry,
and drama; and discuss the use of such techniques by well-known authors in a variety of genres. Each class will be devoted to the examination of techniques and
the workshop of students’ drafts toward the enrichment of their manuscripts. Students learn how to combine inspiration and revision, and to develop a sense of form.

Culminating Performance Standard: The learners shall be able to create an advocacy campaign material (i.e., vignettes, poems, fictional prose, posters, information card, short
articles, reports, SMS messages, flyers) designed to increase awareness, raise consciousness, and motivate people to address a social issue in the community and to write a short story
that will illustrate the beliefs, customs, and traditions that will help shape the identity and culture of a family.

What to Teach? Why Teach? How to Assess? What to Teach?

Highest Enabling
Highest Thinking Skill Strategy to Use in
Learning competencies
to Assess developing the Highest
Thinking Skill to Assess
Content Performanc
Content Essential KUD Flexible
Standards e Standards Classification
Topics Assessment Flexible
Activities Enabling
KUD Most RBT Learning
Complete (FAA) General
Classification Essential Level Strategies
Performance (FLS)


Creative Writing “Committed to lifelong learning in a caring environment”

1. Creative The learners 1.1 Imaginativ The learners The learners… The Figurative 3-2-1
Writing have e writing shall be learners… Language
vs. 1. differentiate K Deductive
1.1. an Technical/ able to imaginative 1. differentia Discussion
K Understa Hunt Representati
Imaginative understanding Academic produce short writing from te
imaginative nding on Prompting
writing vs. of imagery, Writing paragraphs or other forms of Sensory Details
technical/ac diction, figures vignettes writing writing from and Diction Exit Slip
ademic/othe of speech, and 1.2 Figures of using other forms Worksheet
Speech 2. cull creative of writing
r forms of variations in imagery,
ideas from D Poem writing
writing language. diction,
1.3 Sensory experiences 2. cull Creating through Web Problem-
figures of D
1.2. Sensory Details creative 2.0 (Shared Solving
speech, and 3. utilize ideas from
experience U Blogs)
specific language to experiences.
1.3. experiences evoke emotional Quiz through
Language and intellectual Applying Web 2.0
responses from 3. utilize (Genyo LMS) Connections
a. Imagery language to
readers U
b. Figures of
4. use imagery, U emotional
speech and
diction, figures
c. Diction of speech, and intellectual
specific responses
1.4. Sample experiences from
works of readers
well-known 5. read closely
local as writers with a K
4. use nding Representati
consciousness of
and foreign imagery, U on
writers diction,
figures of
speech, and

2.1 Reading The learners 2.1 Reading The learners The learners… The Poem Reading Lectures
and Writing have an and Writing shall be able learners… Practice
1. identify the K Note-taking
Poetry* understanding Poetry to produce a
of poetry as a short, well- various 1. identify
Creative Writing “Committed to lifelong learning in a caring environment”
2.2. genre and crafted poem. elements, the various
Elements of how to techniques, and elements,
literary devices techniques, Poem Analysis Alphabet
the genre analyze its
in poetry and literary Brainstorm
elements and K
a. Essential devices in
techniques Name-Poem
elements 2. determine K poetry Poem Writing
specific forms Prompting
a.1. Theme and 2.
conventions of determine
a.2. Tone K
poetry specific
b. Elements forms and
for specific 3. use selected conventions
forms elements of U of poetry
b.1. in short 3. use
Conventiona exercises selected
elements of U
l forms
4. explore U poetry
(exemplar: innovative in short
short techniques in exercises
Tagalog writing poetry
poems 4. explore
5. write a short innovative
like tanaga poem applying techniques U
and diona; the D in
haiku; various writing
sonnet) elements, poetry
-rhyme and and literary 5. write a
meter devices short poem
applying the
-metaphor various D
b.2. Free
and literary
-the line devices
and line

Creative Writing “Committed to lifelong learning in a caring environment”




c. Other
l texts


c.2. genre-
texts (e.g.

prose poem,


d. Tone

and literary

from well-
known local

and foreign

Reading and The learners 3.1 Reading The learners The learners… The Understa Short Story Representati 5+1

Creative Writing “Committed to lifelong learning in a caring environment”

