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Aldoori 2021

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Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

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Materials Today: Proceedings

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The effect of fin height on forced convection heat transfer from

rectangular fin array
Wadhah H. Aldoori ⇑
College of Petroleum Process Engineering, Tikrit University, Tikrit, Iraq

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In this research, experimental investigation of the coefficient of the heat transfer has been conducted for a
Available online xxxx set of rectangular fins with different fin height, 0.27, 0.47 and 0.67 m at air velocity test points of 1.1, 1.3,
1.5, 1.7 and 2 m/s, to meet the Reynolds number (Re). Thirty samples from the two cases with changing
Keywords: fin positions were studied to verify the thermal performance of the system. The study was conducted
Forced Convection based on the cross-sectional diameter of 21167, 25016, 28864, 32713, and 38486. Total heat flux in all
Rectangular Fins tubes has been settled as 26.3, 58, and 88.7 W/m2. The experimental results showed that the temperature
Fin Array
difference between the surface of the block and flowing air increases with increasing Reynolds number
Thermal Performance
Heat Transfer
for all heat flow states.
Array Ó 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Confer-
ence on Nanoelectronics, Nanophotonics, Nanomaterials, Nanobioscience & Nanotechnology.

1. Introduction fully achieved with different fins numbers to evaluate the drop in
pressure and the characteristics of heat transfer. The results show
Heat transfer in convection is a significant application in design. significant incremental in temperature distribution over fins sur-
The primary determinant for improving the presentation of steam face especially between the fins, the finding reveals that the heat
boilers, heat exchangers, and solar collectors. Likewise, the com- transfer increased and enhanced with increase fins number due
parative issue of convection has basic applications in geothermal to increase surface contact area. Moreover, the increase in stream
stores where weight slopes are produced because of withdrawal velocity represented by Reynolds number leads to enhance Nusselt
or reinjection of geothermal liquids [3].The applications of numer- number significantly as well as the increase in fins number pro-
ous industrial imply the utilization of heat sink with the configura- vides a higher enhancement in Nusselt number, where the maxi-
tions of fin-array, refrigeration heat exchangers, heaters, high- mum heat transfer enhancement represented by Nusselt number
intensity electronics, air conditioning, radiators, etc. This equip- enhancement assigned to the finned channel with twelve fins fol-
ment’s dimensions should be determined according to the avail- lowed by eight and four fins. However [14–19], the results showed
ability of the space in the plan which is usually a compact and a significant improvement in the number of canal Euler fins with
lightweight partition to take in these narrow places. The flow twelve longitudinal fins followed by eight and four fins. Therefore,
direction of the air inlet is not perpendicular to the fin surface in Euler and Nusselt numbers improved significantly with increasing
many cases. To achieve a reliable performance for high-density the number of fins. [7] Performed a mathematical investigation of
electronics, it is essential to design efficient cooling strategies. Dif- the lamellar mixed convection on vertical coated rectangular fins.
ferent types of electronic device mechanisms failure are associated Fan speed has been controlled to keep the system temperature of
with thermal effects, like metal migration, inter-metal growth, and the base fin higher than the environment to improve the heat
vacuum formation. The failure rate in this case about doubles for transfer across the mixed convection process. The distance spacing,
each 10 °C increase above 80 °C (the operating temperature) for lengths of the fin, Grashof and Reynolds numbers, and the effects of
high power electronics [8]. [1] Presented the numerical investiga- fin spacing were found on the fin base system thermal perfor-
tion on heat exchangers with an annular-finned channel success- mance. The inlet velocity of the mixed convection has been sepa-
rated into two-convection velocity components (normal and
forced). The resulting drop in pressure through the channel length
⇑ Corresponding author.
arises only because of the forced convection velocity component.
E-mail address: wadhah.h.abdulrzzaq@tu.edu.iq

2214-7853/Ó 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Conference on Nanoelectronics, Nanophotonics, Nanomaterials,
Nanobioscience & Nanotechnology.

