DSEE050 Operator Manual
DSEE050 Operator Manual
DSEE050 Operator Manual
E-mail: sales@deepseaelectronics.com
Website: www. deepseaelectronics.com
The DSE logo and the names DSEGenset®, DSEAts®, DSEControl® and DSEPower® are UK
registered trademarks of Deep Sea Electronics Ltd.
Any reference to trademarked product names used within this publication is owned by their respective
Deep Sea Electronics Ltd reserves the right to change the contents of this document without prior
Section Page
1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................. 5
1.1 CLARIFICATION OF NOTATION ............................................................................................ 6
1.2 GLOSSARY OF TERMS .......................................................................................................... 6
1.3 BIBLIOGRAPHY ...................................................................................................................... 7
1.3.1 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS ..................................................................................... 7
1.3.2 MANUALS ......................................................................................................................... 7
1.3.3 TRAINING GUIDES .......................................................................................................... 7
2 SPECIFICATION.................................................................................................. 8
2.1 OPERATING TEMPERATURE ................................................................................................ 8
2.2 TERMINAL SPECIFICATION .................................................................................................. 8
2.3 POWER SUPPLY ..................................................................................................................... 8
2.3.1 MODULE SUPPLY INSTRUMENTATION DISPLAY ........................................................ 8
2.4 VREF OUTPUT ........................................................................................................................ 9
2.5 INPUTS ..................................................................................................................................... 9
2.5.1 DIGITAL INPUTS .............................................................................................................. 9
2.5.2 ANALOGUE VOLTAGE .................................................................................................... 9
2.5.3 ANALOGUE CURRENT .................................................................................................. 10
2.5.4 ANALOGUE RESISTIVE ................................................................................................. 10 DISPLAY BACKLIGHT ............................................................................................. 11
2.8 CAN ........................................................................................................................................ 12
2.9 DIMENSIONS AND MOUNTING ........................................................................................... 13
2.9.1 DIMENSIONS .................................................................................................................. 13
2.9.2 PANEL CUTOUT ............................................................................................................. 14
2.9.3 WEIGHT .......................................................................................................................... 15
2.9.4 FIXING ............................................................................................................................. 15 TORQUE SETTING OF FIXING NUT ...................................................................... 15
2.10 APPLICABLE STANDARDS ............................................................................................. 15
2.10.1 ENCLOSURE CLASSIFICATIONS ................................................................................. 16 IP CLASSIFICATIONS ............................................................................................. 16
3 INSTALLATION ................................................................................................. 17
3.1 CONNECTION DESCRIPTIONS ........................................................................................... 17
3.2 TYPICAL WIRING DIAGRAM ................................................................................................ 18
3.2.1 EARTH SYSTEMS .......................................................................................................... 19 NEGATIVE EARTH .................................................................................................. 19 POSITIVE EARTH ................................................................................................... 19 FLOATING EARTH .................................................................................................. 19
3.2.2 TYPICAL ARRANGEMENT OF CAN LINK ..................................................................... 20
4 OPERATION ...................................................................................................... 21
4.1 FASCIA .................................................................................................................................. 21
4.1.1 BUTTONS ....................................................................................................................... 21
4.1.2 INSTRUMENTATION ...................................................................................................... 22 ENGINE AND ANALOGUE INPUT INSTRUMENTATION ...................................... 22 DIAGNOSTIC TROUBLE CODES (DTCS) .............................................................. 24 DISPLAY BRIGHTNESS.......................................................................................... 26 DEVICE INFORMATION.......................................................................................... 27
4.1.3 ICONS ............................................................................................................................. 28 LAMPS ..................................................................................................................... 28 ICONS ...................................................................................................................... 29
5 FAULT FINDING ................................................................................................ 31
6 MAINTENANCE, SPARES, REPAIR AND SERVICING ................................... 33
6.1 DSEE050 CONNECTOR HARNESS (016-176) .................................................................... 33
6.2 DSEE050 CONFIGURATION HARNESS (016-177) ............................................................. 34
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DSEE050 Operator Manual
This document details the installation and operation requirements of the DSEE050 module and is part
of the DSEControl® range of products.
The manual forms part of the product and should be kept for the entire life of the product. If the
product is passed or supplied to another party, ensure that this document is passed to them for
reference purposes.