Writing have an and Writing shall be able 1. identify the K learners… nding Reading on
Fiction* understanding Fiction to produce at various
elements, 1. identify K Lectures
of fiction as a least one
3.1. techniques, and the various
genre and are striking scene Story Analysis
Elements of literary devices elements,tec
able to for a short through Story
the genre in fiction hniques, Connect,
analyze its story Board
and literary Extend,
a. Character elements and
2. determine K devices in
techniques Challenge
various modes fiction
b. Point of Understa
of fiction Short Story
View nding
2.determine Writing
K Representati
3. write journal various Prompting
b.1. 1st- on
entries and D modes of
person POV
other fiction
(major, Quiz through
short exercises
exploring key 3. write Creating Web 2.0 Problem-
minor, or
elements of journal (Quizziz) Solving
fiction entries and D
b.2. 2nd- other short
person POV 4. write a short exercises
scene applying
b.3. 3rd- the various D
person POV elements,
elements of
(objective, techniques,
and literary fiction
limited devices 4.write a Creating
omniscient, D
short scene Problem-
applying the Solving
c. Plot various
c.1. linear techniques,
c.2. and literary
modular/epi devices

Creative Writing “Committed to lifelong learning in a caring environment”



d. Setting

d.1. time
and place

d.2. cultural,

etc. milieu

that lead to


e. Conflict

f. Irony

f.1. verbal


Creative Writing “Committed to lifelong learning in a caring environment”


g. Theme



f.3. insight

and literary



and motif

from well-
known local
and foreign
short story
writers in a
range of

Creative Writing “Committed to lifelong learning in a caring environment”


Performance Task: There are major social problems that impact the collective conditions of people in your community. As a member of a research and advocacy team in your Local Government
Unit (LGU) you were tasked by the municipal/ city mayor to create an advocacy campaign material (i.e vignettes, poems, fictional prose, posters, information card, short
articles, reports, SMS messages, flyers) designed to increase awareness, raise consciousness, and motivate people in your locality to address the social problem in the
From the said activity, you are expected to demonstrate your creativity, message effectiveness, graphics relevance, and mechanics in your work.

Performance Task Rubric:

Advanced Proficient Developing Beginning
(5) (4) (3) (2)

Content The material is exceptionally rich in The material conveys some informational The material conveys minimal The material conveys no evident
content and provides much informational material on the topic. informational material on the topic informational material on the topic.
material on the selected topic

Originality / The material reflects an The material reflects student creativity The material reflects some creativity The material reflects a lack of
Creativity exceptional degree of and the use of some original ideas but lacks originality creativity and originality.
student creativity and
use of original ideas.

Message The combination of creativity, technical The combination of creativity, technical The intent of the material is The message is not clear in the
Effectiveness skill, and audience appeal is very effective. skill, and audience appeal delivers a clear understood, but it has little material.
message about a selected topic motivational value.

Graphics- All graphics are related to the topic and All graphics are related to the topic, and All graphics relate to the topic. One Graphics do not relate to the topic or
Relevance easier to understand. All borrowed most are easier to understand. Some or two borrowed graphics have a several borrowed graphics do not
graphics have a source citation borrowed graphics have a source citation source citation. have a source citation.

Mechanics The material is free from grammar and The material has 1-2 grammar or spelling The material has 3-4 grammar or The material has five or more
spelling errors. errors spelling errors. grammar or spelling errors.


What to Teach? Why Teach? How to Assess? What to Teach?

Creative Writing “Committed to lifelong learning in a caring environment”

Highest Enabling
Highest Thinking Skill Strategy to Use in
Learning competencies
to Assess developing the Highest
Thinking Skill to Assess
Content Performanc
Content Essential KUD Flexible
Standards e Standards Classification
Topics Assessment Flexible
Activities Enabling
KUD Most RBT Learning
Complete (FAA) General
Classification Essential Level Strategies
Performance (FLS)


4. Reading The learners 4. Reading The learners The learners… The Word Cloud Representati Concept Map
and Writing have an and Writing shall be able 1.identify the learners… on
various K 1.identify K Rememb
Drama understanding Drama (one- to compose
elements, the various ering
(one-act)* of drama as a act)* at least one Text Analysis Close Reading
genre and are scene for a techniques, and elements,
Elements of Elements of literary devices techniques,
able to one-act play
the genre the genre in drama and literary
analyze its that can be
Video Analysis Video
a. Character elements and a. Character staged devices in
2. understand Watching
techniques U drama
b. Setting b. Setting intertextuality as
a technique of 2.
c. Plot c. Plot drama understand Analyzin Communicat ABC
intertextualit U g ion Summarize
d. Dialogue d. Dialogue 3. conceptualize y as a
a D
4.1. 4.1. technique of
character/settin drama
Techniques Techniques
g/plot for a one-
and literary and literary
act play 3.
devices devices Creating Problem-
4. explore D Solving
a. a. ea
different staging character/se
Intertextuali Intertextuality U
modalities vis-à- tting/plot for
vis envisioning
Creative Writing “Committed to lifelong learning in a caring environment”
b. b. the script a one-act
Conceptualiz Conceptualizat play
5. write short
ation of ion of
exercises 4. explore
modality modality D Evaluati
involving different
4.2. 4.2. Modelling character, staging U Reasoning
Modelling from well- dialogue, plot, modalities and Proof
from well- known local and other vis-à-vis
known local elements of envisioning
and foreign drama the script
and foreign playwrights Creating
playwrights 6. write at least 5. write
one scene for short D Solving
one-act play exercises
applying the D involving
various character,
elements, dialogue,
techniques, and plot, and
literary devices other
elements of

