Iocl Project 1
Iocl Project 1
Iocl Project 1
Summer training.
I would like to express my deep gratitude to the Indian Oil Corporation Ltd
Heartfelt thanks to Mr. Anil Yadav for providing me with a pleasant training
were of great importance and I express my gratitude towards him for providing
me with such valuable information about the Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.
I would also like to thank Mr. Sunil Arora (Deputy Manager, C&M, NTPC, Noida)
to provide me with the valuable information about the NTPC which helped me in
making my project.
summer internship and help me adjust in the organization for these days.
1964 when Indian Refineries Ltd.(Estd. 1958) was merged with the company.
Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. is currently India's largest company by sales with a
turnover of Rs. 247,479 crore (US $59.22 billion), and profit of Rs. 6963 crore
Indian Oil is also the highest ranked Indian company in the prestigious Fortune
'Global 500' listing, having moved up 19 places to the 116th position in 2008. It is
also the 18th largest petroleum company in the world. Indian Oil's vision is driven
In this section, you can peruse through the profile and spread of Indian Oil across
the country & abroad. You can also know about Indian Oil's current financial
performance, special initiatives and causes along with the prestigious recognitions
& awards that have come its way for exceptional performances.
the country, with its corporate office at New Delhi. It has three major division-
‘Marketing with its head office at Mumbai. ‘Refineries’ with the head –office
at New Delhi, and Pipelines with head office at Noida. The R&D centre is
There are presently seven refineries namely Guwahati , Barauni , Gujrat , Haldia,
Mathura , Panipat and Assam Oil Division(AOD). The pipelines set-up functions
Similarly , marketing division operates through its four regions , North , South ,
East , and West. Indian Oil has two subsidiary companies, Chennai Petroleum
combined refining capacity of 9.35 MMTPA, thereby raising its total refining
capacity to 47.50 MMTPA, the highest in the country today. Indian Oil has the
country’s largest network to crude and product pipelines, with a combined length
of 6,523 km and a capacity of 43.45 MMTPA. With sales of 47.17 million metric
tones in 2001-02, Indian Oil holds over 53% of the petroleum products market
share in India. Its extensive network of over 22,000 sales points is backed for
supplies by 182 bulk storage points and 78 Indane bottling plants. 92 Aviation
Indian Oil is the highest ranked Indian company in the Fortune 'Global 500'
list of companies.
For the year 2005-06, the Indian Oil group sold 54.6 million Tonnes of
Petrolium products, including 2.09 million tones through exports.
IOCL owns and operates the widest and the largest network of Petrol &
Diesel stations in the country (more than 15,000).
1958 Indian Refineries Ltd. formed in August with Mr. Feroze Gandhi
as the Chairman.
1959 Indian Oil Company Ltd. established on 30th June 1959 with Mr.
S. Nijalingappa as the Chairman.
1960 Agreement for supply of Kerosene and Diesel signed with the then
MV Uzhgorod carrying the first parcel of 11,390 tonnes of Diesel
for IndianOil docked at Pir Pau Jetty in Mumbai on 17 th August
1962 Guwahati Refinery inaugurated by Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru, Hon’ble
Prime Minister of India.
Construction of Barauni Refinery commenced.
1963 Foundation laid for Gujarat Refinery
Indian Oil Blending Ltd. (a 50:50 Joint Venture with Mobil)
1964 Indian Refineries Ltd. merged with Indian Oil Company with
effect from 1st September, 1964, and Indian Oil Company
renamed as Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.
Barauni Refinery commissioned.
The first petroleum product pipeline from Guwahati to Siliguri
1965 Gujarat Refinery inaugurated by HE Dr. S.Radhakrishnan,
President of India. Barauni-Kanpur product pipeline and Koyali-
Ahmedabad product pipeline commissioned.
IndianOilPeople maintained the vital supply of Petroleum products
to Defence Services during Indo-Pak war.
1967 Haldia Barauni product pipeline commissioned.
Bitumen and marine bunkering businesses commenced.
1968 Techno-economic studies for Haldia-Calcutta, Bombay-Pune and
Bombay-Manmad Pipelines submitted to Government.
