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Semana 8

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A: Where did you born Marcus? A: ¿Dónde naciste Marcus?

B: I was born in Ireland. B: Nací en Irlanda.
A: Oh, interesting. When did you A: Oh, interesante, ¿Cuándo
come to Perú? llegaste a Perú?
B: I came to Perú in 1990 when I was B: Vine a Perú en 1990, cuando
seventeen years old. tenía diecisiete años.
A: So, was it easy for you to learn A: Así que, ¿fue sencillo para ti
Spanish here? aprender español aquí?
B: No, because didn’t know B: No, porque no sabía nada de
anything about Spanish, people have español, la gente tiene diferentes
different ways to say the same idea modos de decir la misma idea jajaja.
A: Yes, that’s true. So, what did you A: Sí, eso es verdad, ¿qué hiciste
do then? entonces?
B: I studied a lot and some friends B: Estudié mucho y algunos
helped me, now my Spanish is very amigos me ayudaron, ahora mi
fluent, I got married here and have español es muy fluido, me casé y
two children, I love Perú! tengo dos hijos, ¡Amo Perú!
A: It´s nice to know that, your Spanish A: Es genial saber eso, tu español
is very good. es muy bueno.

There are regular and irregular verbs in Simple Past. These verbs are used in

Examples: Regular verbs

The teachers approved She avoided
my thesis. talking to anyone.

All regular verbs end in –ed. Todos los verbos regulares terminan en –ed.
Examples: Irregular verbs

A dog bit me badly last He needed money

week. urgently, so he sold his
computer very cheap.

I lost my friend’s number. I lost my friend’s number.
You broke the glass jar. You broke the glass jar.
He bought all the lunch. He did not bought all the lunch.
She awoke late for the class. She awake late for the class.
It slept almost sixteen hours. It didn’t slept almost sixteen hours.
We made a delicious cake. We made a delicious cake.
You ate a lot of chaufa yesterday. You ate a lot of chaufa yesterday.
They told a lie to the teacher. They told a lie to the teacher.

did + not = didn’t. For negative sentences + verb infinitive without to. (sin to)

Exercise 1

Choose the correct form of the verb.

1. Last year I ____ to Yarmouth once a week. A)drove B)drived C)drave

2. Washington ____ the first president of the USA. A)were B)was C)is
3. I ____ a pill in the morning, I had a headache. A)took B)take C)taken
4. He ____ to his mother before his travel. A)speak B)spokes C)spoke
5. We ____ in Japan for ten years. A)lived B)lives C)live
6. You ____ on time for the presentation. A)was B)were C)will
I lose my friend’s number?
Yes, I did. No, I didn’t.
you break the glass jar?
Yes, you did. No, you didn’t.
he buy all the lunch?
Yes, he did. No, he didn’t.
Did she awake late for the class?
Yes, she did. No, she didn’t.
it sleep almost sixteen hours?
Yes, it did. No, it didn’t.
we make a delicious cake?
Yes, we did. No, we didn’t.
you eat a lot of chaufa yesterday?
Yes, you did. No, you didn’t.
they tell a lie to the teacher?
Yes, they did. No, they didn’t.

Exercise 2
Choose the correct alternative.
1. My father _____ a new car yesterday. A)bought B)buys C)buyed
2. Last year, a flat ____ minimun $15,000. A)costs B)cost C)costed
3. My parents ___ home yesterday. A)came B)didn’t came C)comed
4. ___ you __ to an Italian restaurant last night? A)Did/goes B)Did/go C)Did/went
5. She _______ pizza last week. A)didn’t ate B)doesn’t eat C)didn’t eat
6. I __ her a beautiful necklace last month. A)give B)gave C)given

Time expressions (Expresiones de tiempo)

Remember that time expressions are Recuerda que las expresiones de tiempo
important in the Simple Past. son importantes en el Pasado Simple.

A: When did he finish university? A: ¿Cuándo terminó la universidad?

B: He finished university one year B: Él terminó la universidad hace un año y
and a half ago. medio.

A: Where did you go for A: ¿A dónde fuiste por vacaciones el año

holiday last year? pasado?
B: I went to Australia. B: Fui a Australia.