6. write at D Problem-
least one
scene for
one-act play
applying the
and literary

5. The The learners 5. The The learners The learners… The Play Practice Close Reading
creative have an creative work shall be able learners…
1. situate the U 1.situate U Applying Connections
work in understanding in literary to produce a
literary of the and /or craft essay on creative work in the creative
literary and /or work in
Creative Writing “Committed to lifelong learning in a caring environment”
and /or different sociopolitical the personal sociopolitical literary and Video Analysis Close Viewing
sociopolitical orientations of context creative context /or
context creative process sociopolitic
2. demonstrate
writing deploying a al context Paragraph Lectures
awareness of
consciously Writing
and sensitivity U 2. demonstr U
to the different ate
orientation of orientations of awareness Analyzin Communicat Evidence Logs
creative creative writing of and g Essay Writing ion
writing sensitivity to
3. write a craft the different
essay Prompting
D of creative

3. write a
craft essay
Creating Problem-

Final The learners The learners… The Blogs through Guided

output** may 1. create a learners… Web 2.0 Instruction
group blog for D 1. create a D Creating Problem-
(Genyo LMS)
choose from poetry and/or group blog Solving
any of the fiction applying for poetry GRASPS Task
following: ICT skills/any and/or
appropriate fiction
1. design a multimedia applying ICT
group blog forms skills/any
for poetry appropriate
2. explore multimedia
Creative Writing “Committed to lifelong learning in a caring environment”
and fiction various modes U forms
of publishing
2. produce a 2. explore Analyzin Communicat
media for
suite of various g ion
manuscripts U
poems, a modes of
full/complete 3. understand publishing
d short story, the possibilities media for
or a script for of intertextual U manuscripts
a one-act forms
play, with the
4. write a suite understand Analyzin Communicat
option of U
of poems, a the g ion
full/completed D possibilities
3. create short story or a of
hypertext script for a one- intertextual
literature act play forms

4. write a
suite of Creating Problem-
poems, a D Solving
ed short
story or a
script for a
one-act play

Performance Task: Although much of family life may be shared—language, religion, culture, and traditions—there are important differences across these elements. As a short story writer, you
were asked by your editor to write a short story that will illustrate the beliefs, customs, and traditions that will help shape the identity and culture of a family. You need to
write a short story that shows the younger generation the beliefs, customs, and traditions that help shape the identity and culture of a family. Your story should be easy for
junior high learners to comprehend. In addition, the elements of a short story must be incorporated into your literary piece. Furthermore, a maximum of three pages
including graphics should be maximized. Your story will be graded based on plot development, organization, creativity, mechanics, and requirements/ guidelines.

Performance Task Rubric:

Creative Writing “Committed to lifelong learning in a caring environment”
Criteria Exceptional Good Fair Poor
(5) (4) (3) (2)
Plot Development The story contains exposition, rising Story development follows story Story development needs to be Story development does not exist
action, climax, falling action, resolution. sequence but some components improved or revised. Pieces are and does not follow the sequence.
The story is easy to follow. could be better developed for the missing.
reader to follow.
Organization The story is very well organized. One The story is pretty well organized. The story is a little hard to Ideas and scenes seem to be
idea or scene follows another in a logical One idea or scene may seem out of follow. The transitions are randomly arranged.
sequence with clear transitions place. Clear transitions are used. sometimes not clear.
Creativity The story contains many creative details The story contains a few creative The story contains a few creative There is little evidence of creativity
and/or descriptions that contribute to the details and/or descriptions that details and/or descriptions, but in the story. The author does not
reader's enjoyment. The author has used contribute to the reader's they distract from the story. The seem to have used much
his/her imagination enjoyment. The author has used author has tried to use his/her imagination.
his/her imagination. imagination.
Mechanics The story contains no errors in grammar, The story contains a few minor The story contains many and/or The story contains so many errors in
usage, or mechanics. errors in grammar, usage, or serious errors in grammar, grammar, usage, and mechanics that
mechanics. usage, or mechanics; may error block reading.
interfere with reading.
Requirements All of the written requirements (typed, Almost all (about 90%) written Most (about 75%) of the written Many requirements were not met.
(guidelines) single-spaced, number of pages, font, requirements were met. requirements were met, but
margins) were met. several were not.

Prepared by:

Miss Genelyn A. Tallad


Recommending Approval by: Approved by:


High School Department Principal President/Directress

Creative Writing “Committed to lifelong learning in a caring environment”

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