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IIE Applications

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Mansour, Ahmed; DOB: 12/11/1993; ID: 138719885

Form Title Welcome
Please Confirm You Have Read The Fulbright Policy Guidelines*
I have reviewed the , particularly Yes
the grounds for Revocation,
Termination and Suspension of
Grant.*Fulbright policy

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Mansour, Ahmed; DOB: 12/11/1993; ID: 138719885

Preliminary Questions
Form Title Preliminary Questions
Through which program country Libya
are you applying?*
To which academic year are you 2023-2024
Are you a U.S. No
citizen/permanent resident?
Have you reviewed and do you Yes
meet all program eligibility
requirements for the country
through which you are

IIE Data Privacy Consent for Applicants in IIE-Managed Programs*

I have read IIE’s Program Yes
Privacy Statement and give
consent for IIE to process my
Employment Eligibility*
Employment Eligibility No
Reference Materials Waiver*
Yes, I waive my right to review Yes
the information contained in the
evaluations submitted by
recommenders on my behalf.
Admin Fields
Award/Program Internal Code FFS_0082_23_24
Award Selected/Program Name Fulbright Foreign Student Program for Libya
Number of Letters of Reference 3
Award Placement Type IIE
Country CEEB Internal Code PC-0082
Region CEEB Internal Code PCR-NEA

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Mansour, Ahmed; DOB: 12/11/1993; ID: 138719885

Personal Information
Form Title Personal Information
Prefix* Mr.
First/Given Name* Ahmed
Middle Name(s) Mustafa Hasan
Last/Family Name* Mansour
Biographical Information
Birthdate* 12/11/1993
City of Birth* Bani Waleed
Country of Birth* Libya
Sex (as it appears or will appear M
on your passport or travel
Preferred Gender Identity Male
Marital Status* Single
Citizenship Information
Country of Citizenship* Libya
Country of Citizenship (Hidden) Libya
Country of Permanent Libya
National Identification Number 119930131077

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Mansour, Ahmed; DOB: 12/11/1993; ID: 138719885

Contact Information
Form Title Contact Information
Permanent Address (all address Bani Waleed
block fields are required)* Bani Waleed, Misrata none
Is your current mailing address Yes
the same as your permanent
Telephone Numbers
Cell Phone Number +218 91-9793893
Home Phone Number +218 92-2984460
Primary Email aldeab.ahmed@gmail.com
Alternate/Secondary Email aldeab2010@icloud.com
Emergency Contact in Your Home Country (non-USA address)
First/Given Name* Moftah
Last/Family Name* Mansour
Street 1* Bani Waleed, Libya
City Bani Waleed
Country (this cannot be USA)* Libya
Zip Code none
Phone Number (include the '+ +218 92-3009124
country code')*
Email moftah.aldeab@gmail.com
Relationship to You* My brother

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Mansour, Ahmed; DOB: 12/11/1993; ID: 138719885

Academic & Professional Information

Form Title Academic & Professional Information
Curriculum Vitae/Resume*
Curriculum Vitae/Resume Uploaded 04/16/2022
Awards and Recognitions
Academic Honors and Prizes: I got an outstanding award for ranking first in my department in the year
Include any academic honors I graduated in 2015/2016.
and/or prizes that you have
Teaching Experience I taught first-year students laboratory physics for two years, at the
College of Electronic Technology. part-time.
I also taught laboratory physics to first-year students in my university
after graduation, for two semesters "A full academic year", part-time.
Experience Abroad
Have you recently entered the No
United States on a ?*J-1 or J-2
Previous Fulbright Grant(s)
Have you previously been No
awarded a Fulbright grant?*

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Mansour, Ahmed; DOB: 12/11/1993; ID: 138719885

Academic Information
Institution 1 Bani Waleed University

Level of Study: Undergraduate Enrolled From:12/2011

Enrolled To: 06/2016
Name of Diploma: BA
Degree Received: 06/2016
Actual Name of Degree: Bachelor of Physics Website: https://bwu.edu.ly/
Discipline: Physics Location: Bani Waleed, Libya
Institution 2
Level of Study: Enrolled From:
Name of Diploma: Enrolled To:
Degree Received:
Actual Name of Degree: Website:
Discipline: Location:
Institution 3
Enrolled From:
Level of Study:
Enrolled To:
Name of Diploma:
Degree Received:
Actual Name of Degree: Website:
Discipline: Location:
Institution 4

Level of Study: Enrolled From:

Name of Diploma: Enrolled To:

Degree Received:
Actual Name of Degree: Website:
Discipline: Location:
Institution 5

