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Unit 3

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• S1- Stack ADT, Stack - Array Implementation
• S2- Stack Linked List Implementation, Applications of Stack-Infix
to Postfix Conversion
• S3- Applications of Stack-Postfix Evaluation, Balancing symbols
• S6- Applications of Stack- Nested Function Calls, Recursion
concept using stack
• S7- Tower of Hanoi, Queue ADT
• S8- Queue implementation using array and Linked List
• S11- Circular Queue and implementation
• S12- Applications of Queue and double ended queue
• S13- Priority Queue and its applications
• Abstract Data Type (ADT)

– It is a mathematical model for data types

– An abstract data type is defined by its behavior
(semantics) from the point of view of a user, of
the data, specifically in terms of possible values,
possible operations on data of this type, and the
behavior of these operations. Set of values and set of
• A stack is an ADT
– It follows Last In First Out (LIFO) methodology
perform operations push, pop, etc.
What is STACK?

Diagram Reference : http://www.firmcodes.com/write-a-c-program-to-implement-a-stack-using-an-array-and-linked-list/

• Stack works on “Last in First out” or “First in Last Out”,

• Plates placed one over another
• The plate at the top is removed first & the bottommost
plate kept longest period of time.
• So, it follows LIFO/FILO order.
Stack Example

Diagram Reference: https://www.codesdope.com/course/data-structures-stacks/

• Always new items are added at top of the stack and also
removed from the top of the stack only.

• Entry and Exit at same point

STACK – Data Structure
• Stack is a Linear Data Structure
• Follows a particular order to perform the
• The order are either
LIFO(Last In First Out)
FILO(First In Last Out).
STACK - Operations
• push
– Pushing (storing) an element on the stack
– If the stack is full, Overflow condition is enabled.
• Pop
– Removing (accessing) an element from the stack.
– The elements are popped in the decreasing order.
– If the stack is empty, Underflow condition enabled.
STACK – Additional Functionality
• For effective utilization of the stack, Status of the stack
should be checked. For that additional functionality is of
the stack is given below
• Peek or Top
– Accessing the top element. Without removing the top
• isFull
– check if stack is full.
• isEmpty
– check if stack is empty.
Stack Operation Example
Stack Implementation - Array
Stack - Array
• One dimensional array is enough to implement the stack

• Array size always fixed

• Easy to implement
• Create fixed size one dimensional array
– insert or delete the elements into the array using LIFO
principle using the variable 'top‘
Stack - top
• About top

– Initial value of the top is -1

– To insert a value into the stack, increment the top

value by one and then insert

– To delete a value from the stack, delete the top value

and decrement the top value by one
Steps to create an empty stack
1. Declare the functions like push, pop, display etc. need
to implement the stack.

2. Declare one dimensional array with fixed size

3. Declare a integer variable 'top' and initialize it with '-1'.

(int top = -1)
Inserting value into the stack
• push() is a function used to insert a new element into
stack at top position.
• Push function takes one integer value as parameter
1. Check whether stack is FULL based on (top == SIZE-1)

2. If stack is FULL, then display "Stack is FULL Nota able to

Insert element” and terminate the function.

3. If stack is NOT FULL, then increment top value by one

(top=top+1) and set (stack[top] = value)
pop() –
Delete a value from the Stack
• pop() is a function used to delete an element from the
stack from top position
• Pop function does not take any value as parameter
1. Check whether stack is EMPTY using (top == -1)

2. If stack is EMPTY, then display "Stack is EMPTY No

elements to delete" and terminate the function

3. If stack is NOT EMPTY, then delete stack[top] and

decrement top value by one (top=top-1)
Displays the elements of a Stack

• display() – function used to Display the elements of

a Stack

1. Check whether stack is EMPTY based on (top == -1)

2. If stack is EMPTY, then display "Stack is EMPTY" and

terminate the function

3. If stack is NOT EMPTY, display the value in decreasing

order of array
Stack Push Example

Diagram reference :http://www.exploredatabase.com/2018/01/stack-abstract-data-type-data-structure.html

Stack Pop Example
Another Example of Stack
Push & Pop

Image Reference : https://www.hackerearth.com/practice/notes/stacks-and-queues/

Cons Stack - Array
• The size of the array should be mentioned at the
beginning of the implementation