Exercise 3
Complete the text with the past simple forms of the verbs in brackets.
John Lennon (1) ____ (be born) in 1940 in Liverpool, England. His middle name (2) ____ (be) Winston.
John’s parents (3) _____ (separate) when he was only 5 years old and he (4) ____ (live) with his aunt
and uncle, Mimi and George Smith. However, he often (5) ____ (visit) his mother at her house and she
(6) _____ (teach) him to play the banjo. In 1956, she (7) ____ (bring) him his first guitar.

A) was born-were-separated-lived-visited-taught-bought
B) was born-was-separate-lived-visited-taught-bought
C) was born-was-separated-lived-visit-taught-bought
D) was born-was-separated-lived-visited-taught-bought
E) was born-was-separated-lived-visited-taught-brought

Exercise 4
Choose the correct past form. (Elija la forma correcta del pasado).
1. beat A) beat B) beaten 7. teach A) thought B) taught
2. bend A) bed B) bent 8. forgive A) forgave B) forgot
3. blow A) blow B) blew 9. throw A) threwn B) threw
4. choose A) chose B) chosed 10. write A) wrotten B) wrote
5. fight A) fought B) fighted 11. hit A) hit B) hittem
6. pay A) payed B) paid 12. freeze A) froze B) freezed
Language for giving directions.

Left (izquierda) Right (derecha) Ahead / Straight / Along (de

go left go right frente)
turn left turn right go ahead
it's on the left it’s on the right go straight ahead
take a left take a right go straight on
go along


A: Will you please tell me where is the A: ¿Podrías decirme dónde está la
library? biblioteca?
B: Go straight and turn right after the B: Siga recto y gire a la derecha
petrol station. Take this road. Go past the después de la gasolinera. Toma este
car park and you’ll find the library. camino. Pase el aparcamiento y
encontrará la biblioteca.
A: Can you tell me where the airport is? A: ¿Puedes decirme dónde está el
B: Go straight ahead at the traffic lights. aeropuerto?
Turn right. Take this road. This straight B: Siga recto en el semáforo. Girar a la
road will lead you to the airport. It’ll be on derecha. Toma este camino. Esta
your left. carretera recta le llevará al aeropuerto.
Estará a tu izquierda.
A: Is this the right way to Brington R: ¿Es esta la forma correcta de llegar
Resort? a Brington Resort?
B: No. You’re going to the wrong way. B: No. Vas por el camino equivocado.
Turn right after the school. Take this Gire a la derecha después de la
road. You’ll pass a bakery on your left. It escuela. Toma este camino. Pasará
is behind the bakery. una panadería a su izquierda. Está
detrás de la panadería.
A: Excuse me. Where can I find a A: Disculpe. ¿Dónde puedo encontrar
drugstore, please? una farmacia, por favor?
B: Go past the cinema and it’s on the B: Pase el cine y está a la izquierda.
More expressions of position

Near: (cerca) Far from: (lejos)

The post office is near the bank. The supermarket is far from the school.

near far from

Next to: (al lado) Between: (entre)

The drugstore is next to the hospital. The cinema is between the café and the

Across: (al frente)

The bus stop is across the newsstand.


To describe where a place is you usually use there is / there are and prepositions of place like:
at, on, under, above, near, opposite, on the right, on the left, etc. to indicate location.

Para describir un lugar generalmente usamos there is / there are y preposiciones de lugar
como: en, sobre, debajo, encima, cerca, al frente, a la derecha, a la izquierda, etc. para
indicar localización.

Buildings and places of interest (Edificios y lugares de interés)

1. building 1. edificio 9. palace 9. palacio
2. cathedral 2. catedral 10. park 10. parque
3. church 3. iglesia 11. parliament 11. parlamento
4. gallery 4. galería 12. port 12. Puerto
5. house 5. casa 13. square 13. plaza
6. market 6. mercado 14. stadium 14. estadio
7. monument 7. monumento 15. theatre 15. teatro
8. museum 8. museo 16. town hall 16.

