January 2007
The amniotic sac is the bag of fluid in which the baby floats in • The risk of having an uncertain result and having to take the
the womb. Amniocentesis is a way of taking some of the fluid in test again.
that sac for genetic testing during pregnancy. It is most
commonly used to check the baby’s genes or chromosomes for • The risk of miscarriage.
specific genetic conditions. It may be offered to you for a
number of reasons. • How long it will take to get the test results.
• You are an older mother (35 years or older) and therefore • How you will get the test results.
have an increased risk of having a child with a genetic
condition such as Down syndrome.
• Your options if the baby is found to have a genetic condition.
• You or your partner has a genetic condition which may be
passed on to the baby.
How the experience may affect you and your partner
There is a genetic condition in you or your partner’s family,
and there is a risk that the condition may be passed on to
the baby.
These are some of the issues you should think about before
You have had a previous child affected by a genetic
making a decision about the amniocentesis test. You can also
look at the ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ leaflet, which lists a
You have had another type of test that is done during
number of questions you might want to ask the doctor about
pregnancy (such as an ultrasound, nuchal translucency
genetic testing. It has been developed by people who have
scan or blood test). It has shown that there is an increased
risk that your baby has a genetic condition. been through a similar experience to your own.