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My Book My Inspiration

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Hii my self Hemant Mishra today I am going to tell about that book which is my
inspiration not only my it’s the inspiration of billions of people the book name
is RAMAYAN & BHAGWAD GEETA firstly I will tell about RAMAYAN
Ramayana is one of the two important epics of Hinduism, the other being the Mahābhārata.[6]
The epic, traditionally ascribed to the Maharishi Valmiki, narrates the life of Mata Sita, the
Princess of Janakpur, and Shree Rama, a legendary prince of Ayodhya city in the kingdom
of Kosala. The epic follows his fourteen-year exile to the forest urged by his father
King Dasharatha, on the request of Rama's stepmother Kaikeyi; his travels across forests in
the Indian subcontinent with his wife Sita and brother Lakshmana, the kidnapping of Sita
by Ravana – the king of Lanka, that resulted in war; and Rama's eventual return
to Ayodhya to be crowned king amidst jubilation and celebration.
The Ramayana is one of the largest ancient epics in world literature. It consists of nearly
24,000 verses (mostly set in the Shloka/Anustubh meter), divided into seven Khanda (parts)
the first and the seventh being later additions. It belongs to the genre of Itihasa, narratives of
past events (purāvṛtta), interspersed with teachings on the goals of human life.
 There are many versions of Ramayana in Indian languages,
besides Buddhist, Sikh and Jain adaptations. There are
also Cambodian (Reamker), Indonesian, Filipino, Thai (Ramakien), Lao, Burmese and Mal
ay  versions of the tale. There are 7 kanda which is ;
o Bala Kanda
o Ayodhya Kanda
o Aranya Kanda
o Kishkindha Kanda
o Sundara Kanda
o Yuddha Kanda
o Uttara Kanda
 These kanda describe the journey of Shree Ram from his birth to his whole life.
 The inspiration from this book .
 . In our professional life too, the magnitude of success doesn’t depend on the quantum of achievement
but the environment / circumstances encountered to achieve it.
 He who cannot understand and learn from one’s own, can learn little from others and cannot be of
any help to a larger community.
 . We need to be Karma Yogis – do what situation demands in a righteous manner with grit and
  We must forever strive to demonstrate highest standards of ethics, excellence and fairness, that gives
a meaning to our life and inspire others to emulate, as a result leaving this world a much better place
than before.
 Be the change that you want to see in this world.
 No matter how bad the circumstances be in life, good will always prevail over evil.
 Good deeds are the means to reach a higher plane and likewise bad deeds lead to destruction and
 The Ramayana story teaches children the importance of doing good deeds and always
helping others. Kids should always follow the path of good as, in the end, good prevails and
bad loses. They can get inspired by Rama's disposition. Even after many hardships, Rama
didn't leave his good nature until the end.

Bhagavadgita, (Sanskrit: “Song of God”) there are 18 chapters and 700 verses (Shlok) an
episode recorded in the great Sanskrit poem of the Hindus, the Mahabharata. It occupies
chapters 23 to 40 of Book VI of the Mahabharata and is composed in the form of
a dialogue between Prince Arjuna and Krishna, an avatar (incarnation) of the
god Vishnu. Composed perhaps in the 1st or 2nd century CE, it is commonly known as
the Gita.On the brink of a great battle between warring branches of the same family,
Arjuna is suddenly overwhelmed with misgivings about the justice of killing so many
people, some of whom are his friends and relatives, and expresses his qualms to Krishna,
his charioteer—a combination bodyguard and court historian. Krishna’s reply expresses
the central themes of the Gita. He persuades Arjuna to do his duty as a man born into the
class of warriors, which is to fight, and the battle takes place. Krishna’s argument
incorporates many of the basic teachings of the Upanishads, speculative texts compiled
between 1000 and 600 BCE, as well as of the philosophy of Samkhya Yoga, which stresses
a dualism between soul and matter (see mind-body dualism). He argues that one can kill
only the body; the soul is immortal and transmigrates into another body at death or, for
those who have understood the true teachings, achieves release (moksha) or extinction
(nirvana), freedom from the wheel of rebirth. Krishna also resolves the tension between
the Vedic injunction to sacrifice and to amass a record of good actions (karma) and the
late Upanishadic injunction to meditate and amass knowledge (jnana). The solution he
provides is the path of devotion (bhakti). With right understanding, one need not
renounce actions but merely the desire (kama) for the fruits of actions, acting without
desire (nishkama karma).

What are the 5 main topics of Gita?

Let us have a summarized understanding of these five topics covered in the

 Ishvara – The Supreme Lord.
 Jiva – The Living Entity.
 Prakruti – The Material Nature.
 Kala – Eternal Time.
 Karma – Activities.
This communication presents verses from the Bhagavad Gita which help define a good clinician's skills
and behavior. Using the teachings of Lord Krishna, these curated verses suggest three essential skills
that a physician must possess: Excellent knowledge, equanimity, and emotional attributes. Three good
behaviors are listed (Pro-work ethics, Patient-centered care, and Preceptive leadership) and supported
by thoughts written in the Gita.

Here is some verses that medical education fallows;

tad viddhi pranipätena pariprasnena sevayä, upadeksyanti te jnänam jnäninas tattva-



“try to understand the true nature of ----knowledge by approaching illumined soul. Asking him to question
them with an open and guileless heart, suggesting those wise seers of Truth will instruct him in that
knowledge. In a way he urges to continue upgradation with a humble mind with the help of wise men.“

“uddhred atmanatmanam, natmanam avasadayet, atmaiva hryatmano bandhur,

atmaiva ripur atmanaha.”


Glorifying a devoted professional as the one with sublime knowledge, who continuously updates himself by his own
efforts avoiding degradation. This is an important attribute of a good physician .

“näsayämyätma-bhäva-stho jnäna-dépena bhäsvatä”


“------dispel-----darkness born of ignorance by the illuminating lamp of knowledge”

“na hi jnänena sadåçaà pavitram iha vidyate, tat svayaà yoga-saàsiddhah

kälenätmani vindati”

“On earth there is no purifier as great as knowledge: ------”

“shraddhävällabhate jnyanam tat-parah saàyatendriyaha, jnanàm labdhvä paräm

säntim achirenädhigacchati…”


“He who has mastered his sense, is exclusively devoted to his practice and is full of faith, attains Knowledge


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