Level of Study: Enrolled From:

Enrolled To:
Name of Diploma:
Degree Received:
Actual Name of Degree: Website:
Discipline: Location:

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Mansour, Ahmed; DOB: 12/11/1993; ID:

09/30/2022 Bani Waleed University - Transcript 1/

Mansour, Ahmed; DOB: 12/11/1993; ID:

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Mansour, Ahmed; DOB: 12/11/1993; ID:

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Mansour, Ahmed; DOB: 12/11/1993; ID:

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Mansour, Ahmed; DOB: 12/11/1993; ID:

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Mansour, Ahmed; DOB: 12/11/1993; ID:

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Mansour, Ahmed; DOB: 12/11/1993; ID:

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Mansour, Ahmed; DOB: 12/11/1993; ID:

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Mansour, Ahmed; DOB: 12/11/1993; ID:

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Mansour, Ahmed; DOB: 12/11/1993; ID:

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Copy Mansour, Ahmed; DOB: 12/11/1993; ID: 138719885

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Mansour, Ahmed; DOB: 12/11/1993; ID:

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Mansour, Ahmed; DOB: 12/11/1993; ID:

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Copy Mansour, Ahmed; DOB: 12/11/1993; ID: 138719885

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Copy Mansour, Ahmed; DOB: 12/11/1993; ID: 138719885

Professional Profile
Institution 1
Institution Name: College of Electronic Technology-Bani Walid
Position Title: Laboratory Physics Teacher From: 09/01/2016
Role: Teaching Assistant To: 09/01/2018
Department Name: Basic Sciences
Location: Bani Waleed, Libya
Bani Waleed, Libya
Libya NONE
Institution 2
Institution Name: Bani Walid Universty
Position Title: Laboratory Physics Teacher From: 10/01/2016
Role: Teaching Associate To: 06/01/2017
Department Name: Bani Walid University
Location: Bani Waleed, Libya
Bani Waleed, Libya
Libya NONE
Institution 3
Institution Name:
Position Title: From:
Role: To:
Department Name:

Institution 4
Institution Name:
Position Title: From:
Role: To:
Department Name:

Institution 5
Institution Name:
Position Title: From:
Role: To:
Department Name:

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Copy Mansour, Ahmed; DOB: 12/11/1993; ID: 138719885

AHMED Address:
Bani Waleed, Libya
MANSOUR +218 91 9793893

Bachelor of Physics: 2016
Bani Waleed University, Bani Waleed, Libya

High School Diploma: 2011

Mosab Bin Omier High School, Bani Waleed, Libya

Lab Teacher – Physics - 09/2016 to 09/2018
Faculty of Electronic Technology, Bani Waleed
 Teaching students in the first year of the university stage the basics and principles
of practical physics and the application of experiments in the laboratory.

Assistant Teacher in Physics Lab - 10/2016 to 06/2017

Bani Waleed University, Bani Waleed
 Teaching and assisting students how to perform practical experiments in physics in
the correct way.
 Providing advice and assistance to students and forming teams to urge them to
work together.

 Obtaining the first orderliness in the department int year of graduation at the

 Discovering a kernel security bug in Apple's operating system and receiving a credit
on the security content of iOS 12.4.1 page.

09/30/2022 Resume/ 1
Copy Mansour, Ahmed; DOB: 12/11/1993; ID: 138719885

 A computer expert for more than 13 years.
 Professional design and creation of promotional videos and photos.
 Excellent handling of Microsoft Office.
 Intermediate experience in several programming languages: C, Python, Swift, and

Mother tongue(s): Arabic
English Listening: Medium | Reading: Advanced |Writing: Medium |Speaking:

 Equipping and cleaning the village mosque every year in preparation for the
month of Ramadan - for five years.

Apple's official page with my name as a contribution to discovering a gap "bug” in the
kernel of the operating system.
My nickname on social media: Ahmed Aldeab

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Mansour, Ahmed; DOB: 12/11/1993; ID:

Language Skills
Form Title Language Skills
Native Language
Native Language* Arabic
English Language Proficiency
Reading* Advanced
Writing* Intermediate
Speaking* Advanced

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Mansour, Ahmed; DOB: 12/11/1993; ID:

Plagiarism Agreement
Form Title Plagiarism Agreement
Plagiarism Agreement*
I understand the consequences Yes
of plagiarism in my application.*

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Mansour, Ahmed; DOB: 12/11/1993; ID:

