RBF Morph Tutorial 03
RBF Morph Tutorial 03
RBF Morph Tutorial 03
1. Introduction .......................................................................................................................................3
2. Prerequisites .....................................................................................................................................3
3. Problem description ...........................................................................................................................3
4. First solution exploration....................................................................................................................4
4.1 Preparation .................................................................................................................................4
4.2 Exploring the first existing solution set-up ...................................................................................5
4.3 Executing and previewing the solution ......................................................................................14
5. Second solution exploration.............................................................................................................18
6. DOE study .......................................................................................................................................18
6.1 Preparation ...............................................................................................................................19
6.2 Set-up of a multi-morph DOE case ...........................................................................................19
6.3 Previewing the combination ......................................................................................................20
7. Summary .........................................................................................................................................21
8. References ......................................................................................................................................21
1. Introduction
This RBF-Morph tutorial is termed "Shape optimisation of an FSAE car airbox" and has the scope to
provide the user with the guidelines for setting up and executing an optimisation study of the surfaces of
a car aibox.
This tutorial demonstrates how to do the following:
load solution data gained through a previous analysis;
inspect the solution;
set up a DOE morphing analysis.
2. Prerequisites
Requirements for working this tutorial:
1. you are working in the directory where the tutorial problem resides;
2. you have just started the Fluent-GUI application;
3. you have done and adequately understood the previous tutorials.
3. Problem description
This tutorial is very useful to acquire the knowledge on how setting up a shape optimisation analysis by
means of RBF-Morph. The surface mesh of the case study (FSAE car airbox) is shown in Figure 1. The
model is courtesy of the Mechanical Engineering Department of the University of Rome "Tor Vergata" [R
domain encap and fixing all points on the remaining surfaces. The action of one modifier is previewed.
Finally the set-up of DOE file used for running the optimisation study is shown by previewing the action
of combined modifications.
2. the domain encap, namely the box illustrated in Figure 7 and defined by coordinates as reported
in Figure 8, in order to limit in space the morphing action consequent to the moving encap
3. the selection encap, namely the box illustrated in Figure 9 and defined by coordinates as
reported in Figure 10 (be careful to the option Outside), in order to limit the condition imposed to
the Surfs item 1.
Figure 13: Visualization of the surface support for surfs item number 2
To visualize all encaps, select the Encaps panel, press the Finalize button and then the Display button.
What reported in Figure 14 should appear on the screen. Clicking on the Preview button, the cylinder
moves toward the duct (see Figure 15).
Figure 18: : Preview of the source points of defined in the Surfs panel before morphing
Figure 19: Preview of the source points of defined in the Surfs panel after morphing
Before executing the solution, carry out a preliminary check by pressing DispPts and PrevPts buttons.
To generate the solution press the Solution button and, read the information reported in the Fluent shell
summarizing solution computing to make sure that no errors are reported.
To gain a detailed preview of the solution, turn on the Preview panel in the Main sidebar and then select
wall surface among the surfaces listed in the Preview Surfaces list.
To include in the visualization the unmorphed corresponding configuration, press the Sync-> button (see
Figure 20), set the Amplification field value to 5, and then press the Preview button.
6. DOE study
In this section the usage of DOE panel is explained. This tool is intended as a basic help to set-up a
parametric analysis. It allows to generate and store a DOE table using Full Factorial approach; the DOE
file can be edited so that the user can insert a custom design points distribution. RBF Morph can use the
DOE file content for preview all the shapes contained in the table; furthermore a folder tree including all
the information for the automation of the DOE run can be generated (see section 2.3.2 of the User
6.1 Preparation
For this solution it is possible to continue from the previous session, but making sure that the mesh is in
the original configuration and that the configuration is reset by means of the Reset button in the Config
panel. Otherwise a new session can be started and the mesh file must be read again.
If the tutorial have been executed so far, the working directory should now contain the following files:
A DOE preview can be enabled directly in the Preview panel using the doe command in the Sequence
field. Note that in this case all explored modifications can be previewed and animated in a single action
without the need to act on the Multi-Sol panel contents.
7. Summary
This tutorial demonstrated how creating an optimisation DOE study by means of RBF-Morph. In
particular, how loading an existing solution gained through a previous analysis, inspecting it, and setting
up a DOE morphing analysis utilizing two solutions has been assessed in detail.
8. References
R 1. Biancolini M. E., Abbasciano E., Shape morphing of CFD models: Fluent and RBF Morph
combine for the optimisation of a FSAE Car Airbox, Ingegneria dell'autoveicolo, vol. 64
n.1/2 Jan/Feb 2011.
Tutorial 3: Shape optimisation of an FSAE car airbox 21