Considerations On The Crystallization Modeling: Population Balance Solution
Considerations On The Crystallization Modeling: Population Balance Solution
Considerations On The Crystallization Modeling: Population Balance Solution
In crystallization processes, the need to improve the product quality and to minimize production cost requires understanding and optimization
on how to obtain an appropriate particle-size distribution. In order to achieve this goal, a model of the process is necessary and the distribution
of particles must be represented, which is made through the population balance. This latter constitutes a strongly nonlinear hyperbolic partial
differential equation and, in most cases, an analytical solution is not possible, requiring the development and adaptation of numerical techniques.
In the present work, it is proposed to analyze the positive and negative aspects of some methods chosen as a tool in the treatment of the population
balance equation in crystallization processes. Numerical problems arising from transformation of the partial differential equation, computational
effort, as well as the incorrect prediction of the total number of particles and/or no mass conservation of the dispersed phase are discussed.
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C.B.B. Costa et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 31 (2007) 206–218 207
βj,k agglomeration kernel for sizes xj , xk (=β (xj , xk ))
b (ε) breakage rate of a particle of size ε δ Dirac Delta function
bk defined as b(xk ) γ (ε) number of daughter particles in the breakage of a
B birth rate using length as internal coordinate particle of size ε
B birth rate using volume as internal coordinate μj moment j of a distribution
B̄ mean birth rate using length as internal coordinate μij cross-moment ij of a distribution
B0 nucleation rate ψi basis functions used in the weighted residuals
Ci ith granulometric class methods
D death rate using length as internal coordinate
D death rate using volume as internal coordinate Subscripts
D̄ mean death rate using length as internal coordi- agg aggregation
nate br breakage
f mesh function nucl nucleation
G growth rate
h net rate of production of particles
kv volume shape factor to stress the positive and negative features of methods in the
L characteristic length of the particles solution of crystallization problems. Cooling crystallization is
La lower limit of a subdomain a process in which the mechanisms of nucleation, growth and
Lb upper limit of a subdomain aggregation occur in a competitive fashion and, so, a numer-
Lmax maximum length of the particles in a truncated ical method suitable for solving PBE in crystallization prob-
domain lems should deal with the three mechanisms with acceptable
m number of properties of particles used in the PBE accuracy.
n number density function using length as internal The paper is organized as follows. The population balance
coordinate approach is first introduced, with discussions in its area of
n number density function using volume as internal application and analytical solution limitations. Then the for-
coordinate mal complete population balance equation and some definitions
N number of particles per suspension volume unit are presented, and some important issues are raised. Section 3
NE number of subdomains discusses in a general manner the three main groups in which
pi properties of particles used in the PBE the specific methods for solving the population balance equa-
p (v/ε) fraction of daughter particles with size between v tion may be classified, while Section 4 presents specific meth-
and v + dv generated from breakage of particles ods, with their applications in literature, advantages, drawbacks
of size ε and applicability in crystallization systems. The next section
Qk volumetric rate of kth stream presents other methods, which cannot be classified in none of
R residual in the weighted residuals methods the three main groups of Section 3. As an exemplification of a
RA net rate of agglomeration in Ci granulometric method application in a crystallization process, Section 6 gives
class (=Bagg − Dagg ) some numerical results and points out the notable drawbacks
RB net rate of breakage in Ci granulometric class and advantages. Finally, the last section provides the conclud-
(=Bbr − Dbr ) ing remarks.
S state vector
t time
2. The general population balance equation
ub , vb , wb components of the particle velocity vector vb
vb particle velocity vector
The population balance framework considers space as the
V suspension volume
physical one, as well as any important system property, which
wi weighting functions
changes due to the intrinsic mechanisms and external influences
x vector of internal coordinates
to the system. Concerning to the physical space, the state vector
xi representative volume of the ith size range, also
coordinates refer to spatial coordinates, like (x, y, z), and are
the ith grid point
denoted as external coordinates. The coordinates corresponding
x, y, z spatial coordinates
to the properties (internal coordinates) are the ones of relevance
Greek letters to the process and may be composed, for example, by any impor-
Ci width of ith class tant dimension of the particle or its age in the system (Hounslow,
β (L, λ) agglomeration kernel using length as internal 1998; Randolph & Larson, 1971). The state vector S can be, then,
coordinate expressed by S = [x, y, z, t, L, (pi )1≤i≤m ], where L is the char-
β (v, ε) agglomeration kernel using volume as internal acteristic dimension of the particles, besides m other properties
coordinate and t corresponds to time. The number density function n[x, t,
L, (pi )1≤i≤m ] can then be used to make a balance in the particles
208 C.B.B. Costa et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 31 (2007) 206–218
population, composing the population balance equation, PBE using volume as internal coordinate are given, respectively, by
(Pilon & Viskanta, 2003): Eqs. (2) and (3):
∂n ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ v
+ (ub n) + (vb n) + (wb n) + (L̇n) 1
∂t ∂x ∂y ∂z ∂L Bagg (v) = β (v − ε, ε)n (v − ε, t)n (ε, t) dε (2)
2 0
+ (ṗi n) = h (1) ∞
Dagg (v)
= n (v, t) β (v, ε)n (ε, t) dε (3)
where ub , vb and wb are the components of the particle veloc-
ity vector vb , L̇ is the time rate of change of the characteristic The agglomeration kernel, β (ν, ε), is a measure of the fre-
dimension, while ṗi is the time rate of change of the other prop- quency of collisions between particles of volumes ν and ε which
erties. The net rate of particles production of a particular state produces a particle of volume ν + ε, being a function of the size
at time t is denoted by h, which comprises death and birth domains of mother particles and of the agglomerate and the
mechanisms. hydrodynamic conditions.