• If more memory needed or less memory needed that

time this array implementation is not useful
Stack Implementation – Linked List
Pros Stack – Linked List
• A stack data structure can be implemented by using a
linked list

• The stack implemented using linked list can work for the
variable size of data. So, there is no need to fix the size at
the beginning of the implementation
Stack – Linked list
• Dynamic Memory allocation of Linked list is
• The nodes are scattered and
non-contiguously in the memory
• Each node contains a pointer to its immediate
successor node in the stack
• Stack is said to be overflown if the space left
in the memory heap is not enough to create a
Stack – Linked list
• In linked list implementation of a stack, every new
element is inserted as 'top' element.
• That means every newly inserted element is pointed by
• To remove an element from the stack, simply remove the
node which is pointed by 'top' by moving 'top' to its
previous node in the list.
• The next field of the First element must be
always NULL.
Example Stack – Linked List

Diagram Reference : http://www.btechsmartclass.com/data_structures/stack-using-linked-list.html

Create Node – Linked List
1. Include all the header files which are used in the
program. And declare all the user defined functions
2. Define a 'Node' structure with two
members data and next
3. Define a Node pointer 'top' and set it to NULL
4. Implement the main method by displaying Menu with
list of operations and make suitable function calls in
the main method
Inserting an element into the Stack
1. Create a newNode with given value

2. Check whether stack is Empty (top == NULL)

3. If it is Empty, then set newNode → next = NULL

4. If it is Not Empty, then set newNode → next = top

5. Finally, set top = newNode

Deleting an Element from a Stack
1. Check whether stack is Empty (top == NULL)

2. If it is Empty, then display "Stack is Empty!!! Deletion is not

possible!!!" and terminate the function

3. If it is Not Empty, then define a Node pointer 'temp' and set

it to 'top‘

4. Then set 'top = top → next‘

5. Finally, delete 'temp'. (free(temp))

Displaying stack of elements
1. Check whether stack is Empty (top == NULL)
2. If it is Empty, then display 'Stack is Empty!!!' and
terminate the function
3. If it is Not Empty, then define a Node pointer 'temp' and
initialize with top
4. Display 'temp → data --->' and move it to the next node.
Repeat the same until temp reaches to the first node in
the stack. (temp → next != NULL)
5. Finally! Display 'temp → data ---> NULL'
Stack - Applications
1. Infix to Postfix Conversion
2. Postfix Evaluation
3. Balancing Symbols
4. Nested Functions
5. Tower of Hanoi
Infix to Postfix Conversion
• Expression conversion is the most important application
of stacks

• Given an infix expression can be converted to both prefix

and postfix notations

• Based on the Computer Architecture either Infix to

Postfix or Infix to Prefix conversion is followed
What is Infix, Postfix & Prefix?
• Infix Expression : The operator appears in-between
every pair of operands. operand1 operator operand2

• Postfix expression: The operator appears in the

expression after the operands. operand1 operand2
operator (ab+)

• Prefix expression: The operator appears in the

expression before the operands. operator operand1
operand2 (+ab)
Example – Infix, Prefix & Postfix

Infix Prefix Postfix

(A + B) / D /+ABD AB+D/

(A + B) / (D + E) /+AB+DE AB+DE+/

(A - B / C + E)/(A + B) / + - A / B C E + A B ABC/-E+AB+/

B ^2 - 4 * A * C -^B2**4AC B2^4A*C*-
Why postfix representation of the
• Infix expressions are readable and solvable by humans
because of easily distinguishable order of operators, but
compiler doesn't have integrated order of operators.

• The compiler scans the expression either from left to

right or from right to left.
Why postfix representation of the
• Consider the below expression: a op1 b op2 c op3 d
If op1 = +, op2 = *, op3 = +

a + b *c +d

• The compiler first scans the expression to evaluate the

expression b * c, then again scan the expression to add a
to it. The result is then added to d after another scan.
Why postfix representation of the
• The repeated scanning makes it very in-efficient. It is
better to convert the expression to postfix(or prefix)
form before evaluation.

