Semester Courses of M.A/M.Sc. (Mathematics)
Semester Courses of M.A/M.Sc. (Mathematics)
Semester Courses of M.A/M.Sc. (Mathematics)
The course of M.A/M.Sc. (Mathematics) will be spread in two years - Previous &
Final. There will be four semester examinations and a viva-voce & project work examination
in each semester.
There will be one compulsory question consisting of 5 parts of short answer type
question based on the whole course, out of which all parts will have to be answered. Besides,
there will be 6 questions in two sections, ordinarily consisting of two parts (a) and (b), out of
which 4 questions will have to be answered. Thus in all 5 questions will have to be attempted
and 7 questions will have to be set. All questions will carry equal marks, except where stated
First Semester
Compulsory Papers
Paper II : Topology
Second Semester
Compulsory Papers
There will be a Viva-Voce and Project Work examination of 50 marks in each semester based
on all the papers of respective semester. Under the project, the candidate will present a
dissertation in his/her own handwriting. The dissertation will consist of at least one
theorem/article with proof and one problem with solution, relevant definitions with examples
and/or counter-examples, wherever necessary, from each paper of Mathematics studied in
First and Second semesters.
4. Viva-Voce 20 marks
For viva-voce examination and evaluation of project work there will be a board of
examiners consisting of an external examiner and an internal examiner. The dissertation will
be forwarded by the Head of Department at the university centre and by the Principal of the
college at the college centre.
M.A./M.Sc. Semester-I
(4 questions)
Books Recommended:-
Paper II-Topology
Definition and examples of topological spaces. Closed sets. Closure. Dense subsets.
Neighbourhoods. Interior, exterior and boundary. Accumulation points and derived sets.
Bases and sub-bases. Subspaces and relative topology. Alternate methods of defining a
topology in terms of Kuratowski Closure operator and Neighbourhood Systems.
Continuous functions and homeomorphism. First and second countable spaces. Lindelof’s
theorems. Separable spaces. Second Countability and Separability.
(3 questions)
Compact sets and their properties. Finite intersection property, Bolzano Weierstrass
property. Continuous functions and compactness, Sequential compactness, countable
compactness and their comparison. One point compactification. Connected spaces.
Connectedness on the real line. Components. Locally connected Spaces.
(3 questions)
Books Recommended:-
Paper III-Differential and Integral Equations
Integral Equation, Linear Integral Equations, Types of Linear Integral Equations, Types of
Kernels, Conversion of differential equations to integral equations, 𝐿2 kernels and 𝐿2
Functions, Eigen values and eigen functions, Solution of Volterra Integral Equations by
Successive Approximations and Successive Substitution Methods.
Fredholm Integral Equations of First and Second kinds, Solution of Fredholm Integral
Equations by Successive Approximations and Successive Substitution Methods, Neumann
Series, Volterra solution of Fredholm Integral Equation of second kind, Reduction of
Volterra Integral Equation into differential equation, Reduction of Volterra Integral Equation
of first kind into Volterra Integral Equation of second kind.
(3 questions)
Books Recommended:-
1. Differential and Integral Equations by B.P. Parashar
2. Series Solution and Special Functions by V. S. Verma
3. Fundamentals of Integral Equations by V. S. Verma
Paper IV-Complex Analysis
(3 questions)
Radius of convergence of the power series. Analyticity of sum of power series. Position of
the singularities.
(3 questions)
Books Recommended:-
Paper V-Real Analysis
(4 questions)
(2 questions)
Books Recommended:-
M.A./M.Sc. Semester-II
Field theory: Extension fields. Algebraic and transcendental extensions. Splitting field.
Separable and inseparable extensions. Normal extension. Perfect fields. Finite fields.
Antomorphisms of extensions. Galois group. Fundamental theorem of Galois theory.
Construction with ruler and compass. Solution of polynomial equations by radicals.
Insolvability of the general equation of degree 5 by radicals.
(4 questions)
Modules : Cyclic modules. Simple modules . Semi-simple modules. Schuler’s lemma. Free
modules. Noetherian and artinian modules. Hilbert basis theorem.
(2 questions)
Books Recommended:
Paper II- Differential Geometry of Manifolds
(3 questions)
Exterior product of two vectors. Exterior algebra of order r .Exterior derivative .Cartans’s
structural equations. Submanifolds. Normals. Induced connection. Gauss formulae.
Weingarten formulae. Lines of curvature. Mean curvature. Equations of Gauss and Codazzi.