Study Plan
Form Title Study Plan
What is your intended degree Master's
objective in the United States?*
What is your intended major Computer Science
field of study?*
What is your intended Cybersecurity
specialization/sub-field of
Briefly describe the area of the My master's studies in the United States will focus on computer
field in which you plan to science, especially the field of cyber security, which I will focus on
specialize in the United areas that will be of great interest in the progress and development of
States.* the infrastructure of my country Libya, specifically the following areas:
Malware analysis, Application Security, Process Security, Mobile
Security, and Encryption.
I plan to return to my country and contribute to the development of
Please describe your future cyber security in terms of establishing a security infrastructure at the
plans.* government level and protecting against and responding to cyber-
As well as creating a protocol for recovering from cyber disasters.
And also at the level of the average user, so that he can use the
Internet safely.
I will invest my knowledge and experience in working as a teacher in
order to update and develop educational curricula in universities and
institutes of Libya.
Study/Research Objective*
Study/Research Objective Uploaded 04/28/2022
Personal Statement*
Personal Statement Uploaded 04/29/2022
Authorization of Release of Information*
Authorization of Release of AHMED MUSTAFA HASAN MANSOUR

09/30/2022 a 2
Mansour, Ahmed; DOB: 12/11/1993; ID:

The field of cyber security in my country Libya, is one of the rare disciplines, and
there is no great demand for its study, whether for university studies or graduate
studies, and the prevailing idea in society is that it considers this field
unimportant and they do not give it any importance, and just as the majority in
society has a negative idea about cybersecurity; It is the fear of dealing online, like
buying, selling, as these transactions will expose them to penetration and theft of
their data. Unfortunately, there is no strong trust between the user and online
transactions, and this is due to the country’s weak infrastructure, and the lack of
awareness campaigns on the importance of cybersecurity.

From this point of view, my master’s studies in the US will focus on the
specialization of computer science, especially the field of cyber security, which I
will focus on areas that will be of great benefit to the advancement and
development of the infrastructure of my country Libya — Malware analysis,
Application Security, Operation security, Mobile phone security, and Encryption.

After obtaining a master’s degree in cybersecurity, I will invest my experience in

working as a teacher in order to update and develop educational curricula in
universities and institutes of Libya and hold workshops and educational seminars
to introduce the importance of cybersecurity, so that this specialization is one of
the most important disciplines in universities and graduate studies in my country,
and changing the prevailing idea in society for this field, to make it one of the
most attractive disciplines for students and professionals in my country.
I will also contribute to the design of strategies, the development of the security
infrastructure system for cybersecurity, and the creation of protection systems for
governmental and non-governmental institutions in terms of confidentiality and
security of financial, economic, and military data and information, and also for the
ordinary user who will be able to use the Internet safely without being hacked or
blackmailed by stealing his data and sensitive information.

My ambition will not only benefit at the local level — but I want to contribute to
and impact the world with the skills that I gained through a master’s degree and
invest the knowledge and experience with the help of the world and major
companies such as Apple, Twitter, and Google in improving their protection
systems by discovering security gaps and bugs and sharing them with the
specialized teams and finding new ways and methods for developing their
protection systems.

09/30/2022 Fulbright Foreign Student Study/Research 1/

Mansour, Ahmed; DOB: 12/11/1993; ID:

My story with cybersecurity started when I owned an iPhone 4s in 2014.

While I was using and exploring this device, I came across something on Twitter
called Jailbreak; I delved more into it and day by day, I started learning something
new about the iOS protection mechanism, and the sequence to get a perfect
exploit, from a minor bug to a full kernel exploit.

I’ve always asked myself: “How can a group of lines of codes control an entire
operating system?” Over time, I got to know many global security teams as the
Google Project Zero team. One of the useful things which the team does is that
with each discovery of a specific bug, it immediately publishes a write-up of the
bug from which I learn a lot about cybersecurity and how to spot security bugs in
operating systems.

From here, I set a future plan for myself, which is to graduate from university
with a good grade, obtain the first-place award, and then obtain a MSc degree in
the field of cybersecurity from the US. Little by little, I started fulfilling my dream.
I got my BA in Physics with an outstanding award for ranking first place that year.
I also discovered a security bug in Apple's operating system, and in turn, my
nickname has been added to the list of contributors in protecting and
strengthening the system. This discovery has increased my passion in learning and
becoming a professional in cybersecurity. Also, the increasing demand of this field
throughout the world makes this choice my priority.

