Max. Marks
Unit 1-
Normal and Subnormal series of groups, Composition series, Jordan-Hölder
Unit 2-
Solvable and Nilpotent groups.
Unit 3-
Extension fields, Roots of polynomials, Algebraic and transcendental extensions,
Splitting fields, Separable and inseparable extensions.
Unit 4-
Perfect fields, Finite fields, Primitive elements, Algebraically closed fields.
Unit 5-
Automorphism of extensions, Galois extensions, Fundamental theorem of Galois
theory, Solution of polynomial equations by radicals, Insolvability of general equation of
degree 5 by radicals.
Recommended Books:
[1] I.N. Herstein, Topics in Algebra, Wiley Eastern Ltd. New Delhi, 1975.
[2] Vivek Sahai and Vikas Bist, Algebra, Narosa Publishing House, 1999.
[3] P.B. Bhattacharya, S.K.Jain and S.R.Nagpaul, Basic Abstract Algebra (2nd Edition),
Cambridge University Press, Indian Edition, 1997.
Reference Books:
[1] N. Jacobson, Basic Algebra, Vols. I & II, W.H. Freeman, 1980(also published by
Hindustan Publishing Company).
[2] S. Lang, Algebra, Addison-Wesley.
[3] I.S. Luther and I.B.S. Passi, Algebra, Vol.I-Groups, Vol. II-Rings, Narosa Publishing
House (V0l. I-1996, Vol. II- 1999).
Paper – II Real Analysis Theory Paper : Max. Marks- 80
Internal Assessment: Max. Marks- 20
Note: The question paper will consist of two sections A & B. Section A will consist of
short answer type questions each carrying 6 marks and section B of long answer type
questions each carrying 10 marks. In each section there will be five questions, one from
each unit with internal choice. All questions will be compulsory.
Unit 1-
Definition and existence of Riemann-Stieltjes integral and its properties,
Integration and differentiation, The fundamental theorem of calculus.
Unit 2-
Integration of vector-valued functions, Rectifiable curves, Rearrangement of
terms of series, Riemann’s theorem.
Unit 3-
Sequence and series of functions, Pointwise and uniform convergence, Cauchy
criterion for uniform convergence, Weierstrass M-test, Abel’s and Dirichlet’s test for
uniform convergence and continuity, Uniform convergence and Riemann-Stieltjes
integration , Uniform convergence and differentiation, Weierstrass approximation
theorem, Power series, Uniqueness theorem for power series, Abel’s and Tauber’s
Unit 4-
Functions of several variables, Linear transformations, Derivatives in an open
subset of Rn, Chain rule, Partial derivatives, Interchange of the order of differentiation,
Derivatives of higher orders, Taylor’s theorem, Inverse function theorem.
Unit 5-
Implicit function theorem, Jacobians, Extremum problems with constraints,
Lagrange’s multiplier method, Differentiation of integrals, Partitions of unity,
Differential forms, Stoke’s theorem.
Recommended Books:
[1] Walter Rudin, Principles of Mathematical Analysis (3rd Edition), McGraw-Hill,
Kogakusha, 1976, International Student Edition.
Reference Books:
[1] T.M.Apostol, Mathematical Analysis, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, 1985.
[2] H.L.Roden, Real Analysis, Macmillan Publishing Co. Inc., 4th Edition, New York, 1993.
Paper – III Topology – I Theory Paper : Max. Marks- 80
Internal Assessment: Max. Marks- 20
Note: The question paper will consist of two sections A & B. Section A will consist of
short answer type questions each carrying 6 marks and section B of long answer type
questions each carrying 10 marks. In each section there will be five questions, one from
each unit with internal choice. All questions will be compulsory.
Unit 1-
Countable and uncountable sets, Infinite sets and the axiom of choice, Cardinal
numbers and its arithmetic. Schroeder-Bernstein theorem, Cantor’s theorem and the
continuum hypothesis, Zorn’s lemma, Well-ordering theorem.
Unit 2-
Definition and examples of topological spaces, Closed sets, Neighbourhoods,
Closure, Dense sets, Interior, Exterior and boundary, Accumulation points and derived
sets, Bases and sub-bases, Subspaces and relative topology.
Unit 3-
Alternate methods of defining a topology in terms of Kuratowski closure
operator and Neighbourhood systems, Continuous functions and homeomorphism.