(3 questions)
Books Recommended:
Paper III- Partial Differential Equations
Partial Differential Equations of the First Order : Origin of first order partial differential
equations. Lagrange’s solution of first order linear partial differential equation. Non-linear
partial differential equations of the first order. Cauchy’s method of characteristics, Charpit’s
method and Jacobi’s method.
(3 questions)
Partial Differential Equations of Second and Higher Orders : Origin of second order
partial differential equations. Higher order partial differential equations with constant
coefficients. Equations with variable coefficients. Classification of second order partial
differential equations. Canonical forms. Solution of non-linear second order partial
differential equations by Monge’s method. Method of separation of variables for solving
Laplace, wave and diffusion equations.
(3 questions)
Books Recommended:
Paper IV- Operations Research
Origin and development of OR. Objective, nature, definition and scope of OR. Phases of
OR Methods.
Network analysis: Basic concepts and definition. Network drawing and analysis Critical
path method. Labelling method. Methods based on time estimates to find critical path.
Concept of slack and float. Resource levelling and time-cost trade-off analysis. Time-cost
optimization procedure. Project crashing. PERT. Requirements for application of PERT
technique. Practical limitations in using PERT. Diffferences in PERT and CPM. Shortest path
problem. Minimum spanning tree problem. Maximum flow problem. Minimum cost flow
(3 questions)
(3 questions)
Books Recommended:
Paper V- Hydro Dynamics
Lagrangian and Eulerian methods. Equation of continuity. Boundary surfaces. Stream Lines.
Path lines and streak lines. Velocity potential. Irrotational and rotational motions. Lagrange’s
and Euler’s equations of motion. Pressure equation. Bernoulli’s theorem. Impulsive actions.
Flow and circulation. Permanence of irrotational motion. Stream function. Irrotational motion
in two-dimensions. Complex velocity potential. Sources, sinks, doublets and their images.
(3 questions)
(3 questions)
Books Recommended:
M.A./ M.Sc. Final (Mathematics)
(Effective from session 2018-2019)
The M.A./M.Sc. Final (Mathematics) will consist of two semesters, called third and
fourth semesters. Their examinations will be held in the months of December and May
respectively. In each of these semester examinations there will be three compulsory papers
and two optional papers selected from each group of optional papers. Each paper will be of
three hours’ duration and of 50 maximum marks, except where stated otherwise. There will
be a viva-voce and project work examination of 50 marks in each semester.
Format of the Question Paper.
There will be one compulsory question consisting of 5 parts of short answer type
question based on the whole course, out of which all parts will have to be answered. Besides,
there will be 6 questions in two sections, ordinarily consisting of two parts (a) and (b), out of
which 4 questions will have to be answered. Thus in all 5 questions will have to be attempted
and 7 questions will have to be set. All questions will carry equal marks, except where stated
Third Semester
Compulsory Papers
Paper I : Dynamics of Rigid Bodies
Paper II : Banach Spaces
Paper III : Fluid Dynamics
Optional Papers
Any one of the following will have to be opted from each group
Paper IV (a) : Riemannian Geometry
Paper IV (b) : General Relativity and Gravitation
Paper IV (c) : Complex Manifolds
Paper IV (d) : Advanced Topology
Paper V (a) : Discrete Mathematics
Paper V (b) : Mathematical Modelling
Paper V (c) : Numerical Solution of Differential Equations
Paper V (d) : Algorithm and Data Structure
Fourth Semester
Compulsory Papers
Paper I : Measure Theory
Paper II : Hilbert Spaces
Paper III : Analytical Dynamics
Optional Papers
Any one of the following will have to be opted from each group
Paper IV (a) : Finsler Geometry
Paper IV (b) : Cosmology
Paper IV (c) : Contact Manifolds
Paper IV (d) : Wavelet Analysis
Paper V (a) : Information Theory
Paper V (b) : Bio Mathematics
Paper V (c) : Magneto Hydrodynamics
Paper V (d) : Computational Mathematics
There will be a Viva-Voce and Project Work of 50 marks in each semester examination based
on all the papers of respective semester. Under the project, the candidate will present a
dissertation in his/her own handwriting. The dissertation will consist of at least one
theorem/article with proof and one problem with solution, relevant definitions with examples
and/or counter-examples, wherever necessary, from each paper of Mathematics studied in
third and fourth semesters.
For viva-voce examination and evaluation of project work there will be a board of examiners
consisting of an external examiner and an internal examiner. The dissertation will be
forwarded by the Head of Department at the university centre and by the Principal of the
college at the college centre.
