Weaver Catalog
Weaver Catalog
Weaver Catalog
2 0 1 1 product catalog
Super Slam Super Slam eurO-STYle Grand Slam TacTical claSSic V-SerieS claSSic K-SerieS claSSic rimfire T-SerieS claSSic HandGun 40/44 SerieS red/Green dOT SiGHT claSSic SpOTTinG 4-5 6-7 8-9 10-11 12-13 14-15 16-17 18-19 20-21 22-23 24-25 26-27
Super Slam Grand Slam claSSic 28-29 30-31 32-33
bUCk COmmAndER
OpTicS pOucHeS 34-35 36-37
micrO-Trac SYSTem 38
acceSSOrieS/OpTic Gear 39
TOOl & KiTS 40-41
Grand Slam Quad lOcK fOur HOle Six HOle muzzlelOader/.22 Tip Off muzzlelOader deTacHable TOp mOunT SHOTGun/piSTOl ScOuT 42-43 44 45 45 46 47 48-49 50-51 52
rinGS/mOunTS/baSeS 53-55
rinGS 56-57
cHarTS/mOunTinG cHarTS 58-67
rinGS & baSeS cHarTS mOunT cHarTS 68 69-71
T O U GH S HO T S , R O U GH P L A C E S .
dual-X Heavy dual-X
2-10 x 50 800325
ill. duplex
1-5 x 24 849352
WelcOme TO THe laTeST eVOluTiOn Of OpTicSTHe Super Slam SerieS frOm WeaVer. enGineered TO meeT THe STricT STandardS Of THe leGendarY WeaVer name, THe Super Slam ScOpeS are lOaded WiTH all THe laTeST TecHnOlOGical adVanceS Of mOdern HiGHend OpTicS. if YOu KnOW and TruST THe WeaVer name, YOull be impreSSed WiTH THiS line Of premier rifleScOpeS deSiGned fOr THe SeriOuS biG Game HunTer and SHOOTer.
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model description power, objective special Features Finish reticle
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length (in./mm) click value adjustment range in. @ 100 yds/mm @ 100m in. @ 100 yds/m @ 100m weight (oZ./g)
a portion of the proceeds of every Super Slam scope sold goes to benefit the rocky mountain elk foundation.
849352 800310 800311 800315 800320 800325 800330 800335 800340 800341 800345 800348 800350 800352 800355
1-5 x 24 2-10 x 42 2-10 x 42 2-10 x 42 2-10 x 50 2-10 x 50 3-15 x 42 3-15 x 42 3-15 x 50 3-15 x 50 3-15 x 50 3-15 x 50 4-20 x 50 4-20 x 50 4-20 x 50
Dangerous Game Matte Heavy Dual-X 11.4-4.9 Matte Dual-X 10.53-3.82 Silver Dual-X 10.53-3.82 Matte BDC 10.53-3.82 Matte Dual-X 10.5-4.4 Matte BDC 10.5-4.4 Side Focus Matte Dual-X 10.5-2.34 Side Focus Matte BDC 10.5-2.34 Side Focus Matte Dual-X 10.52-3.32 Side Focus Silver Dual-X 10.52-3.32 Side Focus Matte BDC 10.52-3.32 Side Focus Matte ill. Duplex 10.52-3.32 Side Focus Matte Dual-X 10.5-2.44 Side Focus Matte Fine-X w/Dot 10.5-2.44 Side Focus Matte BDC 10.5-2.44
100-19.9/33.3-6.6 49.1-9.9/16.4-3.3 49.1-9.9/16.4-3.3 49.1-9.9/16.4-3.3 48.1-9.7/16-3.2 48.1-9.7/16-3.2 33.1-6.6/11.-2.2 33.1-6.6/11.-2.2 33.9-6.8/11.3-2.3 33.9-6.8/11.3-2.3 33.9-6.8/11.3-2.3 33.9-6.8/11.3-2.3 24.5-4.9/8.2-1.6 24.5-4.9/8.2-1.6 24.5-4.9/8.2-1.6
4.25/108 4.09/104 4.09/104 4.13/105 4.13/105 4.13/105 3.98/101 3.98/101 3.98/101 3.98/101 3.98/101 3.98/101 3.98/101 3.98/101 3.98/101
10.31/262 13.19/335 13.19/335 13.19/335 14.09/358 14.09/358 13.39/340 13.43/341 13.19/335 13.19/335 13.19/335 13.19/335 13.31/338 13.31/338 13.31/338
1/4 / 7.3 1/4 /7.3 1/4 / 7.3 1/4 / 7.3 1/4 / 7.3 1/4 / 7.3 1/4 / 7.3 1/4 / 7.3 1/4 / 7.3 1/4 / 7.3 1/4 / 7.3 1/4 / 7.3 1/8 / 3.6 1/8 / 3.6 1/8 / 3.6
62.84/1.75 52.36/1.45 52.36/1.45 52.36/1.45 52.36/1.45 52.36/1.45 41.89/1.16 41.89/1.16 41.89/1.16 41.89/1.16 41.89/1.16 41.89/1.16 35.61/.99 35.61/.99 35.61/.99
14.8/420 19.0/540 19.0/540 19.0/540 21.9/620 21.9/620 20.8/580 20.8/580 23.5/665 23.5/665 23.5/665 24.1/685 24.0/690 24.0/690 24.0/690
T O U GH S HO T S , R O U GH P L A C E S .
1.5-6 x 24 800375
GeT THe pOWer and TecHnOlOGY Of THe Super Slam SerieS in a 30mm Tube deSiGn. cOnTaininG all THe Same cuTTinG-edGe TecHnOlOGY and adVancemenTS aS THe 1" Tube Super SlamS, THe Super Slam eurO-STYle SerieS bOaST a mOre rObuST Tube dimenSiOn, addiTiOnal maGnificaTiOn ranGeS and illuminaTed reTicleS.
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model description power, objective special Features Finish reticle
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exit pupil (mm)
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length (in./mm)
click value adjustment range in. @ 100 yds/mm@ 100m in. @ 100 yds/m @ 100m weight (oZ./g)
1.5-6 x 24 Matte ill. German #4 13-4.4 62.6-16/20.9-5.3 3.82/97 10.04/255 3-9 x 56 Side Focus Matte ill. German #4 13-5.94 30.9-10.2/10.3-3.4 3.82/97 14.57/370 4-20 x 50 Side Focus Matte Dual-X 9.52-2.44 25.1-5/8.4-1.7 3.94/100 14.88/378 4-20 x 50 Side Focus Matte ill. Crosshair German #4 9.52-2.44 25.1-5/8.4-1.7 3.94/100 14.88/378
T O U GH S HO T S , R O U GH P L A C E S .
WeaVerS aWard-WinninG Grand Slam, WiTH paTenTed micrO-Trac adjuSTmenT SYSTem, iS cOnSiSTenTlY raTed aS One Of THe beST all-arOund ScOpeS aVailable. cOmbininG preciSiOn TracKinG WiTH ruGGed dependabiliTY, Our famed micrO-Trac SYSTem iS SimplY THe mOST reliable adjuSTmenT SYSTem in THe OpTicS induSTrY. WiTH fullY mulTi-cOaTed GlaSS YieldinG 94% liGHT TranSmiSSiOn, fanTaSTic edGe-TO-edGe clariTY, reduced Glare and incredible imaGe briGHTneSS, THe Grand Slam SerieS iS THe perfecT Variable pOWer ScOpe fOr all lOW liGHT cOndiTiOnS. and WiTH expanded reTicle OfferinGS, SHOOTerS eVerYWHere HaVe addiTiOnal cHOiceS fOr THe WOOdS, SWampS and Open plainS.
model description power, objective special Features Finish
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click value in. @ 100 yds/mm @ 100m adjustment range in. @ 100 yds/m @ 100m weight (oZ./g)
length (in./mm)
a portion of the proceeds of every Grand Slam scope sold goes to benefit the rocky mountain elk foundation.
800471 800472 800473 800588 800474 800589 800475 800477 800590 800469 800476 800478
1.5-5 x 32 3-10 x 40 3-10 x 40 3-10 x 40 3.5-10 x 50 3.5-10 x 50 4.5-14 x 40 4.5-14 x 40 4.5-14 x 40 6-20 x 40 6-20 x 40 6-20 x 40
ao ao ao ao ao ao
Matte Matte Matte Silver Matte Silver Matte Matte Silver Matte Matte Matte
Dual-X Ballistic-X Dual-X Dual-X Dual-X Dual-X Dual-X Ballistic-X Dual-X varminter F/C Dot Ballistic-X
15.6-6.4 12.2-4 12.2-4 12.2-4 11.8-5 11.8-5 8.9-2.85 8.9-2.85 8.9-2.85 6.7-2.0 6.7-2.0 6.7-2.0
61.6-21.2/20.5-7.1 34-10.8/11.3-3.6 34-10.8/11.3-3.6 34-10.8/11.3-3.6 29.6-10.5/9.9-3.5 29.6-10.5/9.9-3.5 23.6-7.5/7.9-2.5 23.6-7.5/7.9-2.5 23.6-7.5/7.9-2.5 17-5.4/5.7-1.8 17-5.4/5.7-1.8 17-5.4/5.7-1.8
3.58/91 10.53/267.5 3.46/88 12.05/306 3.46/88 12.05/306 3.46/88 12.05/306 3.54/90 12.93/328.5 3.54/90 12.93/328.5 3.15/80 14.49/368 3.15/80 14.49/368 3.15/80 14.49/368 3.35/85 14.49/368 3.35/85 14.49/368 3.35/85 14.49/368
1/4 / 7.3 1/4 / 7.3 1/4 / 7.3 1/4 / 7.3 1/4 / 7.3 1/4 / 7.3 1/4 / 7.3 1/4 / 7.3 1/4 / 7.3 1/8 / 3.6 1/8 / 3.6 1/8 / 3.6
83.79/2.33 48.17/1.34 48.17/1.34 48.17/1.34 41.89/1.16 41.89/1.16 37.70/1.05 37.70/1.05 37.70/1.05 25.13/.70 25.13/.70 25.13/.70
11.5/326 13/369 13/369 13/369 16.3/462 16.3/462 16.5/468 16.5/468 16.5/468 17.8/505 17.8/505 17.8/505
T O U GH S HO T S , R O U GH P L A C E S .
TA C T i C A L
mil dot
(Close-intermediate Range Tactical)
(Enhanced mildot Ranging)
1-5 x 24 800364
3-15 x 50 800363
fOr THOSe inVOlVed in THe SeriOuS effOrT Of prOTecTinG life and liberTYbOTH Here and abrOadWeaVer iS prOud TO Offer ruGGed rifleScOpeS deSiGned SpecificallY fOr TacTical applicaTiOnS. aS parT Of THe Super Slam SerieS, THeSe TacTical ScOpeS are manufacTured TO THe STricTeST TOleranceS in Order TO perfOrm in THe HarSHeST enVirOnmenTS.
model description power, objective special Features Finish
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length (in./mm) click value adjustment range in. @ 100 yds/mm @ 100m in. @ 100 yds/m @ 100m weight (oZ./g)
nEW! nEW!
