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American Journal of Applied Mathematics

2022; 10(4): 141-159

doi: 10.11648/j.ajam.20221004.14
ISSN: 2330-0043 (Print); ISSN: 2330-006X (Online)

Axisymmetric Problem of Stationnary Navier-Stokes

Equations Coupled with the Heat Equation
Rachid Ghenji, Mohamed El Hatri∗
Higher School of Technology, Mohamed Ben Abdellah University, Fes, Morocco

Email address:
m.elhatri@gmail.com (Mohamed El Hatri), infokhansa02@gmail.com (Rachid Ghenji)

Corresponding author

To cite this article:

Rachid Ghenji, Mohamed El Hatri. Axisymmetric Problem of Stationnary Navier-Stokes Equations Coupled with the Heat Equation.
American Journal of Applied Mathematics. Vol. 10, No. 4, 2022, pp. 141-159. doi: 10.11648/j.ajam.20221004.14

Received: June 26, 2022; Accepted: July 26, 2022; Published: August 17, 2022

Abstract: In this work, we are interested in the mathematical study of the flow of a Newtonian Navier-Stokes fluid, coupled to
the energy equation, in a domain with axial symmetry. The study consists first of all in reducing this problem, which is posed in a
domain in dimension three (3-D), to a problem whose spatial domain is in dimension two, using the transformation of Cartesian
coordinates in cylindrical coordinates, assuming that the problem data does not depend on the angle of rotation. The problem
thus obtained is a so-called axially symmetric problem presenting a degeneracy on the axis of symmetry, hence the interest of
this study. The study of this problem is the subject of the first part of this article which deals with the existence and uniqueness of
the weak solution of the problem in a Sobolev space with appropriate weight. The results of this part have already been published
by the same authors that we recall here with some slight modifications in order to facilitate the reading and understanding of
the second part of the article. In this second part, we approach the existence and the unicity of the numerical solution of the
posed problem. It is obtained using the Lagrange finite element method whose polinomial space is of degree one. The study in
question highlights the necessary algebraic relations between the different physical parameters of the problem to which the flow
in question obeys.

Keywords: Newtonian Fluid, Navier-Stokes Equations, Axisymmetric Problem, Weak Solution, Numerical Solution,
Finite Element Method, Weighted Sobolev Space

1. Introduction and Formulation of the fluid, so called is then pumped into conventional exchangers
to produce superheated steam, called a thermodynamic fluid,
Problem which drives a turbine to generate electricity.
For the detailed description and operation of this device we
1.1. Introduction refer the reader, for example, to works [5, 9, 12, 17] and to the
abundant literature cited in these works.
For essentially economic reasons, one of the most In this work, we limit ourselves to the mathematical study
widely used technologies currently producing electricity (existence and uniqueness of the weak and the numerical
on the concentrated solar power principle (CSP) is solution) of stationary Navier-Stokes equations modeling the
the parabolic solar concentrator (PTC). The physico- flow process of a viscous incompressible Newtonian fluid in
mathematical modeling of the different processes involved in the PTC collector tube and subjected to temperature-dependent
this technical device has been the subject of intense studies by gravity force, when this is a solution of the heat equation.
the specialized scientific community for several decades. The force of gravity intervening in the Navier-Stokes system
Recall that a solar parabolic concentrator is a technology is approximated by the Boussinesq method.
used in a solar power plant to increase the thermal energy We will formulate the physical problem with respect to
of a heat transfer fluid charged with transporting heat and Cartesian coordinates (x, y, z). His mathematical study will be
circulating in a collector tube called solar collector. This
American Journal of Applied Mathematics 2022; 10(4): 141-159 142

carried out with respect to the cylindrical coordinates (r, θ, z) 1. the flow is completely developed turbulent;
in the case of an axisymetrical problem. 2. the regime is stationary;
3. the weight of the fluid is the only body force acting on
1.2. Formulation of the Physical Model the fluid.
Note that a turbulence is a flow property and not a fluid
property, which makes sense only in a three-dimensional space
and occurs at high Reynolds numbers.
Let u = (ux , uy , uz ) be the velocity field of the
through-flow in Q, where by wt we denote the transpose
of the vector (wx , wy , wz ) . Then, taking into account the
above assumptions, the flow of a viscous, Newtonian and
incompressible fluid is governed by the following equations:
1) Continuity equation:
Figure 1. Cylinder. ∂ux ∂uy ∂uz
∇u ≡ + + = 0, (1)
The model presented here is far from modeling all aspects ∂x ∂y ∂z
of the physical processes involved in a PTC-type device. We
2) Navier-Stokes equations in a vector form:
are interested here only in the velocity of the flow and the
temperature generated in the fluid from a given source. 1
Let Q ⊂ R3 be an open cylindrical tube of the PTC and −ν∆u + (u · ∇) u + ∇p = z, (2)
placed horizontally with respect to a Cartesian coordinates
system (x, y, z) as shown in the Figure 1. We assume that Q is where, ∆ and ∇ are the usual differential operators of Laplace
occupied by a Newtonian fluid, visqueus and incompressible and divergence respectively and z = (0, 0, zz ) .
such that: The vector equation (2) in a scalar form can be written as

- flow along the x axis:

∂ 2 ux ∂ 2 ux ∂ 2 ux
∂ux ∂ux ∂ux 1 ∂p
−ν + + + ux + uy + uz =− , (3)
∂x2 ∂y 2 ∂z 2 ∂x ∂y ∂z ρ0 ∂x

- flow along the y axis:

∂ 2 uy ∂ 2 uy ∂ 2 uy
∂uy ∂uy ∂uy 1 ∂p
−ν 2
+ 2
+ + ux + uy + uz =− , (4)
∂x ∂y ∂z 2 ∂x ∂y ∂z ρ0 ∂y

- flow along the z axis:

∂ 2 uz ∂ 2 uz ∂ 2 uz
−ν + +
∂x2 ∂y 2 ∂z 2
∂uz ∂uz ∂uz 1 ∂p
+ux + uy + uz =− + zz , (5)
∂x ∂y ∂z ρ0 ∂z
Where ν is the kinematic viscosity of the fluid, p is the where λ is the thermal diffusivity, g is a source term depending
pressure of the fluid and zz is the gravity vector force. only on the domain Q.
Since Q is subjected to an external heat source, then To establish the equation (6), it is assumed that the flow has
assuming that its density depends only on the temperature T , a very low Mach number, i.e. the ratio between the speed of
and placing itself in the standard Boussinesq approximation, flow and that of sound is very low.
the gravitational force zz can be written in the following form: Note that the coefficients λ, ν and β are evaluated at a
reference temperature T0 which is the free stream temperature.
zz = β0 T. We associate to the système (1) − (6) the homogeneous
boundary conditions of Dirichlet:
Here, β0 = ρβg0 /ρ0 , where β is the thermal expansion
coefficient of the fluid, g0 is the gravity acceleration and ρ is u|∂Q = T |∂Q = 0, (7)
the density of the fluid.
On the other hand, the temperature T satisfies the following where ∂Q is the boundary of the domain Q.
equation: The mathematical study of the problem (1) − (7) has been
3) Energy equation: the subject of many works, for a long time, see for example
[2, 6, 16].
−λ∆T + (u.∇) T = g, (6)
143 Rachid Ghenji and Mohamed El Hatri: Axisymmetric Problem of Stationnary Navier-Stokes Equations
Coupled with the Heat Equation

1.3. Formulation of the Axisymmetric Problem of the flow velocity, the pressure and the temperature will not
depend on the angle of rotation θ. In this case, one speaks
of an axisymetric flux without swirl. For more details about
the relation between the swirl flux and the no swirl flux, see
[4]. In Thus, the vector u of velocity of the fluid is reduced
to two components, one is radial ur, the other is axial uz , i.e.
− →
→ −
u = (ur , uz ) with respect the basis ir , k , where

− →

ir = (cos θ, sin θ, 0) , k = (0, 0, 1) ,

see [1]. Not to be confused turbulent flow and swirl flow.