The main reason for the unavailability of analytical solu- It is frequently easier to write the growth rate with length as
tions to the PBE is that the birth and death terms correspond- internal coordinate, and, therefore, a modification in the birth
ing to breakage and agglomeration are expressed as integral and death rate terms, based on length, is necessary:
functions. Apart from that, the density function may vary
in multidimensional space and may depend on external vari- L β[(L3 1/3 1/3
L2 − λ3 ) , λ]n[(L3 − λ3 ) , t]n(λ, t) dλ
ables. These two last complications to the solution of the Bagg (L)= 2/3
PBE are normally neglected in most applications, by assum- 2 0 (L3 − λ3 )
ing perfectly mixed tank. In this way, the external coordi- (4)
nates are normally not considered and the PBE is expressed
only with the internal coordinates. An interesting work pre- ∞
sented in literature dealing with imperfect mixing is the one Dagg (L) = n(L, t) β(L, λ)n(λ, t) dλ (5)
of Ma, Tafti, and Braatz (2002). The effect of spatial vari- 0
ation is evaluated using a compartmental model, which may
require the use of parallel computations, if the number of consid- David, Paulaime, Espitalier, and Rouleau (2003) divide
ered compartments is large, in order to have shorter simulation agglomeration in three levels, to know, Brownian, laminar and
times. turbulent agglomeration and develop the expressions for the
The hyperbolic differential operator of the PBE is the diver- agglomeration kernel for each one of them.
gence term, composed by all derivatives with respect to the According to Verkoeijen et al. (2002), the birth and death
coordinates, which is divided into two parts. The divergence terms in the PBE express the transfer of particles from one size
concerning to external coordinates expresses the change in class to the other by breakage or by agglomeration and, since
population in a particular volume due to the particles pass- they are not rate processes, cannot be differentiated with respect
ing through that volume with velocity vb . The second diver- to time.
gence term represents the change in population due to particle A different perspective in the modeling of agglomeration was
property, pi . If the property is the particle size, then the diver- proposed by Marchal, David, Klein, and Villermaux (1988), con-
gence term represents the growth (represented by G) or shrink- sidering this mechanism as chemical reactions between species
age of the particles (Verkoeijen, Pouw, Meesters, & Scarlet, in the many particle sizes. The final agglomeration rate expres-
2002). sion per size domain is based on an intrinsic rate, function of the
The kinetic mechanisms present in particulate processes are number of collision per time and volume unit and of supersatu-
growth (commonly associated with the rate of change of the char- ration.
acteristic dimension), nucleation (appearance of new entities), Equations analogous to Eqs. (2) and (3) can be formulated
agglomeration and breakage. In crystallization field, nucleation to express the birth and death terms due to the breakage mech-
and crystal growth are dominant, but in many systems, agglom- anisms, as given by Eqs. (6) and (7):
eration and breakage are present to a certain extent, that must be ∞ v
considered into the modeling. Bbr (v) = γ(ε)b(ε)p n (ε, t) dε (6)
v ε
2.1. Expressions to birth and death terms
Dbr (v) = −b(v)n (v, t) (7)
The birth (B) and death (D) terms represented in Eq. (1) by h
correspond to breakage and agglomeration mechanisms, which where γ(ε) is the number of daughter particles generated from
are commonly expressed as integral functions. the breakup of a particle of size ε, b(ε) is the breakup rate of a
Aggregation results from the binary collision of mother par- particle with size ε and p(v/ε) is the fraction of daughter parti-
ticles and the sticking by growth of crystalline bridges between cles with size between v and v + dv, generated from breakup of
particles. Bearing aggregation in mind, the birth and death terms, particles of size ε.