Unit 4-
First and second countable spaces, Separable spaces, Second countability and
Unit 5-
Connected spaces, Connectedness on real line, Components, Locally connected
spaces, Path-connectedness.
Recommended Books:
[1] James R. Munkres, Topology: A First Course, Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd. New
Delhi, 2000.
Reference Books:
[1] K.D.Joshi, Introduction to General Topology, Willey Eastern Limited, 1983.
[2] G.F. Simmons, Introduction to Topology and Modern Analysis, McGraw-Hill Book
Company, 1963.
[3] J.Dugundji, Topology, Allyn and Bacon, 1966(Reprinted in India by Prentice-Hall of
India Pvt. Ltd.).
[4] N. Bourbaki, General Topology Part-I (Transl.) Addition Wesley Reading 1966.
Paper – IV Complex Analysis – I Theory Paper : Max. Marks- 80
Internal Assessment: Max. Marks- 20
Note: The question paper will consist of two sections A & B. Section A will consist of
short answer type questions each carrying 6 marks and section B of long answer type
questions each carrying 10 marks. In each section there will be five questions, one from
each unit with internal choice. All questions will be compulsory.
Unit 1-
Complex Integration, Cuachy-Gaursat theorem, Cauchy integral formula, Higher
order derivatives.
Unit 2-
Morera’s theorem, Cauchy’s inequality, Liouville’s theorem, The fundamental
theorem of algebra, Taylor’s theorem.
Unit 3-
The maximum modulus principle, Schwartz lemma, Laurent’s series,
Singularities, Meromorphic functions, The argument principle, Rouche’s theorem,
Inverse function theorem.
Unit 4-
Residues, Cauchy’s residue theorem, Evaluation of integrals, Branches of many
valued functions with special reference to arg z, log z, z^a.
Unit 5-
Uniform convergence of sequence, series and power series, General principle of
uniform convergence, Weierstrass’s M-test, Hardy’s test for uniform convergence,
Infinite products, General principle of uniform convergence of infinite product, Absolute
and uniform convergence of an infinite product, Theorems on infinite product.
Recommended Books:
[1] J.B.Convey, Functions of One Complex Variable, Springer-Verlag, International
Student Edition, Narosa Publishing House,1980.
Reference Books:
[1] S.Ponnusamy, Foundations of Complex Analysis, Narosa Publishing House,1997.
[2] L.V. Ahlfors, Complex Analysis, McGraw-Hill, 1979.
[3] J.W.Brown and R.V.Churchill, Complex Variables and Applications, 2004.
Paper – V (Optional (i)) Advanced Discrete Mathematics– I
Theory Paper :Max. Marks- 80
Internal Assessment: Max. Marks- 20
Note: The question paper will consist of two sections A & B. Section A will consist of
short answer type questions each carrying 6 marks and section B of long answer type
questions each carrying 10 marks. In each section there will be five questions, one from
each unit with internal choice. All questions will be compulsory.
Unit 2- Lattices- Lattices as partially ordered sets, Their properties, Lattices as algebraic
systems, Sublattices, Direct products and homomorphisms, Some special lattices e.g. Complete,
Complemented and Distributive lattices.
Unit 3- Boolean Algebras- Boolean Algebras as lattices, Various Boolean identities, The
switching algebra example, Subalgebras, Direct products and homomorphisms, Join-irreducible
elements, Atoms and Minterms, Boolean forms and their equivalence, Minterm Boolean forms,
Sum of products canonical forms, Minimization of Boolean functions, Application of Boolean
algebra to switching theory (using AND, OR & NOT gates), The Karnaugh map method.
Unit 4- Graph theory- Definition of (undirected) graphs, Paths, Circuits, Cycles and
subgraphs, Induced subgraphs, Degree of vertex, Connectivity, Planer graphs and their
properties, Trees.
Unit 5- Euler’s formula for connected planer graphs, Complete and Complete Bipartite
graphs, Kurtowski’s theorem (statement only) and its use. Spanning trees, Cut-Sets,
Fundamental Cut-Sets and Cycles, Minimal spanning trees and Kruskal’s algorithm, Matrix
representation of graphs.
Recommended Books:
[1] J.P.Trambly and R. Manohar, Discrete Mathematical Structures with Application to Computer
Science, McGraw-Hill book Co., 1997.
[2] N. Deo, Graph Theory with Application to Engineering and Computer Sciences, Prentice Hall
of India.
Reference Books:
[1] J.L. Gersting, Mathematical Structure for Computer Science (3rd Edition), Computer Science
Press, New York.