Please cite this article as: W.H. Aldoori, The effect of fin height on forced convection heat transfer from rectangular fin array, Materials Today: Proceedings,
W.H. Aldoori Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx


As Surface area m2 Pr Prandtl number

E Input voltage Volt Re Reynolds numb-
H Convection heat transfer coefficient W/m2 K
hrad Radiation heat transfer coefficient W/m2 K Greek symbols
H Fin height m l dynamic viscosity Ns/m2
I Input current A q Density kg/m3
kf Thermal conductivity of air W/m K r Stefan–Boltzmann constant 5.67  10–8 W/m2 K4
L Fin length m
q heat W Subscripts
t Fin thickness m f Air
T Temperature oC
in Inlet, input
u Velocity m/s max Maximum value
W Width m out Outlet
s Surface
Dimensionless groups
Nu Nusselt number

Therefore, the estimation of Reynolds number was based on this observed followed by square and circular fin channels. The study
component as the entry velocity that did not disappear even in finding reported that increasing Reynolds number results in
pure natural convection. Furthermore, it was found that the local increasing Nusselt number when reducing the fin spacing which
Nusselt number when fully developed showed maximum peak at in turn. Moreover, increasing the Reynolds number and fin spacing
clearance spacing of 0.15 and 0.075 for 0.5 and 0.5 fine spacing results in decreasing Euler number.)Pathak, Giri, and Lingfa 2019
respectively on Straight. [11] A numerical study showed a compar- (development of a computational code to study the effect of con-
ison of two and three dimensions heat transfer for a laminar nor- vective mixed heat transfer on a fin array of a double-height verti-
mal load of vertical aluminum fin arrays of rectangular shape, cal plate to improve heat transfer. They found an increase in the
exposed to a high cooling heat flux of a 150 W light-emitting diode induced velocity with decreasing fin height for smaller spacing
(LED) luminance. The two-dimensional modeling method for the between fins, which in turn enhance the heat transfer. It was also
flow function, temperature, and temperature was used, and the observed that the overall heat transfer coefficient showed Opti-
governing equations were determined using the finite difference mized results for a dual height fin matrix with the inclusion of
methodology [20–23]. In the 3D model, the estimation method lower Grashof numbers at different inlet speeds. [13] introduced
was of finite size, and the solution algorithm was simply using a new design of the cross-flow and ventilated heat sink and pro-
the semi-implicit method of linked pressure equations. It was duced both pin-finned and circular finned with a linear configura-
found that the difference between the three-dimensional and tion. The demonstration method was intended to support the
two-dimensional models is attributed to the mean coefficient of design of heat dispersants with a well-defined performance of heat
heat transfer increase with increasing the ratio of fins to fin spac- cross-flow dispersants. Both the geometrical parameters of the air
ing, and heat transfer of irradiation contributed to the total heat and the exchanger speed were compared. An effective equation
transfer in a range of fin array dimensions were about 8–14%. [9] model was produced and on this basis, a multi-objective optimiza-
Presented experimental research of fin arrays to enhance the con- tion was performed. [4] presented an experimental study using
densation of the vapor film on a vertical plate. Cylindrical, sinu- transient liquid crystal technology to investigate the heat transfer
soidal and conical shapes were produced from the geometric fin of the pin–fin matrix and the pressure drop below the ribs induced
for examination in the chamber of condensing. The fin geometry by the entry effect of the non-uniform entry state. The V-shaped,
and height effects were tested systematically as well as the equiv- 60°, W-shaped had three rib configurations installed in the
alent longitudinal fins heat transfer performance and the pin fin upstream fin array and no primary ribs in the Reynolds 7000–
structures were compared. It was observed that the performance 40.000 range were used. The results indicated that the entrance
of the exhibited equivalent longitudinal fins was lower compared effects induced by the three sides had unique physical properties
to the pin–fin structures showing the same fin pitch, height base due to the generation of different secondary flow patterns.
diameter and base width. Although the pin fins had the lowest This current work aims to study the effect of fin height on the
areas of heat transfer in comparison with the longitudinal fins, it efficiency and heat transfer coefficient in which heat is transferred
was also observed that the conical fin geometry reduced the thick- from the heat sink to the environment, and also to study the effect
ness. The film and reinforces the heat transfer. [2] Numerical anal- of fin position with high forward air velocity and altitudes on a
ysis performed investigated the characteristics of heat exchangers thermal characteristic.
(pressure drop and heat transfer) at different channels having ring
fins (square, circular, and triangular) with different distances of the 2. System design
fin (1.6, 2, 4 mm). They found that the pattern of airflow was sig-
nificantly improved using the arrangement of staggered in the Turns out the experimental work includes two units of cast iron.
regions between the higher velocities finned channels through The cast-iron block used to make the base of the fin array has
the deeper overlapping beams rows due to the continuous deflec- dimensions of 135 mm long, 130 mm wide and 15 mm high. The
tions by forcing the main current of flow to the highest rate. This cutting guide base has five fins with a depth of 3 mm. The distance
leads to a reduction in the thermal boundary layers, which between the fins is 20 mm. After this drilling, the four heater ele-
enhances the rate of heat transfer. Further improvement in heat ments are in diameter and depth of 10 mm and 130 mm respec-
transfer for triangular fin channel with fin spacing of 1.6 mm tively, and the galvanized steel plate is used for the fins of 3 mm
W.H. Aldoori Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 1. The cross-section of a test rig.