This is not a controlled document. DSE do not automatically inform on updates. Any future updates of
this document are included on the DSE website at www. deepseaelectronics.com
DSE Configuration Suite PC Software allows alteration of selected operational sequences, timers,
alarms and operational sequences.
The module is housed in a robust plastic case suitable for panel mounting. Connections to the module
are via locking plug and sockets.
DSEE050 connects to J1939 enabled ECUs to display instrumentation from the engine, status
information and optionally send speed control instructions using the J1939 TSC1 (Torque and Speed
Control) message.
While DSEE050 provides no internal protections for the engine, it serves as a display for the engine
ECU DM1 (Diagnostic Message 1).
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Term Description
PCAN-USB USB to CAN converter interface for Windows™ PCs. See section entitled
Maintenance, Spares, Repair and Servicing elsewhere in this document for part
number details.
PGN Parameter Group Number
A CAN address for a set of parameters that relate to the same topic and share
the same transmission rate.
PLC Programmable Logic Controller
A programmable digital device used to create logic for a specific purpose.
SCR Selective Catalytic Reduction
A process that uses DEF with the aid of a catalyst to convert nitric oxide and
nitrogen dioxide into nitrogen and water to reduce engine exhaust emission.
SPN Suspect Parameter Number
A part of DTC that indicates what the failure is, e.g. oil pressure, coolant
temperature, turbo pressure etc.
TSC1 Torque/Speed Control 1
A method of speed control of electronic engines. This is the speed control
method supported by the DSEE050 device.
This document refers to and is referred by the following DSE publications which are obtained from the
DSE website: www. deepseaelectronics.com or by contacting DSE technical support: support@
Installation instructions are supplied with the product in the box and are intended as a ‘quick start’
guide only.
Product manuals are obtained from the DSE website: www. deepseaelectronics.com or by contacting
DSE technical support: support@ deepseaelectronics.com.
Training guides are provided as ‘hand-out’ sheets on specific subjects during training sessions and
contain specific information regarding to that subject.
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Module Specification
DSEE050 -40 ºC +85 ºC (-40 ºF +185 ºF)
Description Specification
0 V to 70 V DC (Maximum continuous operating voltage of 32
Resolution 0.1 V
Accuracy 1 % full scale (±0.35 V)
Description Specification
Applicable Pins A13, A17
5 V / 10 V configurable by DSE Configuration Suite PC
Voltage Output
Accuracy ±5%
Maximum Source current 100 mA
Voltage Feedback 0 V to 10.8 V
Resolution 12-bits
Accuracy ± 1 % FSD
Protection Short to ground only
Description Specification
Applicable Pins A5, A6, A12, A18
4 configurable analogue inputs, able to be configured to
operate as digital inputs.
Impedance > 3 kΩ
Not Applicable. 3 mA current source from resistive sender
Pull-up resistance
Pull-down resistance 4.3 kΩ
High level voltage threshold 6V
Low level voltage threshold 2V
Configurable by DSE Configuration Suite PC Software (Active
Active Mode
High, Active Low)
Wetting Current Active Low 3 mA ± 10 %
Wetting Current Active High 2.8 mA ± 2 % at 12 V
5.6 mA ± 2 % at 24 V
Debounce 100 ms
Transient Over/undervoltage ± 36 V
Description Specification
Applicable Pins A5, A6, A12, A18
Input range 0 V to 10 V nominal (12.1 V max)
Resolution 12 bits
Accuracy ± 1 % FSD
Precision 0.2 % FSD
Input Resistance >10 kΩ
Common Mode Range 0V
Sampling Rate 5 ms
Transient Over/Undervoltage ± 36 V
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Description Specification
Applicable Pins A5, A6, A12, A18
Input range 0 mA to 20 mA nominal (22 mA max)
Resolution 12 bits
Accuracy ± 1 % FSD
Precision 0.2 % FSD
Input Resistance Max 150 Ω ± 1 %
Common Mode Range 0V
Transient Over/Undervoltage ± 36 V
Description Specification
Applicable Pins A5, A6, A12, A18
Input range 0 Ω to 3 k Ω nominal (3200 Ω max)
Resolution 12 bits
Accuracy ± 1 % FSD
Precision 0.2 % FSD
Input Resistance Not Applicable as it’s a constant current source
Wetting Current 3 mA ± 10 %
Common Mode Range 0V
Sampling Rate 5 ms
Transient Over/Undervoltage ± 36 V
NOTE: For further details of module configuration, refer to DSE Publication: 057-299
DSEE050 Configuration Suite PC Software Manual. Contact supplier or consult the device
configuration source for full details of the configured outputs.