T O U GH S HO T S , R O U GH P L A C E S .
ballistic-X dual-X Fine Crosshair
3-9 x 38 849402 2-10 x 38 849405
mil dot
.223 ballistic-X
6-24 x 42 A/O 849411
builT TO deliVer a larGe field Of VieW, GenerOuS eYe relief and faST pOWer cHanGe adjuSTmenTS, THe claSSic V-SerieS iS THe ulTimaTe in VerSaTiliTYHelpinG HunTerS SpOT Game in earlY mOrninG Or laTe eVeninG SHadOWS. WeaVer alSO OfferS reTicle OpTiOnS THaT enHance a SHOOTerS abiliTY TO eSTimaTe diSTance and maKe THe SHOT. fOr THOSe lOOKinG fOr mOre cHOiceS in a prOVen line Of ScOpeS, cHecK OuT THe WeaVer V-SerieS.
model description power, objective special Features Finish reticle
i F i
a t
eye relieF (in./mm)
click value in. @ 100 yds/mm @ 100m adjustment range in. @ 100 yds/m @ 100m weight (oZ./g)
length (in./mm)
849400 849403 849406 849405 849399 849402 849407 849410 849409 849408 849414 849412 849411 849413 849416
1-3 x 20 2-10 x 38 2-10 x 38 2-10 x 38 2.5-7 x 32 3-9 x 38 4-16 x 42 4-16 x 42 4-16 x 42 4-16 x 42 4-16 x 42 6-24 x 42 6-24 x 42 6-24 x 42 6-24 x 42
ao; Stt* ao; Stt* ao; Stt* ao; Stt* ao; Stt* ao; Stt* ao; Stt* ao; Stt* ao; Stt*
Matte Dual-X Matte Ballistic-X Silver Dual-X Matte Dual-X Matte Dual-X Matte Dual-X Matte Ballistic-X Matte F/C Dot Matte F/C Dual-X Matte Matte .223 Ballistic-X Matte Mil Dot Matte varminter Matte Ballistic-X Matte .223 Ballistic-X
14.3-6.7 12.1-3.8 12.1-3.8 12.1-3.8 11.6-4.6 10.5-4.2 10.5-2.7 10.5-2.7 10.5-2.7 10.5-2.7 10.5-2.7 7-1.75 7-1.75 7-1.75 7-1.75
87-29.5/29.0-9.8 39-8.5/13.0-2.8 39-8.5/13.0-2.8 39-8.5/13.0-2.8 40.3-14.6/13.4-4.9 33.8-11.3/11.3-3.8 26-6.8/8.7-2.3 26-6.8/8.7-2.3 26-6.8/8.7-2.3 26-6.8/8.7-2.3 26-6.8/8.7-2.3 15.3-4/5.1-1.3 15.3-4/5.1-1.3 15.3-4/5.1-1.3 15.3-4/5.1-1.3
4.13/105 3.15/80 3.15/80 3.15/80 3.62/92 3.62/92 3.23/82 3.23/82 3.23/82 3.23/82 3.23/82 3.74/95 3.74/95 3.74/95 3.74/95
9.15/232.5 12.19/309.5 12.19/309.5 12.19/309.5 10.98/279 12.13/308 14.02/356 14.02/356 14.02/356 14.02/356 14.02/356 13.94/354 13.94/354 13.94/354 13.94/354
1/4 / 7.3 1/4 / 7.3 1/4 / 7.3 1/4 / 7.3 1/4 / 7.3 1/4 / 7.3 1/4 / 7.3 1/4 / 7.3 1/4 / 7.3 1/4 / 7.3 1/4 / 7.3 1/8 / 3.6 1/8 / 3.6 1/8 / 3.6 1/8 / 3.6
52.36/1.45 52.36/1.45 52.36/1.45 52.36/1.45 52.36/1.45 52.36/1.45 41.89/1.16 41.89/1.16 41.89/1.16 41.89/1.16 41.89/1.16 27.23/.76 27.23/.76 27.23/.76 27.23/.76
8.5/241 11/312 11/312 11/312 10/284 11.3/320 16.8/476 16.8/476 16.8/476 16.8/476 16.8/476 17.6/499 17.6/499 17.6/499 17.6/499
T O U GH S HO T S , R O U GH P L A C E S .
6 x 38 849418
4 x 38 849415
crafTed frOm a One-piece aircrafT-Grade aluminum Tube, THe claSSic K-SerieS fixed pOWer ScOpeS are builT TO TaKe HeaVY recOil puniSHmenT and HOld zerO TO 10,000 rOundS frOm a.375 H&H maGnum rifle. claSSic K-SerieS fixed ScOpeS preSenT a cOnSiSTenT field Of VieW THaTS perfecT fOr Open field HunTinG and are amOnG THe eaSieST ScOpeS anY inSTincTiVe SHOOTer Will eVer uSe reGardleSS Of THe ranGe. claSSic K-SerieS alSO feaTure fullY mulTi-cOaTed OpTicS THaT dramaTicallY increaSe imaGe briGHTneSS and cOnTraST WHile eliminaTinG Glare.
model description power, objective special Features Finish
7.0 9.5 9.5 6.33 7
i C
8.5/2.8 26.8/8.9 26.8/8.9 18.3/6.1 12.8/3.9
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click value in. @ 100 yds/mm @ 100m adjustment range in. @ 100 yds/m @ 100m weight (oZ./g)
length (in./mm)
849417 4 x 28 Scout, 50 yd parallax 849415 4 x 38 849419 4 x 38 Steel tube 849418 6 x 38 849440 8 x 56 *** not available at time of print.
9.45/240 9.17/233 3.43/87 11.32/287.5 3.43/87 11.34/288 3.15/80 11.32/287.5 3.5/89 13.5/342
1/4 / 7.3 1/4 / 7.3 1/4 / 7.3 1/4 / 7.3 1/4 / 7.3
T O U GH S HO T S , R O U GH P L A C E S .
3-9x32 849398
2.5-7 x 28 849432
2.5-7 x 28 849431
WeaVer TaKeS rimfire rifleScOpeS aS SeriOuSlY aS iTS biG Game breTHren. eVerY claSSic rimfire ScOpe incOrpOraTeS manY Of THe exacT Same feaTureS fOund On WeaVerS TOp-Of-THe-line mOdelS. deSiGned TO brinG OuT THe beST in rimfire and adulT air rifleS, THe claSSic rimfire cOmeS in Variable and fixed pOWer mOdelS WiTH fullY mulTi-cOaTed, nOn-Glare lenSeS THaT prOduce edGe-SHarp, lOW-liGHT briGHTneSS, eVen in THe duSKieST Of cOndiTiOnS. all ScOpeS feaTure ruGGed, aircrafTGrade One-piece aluminum cOnSTrucTiOn. WaTerprOOf, fOGprOOf and SHOcKprOOf, THe claSSic rimfire iS deSiGned TO WiTHSTand THe mulTi-direcTiOnal recOil frOm THe HeaVieST SprinG-lOaded adulT airGunS. parallax iS SeT aT 50 YardS fOr ideal rimfire TarGeT acQuiSiTiOn and accuracY.
model description power, objective special Features Finish reticle
exit pupil (mm)
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eye relieF (in./mm)
length (in./mm)
click value in. @ 100 yds/mm @ 100m adjustment range in. @ 100 yds/m @ 100m weight (oZ./g)
adj. obj.
T O U GH S HO T S , R O U GH P L A C E S .
36 x 40 849981
Fine Crosshair
36 x 40 849970
WHeTHer iTS puTTinG repeaTed rOundS inTO THe Same HOle Or picKinG Off Small VarminTS aT HundredS Of YardS, WeaVerS T-SerieS fixed rifleScOpeS GiVe YOu THe eiGHTH mOa accuracY YOu need TO be dead On, SHOT afTer SHOT. eacH T-SerieS ScOpe feaTureS THe incrediblY accuraTe micrO-Trac adjuSTmenT SYSTem THaT GiVeS YOu mOre accuraTe, cOmpleTelY independenT WindaGe and eleVaTiOn cOnTrOl. an adjuSTable ObjecTiVe prOVideS parallaxfree SHOOTinG SO nO maTTer HOW Off-cenTer YOur eYepiece-TOeYe aliGnmenT iS, YOur pOinT Of impacT WOnT be affecTed. fullY mulTi-cOaTed OpTicS increaSe briGHTneSS TO 94% aT 550nm. THeSe SuperiOr OpTicS puncH up THe cOnTraST, eliminaTe Glare and deliVer unparalleled clariTY. eVerY T-SerieS ScOpe cOmeS WiTH TradiTiOnal eYepiece fOcuS, a SunSHade, ScreW-in meTal lenS capS and an exTra pair Of OVerSized bencHreST adjuSTmenT KnObS.
model description power, objective special Features Finish
1.67 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1
i C
1.57/.5 3/1.0 3/1.0 3/1.0 3/1.0
a t
eye relieF (in./mm)
n S
click value in. @ 100 yds/mm @ 100m adjustment range in. @ 100 yds/m @ 100m weight (oZ./g)
length (in./mm)
24 x 40 36 x 40 36 x 40 36 x 40 36 x 40
1/8 Moa Dot F/C F/C 1/8 Moa Dot 1/8 Moa Dot
1/8 / 3.6 1/8 / 3.6 1/8 / 3.6 1/8 / 3.6 1/8 / 3.6
T O U GH S HO T S , R O U GH P L A C E S .
4 x 28 849425
2 x 28 849424
2.5-8 x 28 849429
HandGunS demand a ScOpe THaT iS builT TO WiTHSTand THe bruTal, SHOT-afTer-SHOT pOundinG frOm TOdaYS mOST pOWerful reVOlVerS and SinGle-SHOT piSTOlS. deSiGned fOr THe TremendOuS recOil Of 1,000 rOundS frOm a .454 caSull reVOlVer, WeaVerS claSSic HandGun ScOpeS deliVer THe GOOdS On ruGGed, reliable, repeaTable accuracY. fullY mulTi- cOaTed lenSeS increaSe briGHTneSS, eliminaTe Glare and TranSmiT criSp, clear, edGeTO-edGe imaGeS. feaTurinG a 50-Yard parallax SeTTinG, THe fixed pOWer claSSic ScOpeS prOVide unlimiTed eYe relief.
model description power, objective Finish reticle
F i
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eye relieF (in./mm)
length (in./mm)
click value in. @ 100 yds/mm @ 100m adjustment range in. @ 100 yds/m @ 100m weight (oZ./g)
1/4 / 7.3 1/4 / 7.3 1/4 / 7.3 1/4 / 7.3 1/4 / 7.3
T O U GH S HO T S , R O U GH P L A C E S .
40/44 SERiES
4-12 x 44 849540
WHen iT cOmeS TO Value and perfOrmance, WeaVer OfferS a line fOr THe cOST-cOnSciOuS SHOOTer. THe 40/44 SerieS bOaSTS an increaSe in ScOpe OfferinGS and include a VarieTY Of maGnificaTiOn ranGeS and increaSed reTicle cHOiceS WHile mainTaininG THe Same TruSTed perfOrmance fOund in eacH and eVerY WeaVer OpTic. Winner of field & Stream'S 2009 "BeSt of the BeSt aWard."
model description power, objective special Features Finish
i F
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click value in. @ 100 yds/mm @ 100m adjustment range in. @ 100 yds/m @ 100m weight (oZ./g)
length (in./mm)
T O U GH S HO T S , R O U GH P L A C E S .
849504 2-7 x 32 849505 2-7 x 32 849520 2.8-10 x 44 aspherical 849521 2.8-10 x 44 aspherical 849507 3-9 x 40 50 yd parallax 849508 3-9 x 40 50 yd parallax 849511 3-9 x 40 849512 3-9 x 40 849530 3-10 x 44 849531 3-10 x 44 849532 3-10 x 44 849525 3.8-12 x 44 aspherical; ao 849527 3.8-12 x 44 aspherical; ao 849540 4-12 x 44 ao 849541 4-12 x 44 ao 849542 4-12 x 44 ao 849550 6.5-20 x 44 ao 849552 6.5-20 x 44 ao *** not available at time of print.