thickness and the third height is 27, 47 and 67 mm. Building mate-
rial block with specific dimensions, drill holes for the heating ele-
ment and cutting grove for the base of fins. Four heater elements
were inserted into each block unit according to the latter design.
Two cases with the experimental setup and changing the location
of the fins as shown in Fig. 1 at (a) and (b). A 3D test platform with
heat elements can be seen in Fig. 1.

3. Experimental setup and instruments

The open-circuit wind tunnel of TecQuipment (TQ) heat

exchanger is composed of four sections, slack section, span section,
test area and end. The 1290 mm extended area was placed before
the test section to allow full development of the flow before reach-
ing the tube arrangement. To regulate the flow before the test sec-

Fig. 3. The relationship between temperature differences with heat flux for
different Reynolds numbers.

tion entrance, metal screens were fixed arranged at the extended

zone. A direct drive exhaust fan has been fixed in the wind tunnel
which is powered by an electrical motor to achieve the required
Fig. 2. The display of the experimental approach. airflow. TQ wind tunnel operation at 220 V to 240 V AC 50 Hz

W.H. Aldoori Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 4 (continued)

resistors to allow aluminum tube insertion and also the construc-

tion of arranged tubes in the unit. Thermocouple A T-type is used,
it can measure temperature with operating range from 0 to 260 °C,
data logger with Appellant AT452 multi-channel thermometer
model, with 24 industrial thermometers with LCD has been used
to measure temperature contrast By forced convection in the test
bench, fourteen thermocouples were placed on each test bench.
All thermocouples have been fixed in the middle of the primary
channels between the wind tunnel sidewalls. Two thermocouples
have been fixed at the inlet of the arrangement, three at the tube
surfaces, and three at the airflow outlet in one element Channel.
Another thermocouple has been fixed before the test unit on the
extended region at 150 mm to measure the temperature of the free
current. A hot-wire anemometer (model AM-4204) has been used
to measure the airflow velocity. The manometer operating temper-
ature ranging from 0℃ to 50℃, velocity range from 0.2 to 20 m/s,
Fig. 4. Effect of Reynolds number on temperature for all experimental cases. reading accuracy 1 m/s, and the uncertainty ± 1% 5% +1 d of read-
ing at free steam velocity. The five velocities of free current consid-
ered in the current study are 1.1, 1.3, 1.5, 1.7, and 2 m/s. The
5.25A single phase, frequency 50 Hz, uses HSN 0103 power supply experimental test rig is shown in Fig. 2.
voltage model, AC 0–250 V with maximum 5A electric current.
Voltage was measured using TENMA 9272 voltmeter model with 4. Experimental procedures
a 2 V-750 AC range. Current measurement using clamp meter
model Pro’sKit MT-3102 (400 A Max. current). Double-step circular The test rig was fabricated and the equipment calibrated
electric heaters1000 X have been used as resistors in this work according to the standard specifications. The measured parameters
with 50 W up to 850 W at 220 V maximum power dissipation. in this test include; the velocity of the airflow, the drop of the pres-
Outer diameter 8 mm by 200 mm long, small-diameter electrical sure on the test platform and the temperature of the indicated
W.H. Aldoori Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 5 (continued)

Tout-3), the final readings are taken when the relative changes in
voltage, current and temperature are lower than 0.5% to 0.8%,
0.03% to 0.09% and 0.044% to 0.075%, respectively. The same value
of ReDh has been repeated for 4 to 6 h to estimate the relative

Fig. 5. Heat flux effect on temperature different for all Reynolds number cases.

points in Fig. 2. The operation is done by choosing cartridge heaters

voltage and current and air velocity for free current. After waiting
1.5 to 2.0 h with collecting the voltage and current changes in addi-
tion to different temperatures (Tbef, Tin,1-Tin,2, Ts,1-Ts,3 and Tout-1 - Fig. 6. Variation of temperature difference with measure location for Reynolds
number at q ¼ 26:3W=m2 .

