Terjemah Karya Tulis RIKA
Terjemah Karya Tulis RIKA
Terjemah Karya Tulis RIKA
When producers and consumers die, then the organic carbon compounds in
the body will be described by decomposing organisms (bacteria and fungi) that
will liberate CO₂ into the air or into the water. Most of the organic material in the
body there is a difficult organism described (take a long time) and there are turns
into limestone (CaCO₃), charcoal and oil (fossil fuel). Burning fossil fuels will
liberate CO₂ back into the air.
2. The nitrogen cycle
The air in the Earth's atmosphere is composed of 80% nitrogen. Nitrogen is
an essential element or components of nucleic acids (DNA and RNA). The main
source of atmospheric nitrogen is N₂. However, most organisms both plants and
animals can not take advantage of the free N₂ in the air. Free nitrogen can be tied
or fixed mainly by bacteria that live on plants that have spots and some species of
algae. Free nitrogen can also react with hydrogen or oxygen with the help of
lightning or thunder.
Plants obtain nitrogen from the soil in the form of ammonia (NH₃), nitrite
ions (NO₂) and ion nitriat (NO₃) can occur in biology and electrochemistry. The
binding of biologically N₂ carried by bacteria and green algae. Symbiotic bacteria
that are capable of binding N₂ include Rhizobium leguminosarium the root nodule
symbiosis with legumes. Green algae that can bind N₂ among others Nostoc and
Anabaena and some bacteria are anchored nitrogen contained in legume roots and
the roots of other plants such as Marsiella crenata.
Nitrate (NO₃) that has been absorbed by the plant roots into the material
synthesized proteins in plants (plant protein). Vegetable protein modified by
herbivores into animal protein. When plants and animals die, then the vegetable
and animal protein, as well as manure is broken down into ammonia (NH₃), and
ammonia acid by-rot fungi and bacteria. The breakdown of proteins into amino
acids and ammonia called amonifikasi. Bacteria that do amonifikasi include
Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus mesentaricus.
Ammonia is obtained from the decomposition of dead tissue by bacteria.
This dinitrifikasi ammonia nitrite by bacteria, namely nitrosomonas and
Nitrosocoecus resulting nitrate will be absorbed by plant roots. Furthermore, by
dinitrifi bacteria, nitrate is converted back into ammonia, and ammonia is
converted into nitrogen that is released into the air. In this way the nitrogen cycle
will be repeated in the ecosystem.
₃ N₂ + H₂ → 2 NH₃
The process:
a. Volcanic eruption, motor vehicles and factories that use fossil fuels
produces air gases such as sulfur into H₂S, dimethyl sulfide (CH₃SCH₃),
SO₂, and SO₄.
b. The gases containing sulfur in the atmosphere reacts with clouds and fall in
rain in the form of sulfate ions. This event is called acid rain. Acid rain has a
low pH below 5.7. Look out! Rain is corrosive to the building and metal.
High sulfate content of the acid rain can threaten the life of the organism.
Many organisms are mainly plants died due to acid rain.
c. Plants absorb sulfate inorganic from the ground and use it to synthesise
protein. While the animals obtain organic sulfates needs by eating plants
(through the food chain)
d. Both animals and plants would die and his body was described by
decomposers. The remains of dead animals and plants decompose
aerobically inorganic sulfate form again.
e. If the breakdown occurs in anaerobic it will form a sulfide compound that is
rotten and poisonous. Rotten compound is also generated from the anaerobic
bacterial sulfate reduction by sulfur. Examples of sulfur bacteria for
example Sulfolabus sp. Type of thermophilic bacteria that like to live in
extreme habitats with a temperature of 60 ° - 80 ° C (live in the springs of
f. There is also harmful bacteria in soil fertility due to alter sulfate into sulfide
acid up into sulfur. This process is known as desulfaricate. Examples of
such bacteria are Spirrillum desulfuricant.
g. Dead bodies of living creatures buried for millions of years into the fossil
fuels that contain sulfur, sulfur gas will be generated every time a fossil fuel
h. Sulphates are soluble in water can also go up to the atmosphere as
evaporation (the hydrological cycle)
4. Recycling of phosphorus
In nature, phosphorus present in two forms, namely organic phosphate
compounds (plants and animals) and inorganic phosphate compounds (water and
Organic phosphate from dead animals and plants described by decomposers
(parser) into inorganic phosphate. Inorganic phosphates dissolved in the ground
water or sea water will settle in marine sediments. Therefore, phosphates are
common in rocks and fossils. Phosphate rock and fossils will be eroded and re-
forming inorganic phosphates dissolved in the groundwater and the sea. The
inorganic phosphates will then be absorbed by plant roots. This cycle repeated
Phosphate is absorbed by plants in the form of inorganic phosphate (H₂
PO₄¯, HPO₄²¯, and PO₄³¯). Although the amount of phosphorus in the nature very
much, but a very limited supply of plants because most chemically bound to other
elements and sparingly soluble in water.
Through the food chain, the phosphorus from the plant into the animal's
body. When plants and animals die, the organic phosphate from the body of the
organism would be decomposed by the decomposers into inorganic phosphate.
Rocks and fossils can be eroded back to form inorganic phosphates dissolved in
water or extracted through mining activities.