Then, according this transformation and taking into account
the fact that the component uθ along the axis rotation is
Figure 2. Cartesian coordinates. zero (no swirl flow), we obtain the following system (For
calculating derivatives with respect to cylindrical coordinates
In the following, instead of treating the problem (1) − (7) in we refer the reader to ([19], p.838):
Cartesian coordinates, we will do it in cylindrical coordinates 1) Continuity equation:
(r, θ, z), where x = r cos θ, y = r sin θ, z = z, r > 0, 1 ∂ ∂uz
0 ≤ θ < 2π (see the orientation of co-ordinates sytem on the (rur ) + = 0. (8)
r ∂r ∂z
Figure 1), while assuming that the fluid flow, coupled with the
equation of energy, is axisymmetric flow, i.e. the components 2) Navier-Stokes equations:
- flow along the r axis:

∂ 2 ur
1 ∂ ∂ur ur ∂ur ∂ur 1 ∂p
−ν r + 2
− 2 + ur + uz =− + β0 T, (9)
r ∂r ∂r ∂z r ∂r ∂z ρ0 ∂r

- flow along the z axis:

∂ 2 uz
1 ∂ ∂uz ∂uz ∂uz 1 ∂p
−ν r + + ur + uz =− . (10)
r ∂r ∂r ∂z 2 ∂r ∂z ρ0 ∂z
3) Energy equation:

1 ∂ ∂T ∂T ∂T
−λ r + + ur + uz = g. (11)
r ∂r ∂r ∂z 2 ∂r ∂z
t t
Let’s put r = x1 , z = x2 , ur = u1 , uz = u2 , T = u3 , u = (u1 , u2 ) and U = (u1 , u2 , u3 ) , where (x1 , x2 ) ∈ Ω,
Ω =]0, 1[×]0, 1[, see Figure 2, where the axis (Oz) represents that of the cylinder Q in Figure 1.
Therefore, we can write the equations (8) , (9) − (10) and (11) in the following vector form:

−∆r U + (u · ∇) U = f (p, u3 ), (12)

∆r U = (ν∆r u, λ∆r u3 )t , ∆r u = (∆r u1 , ∆r u2 ) ,
1 u1 ∂
∆r u1 = D1 (x1 D1 u1 ) + D22 u1 − 2 , Di = (i = 1, 2);
x1 x1 ∂xi
∆r uj =D1 (x1 D1 uj ) + D22 uj ( j = 2, 3) ;
(u · ∇) U = ui Di U, Di U = (Di u1 , Di u2 , Di u3 ) ;

f (p, u3 ) = (f1 (p, u3 ), f2 (p), f3 )t ,

∂p ∂p
f1 (p, u3 ) = + β0 u3 , f2 (p) = − , f3 = g,
∂x1 ∂x2
equipped with the boundary conditions

U|Γ = 0, Γ = ∂Ω\Γ0 , Γ0 = {(0, x2 ) : 0 < x2 < 1} . (13)

American Journal of Applied Mathematics 2022; 10(4): 141-159 144

Our goal is to establish the existence and uniqueness of the dµ (x), where µ (Ω) = Ω x1 dx is a density measure.
weak solution of the vectorial axisymetrical problem (12) − Let Lp (Ω, µ) be the completed of C0∞ Ω with respect to

(13) in an appropriate weighted sobolev space. k·kp,µ
Unlike the approach of decoupling the field of flow the norm kukp,µ , i.e. Lp (Ω, µ) = C0∞ Ω , see [8].
velocities from temperature to study the existence and We denote by W k,p (Ω, µ) , 1 ≤ p < ∞, the so called
uniqueness of the weak solution of the Navier-Stokes problem weighted Sobolev space of all scalar functions u = u (x)
coupled to the energy equation (3D), see [2, 6, 16], here which are defined a.e. on Ω and whose generalized derivatives
we treat the corresponding axisymmetric problem (2D) in Dα u (x) ∈ Lp (Ω, µ) for all α such that |α| ≤ k, where
vectorial form. Of course, here, the study takes place in an
appropriate weighted Sobolev space. ∂ |α|
Dα = D1α1 D2α2 = , |α| = α1 + α2 .
The mathematical study of the axisymmetric problem of the ∂ α1 x1 ∂ α2 x2
Navier-Stokes equations has been the subject of many works
The space Wk,p (Ω, µ) is a Banach space as completed
under different aspects, existence uniqueness and regularity of
space of C0∞ Ω with respect to the norm
the weak solution of the problem, see for example [1, 4, 15, 20]
and the references cited in these works.
In the case of an elliptical problem with axial symmetry, we  1/p
refer the reader to the article [14]. X Z p
kukk,p,µ =  |Dα u (x)| dµ (x) ,
|α|≤k Ω

2. Functional Space of Study k·kk,p,µ

i.e W k,p (Ω, µ) = C0∞ Ω , see also [10]. If k = 0, we
2.1. Weighted Sobolev Spaces write W 0,p (Ω, µ) = Lp (Ω, µ).
The spaces L2 (Ω, µ) and W k,2 (Ω, µ) are the Hilbert spaces
In this paragraph, we introduce some appropriate functional with respect to the scalar product:
spaces in which the system (12) − (13) will be studied.
Let C0∞ Ω be the space of infinitely differentiable Z X
functions on Ω equipped with the norm (u, v) = (uv) (x) dµ (x) , (u, v)k = (Dα u, Dα v) ,
Ω |α|≤k
Z 1/p
kukp,µ = |u| x1 dx , respectivily.

In the case of the standard Sobolev space W k,2 (Ω), we
where dx = dx1 dx2 . In the follow, instead of x1 dx we write write

 1/p
X Z p
kukk,p =  |Dα u (x)| dx .
|α|≤k Ω

We note E m the m − th cartesian product E × . . . × E of any set E.

| {z }
Consider the space:
Ω = v ∈ C 1 Ω : v|Γ = 0 ,
and denote
n 2 o
V= 1
v = (v1 , v2 ) ∈ C0,Γ Ω : ∇r v ≡ x11 D1 (x1 v1 ) + D2 v2 = 0 ,

and W = V×C0,Γ Ω .
By V and W we denote, respectively, the closure of V and W with respect to the norm
 1/2  1/2
X2 3
2 2
|V|1,2,µ = |vj | 1,2,µ
 and |V|1,2,µ =  |vj |1,2,µ  .
j=1 j=1

Sometimes, we denote the norm in V (resp. in W ), by k·kV (resp. by k·kW ).

We introduce the following weighted subspace
n o
W0,Γ (Ω, µ) = v ∈ W 1,2 (Ω, µ) : v|∂Ω\Γ = 0 ⊂ W 1,2 (Ω, µ) ,
145 Rachid Ghenji and Mohamed El Hatri: Axisymmetric Problem of Stationnary Navier-Stokes Equations
Coupled with the Heat Equation

equipped with the norm

X 2
|u|1,2,µ = kDi uk2,µ .
1,2 1

Let’s mention that the space W0,Γ (Ω, µ) is the closure of C0,Γ Ω with respect to the norm |·|1,2,µ , i.e.

1,2 1
W0,Γ (Ω, µ) = C0,Γ Ω .