Description Specification
Applicable Pins A14, A15, A16
Number 3
Arrangement High Side supplied from Plant Volts +ve.
Current 1 A at 85 ºC
(1 A at 185 ºF)
Description Specification
Type Optically Bonded T.F.T with A.R. Coating.
Size 3.5 “
Resolution 320 pixels X 240 pixels
Colour Depth 16-bit colour, RGB interface
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2.8 CAN
NOTE: For further details of module configuration, refer to DSE Publication: 057-299
DSEE050 Configuration Suite PC Software Manual.
NOTE: DSE Stock and supply PCAN-USB IPEH-002021. DSE Part number 016-179. Contact
1. To communicate with the engine ECU to read information and optionally control engine
2. To connect the device to a PC for configuration by DSE Configuration Suite PC Software. In
conjunction with PCAN-USB (IPEH-002021 or IPEH-002022) from Peak Systems
(https://www.peak-system.com) or from sales@deepseaelectronics.com, DSE part number
Description Specification
Applicable Pins A2, A3, A4, A8, A9, A10
Protocol CAN 2.0 B J1939
Termination Resistor 120 Ω internal resistor, configurable by DSE Configuration Suite
PC Software
Supported Rates 250 kbit/s
500 kbit/s
Additional Features In/out pass-through connection
Auto recovery from bus-off conditions
Separate pins provided for CAN in / out
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2.9.3 WEIGHT
<1 kg
(<35.3 oz)
2.9.4 FIXING
The device is held into the panel fascia using the large nut provided.
• Place the controller into the panel aperture.
• Attached the supplied fixing nut and hand tighten to provide adequate fixing (see below).
• Attach the connector plug (Plug A) and push home to click into place.
8 Nm
5.9 ft-lb
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IP67 (Front of module when module is installed into the control panel with the optional sealing gasket).
IP67 (front of module when module is installed into the control panel WITHOUT being sealed to the panel)
Protection against contact and ingress of solid Protection against ingress of water
0 No protection 0 No protection
1 Protected against ingress solid objects with a 1 Protection against dripping water falling vertically. No harmful
diameter of more than 50 mm. No protection effect must be produced (vertically falling drops).
against deliberate access, e.g. with a hand, but
large surfaces of the body are prevented from
2 Protected against penetration by solid objects with 2 Protection against dripping water falling vertically. There must
a diameter of more than 12 mm. Fingers or similar be no harmful effect when the equipment (enclosure) is tilted
objects prevented from approach. at an angle up to 15° from its normal position (drops falling at
an angle).
3 Protected against ingress of solid objects with a 3 Protection against water falling at any angle up to 60° from
diameter of more than 2.5 mm. Tools, wires etc. the vertical. There must be no harmful effect (spray water).
with a thickness of more than 2.5 mm are
prevented from approach.
4 Protected against ingress of solid objects with a 4 Protection against water splashed against the equipment
diameter of more than 1 mm. Tools, wires etc. (enclosure) from any direction. There must be no harmful
with a thickness of more than 1 mm are prevented effect (splashing water).
from approach.
5 Protected against harmful dust deposits. Ingress 5 Protection against water projected from a nozzle against the
of dust is not totally prevented but the dust must equipment (enclosure) from any direction. There must be no
not enter in sufficient quantity to interface with harmful effect (water jet).
satisfactory operation of the equipment. Complete
protection against contact.
6 Protection against ingress of dust (dust tight). 6 Protection against heavy seas or powerful water jets. Water
Complete protection against contact. must not enter the equipment (enclosure) in harmful
quantities (splashing over).
7 No ingress of water in harmful quantity when the enclosure is
immersed in water under defined conditions of pressure and
time (up to 1 m of submersion)
The module is designed to be mounted on the panel fascia. For dimension and mounting details, see
the section entitled Dimension and Mounting elsewhere in this document.
NOTE: Screened 120 impedance cable specified for use with CAN must be used for the
CAN links.
DSE stock and supply Belden cable 9841 which is a high quality 120 impedance cable
suitable for CAN use (DSE part number 016-030).
NOTE: For further details of module configuration, refer to DSE Publication: 057-299
DSEE050 Configuration Suite PC Software Manual.
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NOTE: As systems have differing requirements, these diagrams show only a typical
system and do not intend to show a complete system.