C.B.B. Costa et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 31 (2007) 206–218 209
2.2. Internal coordinate and density function When more than one crystal dimension is considered, cross-
considerations moments can be defined. For example, for two dimensions in
a distribution based on the width (L1 ) and the length (L2 ), the
Verkoeijen et al. (2002) present reasons why the population cross-moments can be defined as in Eq. (10):
balance should be expressed with particle volume as the basic
particle-size parameter. They argue, using the agglomeration ∞ ∞
mechanism, that when length is used to express size, consis- μij = Li1 L2 n(L1 , L2 , t) dL (10)
tency with the mass balance cannot be achieved. However, as 0 0
pointed out by Mahoney and Ramkrishna (2002), singularity in
the number density may occur in certain treatments. In precipi- The total number is given by μ00 , while μ10 is the total width
tation systems, the length based growth rate is usually finite at and μ01 is the total length. The average width of crystals is
small particle sizes. This corresponds to a volumetric growth μ10 /μ00 and the average length is μ01 /μ00 .
rate that approaches zero at L = 0, and a consequent singular- Some methods for solving the PBE appeal to the moments
ity in the volume based number density. The singular behavior of the distribution in order to manipulate the original partial
creates very steep gradients in the solution that are difficult to differential equation. Special attention to these methods will be
capture with a discrete representation, besides being difficult to given in next section.
scale the solution, even if v = 0 is not included in the domain.
These problems are avoided by the formulation in length, with
the drawback that evaluation of aggregation kernel becomes con-
siderably more complex. 3. Numerical methods for PBE solution
Another point discussed by Verkoeijen et al. (2002) is the
proposal that the basic population distribution should be the The methods for solving the PBE can be classified into three
mass distribution of particle, instead of the common practice of main groups: the method of moments, the discretization of the
expressing the distribution of the particle size as a number distri- size domain interval and the weighted residuals.
bution. The reason is posed in terms that the number of particles The method of moments is one of the oldest ones and trans-
is not conserved, since the particles may break or agglomerate, forms the PBE into a set of ordinary differential equations
being the total mass of particles the amount that is conserved. As (ODEs) by multiplying the population balance equation by Lj (in
a result, the basic PBE should be expressed in terms of the mass a length based PBE) and integrating it, giving equations in terms
distribution, or the volume distribution if the density is constant, of moments (Randolph & Larson, 1971). The solution of the set
so the mass in the system is automatically conserved. Neverthe- of equations gives the moments of the distribution as function of
less, the authors deal with the description of grinding and aerosol time, considering size independent growth and mean birth and
processes. Conservation of total particles mass is not the case death terms:
for crystallization process, where the extraction of solute from
∞ ∂n ∂
solution can occur with the growth of existing crystals or with
Lj + (Gn) + D − B = 0 (11)
the nucleation of new entities. So, this argument is not valid for 0 ∂t ∂L
a crystallization application and, historically, the number distri-
bution has been the preferred approach, as exposed by Puel et al.
(2003a). = B0 + B̄ − D̄
2.3. Moments of the distribution = μ0 G + B̄ − D̄
dt (12)
The moment j of the number distribution n is defined as in = 2μ1 G + B̄ − D̄
Eq. (8): dμ3
= 3μ2 G + B̄ − D̄
∞ dt
μj = Lj n(L, t) dL (8)
In the set of Eq. (12), B0 is the nucleation rate. When only
For the number distribution based on volume as internal coor- nucleation and growth are being considered, the moments can
dinate, the moment j is given by Eq. (9): be generated by the ordinary differential equation given by Eq.
μj = vj n (v, t) dv (9)
0 dμj
= 0j B0 + jGμj−1 (13)
The zeroth moment (j = 0) represents the total number of par- dt
ticles present in the system, while the total volume of particles
is inferred from the third moment (j = 3) defined by Eq. (8) or It is easy to derive the ODEs when PBE is a two-dimensional
from the first moment (j = 1) defined by Eq. (9). one:
210 C.B.B. Costa et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 31 (2007) 206–218
age population density in each class. The method turns the PBE Possible choices of the weighting functions include Dirac’s
in the so-called discretized population balance (DPB) and the delta functions, resulting in collocation methods, or the
resulting set of ODEs has so many equations as the number of basis functions themselves (possibly weighted), resulting in
granulometric classes. Galerkin’s techniques (Mahoney & Ramkrishna, 2002).