Matte Matte Matte Silver Matte Matte Matte Matte Matte Silver Matte Matte Matte Matte Silver Matte Matte Matte
Dual-X Ballistic-X Dual-X Dual-X Dual-X Ballistic-X Dual-X Ballistic-X Dual-X Dual-X Ballistic-X Dual-X varminter Dual-X Dual-X Ballistic-X Dual-X varminter
15-4.5 15-4.5 14.8-4.4 14.8-4.4 13-4.4 13-4.4 13-4.4 13-4.4 14.7-4.4 14.7-4.4 14.7-4.4 11.6-3.7 11.6-3.7 11-3.7 11.0-3.7 11.0-3.7 6.8-2.2 6.8-2.2
44.7-12.7/14.9-4.2 44.7-12.7/14.9-4.2 39.4-12.1/13.1-4 39.4-12.1/13.1-4 33.9-11.3/11.3-3.8 33.9-11.3/11.3-3.8 33.9-11.3/11.3-3.8 33.9-11.3/11.3-3.8 33.5-10.3/11.2-3.4 33.5-10.3/11.2-3.4 33.5-10.3/11.2-3.4 29.8-10/10-3.3 29.8-10/10-3.3 23.-7.9/7.7-2.7 23.-7.9/7.7-2.7 23.-7.9/7.7-2.7 15.5-4.5/5.2-1.5 15.5-4.5/5.2-1.5
3.5/89 3.5/89 3/76 3/76 3/76 3/76 3/76 3/76 3/76 3/76 3/76 3/76 3/76 3/76 3/76 3/76 3/76 3/76
*** *** 11.42/290 11.42/290 12.20/310 12.20/310 12.20/310 12.20/310 12.09/307 12.09/307 12.09/307 12.95/329 12.95/329 12.64/321 12.64/321 12.64/321 14.09/358 14.09/358
1/4 / 7.3 1/4 / 7.3 1/4 / 7.3 1/4 / 7.3 1/4 / 7.3 1/4 / 7.3 1/4 / 7.3 1/4 / 7.3 1/4 / 7.3 1/4 / 7.3 1/4 / 7.3 1/4 / 7.3 1/4 / 7.3 1/4 / 7.3 1/4 / 7.3 1/4 / 7.3 1/8 / 3.6 1/8 / 3.6
62.84/1.75 62.84/1.75 46.08/1.28 46.08/1.28 62.84/1.75 62.84/1.75 62.84/1.75 62.84/1.75 46.08/1.28 46.08/1.28 46.08/1.28 46.08/1.28 46.08/1.28 46.08/1.28 46.08/1.28 46.08/1.28 37.70/1.05 37.70/1.05
*** *** 16.75 16.75 14.2 14.2 14.2 14.2 13.93 13.93 13.93 21.52 21.52 17 17 17 20.46 20.46
THiS cuTTinG-edGe dOT SiGHT iS perfecT fOr deer, TurKeY Or VirTuallY anY biG Game adVenTure. and fOr SHOOTerS inVOlVed in TacTical SHOOTinG, iT'S THe perfecT addiTiOn TO anY ar plaTfOrm. made fOr inSTanT TarGeT acQuiSiTiOn, Our red/Green dOT SiGHT HaS fiVe red and fiVe Green briGHTneSS SeTTinGS TO enSure accuracY in all liGHT cOndiTiOnS and feaTureS fOur differenT illuminaTiOn mOdeS: dOT, micrO dOT, circle and circle WiTH dOT.
model description power, objective special Features
i F
exit pupil (mm)
a t
length (in./mm)
click value in. @ 100 yds/mm @ 100m adjustment range in. @ 100 yds/m @ 100m weight (oZ./g)
4 patterns
T O U GH S HO T S , R O U GH P L A C E S .
WHeTHer iT'S SpendinG HOurS GlaSSinG fOr Game Or needinG TO KnOW exacTlY WHere YOur bulleT iS HiTTinG On THe TarGeT dOWnranGe, YOu need TO SiT beHind a SpOTTinG ScOpe THaT GeTS reSulTSand nOW WeaVer fillS THe need. Our neW claSSic SerieS SpOTTinG ScOpeS leT YOu cOVer GrOund WiTHOuT leaVinG YOur TrucK Or VanTaGe pOinT and iS alSO ideal fOr ranGe WOrK. niTrOGen filled fOr a crYSTal clear picTure, THeY feaTure larGe Ocular lenSeS fOr cOmfOrTable VieWinG and reduced eYe faTiGue durinG lOnG GlaSSinG SeSSiOnS. aVailable in eiTHer STraiGHT Or anGled eYepiece cOnfiGuraTiOnS, Our neW claSSic SerieS SpOTTinG ScOpeS are QualiTY OpTicS aT an affOrdable price.
model description power, objective special Features
i F
a t
prism type length (in/mm) width (in/mm) weight (oZ./g)
849680 849685
15-45x65 15-45x65
Straight eye piece ete Microlux Coating angled eye pieceete Microlux Coating
Matte Matte
4.33/1.44 4.33/1.44
174/58-57/19 174/58-57/19
0.85/21.7-0.81/20.7 0.85/21.7-0.81/20.7
Roof Roof
15.2/385 14.4/365
3.3/84 3.3/84
4.2/106 5.9/150
T O U GH S HO T S , R O U GH P L A C E S .
8.5 x 45 849630
aS THe perfecT parTner TO THe Super Slam rifleScOpeS, THe Super Slam binOcularS up THe anTe WiTH imprOVemenTS eVerY OuTdOOr enTHuSiaST Will appreciaTe. frOm an Open bridGe deSiGn and maGneSium bOdY TO THe rOOf priSm SYSTem WiTH SK and baK-4 GlaSS, THe Super Slam binOcularS are SleeK, ruGGed and readY fOr anY OuTdOOr adVenTure. niTrOGen purGed TubeS prOVide crYSTal clear, fOG-free VieWinG WHile THe exTeriOr lenSeS deliVer ScraTcH reSiSTanT SerVice nO maTTer HOW naSTY THe enVirOnmenT.
model magniFication Finish
5.3 4.3
a t
width (in./mm) height (in./mm) weight (oZ./g) prism
length (in./mm)
849630 849635
8.5 x 45 10.5 x 45
367/122 325/108
0.73/18.5 0.59/15
6.3/160 6.3/160
5.6/143 5.6/143
6.30/160 6.30/160
31.2/885 31.6/895
Roof Roof
T O U GH S HO T S , R O U GH P L A C E S .
Grand Slam binOcularS HaVe GOne afield in THe purSuiT Of all TYpeS Of Game. aVailable in bOTH full-Size and cOmpacT deSiGnS, THe Grand Slam binOS Offer niTrOGen purGed TubeS, ruGGed bOdY armOr and lenSeS THaT GaTHer eVerY biT Of aVailable liGHT frOm daWn TO duSK. Our Grand Slam line alSO includeS a 3-pOSiTiOn 8x, 12x, 16x42mm zOOm binOcular THaT GiVeS VieWerS a rapid WaY TO maGnifY THeir SurrOundinGS. WiTH juST a Turn Of THe dialS, SmOOTHlY TranSiTiOn frOm 8x TO 12x TO 16x pOWer fOr THe ulTimaTe in GlaSSinG OpTiOnS.
model magniFication Finish exit pupil (mm)
i C
eye relieF (in./mm)
a t
n S
width (in./mm) height (in./mm) weight (oZ./g) prism
length (in./mm)
Rubber armor Rubber armor Rubber armor Rubber armor Rubber armor Rubber armor Rubber armor
T O U GH S HO T S , R O U GH P L A C E S .
8 x 32 849670
Our claSSic SerieS HaS SerVed HunTerS Well fOr YearSGiVinG THem THe VerSaTiliTY THeY need aT a reaSOnable price and Our claSSic SerieS binOcularS are nO excepTiOn. THeSe binOS are liGHTWeiGHT, accuraTe and WOnT HurT THe pOcKeTbOOK. THe SleeK rOOf priSm deSiGn meanS VieWerS can SpOT anY TYpe Of Game in earlY mOrninG Or laTe eVeninG SHadOWS. nOW HunTerS and OuTdOOr enTHuSiaSTS can appreciaTe THe benefiTS Of mOdern TecHnOlOGY made bY Our OpTicS experTS.
model magniFication Finish exit pupil (mm)
p e
i F
eye relieF (in./mm)
a t
length (in./mm)
width (in./mm)
height (in./mm) weight (oZ./g) prism
8 x 32 8 x 36 8 x 42 10 x 42
T O U GH S HO T S , R O U GH P L A C E S .
2.5-1 0 x 42 94571
caTcH THe WHiTeTail feVer WiTH THeSe ScOpeS and binOcularS endOrSed bY THe bucK cOmmander. deSiGned bY WeaVer enGineerS WiTH THe Help Of Willie rOberTSOn and HiS fanaTic bucK cOmmander creW, THeSe ScOpeS feaTure fOur TimeS maGnificaTiOn ranGe and Super faST fOcuSinG pOWer. SelecT mOdelS feaTure Our prOprieTarY cOmmand-x balliSTic drOp cOrrecTiOn reTicle. WeaVer bucK cOmmander binOcul arS are deSiGned TO GeT YOu clOSer TO THe acTiOn THan eVer befOre. aVailable in bOTH STandard and cOmpacT OfferinGS, THeSe binOcularS Help YOu SpOT THaT mOnSTer WHiTeTail befOre He SlipS inTO YOur SHOOTinG lane.
model description power, objective special Features Finish
a t
click value in. @ 100 yds adjustment range in. @ 100 yds/m @ 100m weight (oZ./g)
length (in./mm)
1/4 / 7.3 1/4 / 7.3 1/4 / 7.3 1/4 / 7.3 1/4 / 7.3 1/4 / 7.3 1/4 / 7.3 1/4 / 7.3
height (in./mm)
8x25 Compact Binocular 10x25 Compact Binocular 8x42 Binocular 10x42 Binocular
deSiGned and STiTcHed WiTH THe aVid WHiTeTail HunTer in mind, THe neW bucK cOmmander pOucHeS Send YOu inTO THe field readY fOr acTiOn. ranGefinder, binOcularS and Small Gear iTemS all HaVe a HOme in THiS lineup Of ruGGed, liGHTWeiGHT HunTinG pOucHeS. Wrapped in realTree ap camO and feaTurinG eaSY TO GraSp pullS and SmOOTH rOllinG zipperS, HunTerS can QuicKlY acceSS THe iTemS THeY need fOr a SucceSSful HunT. S.T.r.i.K.e. Speed clipS Supplied bY blacKHaWK!Tm TacTical prOducTS
42725 42724 42727 991305r2 991289r2 991309r2 Small OpTicS pOucH larGe OpTicS pOucH larGe binOcular pOucH
$15.49 $24.49 $24.49
t S
42735 42726 42728 991306r2 991314r2 991316r2 uTiliTY pOucH Small binOcular pOucH ranGefinder pOucH $17.95 $19.95 $18.95
prOTecT YOur GlaSS WiTH pOlar capS. lenS cOVerS STaY puT durinG STalKS and pOp-up QuicK fOr eaSY TarGeT acQuiSiTiOn. CapS paRt # 71001 71091 71221 71301 71381 71431 71501 71551 71611 71671 71761 71841 71961 72101 72221 72411 72571 CleaR lenS paRt # 71003 71093 71223 71303 71383 71433 71503 71553 71613 71673 71763 71843 71963 72103 72222 72413 72573 72873 outSiDe DiaMeteR oF oBj. (inCHeS) 1.00-1.09 $12.49 each 1.095-1.10 1.22-1.29 1.30-1.341 ALL NEW 1.387-1.429 MADE IN USA ALL NEW 1.432-1.485 MADE IN USA 1.50-1.55 1.558-1.66 1.612-1.66 1.675-1.735 1.760-1.820 1.840-1.919 1.96-2.043 2.10-2.22 2.225-2.36 2.41-2.515 2.575-2.725 2.870-3.000
deSiGned TO GenTlY remOVe duST, dirT and debriS frOm YOur lenSeS, THiS clOTH iS a Valuable TOOl in THe care and OnGOinG perfOrmance Of YOur QualiTY WeaVer GlaSS.
Size a B C D e F G H j k M n p R S t u W
849710 849711
$6.95 $153.95
Keep YOur binOcularS readY fOr acTiOn WiTH Our binOcular SYSTem. erGOnOmicallY deSiGned fOr HOurS Of cOmfOrTable Wear and cOnSTrucTed Of ruGGed nYlOn, THiS SYSTem GuaranTeeS binOcularS are KepT OuT Of THe WaY YeT clOSe aT Hand fOr faST GlaSSinG acTiOn.