NOTE: This diagram shows connection to a Negative Earth system. For Positive Earth and
Floating Earth systems, see section entitled Earth Systems elsewhere in this document.
NOTE: Screened 120 impedance cable specified for use with CAN must be used for the
CAN links.
DSE stock and supply Belden cable 9841 which is a high quality 120 impedance cable
suitable for CAN use (DSE part number 016-030).
The typical wiring diagrams located within this document show connections for a negative earth
system (the battery negative connects to Earth).
When using a DSE module with a Positive Earth System (the battery positive connects to Earth), the
following points must be followed:
Follow the typical wiring diagram as normal for all sections except the earth points.
All points shown as Earth on the typical wiring diagram should connect to battery negative (not
Where neither the battery positive or battery negative terminals are connected to earth the following
points must to be followed:
Follow the typical wiring diagram as normal for all sections except the earth points.
All points shown as Earth on the typical wiring diagram should connect to battery negative (not
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NOTE: For further details of module configuration, refer to DSE Publication: 057-299
DSEE050 Configuration Suite PC Software Manual.
NOTE: Screened 120 impedance cable specified for use with CAN must be used for the
CAN connection.
DSE stock and supply Belden cable 9841 which is a high quality 120 impedance cable
suitable for CAN use (DSE part number 016-030)
NOTE: A termination resistor MUST be fitted to the first and last unit on the CAN link.
An internal 120 Ω termination resistor is fitted. This is configurable by DSE Configuration Suite
PC Software.
Instrumentation Area
Icons Area
Button Idents
NOTE: This section documents the Factory (Default) settings of the DSEE050. Due to the
configurable nature of the device this is subject to change as required by the supplier. Contact
supplier or consult the device configuration source for full details of the configured
NOTE: Where TSC1 (speed control) is enabled in the configuration (Factory Setting is
OFF), manually changed engine speed is not maintained though a power cycle. After
application of DC power to the device, engine speed returns to the configured Default Engine
Speed (Factory Setting 1500 RPM).
Icon Description
Reduce engine speed providing the device is configured to send TSC1 speed control
messages, the ECU is suitably configured to receive them, and the engine speed is above
the configured Crank Disconnect speed.
View engine Diagnostic Trouble Codes.
View next Instrumentation Screen
View previous Instrumentation Screen
Increase engine speed providing the device is configured to send TSC1 speed control
messages, the ECU is suitably configured to receive them, and the engine speed is above
the configured Crank Disconnect speed.
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NOTE: This section documents the Factory (Default) settings of the DSEE050. Due to the
configurable nature of the device this is subject to change as required by the supplier. Contact
supplier or consult the device configuration source for full details of the configured
Instrumentation falls into three categories as detailed below. Press to cycle the display
between them.
• Engine and analogue input instrumentation.
• Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs).
• Display brightness setting.
• Device information.
NOTE: This section documents the Factory (Default) settings of the DSEE050. Due to the
configurable nature of the device this is subject to change as required by the supplier. Contact
supplier or consult the device configuration source for full details of the configured
Sentinel Values
Display Description
- - - -
Under Range. The value is under the minimum value allowed for the
Over Range. The value is over the maximum value allowed for the
+ + + + instrument.
Unimplemented. No data is available for this instrument. This occurs if the
XXXX instrument is not transmitted by the CAN ECU or the input assigned to the
instrument is not configured.
Bad Data or CAN connection is not available. This occurs upon no data
# # # # being received from the CAN ECU in situations such as Engine not
Running or an error with the CAN connection.
Page 1 - Summary
Engine Speed
Engine Oil Pressure
Engine Coolant Temperature
Battery Voltage of the ECU
Engine Total Running Hours
Page 2 - Engine
Page 3 - Fuel
Fuel Rate
Fuel Pressure
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NOTE: For a full list of all SPN/FMI and their detailed descriptions, consult SAE J1939
specification or consult the manufacturer/supplier of the ECU connected.
When available Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs) are displayed. Press and to cycle
through the available DTCs.
DM1s are displayed in White numerals (in the Dark Theme) or Black numerals (in the Light Theme).
NOTE: When clearing the DM2 DTCs a message is sent from the DSEE050 (DM3). This
message is sent from the preconfigured source address of the DSEE050. This is the same
source address used for TSC1 Messages (Factory Default 0xEA (234)).