The computational effort for the numerical solution can be In FE methods, the infinite domain is truncated to a finite
severely reduced if the grid assumes a geometric progression— one, L = [0, Lmax ). This truncated domain is then partitioned into
the number of combinations of particles that must be NE discrete subdomains. For all L ∈ (La , Lb ], a subdomain, the
considered to evaluate the aggregation terms is substan- solution to the PBE will be approximated as a linear combination
tially reduced (Rigopoulos & Jones, 2003). Furthermore, of interpolation functions:
coarse discretization methods are particularly amenable to
process control applications because of the speed with nc
which solutions can be obtained especially when fronts and n(L) ≈ neh (L) = nej Ψje (L) ∀L ∈ (Lea , Leb ] (17)
discontinuities are not present (Ramkrishna & Mahoney, j=1
Two drawbacks can be cited. Conservation of both number of where nc is the number of nodes in element e, nj ’s are the
particles and mass is only guaranteed in the limit of infinite reso- nodal values of the density distribution and the Ψ j (L)’s are
lution and a discontinuity can arise along the separatrix, which is the basis polynomials of order nc − 1 (Nicmanis & Hounslow,
the curve that divides states deriving from initial conditions from 1996).
those arising from boundary conditions. A sharp discontinuity The truncation results in an underestimation of the integrals of
can be created, which quickly broadens by numerical diffusion the death term due to agglomeration and breakage. In most prac-
in simulation (Mahoney & Ramkrishna, 2002). tical applications, the density distribution asymptotes towards
The weighted residuals comprise methods that retrieve the zero at sufficiently large particle sizes, so a maximum size can
distribution by approximating the solution with a series of trial be selected to be sufficiently large that underestimation is neg-
functions, whose coefficients are to be determined so that their ligibly small. However, care must be taken to avoid selection of
sum will satisfy the PBE. They are divided in weighted residuals unnecessarily large values of the upper limit, since tail regions
with global functions and finite element (FE) methods. Weighted can be difficult and/or computationally expensive to converge,
residual methods with global functions were among the first to be because of the very small values they can attain at large particle
tried in PBE numerical solution. It was soon realized, however, sizes (Nicmanis & Hounslow, 1998).
that global functions cannot capture the features of an arbitrar- In orthogonal collocation on finite elements (OCFE), the
ily shaped distribution, especially if it exhibits sharp changes residual is made small by forcing it to vanish at selected Li loca-
and discontinuities. If a priori knowledge of the shape of the tions, called the collocation points. The choice of these locations
resulting distribution is available, the trial functions can be tai- is vital, since they control the density of the collocation points
lored to accommodate it; in that case, the method converges and in the overall size domain. Thus, in regions with steep changes
C.B.B. Costa et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 31 (2007) 206–218 211
a higher density of collocation points is usually required. The Summarizing, a comparison of the DPB techniques with FE
domain partition into finite elements can be performed either methods reveals that, although the latter are more difficult to
based on previous knowledge about the shape and characteris- implement and computationally demanding, they are very gen-
tics of the distribution or based on the satisfaction of a certain eral and flexible, coping with any possible formulation, like size-
error criterion (Krallis et al., 2004). dependent growth and different aggregation kernels. However,
The choice of the basis functions, both in collocation and it is interesting to note that, when mechanisms of aggregation
Galerkin’s methods, must be suitable to the specific problem, and breakage are present, DPBs are a more natural choice, since
either in global or FE applications. Laguerre polynomials are these mechanisms are essentially discrete. DPBs are, on the other
relevant for continuous flow crystallizers, since the steady-state hand, methods easy to use and computationally efficient, but less
solution is exponential in the range [0, +∞) and the cyclic behav- general, driven to specific problems, and may incur in severe
ior frequently present can be satisfactorily represented (Puel et errors of certain distribution moments.
al., 2003a; Rawlings et al., 1992).
Advantages are convergence properties on the entire distri- 4. Application of numerical methods in literature
bution and the availability of adaptive mesh techniques. Major
drawbacks include the inability to capture discontinuities, as 4.1. Method of moments
may arise along the separatrix, and the computational overhead
arising from double integral evaluations in Galerkin’s formu- As already exposed, this method, although providing a simple
lations. Furthermore, the number of system states required to manipulation of the PBE, has a lot of restrictions and draw-
represent the solution grows exponentially with the number of backs. One of the most recent papers in crystallization area
dimensions (Mahoney & Ramkrishna, 2002). Here, DPBs are that uses this method is the one of Ma and Braatz (2003).
much easier and more robust to be extended in a second (or The main proposal was an approach for robust identification
third, if necessary) dimension (Puel et al., 2003a). and control of batch and semibatch processes and the two-
The major advantages of FE numerical solutions are their dimensional crystallization was used to demonstrate it. The
robustness, easier convergence and open scale of the size authors appealed to the cross-moments in order to reduce the
domain. Apart from that, FE method does not incur any trun- PBE, with only nucleation and size-independent growth, to a set
cation errors at the lower volume range and uses significantly of ODEs.
smaller amounts of memory when solving the PBE as well
as CPU time needed to convergence than some DPB methods 4.2. Discretized population balances
(Nicmanis & Hounslow, 1998).