Phosphorus cycle in nature is critical because phosphorus is generally a
limited nutrient in ecosystems. No form of phosphorus stable gas, therefore the
phosphorus cycle is "endogenous". In the geosphere, the phosphorus present in
large amounts in the minerals little late, as hidroksiapilit and calcium salts.
Dissolved phosphorus from phosphate minerals and other resources, such as
phosphate fertilizer is absorbed by plants and incorporated in the nucleic acids that
make up the genetic material in an organism. Mineralization and biomalsa by
microbial spoilage or decomposition of the phosphorus returns to the salt solution
which can then precipitate out as mineral material. Phosphorus is one of the
components and very toxic compounds, especially organophosphate insecticides.
5. Recycled water
Recycling water biogeochemical cycle is different from the others because
most of the water flow occurs not through a chemical process, but a physical
process. Water retains its shape as H₂O except chemical changes occur in the
process of photosynthesis in natural water sources, namely the oceans, lakes,
swamps, reservoirs and rivers.
When exposed to sunlight, the entire surface of the earth containing water
will undergo evaporation (evaporation), while living beings transpiration (water
loss through evaporation or evaporation). Water vapor will rise into the upper
atmosphere to form clouds. The clouds then move due to differences in air
temperature or carried away by the wind. When exposed to cold air, clouds will
condenses into droplets and fall to the earth's surface in the form of rain
(prespirasi). Rainwater in the mainland into the ground forming surface water and
Plants can absorb the water contained in the soil in the plant body of water
flowing through a vessel. Then through transpiration, water vapor released by
plants into the atmosphere. Trasnpirasi by plants cover 90% of evaporation in
terrestrial ecosystems. Animals obtain water directly from surface water as well as
of plants and animals that are eaten. While humans use about a quarter of the
groundwater. Some of the water out of the body of animals and humans as urine
and sweat.
Groundwater and surface water mostly flows into the river, then to the lakes
and the sea. This cycle is called a long cycle. While the cycle that began with
transpiration and evapotranspiration of sea water contained in the earth's surface,
followed by prespirasi or fall in the water to the earth's surface is called a short
On the trip back to Earth, some prespirasi (atmospheric water vapor
condensed to be clouds down to the land and sea in the form of rain) can
evaporate back to the top or fell then absorbed by plants before reaching the
ground. After reaching land, this cycle continues to move continuously in three
different ways:
a. Evaporation / transpiration
When exposed to sunlight, the entire surface of the earth containing
water will undergo evaporation (evaporation), while living beings
transpiration (water loss through evaporation or evaporation). Water vapor
will rise into the upper atmosphere to form clouds. The clouds then move
due to differences in air temperature or carried away by the wind. When
exposed to cold air, clouds will condenses into droplets and fall to the earth's
surface in the form of rain (prespirasi).
b. Infiltration / perlokasi
Rainwater will enter vertically into the soil through infiltration.
Infiltration of rainwater in vegetated areas (overgrown plants) is greater
when compared to areas that are not vegetated, because vegetation produces
litter (a pile of dry leaves) which can increase soil porosity. After
infiltration, water will continue to move downward due to the gravity of the
earth called percolation event premises. Most of the ground water is
absorbed by plants for photosynthesis. The river water will flow into the
lower place and finally into the sea. In the oceans, evaporation rate is higher
than prespirate. By contrast, in mainland prespirasi rate higher than
evaporation and transpiration.
c. Water surface
Water moving over the surface of the ground close to the main stream
of the lake. The more ramps and fewer pores of the soil, the greater the
surface flow.
A. Conclusion
Biogeochemical processes is a process or rotation (cycle) in which ongoing use
and release of inorganic elements that are important for the body as well as events
involving biological, geological, and chemical. Biotic components greatly affect
biogeochemical cycle events, as do the events of the flow of energy and food webs in
Some of the biogeochemical processes in the ecosystem are:
1. Recycling carbon
2. The nitrogen cycle, which is a constituent component protein-building amino
acids in living bodies.
3. Recycling of phosphorus
4. Sulfur (sulfur), are building blocks of protein in the body of an organism.
5. Recycled water.
The role of biogeochemical cycle for everyday life and living creatures one of
them for the process of photosynthesis, respiration, as fuel for industrial machines and
vehicles, to form the body's proteins, the process of rounding sugars, improve the
color, aroma, and flexibility of tobacco leaves, reduce shrinkage during storage,
enlarge the onion bulbs, for which the compound ATP, ADP, AMP, as a solvent, and
serves as an introduction to a food substance.
B. Suggestions
1. Should the reader realizes that in our environment there is a cycle ride of
chemicals in developing life that will certainly affect all the activities of life.
2. It is expected that intrigued her readers to try to keep the environment in order
to remain safe, fresh, cool, and a life cycle that occurs as it should keep running
without any interruption.
C. Closing
All praises to Allah SWT, until this paper under the titled “Peran daur
biogeokimia bagi makhluk hidup dan kehidupan sehari-hari’ has been finished. The
writer wants to say sorry if there are some errors or mistakes. Those all because of the
limitation of the writer’s knowledge and experience.
The writer would like to thanks to all those have assisted in completing this
paper, so the paper can be completed and finished in time. Hopefully Allah SWT keep
to bestow His Guidance to all of us. Amin.