When available, press to clear the currently viewed DM2 from the ECU DM2 list. If this function
is not supported by the ECU, the DTC reappears the next time the DM2s are transmitted by the ECU.
Common SPNs
NOTE: For a full list of all SPN/FMI and their detailed descriptions, consult SAE J1939
specification or consult the manufacturer/supplier of the ECU connected.
SPN Description
100 Engine Oil Pressure
102 Engine Intake Manifold 1 Pressure
105 Engine Intake Manifold 1 Temperature
110 Engine Coolant Temperature
173 Engine Exhaust Temperature
175 Engine Oil Temperature
190 Engine Speed
3517 After Treatment 1 DEF (Diesel Exhaust Fluid) Level
NOTE: For a full list of all SPN/FMI and their detailed descriptions, consult SAE J1939
specification or consult the manufacturer/supplier of the ECU connected.
FMI Description
0 High – most severe (3)
1 Low – most severe (3)
2 Erratic, Intermittent or Incorrect
3 Voltage Above Normal
4 Voltage Below Normal
5 Current Below Normal
6 Current Above Normal
7 Not Responding Properly
8 Abnormal Frequency, Pulse Width or Period
9 Abnormal Update Rate
10 Abnormal Rate of Change
11 Other Failure Mode
12 Failure
13 Out of Calibration
14 Special Instruction
15 High – least severe (1)
16 High – moderate severity (2)
17 Low – least severe (1)
18 Low – moderate severity (2)
19 Data Error
20 Data Drifted High
21 Data Drifted Low
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NOTE: For further details of module configuration, refer to DSE Publication: 057-299
DSEE050 Configuration Suite PC Software Manual.
Allows further adjustment of the display brightness away from the value configured using DSE
Configuration Suite PC Software. The chosen brightness is maintained over a power cycle of the
Shows the position of the brightness setting relative
to the minimum possible and maximum possible
NOTE: For further details of module configuration, refer to DSE Publication: 057-299
DSEE050 Configuration Suite PC Software Manual.
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4.1.3 ICONS
NOTE: This section documents the Factory (Default) settings of the DSEE050. Due to the
configurable nature of the device this is subject to change as required by the supplier. Contact
supplier or consult the device configuration source for full details of the configured Icons. LAMPS
NOTE: Diagnostic Lamps are enabled/disabled by the system installer. This section
documents the Factory (Default) settings of the DSEE050 which has the Display Engine Lamps
on Module Enabled. Due to the configurable nature of the device this is subject to change as
required by the supplier. Contact supplier or consult the device configuration source for full
details of the configured Icons.
Description Lamps
Diagnostic Lamps
When a Diagnostic Lamp is visible, press to view the list of
currently active Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs).
One is available for each of the J1939 DM1 Diagnostic Lamps (Red,
Amber, Protect, Malfunction).
NOTE: Lamps have four possible display states. Off, On (Steady), Slow Flash (1 Hz), Fast
Flash (2 Hz). The state is requested by the engine ECU. For descriptions of each state, Contact
ECU supplier or manufacturer.
Lamp Description
Grey All four lamps remain present in the display, even when inactive.
In the inactive state, the lamp is shown as Grey.
Red This lamp is used to relay trouble code information that is of a severe
enough condition that it warrants stopping the engine.
Amber This lamp is used to relay trouble code information that is reporting a
problem with the vehicle system, but the engine need not be
immediately stopped.
Protect This lamp is used to relay trouble code information that is reporting a
(Amber with P) problem with the engine system that is most likely not electronic
subsystem related.
For instance, Engine Coolant Temperature is exceeding its
prescribed temperature range.
(Red with M) NOTE: This lamp is commonly referred to as MIL
(Malfunction Indicator Lamp). ICONS
NOTE: This section documents the Factory (Default) settings of the DSEE050. Due to the
configurable nature of the device this is subject to change as required by the supplier. Contact
supplier or consult the device configuration source for full details of the configured Icons.
NOTE: The Factory Settings for the Icons rely on Factory Settings for the relevant SPNs
within CAN Receive. Removing or changing the relevant SPNs in CAN Receive will prevent
correct operation of the Factory Set Icons.
NOTE: The Factory Settings for the Icons use a grey colour of the icon to mean Inactive.
Yellow, Red and White Icons are used to show Active status as detailed below.
Display Description
Diagnostic Lamps. See section entitled Lamps for details.