HeaD-to-HeaD CoMpaRiSon
WHaTeVer YOur SKill leVel. WHaTeVer YOur needS. We HaVe a GunSmiTH TOOl KiT fOr YOu. cHOOSe frOm amOnG THree TOOl KiT mOdelS cOnTaininG prOfeSSiOnal-Grade TOOlS and aTTacHmenTS fOr Gun care and ScOpe mOunTinG WOrK.
WHen mOunTinG OpTicS, Our SureTHread adHeSiVe HelpS preVenT THe lOOSeninG Of mOunTinG ScreWS cauSed bY THe SHOcK and VibraTiOnS GeneraTed frOm recOil. TaKe THe Time TO mOunT YOur ScOpe prOperlY and THen TaKe THe Time TO enSure iT STaYS THaT WaY. uSe WeaVer SureTHread.
GeT juST THe riGHT amOunT Of TOrQue On YOur rinGS and baSeS WiTH Our TOrQue WrencH. eVerY mOunTinG SYSTem OperaTeS beST aT predeTermined manufacTurerS SpecS and WiTH THe TOrQue WrencH YOu can dial in THaT cOnSTanT ScreW preSSure QuicKlY and eaSilY.
to assure locked-down optics prevents shock and vibration from loosening screws loosens easily with basic hand tools
849272 SureTHread $15.49
TOrQue WrencH
High quality steel punch set with brass punch for drifting sights Multiple sizes fit a variety of pins assists the gunsmith in disassembly and assembly of firearms
G R A n d S L A m TO P m O U n T R i n G S & b A S E S
SOlid STeel cOnSTrucTiOn meanS THaT WeaVer Grand Slam rinGS perfOrm Time afTer Time WHen THe preSSure iS On. THe Time TeSTed WeaVer crOSS lOcK deSiGn meanS a TiGHT, Secure fiT On YOur faVOriTe rifle.
49302 49303 49304 49305 49306 49307 49308 49309 49321 49322 49323 1" med blacK 1" med maTTe 1" HiGH blacK 1" HiGH maTTe 1" x-HiGH blacK 1" x-HiGH maTTe 30mm HiGH blacK 30mm HiGH maTTe 1" med SilVer 1" HiGH SilVer 1" x-HiGH SilVer $27.49 $27.49 $27.49 $27.49 $27.49 $27.49 $27.49 $27.49 $29.49 $29.49 $29.49
S T E E L d O V E TA i L R i n G S
THeSe rinGS feaTure THe pOSiTiVe dOVeTail lOcKinG SYSTem and bOaST rear mOunT WindaGe adjuSTmenTS. THeY Offer maximum STrenGTH in STeel cOnSTrucTiOn and TOp-nOTcH recOil reSiSTance fOr THe ulTimaTe HOld On YOur ScOpe.
49200 49201 49202 49203 49239 49204 49205 49238 49206 49207 49226 49227 49208 49209 1" lOW blacK 1" lOW maTTe 1" med blacK 1" med maTTe 1" med nKl 1" HiGH blacK 1" HiGH maTTe 1" HiGH nKl 1" x-HiGH blacK 1" x-HiGH maTTe 30mm med blacK 30mm med maTTe 30mm HiGH blacK 30mm HiGH maTTe $27.49 $27.49 $27.49 $27.49 $28.95 $27.49 $27.49 $28.95 $27.49 $27.49 $30.95 $30.95 $30.95 $30.95
S T E E L d O V E TA i L b A S E S
Offered aS a One Or TWO-piece SYSTem, THeSe all-STeel baSeS prOVide recOil reSiSTance and feaTure THe dOVeTail lOcKinG SYSTem fOr an ulTra-Secure, pOSiTiVe lOcK-On rinGS.
W i n d A G E A d j U S TA b L E . 2 2 R i n G S
fOllOWinG in THe TradiTiOn Of THe SOlid STeel Grand Slam rinGS, WeaVer addS a SOlid STeel, WindaGe adjuSTable .22
d O V E TA i L E X T E n S i O n R i n G S
adjuST THe eYe relief On YOur faVOriTe ScOpe. THeSe SOlid, all-STeel rinGS allOW YOu TO mOVe YOur ScOpe fOrWard Or bacK fOr OpTimum placemenT.
49222 49210 49224 49228 49229 1" STr xTf med blacK 1" STr xTf HiGH blacK 1" xTr xTf med blacK 30mm STr xTf HiGH blacK 30mm STr xTf HiGH maTTe $34.95 $34.95 $47.49 $46.49 $46.49
rinG TO an alreadY impreSSiVe lineup. THe deSiGn mOunTS TO a 3/8" GrOOVed receiVer and includeS all Of THe feaTureS YOu HaVe cOme TO TruST in THe Grand Slam line.
49313 49314 1" .22 medium maTTe 1" .22 HiGH maTTe $32.49 $32.49
49250 TOrx ScreW aSSOrTmenT $104.49
d O V E TA i L H A n d G U n S Y S T E m S
uSe THeSe cOmpleTe SYSTemS TO OuTfiT YOur Tc encOre HandGun. STeel dOVeTail rinGS cOme WiTH SOlid STeel rinGS and baSeS cOmeS WiTH SOlid STeel rinGS and baSeS THaT lOcK ScOpeS inTO place.
48980 Tc encOre blacK (3 rinGS) 48981 Tc encOre maTTe (3 rinGS) $61.49 $61.49
THiS prOVen mOunTinG SYSTem GiVeS YOu eVerYTHinG YOu need. SOlid STeel rinGS and baSeS lOcK ScOpeS in place.
49274 49265 49272 49268 49266 49260 49261 49270 49262 49263 br-abOlT 1pc baSe blacK br-abOlT 2pc baSe maTTe marlin 336 1pc baSe blacK rem 7400 1pc baSe blacK rem 700 1pc baSe blacK rem 700 2pc baSe blacK rem 700 2pc baSe maTTe SaV 110 2pc baSe blacK Win 70 2pc baSe blacK Win 70 2pc baSe maTTe $49.49 $49.49 $49.49 $49.49 $49.49 $49.49 $49.49 $49.49 $49.49 $49.49
q U A d LO C k A n d ST E E L LO C k m O U n T S
q U A d L O C k d E TA C H A b L E R i n G S
TWO STrapS and fOur ScreWS prOVide added GrippinG pOWer fOr THeSe liGHTWeiGHT, all-aluminum rinGS. THumbScreWS allOW fOr QuicK deTacH.
F O U R H O L E S k E L E TO n R i n G S
WeaVerS 4-HOle SKeleTOn rinGS are aVailable in HeiGHTS THaT SaTiSfY juST abOuT
49049 49074 49046 49052 49047 49053 49054 49055 49056 49048 49057 49062 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" x-HiGH maTTe med blacK med maTTe HiGH blacK HiGH maTTe .22 Tip-Off maTTe .22 Tip-Off SilVer med SilVer HiGH SilVer HiGH exTenSiOn maTTe HiGH exTenSiOn SilVer HiGH exTenSiOn blacK $13.95 $13.95 $13.95 $13.95 $13.95 $13.95 $13.95 $13.95 $13.95 $15.49 $15.49 $15.49
anY SHOOTer and SHOOTinG SiTuaTiOn. cHOOSe beTWeen 1" Or 30mm and frOm amOnG medium, HiGH, exTra-HiGH and xx-HiGH. dreSSed in maTTe blacK and feaTurinG nO STrip/ Slip TOrx ScreWS, THeSe rinGS incOrpOraTe WeaVerS famOuS crOSS-lOcK deSiGn and liGHTWeiGHT aircrafT Grade aluminum.
49720 49721 49727 49713 49714 49712 49715 49711 49734 49724 49732 49723 49735 49717 49515 49733 49736 49718 49725 49716 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" bar/leVer blacK fn SerieS blacK KniGHT mK-85 blacK marlin 336 blacK rem 7400/7600 blacK rem 700 blacK rem 742/760 blacK rGr 10/22 blacK rGr 10/22, SS rGr 77 blacK rGr 77, SS rGr 77/22, mini 14 blacK rGr 77/22, mini 14, SS SaVaGe 110 blacK .22 See-THru, blacK .22 See-THru, SS Tc THunderHaWK blacK Win 70 blacK Win 88,100 blacK Win 94 a/e $13.95 $13.95 $13.95 $13.95 $13.95 $13.95 $13.95 $13.95 $16.49 $35.95 $36.49 $35.95 $36.49 $18.95 $13.95 $16.49 $15.95 $13.95 $13.95 $18.95
1" med maTTe 1" HiGH maTTe 1" x-HiGH maTTe 1" xx-HiGH maTTe 30mm lOW maTTe 30mm med maTTe 30mm HiGH maTTe 30mm x-HiGH maTTe
S i X H O L E TA CT i C A L R i n G S
48349 48350 48351 48352 48353 48355 48356 48354 1" medium 1" HiGH maTTe 1" x-HiGH maTTe 30mm HiGH maTTe 1" xx-HiGH maTTe 30mm lOW maTTe 30mm medium maTTe 30mm x-HiGH maTTe $39.49 $39.49 $39.49 $39.49 $39.49 $39.49 $39.49 $39.49
in THe TacTical WOrld, perfOrmance iS mandaTOrYTHere iS nO cOmprOmiSe. WHeTHer iT'S inTenSe TraininG Or real-life acTiOn, YOu need YOur zerO TO STaY True. THeSe aircrafT-Grade aluminum TacTical rinGS feaTure Six pOinTS Of cOnTacT fOr maximum SecuriTY and are deSiGned TO WiTHSTand THe mOST GruelinG enVirOnmenTS imaGinable. if YOu demand THe mOST frOm YOur TacTical ScOpe, demand WeaVer.
Sure Grip blacK Sure Grip SS .22 blacK .22 SS .22 See-THru blacK .22 See-THru SS
. 2 2 T iP -O FF A d A P T O R b A S E S
allOWS .22 Tip-Off mOunTS TO be uSed On nOn-facTOrY dOVeTailed rifleS. prOVide Sure, TiGHT fiT fOr THe ulTimaTe in reliabiliTY.
48520 48521 48522 Tc encOre/OmeGa baSeS TradiTiOnS in-line/pre-2010 cVa rOund baSeS KniGHT mK-85, bK-92 eTc baSeS $13.49 $13.49 $7.49
d E TA C H A b L E TO P m O U n T R i n G S & bA S E S
d E TA C H A b L E T O P m O U n T R i n G S
GeT THe beST Of bOTH WOrldS WiTH a STeel STrap fOr added STrenGTH and an aluminum Saddle fOr reduced WeiGHT. THeSe QuicK deTacH rinGS are THe OriGinal WeaVer-STYle rinGS.
S U R E G R i P W i n d A G E A d j U S TA b L E
THe fOur-ScreW SYSTem and STeel cap Offer SHOT-Of-a-lifeTime dependabiliTY. WindaGe adjuSTable mOdelS enSure THaT zerOinG in YOur ScOpe TO criTical accuracY iS cerTain.
49140 49143 49141 49144 49142 49145 1 1 1 1 1 1 med blacK med maTTe HiGH blacK HiGH maTTe x-HiGH blacK x-HiGH maTTe $28.49 $28.49 $28.49 $28.49 $28.49 $28.49
d E TA C H A b L E S i d E m O U n T S
Side mOunT bracKeTS deTacH and aTTacH in SecOndS, juST liKe Our deTacHable TOp mOunTS (THe baSeS THemSelVeS dO nOT). Side mOunT bracKeTS are aVailable in a HiGH prOfile in a STandard Or lOnG lenGTH TO accepT a VarieTY Of ScOpeS.