For more details on the weighted sobolev spaces we refer the reader to the monograph [13].

2.2. Some Prelimenary Results in the Space W k,p (Ω, µ)

To establish the variational formulation of problem (12) and (13), we will need
 the following lemma:
1,2 1,2
Lemma 2.1. Let ui ∈ W0,Γ (Ω, µ) , i = 1, 2, 3 and v ∈ W0,Γ (Ω, µ) ∩ C 1 Ω . Then, there is a sequence x1,k ∈]0, 1[, k = 1,
2, . . . , lim x1,k = 0, such that
Z 1
∂ui (x1,k , x2 )
lim x1,k v (x1,k , x2 ) dx2 = 0, i = 1, 2, 3. (14)
k→∞ 0 ∂x1
Proof For the proof of this lemma, see [11].
The following lemma play an essential role in the proof of unicity and
 existance of the weak solution the problem (12) − (13) .
1 1,2
For the proof of this lemme, we use the density of the space C0,Γ Ω in the space W0,Γ (Ω, µ) .
Lemma 2.2. Let v ∈ W0,Γ (Ω, µ). Then, we have the following apriori estimate

kvk2,µ ≤ |v| . (15)
2 1,2,µ
In addition, for all v = (v1 , v2 ) ∈ V we have
2 !1/2
v1 (x) √
dµ (x) ≤ 2 |v|1,2,µ . (16)
Ω x1


Proof For all v ∈ C0,Γ Ω , we have
Z 1 Z 1  21 Z 1  21
1 2
|v (x1 , x2 )| = − D1 v (ξ1 , x2 ) dξ1 ≤ dξ1 x1 |D1 v (x)| dx1 ,
x1 x1 ξ1 0

from where, after multiplying by x1/2 , we derive

Z 1
2 2
x1 |v (x1 , x2 )| ≤ (−x1 ln x1 ) x1 |D1 v (x)| dx1 .

R1 1
Integrating the above inequality over Ω, we obtain (because − 0
x1 ln x1 dx1 = ):
2 1 2 1 2 2

kvk2,µ ≤ kD1 vk2,µ ≤ kD1 vk2,µ + kD2 vk2,µ ,
4 4
from where we deduce the estimate (15) by density of C0,Γ Ω in W0,Γ (Ω, µ).
For the proof of (16) , let v = (v1 , v2 ) ∈ V . Then, from the equality:

D1 (x1 v1 ) + x1 D1 v1 = v1 + x1 (D1 v1 + D2 v2 ) = 0.

We deduce
v1 1/2
= −x1 (D1 v1 + D2 v2 ) .
American Journal of Applied Mathematics 2022; 10(4): 141-159 146

Therefore, we obtain
Z  2 Z 
v1 2 2
2 2

x1 dx ≤ 2 (D1 v1 ) + (D2 v2 ) x1 dx ≤ 2 |v1 |1,2,µ + |v2 |1,2,µ = 2 |v|1,2,µ
Ω x1 Ω

And by density of V in V we conclude (13).

The following theorem is a consequence of Theorem 2.2 in [10], see also [3].
Theorem 2.1. Let p, q ∈ (1, +∞) such that
1 1 1
− + > 0.
q p 3
Then, for all v ∈ W0,Γ (Ω, µ) there is a constant MS such that

kvkq,µ ≤ MS |v|1,p,µ . (17)

Let’s rematk that, if p = 2 then the estimate (17) is true for all 1 < q < 6.
Remark 2.1. The inequality in (15) is a Poincaré-type inequality. It can be obtained for a more general weight function, see
([6], p. 5).
So, the inequalities (15) and (17) justify the existence of the following constants:

kvk2,µ kvk4,µ
P = sup , S= sup , (18)
v∈WΓ1,2 (Ω,µ) |v|1,2,µ v∈WΓ1,2 (Ω,µ) |v|1,2,µ

called Poincaré-Friedrichs’s constant and Sobolev’s constant, respectively, and we have

P ≤ and S ≤ MS . (19)

3. Weak Formulation of the Problem

In this paragraph and those that follow, we will most often work in the space V and W. The results obtained will be true in the
spaces V and W by density of the first in the second.
First, let’s go to the variational formulation of the problem (12) − (13) in the space W by using the Lemma 2.1.
Let’s put Ωk =]x1,k , 1[×]0, 1[, where x1,k > 0 is the point from the Lemma 2.1. Let V ∈ W and multiply scalarly the
equation (12) by x1 V= (x1 v1 , x1 v2 , x1 v3 ) and integrate the result on Ωk . We obtain the following integral equation:
Z  Z
P3 R u1 v1
− j=1 νj Ωk D1 (x1 D1 uj ) vj dx+ + D2 (x1 D2 uj ) vj dx + ν 2 x1 dx
Ωk Ωk x1
2 X3 Z Z  
X 1 ∂p ∂p
+ ui (Di uj ) vj x1 dx = − v1 + v2
i=1 j=1 Ωk
ρ0 Ωk ∂x1 ∂x2
x1 dx + β0 u3 v1 x1 dx + gv3 x1 dx, (20)
Ωk Ωk

ν1 = ν2 = ν, ν3 = λ.
Integrate by parts the terms Ωk
Di (x1 Di uj ) vj dx,
i = 1, 2.
For i = 1, we obtain:
Z Z 1 Z
D1 (x1 D1 uj ) vj dx = x1,k D1 uj (x1,k , x2 ) × vj (x1,k , x2 ) dx2 − D1 uj (x1 , x2 ) D1 vj (x1 , x2 ) x1 dx.
Ωk 0 Ωk

Let’s now pass to the limit in the above equality when k → ∞, by using the Lemma 2.1. We derive
− D1 (x1 D1 uj ) vj dx = D1 uj (x1 , x2 ) D1 vj (x1 , x2 ) x1 dx. (21)
147 Rachid Ghenji and Mohamed El Hatri: Axisymmetric Problem of Stationnary Navier-Stokes Equations
Coupled with the Heat Equation

For i = 2, we obtain
Z Z 1 Z
D2 (x1 D2 uj ) vj dx = x1 D2 uj (x1 , x2 ) vj (x1 , x2 )|x2 =0 dx1 − D2 uj (x1 , x2 ) D2 vj (x1 , x2 ) x1 dx
Ωk x1,k Ωk
=− D2 uj × (x1 , x2 ) D2 vj (x1 , x2 ) x1 dx,

because v (x1 , 0) = v (x1 , 1) = 0, ∀x1 ∈ (0, 1) . Then, after passing to the limite when k → ∞, we derive
− D2 (x1 D2 uj ) vj dx = D2 uj (x1 , x2 ) D2 vj (x1 , x2 ) x1 dx. (22)
On the other hand, because of the equality
Z   Z  
∂(x1 v1 ) ∂(x1 v2 ) 1 ∂(x1 v1 ) ∂v2
p + dx = p + x1 dx = 0,
Ω ∂x1 ∂x2 Ω x1 ∂x1 ∂x2

We obtain, after passing to the limit k → ∞

Z   Z Z Z Z
1 ∂p ∂p
− v1 + v2 x1 dx + β0 u3 v1 x1 dx + gv3 x1 dx = β0 u3 v1 x1 dx + gv3 x1 dx. (23)
ρ0 Ω ∂x1 ∂x2 Ω Ωk Ω Ωk

Therefore, by combining the equalities (21), (22) and (23) with the equality (20), we get

ar (U, V) + b(u, U, V) = (f (U) , V) , ∀V ∈ W, (24)

