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FORUM 2022

FORUM 2022

FORUM 2022

FORUM 2022

Instruksi pengiriman poster

1. Tema poster = multiple trauma
2. Abstrak dikumpulkan sebelum tgl 24 september 2022 jam
23.59 WIB
3. Abstrak dikirim ke email SSF
4. Format abstrak mengikuti aturan no. 4,5,6
5. Abstrak yg diterima akan dipublikasikan pada awal Oktober
6. Batas pengumpulan poster pada tgl 17 Oktober 2022, jika
diperlukan dapat diminta untuk mengumpulkan Full paper
7. Abstrak akan diterbitkan dalam proceeding book yang memiliki

FORUM 2022

Saturday, November 19th 2022

Time Schedule
07.30 -08. 00 Re-registration
Opening Ceremony
08.00 -08.15 Open ing
Indonesia Raya National Anthem
Opening Speech from The Chairman of the DR. dr. Amru Sungkar, Sp.B, Sp.BP -RE(KKF)
Committee SSF 2022 & The Chairman of
Session 1. Opening
Moderator : dr. Wibisono, Sp.U
08.15 -08.30 Ethic s and Law s (Tentat ive) DR. dr. Hari Wujoso, Sp.F, MM
08.30 -09.10 Plenary Lecture: Update Issue of Multiple
Prof. DR. dr. Aryono Djuned Pusponegoro, Sp .B(K)BD
Trauma Cases
09.10 -09.25 Jasa Raharja (Trauma Insurance Claim)
Jasa Raharja Surakart a
09.25 -09.40 Coff ee B reak
Session 2. Recent Diagnostic, Management & Pitfall of Head and Neck Injury in Multiple Trauma
Moderator : dr. Henky Agung Nugroho, Sp.B(K)Onk
09.40 -09.55 Head Trauma dr. Hanis Setyono, Sp.BS(K)
09.55 -10.10 Management of Maxi llofacial Trauma dr. De wi Haryanti K., Sp.BP -RE (KKF)
10.10 -10.25 Cervical and Spine Injury in Multiple Trauma dr. Rieva Ermawan, Sp.OT(K) Spine
10.25 -10.40 Life Threatening Vascular and Airway Injury dr. Soebandrijo, Sp.B, Sp.BTKV(K)
in Neck Trauma
10.40-11.00 Discussio n
Session 3. Recent Diagnostic, Management & Pitfall of Pediatric Trauma in Multiple Trauma
Moderator : dr. Ibnu Sina Ibrohim, Sp.BA
Coffee Break
11.00 -11.15 Diagnostic, Management, and Pitfall of dr. Nunik Agu stri ani, Sp.B, Sp.BA
Pediatric in Multiple Trauma
11.15-11.30 Most Common Pediatric Fracture in dr. Udi Heru Nefihancoro, Sp.B, Sp.OT(K) Pediatri c
Multiple Trauma
11.30 -11.45 Discussion

Sunday, November 20 2022
Time Schedu le
07.30-08.00 RE- registration
Session 1. Fracture, Vascular Injury, and Soft Tissue Injury in Multiple Trauma
Moderator : DR. dr. Widyanti Soewoto, Sp.B(K)Onk
08.00 -08.15 Comprehensive Management Upper
dr. Tito Sumar wot o, Sp.O T(K) Hand
Extremity Fracture
08.15 -08.30 Recent Diagnostic, Management & Pitfall of
dr. Prima Kharisma, Sp.BTKV
Vascular Trauma
08.30 -08.45 Role Management for Diagnostic and Pitfalls
dr. Affandi Wiramur, Sp.BP -RE
of Degloving Injury
08.45 -09.05 Discu ssion
09.0 5-09.25 Coffee Break
Session 2. Recent Diagnostic, Management & Pitfall of Thoracoabdominal Injury in Multiple Trauma
Moderator : dr. Syaeful Agung Wibowo, Sp.U
09.25-09.40 Potential Early Death in Chest Trauma DR. dr. Darmawan Ismail, Sp.BTK V(K)
09.40-09.55 Blunt A bdominal Trauma DR. dr. Ida Bagus Budhi, Sp.B(K)BD
09.5 5-10.10 Urogenital Trauma : The Update (2022) dr. Bimanggono HM, Sp.U
10.10 – 10.25 Contemporary Comprehensive Management DR. dr. Bintang Soetjahjo, Sp.OT( K) Hip & Kn ee
of Pelvic Fracture
10.25-10.45 Discussion
10.45 – 11.00 Lunch Symposium Sponsorship
11.00 – 12.00 Lunch Break & Poster Presentation Team of Poster Competition
Workshop (1 2.00 -14.00)
Chest X -Ray Interpretation and Pleura Procedure in Thoracic Trauma / Cour se Director : DR. dr. Dar mawan Ismail, Sp.BTKV(K)
Stoma Care / Course Director : dr. Suwardi, Sp.B, Sp.BA
Tracheostomy in Head - Neck Cancer and Trauma / Course Director : DR. dr. Kristanto Yuli Yarso, Sp.B(K)Onk
Poster Competition Winners Announcement and Closing Ceremony

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