1969 Marketing of Madras Refineries Ltd. products commences.
1970 Acquired 60% majority shares of IBP Co. Ltd. The same was
offloaded in favour of the President of India in 1972.
To avail of all viable opportunities, both national and global, arising out
opportunities overseas.
update skill sets for full exploitation of the new business opportunities.
and continuously engage across the hydrocarbon value chain for the
To complete all planned projects within the scheduled time and approved
Ability to learn
Delivered promises
Towards customers and dealers:- To provide prompt, courteous and
personnel policies.
production units.
emergency situations.
31.03.2002, of which 9,728 are in the Officers cadre and 21,947 are in the Staff
cadre. There are 5,672 employees from SC category and 2,097 from ST category.
There are 2,387 women employees, out of whom 692 are in the Officers carde and
1,695 in Staff cadre. The women employees constitute 7.54% of total employees’
the rules, to frame policies etc. The main sections of the personnel
(a) HRD:- This section looks after the manpower recruitment of the
Manpower planning.
Determine the organizational structure and optimize
manpower to effectively meet Company’s objective.
Job description.
Personnel records.
Performance Appraisal.
Employee amenities - canteen , clubs etc.
Medical Services.
Productivity Bargaining.
Grievance Handling.
Discipline Administration.
Providing joint consultative machinery-Joint Management
P&A Departments at each unit shall provide assistance and counsel to other
Orgnising functions.
Apart from it, the Department also functions as Service Department to the
internal and external customers and provides necessary assistance on
general administrative, welfare and security matters to all the Refinery
Units including AOD, Kolkata and Mumbai offices as well as other
Departments at Headquarters.
(iii) The Department also renders assistance to Refinery Units and various
departments at the Headquarters in maintaining liaison with various
Ministries of the Government of India, Lok Sabha Secretariat etc.
(iv) The Department aims at achieving the highest level of efficiency and
productivity with utmost speed and accuracy.
Policy Matters :
(i) Delegation of Powers.
(i) Reply to Parliament Questions.
(ii) Reply to VIP references.
(iii) Furnishing information required by Deptt. Of Public Enterprises,
Estimates Committee, Parliamentary Committee on Public
Undertakings and other such Committees.
(iv) Coordination with Ministries.
Legal Matters:
i) Providing assistance in processing of contracts and agreements.
ii) Land/Houses acquisition matters.
iii) Office Services Contracts.
iv) Bonds and Mortgage deeds.
iv) Lease agreements.
v) Liaison with Solicitors for obtaining legal advice.
General Administration:
(i) House keeping of office space.
(ii) Dak receipt, distribution and dispatch.
(iii) Domestic Rail and Air bookings.
(iv) Control of Staff/Hired Cars including maintenance.
(v) Transportation – Hiring of Cars & Buses.
(vi) Photocopiers / Digital Document Centres / Fax Machines / Cellular
(vii) Office furniture and equipments.
(viii) Stationery and Stores.
(ix) International travel arrangement including Foreign exchange.
Welfare Activities:
Maintenance of Assets
(i) Maintenance of land / property records.
new hires, training and development of existing staff, and motivating and
management system falls apart, resulting in the total waste of the valuable human
task. The collected performance data are used to provide necessary skill training or
professional development.
In order for performance appraisal information to be useful, the PMS system must
able to consistently produce reliable and valid results. Measurement items in the
performance appraisal system must be designed in such a way that the results of
rating are consistent regardless of the raters and the timing of the assessment.
and ratees, because their reactions to the appraisal process are significantly
different depending on the intended purpose. Failure to inform about the purpose
or misleading information about the purpose may result in inaccurate and biased
appraisal reports.
able to consistently produce reliable and valid results. Measurement items in the
performance managemnt system must be designed in such a way that the results of
rating are consistent regardless of the raters and the timing of the assessment.
measurements. It is important to make sure that the appraisal items are really
measuring the intended performance or target behavior. If they are not, the PM
system encourages the wrong kind of work behaviors and produces unintended ,
encourages them to sit on a corner of a street and pull over as many violators as
possible during heavy traffic hours. The true purpose of a police force, which is
public safety, may become secondary to issuing a large number of tickets for many
What to Evaluate?