 
3 Z 2 X 3
X X u v
1 1
ar (U, V) = νj  νj Di uj Di vj + ν 2  dµ (x) , (25)
j=1 Ω i=1 j=1
x 1

Z X 3 Z
2 X
b(u, U, V) = (u · ∇) U · Vdµ (x) = ui (Di uj ) vj dµ (x) , (26)
Ω i=1 j=1 Ω
(f (U) , V) = β0 u3 v1 dµ (x) + gv3 dµ (x) . (27)

Definition 3.1. We say that a function U ∈ W is a weak solution of the problem (12) − (13), if U verify the integral equation
(24) for all V ∈ W.
Let’s remark that b(·,·, ·) is a trilinear form on the space W.
Proposition 3.1. For all U = (u, u3 ) ∈ W and V, W ∈ W we have the following estimates:
2 2
ν0 |U|1,2,µ ≤ ar (U, U) ≤ 3λ0 |U|1,2,µ , (28)

|b (u, V, W)| ≤ 2S 2 |u|1,2,µ |V|1,2,µ |W|1,2,µ (29)
|(f (U) , V)| ≤ β0 P 2 |U|1,2,µ + γ |V|1,2,µ , (30)

gvdµ (x)

ν0 = min (ν, λ) , λ0 = max (ν, λ) , γ = sup , g ∈ L2 (Ω, µ) . (31)
06=v∈W 1,2 (Ω,µ) |v|1,2,µ

Proof Of (28). According to the definition of the form ar (·, ·) , we have

 
Z 2 X 3 2 XZ 3
X 2 u 1 2
X 2 2
ar (U, U) =  νj (Di uj ) + 2 dµ (x) ≥ ν0 (Di uj ) dµ (x) = ν0 |uj |1,2,µ = ν0 |U|1,2,µ .
Ω i=1 j=1
x 1 i,j Ω j=1
American Journal of Applied Mathematics 2022; 10(4): 141-159 148

On the other hand, according the estimate (16), we obtain

Z 2
X3 2 u1 
2 2

ar (U, U) = νj |uj |1,2,µ + ν 2 dµ ≤ λ 0 |U|1,2,µ + 2 |u|1,2,µ ≤ 3λ0 |U|1,2,µ
j=1 Ω x1

Therefore, by combining the above inequality with the previous one, we obtain (28) .
Proof of (29). Let’s now apply the generalized Hölder’s inequality to the second side of the following equality:
1/4 1/2 1/4
x1 ui Di vj wj = x1 ui x1 Di vj x1 wj .

We obtain Z Z 1/4 Z 1/2

ui Di vj wj dµ (x) ≤ 4 2
|ui | dµ (x) × |Di vj | dµ (x)
Z 1/4
× |wj | dµ (x) ≤ kui k4,µ |vj |1,2,µ kwj k4,µ .

According to the second equality of (18), we deduce:

ui Di vj wj dµ (x) ≤ S 2 |ui |

1,2,µ |vj |1,2,µ |wj |1,2,µ .

Therefore, according to the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, we deduce from the inequality above
 1/2  1/2
X X3 3
2 2
|b (u, V, W)| ≤ S 2 |ui |1,2,µ  |vj | 1,2,µ
 × |wj |1,2,µ 
i=1 j=1 j=1

P2 √
= S2 i=1 |ui |1,2,µ |V|1,2,µ |W|1,2,µ ≤ 2S 2 |u|1,2,µ |V|1,2,µ |W|1,2,µ .
Proof of (30) . Let U = (u1 , u2 , u3 ) ∈ W and V = (v1 , v2 , v3 ) ∈ W. According to definition (27) and the inequality of
Hölder taking and the first inequality in (18), we obtain
g (x) v3 dµ (x)

|(f (U) , V)| ≤ β0 |u3 v1 | dµ + g (x) v3 dµ ≤ β0 ku3 k2,µ kv1 k2,µ + sup
|v3 |1,2,µ
Ω Ω v3 6=0 |v3 |1,2,µ
≤ β0 P 2 |u3 |1,2,µ |v1 |1,2,µ + γ |v3 |1,2,µ ≤ β0 P 2 |U|1,2,µ + γ |V|1,2,µ .

Lemma 3.1. The bilinear form ar (·, ·) : W × W → R is continuous, i.e. there is a constant C = 3λ0 such that

|ar (U, V)| ≤ 3λ0 |U|1,2 |V|1,2 . (32)

Proof Let U ∈ W and V ∈ W. So, according to the inequalities of Hölder and Cauchy-Schwarz and the estimate (16), we

3 2 Z Z
X X u v
1 1
|ar (U, V)| =
Di uj Di vj dµ (x) + ν 2 dµ (x) ≤
j=1 i=1 Ω Ω x1
 
X3 X 2
≤ λ0  kDi uj k2,µ kDi vj k2,µ + 2 |u|1,2,µ |v|1,2,µ  ≤
j=1 i=1

P3 P 1/2 P  1/2 
2 2 2 2
≤ λ0 j=1 i=1 kDi uj k2,µ i=1 kDi vj k2,µ + +2 |u|1,2,µ |v|1,2,µ =
 
= λ0  |uj | 1,2,µ |v j | 1,2,µ + 2 |u| 1,2,µ |v|1,2,µ
 ≤ λ0 |U| |V| + 2 |u|
1,2 1,2 1,2,µ |v| 1,2,µ ≤ 3λ0 |U|1,2 |V|1,2 .
149 Rachid Ghenji and Mohamed El Hatri: Axisymmetric Problem of Stationnary Navier-Stokes Equations
Coupled with the Heat Equation

Proposition 3.2. Let u ∈V and V, W ∈ W. Then

b (u, V, V) = 0, (33)

b (u, V, W) = −b (u, W, V) . (34)

Proof Let u ∈V and V = (v1 , v2 , v3 ) ∈ W. Then, using the integration by part, we obtain:
2 Z Z Z 
X 1
x1 ui (Di vj ) vj dx = x1 u1 D1 vj2 dx + x1 u2 D2 vj2 dx
i=1 Ω 2 Ω Ω

Z 1 Z  Z 1  Z 
1  1  1 1 
= x1 u1 vj2 x Ddx2 −
1 (x 1 u 1 ) v 2
j dx + x 1 u2 v 2
j (x 1 , x2 ) dx1 − D2 (x 1 u2 ) v 2
j dx
2 1 =0 2 x2 =0
0 Ω 0 Ω
1 1
=− x1 D1 (x1 u1 ) + D2 u2 vj2 dx = 0.
2 Ω x1

In the last equality above, we used the fact that (x1 u1 ) (0, x2 ) = 0 (since u1 ∈ C 1 Ω ) and u2 (x1 , 0) = 0 and the condition
D1 (x1 u1 ) + D2 u2 = 0. So, we get (33) by density of V (resp. W) in V (resp. in W).
From the property (33) we deduce (34). Indeed, according to the trilinearity of b (·, ·, ·), we obtain

0 = b (u, V + W, V + W) = b(u, V, V + W) + b(u, W, V + W)

= b(u, V, V) + b(u, V, W) + b(u, W, V) + b(u, W, W) = b(u, V, W) + b(u, W, V).

In the following, we shall establish the uniqueness and the exitence of the weak solution of the variational problem (24) in the
space W, by applying a similar approach to that followed in the case of the Navier-Stokes equations without coupling with the
energy equation, see [6, 18].