The large number of schema that must be evaluated for a given Marchal et al. (1988) introduced the Method of Classes, appli-
system, as well as the difficulty to implement varying grid reso- cable to a general case, making possible to consider agglomer-
lutions are possible disadvantages of the FE approach, although ation, breakage and length-dependent growth rate. The method
existing theory makes extension to multiple internal coordi- discretizes the size domain interval in a free of choice grid,
nates reasonably straightforward. Under conditions of excessive generating granulometric classes or bins (Ci ). The mean size in
nucleation, the stiffness characteristics of the OCFE can cause each class is assumed as the characteristic size for all particles
integration problems (Immanuel & Doyle III, 2003). belonging to that class. The model assumes a constant value for
the density function in each bin (zero order method).
⎪ dN1 1 dV Qout N1 − Qin N1e G(L1 ) G(L1 )
⎪ dt + V dt N1 + + N2 + N1 = B0 + RA,1 − RB,1
⎪ V 2C2 2C1
⎨ dN
i 1 dV Qout Ni − Qin Nie G(Li ) G(Li ) − G(Li−1 ) G(Li−1 )
+ Ni + + Ni+1 + Ni − Ni−1 = RA,i − RB,i (18)
⎪ dt V dt V 2C i+1 2C i 2Ci−1
⎪ dNNE 1 dV Qout NNE − Qin NNEin −G(LNE−1 ) G(LNE−1 )
⎩ + NNE + + NNE − NNE−1 = RA,NE − RB,NE
dt V dt V 2CNE 2CNE−1
In their original work, Marchal et al. (1988) solved the formed
set of ODEs (Eq. (18)) with a fourth order Runge–Kutta code
and considered the mechanisms of nucleation, length depen-
An approach also used, which differs from the determinis- dent growth and agglomeration. The Method of Classes was
tic approach of the population balance considered so far, is the vastly used in literature to solve the PBE in crystallization and
probabilistic Monte Carlo method. In this technique, the solu- precipitation field, for simulation of experimental results, deter-
tion is determined using the Markov conditional probability, mination of kinetic parameters, modeling of process or optimiza-
which is the probability of a particular state proceeding to any tion of operation conditions (Blandin, Mangin, Nallet, Klein,
other state. Besides predicting the ensemble average properties, & Bossoutrot, 2001; David & Bossoutrot, 1996; David et al.,
it also predicts the fluctuations. This technique solves more com- 2003; David, Villermaux, Marchal, & Klein, 1991; Frank, David,
plex multi-dimensional population balance models (Immanuel Villermaux, & Klein, 1988; Matthews, Miller, & Rawlings,
& Doyle III, 2003). 1996; Matthews & Rawlings, 1998; Miller & Rawlings, 1994;
212 C.B.B. Costa et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 31 (2007) 206–218
Monnier, Févotte, Hoff, & Klein, 1996; Monnier, Févotte, Hoff, vi+1 /vi = 2) and is also a zero order method, that is, the particle-
& Klein, 1997; Nallet et al., 1998; Puel et al., 2003a; Puel, size density is considered constant in each bin. The discretization
Févotte, & Klein, 2003b). is chosen to prevent the high computational complexity associ-
The major drawback of the Method of Classes is its depen- ated with the aggregation term. The authors identified four types
dency of the number or density functions on the adopted grid. of aggregation interactions that can change the total population
Since the number of discretized equations increases with the in a size range and derived expressions for each one of them
number of classes, high computational times can be neces- separately. The derived discretized expressions for the number
sary for the solution of a fine grid. Self-adaptive discretization of particles due to the mechanisms of aggregation, growth and
has already been proposed in order to reduce the number of nucleation are given, respectively, by Eqs. (19)–(21). When the
differential equations, without affecting the results. Another dis- three mechanisms are present in the process, Eqs. (19)–(21) must
advantage of the method is that the feasibility of the computation be combined in order to compute the evolution of the number of
is, likely, strongly dependent on the complexity and location of particles in each size range during time.
individual birth and death processes.
Numerical problems described in literature arise from the dNi 1
= Ni−1 2j−i+1 βi−1,j Nj + βi−1,i−1 Ni−1
possible loss of crystals, leading to an unbalanced mass bal- dt agg 2
ance during the crystal growth. In coagulation (aggregation)
processes, the method conserves particle mass, but underesti- i−1
mates the number of entities (Kostoglou & Karabelas, 1994). − Ni 2j−i βi,j Nj − Ni βi,j Nj (19)
Kumar and Ramkrishna (1997) stress that the discretization j=1 j=i
equations for the Method of Classes have the potential to produce
negative values for the number of particles in each class and
that the results from this technique oscillate about the analytical dt growth
solution, apart from the fact that the numerical solutions around
2G r r
the location of a discontinuity are highly diffused, turning the = Ni−1 + Ni − 2 Ni+1 ,
(1 + r)Li r2 − 1 r −1
method not adequate to include growth. This is quite natural
Li+1 √
for finite-difference-type approximation as they have an infinite where r = = 2
velocity of propagation for the signal. Li
Puel et al. (2003a) extended the Method of Classes to a
bi-dimensional population balance, arguing that some organic
systems can not be represented solely by one characteristic = B0 (21)
dimension, being necessary the consideration of two particle dt nucl
dimensions. The bi-dimensional Method of Classes predicts the The set of equations derived was internally consistent with
time-variation of the crystal habit, which must be a point of regard to mass and total numbers (zeroth and, ultimately, third
concern in some applications. They suggest the implementation moments, in a length basis).