[2] Seymour Lepschutz, Finite Mathematics (International Edition, 1983), McGraw Hill Co., New
[3] S.Wiitala, Discrete Mathematics-A Unified Approach, McGraw Hill Book Co.
[4] J.E. Hopcroft and J.D. Ullman, Introduction to Automata Theory Languages and Compulation,
Narosa Publishing House.
[5] C.L. Liu, Elements of Discrete Mathematics, McGraw Hill Book Co.
Paper – V (Optional (ii)) Differential Geometry of Manifolds-I
Theory Paper :Max. Marks- 80
Internal Assessment: Max. Marks- 20
Note: The question paper will consist of two sections A & B. Section A will consist of
short answer type questions each carrying 6 marks and section B of long answer type
questions each carrying 10 marks. In each section there will be five questions, one from
each unit with internal choice. All questions will be compulsory.
Unit 1-
Definition and examples of differentiable manifolds, Tangent spaces, Jacobian
map, One parameter group of transformations.
Unit 2-
Lie-derivatives, Immersions and Embeddings, Distributions, Exterior algebra,
Exterior derivative.
Unit 3-
Topological groups, Lie groups and Lie algebras, Product of two Lie groups.
Unit 4-
One parameter subgroup and Exponential maps, Examples of Lie groups.
Unit 5-
Homomorphism and Isomorphism, Lie transformation groups, General linear
groups, Principle fibre bundle, Linear frame bundle.
Recommended Books:
[1] B.B.Sinha, An Introduction to Modern Differential Geometry, Kalyani Publishers,
New Delhi, 1982.
[2] K.Yano and M.Kon, Structures on Manifolds, World Scientific Publishing Co.Pvt.Ltd.,
Reference Books:
[1] R.S.Mishra, A Course in Tensors with Applications to Riemannian Geometry,
Pothishala Pvt. Ltd., 1965.
[2] R.S. Mishra, Structures on Differentiable Manifolds and their Applications,
Chandrama Prakashan Allahabad, 1984.
Paper – V (Optional (iii)) Introduction to Software Organisation
Theory Paper :Max. Marks- 50
Internal Assessment :Max. Marks- 20
Practical :Max. Marks- 30
Note: The question paper will consist of two sections A & B. Section A will consist of short
answer type questions each carrying 4 marks and section B of long answer type questions each
carrying 6 marks. In each section there will be five questions, one from each unit with internal
choice. All questions will be compulsory.
Max. Marks
Unit 1-
Introduction to Modules, Examples, Submodules, Quotient modules,
Homomorphism and Isomorphism, Finitely generated modules, Cyclic modules.
Unit 2-
Simple modules, Semi-simple modules, free modules, Schur’s lemma.
Unit 3-
Noetherian and Artinian modules and rings, Hilbert bases theorem,
Wedderburn-Artin theorem.
Unit 4-
Uniform modules, Primary modules and Noether-Lasker theorem, Fundamental
structure theorem of modules over a Principal Ideal Domain and its application to
finitely generated abelian groups.
Unit 5-
Similarity of linear transformations, Invariant subspaces, Reduction to triangular
forms, Nilpotent transformations, Index of nilpotency, Invariants of a nilpotent
transformation, The Primary decomposition theorem.
Recommended Books:
[1] I.N. Herstein, Topics in Algebra, Wiley Eastern Ltd. New Delhi, 1975.
[2] Vivek Sahai and Vikas Bist, Algebra, Narosa Publishing House, 1999.
[3] P.B. Bhattacharya, S.K.Jain and S.R.Nagpaul, Basic Abstract Algebra (2nd Edition),
Cambridge University Press, Indian Edition, 1997.
Reference Books:
[1] N. Jacobson, Basic Algebra, Vols. I & II, W.H. Freeman, 1980(also published by
Hindustan Publishing Company).
[2] S. Kumaresan, Linear Algebra-A Geometric Approach, Prentice Hall of India Ltd.
[3] I.S. Luther and I.B.S. Passi, Algebra, Vol.I-Groups, Vol. II-Rings, Narosa Publishing
House (V0l. I-1996, Vol. II- 1999).
Paper – II Lebesgue Measure and Integration Theory Paper : Max. Marks- 80
Internal Assessment: Max. Marks- 20
Note: The question paper will consist of two sections A & B. Section A will consist of
short answer type questions each carrying 6 marks and section B of long answer type
questions each carrying 10 marks. In each section there will be five questions, one from
each unit with internal choice. All questions will be compulsory.