4. Uniqueness of the Weak Solution

Lemma 4.1. Let the condition:
ν0 − β0 P 2 > 0, (35)
be fulfilled. Then, if U ∈ W be a weak solution of (24) , the estimate
|U|1,2,µ ≤ (36)
ν0 − β0 P 2
Proof Let U ∈ W be a weak solution of (24). Then, according the property (33) and the definition (27) , we deduce
ar (U, U) = (f (U) , U) = β0 u3 u1 dµ + gu3 dµ.

Therefore, by using the estimates (28) and (30),we obtain

2 2
ν0 |U|1,2,µ ≤ ar (U, U) = (f (U) , U) ≤ β0 P 2 |U|1,2,µ + γ |U|1,2,µ

From where, we deduce (36) .

Proposition 4.1. Let U = (u, u3 ) ∈ W be a weak solution of the problem (24) and the following conditions are fulfilled

ν0 − β0 P 2 > 21/4 γ 1/2 S. (37)

Then the weak solution U is unique.

Proof Let U∗ = (u∗ , u∗3 ) ∈ W and U∗∗ = (u∗∗ , u∗∗
3 ) ∈ W be two solutions of the problem (24), i.e. ∀V ∈ W

ar (U∗ , V) + b (u∗ , U∗ , V) = (f (U∗ ) , V) ,

American Journal of Applied Mathematics 2022; 10(4): 141-159 150

ar (U∗∗ , V) + b (u∗∗ , U∗∗ , V) = (f (U∗∗ ) , V) ,

where u∗ = (u∗1 , u∗2 ) ∈ V and u∗∗ = (u∗∗ ∗∗
1 , u2 ) ∈ V.
Let’s put U = U∗ − U∗∗ . Then,
ar U, V + b (u∗ , U∗ , V) − b (u∗∗ , U∗∗ , V) = β0 (u∗3 − u∗∗

3 ) v2 dµ. (38)

On other hand,
b (u∗ , U∗ , V) − b (u∗∗ , U∗∗ , V) = b (u, U∗ , V) + b u∗∗ ,U, V .

Let’s put V =U in (38). Then, taking into account (39) , we obtain the following equation
ar U,U + b u, U∗ ,U = β0
u3 u2 dµ (x) , (40)

According to the Hölder’s inequality and the first equality in (18), we have
u3 u2 dµ (x) ≤ ku3 k ku2 k ≤ P 2 |u3 |

2,µ 2,µ 1,2,µ |u2 |1,2,µ . (41)

So, according to the estimates (28) , (29) and (30), we derive from (40) taking into account the estimates (16) , (29) and
(41) :
2 √
ν0 U 1,2,µ ≤ ar U, U ≤ S 2 6 |u|1,2,µ U 1,2,µ |U∗ |1,2,µ + β0 P 2 |u3 |1,2,µ |u2 |1,2,µ

√ √ !
√ 2 2 2 γS 2
2 2 2 γS 2
2 2
≤ 2S U 1,2,µ |U∗ |1,2,µ + β0 P 2 U 1,2,µ ≤ + β0 P 2 U 1,2,µ = + β0 P 2 U 1,2

ν0 − P 2 β0 1,2,µ ν 0 − P 2 β0

From where, we deduce such that

√ !
2 2γS 2 2 ar (Um , Wk ) + b(um , Um , Wk ) = (f (Um ) , Wk ) , (43)
ν 0 − β0 P − U ≤ 0.
ν 0 − P 2 β0 1,2,µ
k = 1, . . . , m
If the conditions (34) are verified, then U 1,2,µ = 0, i.e. The equations (43) define a system of nonlinear equations
U∗ = U∗∗ . with respect to the unknowns ξi,m ∈ R, i = 1, ..., m.
The existence and uniqueness of the solution of the system
(43) follows from the following lemma.
Lemma 5.1. Let X be a finite dimensional Hilbert space with
5. Existence of the Weak Solution scalar product [·, ·] and norm [·] and let P : X → X be a
continuous operator such that
We shall apply the Galerkin method to establish the
existence of the weak solution of the variational problem (24). [P (η) , η] > 0 for [η] = r > 0, ∀η ∈ X. (44)
For the definition of this method see for example ([18], p. 134).
The space W is separable as a subspace of the Then there is an element ξ ∈ X with [ξ] ≤ r such that
space W0,Γ (Ω, µ) and it is a completion of W in
 3 P (ξ) = 0. (45)
W0,Γ (Ω, µ) . Therefore, there is a sequence W1 , W2 , For the proof of the Lemma 5.2, see ([18], p. 134).
. . . , Wm , . . . of linearly independent elements of W which is Let’s apply the Lemma 5.1 to establish the existence of Um
total, i.e. it generates a dense subspace in W. It is also linearly in (42) verifying (43) .
independent and total in W. Let apply this lemma to prove the existence of Um in the
For all fixed m ≥ 1, we define a sequence of an approximate following way. As a space X of finite dimension, we take
solution Um of the form the space Wm generated by W1 , W2 , . . . , Wm . The scalar
product in Wm is the induced scalar produc ar (·, ·) of W and
Um =
ξi,m Wi , ξi,m ∈ R, i = 1, . . . , m, (42) let Pm : Wm → Wm be the operator defined by the following

ar (Pm (U) , V) = ar (U, V) + b (u, U, V) − (f (U) , V) , (46)

151 Rachid Ghenji and Mohamed El Hatri: Axisymmetric Problem of Stationnary Navier-Stokes Equations
Coupled with the Heat Equation

V ∈ Wm , ∀U = (u, u3 ) ∈ Wm , ∀V ∈ Wm .
Let us mention that the existence of such element Pm (U ) ∈ Wm follows from Riesz’s theorem, because the left side of (46)
is actually a scalar product in Wm and the right hand side in (46) is a bounded linear functional of V ∈ Wm .

Lemma 5.2. The operator Pm defined by (46) is continuous on Wm , i.e. for all sequence {Un }n=1 in Wm convergent to
U0 ∈ Wm :
lim |Un −U0 |1,2,µ = 0,

we have lim Pm (Un ) = P (U0 ) inWm .

Proof Let (Un ) be a sequence in Wm strongly convergent to U0 ∈ Wm , i.e.

lim |Un −U0 |1,2,µ = 0. (47)


Then, because the trilinearity of b (·, ·, ·), for all V ∈ Wm , we have

ar (P (Un ) − P (U0 ) , V) = ar (Un −U0 , V) + b (un , Un , V) − b (u0 , U0 , V) − (f (Un ) , V) + (f (U0 ) , V)

= ar (Un −U0 , V) + b (un − u0 , Un , V) + b (u0 , Un − U0 , V) − (f (Un ) − f (U0 ) , V) . (48)

Let’s now estimate the terms in the right side of (48).
According to the inequalities (31) , (29) , (30) and the limit (47) , we obtain

|ar (Un −U0 , V)| ≤ C |Un −U0 |1,2,µ |V|1,2,µ → 0 n → ∞; (49)

|b (un −u0 , Un , V) + b (u0 , Un −U0 , V)| ≤ C |V|1,2,µ |Un −U0 |1,2,µ |Un |1,2,µ

+ |Un −U0 |1,2,µ |u0 |1,2,µ → 0 n → ∞; (50)

|(f (Un ) , V) − (f (U0 ) , V)| ≤ β0 (un,3 − u0,3 ) v2 dµ (x) ≤ C |Un −U0 |1,2,µ |V|1,2,µ → 0 n → ∞.

Therefore, by combining the estimates (49) − (51) with the equality (48), we derive

|ar (P (Un ) − P (U0 ) , V)| ≤ |a (Un −U0 , V)| + |b (un −u0 , Un , V)|

+ |b (u0 , Un −U0 , V)| + |(f (Un ) , V) − (f (U0 ) , V)| → 0


lim ar (P (Un ) − P (U0 ) , V) = 0, ∀V ∈ Wm .