1 2 3a 3b 3c 3d 5 7 8 10m m 1" lOnG HiGH bracKeT & rinGS 1" HiGH bracKeT & rinGS $15.95 $15.95 $15.95 $16.95 $15.95 $20.49 $20.49 $15.95 $15.95 $15.95 $20.49 $38.95 $32.95
49030 49040 49034 49071 49041 49032 49050 49042 49033 49130 49080 49044 49036 49122 49121 49131 49110 49120
1" lOW blacK 1" lOW maTTe 1" lOW SS 1" med blacK 1" med maTTe 1" med SS 1" HiGH blacK 1" HiGH maTTe 1" HiGH SS 30mm HiGH SS 1" x-HiGH blacK 1" x-HiGH maTTe 1" x-HiGH SS 30mm lOW blacK 30mm lOW maTTe 30mm lOW SS 30mm HiGH blacK 30mm HiGH maTTe
$25.95 $25.95 $39.49 $25.95 $25.95 $39.49 $25.95 $25.95 $39.49 $40.49 $25.95 $25.95 $39.49 $26.49 $26.49 $40.49 $26.49 $26.49
S U R E G R i P d E TA C H A b L E R i n G S
THeSe rinGS uSe a fOur-ScreW SYSTem, and HaVe STeel capS and an aluminum Saddle fOr added STrenGTH. alSO feaTureS THe QuicK deTacH SYSTem, allOWinG YOu TO lOOSen THe THumb ScreWS and GO TO irOn SiGHTS in SecOndS.
med blacK med maTTe HiGH blacK HiGH maTTe x-HiGH blacK x-HiGH maTTe
48460 48461 48462 48463 48464 48465 48466 48467 48468 48469 48470 48471 48472 48473 48474 48475 48476 48477 48493 48495
rem 700 maTTe rem 700 SilVer brOWninG a-bOlT maTTe brOWninG a-bOlT SilVer mauSer 98 maTTe SaVaGe 110 maTTe SaVaGe 110 accu TriGGer maTTe SaVaGe 110 accu TriGGer SilVer Win 70 maTTe Win 70 SilVer brOWninG bar maTTe marlin 336 maTTe rem 7400 maTTe mOSSberG 500/835 maTTe ruGer 10/22 maTTe Win 94 maTTe rem 798 maTTe rem 799 maTTe brOWninG x-bOlT maTTe brOWninG x-bOlT SilVer
$7.49 $7.49 $7.49 $7.49 $7.49 $7.49 $7.49 $7.49 $7.49 $7.49 $7.49 $7.49 $7.49 $7.49 $7.49 $7.49 $7.49 $7.49 $7.49 $7.49
d E TA C H A b L E C O m P L E T E R i F L E mOUnT SYSTEm
WeaVer cOVerS eVerY anGle. THeSe SYSTemS prOVide eVerYTHinG YOu need fOr THe beST mOunTinG SOluTiOn aVailable fOr THeSe Specific mOdelS.
48763 48793 48736 48794 marlin 336 rem 4,6,7400,7600 rem 700 Win 94 $33.95 $33.95 $33.95 $33.95
S E E - T H R U d E TA C H A b L E R i n G S
uTilize irOn SiGHTS Or YOur ScOpe fOr QuicK TarGeT acQuiSiTiOn WiTH THeSe cOnVenienT rinGS. THe SQuare crOSS lOcK bOlT fiTS TiGHTlY and SecurelY WiTH WeaVer TOp mOunT baSeS.
49513 49523 49522 49512 49510 49524 49525 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" blacK maTTe SS exT blacK exT maTTe dual exT blacK dual exT maTTe $26.49 $26.49 $30.49 $30.49 $32.95 $35.95 $35.95
m U LT i S L O T b A S E S
THeSe VerSaTile baSeS frOm WeaVer Help GiVe YOur Gun a VerSaTile edGe. mulTi SlOT baSeS are cOnSTrucTed Of TOuGH, liGHTWeiGHT aluminum SO THeY can WiTHSTand THe mOST pOWerful recOil. THeY accepT all WeaVer TOp mOunT rinGS and accOmmOdaTe THe mOunTinG Of deViceS SucH aS ScOpeS, red dOTS and laSer OpTicS, WHile allOWinG fOr OpTimal eYe relief.
48329 48330 48331 48332 48333 48334 48335 48336 48337 48338 48339 48345
mulTi SlOT SaVaGe accu-l/a mulTi SlOT rem 700 S/a mulTi SlOT SKS (STeel) mulTi SlOT mini 14/nO rinGS mulTi SlOT mOSSberG 590 mulTi SlOT rem 700 l/a mulTi SlOT ruGer 10/22 mulTi SlOT rem 597 mulTi SlOT Win 1300 mulTi SlOT SaVaGe accu-S/a mulTi SlOT benelli Sbe ii mulTi SlOT 870 reminGTOn
$20.49 ALL NEW $20.49 MADE IN USA ALL NEW $36.49 $44.95 $9.49 $20.49 $6.95 $7.95 $7.95 $20.49 $15.95 $9.49
S H OT G U n & P i STO L m O U n T i n G S Y ST E m S
THeY leT YOu TranSfOrm YOur bird Gun inTO a deer HunTinG firearm alOnG WiTH THe cHanGe in SeaSOnS. TWO THumb ScreWS puT YOur ScOpe On Or TaKe iT Off. Our See-under SYSTemS leT YOu uSe YOur ScOpe Or bead.
C O n V E R TA - m O U n T S i d E b A S E S
fOr uSe WiTH Our cOnVerTa-mOunT lOW prOfile Or See under bracKeTS and WeaVer TOp mOunT rinGS. maKeS ScOpe mOunTinG On SeVeral differenT SHOTGunS a breeze.
301 ruGer blacKHaWK 301S ruGer blacKHaWK 306 ruGer 22 307 S&W 308S ruGer redHaWK 314 ruGer SinGle Six ruGer Super redHaWK 1-pc baSe-SilVer S & W x-frame 1-pc baSe-nicKel plaTed
rem 870, 1100, 1187 med rinGS See-under rem 870, 1100 lOW rinGS See-under Win 1200, 1300 lOW rinGS
in YOur naTural pOSiTiOn WiTHOuT peeKinG. STrOnG and liGHTWeiGHT, made Of TOuGH pOlYmer cOmpOSiTe maTerial, THeSe mOunTS Will OperaTe in TemperaTureS Of -40f TO 150f.
48310 48311 48301 See-under Win, mOSSberG See-under rem 870 rem 870,1100 $24.49 $24.49 $24.49
48340 rem 870, 1100, 1187 12 and 20 GauGe 48341 mOSSberG 500, 835 12 GauGe OnlY rem 870, 1100, 1187 48342 12 and 20 GauGe HardWOOdS Hd mOSSberG 500, 835 48343 12 Ga OnlY HardWOOdS Hd
S C O UT S C O P E m O U n T S
WanT TO mOunT a ScOpe On YOur faVOriTe leVer-acTiOn? We HaVe THe mOunTS THaT GeT THe jOb dOne. Our THree neW baSeS are deSiGned SpecificallY fOr THree SucH rifleS: marlin mOdelS 1894, 1895 and 336. THeSe eaSY-TO-inSTall baSeS deliVer leGendarY WeaVer HOldinG pOWer and are THe perfecT cHOice fOr fOrWard mOunTed ScOpeS. preciSiOn macHined TO TiGHT TOleranceS eacH baSe prOVideS a Secure fiT and iS cOnSTrucTed Of liGHTWeiGHT aircrafT-Grade aluminum fOr STrenGTH and WeiGHT reducTiOn.
TA C T i C A L R i n G S , m O U n T S , b A S E S
AR-15 mOUnTS
THeSe STurdY, VerSaTile mOunTS eaSilY aTTacH TO VariOuS ar-15 STYle WeapOnS. picaTinnY STYle railS accepT WeaVer TOp mOunT rinGS TO Secure YOur OpTicS. uTilize THe Tri rail deSiGn TO mOunT a VarieTY Of acceSSOrieS includinG TacTical laSerS Or flaSHliGHTS.
P i C AT i n n Y S Y S T E m
SHOOTerS can nOW aTTacH a Wide VarieTY Of acceSSOrieS TO THeir firearm WiTH THe SWiVel STud picaTinnY rail adapTOr. THiS adapTOr cOnnecTS TO THe SWiVel STud TO GiVe STandard rifleS a picaTinnY rail OpTiOn.
48328 picaTinnY SYSTem $14.49
P i C AT i n n Y R i S E R S E T
enGineered TO picaTinnY SpecS and addinG an OpTimal 1/2-incH Of rail HeiGHT, Our neW WeaVer picaTinnY riSer SeT iS a SleeK, liGHTWeiGHT OpTiOn fOr mOunTinG a Wide ranGe Of OpTic and rinG cOmbinaTiOnS. THiS neW riSer SeT alSO feaTureS an addiTiOnal mOunTinG SlOT SO YOu can pOSiTiOn YOur OpTic exacTlY WHere YOu need iT. made Of aircrafT-Grade 6061-T6 aluminum WiTH TYpe iii Hard cOaT anOdized finiSH, THiS acceSSOrY iS builT fOr duTY.
99658 picaTinnY riSer SeT $37.95
F L AT T O P R i S E R R A i L A R - 1 5 / m 1 6
Turn YOur flaT TOp ar-15 Or m16 inTO THe perfecT OpTicS plaTfOrm WiTH Our flaT TOp riSer rail. THiS riSer rail iS made frOm aircrafT-Grade 6061-T6, aluminum and HaS TYpe iii Hard cOaT anOdizinG fOr YearS Of ruGGed uSe. enGineered TO prOVide THe OpTimal mOunTinG HeiGHT fOr all TYpeS Of OpTic
and rinG cOmbinaTiOnS, THe flaT TOp riSer rail iS aVailable ALL NEW in bOTH STandard and QuicK deTacH mOdelS. MADE IN USA ALL NEW MADE IN USA ALL NEW MADE ar-15/m16 fixed bacK-up irOn SiGHT $80.49 IN USA ALL NEW
ar flaT TOp riSer rail 20mOa TacTical ar-15/m16 flaT TOp riSer rail TacTical ar-15/m16 flaT TOp riSer rail Qd
TA CT i C A L R i n G S , m O U n T S , b A S E S
6 - H O L E P i C AT i n n Y R i n G S
THeSe rinGS feaTure Six ScreWS fOr max SecuriTY and clampinG preSSure buT GeT SeriOuS upGradeS fOr le and miliTarY uSe. an imprOVed picaTinnY crOSSbOlT deSiGn (frOm WeaVer TO picaTinnY Spec), TYpe iii Hard cOaT anOdized finiSH, nO STrip/Slip TOrx ScreWS and an increaSed number Of HeiGHT OpTiOnS maKe THeSe 6-HOle rinGS THe GO-TO mOunTS fOr all TacTical preciSiOn rifleS.
flaT TOp ar-15 OWnerS can nOW mOunT THeir aimpOinT OpTicS WiTH THe leGendarY HOld Of WeaVer rinGS & baSeS. THeSe TWO mOunTS accOmmOdaTe bOTH THe micrO and 30mm aimpOinT and feaTure 1/3rd cO-WiTneSS WiTH mil-Spec irOn SiGHTS, aircrafT-Grade 6061-T6 aluminum and TYpe-3 Hard cOaT anOdizinG.
E X T E n d E d m U LT i - S L O T b A S E S
enjOY OpTical SuperiOriTY WiTH Our TacTical mulTi-SlOT baSeS. THeSe picaTinnY baSeS are deSiGned fOr Specific mOdelS Of firearmS and prOVide an addiTiOnal 1 incH Of fOrWard lenGTH fOr mOre mOunTinG OpTiOnS. manufacTured frOm 6061-T6 aluminum and prOTecTed bY a maTTe, TYpe iii Hard cOaT anOdized finiSH, THeSe mulTi-SlOT baSeS are cOmpaTible WiTH picaTinnY Or WeaVer STYle rinGS. an inTeGral recOil luG, nO Slip/STrip TOrx ScreWS rOund OuT THe feaTureS Of THeSe TacTical baSeS. aVailable WiTH 20 mOa canT fOr exTended ranGe OpTic adjuSTmenT aS Well aS STandard zerO canT.