Unit 1-
Lebesgue outer measure, Measurable sets, Regularity, Measurable function, Borel
and Lebesgue measurability, Non-measurable sets.
Unit 2-
Integration of non-negative functions, The general integral, Integration of series,
Riemann and Lebesgue integrals.
Unit 3-
The four derivatives, Functions of bounded variations, Lebesgue differentiation
theorem, Differentiation and integration.
Unit 4-
The Lp -spaces, Convex functions, Jensen’s inequality, Hӧlder and Minkowski
inequalities, Completeness of Lp .
Unit 5-
Dual of space, Convergence in measure, Uniform convergence and Almost
uniform convergence.
Recommended Books:
[1] Barra, Measure Theory and Integration, Wiley-Eastern Ltd.,1981.
Reference Books:
[1] Walter Rudin, Principles of Mathematical Analysis (3rd Edition), McGraw-Hill,
Kogakusha, 1976, International Student Edition.
[2] H.L.Roden, Real Analysis, Macmillan Publishing Co. Inc., 4th Edition, New York, 1993.
[3] I.K.Rana, An Introduction to Measure and Integration, Narosa Publishing House,
[4] P.K.Jain and V.P.Gupta, Lebesgue Measure and Integration, New-Age International
(P) Ltd., New Delhi, 1986.
Paper – III Topology – II Theory Paper : Max. Marks- 80
Internal Assessment: Max. Marks- 20
Note: The question paper will consist of two sections A & B. Section A will consist of
short answer type questions each carrying 6 marks and section B of long answer type
questions each carrying 10 marks. In each section there will be five questions, one from
each unit with internal choice. All questions will be compulsory.
Unit 1-
Separation Axioms- T0, T1, T2, T3, T4 -spaces, Their characterization and basic
properties, Urysohn’s lemma, Tietze extension theorem.
Unit 2-
Compactness, Continuous functions and Compact sets, Basic properties of
compactness, Compactness and finite intersection property, Sequentially and countably
compact sets, Local compactness and one point compactification, Stone-Cech
compactification, Compactness in metric spaces, Equivalence of compactness, Countable
compactness and Sequential compactness in metric spaces.
Unit 3-
Tychonoff product topology in terms of standard subbase and its
characterizations, Projection maps, Separation axioms and product spaces,
Connectedness and product spaces, Compactness and product spaces, Tychonoff’s
theorem, Countability and product spaces.
Unit 4-
Filters, Filter base, Convergence of filters, Cluster points of a filter, Ultrafilters,
Ultrafilters and compactness.
Unit 5-
Nets- Topology and convergence of nets, Hausdorffness and nets, Ultranets,
Compactness and nets, Canonical way of converting nets to filters and vice-versa.
Embedding and Metrization, Embedding lemma and Tychonoff embedding, Urysohn
Metrization theorem
Recommended Books:
[1] James R. Munkres, Topology: A First Course, Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, 2000.
Reference Books:
[1] K.D.Joshi, Introduction to General Topology, Willey Eastern Limited, 1983.
[2] G.F. Simmons, Introduction to Topology and Modern Analysis, McGraw-Hill Book Company,
[3] J.Dugundji, Topology, Allyn and Bacon, 1966(Reprinted in India by Prentice-Hall of India Pvt.
[4] N. Bourbaki, General Topology Part-I (Transl.) Addition Wesley Reading 1966.
Paper – IV Complex Analysis – II Theory Paper : Max. Marks- 80
Internal Assessment: Max. Marks- 20
Note: The question paper will consist of two sections A & B. Section A will consist of
short answer type questions each carrying 6 marks and section B of long answer type
questions each carrying 10 marks. In each section there will be five questions, one from
each unit with internal choice. All questions will be compulsory.
Unit 1-
Weierstrass’ factorization theorem, Gamma function and its properties, Riemann
Zeta function, Riemann’s functional equation.
Unit 2-
Runge’s theorem, Mittag-Leffler’s theorem, Analytic continuation, Uniqueness of
direct analytic continuation, Uniqueness of analytic continuations along a curve, Power
series method of analytic continuation.
Unit 3-
Schwarz reflection principle, Monodromy theorem and its consequences,
Harmonic function on a disk.