• The corresponding expression in postfix form is:


• The postfix expressions can be evaluated easily in a

single scan using a stack.
Step 1 : Scan the Infix Expression from left to right.
Step 2 : If the scanned character is an operand, append it with final Infix to
Postfix string.
Step 3 : Else,
Step 3.1 : If the precedence order of the scanned(incoming) operator is
greater than the precedence order of the operator in the stack (or the stack
is empty or the stack contains a ‘(’ ), push it on stack.
Step 3.2 : Else, Pop all the operators from the stack which are greater than
or equal to in precedence than that of the scanned operator. After doing
that Push the scanned operator to the stack. (If you encounter parenthesis
while popping then stop there and push the scanned operator in the stack.)
Step 4 : If the scanned character is an ‘(‘ , push it to the stack.
Step 5 : If the scanned character is an ‘)’, pop the stack and and output it until a
‘(‘ is encountered, and discard both the parenthesis.
Step 6 : Repeat steps 2-6 until infix expression is scanned.
Step 7 : Print the output
Step 8 : Pop and output from the stack until it is not empty.

Image from Data Structures by Mark Allen Weiss book

Exercise Problems to Solve
Infix to Postfix conversion
1. A+B-C
2. A+B*C
3. (A+B)*C
4. (A+B)*(C-D)
5. ((A+B)*C-(D-E))%(F+G)
6. A*(B+C/D)
7. ((A*B)+(C/D))
8. ((A*(B+C))/D)
9. (A*(B+(C/D)))
10. (2+((3+4)*(5*6)))
11. B ^2 - 4 * A * C
12. (A - B / C + E)/(A + B)
Postfix Expression Evaluation
Postfix Expression
• A postfix expression is a collection of
operators and operands in which the operator
is placed after the operands.

Image Reference : http://www.btechsmartclass.com/data_structures/expressions.html

Postfix Expression Evaluation using
1. Read all the symbols one by one from left to right in the
given Postfix Expression
2. If the reading symbol is operand, then push it on to the
3. If the reading symbol is operator (+ , - , * , / etc.,), then
perform TWO pop operations and store the two popped
operands in two different variables (operand1 and
operand2). Then perform reading symbol operation
using operand1 and operand2 and push result back on
to the Stack.
4. Finally! perform a pop operation and display the popped
value as final result.
Example 1
Example 2

Image from Data Structures by Mark Allen Weiss book

Balancing Symbols
• Stacks can be used to check if the given expression has
balanced symbols or not.
• The algorithm is very much useful in compilers.
• Each time parser reads one character at a time.
– If the character is an opening delimiter like ‘(‘ , ‘{‘ or ‘[‘ then it is
PUSHED in to the stack.
– When a closing delimiter is encountered like ‘)’ , ‘}’ or ‘]’ is
encountered, the stack is popped.
– The opening and closing delimiter are then compared.
– If they match, the parsing of the string continues.
– If they do not match, the parser indicates that there is an error
on the line.
Balancing Symbols - Algorithm
• Create a stack
• while ( end of input is not reached ) {
– If the character read is not a symbol to be balanced, ignore
– If the character is an opening delimiter like ( , { or [ , PUSH
it into the stack.
– If it is a closing symbol like ) , } , ] , then if the stack is
empty report an error, otherwise POP the stack.
– If the symbol POP-ed is not the corresponding delimiter,
report an error.
• At the end of the input, if the stack is not empty report an
Example 1
Expression Valid? Description

The expression is
(A+B) + (C-D) Yes having balanced

One closing brace is

((A+B) + (C-D) No

Opening and closing

((A+B) + [C-D]) Yes
braces correspond

The last brace does

not correspond with
((A+B) + [C-D]] No
the first opening
Example 2

Image Reference : https://github.com/niinpatel/Parenthesis-Matching-with-Reduce-Method