Because the space Wm is finite, this is enough to establish the convergence lim P (Un ) = P (U0 ).
Now we will try to use Lemma 5.1. First, we are looking the condition (44) . According to the apriori estimates (28) and (30),
we obtain
[Pm (U) , U] = ar (Pm (U) , U) = ar (U, U) − (f (U) , U) ≥ ν0 |U|1,2,µ − β0 P 2 |U|1,2,µ + γ |U|1,2,µ
= ν0 − β0 P 2 |U|1,2,µ − γ |U|1,2,µ = ν0 − β0 P 2 |U|1,2,µ − γ |U|1,2,µ

ν0 − β0 P 2 |U|1,2,µ − γ |U|1,2,µ .

ar (Pm (U) , U) ≥

The above inequality implies that the condition (44) is fulfilled for |U|1,2,µ = r, if
r> ,
ν0 − β0 P 2
which is true for large enough r.
Thus, according to Lemma 5.1, we deduce that there exists a solution Um of the form (42) verifying the system (43) .
American Journal of Applied Mathematics 2022; 10(4): 141-159 152

Let’s now multiply (43) by ξk,m and sum the obtained equalities for k = 1, . . . , m. We obtain

ar (Um , Um ) + b (um , Um , Um ) = (f (Um ) , Um ) ,

from where, in view of (32)
ar (Um , Um ) = (f (Um ) , Um ) .
Therefore, using (28) and (30), we get
|Um |1,2,µ ≤ .
ν0 − β 0 P 2
Since Um is bounded sequence in W, then there exists an element U ∈ W and there is a subsequence Um0 such that
Um0 * U weakly in W and Um0 → U in norm of (L2 (Ω, µ))
lim ar (Um0 , V ) = ar (U, V) , ∀V ∈ W, (52)
m0 →∞

lim kUm0 − Uk2,µ = 0. (53)
m0 →∞

Lemma 5.3. If {Un = (u1,n , u2,n , u3,n )}n=1 be a sequence weakly converges to a function U ∈ W, strongly convergent in
(L2 (Ω, µ)) and uniformely bounded in W, then

lim b (un , Un , V) = b (u, U, V) , ∀V ∈ W, (54)


lim (f (Un ) , V) = (f (U) , V) , ∀V ∈ W. (55)


Proof Because the properties (33) and (34), we have

b (un , Un , V) = −b (un , V, Un ) = − i,j Ω un,i un,j Di vj dµ
X Z Z Z 
=− (un,i − ui ) un,j Di vj dµ+ + ui (un,j − uj ) Di vj dµ + ui uj Di vj dµ
i,j Ω Ω Ω

P R R 
=− i,j Ω
(un,i − ui ) un,j Di vj dµ+ + Ω
ui (un,j − uj ) Di vj dµ + b (u, U, V) . (56)
As V is smooth, Un is uniformely bounded, then according to the Hölder inequality and the strongly convergence of (Un ) in
(L2 (Ω, µ)) , we deduce

(un,i − ui ) un,j Di vj dµ ≤ kun,i − ui k kun,i k kDi vj (x)k
2,µ 2,µ ∞,0 → 0. (57)

Similarly, we have

ui (un,j − uj ) Di vj dµ ≤ kun,j − uj k kun,i k kDi vj (x)k → 0. (58)
2,µ 2,µ ∞,0 n→∞

Therefore, by combining the inequalities (57) and (47) with the equality (56), we derive (54) .
According to the Hölder’s, we obtain
|(f (Un ) , V) − (f (U) , V)| ≤ β0 |un,3 − u3 | |v2 | dµ ≤ β0 P 2 |un,3 − u3 |1,2,µ |v3 |1,2,µ → 0, n → ∞,

i.e. we obtain (55) W1 , W2 , . . . As these combinations are dences in W, then the

Then we will go to the limit m0 → ∞ in (43) by the equation holds for all V ∈ W. In this way, we have proved the
subsequence (Um0 ) and by using the limits (52), (54) and (55) following theorem
we deduce that for all V = W1 , W2 , . . ., we have Theorem 5.1. Under the condition (37), the variational
problem (24) admits a unique weak solution U = (u, u3 ) ∈
ar (U, V) + b (u, U, V) = (f (U) , V) , (59) W.
where U ∈ W is a weak limit of the subsequence (Um0 ) . The
equation (59) is also fulfilled for all linear combinaison V of
153 Rachid Ghenji and Mohamed El Hatri: Axisymmetric Problem of Stationnary Navier-Stokes Equations
Coupled with the Heat Equation

6. Numerical Solution Note that given the geometric simplicity of our domain Ω,
we have
In this paragraph, we will establish the existence and [
uniqueness of a numerical solution, obtained by the finite Ω= K, K = K ∪ ∂K.
element method, approaching the weak solution of the K∈Th
variational problem (24) .
6.2. Definition of the Finite Element Approximation Space
6.1. Finite Element Method
At the triangulation Th we associate the space Vh of
Let Th be a regular triangulation of Ω formed by triangles 1
functions vh ∈ C0,Γ Ω whose restriction vK = vh |K ∈ PK ,
Ki ⊂ Ω, i = 1, . . . , N of diameter hKi , see [7], and let put such that
h = max hK → 0, 
Vh = vh ∈ C0,Γ1

Ω : vhK = vh |K ∈ PK .


where hK = max |x − y| . Note that the space Vh is a subspace of the weighted Sobolev
x,y∈K 1,2 1,2
Let Uh be the set of vertices of all the triangles K ∈ Th . space W0,Γ (Ω, µ) : Vh ⊂ W0,Γ (Ω, µ). In the following, we
◦ consider the space Vh of functions vh ∈ Vh × Vh such that
We denote by U h,Γ the set of vertices belonging to the interior Z
of the domain ΩΓ = ΩΓ. Here, the nodes located on the
divr vh dx = 0 ∀K ∈ Th (62)
boundary Γ0 = {(0, x2 ) : 0 < x2 < 1} of the boundary ∂Ω K

belong to the set U h,Γ . and we put Wh = Vh × Vh which is a subspace
◦  3
Here, any triangle K ∈ Th has nonempty interior K and of W0,Γ (Ω, µ) , which is called a finite element
Lipschit boundary ∂K, moreover, any two triangles K and K 0 approximation space. The space Wh is a Hilbert space with
◦ ◦
satisfies the condition K∩K 0 6= ∅ and no vertex of one belongs respect of the induced scalar product:
to a side of the other. 2 X
3 Z
Let P1 (K) be the space of polynomials of first degree
((U, V)) = Di uj Di vj dµ.
defined on K. It is shown that there exist unique linearly i=1 j=1 Ω
independent polynomials λK,i (x) ∈ P1 (K) , i = 1, 2, 3, such
that Let τB ⊂ Th be the set of all the elements of Th having
3 ◦
X a common vertex B ∈ U h,Γ . Consider a continuous function
λK,i (aj ) = δij , λK,i (x) = 1. (60)
whB on τB such that:
(i) its restriction whB |K = whB,K on each element K ∈
called nodal functions or barycentric functions, where δij is τB is a first degree polynomial whB,K ∈ PK ,
the Kronecker symbol, see ◦
We call finite element the triple (K, PK , ΣK ) , where ΣK = (ii) whB (B) = 1 and whB (M ) = 0 ∀M ∈ U h,Γ , M 6= B.
3 According to the properties (60), we deduce that for all
{λK,i }i=1 .
Uh = (uh , uh,3 ) ∈ Wh we have
In the following instead of P1 (K) we simply write PK . In
this way any polynomial p ∈ PK can be written in the form
p (x) = λK,i (x) p (ai,K ) . (61)