Unit 4-
Harnack’s inequality and theorem, Dirichlet problem, Green’s function, Canonical
products, Jensen’s formula, Poisson-Jensen formula, Hadmard’s three circles theorem,
Order of an entire function, Exponent of convergence, Borel’s theorem, Hadmard’s
factorization theorem.
Unit 5-
The range of analytic function, Bloch’s theorem, The little Picard theorem,
Schottky’s theorem, Montel Cartheodary and great Picard theorem, Univalent function,
Bieberbach conjecture and the -theorem.
Recommended Books:
[1] J.B.Convey, Functions of One Complex Variable, Springer-Verlag, International
Student Edition, Narosa Publishing House,1980.
Reference Books:
[1] S.Ponnusamy, Foundations of Complex Analysis, Narosa Publishing House,1997.
[2] L.V. Ahlfors, Complex Analysis, McGraw-Hill, 1979.
[3] J.W.Brown and R.V.Churchill, Complex Variables and Applications, 2004.
[4] W.A. Veech, A Second Course in Complex Analysis, W.A. Benjamin, 1967.
[5] Walter Rudin, Real and Complex Analysis, McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1966.
[6] H.K.Pathak, Complex Analysis, Shiksha Sahitya Prakashan.
Paper – V (Optional (i)) Advanced Discrete Mathematics– II
Theory Paper : Max. Marks- 80
Internal Assessment: Max. Marks- 20
Note: The question paper will consist of two sections A & B. Section A will consist of
short answer type questions each carrying 6 marks and section B of long answer type
questions each carrying 10 marks. In each section there will be five questions, one from
each unit with internal choice. All questions will be compulsory.
Unit 1-
Associated fibre bundle, Vector bundle, Induced bundle, Bundle
Unit 2-
Riemannian manifolds, Riemannian connection, Curvature tensors, Sectional
curvature, Schur’s theorem.
Unit 3-
Geodesics in a Riemannian manifold, Projective curvature tensor, Conformal
curvature tensor.
Unit 4-
Submanifolds and Hypersurfaces, Normals, Gauss’ formulae, Weingarten
equations, Lines of curvature, Generalized Gauss and Mainardi-Codazzi equations.
Unit 5-
Almost complex manifolds, Nijenhuis tensor, Contravariant and covariant almost
analytic vector fields, F-connection.
Recommended Books:
[1] B.B.Sinha, An Introduction to Modern Differential Geometry, Kalyani Publishers,
New Delhi, 1982.
[2] K.Yano and M.Kon, Structures on Manifolds, World Scientific Publishing Co.Pvt.Ltd.,
Reference Books:
[1] R.S.Mishra, A Course in Tensors with Applications to Riemannian Geometry,
Pothishala Pvt. Ltd., 1965.
[2] R.S. Mishra, Structures on Differentiable Manifolds and their Applications,
Chandrama Prakashan Allahabad, 1984.
Paper – V (Optional (iii)) Programming in ‘C’
Theory Paper: Max. Marks- 50
Internal Assessment: Max. Marks- 20
Practical: Max. Marks- 30
Note: The question paper will consist of two sections A & B. Section A will consist of short
answer type questions each carrying 4 marks and section B of long answer type questions each
carrying 6 marks. In each section there will be five questions, one from each unit with internal
choice. All questions will be compulsory.
Unit 1- Introduction:
Introduction Character set, Identifiers and Keywords, Variables, Displaying variables,
Reading Variables, Character and Character String, Qualifiers, Type define Statements, Value
initialized variables, Constants, Constant Qualifier, Operators and Expressions, Operator
Precedence and Associatively, Basic input output: Single Character I/O, Types of Characters in
format string, Scanf with specifier.
Unit 2- Control Structures -
Control Structure: If-statement, If-else statement, Multi decision, Compound Statement,
Loops: For-loop, While-loop, Do-While loop, Break statement, Switch statement, Continue
statement, Go to statement.
Unit 3- Functions & Arrays -
Functions: Function main, Functions accepting more than one parameter, User defined
and library functions, Concept associatively with functions, Function parameter, Return value,
recursion comparisons of Iteration and recursion variable length argument list.
Arrays: Scope and Extent, Multidimensional Arrays, Array of Strings, Function in String, passing
arrays to functions, accessing array inside functions.
Unit 4- Pointes
Pointers: Definition and use of pointer, address operator, pointer variable, referencing
pointer, void pointers, pointer arithmetic, pointer to pointer, pointer and arrays, pointer and
functions, pointers and two dimensional arrays, array of pointers, pointers constants, pointer
and strings.