W.H. Aldoori Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

qa ¼ 2:209  3:414  103 Tin þTout
; mkg3 >
h  i
cPa ¼ 9:848 þ 6:76  104 Tin þT out
 102 ; ðkgK
J >
2 Þ >
2 Tin þTout 3 W ð1Þ
ka ¼ 3:479 þ 7:58  10  10 ; ðmKÞ > >
6 kg >
la ¼ 4:475 þ 4:564  10 2 Tin þTout
 10 ; >
2 ðmsÞ

1X n
1X n
whereTin ¼ ðTin Þi ; n ¼ 2; Tout ¼ ðTout Þi ; n ¼ 3
n i¼1 n i¼1

The rate of electrical heat gain can be evaluated from the sur-
face of the base block as follows
qin ¼ E  I ð2Þ
Fig. 7. Variation of temperature difference with measure location for Reynolds
number at q ¼ 58W=m2 . The electrical heat test surface steady-state heat balance can be
written as:
qconvection ¼ qin  qconduction  qradiation ð3Þ
System heat transfer can be considered as follows;

 Neglecting the connection between the laboratory and the wall

of the fin as a result of the extremely low air and wood thermal
 Neglecting the radiant heat transfer between the fin surfaces
and their surroundings. Based on the measurement of

0:5 Tin þ Tout and (T s ), the radiative heat transfer coefficient
has been estimated as follows[10]:

hrad ¼ e  r
28 !2 9 ( ! )3
< T þT  2 = T þ T
4 þ Ts 5
in out in out
þ Ts  ð4Þ
: 2 ; 2

Fig. 8. Variation of temperature difference with measure location for Reynolds
number at q ¼ 88:7W=m2 .
1X n
Ts ¼ ðTs Þi ; n ¼ 3
n i¼1
5. Data collection
Using commercial aluminum (e ffi 0:028)[6], hrad was found in
a range of (0.174–0.205) W/(m2oC) with the coefficient of heat
This experiment involves flowing outside laminar air using the
transfer between 0.01% and 0.15%. Therefore, the transferred heat
relationships below in the calculations for relevant air properties. between the fin surface and surrounded air was mainly by convec-
It is based on data and is valid in the temperature range of
tion, and Eq. (3) has been rewritten to suit this mechanism [10]:
275 K  0.5((T_in) ̅+(T_out) ̅)  375 K [12]: " !#
Tin þ Tout
qconvection ffi qsup ¼ hAs Ts  ð5Þ

In the calculations, it should be considered either the projected

or the total area of the test surface. These areas can be represented
as the total area = projected area + total surface area of fins.
As ¼ W  L  n  ðL  tÞ þ 2ð2L  H þ 2t  HÞ
þ 2ð2L  H þ 2t  HÞ þ ð2L  H þ 2t  HÞ
where W is base plate width, L length, n number of fins, H height
and t fin thickness, respectively, (Tin ) the inlet air temperature
was different between 19.4 and 24.8 ℃ and (Ts ) average degree of
the base block surface temperature. For steady-state condition,
the total rate of heat transfer, qconvection was equal to electric heat
supply, qin. Using Eq. (4), the total coefficient of heat transfer has
been calculated as follows:
h¼ h  i ð6Þ
As Ts  Tin þT

Fig. 9. Effect the heat flux supply on temperature difference with measure location
Re = 21167. Which can be used to determine the total Nusselt number,
W.H. Aldoori Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 10. Effect the heat flux supply on temperature difference with measure Fig. 13. Effect of the heat flux supply on temperature difference with measure
location Re = 25016. location Re = 38486.