1. https://www.tutorialspoint.com/data_structures_algorithms/stack_algorithm.htm
2. https://www.codesdope.com/course/data-structures-stacks/
3. http://www.firmcodes.com/write-a-c-program-to-implement-a-stack-using-an-array-and-link
4. http://www.btechsmartclass.com/data_structures/stack-using-linked-list.html
5. http://www.exploredatabase.com/2018/01/stack-abstract-data-type-data-structure.html
6. https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/stack-set-2-infix-to-postfix/
7. https://www.hackerearth.com/practice/notes/stacks-and-queues/
8. https://github.com/niinpatel/Parenthesis-Matching-with-Reduce-Method
9. https://www.studytonight.com/data-structures/stack-data-structure
10. https://www.programming9.com/programs/c-programs/230-c-program-to-convert-infix-to-p
Applications of Stack: Function Call and
• 2 types of Memory
– Stack
– Heap
• Stack memory stores the data (variables) related to
each function.
• Why is it called stack memory?
– The last function to be called is the first to return (LIFO)
– The data related to a function are pushed into the stack
when a function is called and popped when the function
Function Calls
• Function calls another function
->We are executing function A. In the course of
its execution, function A calls another function B.
Function B in turn calls another function C, which
calls function D.
Function A
Function B
Function C
Function D
• When A calls B, A is pushed on top of the system stack.
When the
execution of B is complete, the system control will remove A
the stack and continue with its execution.
• When B calls C, B is pushed on top of the system stack.
When the
execution of C is complete, the system control will remove B
the stack and continue with its execution.
• When C calls D, C is pushed on top of the system stack.
When the
execution of D is complete, the system control will remove C
the stack and continue with its execution.
• When D calls E, D is pushed on top of the system stack.
When the
execution of E is complete, the system control will remove D
the stack and continue with its execution.
• When E has executed, D will be removed for execution.
• When C has executed, B will be removed for execution.
• When D has executed, C will be removed for execution.
• When B has executed, A will be removed for execution.
Nested Function Calls
• Consider the code snippet below:
main() foo() bar()
{ { {
... ... ...
foo(); bar(); }
bar(); }
Nested Function Calls and Returns in
Stack Memory
• Stack memory when the code executes:

Direction of Stack growth

Image Source:
Function Call and Return in Stack
• Each call to a function pushes the function’s
activation record (or stack frame) into the
stack memory
• Activation record mainly consists of: local
variables of the function and function
• When the function finishes execution and
returns, its activation record is popped
• A recursive function is defined as a function that calls
• Since a recursive function repeatedly calls itself, it makes
use of the system stack to temporarily store the return
address and local variables of the calling function.
• Every recursive solution has two major cases. They are
▪ Base case, in which the problem is simple enough to be solved
directly without making any further calls to the same
▪ Recursive case, in which first the problem at hand is divided
into simpler sub-parts. Second the function calls itself but
with sub-parts of the problem obtained in the first step. Third,
the result is obtained by combining the solutions of simpler
• A recursive function is a function that calls itself
during its execution.
• Each call to a recursive function pushes a new
activation record (a.k.a stack frame) into the stack
• Each new activation record will consist of freshly
created local variables and parameters for that
specific function call.
• So, even though the same function is called
multiple times, a new memory space will be
created for each call in the stack memory.
Recursion Handling by Stack Memory
• Factorial

Direction of Stack growth

int fact( int n)
if (n==1)
return 1;


Image Source: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19865503/can-recursion-be-named-as-a-simple-function-call

Example : Factorial Of a Number
To calculate n!, we multiply the number with factorial of the
number that is 1 less than that number.
n! = n * (n–1)!
5! = 5 * 4! Where 4! = 4 * 3!
= 5 * 4 * 3! Where 3! = 3 * 2!
= 5 * 4 * 3 * 2! Where 2! = 2*1!
= 5 * 4 * 3 * 2 * 1! Where 1! = 1
= 120
Base case and Recursive Case
• Base case
When n = 1, because if n = 1, the result will be
1 as 1! = 1.
• Recursive case
Factorial function will call itself but with a
smaller value of n, this case can be given as
factorial(n) = n × factorial (n–1)
Advantages of using a recursive
• Recursive solutions often tend to be shorter
and simpler than non-recursive ones.
• Code is clearer and easier to use.
• Recursion works similar to the original formula
to solve a problem.
• Recursion follows a divide and conquer
technique to solve problems.
• In some (limited) instances, recursion may be
more efficient.
Drawbacks/Disadvantages of using a
recursive program