Six screws for extra security and clamping pressure type-3 hard coat anodized finish increase height options for broad applications and firearms
99688 99689 99690 99691 99692 99693 99694 99695 1" med 1" HiGH 1" xHiGH 1" xxHiGH 30mm lOW 30mm med 30mm HiGH 30mm xHiGH $47.95 $47.95 $47.95 $47.95 $47.95 $47.95 $47.95 $47.95
99669 99670
$52.49 $41.95
P i C AT i n n Y R i n G C A P
maKe YOur rinGS WOrK Harder WiTH THe picaTinnY rinG cap. deSiGned TO replace THe TOp rinG SecTiOn Of Our TacTical 6-HOle rinG Or Our 6-HOle picaTinnY rinGS (in eiTHer 1" Or 30mm), THeSe rinG capS cleVerlY incOrpOraTe a Small picaTinnY rail SecTiOn THaTS ideal fOr mOunTinG a Small dOT OpTic OVer a maGnified ScOpe. dOnT leT YOur need fOr SeriOuS maGnificaTiOn Keep YOu frOm THe clOSe QuarTer acTiOn Of a dOT OpTic. mOunT Our picaTinnY rinG cap and GeT THe beST Of bOTH WOrldS.
99668 99667
$47.49 $89.49
99483 99484 99478 99479 99499 99486 99500 99485 99493 99494 99495 99496
448 447 449 450 440 442 439 441 451 452 453 454
provides a small picatinny rail section perfect for mounting small dot optics over a magnified scope
exTended mulTi-SlOT 1 pc baSe WincHeSTer 70 la exTended mulTi-SlOT 1 pc baSe WincHeSTer 70 Sa exTended mulTi-SlOT 1 pc baSe WincHeSTer 70 Sa 20mOa exTended mulTi-SlOT 1 pc baSe WincHeSTer 70 la 20mOa exTended mulTi SlOT baSe reminGTOn 700 la exTended mulTi SlOT baSe reminGTOn 700 la 20mOa exTended mulTi SlOT baSe reminGTOn 700 Sa exTended mulTi SlOT baSe reminGTOn 700 Sa 20mOa exTended mulTi-SlOT 1 pc baSe SaVaGe accuTriGGer la exTended mulTi-SlOT 1 pc baSe SaVaGe accuTriGGer la 20mOa exTended mulTi-SlOT 1 pc baSe SaVaGe accuTriGGer Sa exTended mulTi-SlOT 1 pc baSe SaVaGe accuTriGGer Sa 20mOa
$40.49 $40.49 $40.49 $40.49 $40.49 $40.49 $40.49 $40.49 $40.49 $40.49 $40.49 $40.49
99671 99665 99664 TacTical picaTinnY rinG cap 1" TacTical picaTinnY rinG cap 30mm $16.95 $16.95
SimmOnS RinGS
SimmOnS rinGS HaVe lOnG Held a place Of diSTincTiOn amOnG SHOOTerS WHO demand a ruGGed HOld and eaSY inSTallaTiOn. aVailable in bOTH 1-incH Tube and 30mm OfferinGS, SHOOTerS can cHOOSe beTWeen a VarieTY Of finiSHeS Of maTTe, GlOSS Or SilVer.
49166 49167 49168 49169 1 1 1 1
i M
1 1 1 1
R i
n G
$7.49 $7.49 $7.49 $7.49
49174 49175 49176 49178
$13.95 $13.95 $9.49 $7.49
C H A RT S / m O U n T C H A RT S
G R A n d S L A m S T E E L - d O V E TA i L b A S E S : F R O m P A G E 4 3
48964 48904 48905 48922 48923 48924 48925 48932 48933 48911 48960 48970 48974 48928 48929 48954 48952 48958 48950 2pC anSCHutZ bLaCK 2pC bR-a-boLt La/Sa bLaCK 2pC bR-a-boLt La/Sa matte 1pC bR-a-boLt La 1pC bR-aboLt La matte 1pC bR-a-boLt Sa 1pC bR-aboLt Sa matte 1pC bR-maRK II bLaCK 1pC bR-maRK II matte 2pC bR WSSm matte 2pC CoLt SaueR bLaCK 2pC CVa bLaCK 1pC HuSQVaRna bLaCK 1pC maRLIn 336 1pC maRLIn 336 matte 1pC mauSeR Fn bLaCK 2pC mauSeR Fn bLaCK 1pC maRLIn 1894 bLaCK 1pC mauSeR Sm 95 bLaCK 48916 48910 48900 48901 48971 48912 48913 48930 48931 48948 48978 48946 48914 48915 48962 48956 48902 48903 48972 1pC mauSeR 98 bLaCK 2pC mauSeR 98 bLaCK 2pC Rem 700 La/Sa & HoWa/VanGuaRD 2pC Rem 700 La/Sa & HoWa/VanGuaRD matte 2pC Rem 700 La/Sa & HoWa/VanGuaRD nKL 1pC Rem 700 La & HoWa/VanGuaRD 1pC Rem 700 La & HoWa/VanGuaRD matte 1pC Rem 700 Sa bLaCK 1pC Rem 700 Sa matte 1pC Rem 760 1pC Rem 788 La bLaCK 1pC Rem 788 XLa bLaCK 1pC Rem 7400, 4&6 1pC Rem 7400, 4&6 matte 2pC SaKo bLaCK 1pC SaV 99 bLaCK 2pC SaV 110 La/Sa bLaCK 2pC SaV 110 La/Sa matte 2pC SaV 110 La/Sa nKL 48906 48918 48920 48966 48968 48926 48976 48908 48909 48935 48907 48940 48936 48938 48942 48944 2pC SaV 110 La/Sa aCu-tRIGGeR matte 1pC SaV 110 La bLaCK 1pC SaV 110 Sa bLaCK 1pC SpRInGFIeLD bLaCK 1pC SpRInGFIeLD 03a bLaCK 1pC tC enCoRe 2pC WeatHeRbY maRK V bLaCK 2pC WIn 70 (.860 SpaCInG) bLaCK 2pC WIn 70 (.860 SpaCInG) matte 2pC WIn 70 (.435 SpaCe & pRe-64) matte 2pC WIn 70 WSSm matte 1pC WIn 70 Sa-1984 bLaCK 1pC WIn 70 (pRe-64) bLaCK 1pC WIn 70 (.860 SpaCe) bLaCK 1pC WIn 88, 100 bLaCK 1pC WIn 94-ae bLaCK
} MArk 12 } 54, 54MS, 64, 64MS, 164, 1400 SEriES, 1500 SEriES } 153 dELUxE } 1568 } MATTE } SiLvEr } ALL AUTOS ExcEPT rEM 11-48, 11-87, 1100, SPTSMN 48 } NOvA ShOTgUN (MATTE) } SUPEr BLAck EAgLE, SUPEr BLAck EAgLE ii, M1 & M2 fiELd gUNS } MATO rifLE } PiNTAiL SLUg gUN } MATTE } SiLvEr
BriTiSh 303 BrOwNiNg
wiTh ENfiELd AcTiON
418m 418S 419m 420m 420S 421m 423m 424 424m 427 428 429m 93am 430m 432m
} 1885 high wALL (OcTAgON BArrEL) } 22 AUTO } SAkO AcTiONS iN 243, 308, 22-250, 222 & 222 MAg. } A-BOLT, A-BOLT 22 STALkEr; MEdALLiON } BLAck } MATTE } MATTE } SiLvEr } A-BOLT ShOTgUN } MATTE } A-BOLT (EUrOPEAN MOdEL), MOd 52, 52c } BOLT AcTiON BBr, hi-POwEr, OThEr cAL. (OLdEr MOd.) } SiLvEr } BAr, BAr ii, MArk ii, BLr LighTNiNg (LEvEr), BPr } MATTE } BLr (LEvEr AcTiON) } BLr wiTh fLAT TOP rEcEivEr (OLdEr MOdELS) } BBr (BOLT AcTiON), LONg & ShOrT AcTiONS } MATTE } SiLvEr } A-BOLT wSSM } BAr MATTE } MONArch MEdiUM AcTiON iN 222, 243 & 308 } MATTE } SiLvEr } cf2, MONArch LONg AcTiON iN 7MM, 270 & 30-06 } MATTE } SiLvEr } OThEr high-POwErS } cArcANO
402 402S
49721 49720
S54 S25
S402 48911
d E TA C H A b L E T O P m O U n T H E i G H T G U i d E : F R O m P A G E 4 8
RInG SIZe 1" LoW 1" meDIum 1" HIGH 1" eXtRa HIGH 1" See-tHRu SaDDLe HeIGHt 0.089 0.169 0.332 0.560 0.750 FItS objeCtIVe LenS SIZe tHRu tHRu tHRu tHRu tHRu 38mm 40mm 44mm 50mm 50mm RInG SIZe 30mm LoW 30mm HIGH 1 tIp-oFF 1 tIp-oFF See-tHRu SaDDLe HeIGHt 0.288 0.500 0.25 0.750 FItS objeCtIVe LenS SIZe tHRu tHRu tHRu tHRu 33mm 44mm 36mm 50mm
4, 6
} MOd 2000
note: Chart also applies to the Grand Slam Steel top mount Rings, pg 42
m O U n T C H A RT S
chUrchiLL (cONTiNUEd)
S61 S45
S46 S46
S402 S402
} 755, 765, 852 & 865 } 800 } TOPPEr 30, 22 JET, & MOd 158 (PrE 1973) } J9 } SiLvEr } U9 BSA AcTiON } U9 rOUNd rEcEivEr } MATTE } SiLvEr } high-POwEr } AUTO ShOTgUN
h & r (cONTiNUEd)
} 57 } SiLvEr } cOLTSMAN iN 223, 243 & 308 cAL. (rOUNd rEcEvEr) } cOLTSMAN iN 264 & 30-06 cAL. (rOUNd rEcEivEr) } cOLTSMAN wiTh SAkO STyLE AcTiON iN 223 & OThEr cAL } h BAr } ShArPS } ANAcONdA, PyThON & kiNg cOBrA PiSTOLS (SiLvEr) } SAUEr } MATTE } SiLvEr } 60 & 600 } 71 } MATTE } SiLvEr } OcTAgON BArrELS / rEcEivErS } PrE-2010 rOUNd BArrELS / rEcEivErS (POST 96 MOdELS)
1 8
36 36M 36S 4 18 1 1 1
35 35M 35S
48912 48913
48900 48901
2 1
S47 S47
S46 S46
S402 S402
55 23 45
20A 71A 46 62
} dEErSLAyEr, 37 & 87 (12, 16, 20 gA.) } LSA-55 & LSA-65 } MATTE } SiLvEr } 49SS, .22 } LighTNiNg x3 } 6.5MM & 7.7MM
S61 3A
67 71 12
65 71 49515 49733
} 7000
} kNighT Mk-85, Bk-92 & T-BOLT (fLAT rEcEivErS) } MATTE } SiLvEr } Lk-93, wOLvEriNE, LEgENd, diSc, AMEricAN, rEvOLUTiON } SiLvEr } (OffSET TO LEfT fOr EASy EJEcTiON) } 22 riMfirE
LAkEfiELd LEE-ENfiELd krAg
S61 S45
S61 S45
} 65, 165, 150 & 151 (AUTO) } 250, 251, 264, 265, 365, 450 & 550 } 232c ShOTgUN (10 gA.) & 980 ULTrA } 155, SB2 ULTrA (.22-250), TOPPEr 158c (1973+), 157 } 300, 301, 330 & 370 (PrE 1973) } SiLvEr } 300 & 301 S.A. iN 22-250, 243 & 308 (1973+) } 300 & 301 L.A. iN 270, 30-06, 7MM & 300 wiN (1973+) } 317 & 322 } 317 (PrE 1975) } 360 & 361 } 700
18 18 19 45 45S 83 54 11 67
2 2
TO-1 16
63B 63BS 15 28 29 15 31 16
48928 48929
90 58
m O U n T C H A RT S
} 88, 89 & 98 } 80, 81 & 980 } 455 } SiLvEr } 512 SLUg MASTEr & 55 (driLL & TAP) (MATTE) } 60, 990L, 70, 995, 882, 25MN, 883 } Mr7 } MATTE } SiLvEr } MLS-50 & MLS-54, (BASES SOLd 2/PAck) } SiLvEr } 1894 } 900 SEriES iN .17 & .22 cALiBErS } rEcEivEr riNg ABOUT 1.410 diAMETEr (98fN) } SiLvEr } rEcEivEr riNg ABOUT 1.300 diAMETEr (SwEdiSh 96) } BAUEr 3000 & 4000 } MArk x } 98 } 25, 26, 42, 46M, 140, 142 & 146, 45-46 w/ 3/4 diA. BBLS } 40 } 43, 44, 144, 46BT & 35 } 45, 46 EArLy MOdELS wiTh 13/16 diA. BBLS } 320, 340, 342 & 620 } 640 } 680, 800 & 695-ShOTgUN (USE dUAL ExTENSiON riNgS) } 50, 51, 151, 152, 350 & 352 } 400 } 472, 479 & 679 } 500AS (PrE 1997) & 600 ShOTgUNS } 500 (1997+), 590 & 835 ShOTgUNS (MATTE) } 810 & rM7 } 100 ATr, 1500, 1700 } MATTE } SiLvEr } 935 (MATTE) } MArk i & MArk ii } MArk iii & MArk iv } SiLvEr } cOUNTry BOy MUZZLELOAdEr } MATTE } SiLvEr