M.A./M.Sc. Semester-III
Harmonic oscillators. Effect of disturbing force. Damped and forced oscillations. Motion of a
rigid body in two dimensions under finite and impulsive forces. Kinetic energy and moment
of momentum in two dimensions. Rolling spheres and cylinders. Conservation of energy and
(3 questions)
Motion of a billiard ball. Equations of motion and their applications in three dimensions.
Motion of a system of particles. Moving axes. Equations of motion in most general form.
Momentum of a rigid body. Euler’s equations of motion. Moment of momentum about
instantaneous axis. Kinetic energy of a rigid body. Motion relation to earth’s surface.
(3 questions)
Books Recommended:-
Paper – II Banach Spaces
Normed linear spaces, Banach spaces, their examples including Rn ,Cn , lp (n), 1≤p <∞, c0
,c, lp , 1≤p <∞, P [a,b], C[a,b]. Joint continuity of addition and scalar multiplication.
Summable sequences and completeness. Subsapaces, Quotient spaces of normed linear space
and its completeness.
Continuous and bounded linear operators and their basic properties. Normed linear space of
bounded linear operators and its completeness. Various forms of and operator norm.
(3 questions)
Hahn- Banach theorem for real and complex normed linear spaces and its simple
consequences. Open mapping theorem and its simple consequences. Product normed space.
Closed graph theorem. Uniform boundedness. Banach-Steinhaus theorem. Embedding and
(3 questions)
Books Recommended:
1. P.K. Jain, O.P. Ahuja and K. Ahmad: Functional Analysis, New Age International (P)
Ltd. and Wiley Eastern Ltd., New Delhi, 1997.
2. B. Choudhary and S. Nanda: Functional Analysis with Applications, Wiley Eastern
Ltd., 1989.
3. I.J Maddox: Functional Analysis, Cambridge University Press (1970).
4. G.F. Simmons: Introduction to Topology and Modern Analysis, McGraw-Hill Book
Company, New York, 1963.
5. K. Chandrashekhara Rao. Functional Analysis, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi
Paper III Fluid Dynamics
Wave motion in a gas. Speed of Sound. Equation of motion of a gas. Subsonic, sonic and
supersonic flows of a gas. Isentropic gas flows. Flow through nozzle. Shock formation.
Elementary analysis of normal and oblique shock waves. Derivation of speed of shock
formed by sudden movement of piston in a gas at rest.
(3 questions)
Stress components in a real fluid. Relations between Cartesian components of stress. Rate
of strain quadric. Principal stresses. Relations between stress and rate of strain. Coefficient of
viscosity. Navier-Stokes equations of motion. Steady viscous flow between parallel planes
and through tubes of uniform circular cross-sections. Steady flow between concentric rotating
cylinders. Diffusion of vorticity. Energy dissipation due to viscosity. Reynolds number.
(3 questions)
Books Recommended:-
Paper IV (a) Riemannian Geometry
Subspaces: Unit normals. Gauss’s formulae. Change from one set of normals to another.
Curvature of a curve in subspace. Conjugate and asymptotic directions. Generalisation of
Dupin’s theorem. Derived vector of a unit normal. Lines of curvature for a given normal.
(3 questions)
Lie derivative: Infinitesimal transformation. The notion of Lie derivative. Lie derivative of
metric tensor and connection. Motion and affine motion in Riemannian spaces.
(3 questions)
Books Recommended:-
Paper IV (b) General Relativity and Gravitation
Basics of Tensor, Tensor density, Levi-Civita tensor, Riemannian metric, Parallel transport
and Geodesic, Geodesic Deviation. Riemannian curvature tensor, Parallel propagation and
Riemannian curvature tensor, Ricci tensor, Bianchi identities, Conformal curvature tensor,
Conformal Invariance, Exterior Derivatives, Lie derivatives. Minkowski Space time, Curved
Space time.