• For some programmers and readers, recursion is a difficult

• Recursion is implemented using system stack. If the stack
space on the system is limited,
• Recursion to a deeper level will be difficult to implement.
• Aborting a recursive program in midstream can be a very
slow process.
• Using a recursive function takes more memory and time to
execute as compared to its nonrecursive counterpart.
• It is difficult to find bugs, particularly while using global
Factorial using recursion
Towers of Hanoi
• Figure below shows three rings mounted on pole
A. The problem is to move all these rings from
pole A to pole C while maintaining the same
order. The main issue is that the smaller disk must
always come above the larger disk
A-> Source pole
B-> Spare pole
C-> Destination pole
• To transfer all the three rings from A to C, we will
first shift the upper
two rings (n–1 rings) from the source pole to the
spare pole.
1) Source pole -> Destination pole
2) Source pole -> Spare pole
3) Destination pole -> Spare pole
• n–1 rings have been removed from pole A, the nth
ring can be easily moved from the source pole (A)
to the destination pole (C).
4) Source pole -> Destination pole
• The final step is to move the n–1 rings from the spare
pole (B) to
the destination pole (C).
5) Spare pole -> Source pole
6) Spare pole -> Destination pole
7) Source pole -> Destination pole
Base case: if n=1
Move the ring from A to C using B as spare
Recursive case:
Move n – 1 rings from A to B using C as spare
Move the one ring left on A to C using B as spare
Move n – 1 rings from B to C using A as spare
Step by Step Illustration
Code Snippet
• Function Call:
move(n,'A', 'C', 'B');
• Function Definition:
Session 7
Applications of Recursion: Towers of
Towers of Hanoi Problem:
There are 3 pegs and n disks. All the n disks are stacked in 1 peg
in the order of their sizes with the largest disk at the bottom and
smallest on top. All the disks have to be transferred to another
Rules for transfer:
• Only one disk can be moved at a time.
• Each move consists of taking the upper disk from one of the
stacks and placing it on top of another stack i.e. a disk can
only be moved if it is the uppermost disk on a stack.
• No disk may be placed on top of a smaller disk.
Towers of Hanoi
• Initial Position:

• All disks from peg A have to be transferred to
peg C
Towers of Hanoi Solution for 3 disks

Image Source:
Towers of Hanoi – Recursive Solution
/* N = Number of disks
Beg, Aux, End are the pegs */

Tower(N, Beg, Aux, End)

if N = 1 then
Print: Beg --> End;
Call Tower(N-1, Beg, End,
Print: Beg --> End;
Call Tower(N-1, Aux, Beg,
The Queue ADT
• With a queue, insertion is done at one end
whereas deletion is performed at the other
• It is a First In First Out (FIFO) Structure. That is,
the first element to enter into the queue will
be the firstFro
element to get out
of the queue.

Image Source: https://www.codesdope.com/course/data-structures-q

• Queue is a linear data structure in which the insertion and
deletion operations are performed at two different ends.
• In a queue data structure, adding and removing elements are
performed at two different positions.
• The insertion is performed at one end and deletion is
performed at another end.
• In a queue data structure, the insertion operation is
performed at a position which is known as 'rear' and the
deletion operation is performed at a position which is known
as 'front’.
• In queue data structure, the insertion and deletion operations
are performed based on FIFO (First In First Out) principle.
Let us explain the concept of queues using the
analogies given below.
People moving on an escalator. The people
who got on the escalator first will be the first
one to step out of it.
People waiting for a bus. The first person
standing in the line will be the first one to
get into the bus.
People standing outside the ticketing
window of a cinema hall. The first person in
the line will get the ticket first and thus will
be the first one to move out of it.
Luggage kept on conveyor belts. The bag
which was placed first will be the first to
come out at the other end.
Cars lined at a toll bridge. The first car to
reach the bridge will be the first to leave.
The basic operations on a Queue
• Enqueue: inserts an element at the end of the
list (called the rear)
• Dequeue: deletes (and returns) the element at
the start of the list (called the front).