402 402S
2 2 5 10M
} LighTNiNg
S47 S46 S402
49718 49736
5 1
S45 S55
S46 S46
S402 S402
48954 48950
48916 12 16 12 12 21 55 12 20A 13 21 16 16 21 63B 55 12 42 80 88 417M 25 36 36M 36S 11 35 35M 35S 430M 54 45 45S 46 46M 46S 46 46 46S 46 46M 46S 53 402 402M 402S 402 402 S54 S45 S46 S46 S402 S402 40A 40A-M 40A-S 48912 48913 49713 S55 2 S55 2 2 2 2 2
48900 48901
} hANdy rifLE, hOrNET (USE ExTrA high riNgS) } N.E.f. 10 gAUgE ShOTgUN } hUNTSMAN MUZZLELOAdEr } 495B (MATTE) } 22 AUTO (rEPLicA Of BrOwNiNg 22 AUTO) } Jw-15
82 19 8 19 82 10M 18 12 61 45 61 46 60A
} 700, 78, 40x-L, 721 & 725 (ALL LONg AcTiONS) } MATTE } SiLvEr } 700, 78, 40x-S, 722 & 725 (ALL ShOrT AcTiONS), 700 MZL. Ldr. } MATTE } SiLvEr } 710 } 788 ALL cALiBErS } 788 iN .222 MAg, .22/.250, .30/.30 cAL } 788 iN .243, 6MM, .308 cAL } 7 w/3 hOLES, 600, 660, xP-100 xr-100 } 7 w/4 hOLES (NEw iN 1999), 673 (MATTE) } 740, 742 & 760 } 4, 6, 74, 76, 7400, 7600 750 } MATTE } 8 & 81 } 10, 11, 12, 34*, 341*, 510, 511, 512 & 521T } 12A, 121 wiTh 3/4 diAMETEr BArrELS } 121 wiTh 13/16 diAMETEr BArrELS } 12c OcTAgON BArrEL } 14 & 141 } 41 } 24 & 241 } 25 } 30 & 720 } 33 } 513S & 513T } 514 } 514 (NOT driLLEd & TAPPEd) & 550 } 541S & 541T } 522 viPEr } 5, 552, 572 & 581(S) } 597, 597LSS (MATTE) } SiLvEr } 798 } 799 } 870, 1100, 11-87 ShOTgUNS (SEE cONvErTA MOUNT SySTEM) } 11-48, 1100, SPOrTSMAN 48 & 58 ShOTgUNS } gENiSiS } .410/.22 Lr & .410/.17 hMr SMALL frAME MATchEd PAir
1 49712 1 49712 S36 S36 S36 S35 S35 S35 S40A S40A
48978 48946 70 421M 35M 62 93 49715 49714 7 2 2 2 1 S430 S460 48948 48914 48915
6 18
43 18 18 18 20A 17 18 11 17 43 16 12 15
42 13 17 31 27 17 60A 21 11 13 44 21 12 15
2 2 1 2 2 2
4 11 12 25
7 1, 3, 4 1, 3, 4 16 16, 25 16 85 85 89 86
} cAN BE fiTTEd wiTh ThE fOLLOwiNg BASES: } 1000, 1000c, 1100, 1200 & 1700
} NO. 1 } NO. 3 } 10/22 iN 22 LONg rifLE cAL. (grOOvEd & driLLEd) } MATTE } SiLvEr } SUPEr rEdhAwk (SiLvEr)
49711 49734
m O U n T C H A RT S
} 10/22 MAg & 77/22 (w/BUiLT-iN iNTEgrAL MOUNTS), 77-50 ML } SiLvEr } 96/22 & 96/22 MAgNUM } 44 cArBiNE MAgNUM dEErSTALkEr } M77 (rOUNd TOP driLLEd) } MATTE } M77, (w/BUiLT-iN iNTEgrAL MOUNTS) } SiLvEr } MiNi 14 rANch & MiNi 30 (w/BUiLT-iN iNTEgrAL MOUNT } SiLvEr } SiNgLE Six & SUPEr SiNgLE Six (314) } BLAckhAwk & SUPEr BLAckhAwk (301) } SiLvEr (301S) } rEdhAwk (308S) SiLvEr } MArk ii PiSTOL, STANdArd MOdELS (306) } L579 } 72, 75 & 78 } fiNNwOLf } fOrESTEr, fiNNBEAr & vixEN (TAPErEd dOvETAiLS) } whiTETAiL hUNTEr } MATTE } SiLvEr
rUgEr (cONTiNUEd)
16 47 79 68 35
TO-11 40A 49724 49732 49723 49735 48912 48913 48900 48901
} 42 & 43 } 50 & 51 } SiLvEr } 51L } 53 } MATTE } SiLvEr } 54 & 100 } fLAT TOP rEcEivEr } MATTE } SiLvEr } MATTE } SiLvEr
rOUNd rEcEivEr
5 1 1
3B 61 61M 61S 35 35M 35S 55 36 36M 36S 8, 17, 23 8, 17, 23 8 17 25 6 8 54 59 55 45 26 22 31 16 12 12 61 61M 61S 18 15 16 46 46M 46S 16 12 22 31 21 13 12 46 46M 46S 17 15 16 46 46M 46S 21 12 2 2 2 2 1 49717 1 2 2 2 402 402M 402S 402 402M 402S 2 2 1 401 401S 48642 S46 S46 S402 S402 48906 S61 S46 S402 61 61M 61S 35 35M 35S 46 35 35M 35S 401 401S 48642 62 407S 48496 1 S54 S55 49727 S61 40A 40A-M 40A-S 40A 40A-M 40A-S 402 40A 40A-M 40A-S S61
8 8 8 8 8, 13 72 85 67 61 61M 61S 35 35M 35S 25 16 12 12 11 15 14 17 12 19 11 16 14 12 22 22 22 22 22 22 22, 25 22 22 61 61M 61S 61 61M 61S 67 46 46M 46S 54 31 11 71 85 53 65 61 61M 61S 35 35M 35S 25 21 13 12 22 16
} MATTE } SiLvEr } 202 } Shr 970 }3 }4 & 5 }6 & 7 } 29 (rOUNd BArrEL) } 19 & 23 } 20, 340, 340E, 342, 840 & 842E } 24 } 24 & 900S (.22 cAL rifLES w/grOOvEd rEcEivErS) } 25 (OcTAgON BArrEL) } 40 & 45 } 67 ShOTgUN } 93f hEAvy BArrEL } 99, 1895 & 1899 } 170 } 219 } 10, 12 & 16 (ShOrT AcTiONS). STrikEr, PSTL, 510, 512,
40A-M 40A-S
} MAUSEr AcTiONS w/SMALL rEc. riNg ABOUT 1.30 diA } 1500, 1600 & 1700 } MATTE } SiLvEr } 29, 629, 625, 686 & L, k & N frAME rvLrS (fAcTOry driLLEd) } SiLvEr } L & k frAME rvLrS (307) } 41 PiSTOL } 2206 TgT PSTL (SiLvEr) } x frAME (SiLvEr) } O3 } O3-A3
S46 S35
} 1911 A-2 SASS cONvErSiON } 26 } 27 OcTAgON } 53 } 56 & 66 } 57, 76, 4171/2 & 762 } 110E } MATTE } SiLvEr } 322 & 325 } 416 } 417 } 418 & 418 1/2 } SAvAgE/STEvENS 200 } MATTE } SiLvEr } 83 } 85, 87 & 872 } 840
SPriNgfiELd ArMOry
2 93 49714 48956 62 49715 2 402 402M 402S 413 402 402M 402S 402 402M 402S 402 1 1 49717 S61 S46 S402 48920 S61 S46 S402 48902 48903 48972 48902 48903 48972
516 S/ A, 10 ML (2-PiEcE ONLy) PrE 2003 MOdELS } MATTE } SiLvEr } 110, 112, 116 (LONg AcTiONS); 210 ShTg (USE x-high riNgS) PrE 2003 MOdELS } MATTE SiLvEr } } 2400 } 10, 12, 110, 112 SEriES, w/ AccUTriggEr,, STEvENS 200, 10 ML ii } MATTE } SiLvEr
22 22 22
4 14 8, 17, 23 8, 17, 23 8
402M 402S
} L, k & N frAME rvLrS (LikE S&w, fAcTOry driLLEd) } SiLvEr } L & k frAME rvLrS (307)
m O U n T C H A RT S
} cONTENdEr hANdgUN & cONTENdEr cArBiNE rifLE } SiLvEr } ScOUT rifLE & ScOUT PiSTOL } Tcr } ThUNdErhAwk & firEhAwk (2EA. PEr Pkg.) } SiLvEr } TrAdiTiONAL STyLE MUZZLELOAdErS, NEw ENgLANdEr } ENcOrE, OMEgA } SiLvEr } SySTEM 1 & BLAck diAMONd (2EA. PEr Pkg) } SiLvEr } TikkA w/fLAT rEcEivEr } MATTE } SiLvEr } SAkO dESigN w/TAPErEd dOvETAiL } whiTETAiL w/OcTAgON rEcEivErS } iN-LiNE MUZZLELAOdErS w/rOUNd rEcEivErS - MATTE } SiLvEr } M1 cArBiNE 30 cAL. } TAPErEd dOvETAiL, SAkO dESigN } 2130 } 2150, 2165/1, 2165/2, 2165/3 & 2165/4 (MAUSEr AcTiON) } SiLvEr } vANgUArd } MATTE } SiLvEr } MArk v STd. cAL iNcL. 240MAg, cENTErfirE PiSTOL, } MATTE } SiLvEr } fN MAUSEr STyLE AcTiONS } SiLvEr } MArk v MAg. cAL ExcEPT 240 MAg. } MATTE } 712 } 730 } 740 } SiLvEr } 750 } 770 } 772 } 775 & 780
224 vArMiNTMASTEr, ULTrA LighTwEighT
20 67 4 28 45 45S 36 36M 36S 36 36M 36S 45 45S 424 424M 6 25 11 63B 63BS 67 55 55 19 32 20A 18 25 46 46M 46S 65 20A 80 55 22 32 17 18 57 46 46M 46S 49713 65 28 46 46S 35 35M 35S 415 415M 415S 46 46S 35 35M
1, 22 1, 22 1, 22
48912 48913
48900 48901
} LEvEr AcTiONS 53, 55, 64, 65, 66, 71, 1886, 1892, 95 & 1895 } 54, & EArLy MOd. 70 w/SEriAL NO. BELOw #66 350 } 57 & 69 } 60, 67 & 68 } 61 w/rOUNd BArrEL } 61 w/OcTAgON BArrEL } 69A, 72 & 47 } 70 LONg AcTiON (hOLE SPAciNg SAME), 670, 770 } MATTE } SiLvEr } 70 LONg AcTiON (hOLE SPAciNg diffErENT) & 70 SUPEr ExPrESS } 70 ShOrT AcTiON (1984+) } MATTE } SiLvEr } 70 wSSM } 70 w/SEriAL NO BELOw 66 350 (PrE 64) } 74 } 75 SPOrTEr } 75 TArgET } 77 } 88 & 100 } 94 PrE 64 } 94 POST 64 & 94 TrAPPEr } 94 Big BOrE 375 } 94 ANgLE-EJEcT Big BOrE } 94 ANgLE-EJEcT (ExcEPT EArLiEST MOdELS) } 94/22 } 520 } 777 } 1200 & 1500 ShOTgUNS (SEE cONvErTA MOUNT SySTEMS) } 1300 & 1400 ShOTgUNS (ALSO SEE cONvErTA MOUNT SyS) MATTE } 50 ShOTgUN } x-150, APEx MUZZLELOAdErS (MATTE) } SiLvEr
wiNchESTEr (cONTiNUEd)
3A 1 2 2 2 2 1 49718 S47 S49A 1 49718 S47 S46 S402 S46 S46 S402 S402 48940 48908 48909 48907 48936 2 2 2 2
48908 48909
49725 3d 3B 3c
95 95 16 85 71 25 418M 418S
8 418M 418S
S402 48976