of an adaptive bi-dimensional algorithm to improve the com- The DPB proposed by Hounslow et al. (1988) was extended
putation. In order to speed it up, the LSODAR was adopted by Litster, Smit, and Hounslow (1995) in order to permit the
to solve the resulting ODEs. In order to cope with possible use of an adjustable discretization with the form vi+1 /vi = 21/q ,
unbalanced mass balance, the area of the each class in the grid q ≥ 1, integer. The expression for the contribution of aggregation
was reduced, requiring an enormous number of classes (6 × 105 with the adjustable discretization is given by Eq. (22).
q i−S(q−k+1)−k
dNi 2(j−i+1)/q 2(j−i+1)/q − 1 + 2−(k−1)/q
= βi−1,j Ni−1 Nj 1/q + βi−k,j Ni−k Nj
dt agg 2 −1 21/q − 1
j=1 k=2 j=i−S(q−k+2)−k+1
q i−S(q−k+1)−k+1
1 −2(j−i)/q + 21/q − 2−(k−1)/q
+ βi−q,i−q Ni−q
+ βi−k,j Ni−k+1 Nj
2 21/q − 1
k=2 j=i−S(q−k+2)−k+2
− βi,j Ni Nj − βi,j Ni Nj (22)
21/q − 1
j=1 j=i−S(q)+1
classes), which would prevent the use of this model for use in where S(q) = s=1 s.
real time applications. The numerical solution is as more accurate as greater the
Hounslow, Ryall, and Marshall (1988) have devoted many value of q, but this demands more computational time.
works in the modeling of kidney stones formation, a process in The major drawback to the application of the method pro-
which only growth and aggregation are involved. The method posed by Litster et al. (1995) is its limitation in combined growth
developed by them discretize the particle-size
√ domain in a fixed and aggregation mechanisms at large times, although nucleation
geometric progression (Li+1 /Li = 3 2, which is equivalent to problems can be successfully solved with such method.
C.B.B. Costa et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 31 (2007) 206–218 213
Kumar and Ramkrishna (1996a) propose a discretization the variation of the relevant density in the ith size range. In this
method for the PBE solution for breakage and agglomeration way, if the density in a section changes from steeply decreas-
mechanisms, in which the size (volume) domain is divided into ing to nearly uniform due to the particulate process, the pivot
sections of arbitrarily scales and a representative volume (pivot) moves from the lower end of the section to the middle. Eq. (25)
is chosen in each section. The main feature is not an attempt to expresses the movement of the pivots in each section and Eq.
approximate the continuous number density function on a suit- (26) computes the evolution of the number of particles.
ably fine scale, but rather to target calculation of properties of the
population of specific interest to an application without seeking j≥k
dxi 1
the complete number density function resulting from the process =
dt Ni
events. In the method, called fixed-pivot (FP) technique, events j, k
among particles that lead to the formation of particles of sizes vi ≤ (xj + xk ) < vi+1
other then the pivot ones are incorporated in the set of discretized
equations, in such a way that the properties corresponding to two 1
× 1 − δj,k (xj + xk ) − xi βj,k N j Nk
moments of interest are exactly preserved. The moments to be 2
preserved determine the two values of j in Eq. (9), here assigned
(v) (1)
to ζ and ξ. These last two variables determine the value of η − b(xj )Nj B̄i,j − xi B̄i,j (25)
in Eq. (23), used in Eq. (24), which computes the evolution of Ni
number of particles in each section.
⎧ ζ ζ ζ
⎪ v xi+1 − vξ xi+1 j≥k
⎪ , xi ≤ v ≤ xi+1 dNi 1
⎨ xζ xξ − xξ xζ
= 1 − δj,k βj,k Nj N k
i i+1 i i+1 dt 2
η= (23)
ζ ζ
vζ xi−1 − vξ xi−1 j, k
⎪ , xi−1 ≤ v ≤ xi
⎩ ζ ξ ξ ζ vi ≤ (xj + xk ) < vi+1
xi xi−1 − xi xi−1
− Ni βj,k Nk + b(xj )Nj B̄i,j − b(xi )Ni (26)
dNi 1
= 1 − δj,k ηβj,k N j Nk k=1 j≥i
dt 2
j, k (v) v
where B̄i,j = vii+1 vβ(v, xj ) dv.
xi−1 ≤ (xj + xk ) ≤ xi+1 The new technique, called moving-pivot (MP) technique,
shows that the correct discrete representation of the birth term
− Ni βj,k Nk + ni,k bk Nk − bi Ni (24) due to the coalescence of smaller entities (which determines the
k=1 k=1 movement of the front) is crucial for the accuracy of the numer-
ical solutions.