• Peek: Get the front element

Queue Representations
• Queues can be represented using:
– Arrays
– Linked Lists
• Queues can be implemented by
using either arrays or linked lists.
• Array is the easiest way to
implement a queue. Queue can be
also implemented using Linked List
or Stack.
• Queues can be easily represented
using linear arrays. As stated
earlier, every queue has FRONT
and REAR variables that point to
the position from where deletions
and insertions can be done,
respectively. Implementation of queue using an array
Algorithm to insert an element in a Algorithm to delete an
Step 1: IF REAR = MAX-1 element from a queue
Write OVERFLOW Goto step 4 Step 1: IF FRONT = -1 OR
Step 2: IF FRONT = -1 and REAR = -1
Step 2: EXIT
Drawback of array implementation
• Although, the technique of creating a queue is easy, but there are some
drawbacks of using this technique to implement a queue.
• Memory wastage: The space of the array, which is used to store queue
elements, can never be reused to store the elements of that queue
because the elements can only be inserted at front end and the value of
front might be so high so that, all the space before that, can never be
• Deciding the array size: One of the most common problem with array
implementation is the size of the array which requires to be declared in
advance. Due to the fact that, the queue can be extended at runtime
depending upon the problem, the extension in the array size is a time
taking process and almost impossible to be performed at runtime since a
lot of reallocations take place. Due to this reason, we can declare the array
large enough so that we can store queue elements as enough as possible
but the main problem with this declaration is that, most of the array slots
(nearly half) can never be reused. It will again lead to memory wastage.
• Due to the drawbacks discussed in the previous section, the array
implementation can not be used for the large scale applications
where the queues are implemented. One of the alternative of
array implementation is linked list implementation of queue.
• The storage requirement of linked representation of a queue with
n elements is o(n) while the time requirement for operations is
• In a linked queue, each node of the queue consists of two parts i.e.
data part and the link part. Each element of the queue points to its
immediate next element in the memory.
• In the linked queue, there are two pointers maintained in the
memory i.e. front pointer and rear pointer. The front pointer
contains the address of the starting element of the queue while
the rear pointer contains the address of the last element of the
• Insertion and deletions are performed at rear and front end
respectively. If front and rear both are NULL, it indicates that the
queue is empty.
Operations on Linked
The linked representation of queue is
shown in the following figure.
• There are two basic
operations which can
be implemented on the
linked queues.
• The operations are
Insertion and Deletion.
Operations on Linked Queue

Insertion operation Deletion operation

Step 1: Allocate the space for the Algorithm
new node PTR Step 1: IF FRONT = NULL
Write " Underflow " Go
SET FRONT = REAR = PTR to Step 5
[END OF IF] FRONT -> NEXT o Step 4:
• Step 4: END FREE PTR
Step 5: END
Array Implementation of Queues
• Queue can be implemented using a
one-dimensional array.
• We need to keep track of 2 variables: front
and rear
• front is the index in which the first element is
• rear is the index in which the last element is

Enqueue in Array Implementation of
//Basic Idea
Time Complexity:
enqueue(num): O(1)
Dequeue in Array Implementation of
//Basic Idea Time Complexity: O(1)
O(n) if elements are
dequeue(): shifted
num = queue[front]
return num
Enqueue and Dequeue in Queue

Image Source: https://slideplayer.com/slide/4151401/

Disadvantage of Array Implementation
of Queue
• Multiple enqueue and dequeue operations
may lead to situation like this:

• No more insertion is possible (since rear
cannot be incremented anymore) even though
2 spaces are free.
• Workaround: Circular Queue, Shifting
elements after each dequeue
Linked List Implementation of Queue

• In the linked list implementation of queue,

two pointers are used, namely, front and rear
• New nodes are created when an element has
to be inserted.
• Each node consists of queue element and a
pointer to the next node
Enqueue Operation in Linked List
Implementation of Queue
• Enqueue basic code: Time Complexity:
ptr -> data = item;O(1)
rear -> next = ptr;
rear = ptr;
rear -> next = NULL;

Image Source:
Dequeue Operation in Linked List
Implementation of Queue
• Dequeue basic code: Time Complexity:
ptr = front; O(1)

front = front -> next;