(2 questions)
Introduction to General Relativity, Principal of Equivalence, Principal of General covariance,
Mach’s Principle, Non-Euclidean character of rotating disc, geodesic postulate, Newtonian
approximation of equation of motion, Search for Einstein’s field equation, Gravitational field
in empty space, Clock Paradox, Schwarzschild exterior solution, Singularities in
Schwarzschild line element, Isotropic form of Schwarzschild exterior line element, Planetary
orbits, Three Crucial tests in General Relativity, Radar Echo Delay (Fourth test), Analogous
to Kepler’s Law, Energy momentum tensor, Formula for energy momentum tensor for perfect
fluid, Schwarzschild internal solution, Boundary conditions, Action Principle, Derivation of
Einstein’s field equation from variational principle, Energy momentum pseudo tensor,
Birkhoff’s theorem, Reissner- Nordstrom Solution ,Vaidya metric, The Vaidya metric in Null
(4 Questions)
Books Recommended:-
Paper IV (c) Complex Manifolds
Almost Hermit Manifolds: Definition, Almost analytic vector fields. Curvature tensor. Linear
(3 questions)
(3 questions)
Books Recommended:-
Paper IV (d) Advanced Topology
(2 questions)
Definition of filter and its examples. Neighborhood filter. Comparison of filters. Filter base
and subbase. Convergence of a filter. Ultrafilters. Continuous functions and filters.Net based
on filter and filter based on net.
Quotient topology, quotient space, quotient map, quotient space X/R, Finite product space,
projection mapping.
Tychonoff product topology in terms standard subbase and its characterizations in terms of
projection maps, continuous functions, Product of T0,T1,T2, spaces. Connectedness and
compactness, first and second countability for product spaces.
(3 questions)
Books Recommended:-
Paper V (a) Discrete Mathematics
Lattices: Lattices as partially ordered sets. Their properties. Lattices as Algebraic Systems.
Sublattices. Direct products and Homomorphisms. Some Special Lattices e.g., Complete,
Complemented and Distributive Lattices.
(3 questions)
Boolean Algebras: Boolean Algebras as Lattices, Various Boolean Identities. The Switching
Algebra example. Subalgebras. Direct Products and Homomorphisms. Join-irreducible
elements, Atoms and Minterms. Boolean Forms and their Euivalence.
Graph Theory: Definition of Graphs, Paths, Circuits, Cycles & Subgraphs. Induced
Subgraphs. Degree of a vertex. Connectivity. Planar graphs and their properties. Trees.
Euler’s Formula for connected planar graphs.
(3 questions)
Books Recommended:-
Paper V (b) Mathematical Modeling
Linear and Non-linear Growth and Decay models. Compartment models. Mathematical
modelling of geometrical problems through ordinary differential equations of first order.
(3 questions)
Books Recommended:-
1. J.N. Kapur: Mathematical Modelling, New Age International (P) Limited, New Delhi.
2. Zafar Ahsan : Differential Equations and Their Applications, PH I learning Private
Limited, New Delhi.
Paper V (c) Numerical Solution of Differential Equations
Numerical Solution of parabolic partial differential equations (PDE) in one space: two and
three levels explicit and implicit differences schemes. Convergence and stability analysis.
Numerical solution parabolic PDE of second order on two spaces dimension: Implicit
methods, alternating direction implicit (ADI) methods. Non-linear initial BVP (boundary
valued problems).
Differences schemes for parabolic PDE in spherical and cylindrical coordinate systems in one
(3 questions)
Numerical solution of hyperbolic PDE in one and two spaces dimension: explicit and implicit
schemes: ADI methods. Differences schemes for first order equations.
(3 questions)
Recommended Books:
Paper V (d) Algorithm and Data Structure
Fundamentals of C Programming, Structures, Pointers. Introduction to the concepts of an
abstract data structures and its implementation.
(3 questions)
Basic data structures: Stacks, queues, lists, tress, priority queues, tables.
Sorting: General Background, Insertion sorts, Merge sorts and Heap sort.
(3 questions)
Recommended Books:
M.A./M.Sc. Semester-IV
Definition of a measurable function. Equivalent conditions for measurable function. Sum and
product of measurable functions. Composition of a measurable and a continuous function.
Sequences of measurable functions. Measurability of supremum function, infimun function,
limit superior function, limit inferior function and limit function. Simple measurable
functions and their properties. A non-negative measurable function as the limit of a sequence
of non-negative simple measurable functions. Concept of almost everywhere (a.e.). Lebesgue
Convergence in Measure and its properties. F. Riesz theorem and Egorov theorem.
Convergence almost everywhere, almost uniform convergence and their inter-relations.
Lebesgue Integration of a simple measurable function on R and its properties. Lebesgue
Integration of a bounded measurable function on a set E with finite Lebesgue measure, i.e. λ
(E) <∞, and its properties. Bounded convergence theorem, Lebesgue integration and Riemann
integration. Integration on a measure space. Integration of a non-negative measurable
function on a measure space. Lebesgue integral of general measurable function and its
properties. Space of Lebesgue integrable functions.