 
Uh = Uh (B) whB = uh (B) whB , uh,3 (B) whB  (63)
 
◦ ◦ ◦
B∈U h,Γ B∈U h,Γ B∈U h,Γ

Note that the approximation space Wh is not a subspace of the energy space W, Vh W, since for everything vh (x) ∈ Vh
the divergence divr vh (x) is not necessarily zero on Ω.
Proposition 6.1. For all vh ∈ Vh , there is a constant P > 0 no depending of h such that

kvh k0,2,µ ≤ P |vh |1,2,µ , (64)

where P is the Poincaré constant (see (18)):

kvh k0,2,µ
P = sup < 2.
vh 6=0 |vh |1,2,µ
American Journal of Applied Mathematics 2022; 10(4): 141-159 154

Proof According to Green’s formula, we have

X Z ∂ X Z
x1 u2K ν1 dx,

x1 vK dx =
K ∂x1 ∂K
K∈Th K∈Th

where ν1 = cos (x1 , ν) is the exterior normal to ∂K. The scalar function xα 2
1 vK is continuous on Ω, and therefore, on each side
of the element K ∈ Th , moreover, it cancels out on Γ and on the boundary Γ0 = {(0, x2 ) : 0 < x2 < 1} . In this way, if γ is a
side common to two adjacent elements K and K 0 of Th , then we will have
2 2

x 1 vK ν1 γ∈K = − x1 vK ν1 γ∈K 0 .

x 1 vK ν1 dx = 0.
K∈Th ∂K

On the other hand, we have Z Z

∂ ∂vh
x1 vh2 dx = vh2 + 2x1 vh

dx = 0,
Ω ∂x1 Ω ∂x1
from where Z Z
vh2 dx = −2 x 1 vh dx.
Ω Ω ∂x1
By Hölder’s inequality, we get
Z Z 1/2 Z  2 !1/2
2 ∂vh
kvh k0,2 = vh2 dx ≤2 x1 vh2 dx x1 dx ≤ 2 kvh k0,2,µ |vh |1,2,µ .
Ω Ω Ω ∂x1
Therefore Z
2 2
kvh k0,2,µ = x1 vh2 dx ≤ kvh k0,2 ≤ 2 kvh k0,2,µ |vh |1,2,µ ,

kvh k0,2,µ ≤ 2 |vh |1,2,µ .
From where, we deduce

kvh k0,2,µ kvh k0,2,µ

≤ P = sup ≤2
|vh |1,2,µ vh 6=0 |vh |1,2,µ
The inequality (64) is similar to the Poincaré inequality.
Proposition 6.2. For all vh ∈ Vh , there is a constant S > 0 no depending of h such that

kvh k0,4,µ ≤ S |vh |1,2,µ , (65)

where S ≤ P is the so-called Sobolev constant, see (18) .

Proof By Hölder’s inequality, we get
Z  1−ε  3+ε Z 1
4 1/4 1/4 2(1−ε) 2
kvh k0,2,µ = x1 |vh | x1 |vh | dx ≤ x1 |vh | dx

Z  2 3+ε (1+ε)/2 Z 1
1/4 1+ε 2
× x1 |vh | dx ≤ x12(1−ε) |vh | dx
Z  2 3+ε (1+ε)/2p
1/4 1+ε p (1+ε)/2p0
× x1 |vh | dx × (mes (Ω)) ,

where 1/p + 1/p = 1. Therefore, taking p = 2 (1 + ε) / (3 + ε) in the above inequality, we get
4 1−ε 3+ε
kvh k0,4,µ ≤ kvh k0,2,µ kvh k0,4,µ , mes (Ω) = 1,
155 Rachid Ghenji and Mohamed El Hatri: Axisymmetric Problem of Stationnary Navier-Stokes Equations
Coupled with the Heat Equation

whence, taking into account (64) :

1−ε 1−ε
kvh k0,4,µ ≤ kvh k0,2,µ ≤ P |vh |1,2,µ .

kvh k0,4,µ kvh k0,4,µ
≤ sup =S≤P
|vh |1,2,µ vh 6=0 |vh |1,2,µ

6.3. Formulation of the Discrete Problem

Let uh ∈ Vh × Vh , Vh ∈ Wh , Wh ∈ Wh and consider the following trilinear form:

bh (uh , Vh , Wh ) = b0 (uh , Vh , Wh ) + b00 (uh , Vh , Wh ) , (66)

2 X
3 Z
X X 1
b0 (uh , Vh , Wh ) = uK,i (Di vK,j ) wK,j dµ,
2 K
K∈Th i=1 j=1

2 X
3 Z
X X 1
b (uh , Vh , Wh ) = − uK,i vK,j (Di wK,j ) dµ.
2 K
K∈Th i=1 j=1

It is easy to verify that for all uh ∈ Vh × Vh and Vh , Wh ∈ Wh , we have

bh (uh , Vh , Vh ) = 0, bh (uh , Vh , Wh ) = −bh (uh , Wh , Vh ) (67)

Discreet problem: we search Uh = (uh , uh,3 ) ∈ Wh of the form ( 63) such that

ar (Uh , Vh ) + bh (uh , Uh , Vh ) = (f (uh,3 ) , Vh ) , ∀Vh ∈ Wh (68)

where uh = (uh,1 , uh,2 ),
2 Z
3 X Z
X uh,1 vh,1
ar (Uh , Vh ) = νj (Di uh,j )(Di vh,j )dµ + ν dµ,
j=1 i=1 Ω Ω x21
(f (uh,3 ) , Vh ) = β0 uh,3 vh,2 dµ + gvh,3 dµ.

Proposition 6.3. Let Uh ∈ Wh be a solution of (68) and let that the condition (35) holds. Then
|Uh |1,2,µ ≤ , (69)
ν0 − β0 P 2
where R
gvdµ (x)

γ = sup , g ∈ L2 (Ω, µ)
06=v∈Vh |v|1,2,µ
Proof Let Uh = (uh,1 , uh,2 , uh,3 ) ∈ Wh verify (65). Then, by property (70), we deduce that
ar (Uh , Uh ) = (f (uh,3 ) , Uh ) = β0 uh,3 uh,2 dµ + guh,3 dµ.
Hence, by Hölder’s inequality, we get
2 2
ν0 |Uh |1,2,µ ≤ ar (Uh , Uh ) = (f (uh,3 ) , Uh ) ≤ β0 kUh k0,2,µ + guh,3 dµ

gvh,3 dµ (x) 2
≤ β0 kUh k0,2,µ + sup Ω
|uh,3 |1,2,µ ≤ β0 P 2 |Uh |1,2,µ + γ |Uh |1,2,µ .
06=vh,3 ∈Vh |vh,3 |1,2,µ
From where, we deduce
ν0 − β0 P 2 |Uh |1,2,µ ≤ γ.

American Journal of Applied Mathematics 2022; 10(4): 141-159 156

The inequality (69) is analogous to the inequality (36).

Let Uh = (uh , uh,3 ) ∈ Wh and lh (Uh ) : Wh → R be a linear functional defined by the following equality:

hlh (Uh ) , Vh i = (f (uh,3 ) , Vh ) . (70)

The linearity here of lh (Uh ) is relative to Vh .