1. Complete the paragraph matching the phrases in the right column. Use the timeline
to help you.

1982 2000 2004

Born Started university Finished university

Returned from 2006
Got his first job in
Africa, trained as ill with malaria

Got a job as 2010
Got married to
secondary teacher Richard was born
in Bath; met Lara

Robert was born in Texas in 1982. When 1 ____ Robert a) in 2009

went to Oxford University, where he studied English and b) four years later
Spanish. 2 ____, he left university and 3 ___ he got his c) in 2006
first job, in Africa. 4 ____ in Kenya, he worked as an d) when he was
English teacher. 5 ____ he was ill with malaria for three e) in 2005
months. 6 ____ he traveled to the UK and trained as a f) a year later
Spanish teacher. 7 _____ he got a job at a school in Bath, g) he was 18
8 ____ he was in Bath, he met his wife, Lara. 9 ____ they h) in 2007
got married and 10 _____ their first child, Richard, was born. i) when
j) in 2008

a) 1b, 2g, 3e, 4d, 5c, 6h, 7j, 8i, 9a, 10f
b) 1g, 2b, 3i, 4d, 5c, 6h, 7j, 8e, 9a, 10f
c) 1g, 2b, 3e, 4d, 5c, 6h, 7j, 8i, 9a, 10f
d) 1g, 2b, 3e, 4f, 5c, 6h, 7j, 8i, 9a, 10d
e) 1g, 2a, 3e, 4d, 5c, 6h, 7j, 8i, 9b, 10f
2. Choose the correct sentence in the past:
A) It rained heavily tomorrow.
B) They walk to work everyday.
C) He forget buying lunch for me yesterday.
D) I bought a car when I was at university.
E) We was neighbors 10 years ago.

3. Read and choose the correct alternative:

Gunpowder ____ invented by Chinese Taoist alchemists about 1000 A.D. when they ____ to
find a potion to gain human immortality by mixing elemental sulfur, charcoal, and saltpeter. It
is generally believed that gunpowder _____ to Europe during the Mongol expansion of 1200-
1300 A.D. The interesting fact is that Chinese ____ this discovery mainly for firecrackers
while Europeans _____ cannons and guns and ______ China in the mid-1800s

A) was – tried – spread - used – created – dominated

B) was – tryed – spread - used – created – dominated
C) was – tried – spreat - used – created – dominated
D) was – tried – spread - use – created – dominated
E) was – tried – spread - used – create – dominated

4. Match the questions with their answers:

1. Yesterday Jack A. because it was very cold.
2. Pasha hurt himself in a B. wrote Hamlet.
3. They put on their jackets C. studied all day
4. They drove to the airport D. served at the wedding.
5. William Shakespeare E. soccer match last weekend.
6. I didn't like the food F. and left their car there.

A) 1D, 2C, 3E, 4F, 5B, 6A B) 1C, 2F, 3E, 4D, 5B, 6A C) 1C, 2D, 3E, 4F, 5A, 6B
D) 1C, 2A, 3E, 4F, 5D, 6B E) 1C, 2E, 3A, 4F, 5B, 6D

Look at the picture and answer the following questions.

6. Where is the dog?
a) The dog is in the chair.
b) The dog is on the chair.
c) The dog is above the chair.

7. Where is the chair?

a) The chair is next to the dog.
b) The chair is behind the dog.
c) The chair is in front of the dog.
8. Where is the tennis ball?
a) The tennis ball is next to the dog.
b) The tennis ball is far from the dog.
c) The tennis ball is below the dog.

9. How do I get to the car park

a) Go straight on Queen’s avenue to

King’s way and turn right. It’s on your
right, behind the football pitch.

b) Go straight on Queen’s avenue to

King’s way and turn right. It’s on your
right, next to the football pitch.

c) Go straight on Queen’s avenue to

King’s way and turn left. It’s on your
right, next to the football pitch.

10. How do I get to the market?

a) Go straight on Queen’s avenue to Oxford

Street and turn left. It’s on your right,
between the pub and the chemist’s.

b) Go straight on Queen’s avenue to Oxford

Street and turn left. It’s on your left,
between the chemist’s.

c) Go straight on Queen’s avenue to Oxford

Street and turn left. It’s on your left,
between the pub and the chemist’s.


%E2%80%93y%20and%20add%20%E2%80%93ied%20. (Simple past, regular and irregular verbs)

https://www.lewolang.com/gramatica-inglesa/61/asking-and-giving-directions (How to give directions)

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