(a) Traits :- Many employees are assessed according to their traits, such as
personality, aptitudes, attitudes, skills, and abilities. Traits are relatively easy
to assess once a rater gets to know ratees. But traits are not always directly
related to job per formance. Trait-based assessment lacks validity and thus
such cases, desirable behaviors can be identified and assessed in the belief
the workplace.
sales force, this approach is recommended. However, it has its own pitfalls.
There is a problem if employee behaviors are not directly related to the task
ignore many smaller buyers. This may result in poor customer service on the
Who Evaluates?
employees' immediate supervisors, who are usually in the best position to know
and observe the employees' job performance. They are also responsible for
together over a long time with the same employees, the immediate supervisor may
build up a fixed impression about each employee and use it every time he or she
Some companies find that subordinates are in an excellent position to observe and
evaluate their managers' performance, especially when it comes to measuring
subordinates to evaluate how they are managed, such evaluation may turn into a
the evaluators is key to the successful use of subordinates for objective evaluation.
Other raters who are frequently used in some companies include peers, customers,
Organization exist to attain certain goals and objectives through a effort. Some
professed objectives.
“Performance management system is systematic and objective way of judging
the relative
other familier with their performance because employers are interested in knowing
about employee performance. Employee also wishes to know their position in their
their assigned tasks well and those who are not and the reason for such
make up of one who is assessing the performance and having profound effect on
the individual who is being assessed. It is here that the weakness of human
judgement comes to the force. In the field of human behavior and performance, the
the basis of the appraisal can be subject to numerous drawbacks connected with
the perceptions one’s own bias, the social prejudice, unconscious urges and the
salary and wage determination, helping the employees know their achievements
and failures, training and development needs, promotions and transfer decisions
etc. Therefore, a good performance appraisal system should aim at facilitating the
financial rewards.
(2) It will stimulate employee participation in decision making affecting his own
(5) Such appraisals can also serve as a guide in properly administering wage-and
salary administrations.
and the employee. This contract acts as a control and evaluating system,
Management development: -
HR planning:-
degree performance appraisal in this the employees are also allowed the
tabular form:-
transfer and promotion, and deciding about his training needs.The following
Assessment period
particular year has been separated before end assessment years are
Apraisee fills a form in the starting of financial year which includes targets to
Then they plan how to achieve these goals. On the basis of priority they decide
At the end of financial year, Appraisee evaluates himself and gives marks out of
5. Then Appraiser evaluates the Appraisee and gives him marks out of 5.
These 3 marks signify:
3- Outstanding
2- Average.
1- Needs improvement
each KPI.
objectives of organization.
(i) In the appraisal form the key (i) In the appraisal form activities
result areas are set by discussion & corresponding targets under
of both. each KPA are set.
(ii) Self-assessment & appraisal (ii) Self assessment & Appraisal
assessment are done side by side assessment are done side by side
helps in easy comparison. for easy comparision.
(iii) The constraints faced by the (iii) Self -analysis of appraise on his
appraise are not mentioned in performance considering the
the self appraisal form. unfavourable & informable
factors in self & the work
invironment are done.
(iv) Targets are set after mutual (iv) Targets are set after mutual
agreement by both the appraise agreement by both the appraise
& the appraiser. & the appraiser.
(v) The moderation committee does (v) A form of counseling session
final assessment on basis of that takes into accounts the
overall evaluation & potential strengths, weakness & areas of
assessment. improvement & the appraise do
this feedback.
(vi) Career profile & plan are not (vi) Career profile & plan that takes
considered. account of mobility and
constraints and career analysis.
(vii) Benefits to the organization by (vii) Contributions by the appraise,
the contribution of appraise are its benefits to the organization
not taken account of. are considered.
(viii) Overall assessment is done on (viii) Overall assessment is done by
average of & responses by appraiser, reviewing officer &
reporting reviewing, next higher the countersigning officer on the
authority & basis of his potential for growth.
Countersigning authority.
(ix) Don’t consider the training need (ix) Training needs are not
& the job rotation. identified.
(1) Form consists of 4 parts. (1) Form consists of 6 parts.
For Appraisee. Annual Perf. Appraisal.