Kotoulas and Kiparissides (2004) and Krallis et al. (2004) The disadvantage of the two previous techniques of not
used the FP technique for the numerical solution of the PBE including nucleation and growth terms was overcome with the
applied to polymerization reactors. Stork, Tousain, Wieringa, work of Kumar and Ramkrishna (1997), which combines the
and Bosgra (2003) also used the FP technique with a geometric developed discretized technique with the method of character-
grid of factor 1.2, but in a process of emulsification. istics. The scale boundaries move with the growth rate of the
The main advantages of the method lie in the feature of pre- particles belonging to the respective interval (Eqs. (27) and (28)).
serving any two free of choice properties of the distribution The presence of nucleation poses a new difficulty because a sit-
and in the possibility of varying the coarseness of discretiza- uation arises when some or all of the nuclei become smaller than
tion. Furthermore, for appropriate values of involved parame- the smallest particle size represented in the bins, due to the bins
ters, it produces solutions that are exactly identical to those of movement. This problem is overcome by adding new bins, one
Hounslow et al. (1988) and Litster et al. (1995) with less com- at a time (Eqs. (29) and (30)), with zero population at the small
putation time. Nevertheless, the method is restricted to aggre- size end at regular intervals and the renumber of the old bins as
gation and breakage events, which makes the method useful in increasing sequence of integers. The number of equations that
polymerization–depolymerization and aerosol dynamics prob- need to be solved increases very rapidly, making the technique
lems (and indeed a lot of work which uses this numerical method computation-intensive. The effectiveness is restored by elimi-
is found in the open literature), but not in crystallization ones. nating some of the pivots to make the grid coarser in larger sizes
Apart from that, according to Kumar and Ramkrishna (1996a), and assigning them to the adjoining pivots in a way that the
over prediction is always present with the discretized equations desired properties of the population at the pivot in question are
for pure aggregation, unless special effort is made to prevent it. preserved. Eq. (31) provides for the calculation on the number
Due to this over prediction, Kumar and Ramkrishna (1996b) of particles in each section.
developed a technique that accounts for the variation of number
density in a size range, proposing the definition of the pivots in dvi
= G(vi ) (27)
such a way that their location in size range {vi , vi+1 } reflects dt
214 C.B.B. Costa et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 31 (2007) 206–218
dvi+1 populations of new ith and (i + 1)th meshes should satisfy Eqs.
= G(vi+1 ) (28)
dt (37) and (38).
new new
dv1 dv0 (t) kv xi+1 xi+1 − kv xiold xiold old
= (29) Ni = new new
new N (37)
dt dt kv xi+1 xi+1 − kv xinew xinew i
dx1 1 dv1 dv2
= + (30) kv xiold xiold − kv xinew xinew old
dt 2 dt dt Ni+1 = new new
new N (38)
kv xi+1 xi+1 − kv xinew xinew i
The adaptive mesh method was applied to a potassium sulfate
dNi (t) 1
= 1 − δj,k ηβj,k Nj (t)Nk (t) crystallization system, showing that the method is suitable for
dt 2 the simulation of crystallization processes.
xi−1 ≤(xj +xk )≤si+1
reasonably small numbers of elements and the collocation The integral approach can have more applications and it is
and Galerkin methods made almost identical predictions and easier to understand, having intuitive derivation in many cases.
converged in similar numbers of iterations. The Galerkin algo- It can be employed to any residence-time distributions in contin-
rithm, however, requires additional integrations that make this uous operations. Furthermore, it does not require the evaluation
method computationally much more expensive than collocation of the CSD in each time step, which can mean great computa-
method. The authors claim that the FE method proves to be tional time saving in applications where the detailed CSD is not
able to predict two orders of magnitude more accurate than the needed in each instant.
results of the DPB developed by Litster et al. (1995) and that The great disadvantage of this approach lies in its difficulty
a mixed collocation-Galerkin formulation can be used to avoid to cope with more complicated phenomena, like agglomeration.
the ill-conditioned matrices associated with growth problems.
