Training tcgp11 Cargo Introductory
Training tcgp11 Cargo Introductory
Training tcgp11 Cargo Introductory
Apply published rates and charges for air cargo Recommended level
shipments ▪ Entry-level
▪ Intermediate
Complete air waybills accurately
Course format
Prepare shipments ready for carriage ▪ This is a self-study course, which will take you
approximately 160-200 hours to complete
depending on your previous knowledge and
Target audience experience.
▪ Newcomers to the industry ▪ The course materials are provided in e-book
▪ Cargo agent and air freight forwarder sales and and printed format.
marketing staff ▪ You will have 12 months to complete the
▪ Airline and manufacturer sales, reservations, course and exam (enrollment validity), which
and acceptance staff starts from the date you purchase the course.
▪ Junior-level managers at cargo agents, airlines, ▪ Your performance will be based on an
and manufacturers examination.
Please note:
Study with an Instructor ▪ Once you have completed the exam you will no
If you would prefer to study this course with the help longer have access to the course material.
of a local trainer, you can choose to enrol at ▪ After the enrollment validity expires you will no
an IATA Authorized Training Center near you. longer have access to the course content, nor
will you be able to take the exam.
Exam information Certificate awarded
▪ Online exam with remote supervision (OERS)
Upon successful completion of the exam, you will be
▪ You will be given 3 hours to complete 100
awarded an IATA Certificate available for you to
multiple choice questions. Closed course book.
print for your records.
▪ You are only allowed to use your IATA TACT
Training Edition (accessible through the online
exam resources)
Associated diplomas
▪ Passing grade is 60% correct answers; 90% You may also apply this course toward an IATA
correct answers are needed for a distinction Diploma in Air Cargo (self-study) or Special Cargo
Handling (self-study).
▪ You will be given 2 attempts to successfully
complete the final exam.
Table of contents
Industry regulations Cargo automation
▪ ICAO; IATA; FIATA ▪ Administrative automation
▪ Physical handling automation
The air cargo agency
▪ The IATA cargo agent ▪ Cargo IQ