For Appraiser/Rep. officer. Perf. Highlights and
For reviewing officer and other add.information.
higher authority. Overall appraisal.
By Chairman of the Career profile & Plan.
moderation(counselling) Councelling.
committee. General.
(2) Appraise is assessed by Reporting (2) The appraise is assessed on the basis of
Officer only on the basis of 4 factors attributes rated on a 3 point scale. No
viz. job knowledge,cost consciousness, weightage is given to factors.
initiative and communication skill.
Important factors like leadership,
quality and quantity of work,
adaptability, etc., have not considered
at all.Moreover the assessment is
comprehensive as factors are not rated
on a suitable scale.
(3) Targets achieved and other (3) Targets achieved & extra contribution
achievements are considered but the by the appraisee are also considered for
difficulties faced or facilitating appraisal.
resources are ignored all together.
(4) Over all performance and potential of (4) Over all performance & potential of
appraise are reassessed by reviewing, appraise are reassessed by appraiser,
reporting, next higher officer and reviewing officer & the
countersigning officer. countersigning officer.
(5) No career profile and profile and plan (5) Career Profile & Plansheet allows
sheet. appraise to give his own choices for
future assignments i.e. it in a way gives
an opportunity to the appraise to decide
his KPAs.
(6) No comments are given by the rating (6) Any constraints faced by the appraise in
officers for their extreme ratings so case of transfer, etc.,are also considered
doubts that appraise has can’t be so no employee is forced to do a job
solved. which he/she might be unable to do
because of any reason.
(7) The training needs of the appraisee are (7) Councelling is also done so that biasing
not identified so appraisal form can’t be (if any) is reduced to minimum & both
used by the training dept to plan sides get a suitable hearing.
The corporation is a big organization and the
Main endeavour for it is to be ahead of the competitors.
SWOT Analysis of the corporation gives the following results:-
Wide field network.
Dealership network to assist in our direct efforts.
Up-country storage nearer to the market.
Lower cost of production from old refineries.
Strength on international trade.
Seven existing refineries.
Lack of dedicated organizational set up for support system like
Finance etc.
Manpower reduction because of downloading at head office, Regional
Offices and field offices.
Opportunities :-
Liberalized market scenario.
Lack of so many refineries producing Free Trade Products by other
marketing companies.
Capability to import and market shortfall products.
Emerging players like Reliance Petroleum Ltd.,Essar oil and MNCs,etc.
Dismanting of Administered Price Mechanism.
Penetration of International giants into marketing.
Old traditional production techniques.
From all the above information with the help of which I have been able to make
system at IOCL has gradually developed over years at IOCL from hand written
e- PMS at the IOCL. This project also shows that the e-PMS policy at IOCL is of a
great importance for the IOCL itself and the employees of the IOCL. It is found
that during the e- PMS policy the employees are assessed on regular basis which
helps to keep a regular check on the employees and by the performance appraisal
methods the employees are assessed only at the end of year which helps them to
complete their goals at last minute time also. I also want to tell that the employees
had a difficulty when this method was introduced in the organization to adapt this
method but later on it made work easy for them as more and more handy records
are not maintained .i would also like to come to the point that the performance
department. Its more sinple to understand the working environment of IOCL than
NTPC because the self assessment procedure of IOCL specifies all the
It is also seen by the comparison made between IOCL and NTPC that both the
Organizations have similar work environment but IOCL is providing with the
Employees more career oriented work environment which help employees to grow
and perform more tasks as compared to the NTPC. The NTPC rate their employees
on the basis of 4 factors while the IOCL rate their employees on a 3 point scale
which is more easy to understand and rate the performance of each employee on a
similar basis. As the working environment of NTPC says that no career plans are
made by the employees even they are not allowed to make, IOCL contradicts this
activity of NTPC by allowing their employees to make career oriented plans and
plans which are helpful in future so that they provide with employees more vscope
to grow. One more point of difference between IOCL and NTPC is that IOCL
provides their employees with some workshops, training and counsellings which
help them to grow whereas NTPC does not conduct any. By the swot analysis we
like wide field network , low cost of production and many more still there are some
threats to the PSU like emergence of more and more big companies like Reliance
ltd and lesser share in market but overall IOCL is still the biggest and most