Proposition 6.4. Let Uh = (uh , uh,3 ) ∈ Wh be a solution of (68). If the condition (35) holds, then

∗ |hlh (Uh ) , Vh i| ν0 γ
klh (Uh )k = sup ≤ . (71)
Vh 6=0 |Vh |1,2,µ ν0 − β0 P 2

Proof We have

|hlh (Uh ) , Vh i| = |(f (uh,3 ) , Vh )| ≤ β0 kUh k0,2,µ kVh k0,2,µ + γ |vh,3 |1,2,µ ≤ β0 P 2 |Uh |1,2,µ |Vh |1,2,µ + γ |Vh |1,2,µ .

∗ ||(f (uh,3 ) , Vh )|| γβ0 P 2 ν0 γ
klh (Uh )k = sup ≤ β0 P 2 |Uh |1,2,µ + γ ≤ 2
+γ =
Vh 6=0 |Vh |1,2,µ ν0 − β 0 P ν0 − β0 P 2
 2  3
2 1,2 3 1,2
Proposition 6.5. For all uh ∈ (Vh ) ⊂ W0,Γ (Ω, µ) and Vh , Wh ∈ (Vh ) ⊂ W0,Γ (Ω, µ) , we have

S2 2
|bh (uh , Vh , Wh )| ≤ |uh |1,2,µ |Vh |1,2,µ |Wh |1,2,µ , (72)
where S is the Sobolev constant, see (18) .
Proof The estimate of the term b0 (uh , Vh , Wh ). Let us apply Hölder’s generalized inequality to the right side of
the following equality:
Z Z     
1/4 1/2 1/4
uK,i (Di VK,j ) WK,j dµ = x1 uK,i x1 Di vK,j × x1 wK,j .
We find Z Z 1/4

uK,i (Di vK,j ) wK,j dµ ≤ 4
|uK,i | dµ (x) ×
Z 1/2 Z 1/4
2 4
× |Di vK,j | dµ (x) × |vK,j | dµ (x) ≤ kuK,i k0,4,µ |vK,j |1,2,µ kwK,j k0,4,µ .

According to (65), we deduce:

uK,i (Di vK,j ) wK,j dµ ≤ S 2 |uK,i |

1,2,µ |vKj |1,2,µ |wK,j |1,2,µ

where Z   1/2
2 2
|ϕK |1,2,µ = |D1 ϕK | + |D2 ϕK | dµ .

Therefore, applying the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality to the above inequality, we find

2 X Z
X X 1
|b (uh , Vh , Wh )| ≤ uK,i (Di vK,j ) wK,j dµ ≤
K∈Th i=1 j=1
 1/2  1/2
2 3 3
S2 X X X 2
X 2
≤ |uK,i |1,2,µ  |vK,j |1,2,µ  ×  |wK,j |1,2,µ 
2 i=1 j=1 j=1
√ √
2 2 S2 2
≤ 2 S K∈Th |uK |1,2,µ |VK |1,2,µ |WK |1,2,µ ≤ 2 |uh |1,2,µ |Vh |1,2,µ |Wh |1,2,µ .
157 Rachid Ghenji and Mohamed El Hatri: Axisymmetric Problem of Stationnary Navier-Stokes Equations
Coupled with the Heat Equation

The estimate of the term b00 (uh , Vh , Wh ). We proceed in the same way as in the previous case. We have
Z Z    

uK,i vK,j (Di wK,j ) dµ = 1/4 1/4 1/2
x1 uK,i x1 vK,j x1 Di wK,j

Z 1/4 Z 1/4 Z 1/2

4 4 2
≤ |uK,i | dµ (x) |vK,j | dµ (x) × |Di wK,j | dµ (x)
≤ S |uK,i |1,2,µ |vK,j |1,2,µ |wK,j |1,2,µ .
Therefore, we get
2 3 Z
00 1 X X X
|b (uh , Vh , Wh )| ≤ uK,i vK,j (Di wK,j ) dµ
2 i=1 j=1

  21   12
2 3 3
S2 X X X 2
X 2
≤ |uK,i |1,2,µ  |vK,j |1,2,µ  ×  |wK,j |1,2,µ 
2 i=1 j=1 j=1

S2 2
≤ |uh |1,2,µ |Vh |1,2,µ |Wh |1,2,µ

7. Existence and Uniqueness of the Approximate Solution

According to the Lemma 5.1, for all h > 0, there exists an approximate solution Uh = (uh , uh,3 ) ∈ Wh satisfying the
discrete problem (68). Indeed, let us take X = Wh which is a finite dimensional Hilbert space, endowed with the induced scalar
product ((·, ·)) . Let P : Wh → Wh be an application defined by

((P (Uh ) , Vh )) = ar (Uh , Vh ) + bh (uh , Uh , Vh ) − hl (Uh ) , Vh i ,

for all Uh = (uh , uh,3 ) ∈ Wh and Vh ∈ Wh .
From (69), (71) and (72), we show that the operator P is continuous. On the other hand, from (68) , (69) and (71), we have
ν0 γ
((P (Uh ) , Uh )) = ar (Uh , Uh ) − hl (Uh ) , Uh i ≥ |Uh |1,2,µ ν0 |Uh |1,2,µ − .
ν0 − β0 P 2
Therefore, if |Uh |1,2,µ = k and k > then ((P (Uh ) , Uh )) > 0. In this way, the condition (45) holds, and so
ν 0 − β0 P 2
there exists at least one element Uh ∈ Wh such that

((P (Uh ) , Vh )) = 0 ∀Vh ∈ Wh ,

which is equivalent to the equation (68) .

Suppose there are two solutions U∗h and U∗∗ ∗ ∗∗
h of the equation (68). Let’s pose Uh = Uh − Uh = (uh , uh,3 ). Then
ar (Uh , Vh ) + bh (u∗h , U∗h , Vh ) − bh (u∗∗
h , U ∗∗
h , V h ) = β 0 uh,3 vh,2 dµ.

On the other hand, we have

bh (u∗h , U∗h , Vh ) − b (u∗∗ ∗∗ ∗ ∗∗

h , Uh , Vh ) = b (uh , Uh , Vh ) + b (uh , Uh , Vh ) . (73)

Let’s take Vh = Uh in (73). Then, taking into account (67), we get

ar (Uh , Uh ) + b (uh , U∗h , Uh ) = β0 uh,3 uh,2 dµ (x) . (74)

By Hölder’s inequality and (64), we find

American Journal of Applied Mathematics 2022; 10(4): 141-159 158

uh,3 uh,2 dµ (x) ≤ kuh,3 k kuh,2 k ≤ P 2 |uh,3 |

2,µ 2,µ 1,2,µ |uh,2 |1,2,µ . (75)

On the other hand, by (72), we have

S2 2
|bh (uh , U∗h , Uh )|
≤ |uh |1,2,µ |Uh |1,2,µ |U∗h |1,2,µ (76)
Thus, by combining (75) and (76) with (74) and taking into account (69), we obtain
ν0 |Uh |1,2,µ ≤ ar (Uh , Uh ) ≤ |b (uh , U∗h , Uh )| + β0 uh,3 uh,2 dµ (x) ≤


S 2
≤ |uh |1,2,µ |Uh |1,2,µ |U∗h |1,2,µ + β0 P 2 |uh,3 |1,2,µ |uh,2 |1,2,µ
√ ! √ !
S2 2 ∗ 2 2 γS 2 2 2 2
≤ |Uh |1,2,µ + β0 P |Uh |1,2,µ ≤ + β0 P |Uh |1,2,µ ,
2 2 (ν0 − β0 P 2 )

From where, we derive

γS 2 2
ν 0 − β0 P 2 − |Uh |1,2,µ ≤ 0.
2 (ν0 − β0 P 2 )
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