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Display Description
CAN data is not received. The following additional actions are taken:
This Could indicate a powered down ECU or a fault with the CAN connection.
When viewing instruments: Shows the total number of available
instrumentation pages and the currently viewed page.
i.e. 1/5 = Viewing page 1 of 5.
When viewing DM1 and DM2 messages: Shows the total number of DTCs.
Active DTCs (DM1) + Previously Active DTCs (DM2).
i.e.1/5 = Viewing DTC 1 of 5. (The number of DM1 + DM2 = 5).
NOTE: For further details of DSEE050 Configuration, refer to DSE Publication 057-299
DSEE050 Configuration Suite PC Software Manual.
Issue Check
Display and buttons are not If Power Saving is enabled within the device configuration,
illuminated. the backlight and button lights are extinguished after a
(configurable) delay. Illumination resumes upon CAN data
being received or upon the press of any button.
Display Backlight and/or buttons This is to reduce power usage. The LCD backlight and
dim during engine start procedure. button backlights are switched off when the DC supply falls.
This occurs most commonly during engine cranking.
However, this can also be a symptom of an electrical fault
such as a depleted battery or failing battery charge system.
Button backlights do not illuminate; Should the device internal temperature be too high, the
however, the display remains button lights are extinguished to lower the temperature and
illuminated. protect the internal systems. Ensure adequate ventilation to
ensure the temperature of the device does not exceed
Inputs and outputs cease to This is to reduce power usage. Device inputs and outputs
function during engine start are disabled when the DC supply falls. This occurs most
procedure. commonly during engine cranking. However, this can also be
a symptom of an electrical fault such as a depleted battery or
failing battery charge system.
CAN messages not received. • Check the CAN connections are correct including cable
type and termination resistors as specified in the section
entitled Connection Description elsewhere in this
• Factory Settings (defaults) of DSEE050 expects the
ECU to send CAN data from Source Address 0. Where
the ECU is not Source Address 0, the CAN ID of the
messages to receive must be amended in the
configuration of DSEE050.
• Factory Settings (defaults) of DSEE050 expects the
ECU to send CAN data with the priority as specified by
SAE J1939 for Default Priority. Where the ECU sends
messages of differing priority, the CAN ID of the
messages to receive must be amended in the
configuration of DSEE050.
++++, ----, XXXX, #### shown on These are displays to show an abnormal instrument value or
the display. an instrument in a fault condition. For further details see the
section entitled Engine and Analogue Input Instrumentation |
Sentinel Values elsewhere in this document.
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Fault Finding
Issue Check
The engine shut down with a fault If the ECU powers down after a fault shutdown, DM1s are
displaying. However, upon moved to the DM2 list and cleared from the DM1 list. As
repowering the ECU, there are no such they appear as ‘grey’ colour to show they are DM1s.
DTCs present in the DM1 list.
Connector A
Assembly Ident 007-850
AMP Connector DT16-18SA-K004
No of Connections 18
Wire size 0.5 mm2 (AWG 20)
Wire Colour Black
Wire Idents 1 to 18
Connector Pin Crimp 0462-201-16
(0.5 mm2 to 1.0 mm2)
Connector Pin Crimp 0462-209-16
(2 mm2)
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Maintenance, Spares, Repair & Servicing
NOTE: DSEE050 Configuration Harness 016-177 must be used in conjunction with Peak
Systems USB CAN interface IPEH-002021 or IPEH-002022 from https://www.peak-system.com
DSE Part 016-177 consists of a minimal cable with connector fitted at one end with DC supply wires
and DE9 CAN connector at the other end. This is designed to connect to the DE9 connector of the
USB CAN interface.
NOTE: Where a DSE Configuration or Connection Harness is not used, connection details
for PCAN-USB are shown below. PCAN-USB supplier details are given in the section entitled
Maintenance Spares, Repair and Servicing elsewhere in this document.
NOTE: DSE Stock and supply PCAN-USB IPEH-002021. DSE Part number 016-179. Contact
Connect PCAN-USB to DSEE050 using connections for CAN H, CAN L and GND. For suitable
connection looms from DSE, see DSE Publication 057-300 DSEE050 Operator Manual.
DSE Provides limited warranty to the equipment purchaser at the point of sale. For full details of any
applicable warranty, refer to the original equipment supplier (OEM)
If you use electrical and electronic equipment you must store, collect, treat, recycle
and dispose of WEEE separately from your other waste
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