The government in my country has recently started to put emphasis on

cybersecurity by working on the required infrastructure to make it applicable.
Gradually, Libya will attract many educators and professionals to design,
maintain, and monitor the country’s critical infrastructure dependent on
For some time, I have been thinking of ways to financially support a master's
degree in computer science.
While I was searching for a scholarship, I came across the Fulbright scholarship
which gave me hope to finish my degree.

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Mansour, Ahmed; DOB: 12/11/1993; ID:

I believe that this opportunity will help me gain more skills and knowledge in
cybersecurity, especially when it comes to studying in the US, which is home to
most of the major technology and information security companies.
Most of the cybersecurity professionals around the world have studied and
graduated from the US, and among the most famous of them is Jeff Moss.
Also, many conferences are held annually in the US, such as: DEF CON - Blackhat.
All of these features are only available in the US and would help me acquire a rich
skill and experience that are not available anywhere else.

After receiving my MSc degree, I plan to return to my country and contribute to

the development of cybersecurity in terms of working to build a secure electronic
environment — I am confident that I will achieve many achievements that will
make my country one of the best countries in the field of cybersecurity,
infrastructure security, data protection, and confidential information.
I will also invest the knowledge and experience I gained in my educational journey
on updating and developing curricula and teaching methods in universities and
institutes. On a personal level, this experience will be a big turning point in my life
by marking the beginning of a new educational journey.

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Copy Mansour, Ahmed; DOB: 12/11/1993; ID: 138719885

Grant & Travel Plans

Form Title Grant & Travel Plans
Passport/Travel Document
Passport or Travel Document Uploaded 04/09/2022
Accompanying Dependents
How many dependents do you 0
intend to have accompany you
to the United States?*

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Copy Mansour, Ahmed; DOB: 12/11/1993; ID: 138719885

09/30/2022 10:33
Passport 1/1
Mansour, Ahmed; DOB: 12/11/1993; ID:

Additional Information
Form Title Additional Information
Outreach Survey
How did you learn about the Other Website
Fulbright Foreign Student
Program? Select all that apply.
Website https://ly.usembassy.gov/2023-fulbright-foreign-student-program/
How long did you consider 0
applying for the Fulbright
Foreign Student award before
submitting this application?
(please select the number of
What were the major factors in Reputation of the Fulbright Program
helping you decide to apply
for a Fulbright Foreign Student
Time was right in my career

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Mansour, Ahmed; DOB: 12/11/1993; ID:

Reference #1
Name Mr. Abduljalil Abdulhadi
Organization Bani Waleed University
Title University teacher in physics
Relationship He was in the discussion committee on my graduation project, and my
teacher at the university in the Department of Physics
Phone +218 91-4288056
Email abduljalile570@gmail.com
Name Displayed to Ahmed Mansour
Recommendation Requested 04/04/2022
Recommendation Submitted 04/08/2022
Reference #2
Name Mrs. Kalthoum Miftah
Organization Bani Walid University
Title Head of Physics Department
Relationship Head of the Department of Physics, a member of the discussion
committee for my graduation project, and my teacher at the university in
the Department of Physics.
Phone +218 92-7947602
Email kalthoum.j269@gmail.com
Name Displayed to Ahmed Mansour
Recommendation Requested 04/15/2022
Recommendation Submitted 04/22/2022
Reference #3
Name Dr. Omran Trifis
Organization Department of Physics, Faculty of Education, Al Asmarya Islamic
Title Dr. in Physics
Relationship Supervisor of my graduation project
Phone +218 91-7333098
Email o.trifis@asmarya.edu.ly
Name Displayed to Ahmed Mansour
Recommendation Requested 04/04/2022
Recommendation Submitted 04/16/2022

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Mansour, Ahmed; DOB: 12/11/1993; ID:

Signature By my signature,
I certify that the information given in this application is true, correct, and
complete to the best of my knowledge.I understand that any
misrepresentation or omission of information may be cause for
disqualification.I understand that my application and supporting
documentation will be reviewed by representatives in various offices,
including the Fulbright Program Office through which I applied and its
designated administrative agency, the Bureau of Educational and
Cultural Affairs/U.S. Department of State, and the Fulbright Foreign
Scholarship Board.I understand that I am not entitled to hold, nor do I
hold, U.S. citizenship or permanent residence.I understand that formal
award of a grant is dependent upon my acceptance to a U.S. institution
for study and my eligibility for a visa to the United States.Upon
completion of an authorized stay in the United States under the
Fulbright Foreign Student Program, I agree to return to my home
country for two (2) years to fulfill my home residency requirement.
Date 04/27/2022

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Mansour, Ahmed; DOB: 12/11/1993; ID:

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