Unit 5- Structure and Union -
Declaring and using Structure, Structure initialization, Structure within Structure,
Operations on Structures, Array of Structure, Array within Structure, Creating user defined data
type, pointer to Structure and function. Union, difference between Union and Structure,
Operations on Union, Scope of Union.
Reference Books:
[1] Yashwant P. Kanetkar, Let us ‘C’.
[2] E. Balaguruswamy, Programming in ‘C’.
[3] Dennis and Ritche, Programming in ‘C‘.
[4] Magic with ‘C’, AB Publication.
Max. Marks
Compulsory Paper
Unit 1-
Unit 2-
Unit 3-
Unit 4-
Unit 5-
Recommended Books:
Optional Paper –I Differentiable Structures on Manifolds-I
Theory Paper : Max. Marks- 80
Internal Assessment: Max. Marks- 20
Note: The question paper will consist of two sections A & B. Section A will consist of
short answer type questions each carrying 6 marks and section B of long answer type
questions each carrying 10 marks. In each section there will be five questions, one from
each unit with internal choice. All questions will be compulsory.
Unit 1-
Unit 2-
Unit 3-
Unit 4-
Unit 5-
Recommended Books:
Optional Paper –II General Theory of Relativity and Cosmology-I
Theory Paper : Max. Marks- 80
Internal Assessment: Max. Marks- 20
Note: The question paper will consist of two sections A & B. Section A will consist of
short answer type questions each carrying 6 marks and section B of long answer type
questions each carrying 10 marks. In each section there will be five questions, one from
each unit with internal choice. All questions will be compulsory.
Unit 1-
Unit 2-
Unit 3-
Unit 4-
Unit 5-
Recommended Books:
Optional Paper – III Advanced Special Functions-I
Theory Paper : Max. Marks- 80
Internal Assessment: Max. Marks- 20
Note: The question paper will consist of two sections A & B. Section A will consist of
short answer type questions each carrying 6 marks and section B of long answer type
questions each carrying 10 marks. In each section there will be five questions, one from
each unit with internal choice. All questions will be compulsory.
Unit 1-
Unit 2-
Unit 3-
Unit 4-
Unit 5-
Recommended Books:
Optional Paper – IV Operations Research-I
Theory Paper :Max. Marks- 80
Internal Assessment: Max. Marks- 20
Note: The question paper will consist of two sections A & B. Section A will consist of
short answer type questions each carrying 6 marks and section B of long answer type
questions each carrying 10 marks. In each section there will be five questions, one from
each unit with internal choice. All questions will be compulsory.
Unit 1-
Unit 2-
Unit 3-
Unit 4-
Unit 5-
Recommended Books:
Optional Paper – V Jacobi Polynomial and H-Function-I
Theory Paper :Max. Marks- 80
Internal Assessment: Max. Marks- 20
Note: The question paper will consist of two sections A & B. Section A will consist of
short answer type questions each carrying 6 marks and section B of long answer type
questions each carrying 10 marks. In each section there will be five questions, one from
each unit with internal choice. All questions will be compulsory.
Unit 1-
Unit 2-
Unit 3-
Unit 4-
Unit 5-
Recommended Books:
Optional Paper – VI Integral Transforms-I
Theory Paper :Max. Marks- 80
Internal Assessment: Max. Marks- 20
Note: The question paper will consist of two sections A & B. Section A will consist of
short answer type questions each carrying 6 marks and section B of long answer type
questions each carrying 10 marks. In each section there will be five questions, one from
each unit with internal choice. All questions will be compulsory.
Unit 1-
Unit 2-
Unit 3-
Unit 4-
Unit 5-
Recommended Books:
Optional Paper – VII Riemannian Geometry-I
Theory Paper :Max. Marks- 80
Internal Assessment: Max. Marks- 20
Note: The question paper will consist of two sections A & B. Section A will consist of
short answer type questions each carrying 6 marks and section B of long answer type
questions each carrying 10 marks. In each section there will be five questions, one from
each unit with internal choice. All questions will be compulsory.
Unit 1-
Unit 2-
Unit 3-
Unit 4-
Unit 5-
Recommended Books:
Optional Paper – VIII Programming in C++
Theory Paper :Max. Marks- 50
Internal Assessment :Max. Marks- 20
Practical :Max. Marks- 30
Note: The question paper will consist of two sections A & B. Section A will consist of short
answer type questions each carrying 4 marks and section B of long answer type questions each
carrying 6 marks. In each section there will be five questions, one from each unit with internal
choice. All questions will be compulsory.