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Shimming is probably required for perfect scope alignment. Rear base may require modifications for correct fit to military actions. Front base may require modification for correct fit. Gun will have to be drilled and tapped. Front base screws must be shortened by grinding. may require bolt and/or safety alteration, otherwise firearm cannot function safely and properly. Consult with a qualified gunsmith. baSe DoeS not FIt RoSSI LaRGe FRame matCHeD paIR ComboS (aLL moDeLS WItH 20 oR 12 Ga SHotGun baRReLS). Remove rear sight to use. the handiest way to pinpoint the correct base for the Win. 52 & Win. 70 Long action Rifles is to check the spacing of the tapped holes for the rear base and compare it to the hole spacing for the front base. Does it have: HoLe SpaCInG tHe Same HoLe SpaCInG IS DIFFeRent model 52 use 46+ 46 model 52 use 25+ 57 model 70 use 47+ 46 model 70 use 49a+ 46 the Weaver type base built into this rifle will accept Weaver rings but our highest ring (1" See-thru #49513) still isnt high enough to clear the front sight. the Weaver type base built into this firearm will accept any Detachable top mount Weaver Ring. Rifle has Grooved Receiver for tip-off Rings. 13. Ruger mark II pistols. Weaver only offers a clamp on base with 1" rings (pistol mount System #306). Ruger supplies a short or long base and 1" or 30mm rings w/factory drilled and tapped pistols. Contact Ruger at 602-778-6555 for these items. 14. bolt Clearance problem may exist and scope will not be centered. 15. base accepts tip-off Rings only. 16. to-9, to-10 & to-11 bases accept either Detachable top mount Rings or tip-off Rings. each have crossbolt slots and 3/8" grooves for both applications. 17. must be factory drilled and tapped. 18. one-piece base attaches to barrel and extends back over receiver. 19. Requires the use of thompson/Center base adapter. 20. Requires drilling and tapping 4 holes in receiver and relief space cut in stock to clear base. 21. Rear base is positioned on top of receiver and front base is positioned on the barrel. Drilling & tapping required. one-piece base mounts w/2 set screws & newer guns are factory drilled & tapped. 22. For shorter tube scopes or red dot scopes use #402 extension front base or one-piece base if available. extension base allows an extra .689". 23. WaRnInG: not FoR uSe WItH X-FRame ReVoLVeRS. uSe on FIReaRmS otHeR tHan tHoSe LISteD maY CauSe InjuRY. 24. top mount base is designed to fit 12Ga models only. 25. Can be used with tactical multi Slot bases.
S55 2
} 03 & 63 } 06, 62, 62A & 90 w/OcTAgON BArrEL } 05, 07 & 10 } 42 } 43 } 52 (hOLE SPAciNg diffErENT) } 52 (hOLE SPAciNg SAME) } MATTE } SiLvEr
8. 9.
402M 402S
Gun ANSCHUTZ 54, 64, 153, 1400, 1500 BROWNING .264 thru.458 FN Mauser Action Semi-Auto (BAR), Mark II, BPR, BA BBR Long & Short Actions A-Bolt LA (Use SR models for Left Hand)
Use the charts on the following pages to match your firearm with the right rings and bases for your next hunting or shooting adventure. These quality Redfield mounts are manufactured to rigorous tolerances and provide guaran
teed performance time after time, hunt after hunt, year after year. If your next day afield requires a rock solid hold, mount your scope with Redfield.
Aluminum Base Pairs 47510 Savage 110 ACU black matte 47511 Redfield Remington 700 black matte 47512 Ruger 10/22 black matte 47513 Winchester 70 black matte 47514 Marlin 336 black matte 47515 Mauser 98 black matte 47516 Browning X-Bolt black matte 47517 Browning A-Bolt black matte 47518 Browning Bar black matte 47519 Remington 870 black matte 47520 Traditions / CVA In-Line black matte 47521 Winchester 1894 black matte 47522 Remington 7400 black matte 47523 Mossberg 500 black matte MRSP $6.95 $6.95 $6.95 $6.95 $6.95 $6.95 $6.95 $6.95 $6.95 $6.95 $6.95 $6.95 $6.95 $6.95
47154 47174 -
47510 Redfield Base Pair Savage 110 Redfield Twin-Dovetail Style Rings 47425 1" med td matte 47426 1" high td matte 47427 1" x-high td matte Rotary Dovetail Steel Rings (30mm) 47250 30mm med black matte 47251 30mm high black 47254 30mm std rear ext front high blk matte 47255 30mm std rear ext front high black 47256 30mm high black matte 47383 30mm med black Redfield Aluminum Rings 47311 1 medium gloss 47312 1 medium matte 47313 1 medium silver 47315 1 high gloss 47316 1 high matte 47317 1 high silver 47320 1 .22 matte 47321 1 22 silver 47322 1 22 gloss 47323 30mm med.matte 47324 30mm high matte 47325 1 see-thru matte Redfield 4 Hole Aluminum Rings 47330 1 med matte 4 hole 47332 1 high matte 4 hole 47334 1 x-high matte 4 hole 47331 1 med silver 4 hole 47333 1 high silver 4 hole 47335 1 x-high silver 4 hole Ruger Rifle Steel Rings 47234 1" med ruger 77 black 47236 1" high ruger 77 black matte 47237 1" high ruger 77 black 47240 30mm high ruger 77 black matte .22 Caliber Ring Mounts (Grooved Receiver) 47432 1" med .22 black 47430 1" med .22 matte 47428 1" med .22 nickel 47285 1" high .22 black 47287 1" high .22 matte 47433 1" x-high .22 black 47431 1" x-high .22 matte See-Thru Rings 47327 3/8" Dovetail MSRP $36.95 $36.95 $36.95 MSRP $51.49 $49.49 $70.49 $66.95 $50.49 $50.49 MSRP $7.49 $7.49 $7.49 $7.49 $7.49 $7.49 $7.49 $7.49 $7.49 $13.95 $13.95 $9.49 MSRP $13.49 $13.49 $13.49 $13.49 $13.49 $13.49 MSRP $44.49 $49.49 $44.49 $58.49 MSRP $37.95 $40.49 $40.49 $37.95 $40.49 $37.95 $40.95 MSRP $10.95
A-Bolt SA A-Bolt 22 BSA Monarch LA Round Receiver Monarch SA CHURCHILL Long & Short Action COLT 57, 30-06 & FN Mauser Coltsman Sako Action (med. & short) Sauer DICKSON-HOWA Golden Bear H&R 300, 301, 330, 370 (Prior to 1973) INTERARMS Mark X HOWA 1500 ITHACA (Tikka) .37 KNIGHT Disc Rifle (round receivers) MARLIN 36, 36A, 336,444 Sporter, 336T, 375 1895, 9, 922 455 1894, 1894C, 1894M
47152 47169
47266 47273
47193 47193
47270 47270
47350 47350
47441 4744
47154 -
Redfield Aluminum Rings. Rotary Dovetail Steel Rings (1") 47214 1" high, nickel 47215 1" std rear ext front high, nickel 47218 1" std rear/ext front med black 47249 1" std rear ext front med black matte 47220 1" std rear ext front high black 47221 1" ext rear ext front med black 47223 1" low black 47224 1" med black 47226 1" high black 47228 1" high black matte 47230 1" med black matte 47231 1" extra high black 47232 1" extra high black matte 47233 1" med nickel 47378 1" low black matte 47379 1" std rear ext front high black matte MSRP $34.95 $50.49 $44.95 $49.49 $44.95 $57.95 $30.49 $30.49 $30.49 $32.49 $32.49 $32.49 $34.95 $34.95 $32.49 $49.49
47154 47152
47345 47193
47345 -
Gun MAUSER 98 FN, Mark 10 Kar & Swedish after 1906 & Small Ring 95, Mexican & Matte Black MOSSBERG 1500, 1700 (Short Action) 1500, 1700 (Long Action) MUSGRAVE Mark III, Mark IV PARKER HALE 1000, 1100, 1200 REMINGTON 7 Lightweight; 600, 660, XP100 4, 6, 74, 7400, 7600 700 (Short Action); 40X, 78, 722, 725, 22/250, 222, 243, 308, 6mm, 6.5, 350 Mag.; 700 Varmint Cals.: 222 Mag., 223, 243, 6mm, 22/250, 308 700 (Long Action - Right Hand): 40X, 78, 721, 725, 270, 280, 30-06 & 264, 7mm, 300 Mag. 700 (Long Action - Left Hand) 270, 3006, 7mm Mag. 740, 742, 760 788 (Long Action Cals.): 222 Mag., 22/250, 30/30 788 (X-Long Action Inc. LH) Cals: 243, 6mm, .308 710 RUGER 77 Round Receiver (Long Action) SAKO Tapered Dovetail (short+med action), A-1, L-416-All, L579(Long action) AV, L61 Finnwolf Mauser Actions SAUER 90, 200 (Sigrams) SAVAGE Anschutz 64MS Anschutz 153 & 54
110, 110C, 111LA (pre 2003 models) 110, 110C,112-V SA (pre 2003 models) 110 Long & Short Action (LH) (pre 2003 models)
47150 -
(J.C. Higgins) 53 47154 47347 47345 47353 -
47169 47152
47273 47266
47193 47193
47270 47270
47350 47350
47441 47441
03 47386 47159 -
03A3, A4
SMITH & WESSON 47154 47345 1500,1600,1700 47152 47266 47193 47270 47350 47441 -
TED WILLIAMS 47169 47171 47169 47273 47274 47273 47193 47270 47350 47441 73 47347 47353 -
Contender & Carbine (with 3 rings) Encore (with 3 rings) Encore 47203 47376 47173 47202 47210 -
47266 -
47270 47270 -
47350 47350 -
47441 47441 -
Mark V mag. cal except 240 mag Mark V std cal inc 240 mag, Ctrfire Pistol Vanguard FN 224 Varmintmaster 47152 47266 47193 47345 47270 47350 47451 47441 47450 -
WESTERN FIELD 47152 47266 47193 47270 47350 47441 30-06 740 47154 47343 47345 -
WINCHESTER 47148 47159 47349 47345 70 Target 70 in .300 Win Mag & .375 H&H Only Serial # 66,350 to 700,000 (one hole in rear of action) Serial # 1,896,476 and up &/or rear hole spacing .860 47146 47146 47148 47347 47347 47347 47353 47353 47353 -
70 (rear hole spacing .860) Includes M70, M70XTR, 670, 770, Ranger & Lightweight. Also .458 Win Mag & Weatherby Mags above serial #66,350. 70 Short Actions introduced in 1984
47365 47365
Knoxx Stocks
Federal Premium
Trophy Bonded Tip
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Est. 1943
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Your purchase helps us financially support many outdoor conservation organizations that protect our habitats and heritage.
Thank you.
2010 Weaver Inc. Printed in U.S.A.