(4 questions)
Books Recommended:-
1 Walter Rudin: Principles of Mathematical Analysis (3rd edition), McGraw-Hill,
Kogakusha, 1976 International Student Edition.
2 H. L. Royden : Real Analysis, Macmillan Pub. Co. Inc. New York, 4th Edition, 1993.
3. Richard Johnson Baugh; Foundation of Mathematical Analysis.
4. G. de Barra : Measure theory and Integration, Wiley Eastern Limited, 1981.
5. E. Hewitt & K. Strumberg: Real and Abstract Analysis, Springer – Verlag, New York,
Paper II - Hilbert Spaces
Inner product spaces, their basic properties and examples, Schwartz inequality. Norm induced
by inner product, Continuity of inner product, Hilbert spaces and their examples.
Parallelogram equality, polarization identity. Characterization of inner product in terms of
norm. Separable Hilbert spaces and their examples
(3 questions)
Hilbert adjoint operators. Shift operators. Special cases of Hilbert adjoint operoters self
adjoint operators, positive operator, normal operators, unitary operators. Orthogonal
projection operators.
(3 questions)
Books Recommended:-
1. P.K. Jain, O.P. Ahuja and K. Ahmad: Functional Analysis, New Age International (P)
Ltd. and Wiley Eastern Ltd., New Delhi, 1997.
2. B. Choudhary.& S. Nanda: Functional Analysis with Applications, Wiley Eastern
Ltd., 1989.
3. I.J Maddox: Functional Analysis, Cambridge University Press (1970).
4. G.F. Simmons: Introduction to Topology and Modern Analysis, McGraw-Hill Book
Company, New York, 1963.
5. K. Chandrashekhara Rao. Functional Analysis, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi
Paper III- Analytical Dynamics
(3 questions)
(3 questions)
Books Recommended:-
1. S.L. Loney: An Elementary Treatise on the Dynamics of a Particle and a Rigid Body,
Macmillan India Ltd., 1982.
2. A.S. Ramsey: Dynamics part-II, The English Language Book Society and Cambridge
University Press, 1972.
3. .J.L. Synge and B.A. Griffith: Principles of Mechanics, McGraw Hill International
Book Company, 1982
Paper IV (a)- Finsler Geometry
Finsler metric function. Its properties. Tangent space. Indicatrix. Metric tensor and C-tensor
Homogeneity properties of gij and Cijk . Dual tangent space. Geodesics. δ-differentiation.
Partial δ-differentiation. Properties of partial δ-differentiation.
(3 questions)
(3 questions)
Books Recommended:-
Paper IV (b)- Cosmology
(3 questions)
(3 questions)
Books Recommended:-
Paper IV (c)- Contact Manifolds
(3 questions)
(3 questions)
Books Recommended:-
Paper IV (d)- Wavelet Analysis
Wavelet Transform and its Basic Properties : Introduction. Continuous wavelet transform
and examples. Basic properties of wavelet transform. Discrete wavelet transform.
Orthonormal wavelets.
(3 questions)
(3 questions)
Books Recommended:-
1. Eugenio Hernandez and Guido Weiss: A First Course of Wavelets, CRC Press, New
York, 1996.
2. C.K. Chui: An Introduction to Wavelets, Academic Press,1992.
3. I. Daubechies: Ten Lectures on Wavelets, CB5-NSF Regional Conference in Applied
Mathematics, 61, SIAM 1992.
4. Y. Mayer: Wavelets, algorithms and applications (Translated by R.D. Rayan, SIAM,
5. M. V. Wikerhauser: Adopted wavelet analysis from theory of software, Wellesley,
MA, A,K. Peters, 1994.
Paper V (a)- Information Theory
Books Recommended:-
Paper V (b)- Bio Mathematics
(3 questions)
Human Respiratory System, Gas exchange and air flow in human lungs. Consumption and
transport of Oxygen. Weibel’s model for flows in human lung airways. Comparison between
flows of blood and flows in lung airways. Diffusion. Fick’s laws of diffusion. Diffusion
equation and its solution. Modification of the diffusion equation. Diffusion in artificial
kidney. Hemodialyser. Types of Hemodialyser.
(3 questions)
Books Recommended:-
Paper V (c)- Magneto Hydrodynamics
(3 questions)
(3 questions)
Books Recommended:-
Paper V (d)- Computational Mathematics
(3 Questions)
Nest Family, Operators on functions, Writing efficient programs: some techniques and
applications, Solving Physical problems: Differential equations, basics of data analysis with
SciLab, Graphics, 2D, 3D Graphics.
(3 Questions)
Recommended Books:-