Unit 1-
Unit 2-
Unit 3-
Unit 4-
Unit 5-
Reference Books:
Max. Marks
Compulsory Paper
Unit 1-
Unit 2-
Unit 3-
Unit 4-
Unit 5-
Recommended Books:
Optional Paper –I Differentiable Structures on Manifolds-II
Theory Paper : Max. Marks- 80
Internal Assessment: Max. Marks- 20
Note: The question paper will consist of two sections A & B. Section A will consist of
short answer type questions each carrying 6 marks and section B of long answer type
questions each carrying 10 marks. In each section there will be five questions, one from
each unit with internal choice. All questions will be compulsory.
Unit 1-
Unit 2-
Unit 3-
Unit 4-
Unit 5-
Recommended Books:
Optional Paper –II General Theory of Relativity and Cosmology-II
Theory Paper : Max. Marks- 80
Internal Assessment: Max. Marks- 20
Note: The question paper will consist of two sections A & B. Section A will consist of
short answer type questions each carrying 6 marks and section B of long answer type
questions each carrying 10 marks. In each section there will be five questions, one from
each unit with internal choice. All questions will be compulsory.
Unit 1-
Unit 2-
Unit 3-
Unit 4-
Unit 5-
Recommended Books:
Optional Paper – III Advanced Special Functions-II
Theory Paper : Max. Marks- 80
Internal Assessment: Max. Marks- 20
Note: The question paper will consist of two sections A & B. Section A will consist of
short answer type questions each carrying 6 marks and section B of long answer type
questions each carrying 10 marks. In each section there will be five questions, one from
each unit with internal choice. All questions will be compulsory.
Unit 1-
Unit 2-
Unit 3-
Unit 4-
Unit 5-
Recommended Books:
Optional Paper – IV Operations Research-II
Theory Paper :Max. Marks- 80
Internal Assessment: Max. Marks- 20
Note: The question paper will consist of two sections A & B. Section A will consist of
short answer type questions each carrying 6 marks and section B of long answer type
questions each carrying 10 marks. In each section there will be five questions, one from
each unit with internal choice. All questions will be compulsory.
Unit 1-
Unit 2-
Unit 3-
Unit 4-
Unit 5-
Recommended Books:
Optional Paper – V Jacobi Polynomial and H-Function-II
Theory Paper :Max. Marks- 80
Internal Assessment: Max. Marks- 20
Note: The question paper will consist of two sections A & B. Section A will consist of
short answer type questions each carrying 6 marks and section B of long answer type
questions each carrying 10 marks. In each section there will be five questions, one from
each unit with internal choice. All questions will be compulsory.
Unit 1-
Unit 2-
Unit 3-
Unit 4-
Unit 5-
Recommended Books:
Optional Paper – VI Integral Transforms-II
Theory Paper :Max. Marks- 80
Internal Assessment: Max. Marks- 20
Note: The question paper will consist of two sections A & B. Section A will consist of
short answer type questions each carrying 6 marks and section B of long answer type
questions each carrying 10 marks. In each section there will be five questions, one from
each unit with internal choice. All questions will be compulsory.
Unit 1-
Unit 2-
Unit 3-
Unit 4-
Unit 5-
Recommended Books:
Optional Paper – VII Riemannian Geometry-II
Theory Paper :Max. Marks- 80
Internal Assessment: Max. Marks- 20
Note: The question paper will consist of two sections A & B. Section A will consist of
short answer type questions each carrying 6 marks and section B of long answer type
questions each carrying 10 marks. In each section there will be five questions, one from
each unit with internal choice. All questions will be compulsory.
Unit 1-
Unit 2-
Unit 3-
Unit 4-
Unit 5-
Recommended Books:
Optional Paper – VIII Programming in Visual Basic
Theory Paper :Max. Marks- 50
Internal Assessment :Max. Marks- 20
Practical :Max. Marks- 30
Note: The question paper will consist of two sections A & B. Section A will consist of short
answer type questions each carrying 4 marks and section B of long answer type questions each
carrying 6 marks. In each section there will be five questions, one from each unit with internal
choice. All questions will be compulsory.
Unit 1-
Unit 2-
Unit 3-
Unit 4-
Unit 5-
Reference Books: