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Professional Education Secondary

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   Capacity to forget problems

[ SEPTEMBER 27, 2015]
 A.    I, II, III and IV                         C. II, III and IV
1.    A school Division Superintendent has license as a
Superintendent but not as a Professional Teacher. Can his B.    I and II                                     D. I, II and III
license as Superintendent takes the place of a professional
4.    What does the Teacher Education Development
Teacher’s license?
Program signify as a prerequisite for employment of teachers
A.          Yes, if he has been Superintendent for at least 3 in basic education schools?
A.    Job interviews for teacher applicants
B.          Yes, because a Superintendent position is higher
B.    Licensure Examination for Teachers
than that of a Professional Teacher.
C.    Induction of new teachers
C.          Yes.
D.    National standard competencies among teachers
D.         No.
5.    What does “Once a Teacher, forever a student” Imply for
2.    What is the overall stream for education, growth and
the Professional Teacher?
fulfillment in the teaching profession?
A.          Teacher’s affinity with student
A.    Merit and promotion                 C. In-service
B.          Student-centered instruction
B.    Lifelong career                            D. Pre-service
C.          Post-graduate studies for teachers
3.    Name the skills relevant to the teacher’s looking at
problems as opportunities. I.     Responsiveness to problem- D.         Lifelong learning
6.    To whom does the word teacher refer?
II.    Alertness to possibilities III.   Strong defense for tradition
I.     Full time teachers  

II.    Part time teachers 8.    How do orientation sessions help the new teacher?

III.  Guidance counselors I.       Be attuned to the school environment

IV.   Libraries II.    Learn guidelines to follow

  III.     Develop good relations

A.    I and II                C. I, II and III  

B.    I, II, III and IV              D. III and IV A.    II and III               C. I only

  B.    I and II                 D. I, II and III

7.    A teacher introduces herself as teacher ONLY. What  

does this imply?
9.    Self-evaluation can be done in various ways, but this is
  NOT one of them:

A.          The teaching profession is not a very significant one.  

B.          The teaching profession is the lowest paid A.    Written reflection

B.    Self-videotape of class performance
C.          She must have been forced to pursue a career in
teaching. C.    Use of an evaluation instrument

D.         She takes no pride in the teaching profession. D.    Peer feedback session

10.  In order to assist new Teachers, which is the MOST converted into a classroom. Which best characterizes the
EFFECTIVE way to clarify the school’s goals and situation?
responsibilities early in the first year?
A.    Church-school               C. School-home connection
B.    City school facility          D. Rural village school
A.    School curriculum                 C. Principal’s memorandum
B.    Student’s Handbook                     D. Orientation
13.  Students must be taught self responsibility is the desire
  of the       teacher.

11.  Of the following, which needy and qualified students are A.    Utilitarianist                  C. Existentialist
most deserving of government funding assistance
(scholarship; grants-in-aid, etc.)? B.    Pragmatic                      D. Constructivist


A.    Students from cultural communities 14.  What philosophical motive was behind public education
during the American colonial period?
B.    Students who show high learning skills
A.    Modernism      C. Utilitarianism
C.    Poor transferees from private schools
B.    Secularism      D. Humanism
D.    Students from suburban areas
15.  What problem is given focus by research studies which
12.  Former DepEd Director Lolita Andrada described her show low rate of work absorption among technical/vocational
humble early schooling: a silong (ground floor of a house) graduates?
  C.   Right to be accorded respect

A.          Highly protected formal sector   D.  Right for protection

B.         Training-job mismatch    

C.          Too long vocational courses 18.  Among the rights of the schools, which is NOT provided
by the law?
D.         Penalized informal sector
A.          Right for basic education to determine subjects of
16.  To whose responsibility is assigned by the Philippine study
Constitution the establishment, maintenance and support of a
complete, adequate and integrated system of education? B.          Right to provide proper governance

A.    The citizens                  C. The state C.         Right to enforce administrative systems

B.    The legislators               D. The local governments D.         Right for institutions of higher learning to determine
academic grounds for admission
17.  Among the special rights of teachers, which is NOT
provided by law? 19.  Of the following, which is the most effective way to
advance practical oral proficiency of students?
A.  Right to refuse regular assignments
A.          Give more group work compared with individual work
B.   Right for career advancement
B.          Request the construction of a school speech C.          Reading Readiness Theory
D.         Multiple Intelligence Theory
C.         Engage students in conventional activities
D.         Give stress to correct grammar
22.  Who is best equipped to lead in the formulation of an
  Individual Educational Plan for Special Children?

20.  From the Constitution, what is the condition for allowing A.          Child therapists  
students to be taught religion in public schools?
B.         Special education teachers  
A.          Extra pay for teachers
C.          Parents of special children
B.          Catechists paid by government 
D.         Child psychologist
C.         Upon written permission by parents
D.         Outside of school hours only
23.  What is mainly addressed by early intervention program
  for children with disabilities, ages 0 to 3 years old?

21.  Which theory calls for adaptation to the learner’s A.          Prevention labeling of disabled children
biological and developmental set of characteristics?
B.          Ensuring inclusion for special children
C.         Early growth developmental lag
A.          Learning Style Theory
D.         Identifying strengths and weaknesses in special
B.          Emotional Intelligence Theory    children
  A.         Commission on Higher Education

24.  How should teachers regard new trends and reforms in B.          Professional Board of Teachers 
C.          Teacher Education Council
A.  As a development need
D.         Department of Education
B.   As a wave in millennial change
C.   As an opportunity
27.  Under R.A. 7722 or higher Education Act of 1994, which
D.  As an issue or problem agency identifies supports and develops centers of
excellence among higher education institutions in the

25.  What is the cultural trait of conflicting values that aims to  

please people in different venues and situations rather than
abide by principles? A.          Department of Education

A.    Bahala na mentality               C. Split-personality B.          Professional Regulation Commission

B.    Crab mentality                      D. Kanya-kanya system C.         Commission on Higher Education

  D.         Teacher Education Council

26.  Under R.A. 7722 or Higher Education Act of 1994, which  

agency has direct supervision and management of teacher
education institutions or colleges of education in the country? 28.  Along the aim of towards labor for integrity, which aspect
of work needs to be taught to future employers and
  employees in the 21st century workplace?
A.         Industry skills and orientation     

B.          Wages and incentives 31.  Blind cyclist and teacher Maria Bunyan won 8th place in
the able-bodied Sydney 2000 Olympics. Of the following
C.          Human Rights issues which is the central and fundamental quality she displayed by
never thinking that blindness is an impediment to becoming a
D.         loyalty for company and work
great athlete?
A.    Self-belief                   C. Perseverance
29.  What is the initial knowing process learned by the
B.    Dedication                    D. Passion
individual that revolves around practical problem-solving?
A.    Thinking               C. Listening
32.  What is the degree of moral certitude of Alegre who
B.    Obeying                 D. Believing
entered into marriage only out of obedience to her parents,
  but uncertain whether she wanted marriage at all?

30.  Which of the following has greatly influenced the A.    Lax                       C. Doubtful

introduction of K-to-12 reform in basic education?
B.    Probable                D. Certain
A.    Need to employ more teachers
33.  What best describes “puwede na” mentality vs.
B.    Need to conform international standards excellence in service/work?

C.    Need to allot for more funding  

D.    Need to upgrade facilities of schools A.          Arduous preparation  

B.         Resignation to mediocrity     A.    Lead us not into temptation  

C.          Committed work B.    Gives us this day our daily bread

D.         Striving to be the best C.    Thy will be done

  D.    Forgive us our sins

34.  In the poem, “When in Distance with Fortune and Men’s  

Eyes” Shakespeare felt depressed looking at his sad fate and
wishing he were someone else more rich, with many friends, 36.  Among components to a morally mature person, which
with greater skills and future prospects in life. What is the demonstrates that a teacher applies moral principles (e.g. the
best antidote to such depressed feelings? Golden Rule) when making moral judgments?


A.          Deny that others have more than you have A.    Encourages others to communicate

B.          Count your own blessings B.    Develops self esteem

C.          Strive to surpass others C.    Reflects on moral choices

D.         Think of others poorer than you are D.    Listens carefully to others


35.  Blind and unable to write, Milton felt depressed and 37.  Among mistaken goals in the Acceptance Approach to
useless. Which of following prayerful invocation best reflects discipline, what happens when students seek to hurt others to
his feelings in saying “who best bear His mild yoke, they make up for being hurt or rejected?
serve Him best?
A.    Revenge seeking C. Withdrawal 40.  If threat of punishment is necessary on erring students,
how should this best be done?
B.    Power seeking        D. Attention getting
A.    First a warning before the threat
38.  On managing the class group, what is the problem when
the class atmosphere is punitive, tinged with partiality, too B.    Make the threat with immediate punishment
competitive or to exclusive?
C.    Make the threat and reinforce with warning
D.    Warn and threat at the same time
A.          Disturbance in group climate
B.          Group emotions such as fear, depression, etc.
41.  For group guidance in classroom management, what
C.          Dissatisfaction with classroom work element is lacking when there are tensions among
individuals, cliques and subgroups, or student-teacher
D.         Poor group organization friction?

  A.          Disturbances in group climate

39.  To what problem type do students belong, who have B.          Dissatisfaction with classroom work
short span, unable to sustain concentration by being easily
affected by sights, sounds or speech? C.         Poor interpersonal relations

A.    Withdrawn      C. Low achiever D.         poor group organization

B.    Defiant           D. Distractible  

42.  Which of the following is the best option to deal with B.          “I will send you to the principal’s office, or else also
chronic behavior problems in the classroom? ask your parents to confer with the principal”

  C.         “You will get shortened recess or receive more

severe punishment”
A.          Indicate consequences of behavior
D.         “You will report early to school tomorrow or you will
B.          With gained confidence and skills be marked absent”

C.         Be calm and consistent  

D.         Establish positive expectations for students 45.  Among mistaken goals in the Acceptance Approach to
discipline, what happens when students are not getting the
recognition they desire, continually seek help, and refuse to
43.  Which of the following best relate to basic literacy to work unless the teacher hovers over them?
A.    Drills                                 C. Field experience
A.    Withdrawal            C. Attention getting
B.    Text-based learning               D. Demonstration
B.    Power seeking        D. Revenge seeking
44.  If threat of punishment is necessary, which of the
46.  Judging the relative severity of common classroom
following expressed the threat with LEAST severity?
management strategies, which of the following is LEAST
A.          “I will work for your removal from class and you are a severe if applied on erring students?
shame to your classmates”

A.         Surprise quiz                        
B.          Lowering school mark 49.  In the school, who is the key to the success or failure in
teaching-and-learning, being the link between the child and
C.          Throwing student out of class the curriculum?

D.         Summons to principal’s office  

  A.    The parent             C. The student

47.  To what problem type do students belong, who have B.    The teacher         D. The principal
difficulty due to low potential or lack of readiness rather than
motivation to work?  

A.    Underachiever        C. Withdrawn 50.  For the group guidance approach to classroom

management, what element is lacking when work is badly
B.    Low achiever        D. Immature scheduled, badly sequenced or confusing?

  A.          disturbances in group climate   

48.  Of subcategories of teacher movement behavior, what is B.         poor group organization

happening when the teacher bursts into activities without
assessing student readiness and gives orders, statements, or C.          Poor interpersonal relations
questions that confuse students?
D.         Dissatisfaction with classroom work
A.    Stimulus-bounded         C. Thrust
51.  Which of the following is an active strategy in
B.    Truncation                    D. Dangle transformative education?

  A.    Drill               C. Brainstorming
B.    Lecture           D. Demonstration 54.  Among the mistaken goals in the Acceptance Approach
to discipline, what happens when students feel helpless and
  rejected so that they remove themselves rather than confront
the situation?
52.  How does the “humaneness” of the teacher best
describe when he/she is full of interest and enthusiasm in the A.    Withdrawal                 C. Revenge seeking
work of teaching?
B.    Power seeking               D. Attention getting
A.    Knowledge             C. Perceptiveness
B.    Responsiveness      D. Sensitivity
55.  Among styles of classroom management, which expects
  teaches to specify rules of behavior, consequence for
disobeying them, and to communicate these rules and
consequences clearly?
53.  For problems of discipline that cannot be resolved in
class which of the following should NOT be done as it
reduces the authority of the teacher? A.          Business-academic style                 

  B.          Behavioral modification style     

A.    Rely on others to resolve your classroom problems C.          Group managerial style

B.    Analyze your methods D.         Assertive style

C.    Give students a chance to redeem himself  

D.    Communicate with parents 56.  To manage behavior, the teacher needs to be able to
identify the mistaken goals of students. What is the hidden
goal of students who refuse to cooperate or participate?
  C.          Content applied to real-life situations

A.    Goal is to get revenge    C. Goal is to seek power D.         Overemphasis on drill and practice

B.    Goal is to isolate self  D. Goal is to get attention  

  59.  Of the following, which is NOT an example of

instructional goals?
57.  Under the psychomotor domain of learning what relates
to expressive movement proper posture, gesture, facial  
expression and creative movements, e.g. taking part in a
play? A.  Critical understanding of Lyric poetic lines

  B.   Appreciation of art

A.    Skilled movements     C. Non-discursive communication C.   Understanding mathematical concepts

B.    Perceptual abilities         D. Reflex movements D.  Development of reading skills


58.  In the implementation of the curriculum at the classroom 60.  Which of the following will not serve the aims of
level, ineffective strategies are called “Red”. Which of the Sequential Synthesizing Technique (SST) to enhance one-
following belongs to the Red Flag? way lecture in class?


A.          Integration of problem solving   A.    Rhetorical questioning    C. Plus-minus survey sheet

B.          Available enrichment activities   B.    Test after the lecture     D. Small group discussion

61.  Following a model procedure how is the process in 63.  Of the following, which is a non-threatening style of
Problem-Based learning sequenced? disciplining unruly students?

  A.          Stand under heat of the sun     

A.   I.    List action for what we need to know           3 B.          Do push-ups     

B.   II.   Explore the issues                                     1 C.         Send to guidance office

C.   III.  Write solution with supporting document            4 D.         Squat before the class

D.  IV.  Develop and write problem statement          2  

  64.  Among unit plan components, to what cluster do

projected competencies-outcomes belong?
A.    I, IV, II and III                     C. II, IV, I and III
A.          Resources and materials   
B.    II, I, IV and III                     D. III, I, IV and II
B.         Objectives
C.          Evaluation procedures
62.  Under the domains of learning, to what domain do
Comprehension Analysis and valuation belong? D.         Content


A.    Reflective               C. Affective 65.  What is being shown by teachers who ignore slow-

learners and take pride in the work of fast learners?
B.    Cognitive             D. Psychomotor
  C.          Dramatize experience

A.    Bullying                 C. Hurting Invectives D.         Demonstration

B.    Cursing                 D. Discrimination  

  68.  Of the following, which is the most traditional

“technology” in the limited sense of tools for education?
66.  In the process of integrating technology in instruction,
which of the following points to the highest kind of cognitive  
skills desired?
A.    Moving film            C. CD-ROM
A.          Nurturing of class teamwork     
B.    Chalkboard          D. Graphs and photos
B.          Engendering meaningful learning     
C.          Introducing social learning
69.  What provides the most direct type of learning, but is
D.         Developing metacognition difficult to supply in the traditional classroom?


67.  When classes began, Teacher Dan asked students in A.          Real-life experience   

pairs to interview and introduce each other to the class. How
will this activity be classified according to Edgar Dale’s cone B.         Computer-assisted learning 
of experience?
C.          Verbal symbolism
A.         Purposeful experience  
D.         Multisensory instructional aids
B.          Verbal symbols  
70.  What competency is achieved when students are  
assigned to prepare a class newsletter?
74.  Of the following, which is NOT a characteristics of the
  Response Journal that reflects observations and
interpretations of the student such as on a reading material or
A.    interviewing                  C. Information writing a field visit?

B.    Internet downloading     D. Photographic documentation   

72.  According to Nagel’s Acronym PPPF, what is important A.    Encourage risk taking            C. Open and factual
to Follow Up in the proper use of instructional materials?
B.    Literary and grammatical              D. Non-threatening
A.    Student interest            C. Lesson Objective
B.    Student expectations     D. Media and materials
75.  Principal Rodriguez introduced machine scored tests in
  his school. What factor in scoring does this add to make tests
more reliable?
73.  In her tests, Teacher Dorie made tests that were either
too difficulty or too easy. What was wrong with her tests? A.    Objective scoring        C. Ease in checking

  B.    Cost-saving                  D. Time-economics

A.         Inappropriate level of difficulty of the test items  

B.          Identifiable pattern of answers 76.  Since Teacher Alvin wants his test to be more reliable,
which of the following should he adopt?
C.          Unclear directions
A.          Make a test that requires students the need for more
D.         Ambiguity
time to complete
B.          Make the test difficult  

C.          Increase number of test items 79.  Among active participation of school officials and
teachers in the community, which of the following is NOT
D.         Restrict range of abilities in the test appropriate due to preventing religious sentiments?

  A.    Literacy assistance for out-of-school children/youths

77.  In preparing classroom tests, which of the following B.    Household campaign for healthful practice
checklist is the LAST among steps in tests preparation?
C.    Introducing cooperative thrift practices
D.    Promoting contraceptives for Planned Parenthood
A.          How are the test scores to be tabulated?
B.          Have I prepared a Table of Specifications
80.  Of the types of validity for test, what reflects the
C.         How are the test results to be reported? knowledge and skills in the program of students?

D.         How is the objective item to be scored  

  A.    Curricular validity    C. Content validity

78.  Among the opportunities for Essay Questions, which of B.    Criterion validity     D. Predictive validity
the following does NOT provide high-level thinking

A.    Analysis          C. Synthesis 81.  Among cognitive levels of thinking, what cognitive level is

stressed by the Essay question: “In the light of the facts
B.    Evaluation      D. Memorization presented, what is most likely to happen when…?
A.    Inferring              C. Applying 84.  Of the following which is basic top development reading
or reading as a developmental task?
B.    Classifying      D. Analyzing
A.          Higher thinking process    
82.  For easier correction of his test, Teacher Edward
prepared the True and False items in alternating 1, 3, 5, 7, B.          Word recognition
etc. True, and 2, 4, 6 etc. False. What is wrong with the test
in terms of Usability? C.         Vocabulary meaning

  D.         Degrees of comprehension

A.          Improper arrangement of items  

B.          Identifiable pattern of answers  85.  Learning is influenced by social interaction and

interpersonal relation. What must a “teacher do”?
C.          Ambiguity
D.         Poorly constructed test items
A.    Make students feel good about themselves
B.    Motivate students to reflect on how they learn
83.  Which of the following best describes creativity?
C.    Give more independent study
A.    Imaginative  C. Resourceful
D.    Make students work collaboratively
B.    Positive          D. Inspired
86.  Someone said, “Experience without theory is blind, but 88.  Of the following, which best describes peer teaching-
theory without experience is mere intellectual play” this and-learning?
means that      .
A.    Individual               C. Personal
A.    Theory and experience must go on hand-in-hand
B.    Collegial               D. Professional
B.    Theory is more important than experience
C.    Experience is more important than theory
89.  How can new information be made more meaningful to
D.    One can stand without the other students?


87.  Of the following, which is the best way parents can A.    Valuing new knowledge
support the learning development of their children?
B.    Relating it to knowledge they already know
C.    Demonstrating novelty of new knowledge
A.    Buying materials for class projects
D.    Increasing retention of new knowledge
B.    Making calls on teachers
C.    Interest and assistance in class assignments
90.  Which of the following does NOT belong to the meta-
D.    Checking report card grades cognitive reading activities?

A.    Predicting               C. Sampling citizens during the Martial Law Period of the 1970s. What
level of comprehension did Historian Luna apply?
B.    Testing                D. Perceiving
A.    Applied reading beyond the lines
91.  On components of direct instruction, which involves
teachers and students working together on a skill or task and B.    Interpretative reading between lines
figuring out how to apply the strategy?
C.    Literal reading the lines
D.    Evaluative reading on character, plot or style
A.    Guided practice   C. Consolidation
B.    Application             D. Modeling
94.  Sequence the following events on the historical
  development of reading.

92.  To survive in the global community and in the twenty first    I.        Greek letters and the Roman alphabet were
century, one must be a developed 3


A.    Digital expert                    C. Digital native  II.        Through the Semlte’s ingenuity, sounds and symbols
gave rise to the Phoenician alphabet 2
B.    Digital immigrant           D. Authority
III.        People used pictures and characters to convey
93.  Historian Luna viewed authoritarian democracy is good messages    1
governance due to the reported strict discipline observed by
  A.    Down-top                     C. Top-down

IV.        Researchers showed the process of reading, B.    Interactive          D. Bottoms-up

comprehension and Interpretation 4
97.  Among teaching styles, how do you classify teachers
  who are control oriented and impose rules without
A.    I, II, III, and IV             C. III, II, I and IV
B.    I, II, IV and III                     D. IV, II, I and III
A.    Authoritative              C. Permissive
B.    Authoritarian          D. Uninvolved
95.  What is known as getting the meaning of a new
unfamiliar word by looking for hints form surrounding words in  
a sentence or paragraph?
A.    Context clues                    C. Semantic clues
98.  In learning complex matters, what is important to give
B.    Syntactic clues               D. Graphophonic clues focus on?


96.  Among models of reading strategies, what did student A.          Separate and diverse thoughts and beliefs
Lina adopt when she read back and forth, attending to both
what is in her mind and what’s on the page? B.          Meaning from information experience and beliefs

  C.          Past information and knowledge

D.         Interest applicable to everyone B.    Receiving               D. Application


99.  Which is NOT an aim in having partners in team 102. In the 5 S Formula to create a conducive learning
learning? environment, which S stands for cleanliness of the work
A.    Focused attention                 C. Cooperative work
A.    Self-discipline                C. Shining
B.    Sharing ideas                           D. Lighter work
B.    Systematic                   D. Sort
100. Among the components in the instructional framework
for learning strategies, which is demonstrated by teacher Ana 103. In his Literature class, teacher Ted stress to one’s own
who assigns homework for students to do on their own? ability to write poetic verse drawn from sensible images
thoughts and perceptions. What creative thinking behavior is
  he trying to develop in students?

A.    Independent practice        C. Consolidation A.    Curiosity                C. Originality

B.    Review                               D. Modeling B.    Awareness             D. Elaboration


101. In the taxonomy of learning objectives or outcomes, 104. Among thinking skills in learning, what includes fluent,
which relates to judging in terms of internal evidence or flexible, original and elaborate thinking?
logical consistency, or external evidence consistent with fact?
A.    Evaluation           C. Valuing
A.    Divergent thinking
B.    Convergent thinking C.          Pillars of instruction, research and outreach for
C.    Critical thinking
D.         Mission-vision of schools for success
D.    Problem solving
107. What observation attests to the fact that the student’s
105. In elearning, which is the motivational aspect of learning motivation vary according to socio-cultural background?
through the electronic media?
A.          Females mature earlier than boys
A.          Virtual learning  
B.          Genetic endowments may show gifted endowments
B.         Enthusiasm to use technology     among the young

C.          Technology integration C.          Brains of boys are bigger and better than those of
D.         Digital platforms
D.         Children from low-income household meet more
obstacle in learning
106. What is the main focus of the Schools Mean Success
(SMS) concept for lifelong learning?
108. What is the primary advantage of active learning
techniques (discussion, role play, gaming, etc.) in instruction?
A.          School recognition and accreditation for success
B.          Tapping student’s potentials for success
A.    Higher order thinking     C. Student engagement
B.    Problem-solving            D. Focus on questions not B.    Neurological           D. Physical
112. In Outcome-Based education, which of the following are
109. Classroom routines form the backbone of daily school not considered as outcomes?
activities, but which of the following is NOT covered by such
routines? A.    Products                       C. Portfolios

A.    Lesson content                  C. Seating arrangement B.    Procedures                 D. Performances

B.    Distribution of papers           D. Submission of work  

  113. Where can students find critical views on current events

in newspapers?
110. Following Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral Development,
what is the moral reasoning or perspective of Joy who allows A.    Entertainment               C. Ads section
her classmate to copy her test work, so that she will be her
B.    Opinion page               D. News page
A.    Social approval                  C. Obedience
114. Among written categories of assessment methods, what
B.    Punishment                          D. Law and order
instruments did teacher Mona use when she used a check list
  in order to grade the dramatic performance of students in
111. What condition afflicts child learners who have to count
on fingers to tell whether 5 is more than 4? A.         Performance test   

A.    Emotional                     C. Mental B.          Observation and self reports     

C.          Product rating scale 117. What should be the basis of remedial instruction?

D.         Oral questioning A.          Complex patterns in learning

  B.          Basic errors and lapses

115. Which is the research method or techniques best suited C.         Errors, failings and lapses
for the study of the incidences in early marriage in Barangay
Rizal? D.         Identified systematic errors by students


A.    Case study                    C. Observational technique 118. What desirable thinking behavior is aimed I poetry
writing activity
B.    Historical method              D. Opinion polling
A.    Interest                 C. Awareness
B.    Originality           D. Curiosity
116. How can lessons be made more meaningful by way of
learning continuity?  

A.          Add value to content  119. Among general categories of assessment methods,

what instruments did pre- school teacher Eva use when she
B.          Introduces new content     rated the hand writing of her student using a prototype
handwriting model?
C.          Stress retention of facts
D.         Relate present with past lesson
A.          Performance test
B.          Observation and self-reports    
C.         Written response instruments 122. Of the following, which is most conducive for authentic
D.         Product rating scale
A.          Complex multiple-choice test    
B.          Performance drill
120. Which indicator is most useful for assessing quality of
schooling? C.          De-contextualized setting

A.          Drop-out rate     D.         Real world application

B.         Cohort survival rate  

C.          Net enrollment rate 123. In order for assessment to have clarity of learning
targets, outcomes must be stated in behavioral terms so that
D.         Participation rate this can be measured. Which of the following shows this
desired clarity?
121. With what should the assessment of test items be
aligned? A.    To practice reading with competence

A.          Monitoring and evaluation  B.    To improve the speed of reading competence

B.          Instructional objectives      C.    To appreciate reading competence

C.         Instructional media D.    To understand the concept of reading competence

D.         Content and process  

124. What is an example of a book or writing intended for A.    Portfolio assessment  C. Interview of students
moral knowledge of the very young readers?
B.    Scoring rubric               D. Self assessment
A.    Romeo and Juliet           C. Jack and the Beanstalk
127. What is an alternative assessment tool that consist of a
B.    Diary of Anne Frank        D. Les Miserable collection of work artifacts or in progress accomplishment by
a targeted clientele?
125. Using rubrics, which is futuristic and hypothetical among
the following criteria chosen to assess a planed students A.    Portfolio                      C. Achievement test
affairs program for the school year?
B.    Evaluation instrument    D. Rubric
A.         Projected impact of project/activities
128. Which aspect of multi-intelligence is enhanced by asking
B.          Feasibility of project/activities students to work on a physical model of the atom after a
teacher’s discussion on the subject of the atom?
C.          Full participation of students
D.         Significance of the students affairs program
A.    Interpersonal         C. Mathematical
B.    Kinesthetical        D. linguistic
126. Which of the following is the most reliable tool for
determining the students’ ability to write?  

129. With closeness to direct experience as standard, which 132. What is being assessed by the Rubric that seeks to
one should a teacher choose? assess high, moderate, or low imaginative thinking?

  A.    Creativity      C. Appeal

A.    Contrived experience      C. Dramatized experiences B.    Aesthetic        D. Craftsmanship

B.    Study trip                            D. Demonstration  

  133. What can be said of student performance in a skewed

class score distribution?
130. To what principle should the responsibility of the teacher
be shared?  

A.    Learner accountability    C. Learner responsibility A.          Most students performed well

B.    Learner performance      D. Learner competencies B.         All students had average performance

  C.          Few students performed well

131. In a Problem-Based Learning Group, who take notes, D.         Most students performed poorly
join discussion and review materials?
134. What is wrong with test items that give clues to answers
A.    Facilitator            C. Team members to questions?

B.    Team leader           D. Recorder  

  A.    Unclear directions          C. Tests brevity

B.    Poor construction        D. Ambiguity 137. What kind of assessment helps teachers determine
gaps in learning a subject matter?
A.    Formative assessment           C. Summative assessment
135. What dependent variable can be used to test the
hypothesis, “The more a teacher knows about a specific B.    Diagnostic test                  D. Placement examination
subject matter, the better she can teach it”?
138. Tests should be non-threatening, but which of the
A.    Teachers yearly performance rating following actually threatens students?

B.    Personality traits of the teacher  

C.    Motivation from the school head A.          Self-record of test scores  

D.    Incentives offered to teachers B.         Surprise quiz   

  C.          Scheduled exam

136. Among standardized tests, which is to measure D.         Submission of report

cognitive abilities, and administered either as a group or
individual test?  

  139. An entering student in college would like to determine

which course is best suited for him. Which test is appropriate
A.    Intelligence test         C. Aptitude test for this purpose?

B.    Achievement test           D. Personality test  

  A.    Achievement test           C. Intelligence test

B.    Diagnostic test                     D. Aptitude test C.          Decrease in the amount of practice goes with
decrease in the number of errors
D.         As the amount of practice increases, the number of
140. In assessment for problem-Based Learning, who are errors decreases
responsible in judging student performance?
A.          Teacher-and-supervisors                 
142. Which is TRUE when the standard deviation is big?
B.          Teacher-students-supervisors          
C.         Teacher-and-students
A.         Scores are spread out   
D.         Teacher and peers
B.          Scores are not extremes   
C.          The bell curve shape is steep
141. What is the meaning of a negative correlation between
amount of practice and number of errors in tennis? D.         Scores are concentrated


A.          The decrease in the amount of practice sometimes 143. What is the erroneous concept of outcome in Outcome-
affects the number of errors Based Education?

B.          The increase in the amount of practice does not at all  

affect the number of errors
A.    Performance   C. Results
B.    Products         D. Content 147. Among categories of thinking skills, which is the ability to
break down complex information into parts for

144. As positive correlation is to direct relation, to what A.    Focusing                C. Sharpening

relation is negative correlation?
B.    Narrowing              D. Analysis
A.    Definite relation      C. Inverse relation
B.    Neutral relation      D. Indefinite relation
148. What does the test mean if the difficulty index is 1?
A.    Missed by everyone        C. Very difficult
145. What is the active learning strategy to promote friendly
competition and an atmosphere of fun in learning? B.    Very essay                  D. A quality item

A.    Games          C. Debate  

B.    Fishbowl         D. Case study  

  150. The world has become a global village, what sound

practice is expected of teachers?
146. What correlation is determined when there are three
raters of an essay test? A.    Ethnocentrism                      C. Ethnic cleansing

A.    Triple rater                 C. External rater B.    Respect of diverse cultures      D. Xenocentrism

B.    Multiple rater                D. Inter-rater  

  1. Which is true of LET passers?

A. Every LET passer shall be required to take the I. Be attuned to the school environment
Professional Oath before practicing as a II. Learn guidelines to follow
Professional Teacher III. Develop good relations
B. Taking the Professional Oath before practicing as a
Professional Teacher is optional for LET passer A. II and III B. I and II C. I only D. I, II, and III
C. The Professional Oath can be taken before any B.
Professional Teacher 5. A teacher introduces herself as teacher only. What
D. The taking of oath must be within one month from does this imply?
passing the LET
A. The teaching profession is not a very significant one
2. Can a failed examinee qualify for a position of para- B. The teaching profession is the lowest paid
teacher? profession
C. She must have been forced to pursue a career in
A. No teaching
B. Yes D. She takes no pride in the teaching profession
C. Yes, if his LET rating is below 75
D. Yes, if his LET rating is 70 and above 6. When should teachers support one another

3. In order to assist new teachers, which is the most A. At all times for whatever cause
effective way to clarify the school’s goals and B. When they dialogue with administration
responsibilities early in the first year? C. When there is rift among teachers
D. When the best interest of learners is at stake in a
A. School curriculum C. Principal’s controversy
B. Student’s handbook D. Orientation 7. Name the skills relevant to the teachers looking at
problems as opportunities:
4. How do orientation sessions help the new teacher?
I. Responsiveness to problem solving
II. Alertness for possibilities 10. What does “once a teacher, forever a student”
III. Strong defense for tradition imply for the professional teacher?
IV. Capacity to forget problems
A. Teacher’s affinity with the student
A. I, II, III, and IV C. II, III, and IV B. Student-centered instruction
B. I and II D. I, II, and III C. Post-graduate studies for teachers
D. Lifelong learning
8. Which of the following is not relevant as immediate
expectations for BEED and BSEd graduates? 11. What is the overall stream for education, growth
and fulfillment in the teaching profession?
A. Acting as an agent of change
B. Motivation for continuing professional growth A. Merit and promotion C. In-service
C. Principled understanding of the learning process B. Lifelong career D. Pre-service
D. High literacy and critical thinking
12. In essence, what is the new Performance
9. Among the following, which directly qualifies the Appraisal System for Teachers (PAST)?
teacher candidate to be registered at par with other
professions like medicine, law, nursing, and the like? A. Competency-based C. Practice-
A. Teaching job placement B. Skill-based D. Knowledge-based
B. Licensure examination
C. Continuing professional education 13. What is known as a self-appraisal for professional
D. Membership in professional education growth that is acceptable and useful for recognizing
weakness and strengths for a new beginning teacher?

A. Self-evaluation C. Master teacher’s

B. Student’s evaluation D. Principal’s evaluation
D. Department of Education
14. Self-evaluation can be done in various ways, but
this is not one of them. 17. Under R.A. 7722 or Higher Education Act of
1994, which agency identifies supports and develops
A. Written reflection centers of excellence among higher education
B. Self-videotape of class performance institutions in the country?
C. Use of an evaluation instrument
D. Peer feedback session A. Department of Education
B. Professional Regulation Commission
15. What problem is given focus by research studies C. Commission on Higher Education
which show low rate of work absorption among D. Teacher Education Council
technical/vocational graduates?
18. Which of the following has greatly influenced the
A. Highly protected formal sector introduction of K-to-12 reform in basic education?
B. Training-job mismatch
C. Too long vocational courses A. Need to employ more teachers
D. Penalized informal sector B. Need to conform to international standards
C. Need to allot for more funding
D. Need to upgrade facilities of schools

16. Under R.A. 7722 or Higher Education Act of 19. From the Constitution, what is the condition for
1994, which agency has direct supervision and allowing students to be taught religion in public
management of teacher education institutions or schools?
colleges of education in the country?
A. Catechists paid by government
A. Commission on Higher Education B. Extra pay for teachers
B. Professional Board of Teachers C. Outside of school hours only
C. Teacher Education Council D. Upon written permission by parents
D. Right for institutions for higher learning to determine
20. What is the constitutional exemption for academic grounds for admission
prohibition to establish schools solely for aliens in the
Philippines? 23. Among categories of time in classrooms and
schools, which refers to the number of days and hours
A. Schools for Asians only in the school calendar specified by the school and
B. Schools for special alien children government agencies?
C. Religious or mission schools
D. Schools for children of diplomats and their A. Allocated time C. Engaged time
dependents B. Mandated time D. Instruction time

24. Of the following, which needy and qualified

21. To whose responsibility is assigned by Philippine students are most deserving of government funding
Constitution to the establishment, maintenance and assistance (scholarships, grants-in-aid, etc.)?
support of complete, adequate, and integrated system
of education? A. Students from cultural communities
B. Students who show high learning skills
A. The citizens C. Poor transferees from private schools
B. The legislators D. Students from sub-urban areas
C. The state
D. The local government 25. Former DepEd Director described her humble
early schooling: a silong (ground floor of a house)
22. Among rights of the schools, which is not converted into a classroom. Which best characterizes
provided by the law? the situation?

A. Right for basic education to subjects of study A. Church-school C. School-home

B. Right to provide proper governance connection
C. Right to enforce administrative systems B. City school facility D. Rural village school
29. What best describes “puwede na” mentality vs.
26. The world has become a global village. What excellence in work/service?
sound practice is expected of teachers?
A. Arduous preparation C. Committed work
A. Ethnocentrism C. Ethnic cleansing B. Resignation to mediocrity D. Striving to be the
B. Respect of diverse culture D. Xenocentrism best

27. What observation tests to the fact that the 30. What is the cultural trait of conflicting values that
student’s motivation vary according to socio-cultural aims to please people in different venues and situations
background? rather than abide by principles?

A. Females mature earlier than boys A. Bahala na mentality C. Split-personality

B. Genetic endowments may show gifted endowments B. Crab mentality D. Kanya-kanya
among the young system
C. Brains of boys are bigger and better than those of
females 31. Among components of a morally mature person,
D. Children from low-income household meet more which demonstrates that a teacher seeks peaceful
obstacles in learning resolution of conflicts?

28. Which of the following displays one’s care for the A. Fulfilling commitments
welfare of others? B. Working for peace/reconciliation
C. Doing community work
A. Accepting responsibility for one’s choices D. Accepting responsibility for choices
B. Fulfilling commitments
C. Developing self-esteem
D. Taking pleasure in helping others
35. In the poem, “When in Distance with Fortune and
32. Inculcating moral maturity among students, which Men’s Eyes” Shakespeare felt depressed looking at his
of the following relates to beliefs and ideals? sad fate and wishing he were someone else more rich,
with many friends, with greater skills and future
A. Referring for prejudiced action prospects in life. What is the best antidote to such
B. Respecting freedom of conscience depressed feelings?
C. Promoting human equality
D. Avoiding deception and dishonesty A. Deny that others have more than you have
B. Count your own blessings
33. Among active participation of school officials and C. Strive to surpass others
teachers in the community, which of the following is not D. Think of others poorer than you are
appropriate due to prevailing religious sentiments?
36. Among mistaken goals in the Acceptance
A. Literacy assistance for out-of-school children/youths Approach to discipline, what happens when students
B. Household campaign for healthful practice seek to hurt others to make up being hurt or rejected?
C. Introducing cooperative thrift practices
D. Promoting contraceptives for Planned A. Revenge seeking C. Withdrawal
Parenthood B. Power seeking D. Attention getting

34. What is the degree of moral certitude of Alegre

who entered into marriage only out of obedience to her
parents, but certain whether she wanted marriage at

A. Lax B. Probable C. Doubtful D. 37. Among mistaken goals in the Acceptance

Certain Approach to discipline, what happens when students
are not getting the recognition they desire, continually
seek help, and refuse to work unless the teacher A. Withdrawn C. Low achiever
hovers over them? B. Defiant D. Distractible

A. Attention getting C. Revenge seeking 41. Of the approaches to classroom management,

B. Withdrawal D. Power seeking which involves a variety of techniques and methods of
ranging simple rewards to elaborate reinforcement, e.g.
38. Among mistaken goals in the Acceptance praise or rewards?
Approach to discipline, what happens when students
feel helpless and rejected so that they remove A. Behavioral modification approach
themselves rather than confront the situation? B. Group management approach
C. Business-academic approach
A. Withdrawal C. Revenge seeking D. Assertive approach
B. Power seeking D. Attention getting

39. To manage behavior, the teacher needs to be

able to identify the mistaken goals of the students.
What is the hidden goal of students who become

A. Goal is to seek power C. Goal is to isolate 42. Among styles of classroom management, which
self expects teachers to specify rules of behavior,
B. Goal is to get attention D. Goal is to get revenge consequence for disobeying them, and to communicate
these rules and consequences clearly?
40. To what problem type do students belong, who
have short attention span, unable to sustain A. Business-academic approach
concentration by being easily affected by sights, B. Behavioral modification approach
sounds or speech? C. Group managerial style
D. Assertive style
D. “You will report early to school tomorrow or you will
43. Of the approaches to classroom management, be marked absent.”
which emphasizes the organization and management
of studentsas they engage in academic work? 46. Of the following, which is a non-threatening style
of disciplining unruly students?”
A. Assertive approach
B. Group managerial approach A. Stand under heat of the sun
C. Behavioral modification approach B. Do push-ups
D. Business-academic approach C. Send to guidance office
D. Squat before the class
44. If threat or punishment is necessary on erring
students, how should this be done? 47. Judging the relative severity of common
classroom management strategies, which of the
A. First a warning before the threat following is least severe if applied on erring students?
B. Make the threat with immediate punishment
C. Make the threat and reinforce with warning A. Surprise quiz
D. Warn and threat at the same B. Lowering school mark
C. Throwing students out of class
45. If threat or punishment is necessary, which of the D. Summons to principal’s office
following expressed the threat with LEAST severity?
48. For problems of discipline that cannot be resolved
A. “I will work for your removal from class and you are a in class, which of the following should not be done as it
shame to your classmates.” reduces the authority of the teacher?
B. “I will send you to principal’s office, or else also
ask your parents to confer with the principal.” A. Rely on others to resolve your classroom
C. “You will get shortened recess or receive more problems
severe punishment.” B. Analyze your methods
C. Give students a chance to redeem himself
D. Communicate with parents D. Shaming erring student before the class

49. Which of the following is the best option to deal

with chronic behavior problems in the classroom?
52. As preventive measure for classroom discipline,
A. Indicate consequences of behavior the teacher may restructure the program. How is this
B. With gained confidence and skills not be done?
C. Be calm and consistent
D. Establish positive expectations for students A. Teach again lessons difficult to understand
B. Remove tension level before processing with lesson
50. Teacher Liza acts like a classroom manager, not C. Modify lesson
a disciplinarian. Which of the following did she avoid D. Skip whole lesson unit altogether
53. Teacher Jose talks to students about their
A. Being consistent with disciplinary pattern interests, what they did over the weekend, their
B. Establish and enforce simple rules progress in school work, etc. What positive approach to
C. Relax discipline early in the first weeks, being classroom management did Teacher Jose apply?
more tight later
D. Establish pattern of disciplinary early in the first A. Trusting students
weeks of school B. Being fair and consistent
C. Expressing interest for students
51. From classroom management strategies applied D. Being positive
on erring on students, which of the following should not
be done? 54. Each teacher has a role as a behavior reinforcing
agent. Which of the following should not be encouraged
A. Surprise quiz among teachers?
B. Parent-principal conference
C. Communicating problem to parents A. Positive relationship
B. Threats B. Competitive D. Autocratic
C. Reward appropriate behavior
D. Constant reinforcement 58. In the 5’S Formula to create a conducive learning
environment, which S stands cleanliness of the work
55. How and when should teachers most effectively place?
deal with misdemeanor for class management and
control? A. Shine B. Sweep C. Systematized D.
A. At the beginning of the class
B. By end of each class 59. Among the components in the instructional
C. Early and promptly framework for learning strategies, which is
D. When heads have control demonstrated by teacher Ana who assigns homework
for students to do on their own?
56. Which of the following best characterize the
Business-Academic Approach in classroom A. Independent practice C. Consolidation
management? B. Review D. Modeling

A. Persist, enforce, don’t give up 60. What mistake is teacher Benny trying to avoid
B. Calmness, consistency, confidence when he never drops a topic before it is completed?
C. Work, organization, procedures
D. Control, persistency, sanctions A. Dangling topic C. Bounded topic
B. Non-directional topic D. Non-assessed

57. Which of the following classroom climate is less 61. Of subcategories of teacher movement behavior,
threatening? what is happening when the teacher bursts into
activities without assessing student readiness and
A. Cooperative C. Individualistic
gives orders, statements, or questions that confuse D. Reprimand quietly
64. What is being shown by teachers who ignore
A. Stimulus-bounded C. Thrust slow-learners and take pride in the work of fast-
B. Truncation D. Dangle learners?

62. The class has become uncontrollable, and so A. Bullying C. Cursing

teacher yen decided to have some undisciplined B. Hurling invectives D. Discrimination
students out of the room to the counselor’s office. What
did teacher Yen apply by way of preventive approach to 65. The following are non-verbal behavior by
discipline? teachers. Which one is an encouraging behavior?

A. Removing seductive objects C. Antiseptic A. Voice volume shows arrogance

bouncing B. Teacher grabs, slaps students
B. Direct appeal D. Physical restraint C. Stands or sits that shows alertness
D. Teacher frowns, sneers

66. The following are examples of non-verbal

behavior. Which one is restricting or not acceptable
mannerism by teachers?

63. Teacher Anna dealt effectively with a minor A. Teacher suggests approval for students and
infarction of whispering a student to a neighbor during continues with “um-hm”
class. Which of the following did she do? B. Teacher moves toward student
C. Teacher slouches to suggest being carefree
A. Use non-verbal signals (gesture or facial expression) D. Teacher’s intonation shows support
B. Continue to teach and ignore infarction
C. Reprimand student after class
67. Among teaching styles, how do you classify B. I, II, and III D. I and II
teachers who clearly and fairly communicate standards
for discipline and performance to student? 71. Students must be taught self-responsibility is the
desire of the ____________ teacher.
A. Authoritarian C. Permissive
B. Uninvolved D. Authoritative A. Existentialist C. Constructivist
B. Pragmatic D. Utilitarianist
68. Among teaching styles, how do you classify
teachers who lack confidence in enforcing and 72. Of the following, which is the most powerful
demanding compliance to rules? source of values like beauty and goodness outside the
school system?
A. Permissive C. Uninvolved
B. Authoritative D. Authoritarian A. Government propaganda C. Commercial
69. Among teaching styles, how do you classify B. Nature D. Mass media
teachers who are control oriented and impose rules
without explanation? 73. Of the following, which is the best way parents
can support the learning development of their children?
A. Authoritative C. Permissive
B. Authoritarian D. Uninvolved A. Buying materials for project
B. Making calls on teachers
70. Values are subjective. Your value may not C. Interest and assistance in class assignments
necessarily be my value. What subscribe to this D. Checking report card grades
74. Teacher Ernie makes sure that he covers the
I. Progressivist II. Pragmatists III. Essentialist essential subject content, while treating them
sufficiency or in-dept. What guiding principle is he
A. II and III C. I and III following for lesson preparation?
77. Of the following interventions, which is directly
A. Balance C. Significance aimed at responding to the transitional gap between
B. Feasibility D. Self-sufficiency academic achievement and employment?

A. Deregulation of tuition fees

B. Voluntary accreditation of schools
75. Which of the following is a quality of an engaging C. School networking with business and industry
learning environment most reflective of Education For D. Identification of centers of excellence
All (EFA)?
78. Learning is influenced by social interaction and
A. Improvised to enhance learning for all types of interpersonal relations. What must a teacher do?
B. Decentralized governance A. Make students work collaboratively
C. Student-centered learning activities B. Motivate students to reflect on how they learn
D. Open communication for all-teachers, parents, C. Make students feel good about themselves
students D. Give more independent study

76. What is the main focus of the Schools Mean 79. Which of the following refer to teamwork among
Success(SMS) concept for lifelong learning? teachers in classroom teaching?

A. School recognition and accreditation for success A. Peer evaluation C. Peer discussion
B. Tapping student’s potential for success B. Peer teaching D. Peer assessment
C. Pillars of instruction, research and outreach for
success 80. Of goals of education, which relates to the
D. Mission-vision of schools for success strengthening of our society’s sense of belonging and

A. Autonomy C. Moral character

B. Enculturation D. Citizenship 84. Among the following terms in technology, which
has the broadest concept of technology for the whole
81. In the implementation of the curriculum at the educative system?
classroom level, ineffective strategies are called “Red”.
Which of the following belongs to the Red Flag? A. Computer technology C. Instructional
A. Integration of problem solving B. Audiovisuals D. Educational
B. Available enrichment activities technology
C. Content applied to real-life situations
D. Overemphasis on drill and practice 85. In the process of integrating technology in
instruction, which of the following points to the highest
82. What does the traditional curriculum and mass kind of cognitive skills desired?
education lack that the progressive curriculum can
deliver? A. Nurturing of class teamwork
B. Engendering meaningful learning
A. Authoritarian role of the teacher C. Introducing social learning
B. Collective discipline D. Developing metacognition
C. Value for individualization
D. Rigid system of grading 86. While there is modernity and progress through
the use of technology in instruction, what is the greatest
83. Among unit plan components, to what cluster do danger along the domain of learning that is posed by
models, replicas, charts, graphs, and specimens technology?
A. Using technology to fill in lesson gaps
A. Resources and materials C. Evaluation procedures B. Using technology to lighten up lessons
B. Learning activities D. Objectives C. Developing passivity and uncritical minds
D. Developing visual and audial orientation
87. Of the following, which is the most traditional A. Relevance C. Satisfaction
example of “technology” in the limited sense of tools for B. Significance D. Expectancy
91. Of the following effects on learning, what is the
A. Moving film C. CD-ROM effect of assigning various sections of the newspaper,
B. Chalkboard D. Graphs and and allowing choice depending on the learner’s choice?
A. Changing attitudes and feelings
88. Which of the following is the most appropriate use B. Reinforcing learning
of television in the classroom? C. Allowing different interests
D. Encouraging participation
A. TV viewing for the whole one-hour class
B. TV viewing to replace absent teacher 92. According to Nagel’s Acronym PPFF, what is
C. TV viewing with cuts and explanation important to Follow Up in the proper use of instructional
D. TV viewing to entertain students materials?

89. In e-learning, which is the motivational aspect of A. Student interest C. Lesson

learning through the electronic media? objective
B. Student expectations D. Media and
A. Virtual imaging materials
B. Technology integration
C. Enthusiasm to use technology
D. Digital platforms
93. How can the teacher best begin in developing a
90. What is aroused among viewing learners by lesson plan design?
dramatic educational films in what is known as “cliff
hangers”? A. High level open-ended question
B. General learning goals
C. Vision-mission statement of the school people, places, and events. What learning
D. Clearly defined outcomes objective/outcome does she aim to achieve?

94. Among unit plan components, to what cluster do A. Application C. Responding

projected competencies-outcomes belong? B. Knowledge or recall D. Perpetual

A. Resources and materials C. Evaluation procedures 98. Which of the following best relate to basic literacy
B. Objectives D. Content to learners?

95. Classroom routines from the backbone of daily A. Drill C. Dramatize

school activities, but which of the following is not experiences
covered by such routines? B. Verbal symbols D. Demonstration

A. Submission of work C. Distribution of papers

B. Lesson content D. Seating
99. When classes began, Teacher Dan asked student
96. Which of the following is an acceptable teacher- in pairs to interview and introduce each other to the
effectiveness practice? class. How will this activity be classified according to
Edgar Dale’s cone of experience?
A. Setting of objectives rather than outcomes
B. Directions given sparingly and delivered casually A. Purposeful experience C. Dramatize
C. Classroom routines done early in the school experience
year B. Verbal symbols D. Demonstration
D. Planning done following monitoring of learning
100. With closeness to direct experience as standard,
97. In the History class, teacher Naomi uses a current which one should a teacher choose?
events IQ contest to determine champions in identifying
A. Contrived experiences C. Dramatize 104. How can lessons be made more meaningful by
experiences way of learning continuity?
B. Study trip D. Demonstration
A. Add value to content
101. What provides the most direct type of learning, B. Introduce new content
but is difficult to supply in the traditional classroom? C. Stress retention of facts
D. Relate present with past lesson
A. Real-life experience
B. Computer-assisted learning
C. Verbal symbolism
D. Multisensory instructional aids 105. How can a teacher introduce new information to
102. Of the following, which is a form of direct learning
experience? A. Valuing new knowledge
B. Relating it to knowledge they already know
A. Internet research C. Demonstrating novelty of new knowledge
B. Role playing D. Increasing retention of new knowledge
C. Village interview
D. Preparation of learning materials 106. Of the following classroom activities, which best
relate to child visual learning and development?
103. On clusters of meaningful learning activities,
which does not belong to bodily-kinesthetic learning A. Drawing and coloring C. Textbook reading
activities? B. Singing and acting D. Games and sports

A. Story telling C. Dance 107. In cognitive learning, what are firmly established
B. Hands-on demonstration D. Role-playing and thoroughly tested principles or theories?
A. Hypothesis B. Facts C. Laws D. A. Inferring B. Classifying C. ApplyingD.
Concepts Analyzing

108. Among cognitive objectives, what refers to the

transfer of knowledge from one concept to another?

A. Synthesis C. Analysis 112. Of skills teachers should understand and students

B. Application D. Comprehension need to acquire, which is the ability to monitor and
modify thinking, as well as deal with ambiguous or
109. In the taxonomy of learning objectives or unclear information without getting frustrated?
outcomes, which relates to judging in terms of internal
evidence or logical consistency, or external evidence A. Focusing B. Sharpening C. Tolerance D.
consistent with fact? Narrowing

A. Evaluation B. Receiving C. Valuing D. 113. Among categories of thinking skills, which is the
Application ability to breakdown complex information into parts for
110. Under the domains of learning, to what domain do
comprehension, analysis, and evaluation belong? A. Focusing B. Narrowing C. Sharpening D.
A. Reflective B. Cognitive C. AffectiveD.
Psychomotor 114. Which aspect of multi-intelligence is enhanced by
asking students to work on a physical model of the
111. Among cognitive levels of thinking, what cognitive atom after a teacher’s discussion on the subject of the
level is stressed by the Essay question: “In the light of atom?
the facts presented, what is most likely to happen
when…?” A. Interpersonal C. Mathematical
B. Kinesthetical D. Linguistic
115. In his Literature class, teacher Ted gives stress to 118. In his speech class, teacher Rod uses poetry
one’s own ability to write poetic verse, drawn from dramatic reading by students, using movements
sensible images, thoughts and perceptions. What (gestures, facial expressions, creative movements,
creative thinking behavior is he trying to develop in etc.). What learning objectives or outcome is he looking
students? for?

A. Curiosity B. Awareness C. Originality D. A. Non-discursive communication C. Skilled

Elaboration movements
B. Reflex movements D.
116. What is the primary advantage of active learning Characterization
techniques (discussion, role play, gaming, etc.) in
instruction? 119. Under the affective domain of learning, what
includes active attention to stimuli such as
A. Higher order thinking acquiescence, willingness to answer, and feelings of
B. Student engagement satisfaction?
C. Problem solving
D. Focus on questions, not answers A. Organization C. Responding
B. Valuing D. Characterization
117. Among thinking skills in learning, what includes
fluent, flexible, original and elaborate thinking? 120. Of the following, which is the effective way to
advance practical oral proficiency of students?
A. Divergent thinking C. Critical thinking
B. Convergent thinking D. Problem solving A. Give more group work compared with individual
B. Request the construction of a school speech
C. Engage students in conversational activities
D. Give stress to correct grammar 125. Among models of reading strategies, what did
student Lina adopt when she read back and forth,
121. What kind of literary works are very creative by attending to both what is in her mind and what’s on the
way of descriptive language and dramatic episodes? page?

A. Fiction novels C. Biography A. Down-top B. Interactive C. Top-down D.

B. Historical account D. Autobiography Bottoms-up

122. Where can students find critical views on current 126. Sequence the following events on the historical
event in newspapers? development of reading:

A. Entertainment page C. Ads section I. Greek letters and the Roman alphabet were
B. Opinion page D. News page developed
II. Through the Semite’s ingenuity, sounds and
123. What is an example of a book or writing intended symbols gave rise to the Phoenician alphabet
for moral knowledge of the very young readers? III. People used pictures and characters to convey
A. Romeo and Juliet C. Jack and the IV. Researchers showed the process of reading,
Beanstalk comprehension, and interpretation.
B. Diary of Anne Frank D. Les Miserables
A. I, II, III, and IV C. III, II, I, and IV
124. What desirable thinking behavior is aimed at in B. I, II, IV, and III D. IV, II, I, and III
poetry in writing activity?
127. What is known as learning a new word by
A. Interest B. Originality C. Awareness D. studying its roots and affixes?
A. Morphology C. Structural
B. Phonetic analysis D. Contextualization 131. How will you make a child memorize the table of
multiplication from the point of view of Pavlov?
128. What is known as getting the meaning of a new
unfamiliar word by looking for hints from surrounding A. Make them understand the meaning of multiplication
words in a sentence or paragraph? B. Call the child’s attention every time you recite
the table for them
A. Context clues C. Semantic clues C. Model the recitation of the table of multiplication
B. Syntactic clues D. Graphophonic D. Reward the child with a candy for every correct
clues recitation

129. In Grace Godell’s Reading Skills Ladder, which is 132. What field of education manages children with
at the very bottom and needed to move up to the behavioral problems like attention-deficit disorders?
sequential ladder of reading skills?
A. Distance education
A. Vocabulary building C. Basic sight words B. Special education
B. Phonetic analysis D. Structural C. Skills and technology training
analysis D. Early childhood education

130. In Grace Godell’s Skills Ladder, which step 133. Of the following, which is the truest of
should come last and only when needed? adolescents?

A. Using contextual clues C. Using the A. Hormonal changes C. Last splurge

dictionary of dependence
B. Using parts of a book D. Using phonetic B. Defiance of peer group D. Unruly behavior
134. In Piaget’s stages of Cognitive Development,
what is the pre-school age in which the child’s
intelligence is intuitive, able to make mental A. Logical thinking
representation, and close to the use of symbols? B. Abstract problem solving
C. Hypothesis making
A. Formal operational stage C. Sensory motor stage D. Knowing properties (number, mass, volume,
B. Concrete operational stage D. Preoperational etc.)
138. In Erickson’s Stages of Theory of Development,
135. In Piaget’s Concrete-Operational Stage in which affirmation belongs to the stage of Identity versus
cognitive development, which refers to the ability to Role Confusion?
order or arrange things logically on dimensions such as
weight, volume, or size? A. When people look at what I have done, I feel
A. Conservation C. Decentering B. I get a good deal of pleasure from working
B. Reversibility D. Seriation C. I wonder what sort of person I am
D. I feel competent
136. In Piaget’s Concrete-Operational Stage in
cognitive development, which refers to the ability of the 139. In Erickson’s Stages of Theory of Development,
child to perceive different features of objects and which of the following needs to be developed from the
situations, e.g. toughness in stone, elasticity in rubber, 1
child (1 to 2 years old)?

A. Decentering C. Reversibility A. Autonomy B. Initiative C. Industry D. Trust

B. Seriation D. Conservation
140. Following Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral
137. In Piaget’s Formal-Operational Stage in cognitive Development, what is the moral reasoning or
development, which of the following is not among the perspective of joy who allows her classmate to copy her
characteristics of the child’s thinking ability? test work, so that she will be her friend?
A. Social approval C. Obedience 144. Among examples listed, which does not represent
B. Punishment D. Law and order teaching strategies to develop metacognition?

141. Of the following questions, which relate to A. Have the students develop questions about what is
metacognition? going on around them
B. Have teachers the free hand to monitor and rate
A. How is this done? C. What facts did I learning achievement
know? C. Have students to monitor their own learning and
B. Am I learning well enough? D. When did this thinking
event occur? D. Have students make predictions about what is to be
142. Among the following questions, which is not
applicable to metacognition? 145. Among components in the instructional
framework for learning strategies, which is
A. How will I know if I am learning at an appropriate demonstrated by teacher Jiny who worked together
rate? with her students on a skill or task and figure out how to
B. Did I understand what I just hear, read or saw? apply the skill?
C. Do I know what I need to now?
D. What factual information have I retained? A. Independent practice C. Consolidation
B. Guided practice D. Review

143. Which of the following does not belong to the 146. Principal Ted thinks uses free and open dialogue,
metacognitive reading activities? event confrontation, so that teachers and learners can
learn to discard old habits and attitudes. What is his
A. Predicting B. Testing C. Sampling D. general view about learning?
A. It requires school resources
B. It is at times a painful process
C. It is a consequence of experience
D. It is primarily a fun experience A. Teacher’s yearly performance rating
B. Personality traits of the teacher
147. John Dewey said, “An ounce of experience is C. Motivation from the school head
better than a ton of theory.” To which does this D. Incentives offered to teachers
statement point?
150. In the school, who is the key to the success or
A. The need for theory C. The primacy of failure in teaching-and-learning, being the link between
experience the child and the curriculum?
B. The need for experience D. The primacy of theory
A. The teacher C. The student
B. The parent D. The principal

151. In outcomes based education, which of the

following are not considered outcomes?

148. Someone said, “Experience without theory is A. Products C. Portfolios

blind, but theory without experience is mere intellectual B. Procedures D. Performances
play.” This means that:
152. What is the erroneous concept of outcomes in
A. Theory and experience must go hand-in-hand Outcomes-Based Education?
B. Theory is more important than experience
C. Experience is more important than theory A. Performance B. Products C. Results D.
D. One can stand without the other Content

149. What dependent variable can be used to test the 153. In a Problem-Based Learning Group, who take
hypothesis, “The more a teacher knows about a notes, join discussion and review materials?
specific subject matter, the better she can teach it”?
A. Facilitator C. Team members
B. Team leader D. Recorder A. Focused attention C. Cooperative work
B. Sharing ideas D. Lighter work

157. What is the active learning strategy to promote

friendly competition and an atmosphere of fun in
154. In assessment for Problem-Based Learning, who
are responsible in judging student performance? A. Games B. Fishbowl C. Debate D.
Case study
A. Teacher-and-peers
B. Teacher-and-supervisors 158. Among development activities, which does not
C. Teacher-and-students belong to data-gathering activities which can allow
D. Teacher-students-supervisors active participation by students?

155. Following a model procedure, how is the process A. Library research C. Case study
in Problem-Based Learning sequenced? B. Solving real-world problems D. Panel discussion

I. List action for what we need to know 159. Of the following, which is the most conducive for
II. Explore the issues authentic assessment?
III. Write solution with supporting document
IV. Develop and write problems statement A. Complex multiple-choice test
B. Performance drill
A. I, IV, II, and III C. II, IV, I, and III C. De-contextualized setting
B. II, I, IV, and III D. III, I, IV, and II D. Real world application

156. Which is not an aim in having partners in team

160. Which of the following are alternative 163. What is a scoring guide that lists the criteria and
assessments? their levels of quality on which evaluation will be
A. Portfolio, exhibits, journals
B. Paper-and-pencil test, demonstration, reports A. Portfolio C. Stem
C. Multiple choice, structured observation, sentence B. Journal D. Rubric
D. Self-assessment, authentic assessment, surveys 164. Which is an alternative assessment tool that
consists of a collection of work artifacts or in progress
161. In order for assessment to have clarity of learning accomplishment by a targeted clientele?
targets, outcomes must be stated in behavioral terms
so that this can be measured. Which of the following A. Portfolio C. Achievement test
shows this desired clarity? B. Evaluation instrument D. Rubric

A. To practice reading with competence 165. Which of the following is the most reliable tool for
B. To improve the speed of reading competence determining student’s ability to write?
C. To appreciate reading competence
D. To understand the concept of reading competence A. Portfolio assessment C. Interview of
162. Among recording devices during assessment, B. Scoring rubric D. Self-assessment
which can the student use to describe behavior and
context which observations may be forgotten or 166. Using Rubrics to assess Powerpoint
remembered incorrectly? presentations of students, which criteria from the
following is most significant as it is the essence of
A. Portfolio C. Anecdotal record presentation?
B. Checklist D. Self-assessment
A. Presenting design C. Oral delivery
B. Content value D. Orderly B. Social service to upcoming generations
sequencing C. Economic security and welfare
D. Respected position in society
167. What is being assessed by the Rubric that seeks
to assess high, moderate, or low imaginative thinking? 171. Of the following, which is not a characteristic of
the Response Journal that reflects observations and
A. Aesthetic B. Creativity C. Appeal D. interpretations of the student, such as on a reading
Craftsmanship material or a field visit?

168. Which of the following best describes creativity? A. Encourage risk taking C. Open and factual
B. Literary and grammatical D. Non-threatening
A. Imaginative B. Positive C. Resourceful D.

169. Among written categories of assessment, what

instruments did Science teacher Julian use when he
prepared a list of behavior that make up a certain type
of performance in the use of microscope? 172. What is the criterion-referenced test designed to
A. Observation of self-report C. Product raring skill
B. Written response instrument D. Performance A. Performance level on a specific skill
test B. Performance on a wide content of coverage
C. Attaining a personal target
170. Using extrinsic motivational assessment, what D. Performance higher than other members of the
could be the noblest motive in students pursuing a group
lifetime work and mission for the teaching profession?
173. In interpreting assessment results, which is
A. Promise of higher rank and prestige described when the results are consistent?
B. Tri-modal D. Bimodal
A. Reliability C. Validity
B. Subjectivity D. Objectivity 177. What is the normal curve in the grade distribution
of students in a class?
174. Since Teacher Alvin wants his test be more
reliable, which of the following should he adopt? A. All have average grades
B. Most get average grades, few high and low
A. Make a test that requires students the need for more C. Most get high grades
time to complete D. Most get low grades
B. Make the test difficult
C. Increase number of test items 178. What can be said of student performance in a
D. Restrict range abilities in the test negatively skewed class score distribution?

175. Which measure of central tendency is most A. Most students performed well
reliable when scores are extremely high and low? B. All students had average performance
C. Few students performed well
A. Median D. Most students performed poorly
B. Mode
C. Mean 179. Which is true when the standard deviation is big?
D. Cannot be identified unless individual scores are
given A. Scores are spread out
B. Scores are not extremes
176. Which is a characteristic of the following score C. The bell curve shape is steep
distribution: 98, 93, 93, 93, 90, 88, 87, 85, 85, 70, 51, D. Scores are concentrated
34, 34, 34, 20, 18, 15, 12, 9, 8, 6, 3, 1.
180. What does it mean to state the difficulty index of a
A. No discernible pattern C. Skewed to the test item is one (1)?
A. The test item is extremely easy
B. The test item is not valid 184. A positive correlation is to direct relation; to what
C. The test item is very good and should be retained relation is negative correlation?
D. The test item is very difficult
A. Indefinite relation C. Definite relation
181. What does the test mean if the difficulty index is B. Inverse relation D. Neutral relation
185. What is the meaning of a negative correlation
A. Missed by everyone C. Very difficult between amount of practice and number of error in
B. Very easy D. A quality item tennis?

182. What does it mean to state that the determination A. The decrease in the amount of practice sometimes
index of a test item is -0.35? affects the number of errors
B. The increase in the amount of practice does not at
A. More from the upper group got the item correctly all affect the number of errors
B. The test is quite reliable C. Decrease in the amount of practice goes with
C. More from the lower group got the item correctly decrease in the number of errors
D. The test item is valid D. As the amount of practice increases, the number
of errors decreases
183. What does it mean if student Pete got a 60%
percentile rank in a class? 186. What is the graphic illustration for the relationship
between two variables?
A. He scored better than 60% of the class
B. He got 60% of the test items correctly A. Normal curve C. Frequency
C. He scored less than 60% of the class polygon
D. He got 40% of the test wrong B. Histogram D. Scatter diagram
187. Among standardized tests, which reveals strength B. Surprise quiz D. Submission of report
and weaknesses for purposes of placement and
formulating an appropriate instructional program? 191. In preparing classroom tests, which of the
following checklist is the last among the steps in tests
A. Achievement tests C. Diagnostic tests preparation?
B. Competency tests D. Personality tests
A. How are the test scores to be tabulated?
188. What kind of assessment helps teachers B. Have I prepared a Table of Specifications?
determine gaps in learning a subject matter? C. How are the test results to be reported?
D. How is the objective item to be scored?
A. Formative assessment C. Summative
assessment 192. With what should the assessment of test items be
B. Diagnostic test D. Placement aligned?
A. Monitoring and evaluation
189. An entering student in college would like to B. Instructional objectives
determine which course is best suited for him. Which C. Instructional media
test is appropriate for this purpose? D. Content and process

A. Achievement test C. Intelligence test 193. Principal Rodriguez introduced machine-scored

B. Diagnostic test D. Aptitude test tests in his school. What factor in scoring does this add
to make tests more reliable?

A. Objective scoring C. Ease in checking

190. Tests should be non-threatening, but which of the B. Cost-saving D. Time-economics
following actual threatens students?
194. The tests questions in Teacher Dante’s test were
A. Self-record of test scores C. Scheduled exam confusing and were subject to wrong understanding,
especially to poorer students. What was wrong with the 197. In her tests, Teacher Dorie made tests that were
test? either too difficult or too easy. What was wrong with her
A. Test items inappropriate for outcomes being
measured A. Inappropriate level of difficulty of the test items
B. Inappropriate level of difficulty of items B. Identifiable pattern of answers
C. Unclear directions C. Unclear directions
D. Ambiguity D. Ambiguity

198. In using Essay questions, what of the following

are these tests susceptible to, such as to make them
less reliable measure broad knowledge of the subject
195. For easier correction of his test, Teacher Edward matter?
prepared the True and False items in alternating 1, 3, 5,
7 etc. True, and 2, 4, 6 etc. False. What is wrong with A. Bluffing C. Guessing
the test in terms of Usability? B. Time consuming D. Cheating

A. Improper arrangement of items 199. What primary response factor is considered by

B. Identifiable pattern of answers Essay questions?
C. Ambiguity
D. Poorly constructed test items A. Wide sampling of ideas
B. Factual information
196. What is wrong with test items that give clues to C. Originality
answers to questions? D. Less time for constructing and scoring

A. Unclear directions C. Ambiguity 200. Among the opportunities for Essay questions,
B. Tests brevity D. Poor construction which of the following does not provide high-level
thinking opportunity?
d. Games and sports
A. Analysis C. Synthesis
B. Evaluation D. Memorization  

3. How can new information to students?

1. Among cognitive objectives, what refers to the transfer of  

knowledge from once concept to another?
a. Valuing new knowledge
b. Relating it to knowledge they already know
a. Synthesis
c. Demonstrating novelty of new knowledge
b. Application
d. Increasing retention of new knowledge
c. Analysis
d. Comprehension
4. How can lessons be made more meaningful by way of
  learning continuity?

2. Of the following classroom activities, which best relate to a. Add value to content
child visual learning and development?
b. Introduce new content
c. Stress retention of facts
a. Drawing and coloring
d. Relate present with past lesson
b. Singing and acting
c. Textbook reading
5. When classes began, Teacher Dan asked student in pairs 7. Of the following effects on learning, what is the effect of
to interview and introduce each other to the class. How will assigning various sections of the newspaper, and allowing
this activity be classified according to Edgar Dale's cone of choice depending on the learner's choice?
a. Changing attitudes and feelings
a. Purposeful experience
b. Reinforcing learning
b. Verbal symbols
c. Allowing different interests
c. Dramatize experience
d. Encouraging participation
d. Demonstration
8. What is aroused among viewing learners by dramatic
6. Which of the following is an acceptable teacher- educational films in what is known as "cliff hangers"?
effectiveness practice?
a. Relevance
a. Setting of objectives rather than outcomes
b. Significance
b. Directions given sparingly and delivered casually
c. Satisfaction
c. Classroom routines done early in the school year
d. Expectancy
d. Planning done following monitoring of learning
9. While there is modernity and progress through the use of  
technology in instruction, what is the greatest danger along
the domain of learning that is posed by technology? 11. In Piaget's Formal Operation Stage in cognitive
development, which of the following is not among the
  characteristics of the child's thinking ability?

a. Using technology to fill in lesson gaps  

b. Using technology to lighten up lessons a. Logical thinking

c. Developing passivity and uncritical minds b. Abstract problem solving

d. Developing visual and audial orientation c. Hypothesis making

  d. Knowing properties (number, mass, volume, etc)

10. Following Kohlberg's Theory of Moral Development, what  

is the moral reasoning or perspective of Joy who allows her
classmate to copy her test work. so that she will be her 12. In Piaget's Concrete-Operational Stage in cognitive
friend? development, which refers to the ability of the child to
perceive different features of objects and situations. e.g.
  toughness in stone, elasticity in rubber. etc.?

a. Social approval stage 3 level 2 conventional  

b. Punishment stage I level I pre- conventional a. Decentering

c. Obedience stage I level I pre- conventional b. Striation

d. Law and order stage 4 level 2 conventional c. Reversibility

d. Conservation d. Safety need


13. Which of these is the MOST important principle that a 15. The way a child talks, walks of manifest, gestures may
teacher should follow in initiating a program of positive have been learned from models he had been exposed. This
reinforcement? explains___________.


a. Make sure the reward comes immediately after the a. Affective

appropriate behavior
b. Social
b. Punish negative behavior and reward positive behavior c.
Provide regular opportunity for socially acceptable behavior c. Insight

d. Consider peer approval and recognition d. Cognitive


14. A student collapsed in her social studies class. It was 16. Social development means the acquisition of the ability to
found out that he did not cat her lunch. What principle is behave in accordance with____________.
shown in the situation?
a. Social expectation
a. Psychological need
b. Stereotypes behavior
b. Physiological need
c. Social insight
c. Somatotonic
d. Universal norms  

  20. What does the traditional curriculum and mass education

lack that the progressive curriculum can deliver?
17. Which of the following may help an adolescent discover
his identity? a. Authoritarian role of the teacher

a. Parents pushing in to follow a specific path b. Collective discipline

b. Relating to people c. Value for individualization

c. Decision to follow one path only d. Rigid system of grading

d. Exploring many different roles in a healthy manner  

  21. In the implementation of the curriculum at the classroom

level, ineffective strategies are called "Red". Which of the
  following belongs to the Red Flag?

19. Among unit plan components, to what cluster do models, a. Integration of problem solving
replicas, charts, graphs, and specimens belong?
b. Available enrichment activities
c. Content applied to real-life situations
a. Resources and materials
d. Overemphasis on drill and practice
b. Learning activities
c. Evaluation procedures
22. Of goals of education, which relates to the strengthening
d. Objectives of our society's sense of belonging and identity?
a. Autonomy b. Motivate student to reflect on how they learn

b. Enculturation c. Make students feel good about themselves

c. Moral character d. Give more independent study SEEM

d. Citizenship  

  25. Someone said, "Experience without theory is blind, but

theory without experience is mere intellectual play." This
23. Which of the following refer to teamwork among teachers means that:
in classroom teaching?
a. Theory and experience must go hand-in-hand
a. Peer evaluation
b. Theory is more important than experience
b. Peer teaching
c. Experience is more important than theory
c. Peer discussion
d. One can stand without the other
d. Peer assessment
24. Learning is influenced by social interaction and
interpersonal relations. What must a teacher do? 27. Among components in the instructional framework for
learning strategies, which is demonstrated by teacher Jiny
  who worked together with her students on a skills or task and
figure out how to apply the skill?
a. Make students work collaboratively

a. Independent practice a. How will I know if I am learning at an appropriate rate?

b. Guided practice b. Did I understand what I just hear, read or saw?

c. Consolidation c. Do I know what I need to know?

d. KCV1CW d. What factual information have I retained?"


28. Among cognitive levels of thinking, what cognitive level is 30. A student strives to work at a given task because of a
stressed by the Essay question: "In the light of the facts need. Which of the following situations can make a student
presented, what is most likely to happen when...?" strive to meet his needs?


a. Inferring a. Minimize the unpleasant consequences of student

b. Classifying
b. Utilize your own opinion as teacher in making final
c. Applying decisions in the classroom

d. Analyzing c. Use unfamiliar materials as examples in order to initially

arouse their curiosity
d. Ask pupils to submit test questions or reaction from which
29. Among the following questions, which is not applicable to
you can select topics.
31. Teaching in the cognitive, psychomotor and effective  
domains is based on the concept that the learner is a:
a. Fiction novels
a. Moral and feeling being
b. Historical account
b. Material and an acting being
c. Biography
c. Thinking, feeling and acting being
d. Autobiography
d. Spiritual and material being
34. In Grace Godell's Skill Ladder, which step should come
32. Which of the following is usually considered the most last, and only when needed?
important factor in a child's observable classroom behavior?
a. Using contextual clues
b. Using pans of a book
a. Intelligence
c. Using the dictionary
b. Heredity
d. Using phonetic analysis
c. Self-concept
d. Cultural background
35. Now will you make a child memorize the table of
  multiplication from the point of view of Pavlov?

33. What kind of literary works arc very creative by way of  

descriptive language and dramatic episodes?
a. Make them understand the meaning of multiplication b. C. Evaluation is synonymous with implementation.
Call the child's attention every time you recite the table D. Utilization is the action phase.
for them 2. Ms. Cruz was hired in a well-equipped school but she has
to start preparing her instructional materials before classes
c. Model the recitation of the table of multiplication begin. Which of the following is a systematic process in
preparing her materials?
d. Reward the child with a candy for every correct recitation
A. design – utilization – evaluation - development
  B. design – development – utilization – evaluation
C. development – design – utilization – evaluation
36. In Piaget's Concrete-Operational stage in cognitive D. development – utilization – evaluation – design
development, which refers to the ability to order or arrange 3. Ms. Briones is planning to integrate technology in her
things logically on dimension such as weight, volume, or Mathematics class. Which of the following would be her
size? second step?
A. set the objectives
a. Conservation B. analyze the learners
C. utilize the materials with showmanship
b. Reversibility
D. evaluate the performance of the students
c. Decentering 4. Which of the following should Ms. Gomez primarily
consider in determining her teachinglearning objectives and
d. Seriation use of instructional media?
A. the learner C. the instructional activity
Professional Educaton Online Reviewer B. the teacher D. the instructional strategy
1-100 items with answer Keys 5. Which is the best reason why teachers state the objectives
1. Which of the following statements is correct about the before using instructional media?
domains of educational technology? A. To be able to practice how to operate the equipment.
A. Design is the production stage while development is the B. To determine which media to use best.
planning stage. C. To prepare the materials beforehand.
B. Both the design and development are the planning stage, D. To secure available materials.
6. Ms. Villegas is thinking of an educational technology that A. Reinforce learning
can relay information clearly to her class. Which principle will B. Entertain students
guide her in the selection of the material? C. Take the place of the teacher
A. interest C. cost effectiveness D. Holds students in the classroom
B. meaningfulness D. communication effectiveness 11. With the pervasiveness of technologies nowadays, a
7. Mrs. Zinampan presented real samples of rocks when she learner-centered instruction can be promoted. Which of the
discussed the different forms of rocks. What principle in the following statements support this approach to teaching?
selection of instructional material did she apply? I. It focuses on transformation of facts.
A. interest C. cost effective II. It supports the use of lecture and drill methods.
B. B authenticity D. responsiveness III. It gives emphasis on collaboration and authentic
8. Which of the following is a limitation of conventional assessment.
technologies in teaching and learning? IV. Students work on tasks determined and controlled by the
A. They pose problems on storage.. teacher.
B. They are less abstract and more concrete. A. I and II only C. II and IV only
C. They are readily available in the environment, around B. I and III only D. III and IV only
school, and in the home. 12. Prof. Villamin’s students use cooperative learning, inquiry
D. They provide hands-on learning experiences and based and project-based learning approaches in creating
emphasize real-world their digital unit plans. What can be developed among the
E. applications learners through these approaches?
9. which of the following is not a contribution of technology to A. repetition and active learning
the learning process? . B. repetition & information delivery
A. The quality of learning can be improved C. information processing and active learning
B. The delivery of instructions can be more interesting D. construction of knowledge and information exchange
C. The role of the teacher can be changed into a 13. Which of these technologies are arranged from the most
demonstrator. symbolic to multisensory?
D. The method of teaching and learning becomes more A. real objects, print, audio-visual materials, and visual
interactive materials
10. In what way can instructional aids foster learning?
B. visual materials, audio visual materials, print and 18. Which graphic organizer is used to show how a series of
computers events interact to produce a set of results again and again?
C. visual materials, print, audio-visual materials and realia A. Series of events chart C. cycle
D. print, audio, visual materials, and computers B. Web D. timeline
14. Which group of technologies has the highest degree of 19. Which instructional aid requires pupils to verbalize?
abstraction? A. graphic C. . model
A. book, imaginative literature, programmed instruction B. diorama D. . video
B. digital video, film, versatile compact disc 20. Which of the following is inappropriate in using printed
C. video, pictures and television visuals such as charts, graphs, and drawings?
D. realia and computer A. Provide written or verbal cues to highlight important
15. Mrs. Soriano, a Grade V teacher prefers to use textbooks aspects of visuals.
than other instructional materials. What could be her reason B. Allow the students to pass the materials from one person
for using it? to another.
A. Textbooks can be easily duplicated. C. Use materials that everyone can see.
B. Textbooks quickly become updated. D. Present the material one at time.
C. Textbooks address the needs of diverse students. 21. Under what category will a globe as an instructional
D. Textbooks contain most of the materials they need to learn material fall?
in the course. A. Realia C. solid model
16. It is impractical to bring real objects to the classroom so B. mock up D. cutaway model
Ms. Simangan constructed a threedimensional visual instead. 22. Prof. Agustin would like to provide hands-on experience
Which of the following did she construct? on the expansion and contraction of matter. Which of the
A. cartoon C. graphic following materials would be the best to use?
B. chart D. model A. models C. realias
17. If a teacher wants to teach her pupils the skill to organize B. pictures D. slides
and integrate related concepts, which of the following is the 23. Ms. Sarah finds the chalkboard an effective instructional
most appropriate graphic organizer to use? material up to present. However, just like any other materials,
A. timeline C. venn diagram it also has its limitations. Which one is it?
B. fishbone D. semantic webbing A. It allows spontaneity, speed and change.
B. Absent students cannot keep up with their assignments. A. model C. transparency
C. It is valuable for emphasizing the major points of the B. realia D. video
lesson. 28. Marife wants to make a presentation material wherein
D. It can be used for displaying pictures and important more additional transparent sheets with information can be
clippings. placed over a base transparency. Which one should she
24. With which learning style group are manipulatives MOST make?
effective? A. cut-out C. silhouette
A. Master style group B. puppet D. overlay
B. Interpersonal style group 29. Which one is used with 2D and 3D materials?
C. Understanding style group A. Opaque projector C. digital projector
D. Self- expressive style group B. overhead projector D. slide projector
25. Which does a pupil use when s/he sings a concept to a 30. After watching the film, “Muro Ami’, the students of Mrs.
familiar tune in order to help himself commit the concept to Tamaray are expected to show a demonstrative proof of what
memory? they have learned. How is the technology used in
A. rap C. pop thissituation?
B. jingle D. lullaby A. entertainment C. instructional
26. Prof. Arcilla would like to use audiocassette tape in B. informational D. entertainment and informational
teaching a lesson in English. In which activity is 31. Self made charts and illustrations serve as universal aid
audiocassette tape very effective in the teaching-learning for bringing fascinating and exciting experiences in the
process? classroom. To tap the optimum potentials of these materials,
A. in developing listening skills which of the following should be avoided?
B. in teaching creative writing A. Giving due consideration to lettering.
C. in composing poems B. Presenting materials with accurate facts.
D. in building concepts C. Giving more importance to austerity over legibility.
27. Romalyn is going to discuss about The ADDIE Model to a D. Focusing on the main idea of the lesson presented.
big class. She is planning to use a technology by which parts 32. Kamyl used overhead transparencies when she
of her presentation could be partly hidden to make it more presented her assigned topic to class. What type of
exciting and interesting. What do you think shall she use? educational technology are transparencies?
A. printed material C. projected material D. When it enhances understanding of new lesson.
B. graphic material D. non-projected material 37. Prof. Manantan’s lesson in EPP is about “Pagtatanim ng
33. Which instructional material/s is/are MOST fit in halaman” to her students. How can she make her lesson
contextualized learning? more interesting and meaningful?
A. TV C. pictures A. Have a viewing activity about the lesson.
B. Slides D. field trip B. Have them read their EPP book.
34. Ms. Villanueva wants to teach the students the C. Give them a collaborative work.
performance of a certain skill such as dancing. Which D. Let them listen to a gardener.
technology would be the most appropriate and convenient to 38. Prof. Delos Santos would like her students to give more
use? accurate observations about plants in the environment.
A. film C. television Which technique would help her attain her objective?
B. video D. printed material A. Bring them to the garden.
35. Slides are miniature transparencies. They can be created B. Bring actual plants to class.
with simple cameras and simple equipment. They display C. Show colorful pictures to the class.
color in a realistic manner. However, they also have some D. Let the class read books about the topic.
limitations. Which one is it? 39. Which of the following should be avoided in presenting
A. They can be easily updated and revised. visuals?
B. They can be adapted to group or to individual use. A. Show visuals with an element of suspense.
C. They can get out of sequence if handled individually. B. Shut off the overhead projector when explaining lengthily.
D. They can be combined with taped narration for greater C. Present all the materials simultaneously to hold the
effectiveness. learners’ interest.
36. Mrs. Santos used a film clip in teaching science concepts D. Erase any writing on the chalkboard or whiteboard when
to her Grade Six class. However, she found out that it was you no longer need it.
inefficiently used in the classroom. When is a technology 40. After listing down the advantages and disadvantages of
considered inefficient? computers, Mrs. Muñoz decided to purchase a computer for
A. When it makes viewing more interesting. her class. Which do you think is the last consideration in
B. When it increases the time to master the lesson. purchasing the equipment?
C. When it helps attain the objectives of the lesson. A. Computers can make her more efficient.
B. Computers can be a form of entertainment. B. tutorial D. drill and practice
C. Computers can enhance teaching and learning. 45. 45. Prof. Natividad would like to create a presentation
D. Computers can be used for interactive presentations. material for his lesson on the types of computer-assisted
41. Marnel prepares his school research works using Instruction. Which tool should he use?
computer to submit his requirements on time. Does the A. communicative tool C. productivity tool
computer make him productive and efficient? Why? B. Informative tool D. situating tool
I. Yes, because it can generate its own data. 46. Prof. De Guzman uses an online learning approach by
II. Yes, because it can make one’s work easier. which content provides links to information at other locations
III. Yes, because it can perform tasks fast and accurately. and serves as a focal point for a distance education
A. I and II C. II and III experience. Which of the following does he use?
B. I and III D. I, II and III A. computer-aided instruction
42. Prof. Aguinaldo would like to integrate technology in B. web-based instruction
writing a friendly letter. How can he do it effectively? C. self-paced program
A. Let the pupils surf a friendly letter from the Internet. D. teleconferencing
B. Have the pupils write a friendly letter and send it through 47. Mr. Villena searches for related literature by accessing
an email. several databases in the library computer that is connected
C. Have the pupils forward a downloaded friendly letter to with other computers that have databases. How is this
others via email. termed?
D. Let the pupils write a friendly letter using word processing A. CD ROM search C. mechanical search
and have it critiqued by B. computer search D. online search
E. their peers. 48. Which pair of tools provide synchronous communication?
43. Which of the following is known for its strength of giving A. chatroom and email
immediate feedback? B. email and bulletin board
A. video C. digital encyclopedia C. video conferencing and blogs
B. story book D. computer-assisted instruction D. instant messaging and chatroom
44. Which of the following computer-based instructional 49. Should Mrs. Reyes allow her pupils to surf the Internet in
material can be used to learn new concepts? creating a group newsletter during her English class? Why?
A. games C. simulation
A. No, because pupils may just be exchanging messages via C. To avoid potential problems that might occur while
email. materials are in use.
B. No, because the pupils might open undesirable websites. D. To ensure appropriateness of the materials with the
C. Yes, to allow the pupils to chat with their friends. objectives and target audience.
D. Yes, as long as it is used effectively. 54. After Ms. Raca planned her lesson in English, she found
50. Which of the following should you ask yourself in out that the materials at hand do not match her objectives.
evaluating the content of an instructional material? Which is the best thing that she can do?
A. Do the materials reinforce learning effectively? A. Modify the available materials.
B. Are the materials of high technical quality? B. Teach the lesson the following day.
C. Does the content match the curriculum? C. Change the objectives to match with the available
D. Is it appropriate for the students? materials.
51. Which of the following statements does NOT describe D. Carry out the lesson as planned and use the materials at
educational technology? hand.
i. It includes hardware and software. 55. Prof. Balagtas used worksheets, manipulatives and
ii. It refers to the efficiency of teachers in using computers models in teaching math to help her students understand the
iii. It is the development, application, and evaluation of lesson and love the subject. What did she bear in mind when
systems, techniques and aids to improve human learning. she used these materials?
A. i only C. Both ii and iii A. appropriateness C. breadth
B. ii only D. Both i and iii B. balance D. variety
52. What should Mr. Asuncion determine first in the selection 56. Ms. Torres always makes sure that text, animation and
of media in teaching? color do not confuse students in her presentation materials.
A. needs of the students C. technique to be used Which principle is applied?
B. availability of the media D. objectives of the lesson A. simplicity C. responsiveness
53. Which is the most important reason why teachers preview B. variety D. cost effectiveness
materials to be used in class? 57. Mrs. Reyes, a librarian, informed the students as well as
A. To gain confidence in using them. the teachers that several software are available for classroom
B. To encourage viewers to be more focused. instruction and individual learning. Which material is she
referring to?
A. Computers C. Television set A. motion pictures, verbal symbols, visual symbols, radio,
B. CD-ROM D. VCD and DVD players realias
58. Susan’s mother tongue is a vernacular. Which of the B. realias, visual symbols, television, motion pictures, still
following materials would be the most efficient and effective pictures
material to learn a second language? C. realias, motion pictures, still pictures, visual symbols,
A. interactive multimedia verbal symbols
B. pictures and print materials D. verbal symbols, still pictures, visual symbols, models,
C. audio compact discs and radio motion pictures
D. printed materials and real objects 63. Which is the best way to present instructional materials?
59. Computer can be a good tool for individualized A. concrete ->semi-concrete-> abstract->semi-abstract
instruction. Which of the following aspects can be a deterrent B. semi-concrete-> concrete -> abstract-> semi-abstract
for its full utilization in the classrooms? C. abstract->semi-abstract-> semi-concrete-> concrete
A. economic C. social D. concrete ->semi-concrete-> semi-abstract -> abstract
B. physical D. technical 64. Which of the following technologies provide iconic
60. With the increasing use of educational technology inside experiences?
the classroom, what roles are expected of the teacher? A. videos and computer
A. facilitator C. knowledge giver B. books and periodicals
B. demonstrator D. source of information C. audio and audio materials
61. Which of the following technologies are properly D. printed and verbal symbols
classified? 65. How can Prof. Ubiña best promote the use of multimedia
A. computers, compact discs, film, television in teaching Science to her coteachers?
B. imaginative literature, book, programmed instruction A. Sell multimedia at low cost.
C. versatile compact disc, printed material, diagram, sketches B. Demonstrate its use to them.
D. digital video, phonograph, compact discs, radio, audio C. Explain the literature supporting its use.
tape D. Convince the principal to require the use of technology.
62. Which of the following technologies are arranged from the 66. There are countless things in the environment that you
most concrete to the most abstract? and your students can use to learn from such as trees,
globes, pebbles, blocks etc. These real objects and models
are really effective if they are utilized properly. Which of the 71. Prof. Silva uses projected visuals such as OHP in
following is incorrect about the use of real objects and presenting her lesson. What could be her main reason in
models? using such an educational technology?
A. Familiarize yourself with the object or model. A. The materials are readily available.
B. Allow passing of a single object around the class. B. Most visuals can be obtained at no cost.
C. Make sure that objects/models are large enough to be C. It is more abstract than any other visuals.
seen by the whole class. D. She can easily prepare her own transparencies in
D. Encourage students’ participation through questioning and advance.
having students 72. Ms. Pacheco showed a segment of matter in “sine
E. decide the next step. skwela” to her pupils without a follow-up activity. Thus, the
67. Aaron constructed a three dimensional material to pupils got low in the test. What does this imply?
simulate the circulation of blood. Which of the following did he A. TV makes viewing enjoyable.
construct? B. TV promotes mastery of the lesson.
A. A solid model C. mock-up model C. TV induces alienation on the part of the learners.
B. cutaway model D. cross-sectional model D. TV is effective when learners attain the lesson objectives.
68. Which is a two-dimensional representation of the earth’s 73. Which activity is closest to the real thing?
geographic and/or political features? A. hear C. watch a demonstration
A. globe C. mock-up B. view images D. perform in a presentation
B. map D. model 74. Your department would like to purchase a computer set
69. You asked your students to illustrate what they have as your project. Which of the following advantages of
understood from what they have read. Which of the following computer will be your last consideration in purchasing it?
non-projected visuals are you referring to? A. It can enhance the teaching and learning process.
A. printed visuals C. models B. It can be used for interactive presentation.
B. graphics D. realias C. It can be used for research activity
70. Which software should Dr. Balagtas to manipulate D. It can be used for entertainment.
numerical data in the computer? 75. Prof. Orencia will have a digitized presentation to pre-
A. Spreadsheet C. word processing service teachers. Which of the following will make her
B. desktop publishing D. multimedia presentation appealing and effective?
A. Observe maximum use of animations and graphics 80. Which statement is true about the opaque projector and
together. overhead projector?
B. Apply as many computer effects per slide as possible. A. An opaque projector allows more flexibility than an
C. Reinforce textual information with graphic organizers. overhead projector.
D. Use as many color as possible. B. An overhead projector allows more flexibility than an
76. Why are computers increasingly becoming pervasive in opaque projector.
schools nowadays? C. Opaque and overhead projectors can instantaneously
A. Schools advocate the use of computers. project 3D visuals well.
B. They increase efficiency and productivity. D. The series of still visuals in an opaque projector are
C. Anybody can operate computers without formal training. arranged in a fixed pattern but not in an overhead projector.
D. Students have access to computers in school and at 81. A grade II teacher wanted to show the parts of a seed by
home. using a large, wooden seed visual aid with detachable
77. There are several reasons why teachers are reluctant in cotyledons and tiny seed. Under what classification does
using electronic media in the teaching-learning process. wooden structure fall?
Which is the most common reason? A. assembly model C. realia
A. The difficulty in integrating them in the curriculum. B. cutaway model D. solid model
B. The limited exposure of teachers to new equipment. 82. Which term refers to a model which is constructed so as
C. Their incompatibility to diverse needs of the learners. to emphasize a particular part or function?
D. The excessive availability of local technology in the A. audio recording C. mock-up
community. B. simulation D, realia
78. With the number of senses to be stimulated as criterion, 83. Which is the best use of computers to students like you?
which one should be first in thelist? A. They are used for chatting and surfing the net.
A. multi sensory aid C. visual aid B. They are used for research and collaboration.
B. audio-visual aid D. audio aid C. They are used for playing online games.
79. Which of the following is considered in terms of technical D. They are used for watching movies.
quality of a material? 84. Which statement makes technology ineffective in student
A. stereotyping C. color and size of text learning?
B. vocabulary level D. students’ achievement A. It develops higher thinking skills.
B. It prepares students for the workforce. C. electronic mail
C. It enhances students’ collaborative skills. D. chat
D. It decreases achievement in content learning. 90. Which is a characteristic of the teaching machines of B.
85. You plan to use instructional materials to a big class-size. F. Skinner?
Which of these will you not use? A. It does not need any feedback.
A. pictures C. 27-inch television B. It requires teacher’s assistance.
B. projection device D. computer with LCD projector C. It is meant for a collaborative work.
86. Computers can be classified according to the roles they D. It allows a student to learn at his/her own pace.
play namely communicative tool, informative tool, and 91. Why is one-way delivery of information a misuse of
constructive tool. What is the other role of computes in the communication tools?
options below? A. because the teacher expects the student to study more
A. instructional tool C. utility tool B. because it requires activities that focus on thinking than
B. situating tool D, application tool responding
87. Which of the following categories of CAI will you use in C. because it enables the users to focus more on higher level
your class if your objective is to increase proficiency in a cognitive activities
newly learned skill or refresh an existing one? D. because this kind of practice lessens interaction
A. tutorial C. simulation capabilities of communication tools
B. drill and practice . D. Instructional game 92. Internet consists of thousands of connected computer
88. Which of the following is an ineffective use of networks around the world. Which term does NOT refer to
presentation software? Internet?
A. Darken the room A. A. NET C. “Cyberspace”
B. Use appropriate pacing B. B. Online D. “Information Superhighway”
C. Read directly from the slides. 93. Your class adviser is planning to have an asynchronous
D. Allow interaction with the learner. communication with your classmates. Which technology tools
89. Which of the following is NOT an example of can she use?
communicative tool? A. chat and blog
A. multimedia encyclopedia B. chat and instant messaging
B. teleconferencing C. blog and video conferencing
D. electronic bulletin board and email 98. Maryjane is looking for an organized instructional
94. In your computer subject, you allow your class to chat as program in which the teacher and learners can be physically
a part of your motivation before discussing them the roles of separated. Which of the following will she choose?
computer. How is chat used in this context? A. Distance Education
A. Communicative tool C. Application tool B. Uniform Resource Locator
B. Informative tool D. Situating tool C. Web Quests
95. Your mother wanted to finish her long dreamed course D. Computer-Based Instruction
but she wanted to do it at home during her free time. How 99. Prof. Ruscoe would like to show Rizal’s museum to the
could you help your mother in pursuing her dream? students but due to financial constraint, she couldn’t bring
A. Encourage her to hire a helper so that she can attend them there. What should she do to make the teachinglearning
regularly to her class. process more realistic?
B. Give up your study so that your mother can attend her A. Conduct a virtual tour.
classes. B. Use DVD with less resolution.
C. Enroll her to the school where you enrolled. C. Show pictures of the museum to the whole class.
D. Enroll her in distance education D. Go to the museum and relate all observations made.
96. The following statements are true about computer 100. Which of the following should you avoid if you were
conferencing. Which is an exception? asked to evaluate the effectiveness of an instructional game
A. It refers to live student interaction with an expert. after using it in teaching a lesson in high school science?
B. It is also known as discussion forum or bulletin board. A. Present problems which are relevant to learning
C. It also refers to online class discussions, forums or objectives.
debates B. Allow learners to select different content materials.
D. It permits two or more individuals to engage in C. Provide a cooperative learning atmosphere.
asynchronous text-based dialogue. D. Provide a scoring system.
97. Which instructional tool application will you introduce to ANSWER KEYS
your class if your objective is to help them find and use 1. D
information resources available in the internet? 2. B
A. Webquests C. Scavenger Hunt 3A
B. Hybrid course D. Distance education 4A
5B 33 D
6D 34 B
7B 35 C
8A 36 B
9C 37 C
10 A 38 A
11 B 39 C
12 D 40 B
13 D 41 C
14 A 42 D
15 D 43 D
16 D 44 B
17 D 45 C
18 C 46 B
19 A 47 D
20 B 48 D
21 C 49 D
22 C 50 B
23 B 51. B
24 C 52 A
25 B 53 D
26 A 54 A
27 C 55 D
28 D 56 A
29 A 57 B
30 C 58 A
31 C 59 A
32 C 60 A
61 B 89 A
62 C 90 D
63 D 91 D
64 A 92 B
65 B 93 D
66 B 94 A
67 C 95 D
68 B 96 A
69 B 97 C
70 A 98 A
71 D 99 A
72 D 100 B
73 D
76 B The Teaching Profession, Social Dimensions for Education
77 B 1. To whom does the word teacher refer?
78 A I. Full time teachers
79 C II. Part time teachers
80 A III. Guidance counselors
81 A IV. Librarians
82 C V. Division Superintendent
83 B a. I, II, and III
84 D b. I and III
85 A c. I, II, III, and IV –I,II,V BEST ANSWER
86 B d. III and IV
87 B 2. Teacher Kevin has not practiced his profession for the past
88 C five years. Can he go back to teaching immediately?
a. Yes, if nobody can take his place 6. Is it professional for a teacher to receive gifts from the
b. No, unless she has enrolled in refresher course of 12 units student and parents?
c. No a. Not at all
d. Yes b. No, especially if done in exchange for requested
3. Is membership to the accredited professional organization concessions
for teachers mandatory for all LET passers? c. Yes, if deserved
a. No d. Yes, in-season and out-of-season gifts
b. Yes, when the teacher is already teaching 7. An Education graduate without a license is accepted to
c. Yes teach in a private school? Is this in violation of RA 7836?
d. Only for LET passers who are not repeaters a. No provided he has taught for at least 3 years
4. Which is true of the periodic merit exam for teacher b. Yes. No one may teach without a license
provided for in RA 7836? c. No
I. Consist of oral exam d. Yes
II. Consist of written exam 8. For relevance to business and industry, what did the First
III. May serve as additional basis for merit promotion in Biennial National Education on Education (2008) impose for
addition to performance rating updating the Licensure Examination for teachers?
IV. Taken with fee of P 1000 per examinee a. Moral or ethical values
a. I only b. Technical and scientific competencies
b. I and IV c. Upgraded laboratory facilities
c. II and III – I,II,III BEST ANSWER d. Vocational skills
d. II only 9. What does the Teacher Education Development Program
5. Can Manny Pacquiao be given a special permit to teach signify as a prerequisite for employment of teachers in basic
boxing in a special school? education schools?
a. No, he is not a teacher education graduate a. National Standard Competencies among teachers
b. No, he has not passed the LET b. Licensure Examination for Teachers
c. Yes, he is a graduate of ALS c. Induction of new teachers
d. Yes, he has excelled and gained international recognition d. Job interviews for teacher applicants
10. Among active participation of school officials and 14. What kind of grassroots model best advances Education
teachers in the community, which of the following is not for All as served children of slum city dwellers?
appropriate due to prevailing religious sentiments? a. Mobile education on Kariton
a. Literacy assistance for out of school children/youths b. Leaf flyers for out-of-school children
b. Household campaign for healthful practice c. Radio education modules
c. Promoting contraceptives for planned parenthood d. Educational television
d. Introducing cooperative thrift practices 15. After the implementation of NCBTS, results of LET still
11. Which of the following is not poli’s contribution to the reveal low performance among examinees. What can teacher
sociological foundation of education? education institutions do to upgrade their graduates’ LET
a. Facilitating learning along social conditions of the learner performance?
b. As a social process, education begins at birth a. Review curriculum vis-à-vis TOS
c. True education is transmission of knowledge b. Intensify Field Study Courses
d. The school is a continuation of home c. Hire expensive review trainers
12. Of the following, which is most fundamental to building up d. Implement selective admission in TEIs
a strong school culture of excellence? 16. What is the cultural trait of conflicting values that aims to
a. High standards of performance please people in different venues and situations rather than
b. Student-centered curriculum abide by principles?
c. Mission and core values a. Crab mentality
d. Student handbook of conduct b. Split personality
13. Among rights of the schools, which is not provided by the c. Kanya-kanya system
law? d. Bahala na mentality
a. Right for basic education to determine subjects of the 17. Among qualities which employers look for in the 21st
study century workplace, which is the most challenging and
b. Right to enforce administrative systems demanding?
c. Right to provide proper governance a. Aptitude for teamwork
d. Right for institutions of higher learning to determine b. Skills and social behavior
academic grounds for admission c. Readiness to take risks
d. Specific competencies for work
18. In educating the whole person as demanded by the 22. What is known as a self-appraisal for professional growth
“Learning to be” pillar of the 21st century education, where that is acceptable and useful for recognizing weakness and
does the concept of meaning, purpose and engagement strengths for a new beginning teacher?
belong? a. master teacher’s evaluation
a. Mind and body b. student’s evaluation
b. Aesthetic sense c. principal’s evaluation
c. Spiritual values d. self-evaluation
d. Personal responsibility 23. Among reforms for enhancing teacher professionalism,
19. Which program directly embodies both the pre-service which has been implemented by law in order to determine
and in-service programs? whether prospective teachers have acquired professional
a. BESRA – Basic Education Sector Reform Agenda competencies prior to granting them a permit to teach?
b. TEDPA – Technical Education Development Program a. accrediting a national organization for teachers
c. K-12 b. setting up centered for excellence in teacher education
d. BEC – Basic Education Curriculum centers
20. How can the efforts of four agencies (DepEd, CHED, c. licensure examination
PRC, CSC) be best achieved for the training and d. creation of a professional board for teachers
development of teachers? 24. From global competence as defined by international
a. Synchronization educators, which is the most appropriate characteristic of
b. cost-reduction globally competent individual?
c. streamlining a. familiarity with new culture
d. sharing of resources b. open-mindedness to new culture
21. What is the core of the Teacher Education Development c. adaptability to new work environment
Program? d. foreign-language policy
a. high order thinking skills or HOTS 25. For a school, which of the following is most significant in
b. student-centered learning repairing shorelines with depleted coral reefs?
c. National Competency-Based Teaching Standards a. outreach by depositing rubber tires as artificial coral reefs
d. Technology integration in instruction b. implement reporting system against dynamite fishermen
c. legislative lobby to disallow tourism in endangered 29. Of the following interventions, which is directly aimed at
shorelines responding to the transitional gap between academic
d. outreach by educating the villagers on protection of coral achievement and employment?
reefs a. identification of centers of excellence
26. In a tertiary school, the President organized a Fun Run b. deregulation of tuition fees
for students, faculty and personnel to enjoy camaraderie, c. school networking with business and industry
physical exertion under the sun, sense of engagement and d. voluntary accreditation of schools
achievement. What does the activity promote? 30. In the formal education system during Hispanic times in
a. spiritual vigor the Philippines, what was not implement but which we
b. cultural consciousness enjoyed during the American period?
c. national integrity a. vocational education
d. moral integrity b. private education
27. In the Education Act of 1901 which established a free c. religious education
public education in the Philippines, what language was d. public education
imposed under the one-language policy? 31. If Dr. Jose Rizal lives in the 21st century, what character
a. Spanish expression and commitment would have shown our
b. English generation?
c. Tagalog a. inventor of techniques
d. Filipino b. citizen and producer
28. Of the following, which is the most functional intervention c. member of family and community
in order to achieve a basic right of every Filipino Child under d. creative dreamer
the Constitution and Magna Carta for Disabled Persons? 32. In the learning to do pillar of new education, what is the
a. Philosophy of education enabling factor that can make the learner fully contribute to a
b. policy for curricular reform peaceful and just society?
c. home study program a. knowledge
d. structural organization b. skills
c. insights
d. values
33. Before being able to fully learn to live and work together c. Transmittal of one’s moral viewpoint
under the pillar of the 21st century education, what must the d. Knowledge and practice of universal moral values
learner attain for himself? 37. Educated in a religious school, Sansa goes to confession
a. find peace within oneself every day to be free of any kind of sin. How do you
b. attain an altruistic mind characterize Dona’s moral attitude?
c. love his fellowmen a. Callous
d. become self-actualized b. Pharisaical
34. The Transparency International’s perception that the c. Scrupulous
Philippines suffers a cultural malaise of corruption, what d. Strict
component of our character needs to be further developed 38. How would you characterize the moral attitude of
along the Learning To Be Pillar of education in the 21st Hispanic friars who taught religion but were unfaithful to their
century? vow of property by amassing the land properties of natives?
a. Familial-social component a. Scrupulous
b. Physical-economic component b. Strict
c. Intellectual-emotional component c. Lax
d. Ethical-spiritual component d. Pharisaical
35. This powerful European country supplied arms to 39. How would you characterize the moral attitude of
Afghanistan rebels who were fighting a terrorist war in the prisoners with criminal minds, who have no sensitivity to the
Middle East. What was the principle of moral discernment welfare of other people?
applicable in this case? a. Pharisaical
a. Principle of double effect b. Strict
b. Principle of lesser evil c. Lax
c. Principle of material cooperation d. Callous
d. Principle of moral cooperation 40. What was the degree of moral certitude when U.S.
36. Which of the following best defines a morally mature statement decided to drop the atomic bombing on Hiroshima
person? and Nagasaki to prevent mass deaths by a land invasion of
a. Cultural values clarification Japan?
b. Unhampered exercise of one’s right a. Doubtful
b. Certain students create knowledge and meaning of their
c. Perplexed experiences?
d. Probable a. Constructivist
41. Teacher Slash is of the thinking that from the very start b. Essentialist
students must be made to realize study is indeed hard work. c. Existentialist
To which philosophy does Teacher Susan adhere? d. Pragmatist
a. Essentialism SITUATIONAL
b. Perennialism In a faculty meeting, the principal told his teachers: We need
c. Progressivism to improve our school performance in the National
d. Reconstructionism Achievement Test. What should we do? The teachers gave
42. If your students appear to be more interested in a topic varied answers as follows:
outside your planned lesson for the day, you set aside your 1. Let’s give incentives and rewards to students who get a
lesson plan for that day and grasp the opportunity to discuss rating of 85%
the topic of particular interest to your students. Strike the iron 2. Let’s teach them to accept complete responsibility for their
while it is hot! Which philosophy governs for your action? performance
a. rationalism 3. Let’s make the school environment conducive for learning
b. empiricism 4. Let’s make use of the experiential methods of teaching
c. existentialism 45. On which educational philosophy is response #1
d. progressivism anchored?
43. Students must be taught self-responsibility is the desire of a. Behaviorism
the ___________ teacher. b. Progressivism
a. Existentialist c. Existentialism
b. Utilitarianist d. Essentialism
c. Pragmatic 46. Which response/s come/s from a behaviorist?
d. Constructivist a. 1 and 3
44. Who asserts that teaching is not just depending b. 2 and 4
knowledge into the empty minds of the learners? It is helping c. 1 and 2
d. 3 and 4
47. If you lean toward a progressivist philosophy, with which c. Essentialist
response do you agree? d. Rationalist
a. 4 50. Whose response denies man’s freewill?
b. 2 a. Teacher A’s
c. 1 b. Teacher C’s
d. 3 c. Teacher B’s
How a teacher relates to his/her pupils depends on his/her d. Teacher D’s
concepts about him/her. In a faculty recollection, the teachers Human Growth and Development, Facilitating Learning,
were asked to share their thoughts of the learner, their Developmental Reading
primary customer. What follows are the gists of what were 51. From a broad vantage view of human development, who
shared: has the primary duty to educate the youths or children?
Teacher A – The learner is a product of his environment. I. Parents
Sometime he has no choice. He is determined by his II. Teachers
environment. III. the state
Teacher B – The learner can choose what he can become IV. the schools
despite his environment. 52. Of the three aspects of learning, which is not mentioned
Teacher C – The learner is a social being who learns well as needed so that the individual learner in the 21st century
though an active interplay with others can learn how to learn?
Teacher D – The learner is a rational being. Schools should a. Ability to think
develop his rational and moral powers b. Mathematical skills
48. Whose philosophical concept is that of Teacher A? c. Memory skills
a. Behaviorist’s d. Concentration
b. Existentialist’s 53. Which of the following belongs to the more sophisticated
c. Progressivist’s learning-to-learn skills for the individual learner?
d. Rationalist’s a. To ask and gather data
49. If you agree with Teacher C, you are more of a/an b. To listen and observe
a. Progressivist c. To process and select information
b. Perrenialist d. To read with understanding
54. Of the following effects on learning, what is the effect of 58. Of comprehension or thinking strategies, which is relating
simulations that make students feel and sense experience in one or two items, such as nouns and verbs?
the classroom? a. Basic elaboration strategies
a. Reinforcing learning b. Complex rehearsal strategies
b. Providing experiences that otherwise might not be had c. Complex elaboration strategies
c. Motivating students d. Affective strategies
d. Changing attitudes and feelings 59. Of skills teacher should understand and students need to
55. Of the following effects on learning, what is the effect of acquire, which is the ability to integrate complex information
assigning various sections of the newspaper, and allowing into categories through its attributes (characteristics,
choice depending on the learner’s choice? principles or functions)?
a. Encouraging participation a. Scanning
b. Reinforcing learning b. Complex cognitive
c. Allowing different interests c. Sharpening-leveling
d. Changing attitudes and feelings d. Complexity-simplicity
56. A young mother observes her seven year old girl glued to 60. Inculcating moral maturity among students, which of the
her computer games. What aspect of the family life may following relates to belief and ideals?
suffer due to obsession of the young with technology a. Promoting human equality
gadgets? b. Refraining from prejudiced action
a. Family social life c. Avoiding deception and dishonesty
b. Family economic life d. Respecting freedom of conscience
c. Discipline and obedience 61. Research studies showed that children in slums generally
d. Parent-child relationship have lower reading achievement then children in urban
57. Which of the following is not an advanced process of schools. What factor is shown to affect reading achievement?
meta-cognition among learners? a. Mobility
a. Learning how to recognize thoughts b. Personality and emotional factors
b. Acquisition of new knowledge c. Socio-economic status
c. Assessing own thinking d. Listening comprehension
d. Learning how to study
62. When preacher Xian read the Genesis story on creation, d. I am prepared to take a risk
he explained that God is so powerful he created the universe 66. For cognitive learning, what are sets of facts, concepts,
in only seven days. What level of reading comprehension did and principles that describe underlying mechanism that
preacher John apply? regulate human learning, development and behavior?
a. Evaluative reading on character, plot or style a. Facts
b. Literal reading the lines b. Concepts
c. Applied reading beyond the lines c. Theories
d. Interpretative reading between the lines d. Hypothesis
63. What is the main organization and orientation of science 67. Literature teacher Kim introduced figures of speech in
and social studies reading materials? poetry to improve ability of her students to interpret verses.
a. Expository What kind of thinking is she developing in her students?
b. Descriptive a. Critical thinking
c. Narrative b. Metaphoric thinking
d. Argumentative c. Convergent thinking
64. In his History class, teacher Naomi used a current events d. Divergent thinking
IQ contest to determine champions in identifying people, 68. Of clusters of meaningful learning activities, which does
places, and events. What learning objective outcome does not belong to spatial learning activities?
she aim to achieve? a. Visualization
a. Knowledge or recall b. Concept-mapping
b. Perpetual abilities c. Peer tutoring
c. Application d. Art projects
d. Responding 69. From cluster of meaningful learning activities, which does
65. In Erikson’s stage theory of development questionnaire, not belong to verbal-linguistic intelligence learning?
which affirmation does not belong to the stage of initiative vs. a. Ecological field trip
guilt? b. Debates
a. People can be trusted c. Journal writing
b. In difficulty, I will not give up d. Reading
c. I feel what happens to me is the result of what I have done
70. Which of the following violates the principle that “each d. Defiance of peer group
child’s brain is unique and vastly different from one another”? 74. Research says, “people tend to attribute successes to
a. Giving ample opportunity for a pupil to explore rather than internal causes and their failures to external causes.” What
simply dish out information does this imply as a most potent key to success?
b. Employing principles in multiple intelligence in teaching a. Reasoning
c. Making a left-handed pupil write with her right hand as this b. Imagination
is better c. Application
d. Allowing open dialogue among students of various cultural d. Motivation
backgrounds 75. From Kohlberg’s theory of moral development, what is the
71. Of the following which is normally expected of Grade VI moral reasoning or perspective of Mother Teresa who
pupils? pledged her life to serve the sick and very old?
a. Getting along with classmates a. Social contract
b. Being independent of parents b. Universal principles
c. Showing class leadership c. Obedience
d. Displaying a male or feminine social role d. Law and order
72. From categories of exceptionalities in the young child and 76. Blind cyclist and teacher Maria Bunyan won 8th place in
adolescents what involves difficulties in specific cognitive the able-bodied Sydney 2000 Olympics. Of the following,
processes like perception, language, memory due to mental which is the central and fundamental quality she displayed by
retardation, emotional/behavioral disorder, or sensory never thinking that blindness is an impediment to becoming a
impairment? great athlete?
a. Learning disabilities a. Perseverance
b. Speech and communication disorders b. Passion
c. Emotional/conduct disorders c. Dedication
d. Autism d. Self-belief
73. Of the following, which is most true of adolescents? 77. How can new information be made more meaningful to
a. Hormonal changes students?
b. Last splurge of dependence a. Relating it to knowledge they already know
c. Unruly behavior b. Valuing new knowledge
c. Demonstrating novelty of new knowledge 82. On categories of exceptionality in the young, what is
d. Increasing retention of new knowledge difficulty in focusing and maintaining attention, and/or
78. Under the domains of learning, to what domain do Reflex recurrent hyperactive and impulsive behavior?
movements, perceptual abilities, and non-discursive a. ADHD
communication belong? b. Emotional/conduct disorders
a. Psychomotor c. Autism
b. Affective d. Speech and communication disorders
c. Cognitive 83. What kinds of skills are commonly dominant in subjects
d. Reflective like Computer, PE, Music, and the like?
79. In what development stage is the pre-school child? a. Problem-solving skills
a. Early childhood b. Manipulative skills
b. Babyhood c. Affective skills
c. Infancy d. Thinking skills
d. Late childhood 84. How is the disorderly behavior of children classified when
80. What is mainly addressed by early intervention program they tell lies?
for children with disabilities, ages 0 to 3 years old? a. Moral
a. Ensuring inclusion for special children b. Intellectual
b. Early growth development lag c. Social
c. Identifying strengths and weaknesses in special children d. Psychological
d. Preventing labeling of disabled children 85. Which of the following is not among the major targets of
81. What is the degree of moral certitude of Jade Althea who the child-friendly school system (CFSS)?
entered into marriage only out of obedience to her parents, a. All school children are friendly
but uncertain whether she wanted marriage at all? b. All children complete their elementary education within six
a. Certain years
b. Lax c. All children 6-12 years old are enrolled in elementary
c. Probable schools
d. Doubtful d. All grade six students pass the division, regional, and
national tests
86. Research studies that reading power affects college 90. Of the following, how can self-esteem be best developed
students who have insomnia, conflicts with parents, poor among learners?
rapport with other people. What factor(s) is shown to effect a. Doing fair share in community work
reading achievement? b. Fulfilling commitments
a. Home conditions c. Through relationships with others
b. Socio-economic status d. Displaying self-control
c. Personality and emotional factors 91. Of Piaget’s Cognitive Concepts, which refer to the
d. Perception and comprehension process of fitting a new experience to a previously created
87. Among the following, which is the abstract form of cognitive structure or schema?
learning, parents teach their children? a. Assimilation
a. Tumulong ka sa paglinis ng bahay b. Schema
b. Magbasa ka ng libro c. Accommodation
c. Palagi kang magdasal d. Equilibrium
d. Mapakabuti ka 92. In Piaget’s stages of cognitive development, which is the
88. What characteristic differentiate spiritual intelligence or tendency of the child to only see his point of view and to
spiritual quotient as developed by Harvard University, from assume that everyone has the same point of view?
sectarian religion (E.g. Christian, Buddhist, Jewish, etc.)? a. Reversibility
a. Authoritarian values b. Egocentrism
b. Universal values c. Symbolic function
c. Creedal values d. Centration
d. Sectarian values 93. Which is the most basic in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs?
89. Among models of reading strategies, what did student Jk a. Socialization
adopt when she reads back and forth, attending to both what b. Actualization
is in her mind and what’s on the page? c. Self-esteem
a. Bottoms-up d. Altruism
b. Interactive 94. Which aspect of multi-intelligence is enhanced by asking
c. Down-top students to work on a physical model of the atom after a
d. Top-down teacher’s discussion on the subject of the atom?
a. Interpersonal c. Moral
b. Linguistic d. Psychomotor
c. Kinesthetical 98. How do you describe transfer of learning across subject
d. Mathematical matter, e.g value of thrift in Economic and Social Science?
95. Among specialist in reading, who are mainly concerned a. Horizontal
about reading as a thinking process that involves the b. Spiral
recognition of printed or written symbols which serve as c. Vertical
thought stimuli? d. Cyclic
a. Semantics 99. What broad learning is needed for a learner to desire to
b. Psychologists learn throughout life?
c. Linguists a. Four basic Rs
d. Sociologists b. Basic education
96. Sequence the following events on the historical c. General education
development of reading: d. Pre-school system
I. Greek letters and the Roman alphabet were developed 100. What observation attests to the fact that the sudden
II. Through the Semite’s ingenuity, sounds, and symbols gave student’s motivation vary according to socio-cultural
rise to the Phoenician alphabet background?
III. People used pictures and characters to convey messages a. Females mature earlier than boys
IV. Researchers showed the processes of reading, b. Children from low-income household meet more obstacle
comprehension, and interpretation in learning
a. I, II, III, and IV c. Genetic endowments may show gifted endowments among
b. I, II, IV and III the young
c. III, II, I and IV d. Brains of boys are bigger and better than those of females
d. IV, II, I and III Assessment of Learning, Field Study, Practice Teaching
97. How is the disorderly behavior of children classified when 101. Of the types of validity tests, what is concerned with the
they don’t focus and lack attention? relation of test scores to performance at some future time,
a. Intellectual e.g. Freshmen college test can show success in college?
b. Social a. Curriculum validity
b. Criterion validity b. Subject exit tests
c. Content validity c. Achievement tests
d. Predictive validity d. Diagnostic tests
102. The test questions in Teacher Dae Dae’s test were 106. Teacher Bea Bunana makes her tests easy for students
confusing and subject to wrong understanding, especially to to understand, easy to administer and score and suitable to
poorer students. What was wrong with the test? test conditions, e.g. time. What is she achieving for her tests?
a. Inappropriate level of difficult of items a. Efficiency
b. Unclear directions b. Usability
c. Ambiguity c. Reliability
d. Test items inappropriate for outcomes being measured d. Validity
103. Of the following, which exemplifies the best example of 107. Of the following subjects, which does not belong to
cooperation and voluntarism in the Parent-Teacher performance-based subjects in which direct instruction is
Associations? effectively used?
a. Helping hands after a natural crisis, e.g. devastating storm a. Values education
b. Attending regular meetings b. Music
c. Fund raising for PT funds c. Science
d. Running the school canteen d. Mathematics
104. Among standardized tests, which reveals strengths and 108. Which of these approaches would reform assessment
weaknesses for purposes of placement and formulating an outcomes?
appropriate instructional program? a. Apply sanctions on low performing schools
a. Personality tests b. Focus on testing without investing the learner’s needs
b. Achievement tests c. Use understanding as means of giving feedback on
c. Diagnostic tests students learning
d. Competency tests d. Compare results of performance of all schools
105. Among standardized tests, which can show how 110. To what process of evaluation does determining the
students perform in comparison with each other and to extent objectives are met belong?
students in other schools? a. Authentic
a. Competency tests b. Formative
c. Criterion-referenced c. Applying it to solve his problem
d. Norm-referenced d. Retaining it in memory for a long period of time
111. Which form of the foundation of all cognitive objects 115. What does it mean if student Pete got a 60% percentile
without which the next level of higher thinking skills cannot be rank in class?
attained? a. He scored better than 60% of the class
a. Knowledge b. He scored less than 60% of the class
b. Synthesis c. He got 40% of the test wrongly
c. Application d. He got 60% of the items correctly
d. Analysis 116. Which of the following may not be adequately assessed
112. What primary response factor is considered by Essay by a paper and pencil test?
questions? a. Sight reading in music
a. Factual information b. Multiplication skills
b. Wide sampling of ideas c. Subject-verb agreement
c. Originality d. Vocabulary meaning
d. Less time for construction and scoring 117. What should be done with test item whose difficulty
113. Among written categories of assessment methods, what index is .98?
did teacher Maggie Lagid use when she assessed the stock a. Revise it
knowledge of her students through questioning in an open b. Retain it
class? c. Reject it
a. Oral questioning d. Reserve it for another group of students
b. Performance test 118. What is known as the scoring guides for rating open-
c. Product rating scale ended questions?
d. Observation and self-report a. Rubrics
114. In the context of the 6 facets of understanding cited by b. Outcomes
Wiggins and McTIghe, what is a proof of a student’s c. Scales
understanding a principle? d. Outputs
a. Stating given examples 119. What does it mean to say that the facility index of a test
b. Repeating it as given by the teacher item is .50?
a. It is reliable 124. Which of the following indicates a strong negative
b. It is valid correlation?
c. It is moderate in difficulty a. -75
d. It is very easy b. -15
120. With the mode of answering as a point of reference, c. -10
which of the following does not belong to this test group? d. -25
a. Completion 125. What is the graphic illustration for the relationship
b. Essay between two variables?
c. Problem-solving a. Histogram
d. Matching b. Normal curves
121. One half of the class scored very low. Teacher Janus c. Frequency polygons
gave another tests to determine where were the students d. Scatter diagram
were weakest. What type of test is this? 126. What does a negative discrimination index mean?
a. Aptitude test a. The test item has low reliability
b. Remedial test b. More from the lower group answered the test item correctly
c. Diagnostic test c. More from the upper answered the test correctly
d. Readiness test d. The test could not discriminate between the upper and
122. On what is normative marking based? lower group
a. High marks of few students 127. What is the deviation from a standard or desired level of
b. Failure of some students performance?
c. Normal curve of standard distribution a. A problem
d. Student achievement relative to other students b. A deficit
123. What cognitive domain is involved in the student’s c. A defect
clarifying information from conclusion? d. A gap
a. Synthesis 128. How does a student’s 80 percentile score interpreted?
b. Evaluation a. High in all the skills being tested
c. Analysis b. Higher than 80% of the members of the group
d. Application c. Better relative to the competencies targeted
d. 80% of the specified content a. Use of an evaluation instrument
129. Of the types of validity for tests, what is focused on the b. Written reflection
extent to which a particular tests correlates with acceptable c. Self-videotape of class performance
measure of performance? d. Per feedback session
a. Curricular validity 133. In her test, Teacher Marian R unknowingly gave clues to
b. Content validity the answers that reduce usability of the test. What was wrong
c. Criterion validity with the test?
d. Predictive validity a. Ambiguity
130. Among general categories of assessment methods, b. Unclear directions
what instruments did pre-school teacher Justine use when he c. Poorly constructed test items
rated the handwriting of his students using a prototype d. Test too short
handwriting model? 134. In preparing classroom tests, which of the following
a. Product rating scale checklists is the LAST among steps in tests preparation?
b. Performance test a. How are the objective items to be scored?
c. Written response instruments b. How are the test results to be reported?
d. Observation and self-reports c. How I have prepared a table of specifications?
131. On what should teacher’s evaluation of a learner’s work d. How are the test scores to be tabulated?
be based? 135. What formula is used to total and compute test scores at
i. Attendance the end of the year?
ii. Merit a. [Test scores = transmutation table] x 100
iii. Quality of academic performance b. [Highest score + Lowest possible score] x 100
iv. Behavior in class c. [Student’s score x 100]
a. I and II d. [Student’s score + Highest possible score] x 100
b. II, III, and IV 136. What can be said of student performance in a positively
c. II and III skewed score distribution?
d. I, II, III, and IV a. A few students performed excellently
132. Self-evaluation can be done in various ways, but this is b. Most students performed well
not one of them: c. Almost all students had average performance
d. Most students performed poorly 141. Which measure of central tendency is most reliable
137. Which is true when the standard deviation is small? when scores are extremely high and low?
a. Scores are toward both extremes a. Cannot be identified unless individual scores are given
b. Scores are spread apart b. Median
c. Scores are tightly bunched together c. Mode
d. The bell curve is relatively fat d. Mean
138. In her tests, Teacher Tomden made tests that were 142. Which measure of central tendency is most reliable to
either too difficult or too easy. What was wrong with her get a picture of the class performance whose raw scores in a
tests? quiz are: 97, 95, 85, 86, 77, 75, 50, 10, 5, 2, 1?
a. Unclear directions a. Mode
b. Inappropriate level of difficulty of the test items b. None. It is best to look at individual scores
c. Ambiguity c. Mean
d. Identifiable patterns of answers d. Median
139. What is an alternative assessment tool that consists of a 143. Self-evaluation has become an important kind of
collection of work artifacts or in progress accomplishment by performance assessment among teachers, useful as an
a targeted clientele? honest self-criticism and a starting point to removal
a. Evaluation instrument evaluation by supervisors, peers, or students. How is self-
b. Rubric evaluation described?
c. Achievement test a. Evidence of teaching performance
d. Portfolio b. Substitute to supervisor’s rating
140. What computation did teacher Panny use in getting the c. Guide for self-adjustment
difference between the highest and lowest scores in each d. Tool for salary adjustment
class? 144. What is the common instrument used in measuring
a. Mean learning in the affective domain?
b. Range a. Multiple choice
c. Standard deviation b. Checklist
d. Median c. Scaling
d. Questionnaire
145. On the test giver’s list of Do’s, which of the following is 149. An entering college would like to determine which
not relative to motivating students to do their best? course is best suited for him. Which test is appropriate for this
a. Read test directions purpose?
b. Reduce test anxiety, e.g. “Take a deep breath.” a. Aptitude test
c. Explain the purpose of the test b. Intelligence test
d. Tell students: “I will be proud of you if you perform well.” c. Achievement test
146. What is the range if the score distribution is: 98, 93, 93, d. Diagnostic test
93, 90, 88, 87, 85, 85 , 85, 70, 51, 34, 34, 34, 20, 18, 51, 12, 150. Which of the following criteria is the basis for selecting
9, 8, 6, 3, 1? tests that yield similar results when repeated over a period of
a. 93 time?
b. 85 a. Efficiency
c. 97 b. Validity
d. Between 51 and 34 c. Usability
147. What does the test mean if the difficulty index is 1? d. Reliability
a. Very difficult Principles and Methods of Teaching, Educational
b. Missed by everyone Technology, Curriculum Development
c. Very easy 151. Facilities such as classrooms, fixtures, and equipment
d. A quality item can often damage the morale of new teachers and become
148. What is the meaning of a negative correlation between an obstacle for adapting well to the school environment. What
amount of practice and number of errors in tennis? should be the policy for assigning said physical facilities?
a. The increase in the amount of practices does not at all a. needs of student’s basis
affect the number of errors b. position ranking basis
b. As the amount of practice increases, the number of errors c. first-come, first-served basis
decreases d. service seniority basis
c. The decrease in the amount of practice sometimes affects 152. There are various functions a fellow teacher or peer
the number of errors coach can help new teachers. What role does a peer coach
d. Decrease in the amount of practice goes with decrease in play by being present/available to share ideas, problems and
the number of errors success with a new teacher?
a. a provider of technical feedback 156. After the embarrassing incident, Teacher Kevin vowed
b. a facilitator of strategies to himself to flunk the student at the end of the school term.
c. an analyzer of teaching job What has Dante done that is against the guidelines for using
d. a close peer or companion punishment?
153. Teacher Princess sees to it that her classroom is clean a. Punishing immediately in an emotional state
and orderly so her pupils will less likely disarrange seats and b. Using double standards in punishing
litter on the floor. On which thought is her action based? c. Doing the impossible
a. existentialism d. Holding a grudge and not starting with a clean slate
b. progressivism 157. Following the principles for punishing students, which of
c. behaviorism the following is the LEAST desirable strategy for classroom
d. reconstructionism management?
154. Teacher Nancy is directed to pass an undeserving a. Punishing while clarifying why punishment is done
student with a death threat. Which advise will a utilitarian b. Punishing while angry
give? c. Punishing the erring student rather than the entire class
a. Don’t pass him. You surely will not like someone to give d. Give punishment sparingly
you a death threat in order to pass 158. According to the guidelines on punishment, what does it
b. Pass the student. That will be off use to the student, his mean that the teacher should give the student the benefit of
parents and you. the doubt?
c. Pass the student. Why suffer the threat? a. Make sure facts are right before punishing
d. Don’t pass him. Live by your principle of justice. You will b. Doubt the incident really happened
get reward, if not in this life, in the next! c. Don’t punish and doubt effectiveness of punishment
155. In what setting is differentiated and multi-lingual d. Get the side of the students when punishing
teaching most effective? 159. Which of the following guidelines for punishment may be
a. special children with classes done?
b. multi-grade classes a. Don’t punish students outside of school rules on
c. children with diverse cultural backgrounds punishment
d. pre-school children b. Don’t threaten the impossible
c. Don’t use double standards for punishing
d. Don’t assign extra homework c. Stimulus-bounded
160. For group guidance in classroom management, what d. Flip-flop
element is lacking when there is too much competitiveness 164. Of subcategories of teacher movement behavior, what is
and exclusiveness with the teacher being punitive and partial happening when the teacher goes from topic or activity to
to some students? other topic or activities, lacking clear direction and sequence
a. Dissatisfaction with classroom work of activities?
b. Poor interpersonal relations a. Truncation
c. Poor group organization b. Dangle
d. Disturbance in group climate c. Thrust
161. To demonstrate here authority Teacher Kokeyni made d. Flip-flop
an appeal to undisciplined students. What kind of appeal did 165. Of subcategories of teacher movement behavior, what is
she make by saying, “Ladies and gentlemen, don’t engage in happening when the teacher is too immersed in a small group
that kind of behavior, you can do much better?” of students or activity, thus ignoring other students or
a. Invoke peer reaction activity?
b. Exert authority a. Truncation
c. Internalizing student’s image of themselves b. Flip-flop
d. Teacher-student relationship c. Stimulus-bounded
162. What is the term for the leap from theory to practice in d. Thrust
which the teacher applies theories to effective teaching 166. From classroom management strategies applied on
methods and theories? erring students, which of the following should not be done?
a. Integration process a. Surprise quiz
b. Informational process b. Communicating problems to parents
c. Conceptualization process c. Parent-principal conference
d. Construction process d. Shaming erring student before the class
163. Of subcategories of movement behavior, what is 167. Among mistaken goals in the Acceptance Approach to
happening when the teacher ends an activity abruptly? discipline, what happens when students defy adult by
a. Thrust arguing, contradicting, teasing, temper tantrums, and low
b. Truncation level hostile behavior?
a. Power seeking 171. Teacher Aldub makes certain content interesting to his
b. Withdrawal students. Focusing on learners, he also uses many simple
c. Revenge seeking examples, metaphors and stories. What is this quality of
d. Attention getting lesson content?
168. Teacher Ann Patuan dealt effectively with a minor a. Interest
infraction of whispering by a student to a neighbor during b. Feasibility
class. Which of the following did she do? c. Self-sufficiency
a. Reprimand quietly d. Balance
b. Continue to teach and ignore infraction 172. Teaching English, teacher Krizzy is careful about her
c. Reprimand student after class lesson content. What quality of content did he achieve when
d. Use nonverbal signals (gesture or facial expression) she made certain her information came with the “information
169. What mistake is teacher Senemin Basic trying to avoid explosion” which she got in the Internet, such as how to
by never ignoring any student or group of students in her effectively teach phonetics?
discussions and other activities? a. Learnability
a. Non-direction b. Significance
b. Dangled activity c. Balance
c. Divided attention d. Interest
d. Abrupt end 173. Teacher Kevin made certain his lesson content can be
170. Teacher Dra D Explorer is a great lecturer and so she is useful to his students, taking care of their needs in a student-
invited to speak and represent the school on many centered classroom. What is this kind of quality content?
occasions. What is one quality of her lecturers when she a. Utility
follows a planned sequence, not diverting so as to lose b. Balance
attention of her listeners? c. Self-sufficiency
a. Explicit explanations d. Interest
b. Continuity 174. In the implementation of the curriculum at the classroom
c. Inclusion of elements level, effective strategies are called “Green”. Which of the
d. Fluency following belongs to the Green Flag?
a. Homogenous students grouping
b. Content delivery based on lessons 178. What kind of tool is technology as evidenced by its use
c. Excess in chalkboard talk in word processing databases, spreadsheets, graphics
d. Student interest and teacher enthusiasm design and desktop publishing?
e. Rigidity if movement a. Analyzing tool
175. In the implementation of the curriculum at the classroom b. Encoding tool
level, ineffective strategies are called “Red”. Which of the c. Productivity tool
following belongs to the Red Flag? d. Calculating tool
a. Content applied to real-life situations 179. In avoiding implying sickness or suffering, which of the
b. Overemphasis on drill and practice following is the most preferable way to refer to those with
c. Available enrichment activities disabilities like polio?
d. Integration of problem solving a. “Is polio-stricken”
176. Teacher Maggie explains by spicing her lectures with b. “Had polio”
examples, descriptions and stories. What is this quality in her c. “Polio victim”
lectures? d. “Suffers from polio”
a. Planned sequence 180. If threat of punishment is necessary on erring students,
b. Elaboration through elements how should this best be done?
c. Use of audiovisuals a. Make the threat and reinforce with warning
d. Simple vocabulary b. Make the threat with immediate punishment
177. Can technology take the place of the teacher in the c. Ward and threat at the same time
classroom? Select the most appropriate answer: d. First a warning before the threat
a. No. It is only an instrument or a tool 181. Among cognitive objectives, what is also known as an
b. Yes, when they hire less teachers and acquire more understanding and is a step higher than more knowledge of
computers facts?
c. Yes. When teachers are not competent a. Comprehension
d. Yes, such as in the case of Computer-assisted instruction b. Analysis
(not teacher-assisted instruction) c. Synthesis
d. Application
182. What is the quality of teacher Pining Garcia’s lecture 186. From structures in Multifunctional Cooperative Learning,
when she makes use of various pictures, charts, graphs, which involves each student writing in turn one answer as a
videos to support her lectures? paper and pencil is passed around the group?
a. Simplified vocabulary a. Jigsaw
b. Enrichment through visual aids b. Inside-outside circle
c. Causal and logical relationships c. Roundtable
d. Continuing sequence d. Partners
183. In determining the materials and media to use, what 187. How does the “humaneness” of the teacher best
consideration did Teacher Ina A. Mag adopt when he chose described when he/she is full interest and enthusiasm in the
materials that can arouse and sustain in curiosity? work of teaching?
a. Satisfaction a. Responsiveness
b. Interest b. Perceptiveness
c. Expectancy c. Knowledge
d. Relevance d. Sensitivity
184. Which of the following is true of a democratic 188. Teacher Lester Cruz Valdez gets more information
classroom? about how his students learn in order to upgrade his
a. Teacher acts as firm decision maker pedagogy. What principle is he following?
b. Students decide what and how to learn a. Teachers should keep track of learning outcomes
c. Consultation and dialogue b. Teachers should value information
d. Suggestions are sent to higher officials for decisions c. Teachers should document information data on students
185. This is appropriate use of technology which can unite d. Teachers should teach and test learning
people of the world rather than exploit them? 189. In order to assist new teacher, which is the most
a. For pornography effective way to clarify the schools’ goals and responsibilities
b. For social media early in the first year?
c. For financial fraud a. Student’s handbook
d. For propaganda b. Orientation
c. Principals’ memorandum
d. School curriculum
190. Of components of direct instruction, which involves a. Coop-coop
teachers and students working together on a skill or task and b. Think-pair-share
figuring out how to apply the strategy? c. Team Word-Webbing
a. Consolidation d. Partners
b. Guided practice 194. This is the more appropriate understanding of
c. Application technology in education?
d. Modeling a. Methods and process
191. In direct/expositive instruction, what is the logical pattern b. Inventions and equipment
of procedures in a lesson adopted? c. Channels and instruments
I. Provide motivation and draw commitments d. Hardware, designs, and environment
II. Explain rationale and objectives 195. A teacher introduces herself as teacher only. What does
III. Provide feedback this imply?
IV. Practice for mastery a. She must have been forced to pursue a career in teaching.
a. II, I, IV, and III b. The teaching profession is not a very significant one
b. IV, I, II and III c. The teaching profession is the lowest paid profession
c. I, IV, III, and II d. She takes no pride in the teaching profession
d. I, II, IV and III 196. In the guided exploratory approach to learning, which is
192. Teacher JanJan made certain his lesson content is not the term used for Inquiry learning?
within the capacity of his young forum grade learners. What is a. Heuristic learning
the quality of John’s lesson content when he fits lesson to b. Problem-solving learning
learner’s capacity to absorb lesson content? c. Discovery learning
a. Learnability d. Expository learning
b. Balance 197. What is another quality of teacher Lassie Pecson’s
c. Validity lectures when she used words that are within the grasp of her
d. Interest listeners, avoiding technical terms and jargons?
193. From structures of Multifunctional Cooperative Learning, a. Use of specific descriptions and examples
which makes each group to produce a group product to share b. Enriched audiovisuals
with the whole class? c. Normal vocabulary
d. Planned sequence 5.d. Yes, he has excelled and gained international recognition
198. In delivering her lessons, teacher Blackie Lou Blanco is 6.b. No, especially if done in exchange for requested
careful that no topic is extensively discussed at the expense concessions
of other topics. That guiding principle in selection and 7.a. No provided he has taught for at least 3 years
organization of lesson content is she following? 8.b. Technical and scientific competencies
a. Significance 9.a. National Standard Competencies among teachers
b. Self-sufficiency 10.c. Promoting contraceptives for planned parenthood
c. Feasibility 11.c.True education is transmission of knowledge
d. Balance 12.c.Mission and core values
199. In determining materials and media to use, what 13.a. Right for basic education to determine subjects of the
consideration did Teacher Grachie adopt when she gave study
importance to the level of outcome and the learner’s sense of 14.a. Mobile education on Kariton
fulfillment in performing the task? 15.a. Review curriculum vis-à-vis TOS
a. Expectancy 16.c. Kanya-kanya system
b. Satisfaction 17.a. Aptitude for teamwork
c. Interest 18.d. Personal responsibility
d. Relevance 19.b. TEDPA – Technical Education Development Program
200. In the inductive approach to learning, what is not among 20.a. Synchronization
the facilitating skills needed on the part of the teacher? 21.c. National Competency-Based Teaching Standards
a. Teacher giving generalization of principles 22.d. self-evaluation
b. Commenting to pave way for generalizations or principles 23.c. licensure examination
c. Organizing answers 24.c. adaptability to new work environment
d. Asking the right questions 25.d. outreach by educating the villagers on protection of
1.C.-I,II,IV BEST ANSWER coral reefs
2. B.No, unless she has enrolled in refresher course of 12 26.a. spiritual vigor
units 27.b. English
3.a. No 28.b. policy for curricular reform
4.c. II and III – I,II,III BEST ANSWER 29.c. school networking with business and industry
30.a. vocational education 58.a. Basic elaboration strategies
31.d. creative dreamer 59.d. Complexity-simplicity
32.d. values 60.d. Respecting freedom of conscience
33.a. find peace within oneself 61.c. Socio-economic status
34.d. Ethical-spiritual component 62.c. Applied reading beyond the lines
35.d. Principle of moral cooperation 63.b. Descriptive
36.d. Knowledge and practice of universal moral values 64.a. Knowledge or recall
37.d. Strict 65.a. People can be trusted
38.d. Pharisaical 66.c. Theories
39.d. Callous 67.b. Metaphoric thinking
40.b. Certain 68.c. Peer tutoring
41.b. Perennialism 69.a. Ecological field trip
42.c. existentialism 70.c. Making a left-handed pupil write with her right hand as
43.a. Existentialist this is better
44.a. Constructivist 71.c. Showing class leadership
45.a. Behaviorism 72.a. Learning disabilities
46.a. 1 and 3 73.a. Hormonal changes
47.a. 4 74.a. Reasoning
48.a. Behaviorist’s 75.b. Universal principles
49.a. Progressivist 76.d. Self-belief
50.a. Teacher A’s 77.a. Relating it to knowledge they already know
51.I. Parents 78.c. Cognitive
52.c. Memory skills 79.a. Early childhood
53.c. To process and select information 80.b. Early growth development lag
54.b. Providing experiences that otherwise might not be had 81.d. Doubtful
55.c. Allowing different interests 82.a. ADHD
56.d. Parent-child relationship 83.b. Manipulative skills
57.b. Acquisition of new knowledge 84.a. Moral
85/.a. All school children are friendly 110.c. Criterion-referenced
86.c. Personality and emotional factors 111.a. Knowledge
87.d. Mapakabuti ka 112.b. Wide sampling of ideas
88.c. Creedal values 113.a. Oral questioning
89.b. Interactive 114.c. Applying it to solve his problem
90.b. Fulfilling commitments 115.a. He scored better than 60% of the class
91.a. Assimilation 116.a. Sight reading in music
92.b. Egocentrism 117.a. Revise it
93.a. Socialization 118.c. Scales
94.c. Kinesthetical 119.c. It is moderate in difficulty
95.c. Linguists 120.b. Essay
96.c. III, II, I and IV 121.c. Diagnostic test
97.a. Intellectual 122.d. Student achievement relative to other students
98.c. Vertical 123.c. Analysis
99.b. Basic education 124.a. -75
100.b. Children from low-income household meet more 125.d. Scatter diagram
obstacle in learning 126.b. More from the lower group answered the test item
101.d. Predictive validity correctly
102c. Ambiguity 127.d. A gap
103.a. Helping hands after a natural crisis, e.g. devastating 128.b. Higher than 80% of the members of the group
storm 129.c. Criterion validity
104.c. Diagnostic tests 130.b. Performance test
105.c. Achievement tests 131.d. I, II, III, and IV
106.a. Efficiency 132.d. Per feedback session
107.a. Values education 133.c. Poorly constructed test items
'108.c. Use understanding as means of giving feedback on 134.b. How are the test results to be reported?
students learning 135.d. [Student’s score + Highest possible score] x 100
109.b. Social service to upcoming generations 136.a. A few students performed excellently
137.c. Scores are tightly bunched together 161.c. Internalizing student’s image of themselves
138.b. Inappropriate level of difficulty of the test items 162.a. Integration process
139.d. Portfolio 163.b. Truncation
140.b. Range 164.c. Thrust
141.b. Median 165.c. Stimulus-bounded
142.d. Median 166.d. Shaming erring student before the class
143.c. Guide for self-adjustment 167.a. Power seeking
144.d. Questionnaire 168.d. Use nonverbal signals (gesture or facial expression)
'145..d. Tell students: “I will be proud of you if you perform 169.c. Divided attention
well.” 170.b. Continuity'
146.c. 97 171.a. Interest
147.c. Very easy 172.b. Significance
148.b. As the amount of practice increases, the number of 173.a. Utility
errors decreases 174.d. Student interest and teacher enthusiasm
149.a. Aptitude test 175.b. Overemphasis on drill and practice
150.d. Reliability 176.b. Elaboration through elements
151.a. needs of student’s basis 177.d. Yes, such as in the case of Computer-assisted
152.b. a facilitator of strategies instruction (not teacher-assisted instruction)
153.c. behaviorism 178.c. Productivity tool
154.b. Pass the student. That will be off use to the student, 179.c. “Polio victim”
his parents and you. 180.d. First a warning before the threat
155.c. children with diverse cultural backgrounds 181.a. Comprehension
156.d. Holding a grudge and not starting with a clean slate 182.b. Enrichment through visual aids
157.b. Punishing while angry 183.b. Interest
158.a. Make sure facts are right before punishing 184.c. Consultation and dialogue
159.a. Don’t punish students outside of school rules on 185.b. For social media
punishment 186.c. Roundtable
160.c. Poor group organization 187.d. Sensitivity
188.d. Teachers should teach and test learning Professional Education
189.b. Orientation 150 Questions and Answers Key

190.b. Guided practice 1. Which holds true to standardized tests?

191.a. II, I, IV, and III A. They are used for comparative purposes
192.a. Learnability' B. They are administered differently
193.b. Think-pair-share C. They are scored according to different standards
D. They are used for assigning grades
194.c. Channels and instruments
195.d. She takes no pride in the teaching profession Ans: C
196.d. Expository learning
197.c. Normal vocabulary 2. A negative discrimination index of a test item tells that particular test item
198.d. Balance lacks            .
A. objectivity
199.a. Expectancy B. reliability
200.a. Teacher giving generalization C. content validity
D. construct validity

Ans: B

3. In his second item analysis, Teacher H found out that more from the lower
group got the test item # 6 correctly. This means that the test item ________         
A. has a negative discriminating power
B. has a lower validity
C. has a positive discriminating power
D. has a high reliability

Ans: B

4. You want ti teach concepts, patterns, and abstractions. Which method is most
A. deductive method
B. problem solving
C. direct instruction
D. indirect instruction 8. What can the teachers in one school do to maximize their community resources
to ensure that effective instruction is employed at all times?
Ans: D A. Have a learning resource center of materials prepared by teachers.
B. Request the school to purchase materials.
5. Which can enhance the development of spatial intelligence? C. Require students to bring materials for their teacher.
A. hands-on demonstrations D. Let a company/agency sponsor the building of a resource center.
B. environmental study Ans: A
C. concept miming
D. concept mapping 9. In a multiple choice test item with four options and out of 50 examinees, which
was the most effective distracter?
Ans: D A. the correct answer that was chosen by 6 examinees
B. the option that was chosen by 30 examinees
6. Which of these is not an indicator of a supportive learning environment? C. the option that was chosen by 2 examinees
A. high drop-out rates D. the option that was chosen by 12 examinees
B. warm and friendly atmosphere
C. students take personal responsibility for their learning and behavior Ans: B
D. increase in student bonding activities in school
Ans: A 10. To reduce electronic waste, implement a recycling system. Which belong to an
e-waste recycling system?
7. Which of the following statements is/are not true about assessment? I. Repair
I. Feedback is the most important factor in assessment. II. Reuse
III. Upgrading of existing equipment
A. I, II, and III
II. Only those that can be objectively measured should be taught.
B. I only
III. Assessment should follow a developmental pattern.
C. I and II
IV. Identifying systematic errors committed by students should be the basis of
D. II only
remedial instruction.
Ans: A
A. II only
B. IV only
11. After scoring, Teacher G got the difference of the highest and lowest scores in
C. III and IV
each class. What did she compute ?
D. I and II
A. standard deviation
B. mean
Ans: A
C. range .
D. median A. trial and error
B. concrete experience
Ans: C C. experimenting
D. reasoning
12. Which of the following is NOT an example of a teacher’s nonverbal
communication? Ans: D
A. eye contact
B. gestures 16. Analytic scoring uses the ____  judgement of the student's work.
C. pauses A. evaluation
D. voice B. performance
C. standard
Ans: D D. criterion

13. In the Preamble of the Code of Ethics of Professional Teachers, which is not Ans: D
mentioned about teachers?
A. possess dignity and reputation 17. Teacher N teaches in a remote barrio. In order not to incur salary deduction,
B. with high moral values as well as technical and professional competence she does not file her leave of absence every time she gets absent. Anyway, she
C. LET passers uses that amount, which is supposed to be deducted from her salary on account of
D. duly licensed professionals her absence, to buy pencils and paper for the poor pupils in her class. Is Teacher N
Ans: C A. Yes, the poor students are benefited.
B. No, the end does not justify the means.
14. You want to engage your students in a small group discussions. Which topic C. Yes, the amount is little compared to the millions of pesos stolen by corrupt
lends itself to a lively discussion? government officials. D. Yes, she is not the only one benefited by her actions.
A. the exclusion of Pluto as a planet
B. the meaning of the law of supply and demand Ans: B
C. the law of inertia
D. rules on subject-verb agreement 18. According to Piaget's stages of cognitive development, between ages 12 and
15, children reach formal operational stage. What are they capable of doing at this
Ans: A stage?
A. can focus on only one aspect of a situation or event
15. Teacher X subscribes to the idealist philosophy. This means that the teacher
believes that knowledge arrived through
B. can solve abstract problems and think deductively
C. can reason inductively or deductively Bunsen burner. Whose theory supports Teacher R's practice?
D. can do multi-tasking A. Vygotsky's
B. Glasser's
Ans: B C. Piaget's
D. Bandura's
19. To enable all students to succeed, two simple approaches you should use are
variety and choice. What does this mean? Ans: D
I. Make use of a variety of teaching methodologies.
II. Consider learning styles and so allow students some options on how to go about 22. Which should you use more if you want to counteract the spirit of destructive
assignments. competition among your students?
III. Allow for more flexibility in activities. A. community involvement projects
IV. Do away with routines, rules, and procedures. B. listening activities
C. self-evaluation activities
A. I and II D. concept miming
B. I, II, and III
C. II and III Ans: A
D. I, II, III, and IV
23. When curriculum content is fairly distributed in each area of discipline, this
Ans: B means that the curriculum is           .
A. sequenced
20. Which of the following is true about ICT? B. balanced
I. The use of ICT has negative effects C. integrated
II. The use of ICT has a lot of benefits. D. continued
III. The use of ICT is effective only in industrialized countries.
Ans: B
A. I and II
B. II only 24. Teacher B discovered that her pupils are weak in comprehension. To further
C. III only determine in which particular skills her pupils are weak which test should Teacher
D. I and III B give?
A. Aptitude Test
Ans: A B. Placement Test
C. Diagnostic Test
21. Teacher R, a science teacher, makes sure all eyes are on her as she D. Standardized Test
demonstrates the proper behavior for lighting a Ans: C
C. questioning strategies are ineffective monitoring techniques
25. In constructing test items the teacher considers the alignment of _____ with D. teaching procedures on classroom routines early in the school year are essential
A. content and process Ans: D
B. monitoring and evaluation
C. instructional objectives 29. A student with a percentile score of 80 means that the student scored ______.
D. instructional materials A. higher than 80% of the members of the group
B. better, relative to the competencies targeted
Ans: C C. high in all the skills being tested
D. 80% of the specified content
26. Teacher B wanted her students to learn the electoral process in action. So, they
stimulate a copy of the real thing completed with coming up with their own Ans: A
qualification of candidates, manner of campaigning, and canvassing of votes. With
this, the students learned from __. 30. With a computer, you can organize information about trees and planets. Which
A. contrived experiences tool should you use?
B. direct experiences A. spreadsheet
C. purposeful experience B. database
D. demonstration C. word processing
D. desktop publishing
Ans: A
Ans: B
27. The Education Act of 1982 categorically states that it is a teacher's to refrain
from making deductions in scholastic ratings for acts that are clearly not 31. Which of the following is a right granted to parents as provided in B. P. 232,
manifestations of poor scholarship. Sec. 8:12?
A. obligation A. The right to receive, through primarily competent instruction, relevant quality
B. right education in line with national goals and conducive to their full development as
C. prerogative persons with human dignity.
D. responsibility

B. The right to free expression of opinion and suggestions and to effective

Ans: A
channels of communications with appropriate academic and administrative bodies
of the school or institution.
28. Research on teacher-effectiveness practices has shown that _        .
C. The right to organize themselves and/or with teachers for the purpose of
A. directions should be few and best delivered in a casual manner
providing a forum for the discussion of matters relating to the school programs.
B. planning has little impact on student learning
D. The right of institutions of higher learning top determines on academic grounds
that shall be admitted to study, who may teach, and what shall be the subject of the C. reversibility
study and research. D. transudative reasoning

Ans: C Ans: A

32. Which of these are the two most important knowledge and skills that a teacher 35. If one asked to develop himself to the fullest, what need is he trying to satisfy
needs to be able to provide teaching- learning opportunities that develop problem according to Maslow’s hierarchy of
solving and higher order thinking abilities? needs?
I. designing, planning, implementing, documenting, and reviewing learning A. Safety needs
experiences. B. Belongingness
II. impact of cultural, social, and political influences in education. C. Physiological needs
III. meta-cognitive processes D. Self-actualization
IV. methods of identifying students' learning needs
Ans: D
A. III and IV
B. II and III 36. Which is the most reliable tool of seeing the development in your pupils'
C. I and III ability to write?
D. I and IV A. portfolio assessment
B. scoring rubric
Ans: C C. interview of pupils
D. self-assessment
33. Bruner's theory on intellectual development moves from enactive to iconic and
symbolic stages. Applying Bruner's how should you teach? Ans: A
A. Begin with the concrete.
B. Begin with the abstract. 37. Article XIII of the Code of Ethics stipulates that the evaluation of the learner's
C. Be interactive in approach. work should be based on merit and quality of academic ____.
D. Do direct instruction. A. marks

👉 Related article: LET Reviewer: Teaching Profession Prof Ed

Ans: A
B. evaluation
34. When asked about her order, a little girl tells the waiter " 'yong kagaya C. performance
kahapon." With Piaget's theory in mind, what is the little girl's behavior called? D. results
A. pre-operational ego centrism
B. conservation Ans: C
D. 70 -50
38. Which is a classroom application of Vygotsky's idea of scaffolding?
A. Give the learner the necessary assistance until she can be on her own. Ans: C
B. From the start, leave the learner to herself because she has the power for self-
learning. 42. If you use Pygmallion effect to explain why children coming from depressed
C. Don't spoil the learner by doing what she ought to do. areas cannot read, to which do you attribute the poor reading performance of this
D. Give the learner a task that challenges her ability. particular group of children?
A. poor expectation from depressed areas
Ans: A B. lack of motivation
C. ineffective teaching methods
39. At the preoperational stage of Piaget's cognitive development theory, the child D. lack of reading materials
can see only his point of view and assumes that everyone also has the same view
as his. What is this tendency called? Ans: A
A. transductive reasoning
B. animism 43. Student R gave a wrong answer. Teacher W said "Wrong! You are way off."
C. egocentrism As a consequence other students in the class were afraid to answer questions.
D. conservatism Which of the following is illustrated by the event?
A. ripple effect
Ans: C B. halo effect
C. severity error
40. The adoption of national language directed by the Philippine Constitution is D. central tendency error
designed primarily to _______.
A. facilitate communication among diverse linguistic groups Ans: A
B. do away from colonial mentality
C. officially adopt Tagalog as national language 44. Which is a selective reading technique meant at getting important facts very
D. counteract elitism fast?
A. silent reading
Ans: A B. skim reading
C. oral reading
41. The Department of Education directed that the lowest passing grade is ____% D. scanning
and the lowest failing grade is % in the report card.
A. 70 - 60 Ans: D
B. 75 - 70
C. 75 - 65 45. Ask to do a learning task, Joe hesitates and says "Mahirap. Ayaw ko. 'Di ko
kaya!" (It's d ifficult. I don't like it. I can't C. the art of winning in an election
do it.) To which factor can you attribute his perceived inability to perform the D. the skill to persuade
task? To a factor.
I. within him Ans: A
II. outside his control
III. which is stable
IV. within his control 49. Teacher R observed that one of her students excels in activities requiring
strength, speed, flexibility, balance, and hand-eye coordination. According to H.
A. I and IV Gardner, such natural intelligence can be identified as   _______.
B. II and III C. I only A. bodily-kinesthetic
D. IV only B. intrapersonal
C. interpersonal
Ans: A D. verbal-linguistic

46. You were assigned to handle a multi-grade class. What instructional materials Ans: A
must be utilized to provide for the needs of each level?
A. differentiated materials to cater to different levels 50. The search for related literature by accessing several databases by the use of a
B. multi-sensory materials telephone line to connect a computer library with other computers that have
C. colorful, useful, and durable materials database is termed _______.
D. materials of high level thinking skills A. compact disc search
B. manual search
Ans: B C. on-line search
D. computer search
47. What is the initial step that a homeroom adviser must do at the beginning of
the class? A. Get to know each member of the class. Ans: C
B. Prepare a seat plan. C. Secure the class list.
D. Memorize the names of the students. 51. The government’s educational program on made the Philippine Education
Ans: A Placement Test accessible for adults and out of school youth.
A. equitable access
48. Having a mock presidential election, complete with debates, discussion of B. quality
issues, and voting, teaches students C. quality and relevance
. D. relevance
A. the decision-making process
B. the skill to win in debates Ans: A
C. multi-grade classroom
52. Ask to do a learning task, Joe hesitates and says "Mahirap. Ayaw ko. 'Di ko D. Sine Eskwela
kaya!" (It's difficult. I don't like it. I can't do it.) Which drive can motivate him to
perform the learning task? The drive to _______. Ans: A
A. achieve
B. have power 56. Which is an offshoot of the fourth pillar of learning, "learning to live
C. affiliate together"?
D. to be free A. Schools teach respect for diversity.
B. Schools show concern to what happens to children after they leave school.
Ans: A C. Schools celebrate United Nations Week.
D. Schools teach care for the environment.
53. Which one should teacher AVOID to produce an environment conducive for
learning? Ans: A
A. Tests
B. Seat plan 57. From the Households and School Matching Survey (HSMS) conducted in
C. Individual competition 1982, it was found out that school factors have less influence on learning when
D. Games compared to community and home backround variables. Which is one implication
of this finding?
Ans: C A. The school needs to strengthen its partnership with parents and community.
B. The school must focus on mastery learning.
54. If you are a constructivist, what assumptions about learning and learner govern C. DECS should work for 1:1 child-book ratio.
your thinking? D. DECS must create more teacher items.
A. For learners to learn, knowledge should be transmitted directly from teachers to
learners. Ans: A
B. Learners are capable of constructing meaning of what is taught to them.
C. Learners are empty receptacles waiting to be filled. 58. Which should you use if you want to teach the human digestive system in such
D. Teachers are the only source of knowledge. a way that the pupils can manipulate the organs?
A. model of the digestive system
Ans: A B. realia from medical schools
C. drawing of an artist
55. To ensure that all Filipino children are functionally literate, which mechanism D. picture from medical references
is meant to reach out to children who come from a barangay without a school?
A. mobile teacher Ans: A
B. multi-level classroom
59. The strongest disadvantage of the alternate response type of test is           . 63. In the context of the theory on multiple intelligence, one weakness of the paper
A. the demand for critical thinking pencil test is that _______.
B. the absence of analysis A. it utilizes so much time
C. the encouragement of rote memory B. it puts the non linguistically intelligent at a disadvantage
D. the high possibility of guessing C. it lacks reliability
D. it is not easy to administer
Ans: D
Ans: C
60. Which is not part of classroom routines?
A. line formation during recess, lunch, and dismissal 64. Which of the following belongs to non-projected media?
B. passing of papers A. realias
C. greeting teachers and classmates B. flannel boards
D. studying lessons before, during, and after classes C. filmstrips
D. field trips
Ans: C
Ans: C
61. Any deviation from a standard or desired level of performance is a           .
A. problem 65. Which measure of central tendency is most reliable when scores are extremely
B. gap high and low? A. cannot be identified unless individual scores are given
C. devotion B. mode
D. decision C. mean
D. median
Ans: B
Ans: D
62. The class of IV - K is tasked to analyze the present population of the different
cities and municipalities of the National Capital Region for the last five years. 66. Batas Pambansa Blg. 232, Sec. 13:2 provides institutions the freedom to
How can they best present their analysis? determine on academic grounds that shall be admitted to study, who shall teach,
A. By means of a table and what shall be the subject and research. This statement means
B. By looking for a pattern A. Philippine education provides equal access to cultural opportunities. B.
C. By means of a graph Philippine education recognizes academic freedom.
D. By guessing and checking C. Philippine education encourages voluntary accreditation.
D. Philippine education accord rights to and imposes duties and obligations upon
Ans: C school administrators or managers.
Ans: D
in the environment. This theory came to be known as _____.
67. This self-assessment tool which is used nationwide is one of the bases in A. connectionism
planning the _      _ training of teachers. B. stimulus-response associations
A. preservice C. classical conditioning
B. post-service D. operant conditioning
C. school-based
D. division-based Ans: D

Ans: C 71. A sentence that comes before is missing. How is understanding of a concept
shown by learners? A. by repeating what has been heard
68. The test item “Group the following items according to shape” is a thought test B. by memorizing what has been read
item on            . C. both a and b
A. creating D. by using and adopting these concepts
B. classifying
C. generalizing Ans: D
D. comparing
72. The introduction of non-formal education in life with the Constitution
Ans: B provision on  ____.
A. protection of teachers
69. The old, time-tested methods are also used in classes. Which of the following B. promoting the rights of all citizens to make quality education accessible to all
describes these methods? C. acceptance, affection and achievement
I. They are teacher-directed. D. affection, ability, attitudes
II. Mastery of subject matter is of utmost importance.
III. Procedures are well-established. Ans: B

A. II and III 73. Nita doesn't enjoy writing but can't escape from it. She has to finish it in order
B. I and II to graduate. Greta has always liked to write. She really likes to become a writer
C. I and III because she wants to be a journalist someday. Who is more likely to be more
D. I, II, and III focused on the writing activity and why?
A. Greta, because she is intrinsically motivated.
Ans: D B. Nita because she is extrinsically motivated.
C. Both, because they are both motivated anyway.
70. Skinner is known for his theory based upon the notion that learning is a result D. It cannot be determined. Motivation fluctuates.
of change in overt behavior, meaning, an individual responds to events that occur
Ans: A D. "I have found that one key to student development is providing criteria for
74. J. Bruner taught that curriculum should revisit basic ideas and build on them
until the student grasped the full formal concept. Which curriculum is referred to? Ans: A
A. special curriculum
B. re-structured curriculum 78. The facility index of a test item is .50. This means that the test item
C. basic curriculum is ________
D. hidden curriculum A. valid
B. moderate in difficulty
Ans: C C. very easy
D. reliable
75. Based on Freud's theory, which operates when a student a classmate at the
height of anger? Ans: B
A. ego alone
B. superego alone 79. Which graphic organizer is most fit for sequencing?
C. Id alone A. hierarchy diagram
D. Id and ego interaction B. Venn diagram
C. flow chart
Ans: C D. double cell diagram

👉 Related article: LET Reviewer: Social Dimensions in Education

Ans: C

76. Which is not a domain of NCBTS? 80. Scoring guides for rating open-ended questions are called _______
A. Learning Environment A. outputs
B. Alternative Learning B. outcomes
C. Diversity of Learners C. rubrics
D. Social Regard for Learning D. scales

Ans: B Ans: C

77. Which of these statements reflects best active learning? 81. "Do not cheat. Cheating does not pay. If you do, you cheat yourself." says the
A. "I hear and I forget; I see and I remember; I do and I understand." voiceless voice from within you. In the context of Freud's theory, which is at work
B. "I became interested in the school, I feel it is my school now." A. id alone
C. "I need more support, a network from which I could learn." B. superego alone
C. ego alone with a student or when a student falls in love with his/her teacher?
D. Id and ego interaction A. the teacher advises the student to discontinue with his/her studies
B. the teacher resigns from his/her teaching job
Ans: B C. the teacher avoids that learner
D. the teacher exercises discretion to avoid scandal and gossip and preferential
82. Which is a graphic representation of numerical data? treatment of that learner
A. histogram
B. attribute wheel Ans: D
C. Venn diagram
D. spider map 86. If you want to hone your students' metacognitive ability, which is most fit?
A. drill for mastery
Ans: A B. journal writing
C. debate
83. After the holidays, there was much chatter and sharing of stories in class. You D. brainstorming
are confronted with behavioral management. You have a well-planned lesson
which you cannot start. What is the best strategy for the class to settle down so Ans: B
you can start the lesson?
A. Give the class 10 minutes to share how they spent the holidays. 87. The principle of leaner  _______ makes assessment a shared responsibility
B. Ask the students what their New Year's resolutions are. with the teacher.
C. Give the students 10 minutes to write a paragraph on their New Year's A. perfromance
resolution. B. accountability
D. Give a 10-item test to keep them quiet. C. responsibility
D. evaluation
Ans: A
Ans: B
84. High levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, inhibits learning. What is an
implication of this in the teaching -learning process? 88. Which of the following assessment tools would you recommend if one should
A. Teachers should be non-threatening in their ways. adhere to constructivist theory of learning?
B. Avoid quizzes and tests. C. Never raise your voice. I. Constructed response test
D. Do not give assignments. II. Performance test
III. Checklist of a motor screening test
Ans: A IV. Observation test

85. Which is ethical for a teacher to do in a situation where he/she falls in love A. I and II
B. II and III 92. NSAT and NEAT results are interpreted against set mastery level. This means
C. I, II, and III that NSAT and NEAT fall under?
D. I, II, and IV A. criterion reference test
B. intelligence test
Ans: A C. aptitude test
D. norm reference test
89. Which technique in cooperative learning is used when new information is
divided equally among all group members and each student teaches his or her Ans: A
portion to the other group members?
A. round table 93. A child who is cold towards the people around him might have failed to attain
B. think-pair-share what basic goal based on Erikson’s
C. round robin theory on psychological development?
D. jigsaw A. Autonomy
B. Initiative
Ans: D C. Trust
D. Mistrust
90. Which of the following is the most important contribution of Gestalt
psychology to the theories of learning? Ans: C
A. Use of multimedia approaches
B. Importance of the reinforcement in the learning process 94. What is referred to as the "looking glass self" of Cooley?
C. Cognitive insight A. It is how I look at myself through the eyes of others.
D. Concept of readiness in learning B. It is how others look at myself.
C. It is how others affect me. D. It is how I influence others.
Ans: A
Ans: A
91. John Dewey's major contributions to the sociological foundations of education
are the following. Which is an exception? 95. Student A is one-half standard deviation above the mean of his group in
A. School is a continuation of home; activities at home continue at school. arithmetic and one standard deviation above in spelling. What does this imply?
B. Education is a social process beginning unconsciously at birth. A. She excels both in spelling and arithmetic.
C. "True Education" is transmission of knowledge from the teacher to the learner. B. She is better in arithmetic than in spelling.
D. Facilitating education means being aware of the social condition of the learners. C. She does not excel in spelling nor in arithmetic.
D. She is better in spelling than in arithmetic.
Ans: C
Ans: D
fundamental dance steps." When observed by the school principal, she was
96. Is it wise to orient our students and parents on our grading system? showing her class how to execute the basic dance steps correctly. Why did the
A. Yes, so that from the very start, students and their parents know how grades are teacher use a demonstration method to implement her objective?
derived. A. It is a chance to show the teacher's expertise.
B. Yes, but orientation must be only for our immediate customers, the students. B. It is easier to imitate a teacher who shows the steps.
C. No, this will court a lot of complaints later. C. No student knows how to execute the steps.
D. No, grades and how they are derived are highly confidential. D. Class time is limited to ask student to execute.
Ans: B
Ans: A
100. How much of the scientific method has your pupils acquired? This is the best
97. The design of the 2002 Basic Education Curriculum (BEC) is based on the measured in their skill to _____
principles that the main sources for contemporary basic education are the expert I. Generate and test hypotheses
systems of knowledge and the learner's experience in their context. This II. Critic and evaluate
shows that the BEC is III. See connectedness of events
I. constructivist
II. behaviorist A. II and III
III. essentialist B. I and II
C. I only
A. I and III D. I, II, and III
B. III only in orientation.
C. I only Ans: D
D. I, II, and III
101. Which is the least exploratory in nature?
Ans: A A. problem solving
B. inquiry
98. Which is the basic principle underpinning the performance-based grading C. demonstration
system? A. It is a tool for improving teaching and learning. D. discovery
B. It is a tool to determine prerequisite knowledge.
C. It is diagnostic, formative, and summative. Ans: C
D. It is evaluative and judgmental.
102. Teacher R asserts that he needs to make his students get interested in the
Ans: A subject whether they like it or not. This is more the thinking of a/an ______
A. reconstructionist
99. A P.E. Teacher wrote this objective in her lesson plan, "To execute the four B. essentialist
C. perennialist A. problem checklist
D. behaviorist B. self-report technique
C. autobiography
Ans: B D. cumulative record

103. Inculcating the spirit of empathy among learners fulfills which pillar of Ans: A
A. learning to live together 107. What theory states that identical instructional environments, methods, and
B. learning to do resources may be effective for some learners and ineffective for others because of
C. learning to be the differences in the learner's biological and developmental set of characteristics?
D. learning to know A. Learning Style Theory
B. Reading Readiness Theory
Ans: A C. Multiple Intelligence Theory
D. Emotional Intelligence Theory
104. Teacher M sees to it that her classroom is clean and orderly so her pupils will
less likely disarrange seats and litter on the floor. On which thought is her action Ans: A
A. behaviorism 108. A student knows that the examination week is approaching, but instead of
B. existentialism studying, he chose to spend his time playing computer games. On the examination
C. progressivism day itself, He opted to pray for miracles rather than studying. Which attitude
D. reconstructionism towards religion is displayed? Miracles rather than studying which attitude
towards religion is displayed?
Ans: A A. Religion as Fake
B. Religion as Magic
105. It is equivalent to the average score of the group or class? C. Religion as authentic
A. Mean D. Religion as real
B. Median
C. Mode Ans: B
D. Standard Deviation
109. Which is an appropriate way to manage off-task behavior?
Ans: D A. Make eye contact.
B. Stop your class activity to correct a child who is no longer on task.
106. Which tool should a teacher use if she wants to locate areas which are C. Move closer to the child.
adversely affecting the performance of a significant number of students? D. Redirect a child's attention to task and check his progress to make sure he is
continuing to work.
III. Teacher J secretly gives way to special favor to add 2 points to the grade of
Ans: D Student A who is vying for honors.

110. At the high school level, Kohlberg's advice to teachers is for them to begin
👉 Related article: LET Reviewer: Principles and Theories of Learning and
discussing with students about abstract principles such as justice and human rights.
On the average, in which moral development stage are high school students
supposed to be? A. I and II
A. post conventional stage B. II and III
B. conventional stage C. I, II, and III
C. in between conventional and post conventional stage D. I and III
D. this depends on the school culture
Ans: C
Ans: A
114. Rodel is very aloof and cold in his relationships with his classmates. Which
111. Which of the following is NOT a guidance role of the classroom teacher? basic goal must have not been attained by Rodel during his developmental years,
A. Psychological Test Administrator according to Erikson’s theory on psychological development?
B. ListenerAdviser A. Autonomy
C. Human Potential Discoverer B. Trust
D. Total Development Facilitator C. Initiative
D. Generativity
Ans: A
Ans: B
112. To make the materials highly engaging, what must teachers do?
A. Make the materials interactive. 115. Which statement on test result interpretation is CORRECT?
B. Prepare materials which are easy to make. A. A raw score by itself is meaningful.
C. Create materials which are less costly. B. A student’s score is a final indication of his ability.
D. Design materials similar to commercial ones. C. The use of statistical technique gives meaning to pupil’s score.
D. Test scores do not in any way reflect teacher’s effectiveness.
Ans: A
Ans: C
113. Which are violations of the principle of respect?
I. Teacher A tells her students that what Teacher B taught is wrong. 116. If the difficulty index of your test item is 0.10, what should you do with this
II. To retaliate, Teacher b advises students not to attend Teacher A's class. item?
A. Revise it. B. interpersonal
B. Reject it. C. mathematical
C. Retain it. D. kinesthetical
D. Reserve it for another group of pupils.
Ans: D
Ans: C
120. It is an approach that makes students "think about their thinking". Students
117. To solve moral ambiguity among us Filipinos, we must ______. get conscious of their thought processes while they are engaged in their cognitive
A. excuse ourselves whenever we do wrong tasks.
B. blame our government for not doing anything about it A. cognitive
C. be aware and responsible about the problem B. constructivist
D. be comfortable with the present state affairs C. metacognitive
D. reflectivist
Ans: C
Ans: C
118. The Parent-Learning Support System targets the acceptance of the parent's
responsibility of educating a child. In attending to this responsibility, which of the 121. There is a controversial report that in a certain country, toddlers are
following roles of parents should be given priority? disciplined by being beaten, scalded with boiling water, and tied to the chairs for
I. as a learner hours. According to the same report, the orphanages limited the number of
II. as a child educator orphans according to the budget. They did this by selecting children, especially the
III. as a participant in school activities ugly and naughty ones, and placed them in the "dying room" where they were
IV. as a model for children's development deliberately left to starve to death. Is this morally right?
V. as a provider of home environment conducive to learning A. No, the end does not justify the means.
B. No, the children, no matter how naughty, have basic goodness.
A. V C. Yes, the government cannot afford to maintain crowded orphanages.
B. II D. Yes, the children are naughty anyway and may grow to be undesirable citizens.
C. IV and V
D. I and II Ans: A

Ans: C 122. With which goals of educational institutions as provided for by the
Constitution is the development of work skills aligned?
119. After a lesson on the atom, the students were asked to work on a physical A. To develop moral character
model of the atom to determine learning. Which of the M.I. Is being enhanced? B. To teach the duties of citizenship
A. linguistic C. To inculcate love of country
D. To develop vocational efficiency D. it is easy to administer

Ans: D Ans: C

123. Essay questions are used in an achievement test when _____ 127. Erikson labeled children who are two years of age as “terrible two” because   
A. most of the material sampled is factorial information .
B. a wide sampling of material is desired A. they are inquisitive
C. originality is a factor in the response B. they are playful
D. little time is available for construction and scoring C. they are sickly
D. they are assertive
Ans: C
Ans: D
124. Research findings showed that student's motivation may vary according to
socio-economic background. Which observation can attest to this? 128. Which technique is an application of B.F. Skinner's theory on operant
A. Females are more likely than males to earn higher grades. conditioning?
B. Students from low-income families are among those likely to be at risk of A. mastery learning
failing and dropping from school. B. process approach
C. Gifted students are more highly motivated. C. computer-assisted instruction
D. More boys than girls become underachievers. D. project method

Ans: B Ans: C

125. The developmental focus of the guidance process suggests that it. 129. Educational institutions’ effort of developing work skills inside the school are
A. Follows definite phases and stages aimed at           .
B. Entails much time and effort A. developing moral character
C. Is characterized by varied changes B. inculcating love of country
D. Facilitates changes in all aspects C. teaching the duties of citizenship
D. developing vocational efficiency
Ans: D
Ans: D
126. A test is considered reliable if ____
A. it is easy to score 130. You have presented a lesson on animal protective coloration. At the end, you
B. it served the purpose for which it is constructed ask if there are any questions. There are none. You can take this to mean           .
C. it is consistent and stable A. your students are not interested in the lesson
B. you need to determine if the students understood everything you presented A. giving recognition or appreciation for teachers/staff accomplishments
C. you need to ask specific questions to elicit responses B. giving clear expectations to the academic community
D. your students did not understand what you were talking about C. encouraging everyone to participate in accomplishing school goals and
Ans: C D. encouraging only the high performing teachers to apply for promotion

131. The teacher performance results provide continual ______ to professional Ans: C
A. support 135. What is the purpose of directed reading-thinking activity (DRTA)?
B. feedback A. to encourage students to model their own thinking
C. guidance B. to bridge the learning of oral language and written language
D. assessment C. to increase comprehension and comprehension monitoring by predicting,
generating questions, clarifying, and summarizing
Ans: B D. to encourage students to think about their reading by having them make their
predictions, confirm or reject them, and revise their prediction as the story unfolds
132. If a student is encouraged to develop himself to the fullest and must satisfy
his hierarchy of needs, the highest need to satisfy according to Maslow is ______ Ans: D
A. belongingness
B. safety 136. "Each learner approaches the world in many ways" implies that the learner
C. psychological need has different views of what they learn. It implies varied learning styles as well as
D. self-actualization teaching styles. As a teacher, how would you apply this statement?
A. Review the contents of the lesson.
Ans: D B. Master one strategy in teaching.
C. Make one standard lesson plan.
133. To what extent were the objectives of the course met? This is the concern of D. Provide various activities of learning.
the process of
A. authentic Ans: D
B. criterion-referenced
C. norm-referenced 137. It is sound to encourage students to define terms in their own words
D. formative because _____
A. defining the terms in their own words helps them memorize the definition faster
Ans: B B. students remember information better when they mentally process it in some
134. Which of these school practices helps create a positive learning climate? C. this is one opportunity to brush up with their English
D. they ought to connect the terms that they learn B. -0.10
C. -0.25
Ans: B D. -0.15

138. Each teacher is said to be a trustee of the cultural and educational heritage of Ans: A
the nation and is obliged to transmit to learners such heritage. Which practice
helps them fulfill such obligation? 142. The official title of the Philippine National Anthem is ______
A. Observe continuing professional education and be the best teacher. A. Bayang Magiliw
B. Teach the latest instructional technology to children. B. Ang Alab ng Puso
C. Teach community life and culture worth emulating. C. Lupang Hinirang
D. Supplant indigenous culture with foreign culture. D. Pilipinas kong Mahal

Ans: C Ans: C

139. Test norms are established so that they have basis for _____ 143. Ask to do a learning task, Joe hesitates and says "Mahirap. Ayaw ko. 'Di ko
A. computing grades kaya!" (It's difficult. I don't like it. I can't do it.) Is it possible to motivate this type
B. establishing learning goals of student?
C. identifying pupil’s A. Yes, he can do something with his ability. B. Yes, he can change the nature of
D. interpreting test results the job.
C. No, it is impossible to motivate a student who himself is not motivated.
Ans: C D. No, motivation is totally dependent on the student. No person outside him can
influence him.
140. Professionalization of teachers and teaching as promulgated in Presidential
Decree No. 1006, defines teaching as profession concerned with classroom Ans: A
institution _____
A. by teachers on full time basis 144. Which type of test measures higher order thinking skills?
B. at the tertiary level in both public and private institutions A. Enumeration
C. at the elementary and secondary levels in both public and private schools B. Matching
D. by teachers of permanent status C. Completion
D. Analogy
Ans: C
Ans: A
141. Which of the following indicates a strong negative correlation?
A. -0.75 145. In the context of the six facets of understanding cited by Wiggins and
McTighe, what is a proof of a student's understanding a principle? Ans: A
A. repeating the principle given by the teacher
B. applying the principle to solve a problem 149. Which are the most important concerns about the use of ICT in instruction?
C. stating the principle from memory I. Developing appropriate curriculum materials that allow students to construct
D. memorizing the principle meaning and develop knowledge through the use of ICT
II. Devising strategies to meaningfully integrate technology into the curriculum
Ans: B III. Using pedagogical skills related to technology
IV. Providing teachers with skills for using software applications
146. You want your students to develop the ability to look at a problem from
various perspectives, which approach will be more fit? A. I and III
A. effective approach B. II and III C. III and IV
B. behaviorist approach D. I, II, III, and IV
C. modular approach
D. integrative approach Ans: D

Ans: D 150. What is the mean of this score distribution: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10?

A. 7
147. What is an application of Vygotsky's idea of scaffolding? B. 6
A. Give the learner a task that challenge her ability. C. 8.5
B. From the start, leave the learner to herself because she has the power for self- D. 7.5
C. Don't spoil the learner by doing what she ought to do. Ans: A
D. Give the learner the necessary assistance until she can be on her own.

Ans: D

148. Instead of assigning our students to discuss how to write a good editorial, ask
them to write one for the school organ. Which principle underlies this practice?
A. Promote meaningful connections between classroom subject matter and real-
world contexts.
B. Use assignments for instructional and diagnostic purposes.
C. When giving assignments take into account students' development levels.
D. Make assignments challenging.
Educational Technology d. They are readily available in the environment, around school and in the home.
Part 1 Answer: A
1. Which of the following statements has a very limited definition of educational 5. Which group of technologies has the highest degree of concreteness?
technology? a. Realia and computer
a. It is a profession composed of various job categories. b. Video, picture and television
b. It refers to the computers used for teaching and learning. c. Digital video, film, versatile compact disc
c. It includes audiovisual materials, interactive multimedia and self-instructional d. Book, imaginative literature, programmed instruction
materials. Answer: A
d. It is the development, application and evaluation of system, techniques and aids 6. Mrs. Del Prado placed text together with the relevant graphics on the same page
to improve human learning in her multimedia presentation. Which principle did she apply?
Answer: B a. Split attention
2. Which of the following statements is correct about the domains of educational b. Spatial contiguity
technology? c. Cost effectiveness
a. Design is the production stage while development is the planning stage. d. Communication effectiveness
b. Both the design and development are the planning stage. Answer: A
c. Evaluation is synonymous with implementation. 7. Mrs. Olivarez presented real samples of rocks in her General Science class.
d. Utilization is the action phase. What principle did she apply?
Answer: D a. Appropriateness
3. Ms. Gomez is planning to integrate technology in her Mathematics class. Which b. Authenticity
of the following would be the logical steps in doing this? c. Responsiveness
I. Set the objectives d. Simplicity
II. Analyze the learners Answer: B
III. Utilize the materials with showmanship 8. Which is the best reason why teachers state the objectives before using
IV. Evaluate the performance of the students instructional media?
a. I, II, III, IV a. To secure materials
b. II, I, III, IV b. To prepare the materials beforehand.
c. I, II, IV, III c. To determine which media to use best.
d. II, I, IV, III d. To be able to practice how to operate the equipment
Answer: B Answer: C
4. Which of the following is a limitation of models and real objects in teaching and 9. Which of the following should Mr. Rivera primarily consider in determining the
learning? teaching-learning objectives and use of instructional media?
a. They pose problems on storage a. The assessment tool to be used
b. They make learning more concrete. b. The learning activities
c. They provide hands-on learning experiences. c. The learner
d. The teacher Answer: D
Answer: B 14. Which of the following statements is incorrect about the contributions of
10. Which of the following technologies provide iconic experiences to students/ technology to student learning?
children? a. The quality of learning can be improved.
a. Video and books b. The delivery of instruction can be more interesting.
b. Pictures and videos c. The method of teaching and learning becomes more interactive.
c. Radio and recording d. The role of the teacher can be changed into knowledge dispenser.
d. Modules and periodicals Answer: D
Answer: B 15. Mr. Tarnate, an ICT teacher takes into account technology standards to address
11. Which of these technologies used in the classroom are arranged from the most the needs of the students and help them adapt with the changing society and
symbolic to multisensory? technology Which of the following standards is an exception?
a. Real objects, print, audio-visual materials and visual materials a. Creativity and innovation
b. Visual materials, audio visual materials, print and computers b. Research and information literacy
c. Visual materials, print, audio-visual materials and realia c. Model digital-age work and learning
d. Print, audio-visual materials, computers and realia d. Technology operations and concepts
Answer: D Answer: C
12. Which of the following is inappropriate in using printed visuals such as charts, 16. Ms. Vinluan, a computer teacher demonstrates understanding of local and
graphs and drawings? global issues and exhibits ethical and legal use of information and
a. Provide written or verbal cues to highlight important aspect of visuals communications technology tools. Which is true about her?
b. Present the instructional materials simultaneously a. She models digital-age work and learning
c. Use materials that everyone can see b. She facilitates and inspires student learning and creativity.
d. Make the presentation suspenseful c. She promotes and models digital citizenship and responsibility.
Answer: B d. She designs and develops digital-age learning experiences and assessments
13. Susan wants to learn more English. Specifically, she wants to improve her Answer: C
listening skills. She has a CD player, a tape recorder and has internet access. As an 17. With the fast-paced evolution of technologies nowadays, why are teachers
English teacher, what do you suggest? encouraged to shift gradually from a teacher-centered instruction to a learner-
I. CDs with English listening drills centered instruction?
II. Tapes with English listening drills I. A learner-centered instruction focuses on transformation of facts.
III. Internet website such as Go4English, English Language Listening Lab or a. II and IV only
Randall's listening Lab b. I, II and IV only
a. I and II c. I, III and IV only
b. II and III d. II, III and IV only
c. I or III Answer: C
d. I, II and III
18. Ms. Hernandez employs student-centered instruction as the learners create b. Informative tool
their digital portfolios in her computer class. What could be developed among c. Productivity tool
them through this approach? d. Communicative tool
a. Repetition and active learning Answer: C
b. Mastery of skills and information delivery 23. Professor Reyes is thinking of an online learning approach by which content
c. Information processing and passive learning provides links to information at other locations and serves as a focal point for a
d. Construction of knowledge and information exchange distance education experience. Which of the following should she use?
Answer: D a. Teleconferencing
19. Mr. Torres will have a multimedia presentation in his Science class. Which of b. Self-paced program
the following should he avoid? c. Web-based instruction
a. Consider technical quality. d. Computer-aided instruction
b. Apply different computer effects per slid. Answer: C
c. Present information through graphic organizers 24. Which is NOT a basic consideration in selecting and evaluating the content of
d. Use contrasting colors for text and background. an educational technology tool?
Answer: B a. Does it match the content?
20. Mrs. Sison would like to integrate technology in writing a friendly letter. b. Can it be easily dismantled?
Which of the following is the most effective way of doing it? c. Will it motivate and maintain interest?
a. Let the pupils surf a friendly letter from the internet d. Is there evidence of its effectiveness?
b. Have the pupils write a friendly letter and send it through an email. Answer: B
c. have the pupils forward a downloaded friendly letter to others via email. 25. Your father wanted to finish his long dreamed course but he wanted to do it at
d. Let the pupils write a friendly letter using word processing and have it critiqued home during his free time. Would you recommend an online learning?
by their peers. a. Yes, because online learning is the "in" thing
Answer: D b. No, because online learning inhibits student-teacher interaction.
21. Which of the following computer-based instructional materials can be used to c. No, because hiring a helper would enable him to attend regularly in his class.
learn new concepts? d. Yes, because he could learn at his own pace using a wide spectrum of
a. Games technologies.
b. Tutorial Answer: D
c. Simulation Part 2
d. Drill and practice 1. Ms. Delos Santos is a fresh graduate teacher who was hired to teach in an
Answer: B elementary school where there are enough resources for instruction. She wanted to
22. Professor dela Cruz would like to create a presentation material for her lesson start preparing her instructional materials. Which is the most systematic process in
on the types of computer-assisted instruction. To make her presentation effective, doing this?
which? a. Design, utilization, evaluation, development
a. Situating tool b. Design, development, utilization, evaluation
c. Development, design, utilization, evaluation 6. It is impractical to bring real objects to the classroom so Aaron constructed a
d. Development, utilization, evaluation, design three-dimensional visual instead. Which of the following did he construct?
Answer: B a. Chart
2. Which is the most important reason why teachers need to preview their b. Cartoon
instructional materials that will be used in the class? c. Model
a. To gain confidence in using them d. Graphic organizer
b. To encourage viewers to be more focused Answer: C
c. To avoid potential problems that might occur while materials are in use 7. You asked your students to show a two-dimensional illustration of what they
d. To ensure appropriateness of the materials with the objectives and target have understood from what they have read. Which of the following non-projected
audience visuals are you referring to?
Answer: D a. Graphic organizer
3. After Ms. Rivas planned her lesson in English, she found out that the materials b. Print materials
at hand do not match her objectives. Which is the best thing that she can do? c. Model
a. Modify the available materials d. Realia
b. Teach the lesson the following day. Answer: A
c. Change the objectives to match with available materials. 8. There are several reasons why teachers are reluctant in using electronic media in
d. Carry out the lesson as planned and use the materials at hand. the teaching-learning process. Which is the most common reason?
Answer: A a. The limited exposure of teachers to new equipment
4. Prof. Balagtas used worksheets, manipulatives, and models in teaching math to b. Their incompatibility to diverse needs of the learners
help her students understand the lessons and love the subject. What did she bear in c. The difficulty in integrating technology in the curriculum
mind when she used these materials? d. The excessive availability of local technology in the community
a. Appropriateness Answer: A
b. Balance 9. Prof. Mandanas would like to use an audio compact disc in teaching a lesson in
c. Breadth Filipino. In which activity in the teaching-learning process is it very effective?
d. Variety a. In developing listening skills
Answer: D b. In teaching creating thinking
5. With increasing use of educational technology inside the classroom, what role is c. In composing poems
expected of the teacher? d. In building concepts
a. Facilitator Answer: A
b. Researcher 10. Plants, pebbles, and blocks are just some of the effective instructional
c. Knowledge giver materials readily found in the environment if they are utilized properly. Which of
d. Source of information the following is INCORRECT about their classroom use?
Answer: A a. Pass a single object around the class.
b. Familiarize yourself with the object or model before its actual utilization.
c. Use the objects as springboard in encouraging students' active participation. Answer: B
d. Make sure that the realia and model are large enough to be seen by the whole 15. Which of the following categories of CAI will you use in your class if your
class. objective is to increase proficiency in a newly learned skill or refresh an existing
Answer: A one?
11. Prof. Ruiz uses projected visuals such as Digital Liquid Projector (DLP) in a. Tutorial
presenting her lesson. What could be her main reason for using it? b. Simulation
a. The projected materials are readily available. c. Drill and practice
b. They are more abstract than any other visuals. d. Instructional game
c. Most projected visuals can be obtained at no cost. Answer: C
d. She can easily prepare for own transparencies in advance. 16. Which of the following is an ineffective use of Presentation software?
Answer: A a. Darken the room.
12. Ms. Samonte used a film clip in teaching Social Studies concepts to her First b. Use appropriate pacing.
Year High School class. However, she found out that it was ineffectively used in c. Read directly from the slides.
the classroom. When is technology considered INEFFECTIVE? d. Allow interaction with the learner.
a. When it promotes mastery of the lesson Answer: C
b. When it makes viewing more interesting 17. Which of the following is NOT an example of a communicative tool?
c. When it helps attain the objectives of the lesson a. Chat
d. When it induces alienation on the part of the learners b. Electronic mail
Answer: D c. Teleconferencing
13. Your principal purchased new computer units for your Learning Resource d. Multimedia encyclopedia
Center. Which of the following should be your last consideration in using the Answer: D
technology? 18. Why is one-way delivery of information a misuse of communication tools?
a. Computers can be used for entertainment. a. Because the teacher expects the student to study more
b. Computers can be used for research activity. b. Because it requires activities that focus on thinking than responding
c. Computers can be used for interactive presentation. c. Because it enables the users to focus more on higher level cognitive activities
d. Computers can be used to reinforce discussion of difficult concepts in class. d. Because this kind of practice lessens interaction capabilities of communication
Answer: A tools
14. Computers can be classified according to the roles they play namely Answer: D
communicative tool, informative tool, and constructive tool. What is the other role 19. Internet consists of thousands of connected computer networks around the
of computers not mentioned in this item? world. Which term does not refer to internet?
a. Instructional tool a. NET
b. Situating tool b. On-line
c. Utility tool c. Cyberspace
d. Application tool d. Information Superhighway
Answer: B c. Computer-mediated Education
20. Which technology tool can Prof. Soriano use to communicate asynchronously d. Computer-managed Instruction
with her students? Answer: B
a. Chat and blog 25. When is distance education as effective as the traditional instruction?
b. Chat and instant messaging a. When the method, technologist and assessment used are appropriate to the
c. Blog and video conferencing required competencies.
d. Electronic bulletin board and email b. When the course requires more face-to-face communication between the
Answer: D students and teachers.
21. In your computer subject, you allow your class to chat as part of your c. When students depend more on their online mentor.
motivation before discussing to them the roles of computer as a tool. How is chat d. When there is student to student interaction.
used in t his context? Answer: A
a. Information tool Assessment and Evaluation of Learning
b. Application tool Part 1
c. Communicative tool 1. Who among the teachers described below is doing assessment?
d. Situating tool a. Mrs. Bautista who is administering a test to her students.
Answer: B b. Mr. Ferrer who is counting the scores obtained by the students in his test.
22. Which statement is INCORRECT about computer conferencing? c. Ms. Leyva who is computing the final grade of the students after completing all
a. It refers to live student interaction with an expert. their requirements.
b. It is also known as discussion forum or bulletin board. d. Prof. Cuevas who is planning for a remedial instruction after knowing that
c. It also refers to online class discussions, forums or debates. students perform poorly in her test
d. It permits two or more individuals Answer: C
Answer: A 2. Mr. Fernandez is judging the accuracy of these statements. Which statements
23. Which instructional application will you introduce to your class if your will he consider as correct?
objective is to help them find and use information resources available in the I. Test is a tool to measure a trait.
internet? II. Measurement is the process of qualifying a given trait.
a. Webquests III. Assessment is the gathering of quantitative and qualitative data.
b. Hybrid course IV. Evaluation is the analysis of quantitative and qualitative data for decision
c. Scavenger Hunt making
d. Distance education A. I and II only
Answer: C b. III and IV only
24. In the delivery of distance education, what computer application is used to c. I, II, and III
organize instructions and track students records and progress? d. I, III and IV
a. Computer-based Multimedia Answer: D
b. Computer-assisted Instruction
3. If I have to use the most authentic method of assessment, which of these d. How to design one's instruction
procedures should I consider? Answer: C
a. Traditional Test 8. You targeted that after instruction, your students should be able to show their
b. Performance-based Assessment ability to solve problems with speed and accuracy. You then designed a tool to
c. Written Test measure this ability. What principle of assessment did you consider in this
d. Objective Assessment situation?
Answer: B a. Assessment should be based on clear and appropriate learning targets or
4. After doing the exercise on verbs, Ms. Borillo gave a short quiz to find out how objectives.
well students have understood the lesson. What type of assessment was done? b. Assessment should have a positive consequence on student's learning
a. Summative Assessment c. Assessment should be reliable.
b. Formative Assessment d. Assessment should be fair.
c. Diagnostic Assessment Answer: A
d. Placement Assessment 9. Ms. Ortega tasked her students to show how to play basketball. What learning
Answer: B target is she assessing?
5. Who among the teachers below performed a diagnostic assessment? a. Knowledge
a. Ms. Santos who asked questions when the discussion was going on to know b. Reasoning
who among h er students understood what she was trying to emphasize. c. Skills
b. Mr. Colubong who gave a short quiz after discussing thoroughly the lesson to d. Products
determine the programs of learning. Answer: C
c. Ms. Ventura who gave 10-item test to find out the specific lessons which the 10. Mr. Ravelas made an essay test for the objective "Identify the planets in the
students failed to understand. solar system". Was the assessment method used the most appropriate for the given
d. Mrs. Lopez who administered a readiness test to the incoming grade one pupils. objective? Why?
Answer: C a. Yes, because essay test is easier to construct than objective test.
6. You are assessing for learning. Which of these will you likely do? b. Yes, because essay test can measure any type of objective.
a. Giving grades to students c. No, he should have conducted oral questioning.
b. Reporting to parents the performance of their child. d. No, he should have prepared an objective test.
c. Recommending new policies in grading students. Answer: D
d. Assessing the strengths and weaknesses of students. 11. Mr. Cidro wants to test students' knowledge of the different places in the
Answer: D Philippines, their capital and their products and so he gave his students an essay
7. Ms. Saplan is planning to do an assessment of learning. Which of these should test. If you were the teacher, will you do the same?
she include in her plan considering her purpose for assessment? a. No, the giving of an objective test is more appropriate than the use of essay.
a. How to give immediate feedback to student's strengths and weaknesses b. No, such method of assessment is inappropriate because essay is difficult.
b. How to determine the area of interest of learners c. Yes, essay test could measure more than what other tests could measure.
c. How to certify student's achievement d. Yes, essay test is the best in measuring any type of knowledge.
Answer: A b. Objective A matched with traditional assessment while B can be assessed using
12. What type of validity does the Pre-board examination possess if its results can a performance-based method.
explain how the students will likely perform in their licensure examination? c. Both objective A and B matched with performance-based assessment.
a. Concurrent d. Both objective A and B matched with traditional assessment.
b. Predictive Answer: A
c. Construct 16. In the context of the Theory of Multiple Intelligence, which is a weakness of
d. Content the paper-pencil test?
Answer: B a. It puts non-linguistically intelligent at a disadvantage.
13. Ms. Aviz wants to determine if the students' scores in their Final Test is b. It is not easy to administer.
reliable. However, she has only one set of test and her students are already on c. It utilizes so much time.
vacation. What test of reliability can she employ? d. It lacks reliability.
a. Test-Retest Answer: A
b. Kuder Richardson Method 17. Mr. Umayam is doing a performance-based assessment for the day's lesson.
c. Equivalent Forms Which of the following will most likely happen?
d. Test-Retest with Equivalent Forms a. Students are evaluated in one sitting.
Answer: B b. Students do an actual demonstration of their skill.
Refer to this case in answering items 14-15 c. Students are evaluated in the most objective manner.
Two teachers of the same grade level have set the following objectives for the d. Students are evaluated based on varied evidences of learning
day's lesson. At the end of the period, the students should be able to: Answer: B
a. Construct bar graph, and 18. Ms. del Rosario rated her students in terms of appropriate and effective use of
b. Interpret bar graphs some laboratory equipment and measurement tools and the students ability to
To assess the attainment of the objectives, Teacher A required the students to follow the specified procedures. What mode of assessment should Miss del
construct a bar graph for the given set of data then she asked them to interpret this Rosario use?
using a set of questions as guide. Teacher B presented a bar graph then asked them a. Portfolio Assessment
to interpret this using also a set of guide questions. b. Journal Assessment
14. Whose practice is acceptable based on the principles of assessment? c. Traditional Assessment
a. Teacher A d. Performance-based Assessment
b. Teacher B Answer: D
c. Both Teacher A and B 19. Mrs. Hilario presented the lesson on baking through a group activity so that the
d. Neither Teacher A nor Teacher B students will not just learn how to bake but also develop their interpersonal skills.
Answer: A How should this lesson be assessed?
15. Which is true about the given case? I. She should give the students an essay test explaining how they baked the cake.
a. Objective A matched with performance-based assessment while B can be II. The students should be graded on the quality of their baked cake using a rubric.
assessed using the traditional pen-and-paper objective test.
III. The students in a group should rate the members based on their ability to III. Collect evidences
cooperate in their group activity. IV. Rate Collection
IV. She should observe how the pupils perform their tasks. V. Reflect on Evidences
a. I, II, and III only a. I, II, III, IV, V
b. I, III, and IV only b. I, III, II, V, IV
c. I, II and IV only c. I, II, III, V, IV
d. I, II, III, and IV d. I, III, V, II, IV
Answer: C Answer: B
20. If a teacher has set objectives in all domains or learning targets and which 24. Which could be seen in a rubric?
could be assessed using a single performance task, what criterion in selecting a I. Objective in a high level of cognitive behavior
task should she consider? II. Multiple criteria in assessing learning
a. Generalizability III. Quantitative descriptions of the quality of work
b. Fairness IV. Qualitative descriptions of the quality of work
c. Multiple Foci a. I and II only
d. Teachability b. II, III and IV only
Answer: C c. I, II and III
21. Which term refers to the collection of students' products and accomplishments d. I, II, III and IV
in a given period for evaluation purposes? Answer: B
a. Diary 25. The pupils are to be judged individually on their mastery of the singing of the
b. Portfolio national anthem so their teacher let them sing individually. What should the
c. Anecdotal record teacher use in rating the performance of the pupils considering the fact that the
d. Observation report teacher has only one period to spend in evaluating her 20 pupils?
Answer: B a. Analytic
22. Mrs. Catalan allowed the students to develop their own portfolio in their own b. Holistic
style as long as they show all the non-negotiable evidences of learning. What c. Either holistic or analytic
principle in portfolio assessment explains this practice? d. Both holistic and analytic
a. Content Principle Answer: B
b. Learning Principle Part 2
c. Equity Principle 1. Mrs. Pua is judging the worth of the project of the students in her Science class
d. Product Principle based on a set of criteria. What process describes what she is doing?
Answer: C a. Testing
23. How should the following steps in portfolio assessment be arranged logically? b. Measuring
I. Set targets c. Evaluating
II. Select evidences d. Assessing
Answer: C Answer: C
2. Mrs. Acebuche is comparing measurement from evaluation. Which statement 6. Ms. Delos Angeles advocates assessment for learning. Which will she NOT
explains the difference? likely do?
a. Measurement is assigning a numerical value to a given trait while evaluation is a. Formative Assessment
giving meaning to the numerical value of the trait. b. Diagnostic Assessment
b. Measurement is the process of gathering while evaluation is the process of c. Placement Assessment
quantifying the data gathered. d. Summative Assessment
c. Measurement is the process of quantifying data while evaluation is the process Answer: A
of organizing data. 7. At the beginning of the school year, the 6-year old pupils were tested to find out
d. Measurement is a pre-requisite of assessment while evaluation is the pre- who among them can already read. The result was used to determine their
requisite of testing. sections. What kind of test was given to them?
Answer: A a. Diagnostic
3. Ms. Ricafort uses alternative methods of assessment. Which of the following b. Formative
will she not likely use? c. Placement
a. Multiple Choice Test d. Summative
b. Reflective Journal Writing Answer: C
c. Oral Presentation 8. The grade six pupils were given a diagnostic test in addition and subtraction of
d. Developing Portfolios whole numbers to find out if they can proceed to the next unit. However, the
Answer: A results of the test were very low. What should the teacher do?
4. Ms. Camba aims to measure a product of learning. Which of these objectives a. Proceed to the next lesson to be able to finish all the topics in the course.
will she most likely set for her instruction? b. Construct another test parallel to the given test to determine the consistency of
a. Show positive attitude towards learning common nouns the scores.
b. Identify common nouns in a reading selection c. Count the frequency of errors to find out the lessons that the majority of
c. Construct a paragraph using common nouns students need to relearn.
d. User a common noun in a sentence d. Record the scores then inform the parents about the very poor performance of
Answer: C their child in mathematics.
5. The students of Mrs. Valino are very noisy. To keep them busy, they were given Answer: C
any test available in the classroom and then the results were graded as a way to 9. Mrs. Nogueras is doing an assessment of learning. At what stage of instruction
punish them. Which statement best explains if the practice is acceptable or not? should she do it?
a. The practice is acceptable because the students behaved well when they were a. Before instruction
given a test. b. After instruction
b. The practice is not acceptable because it violates the principle of reliability. c. Prior to instruction
c. The practice is not acceptable because it violates the principle of validity. d. During the instructional process
d. The practice is acceptable since the test results are graded. Answer: D
10. Mr. Cartilla developed an Achievement Test in Math for her grade three 13. If Mr. Paraiso will have to make a scoring rubric for the student's output, what
pupils. Before she finalized the test she examined carefully if the test items were format is better to construct considering that the teacher has limited time to
constructed based on the competencies that have to be tested. What test of validity evaluate their work?
was she trying to establish? a. Analytic Rubric
a. Content-validity b. Holistic Rubric
b. Concurrent validity c. Either A or B
c. Predictive validity d. Neither A nor B
d. Construct validity Answer: B
Answer: A 14. The school principal has 3 teacher applicants all of whom graduated from the
11. Mrs. Robles wants to establish the reliability of her achievement test in same institution and are licensed teachers. She only needs to hire one. What
English. Which of the following activities will help achieve her purpose? should she do to choose the best teacher from the three?
a. Administer two parallel tests to different groups of students. I. Give them a placement test.
b. Administer two equivalent tests to the same group of students II. Interview them on why they want to apply in the school.
c. Administer a single test but two different groups of students. III. Let them demonstrate how to teach a particular lesson.
d. Administer two different tests but to the same group of students. IV. Study their portfolios to examine the qualities of the students' outputs when
Answer: B they were in College.
Refer to the situation below in answer items 12 and 13 a. I and II.
A teacher set the following objectives for the day's lesson: b. II and III.
At the end of the period, the students should be able to: c. I and III, IV
a. Identify the parts of friendly letter d. II, III and IV
b. Construct a friendly letter using the MS Word, and Answer: D
c. Show interest towards the day's lesson 15. What should be done first when planning for a performance-based assessment?
To assess the attainment of the objectives, Ms. Cidro required the students to a. Determine the "table of specifications" of the tasks
construct friendly letter and have it encoded at their Computer Laboratory using b. Set the competency to be assessed.
the MS Word. The letter should inform one's friend about what one has learned in c. Set the criteria in scoring the task.
the day's lesson and how one felt about it. d. Prepare a scoring rubric.
12. Which is NOT true about the given case? Answer: B
a. Ms. Cidro practices a balanced assessment. 16. To maximize the amount of time spent for performance-based assessment,
b. Ms. Cidro's assessment method is performance-based. which one should be done?
c. Ms. Cidro needs a rubric in scoring the work of the students. a. Plan a task that can be used for instruction and assessment at the same time.
d. Ms. Cidro's assessment targets are all in the cognitive domain. b. Assess one objective for one performance task.
Answer: D c. Set objectives only for cognitive domains.
d. Limit the task to one meeting only.
Answer: A
17. Who among the teachers below gave the most authentic assessment task for b. Test Results
the objective "Solve word problems involving the four basic operations" c. Reflective Journal
a. Mrs. Juliano who presented a word problem involving a four fundamental d. Critiqued Outputs
operations and then asked the pupils to solve it. Answer: C
b. Mrs. Mandia who asked her pupils to construct a word problem for a given 22. When planning for portfolio assessment, which should you do first?
number sentence that involves four fundamental operations and then asked them to a. Set the targets for portfolio assessment.
solve the word problem they constructed. b. Exhibit one's work and be proud of one's collection
c. Mrs. Malang who asked her pupils to construct any word problem that involves c. Select evidences that could be captured in one's portfolio
the four fundamental operations and then asked them to show how to solve it. d. Reflect on one's collection and identify strengths and weaknesses
d. Mrs. Pontipedra who asked her pupils to construct any word problem that Answer: A
involves the four fundamental operations then formed them by twos so that each 23. Which kind of rubric is best to use in rating students' projects done for several
pair exchanged problems and help solve each other's problem. days?
Answer: D a. Analytic
18. Which is wrong to assume about traditional assessment? b. Holistic
a. It can assess individuals objectively. c. Either holistic or analytic
b. It can assess individuals at the same time. d. Both holistic and analytic
c. It is easier to administer than performance test. Answer: A
d. It can assess fairly all the domains of intelligence of an individual 24. Which is not true of an analytic rubric?
Answer: D a. It is time consuming
19. Which statement about performance-based assessment is FALSE? b. It is easier to construct than the holistic rubric
a. It emphasizes merely process. c. It gives one's level of performance per criterion
b. It also stresses doing, not only knowing. d. It allows one to pinpoint the strengths and weaknesses of one's work.
c. It accentuates on process as well as product. Answer: B
d. Essay tests are an example of performance-based assessments. 25. Mrs. Bacani prepared a rubric with 5 levels of performance described in 5-
Answer: A excellent, 4-very satisfactory, 3-satisfactory, 2 needs improvement, 1-poor. After
20. Under which assumption is portfolio assessment based? using this rubric with these descriptions, she found out that most of her students
a. Portfolio assessment is a dynamic assessment. had a rating of 3. Even those who are evidently poor in their performance had a
b. Assessment should stress the reproduction of knowledge. rating of satisfactory. Cold there be a possible error in the use of the rubric?
c. An individual learner is adequately characterized by a test score. a. Yes, the teacher could have committed the generosity error.
d. An individual learner is inadequately characterized by a test score. b. Yes, the teacher could have committed the central tendency source of error.
Answer: D c. No, it is just common to see more of the students having grade of 3 in a 5-point
21. Which is a good portfolio evidence of a student's acquired knowledge and scale.
writing skills? d. No, such result is acceptable as long as it has a positive consequence to the
a. Project students.
Answer: B a. Information, Media and Technology skills
PROF ED (25) b. Learning and Innovation skills
1) The K-12 Basic Education Curriculum was officially implemented by virtue of c. Life and Career skills
what law? d. All of the above
a. R.A. 7836 7) The language problem is considered as one of the factors attributed to poor
b. R.A. 7610 learning among school children. Hence the use of vernacular was recommended.
c. R.A. 10533 In what grades should this be applied?
d. R.A 10353 a. Grades 1 to 3
2) Teacher Janine creates an environment in her classroom that promotes fairness, b. Grades 1 to 4
safe and conducive to learning. What NCBTS domain is she adhering to? c. Grades 1 to 5
a. Diversity of Learners d. Grades 1 to 6
b. Personal Growth and Professional Development Which educational approach focuses on what the learners are expected to know,
c. The Learning Environment understand and be able to do?
d. Social Regard for Learning a. Outcome-Oriented Education
3) Teacher Kevin organizes the parents of his students into a Homeroom Parent- b. Outcome-Based Education
Teacher Association so that he will be able to establish a learning environment c. Understanding by Design
that responds to the d. Result-Oriented Learning
needs of the children and the community as well. Which NCBTS domain is he 9) Which curriculum envisions a learner to become a person who is makabayan,
adhering to? mmakatao, makakalikasan at maka-Diyos?
a. Planning, Assessing and Reporting a. 2002 Basic Education Curriculum
b. Community Linkages b. K-12 Curriculum
c. The Learning Environment c. UbD-Based Education
d. Social Regard for Learning d. New Secondary Education Curriculum
4) Student-Teachers are given the chance to develop and try out learning tasks, 10) The teacher returns the checked test papers to the students with corresponding
instructional materials and assessment tools, what field study course are they scores and comments. What phase of the teaching process is involved?
exposed to? a. Planning
a. Learner's Development and Environment b. Implementing
b. Technology in the Learning Environment c. Feedback and reflection
c. Exploring the Curriculum d. Evaluation
d. Experiencing the Teaching-Learning Process 11) Which feature of a curriculum describes how much of the teaching was
5) What is the main legal bases on the access and equity of education in the learned?
Philippines? a. Performance
a. 1987 Constitution b. Strategies and methods
b. R.A. 9155 c. Knowledge, skills and values
c. R.A. 6655 d. Community partner
d. R.A. 7836 12) In participative curriculum planning, who deserves to participate in mapping
6) Teacher Nathalie engages her students in class activities that will develop the the plan through inputs from past experience in curriculum development?
Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS). What 21st century teaching skill is she a. Administrators
utilizing? b. Teachers
c. Students a. technique
d. District officials b. technology
13) Which of the following school practices best applies the tenet of ensuring the c. techne
right of all to proper education? d. technological
a. Conducting of the NCAE 20) Educational technology serves as learning tools that help learners understand.
b. Selective retention This is according to whom?
c. Inclusive education a. the Traditionalist
d. Selective admission b. the Behaviorist
14) The vernacular has been used in schools since 1929 and must be applied from c. the Cognitivist
________. d. the Constructivist
a. Grades 1 to 2 21) Which of the following is NOT a part of the phases of a systematic approach
b. Grades 1 to 5 to instruction?
c. Grades 1 to 6 a. the formulation of instructional objectives
d. Grades 1 to 7 b. the process of instruction itself
15) Do parents have a role in curriculum implementation and instruction? c. the assessment of learning
a. No, they have no formal training in pedagogy. d. the planning of the lesson
b. Yes, they may provide insights on the curriculum. 22) Which of the following is the role of educational technology in learning
c. Yes, but only in helping their children with school work. according to the traditionalist point of view?
d. It depends on a school's private or public status. a. It engages learners in active, constructive, intentional, authentic, and
16) Based on the curriculum requirement provided by all countries sampled, the cooperative learning.
language which is seemingly universal is? b. It serves as a presenter of knowledge, just like teachers.
a. Spanish c. It serves as tools to support knowledge construction.
b. Chines d. It is a social medium to support learning by conversing.
c. English 23) Which philosophical framework of educational technology believes that the
d. French role of teachers is to become facilitator providing guidance so that learners can
17) Which of the following refers to using learning technologies to introduce, construct their own knowledge?
reinforce, supplement and extend skills? a. Behaviorism
a. Technology Integration b. Cognitivism
b. Educational Media c. Constructivism
c. Instructional Technology d. Pragmatism
d. Technology Education 24) Edgar Dale's Cone of Experience gives primary importance on ________.
18) Are the following terms synonymous: Technology in education, Instructional a. affective experience
technology, and Technology integration in education? b. psychomotor experience
a. Yes, because all of them refers to technology. c. sensory experience
b. Yes, because all of them refers to education. d. cognitive experience
c. No, they just compliment with one another. 25) Which role of technology in learning is tapped when teachers represent and
d. No, they differ in terms of degree and application to education. simulate meaningful real-world problems, situations and context in teaching?
19) From the etymology of the word technology, which of the following means a. Technology as context to support learning by doing.
craft or art? b. Technology as tools to support knowledge construction.
c. Technology as intellectual partner to support learning by reflecting. 32) A communication arts teacher wants to teach patterns of dialogues among
d. Technology as information vehicles for exploring knowledge to support characters in a story. What visual symbol can she use to represent what the
learning by constructing. characters of the story say?
26) What role of technology in learning is used when a teacher encourages her a. Strip drawings
students to work on their assignments in groups using the social media network? b. Chart
a. Technology as context to support learning by doing. c. Diagrams
b. Technology as tools to support knowledge construction. d. Cartoon
c. Technology as intellectual partner to support learning by reflecting. 33) What kind of chart can be used to show and analyze a process from beginning
d. Technology as a social medium to support learning by conversing. to end?
27) Teacher Ramelyn makes her students play games in a computer to give them a a. Gantt chart
rest period during classes. Is she integrating technology with her teaching? b. Organizational chart
a. Yes, because the students used a computer. c. Flow chart
b. Yes, because computer games are interesting to students. d. Time chart
c. No, because there is no integrative process involved. 34) In a mathematics lesson, Teacher Gilbert wanted to present to his class the
d. No, because computer games are not related to the lesson. number of male and female in class in a more concrete way. What visual symbol
28) Which of the following manifests technology integration in teaching and may be used by Teacher Gilbert?
learning? a. Bar graph
a. The teacher teaches the students how to install software. b. Pie graph
b. The teacher used PowerPoint presentation with inserted video clips in teaching. c. Pictorial graph
c. The teacher instructed the students to troubleshoot a computer problem. d. Graphic organizer
d. The teacher had the students edit a document in Microsoft Word. 35) A type of graph that illustrates a particular data series through rectangles is
29) Among the following instructional equipment or tools, which is known to be called _________.
the most traditional but very effective technology in the classroom? a. Bar graph
a. Chalkboard/blackboard b. Pie graph
b. Slide projector c. Pictorial graph
c. Overhead projector d. Line graph
d. Bulletin board 36) This a way for students to visit art museums that they may not have access to
30) Which of the following is referred to as vehicles or various ways of otherwise.
information and communication? a. Social action projects
a. News print b. Telementoring
b. Cable television c. Virtual field trips
c. Mass media d. Keypads project
d. Advertising 37) Which of the following rules can help teachers make sure they are complying
31) What instructional material can a science teacher use to show a close with copyright laws when they use materials from Internet sites?
representation of the Earth and its location in the entire solar system? I. Never use copyrighted items unless you credit the source site.
a. Cartoon II. Use copyrighted items only with permission from the site owner.
b. Diagram III. Use as few items as possible from any copyrighted pages.
c. Map IV. Never use any items that are clearly from copyrighted pages.
d. Model a. I only
b. II only 44) You can use this kind of software either to create new web pages or modify
c. I, II and III existing ones:
d. III and IV a. HTML editor
38) Which of the following is a face-to-face communication that is made possible b. FTP software
through a computer? c. server software
a. E-mail d. browser editor
b. Google 45) What kind of images should be selected or inserted in a slide or page to make
c. Twitter the presentation readable?
d. Skype a. Matching
39) A term used to refer to a computer program is ________. b. Modeling
a. Desktop c. Mixing
b. Hardware d. Moving
c. Software 46) Which of the following is a conceptual model of learning created by the
d. Applications application of educational technology that enables students to willingly perform
40) A location in the internet set-up where a teacher and a student can converse in class work to find connections between what they already know and what they can
real time by typing their message to each other. learn?
a. Chat room a. Meaningful learning
b. Browser b. Generative learning
c. E-mail c. Discovery learning
d. Avatar d. Constructivism
41) What is that three-dimensional (3D) image presentation reproduced from a 47) Which of the following conceptual models of learning refers to the role of
pattern of interference? learning to help the individual live or adapt to his personal world?
a. GPS a. Meaningful learning
b. Audio-visual b. Generative learning
c. GUI c. Constructivism
d. Hologram d. Discovery learning
42) A file format that can be used by a student or teacher if they want to store or 48) Which of the following is an example of a multimedia?
send video sequences on a network is ________. a. A picture
a. JPEG b. Video clip
b. HTML c. CAI in Mathematics
c. MPEG d. A book
d. PDF 49) In discovery learning, students perform tasks to uncover what is to be learned.
43) If you download a copy of a document such as an application form, it is Which statement refers to this conceptual model of learning due to application of
usually in this format to make it easier to transfer with its original format and educational technology?
appearance. I. New ideas and new decisions are generated in the learning process, regardless of
a. BMP the need to move on and depart from organized set of activities.
b. PDF II. Students already have some knowledge that is relevant to new learning.
c. PICT III. The learner builds a personal understanding through appropriate learning
d. HTML activities and a good learning environment.
IV. The learners gives focus to new experiences that is related to what they 27. C
already know. 28. B
a. I only 29. A
b. I and II 30. C
c. II and IV 31. D
d. I, II, III and IV 32. A
50) What kind of tool is technology as evidence by its use in word processing, 33. C
database, spreadsheets, graphic design and desktop publishing? 34. B
a. Analyzing tool 35. A
b. Calculating tool 36. C
c. Encoding tool 37. A
d. Productivity tool 38. D
1. C 40. A
2. C 41. D
3. B 42. C
4. D 43. B
5. A 44. A
6. B 45. A
7. A 46. A
8. B 47. C
9. A 48. B
10. C 49. A
11. A 50. D
12. B
13. C
14. A
15. B
16. C
1. Concerned with the optimum development of the Filipino child
17. A
A. Seamless
18. D
B. Relevant and responsive
19. C - The Greek word "techne" means craft or art.
C. Enriched
20. D
D. Learner-centered***
21. D
E. Decongested
22. B
2. Understanding mastery and removed unnecessarily repeated competencies
23. C
A. Seamless
24. B
B. Relevant and responsive
25. A
C. Enriched
26. D
D. Learner-centered C. Instructional Management by Parents, Community, and Teachers (IMPACT)
E. Decongested*** D. Effective and Affordable Secondary Education (EASE)
3. Transition between grade levels and continuum competencies through spiral E. Open High School Program (OHSP)
progression 9. This cater advanced students whose learning needs are not met by conventional
A. Seamless*** learning system.
B. Relevant and responsive A. Multigrade Instruction
C. Enriched B. Modified In School Off School Approach (MISOSA)
D. Learner-centered C. Instructional Management by Parents, Community, and Teachers (IMPACT)
E. Decongested D. Effective and Affordable Secondary Education (EASE)***
4. Caters on Filipino learners and needs of the community E. Open High School Program (OHSP)
A. Seamless 10. This was developed by SEAMEO INNOTECH where parents, community and
B. Relevant and responsive*** teachers collaborate to address the large number of dropouts.
C. Enriched A. Multigrade Instruction
D. Learner-centered B. Modified In School Off School Approach (MISOSA)
E. Decongested C. Instructional Management by Parents, Community, and Teachers
5. Integrative, Inquiry-based, and constructive approach (IMPACT)***
A. Seamless D. Effective and Affordable Secondary Education (EASE)
B. Relevant and responsive E. Open High School Program (OHSP)
C. Enriched*** 11. This refers to the customized course approved by CHED and PRC to deliver to
D. Learner-centered Higher Education Institutions (HEIs).
E. Decongested A. Revised Teacher Education Program
ALTERNATIVE DELIVERY MODES B. Accelerated Teacher Education Program***
6. One teacher for 2 to 4 different grade levels in a single class C. Higher Education Training Program
A. Multigrade Instruction*** D. Tertiary Teacher Education Program
B. Modified In School Off School Approach (MISOSA) 12. The Learner Reference Number (LIS) is composed of how many digits?
C. Instructional Management by Parents, Community, and Teachers (IMPACT) A. 6
D. Effective and Affordable Secondary Education (EASE) B. 8
E. Open High School Program (OHSP) C. 10
7. Given to high school students who incur long term absences or who are D. 12***
permanently unable to attend school due to time, distance, or physical impairment. 13. How about the School ID?
A. Multigrade Instruction A. 6***
B. Modified In School Off School Approach (MISOSA) B. 8
C. Instructional Management by Parents, Community, and Teachers (IMPACT) C. 10
D. Effective and Affordable Secondary Education (EASE) D. 12
E. Open High School Program (OHSP)*** 14. This refers to the permanent record showing historical academic and co-
8. Frees children from the four corners of classroom wherein a class is divided into curricular record of students.
two groups. Group 1 goes to school and group 2 learns at home or vice versa. A. Form 137***
A. Multigrade Instruction B. Form 138
B. Modified In School Off School Approach (MISOSA)*** C. School Form 1
D. School Form 2 b. Professional Oath
15. This refers to the report card given every school year. c. Teacher Education Development Program
A. Form 137 d. Continuing Professional Development***
B. Form 138*** 22. Considers K to 12 Program as a flagship reform strategy
C. School Form 1 A. BESRA***
D. School Form 2 B. CHED
16. This refers to a group of teachers and other personnel engaged in collaborative C. DepEd
learning session to solve shared challenges. D. TESDA
a. Learning Action Cell*** 23. This assess grade 1 learners who may exhibit developmental advancement or
b. Teacher’s Quality Circle delays.
c. Mentoring A. Multi-factored Assessment Tool ***
d. Peer sessions B. School Readiness Test
17. This refers to a set of knowledge, skills, and attitudes (KSA) required to carry C. Early Language, Literacy, and Numeracy Assessment
out successfully assigned roles, functions, and responsibilities in an organization. D. Developmentally Appropriate Practice
a. Learning and Development System 24. In SEC 2010, Math and Science are taught using what approach?
b. School Based Management A. Discipline-based***
c. Competency Standards*** B. Spiral progression
d. Human Resource Development 25. The grading system used before the implementation of DepEd Order no. 8
18. This refers to the range of activities that cover Continuing Professional series of 2015.
Development aimed at improving individual and organizational productivity. A. Knowledge, Process, Understanding, and Product/Performance (KPUP)***
a. Learning and Development System B. Written Work, Performance Task, and Quarterly Assessment
b. School Based Management C. Understanding by Design
c. Competency Standards D. OBE
d. Human Resource Development*** 26. This tool measures the readiness of kindergarten pupils upon entering Grade 1.
19. This refers to professional development activities shall be developed, A. Kindergarten Catch-Up Education Program
managed, quality assured, monitored and evaluated. B. Early Language, Literacy, and Numeracy Assessment
a. Learning and Development System*** C. School Readiness Assessment Examination***
b. School Based Management D. School Readiness Test
c. Competency Standards 27. What school form is used by teachers to register the pupils/students in the
d. Human Resource Development Learner Information System (LIS)?
20. These are output-driven undertakings with specific calendar schedule and A. SF 1***
resource assignment. B. SF 2
a. Learning Outcomes C. SF 3
b. Activities*** D. SF 4
c. Learning Resources 28. The following schools are the area of study of SEAMEO INNOTECH in the
d. School Projects process of reviewing the Philippine curriculum before the implementation of the K
21. This refers to the inculcation of advanced KSV in post-licensure specialization to 12 Program EXCEPT
for professional practice. A. Manila Science High School
a. Post-Graduate Studies B. Don Bosco Technical College
C. San Pedro Relocation Center National High School B. Grade 8 and 9
D. Polytechnic University of the Philippines*** C. Grade 9 and 10
29. BESRA is composed of how many Key Reform Thrusts (KRTs)? D. Grade 11 and 12
A. 3 36. K to 12 curriculum is to holistic development as BEC and SEC is to
B. 5*** a. Functional literacy***
C. 7 b. Discipline-based
D. 9 c. Core curriculum
30. This refers to the complete assessment in basic education to measure d. Concept development
attainment in K to 12 program. 37. The MTB-MLE is composed of how many languages?
A. National Basic Education Competency Assessment (NBECA)*** A. 10
B. End of Grade 12 Assessment B. 11
C. College Readiness Test C. 12***
D. Exit Assessment D. 13
31. This is the official list of teacher applicants who obtained a score of 70 and 38. Who was tasked to review the Philippine curriculum before the
above. implementation of the K to 12 program?
A. Learning Action Cell (LAC) A. DepEd
B. Registry of Qualified Applicants (RQA) *** B. PRC
C. Key Result Areas (KRA) C. SEAMEO INNOTECH***
D. Key Reform Thrust (KRT) D. PAFTE
32. This refers to the unconditional means by which students learn in formal 39. The following are curricular themes for Kindergarten in the K to 12 curriculum
education. EXCEPT
A. Alternative Learning System a. Myself
B. Alternative Delivery Mode*** b. My family
C. Multigrade Instruction c. My friends***
D. Modified In School Off School Approach d. My community
33. Early Language, Literacy, and Numeracy Assessment is administered in what 40. The math curriculum is composed of how many content areas?
grade level? A. 3
A. Grade 1 B. 4
B. Grade 3*** C. 5***
C. Grade 6, 10, and 12 D. 6
D. Grade 9 41. Assessment for Kindergarten
34. This program in public schools aim to provide additional subject to Arabic a. Numerical Grades
Language and Values Education b. Letters
A. Madrasah Education c. Checklist and Anecdotal record***
B. Arabic Emergent Reading d. Anecdotal record
C. Arabic Language and Islamic Values Education (ALIVE)*** K TO 12 GRADING SYSTEM
D. Language Enhancement and Pedagogy 42. How many percent is given to written work in Language, AP, and ESP for
35. In what grade are exploratory subjects taken in the subject TLE? Grade 1-10?
A. Grade 7 and 8*** a. 30%***
b. 40% 49. How many percent is given to written work in all core subjects for Senior High
c. 20% School?
d. 50% a. 10%
43. How many percent is given to written work in Math and Science for Grade 1- b. 25%***
10? c. 15%
a. 30% d. 50%
b. 40%*** 50. How many percent is given to performance task in all core subjects for Senior
c. 20% High School?
d. 50% a. 10%
44. How many percent is given to written work in MAPEH, EPP, and TLE for b. 25%
Grade 1-10? c. 15%
a. 30% d. 50%***
b. 40% 51. How many percent is given to quarterly assessment in all core subjects for
c. 20%*** Senior High School?
d. 50% a. 10%
45. How many percent is given to performance task in MAPEH, EPP, and TLE for b. 25%***
Grade 1-10? c. 15%
a. 40% d. 50%
b. 50% 52. In what year was K to 12 offered to incoming grade 1 and grade 7?
c. 60%*** a. 2011-2012
d. 30% b. 2012-2013***
46. How many percent is given to performance task in Math and Science for c. 2013-2014
Grade 1-10? d. 2016-2017
a. 40%*** 53. In what year did the government put infrastructure to provide Senior High
b. 50% School?
c. 60% a. 2011-2012
d. 30% b. 2012-2013
47. How many percent is given to performance task in Language, AP, and ESP for c. 2013-2014
Grade 1-10? d. 2016-2017***
a. 40% 54. If a student failed to pass 3 subjects, he/she will
b. 50%*** a. retain in the same grade level***
c. 60% b. take remedial classes
d. 30% c. move to the next grade level
48. How many percent is given to quarterly assessment in all the subjects for d. transfer to other school
Grade 1-10? 55. If a student failed to pass 2 subjects, he/she will
a. 10% a. retain in the same grade level
b. 20%*** b. take remedial classes***
c. 30% c. move to the next grade level
d. 40% d. transfer to other school
55. If a student passed all the subjects, he/she will
a. retain in the same grade level
b. take remedial classes
c. move to the next grade level***
d. transfer to other school
56. What assessment is given to Grade 9 students to determine aptitude and
occupational interest?
a. Career Assessment***
b. Specialization Assessment
c. Exit Assessment
d. College Readiness Assessment
57. What assessment is given to Grade 6, 10, and 12 students before they can be
promoted to the next grade level?
a. Career Assessment
b. Specialization Assessment
c. Exit Assessment***
d. College Readiness Assessment
58. This refers to the subsidy given by the State to Grade 10 completers.
a. Educational Service Contracting Grant
b. Voucher Program***
c. Performance Based Incentive
d. SHS Scholarship
59. The contents of various learning areas in the Senior High School are based on
what standards?
a. Moving-Up Standards
b. College Readiness Standards***
c. Employment Readiness Standards
d. Higher Education Standards
60. What agency formulated the standards of the various learning areas in the
Senior High School?
a. PRC
b. CHED***
c. DepEd

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