AmitKumarShaw Resume1
AmitKumarShaw Resume1
AmitKumarShaw Resume1
CODING NINJAS • Ranked 430th out of 23,000 participants in
Problem Setter Intern Leetcode Biweekly Challenge 75, 2022
• Ranked 889th out of 12,500 participants in
June 2022 – August 2022
Google Kickstart Round F, 2022.
• Workied with technical content team to create, replicate prob-
• Achieved a Knight badge on Leetcode after
lems based on Data Structures and Algorithms.
securing a rank of 587th out of around 25000
• Successfully created and replicated 50+ problems comprising participants in Biweekly contest 72.
Easy, Medium, and Hard difficulties for codestudio content.
MERN Stack Developer(Intern) B.Tech, Information Technology
July 2021 – October 2021 Indian Institute of Engineering Science and
• DataNeuron helps companies accelerate and automate human- Technology, Shibpur
in-loop labeling for developing AI solutions. Powered by a July 2019– Present, CGPA : 9.08
data-centric platform, it automate data labeling, the creation
of models, and end-to-end lifecycle management of ML.
• Developed the frontend of the DataNeuron using React, Higher Secondary School
React-Redux and Tailwind Css.
• Developed RESTful Api using NodeJs and ExpressJs.
Barrackpore Cantonment Vidyapith,
• Worked on MongoDB Database.
May 2017 – Mar 2019, Percentage: 86.6
• Used Git for version control and have worked with Git Flow.
• GitHub
• Created a Tourist Web App where users can see all the Attrac- •
tions/Hotels/Resturants near them or navigate to different
places using map.
• Users can create and post blogs of different places. SKILLS
• Used ReactJs, react-redux, Tailwind Css, draft-js, axios for
front-end and NodeJs, ExpressJs for backend and MongoDB Frontend: HTML, CSS, reactJs, Nex-
database. tJs, react-redux, Tailwind Css, SASS