Image Source:
• Seymour Lipschutz, Data Structures, Schaum’s
Outlines, 2014.
Circular Queue
• Circular Queue is a linear data structure
in which the operations are performed
based on FIFO (First In First Out) principle
and the last position is connected back to
the first position to make a circle. It is
also called ‘Ring Buffer’.
• In a normal Queue, we can insert
elements until queue becomes full. But
once queue becomes full, we can not
insert the next element even if there is a
space in front of queue.
• Deletions and insertions can only be
performed at front and rear end
respectively, as far as linear queue is
• However, if we delete 2 elements at the
Consider the queue shown in the following figure.
front end of the queue, we still can not
insert any element since the condition
rear = max -1 still holds.
• This is the main problem with the linear
queue, although we have space available
in the array, but we can not insert any
more element in the queue. This is
simply the memory wastage and we
need to overcome this problem.
• The Queue shown in above figure is
completely filled and there can't be
inserted any more element due to the
condition rear == max - 1 becomes
• One of the solution of this problem is
circular queue. In the circular queue,
the first index comes right after the
last index. You can think of a circular
queue as shown in the following
• One of the solution of this problem is
circular queue. In the circular queue,
the first index comes right after the
last index. You can think of a circular • Circular queue will be full when
queue as shown in the following front = -1 and rear = max-1.
figure. Implementation of circular queue is
similar to that of a linear queue.
Only the logic part that is
implemented in the case of
insertion and deletion is different
from that in a linear queue.
Algorithm to insert an element in circular
Insertion in Circular queue queue
• There are three scenario of inserting Step 1: IF (REAR+1)%MAX = FRONT
an element in a queue. Write " OVERFLOW "
• If (rear + 1)%maxsize = front, the Goto step 4
queue is full. In that case, overflow [End OF IF]
occurs and therefore, insertion can Step2:IF FRONT=-1andREAR=-1
not be performed in the queue. SET FRONT = REAR = 0
• If rear != max - 1, then rear will be
incremented to the mod(maxsize) and IF REAR = MAX - 1 and FRONT ! = 0
the new value will be inserted at the SET REAR = 0
rear end of the queue. ELSE
• If front != 0 and rear = max - 1, then it [END OF IF]
means that queue is not full Step 3: SET QUEUE[REAR] = VAL o Step 4:
therefore, set the value of rear to 0 EXIT
and insert the new element there.
Algorithm to delete an element in
Deletion in Circular queue circular queue
• To delete an element from the circular
queue, we must check for the three following Step 1: IF FRONT = -1
conditions. Write " UNDERFLOW " Goto Step
• If front = -1, then there are no elements in 4
the queue and therefore this will be the case [END of IF]
of an underflow condition.
• If there is only one element in the queue, in Step 2: SET VAL = QUEUE[FRONT]
this case, the condition rear = front holds and Step 3: IF FRONT = REAR
therefore, both are set to -1 and the queue is
deleted completely. SET FRONT = REAR = -1 ELSE
• If front = max -1 then, the value is deleted IF FRONT = MAX -1
from the front end the value of front is set to SET FRONT = 0
• Otherwise, the value of front is incremented SET FRONT = FRONT + 1
by 1 and then delete the element at the front
end. [END of IF]
Step 4: EXIT
Operations Involved
• Enqueue
• Dequeue
Variables Used
• MAX- Number of entries in the array
• Front – is the index of front queue entry in an array
(Get the front item from queue)
• Rear – is the index of rear queue entry in an
array.(Get the last item from queue)
Concepts of Circular Queue
Illustration of Enqueue and Dequeue
Applications of Queue
• Queue, as the name suggests is used whenever we need to
manage any group of objects in an order in which the first
one coming in, also gets out first while the others wait for
their turn, like in the following scenarios:
• Serving requests on a single shared resource, like a printer,
CPU task scheduling etc.
• In real life scenario, Call Center phone systems uses Queues
to hold people calling them in an order, until a service
representative is free.
• Handling of interrupts in real-time systems. The interrupts
are handled in the same order as they arrive i.e First come
first served.
Review Questions
1. Explain the concept of a circular queue? How is it better than a linear queue?
2. Draw the queue structure in each case when the following operations are performed on an empty queue.
(a)Add A, B, C, D, E, F. (b) Delete two letters
(c) Add G (d) Add H
(e) Delete four letters (f) Add I
3. The circular queue will be full only when _____.
(a) FRONT=MAX-1 and REAR=MAX-1 (b) FRONT=0 and REAR=MAX-1
(c) FRONT=MAX-1 and REAR=0. (d) FRONT=0 and REAR=0
4. The function that deletes values from a queue is called ______.
(a) Enqueue (b)dequeue
(c) Pop (d) peek
5. New nodes are added at of the queue.
6. _________ allows insertion of elements at either ends but not in the middle.
7. A queue is a _____ data structure in which the element that is inserted first is the first one to be taken out.
8. In a circular queue, the first index comes after the ______ index.
9. In the computer’s memory, queues can be implemented using _________ and _______.
10. The storage requirement of linked representation of queue with n elements is ____ and the typical time
requirement for operations is _______.
Difference between Queue and Circular
• In a normal Queue, we can insert elements until
queue becomes full. But once queue becomes full, we
can not insert the next element even if there is a space
in front of queue.