The OCFE was also used by Crowley, Meadows, Kostoulas, 5.2. Kinetics decomposition
and Doyle III (2000), Immanuel et al. (2002) and Doyle III,
Harrison, and Crowley (2003), applied to the emulsion poly- Immanuel and Doyle III (2003) proposed other different
merization field, using Lagrange and Legendre interpolation approach based on employing individual rates of nucleation,
polynomials. growth and coagulation to update the PSD in a hierarchical
Mahoney and Ramkrishna (2002) improved two refinements framework, with a semi-analytical solution in the coagulation
in the Galerkin’s method on FE for the solution of PBEs for kernel, which reduces the computational requirement. Stiff-
precipitation systems, in order to reduce the traditional draw- ness is claimed to be eliminated by the decomposition of the
backs of this method: the time required for computation of the fast and the slow kinetics. The algorithm follows a two step
two-dimensional integrals arising from the aggregation integrals strategy—one to calculate the individual rates of nucleation,
and the difficulty in handling discontinuities that often arise in growth and coagulation, and the other to update the PSD based
simulations of seeded crystallizers. Linear basis functions were on these individual rates. The method discretizes the size particle
chosen. Computational costs were enormously reduced with the domain, but the proposed approach turns the method a com-
careful arrangement of invariant integrals of separable aggrega- pletely different mathematical perspective other than a strictly
tion models. The discontinuities are proposed to be specifically DPB.
tracked by the method of characteristics. It is found that the The method is applied to emulsion polymerization, but can
computation speed may be sufficient for dynamic online opti- be extended to other PBE systems. According to the authors,
mization. efficacy of the method in on-line feedback applications is guar-
A FE scheme was used by Rigopoulos and Jones (2003) with anteed from a computational standpoint, while not losing any
collocation linear elements and an upwind propagation of growth process information. In addition to this advantage, the current
term. The method is claimed to be computationally much faster code is very robust to a variety of operating conditions that one
than higher-order FE collocation methods, such as cubic splines, might encounter in industrial practice, including very high nucle-
or integral FE schemes, such as the Galerkin’s. ation rates.
5. Alternative numerical methods for solving the PBE 5.3. Closed-form solution with the method of
This section deals with some alternative methods to solve
the PBE that are not included in the general classification Lee, Lee, Yang, and Mahoney (2002) used a closed-form of
of method of moments, discretization and weighted residual solution of the PBE, when the growth rate takes on a separa-
methods. ble form of Gt GL in which Gt is the time-dependent part of
the growth rate and GL is the size-dependent part. The solu-
5.1. Integral method tion involves an integral along the characteristic curve and the
analytical solution is given by the set of Eq. (39):
A different approach in the modeling of particulate processes
V (t0 ) GL (Lb )
was made by Wynn and Hounslow (1997) by following the n(L, t) = nt (Lb ) for Lb (L, t) ≥ 0
progress of particles since their insertion (through the feed flow V (t) 0 GL (L)
V (tb ) GL (0)
or generation as nuclei) and computing their contribution to the n(L, t) = nL (tb ) for tb (L, t) ≥ t0
eventual crystal size distribution (CSD). This approach leads to V (t) 0 GL (L)
integrals from earlier times and smaller sizes until the present where t0 is the start time of growth reaction. Lb and tb are the birth
time and size, opposing to the traditional treatment of deriva- size and birth time of the particle of size L at time t, respectively,
tives. It reduces to the characteristics method for a batch case, and can be obtained by solving the following Eqs. (40) and (41):
without nucleation and with length-dependent growth: particles L t
in an interval are described by their characteristic curve, defined dl = Gt (t ) dt (40)
by the growth rate equation. Due to the differences in the growth Lb GL (l) t0
rates between the lowest and the highest interval boundaries, the L t
interval width changes, while the number of particles remains dl = Gt (t ) dt (41)
unchanged. 0 GL (l) tb
216 C.B.B. Costa et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 31 (2007) 206–218
of the system. As the number of considered classes increases great advantage of being general and able to handle any for-
in the same size range, the solution is more accurate. The solu- mulation of the PBE. The computational burden was improved
tions with 25 and 50 classes are closer to each other than that in the work of Mahoney and Ramkrishna (2002), turning the
of just 5 granulometric classes, but, since they are not superim- computational speed sufficient for dynamic online optimization.
posed, 50 classes is still not a enough number of classes for the As other presented methods, the integral approach has its
method convergence. The main idea in the selection of optimal limitations in the comprised kinetic mechanisms. The integral
number of granulometric class is to increase it to the limit that approach can save great computational time when detailed CSD
produces no more change in the results (system minimization is not needed in each instant, but cannot easily handle with
realization). Furthermore, the greater the number of granulomet- agglomeration and breakage.
ric classes, the better is the accuracy in the mass balance, a fact
easily observed with the application of the Method of Classes. Acknowledgments
Though the previous remarks represent disadvantages
observed in the applicability of the method, it is easy to be imple- The authors would like to thank the Unicamp Scholarship
mented, leading to a very fast code, which took approximately Program and CNPq.
35 s to simulate a batch with 3000 time iterations in a AMD
XP 2.4 GHz Processor with 50 granulometric classes. This is an References
important feature for on-line applications.
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