6. Results and discussion

The forced convection heat transfer experimental results

through the rectangular fin matrix of two cases have been pre-
sented in this section. Several air velocities test points of 1.1, 1.3,
1.5, 1.7 and 2 m/s against the Reynolds number (Re) have been
considered in this pilot study, based on the cross-sectional diame-
ter 21167, 25016, 28864, 32,713 and 38486. The total heat flow
supply is (q’’) in all tubes 26.3, 58 and 88.7 W/m2

6.1. Case 1

Fig. 3 shows the differences in temperature variation with heat

flux for all cases of Reynolds numbers. The temperature difference
Fig. 11. Effect of the heat flux supply on temperature difference with measure increases with increasing heat flow and air velocity. Heat flux
location Re = 28864. excluding the lowest value (q^’’= 26.3 W/m2) and increasing the
temperature difference with the Reynolds number. On the other
h hand, the temperature difference increases with increasing q^’’
Nu ¼ L  ð7Þ
kf for all cases. Higher values appear in the difference between the
surfaces with the airflow, due to the higher the surface tempera-
where kf, is the air thermal conductivity. ture of the block.
Reynolds number is defined based on the length of the fin as Fig. 4 presents the effect of the Reynolds number on the tem-
follows: perature difference for all experimental states of heat flow. From
the figure, it can be seen that the temperature difference in the
Re ¼ uin  L  ð8Þ crease with increasing the number of Reynolds and the supply of
lf heat flux to all the temperature measurement sites. The tempera-
ture difference increases near the site of the heat supply source.
Where, uin is the velocity of the free airstream and L the fin length is The highest value was recorded in the difference between the mass
equal to 130 mm. surface and the airflow. The relationship between temperature dif-
ference with heat flux for five Reynolds number tests as shown in
Fig. 5. The temperature difference increases with increasing heat
flux for all Reynolds test cases. He can see the higher value of the
different temperature measurements in location (3) as shown in
Fig. 5 (d)

6.2. Case II

As observed in Figs. 6 to 8, the temperature variation varied

with the site temperature measurement for all Reynolds number
states tested at q ¼ 26:3W=m2 . The temperature depended on
fin height and the temperature variation from the base to the
ocean. It is observed that the mean air temperature decreases with
increasing Reynolds number and the temperature difference
increases from the base to ambient with Reynolds number for all
Fig. 12. Effect of the heat flux supply on temperature difference with measure heat flow test cases. However, the curves illustrating other heat
location Re = 32713. flow behaviors show similar trends.
W.H. Aldoori Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

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Declaration of Competing Interest
Commun. (2021), https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-021-08484-2.
[18] A.S. Kwekha-Rashid, H.N. Abduljabbar, B. Alhayani, Coronavirus disease
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cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared Nanosci. (2021), https://doi.org/10.1007/s13204-021-01868-7.
[19] B. Al-Hayani, H. Ilhan, Efficient cooperative image transmission in one-way
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[21] B. Al Hayani, H. Ilhan, Image transmission over decode and forward based
cooperative wireless multimedia sensor networks for Rayleigh fading channels
The author would like to thank Tikrit University and its staff,
in medical Internet of Things (MIoT) for remote health-care and health
especially the College of Petroleum Process Engineering. communication monitoring, J. Med. Imaging Heal. Informatics 10 (1) (2020)
[22] B. Alhayani, H.J. Mohammed, I.Z. Chaloob, J.S. Ahmed, Effectiveness of artificial
References intelligence techniques against cyber security risks apply of IT industry, Mater.
Today Proc. (2021).
[1] W.H.A. Al Doori, Effect of using various longitudinal fin number in finned [23] B. Alhayani, S.T. Abbas, D.Z. Khutar, H.J. Mohammed, Best ways computation
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[2] W.H. Al Doori, Numerical estimation of pressure drop and heat transfer
Further reading
characteristics in annular-finned channel heat exchangers with different
channel configurations, Heat Transf. Asian Res. 48 (4) (2019) 1280–1291.
[3] W.H. Aldoori, A.H. Ahmed, The effect of varying tube diameters on [5] A. Chaudhari, P. Ekade, S. Krishnan, Experimental investigation of heat transfer
enhancement heat transfer by forced convection through a horizontal tube, J. and fluid flow in octet-truss lattice geometry, Int. J. Therm. Sci. 143 (2019) 64–
Adv. Res. Fluid Mech. Therm. Sci. 66 (2) (2020) 158–167. 75.

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