• The unused memory locations in the case of ordinary

queues can be utilized in circular queues.
Circular Queue Example-ATM
ATM is the best example for the circular queue. It does
the following using circular queue
1. ATM sends request over private network to central
2. Each request takes some amount of time to process.
3. More request may arrive while one is being
4. Server stores requests in queue if they arrive while
it is busy.
5. Queue processing time is negligible compared to
request processing time.
Josephus problem
Flavius Josephus is a Jewish historian living in the 1st
century. According to his account, he and his 40
comrade soldiers were trapped in a cave, surrounded by
Romans. They chose suicide over capture and decided
that they would form a circle and start killing
themselves using a step of three. As Josephus did not
want to die, he was able to find the safe place, and
stayed alive with his comrade, later joining the Romans
who captured them.
Can you find the safe place?
3 4 4
3 1 2 3
3 9 0 1 4
3 8
7 5
3 6 6
3 5 7
3 4 8
3 3 9
2 Safe place 1
3 0
1 1
0 Can you find the safe 1
place? 1 2
8 2 1 3
7 2 1 4
2 1 5
6 2 1 1
5 2 2 2 2 1 6
4 8 7
3 2 1 0 9
The first algorithm: Simulation
• We can find f(n) using simulation.
– Simulation is a process to imitate the real objects,
states of affairs, or process.
– We do not need to “kill” anyone to find f(n).
• The simulation needs
(1) a model to represents “n people in a circle”
(2) a way to simulate “kill every 2nd person”
(3) knowing when to stop
Model n people in a circle
• We can use “data structure” to model it.
• This is called a
“circular linked list”. 1
– Each node is of some 8 2
“struct” data type
– Each link is a “pointer” 7 3
struct node {
int ID; 6 4
struct node *next; 5
Kill every 2 person
• Remove every 2nd node in the circular liked list.
– You need to maintain
the circular linked 1
structure after 8 2
removing node 2
– The process can 7
continue until … 3
6 4
Knowing when to stop
• Stop when there is only one node left
– How to know that?
– When the *next is 1
pointing to itself 8
– It’s ID is f(n)
• f(8) = 1 7 3
6 4
Double Ended Queue
• Double Ended Queue is also a Queue data structure in
which the insertion and deletion operations are
performed at both the ends (front and rear).
Double Ended Queue

Double Ended Queue can be represented inTWO


• Input Restricted Double Ended Queue

• Output Restricted Double Ended Queue
Input Restricted Double Ended

In input restricted double ended queue, the insertion

operation is performed at only one end and deletion
operation is performed at both the ends.

Input Restricted Double Ended Queue

Output Restricted Double Ended
In output restricted double ended queue, the deletion
operation is performed at only one end and insertion
operation is performed at both the ends
Priority Queue
• Priority Queue is an extension of a queue with
following properties.
• Every item has a priority associated with it.
• An element with high priority is dequeued before an
element with low priority.
• If two elements have the same priority, they are
served according to their order in the queue.
Priority Queue Example
Operations Involved
• insert(item, priority): Inserts an item with given

• getHighestPriority(): Returns the highest priority


• pull_highest_priority_element: remove the element

from the queue that has the highest priority, and
return it.
Implementation of priority queue
– Circular array
– Multi-queue implementation
– Double Link List
– Heap Tree
Node of linked list in priority queue
It comprises of three parts
• Data − It will store the integer value.

• Address − It will store the address of a next node

• Priority −It will store the priority which is an integer

value. It can range from 0-10 where 0 represents the
highest priority and 10 represents the lowest priority.

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