Chapter 8
Chapter 8
Chapter 8
• Hyperbolic problems
• One-dimensional problems
• Characteristic equation
• Shock formation
• The Riemann problem
• Generalization to multidimensional problems
• Linear systems
• Nonlinear systems
• Shallow-water equations
Let us first consider the following advection equation with n = 1 space variable and
without source term:
∂tu(x, t) + a(u)∂xu(x, t) = 0,
subject to one boundary condition of the form:
u(x, 0) = u0(x) at t = 0.
Note the this PDE is equivalent to
∂tu(x, t) + ∂xf [u(x, t)] = 0,
0 1
with a = f (u) when f is C continuous.
A characteristic curve is a curve x = xc(t) along which the partial differential
equation ∂f U + a∂xU = 0 is equivalent to an ordinary differential equation.
Similarity and Transport Phenomena in Fluid Dynamics 6
Characteristic equation
When this equation is subject to an initial condition, the characteristic equation can
be easily solved. As u is constant along the characteristic line, we get
= a(u) ⇒ x − x0 = a(u)(t − t0),
with the initial condition t0 = 0, u(x, t) = u0(x). We then infer
x − x0 = a(u0(x0))t
is the equation for the (straight) characteristic line emanating from point x0.
Furthermore, t ≥ 0 u(x, t) = u0(x0) since u is conserved. Since we have:
x0 = x − a(u0(x0))t, we then deduce:
u(x, t) = u0(x − a(u0(x0))t).
When two characteristic curves interest, the differential ux becomes infinite (since u
takes two values at the same time). We can write ux as follows
0 ∂x0 0 1 u0(x0)
ux = u0(x0) = u0(x0) 0 0
= ,
∂x 1 + λ (u0(x0))u (x0)t 1 + ∂xλ(x0)t
0 0
where we used the relation: λ (u0(x0))u (x0) = ∂uλ∂xu = ∂xλ. The differential ux
tends to infinity when the denominator tends to 0, i.e. at time: tb = −1/λ (x0). At
the crossing point, u changes its value very fast: a shock is formed. The s = s(t)
line in the x − t plane is the shock locus. A necessary condition for shock
occurrence is then tb > 0:
λ (x0) < 0.
Therefore there is a slower speed characteristic.
Similarity and Transport Phenomena in Fluid Dynamics 12
Shock formation
The characteristic curves that are causing the shock
form an envelope curve whose implicit equation is given
x = x0 + λ(u0(x0))t et λ (u0(x0)) + 1 = 0.
After the shock, the solution is multivalued, which is
impossible from a physical standpoint. The multivalued
Shock position part of the curve is then replaced with a discontinuity
positioned so that the lobes of both sides are of equal
In the general case (where f 6= 0), the Riemann problem is an initial-value problem
of the following form:
∂tu + ∂x[f (u)]
( = 0,
uL if x < 0,
u(x, 0) = u0(x) =
uR if x > 0.
with uL and uR two constants. Assume that f > 0 (the case of a non-convex flow
will not be treated here). We will show that there are two possible solutions:
• a solution called rarefaction wave (or simple wave), which is continuous;
• a discontinuous solution which represents the spread of the initial discontinuity
• constant state: U (ξ) = 0. This is the trivial solution u(x, t) = cst. This solution
does not satisfy the initial problem.
The solution is thus a rarefaction
wave. It reads x 0
u L if ≤ f (uL ),
0(−1) 0 x 0
u(x, t) = f (ξ) si f (uL) ≤ ≤ f (uR)
x t
uR if ≥ f (uR).
Shock wave
Weak solutions (discontinuous) to the hyperbolic differential equation may exist.
Assuming a discontinuity along a line x = s(t) = ṡt, we get: Jf (u)K = ṡJuK. The
solution is then: (
uL if x < ṡt,
u(x, t) =
uR if x > ṡt.
Then a shock wave forms, with its velocity ṡ given by:
f (uL) − f (uR)
ṡ = .
uL − uR
x − mt = 0
uR )t
Non-convex flux
For some applications, the flux is not convex. An example is given by the equation
of Buckley-Leverett, reflecting changes in water concentration φ in a pressure-driven
flow of oil in a porous medium:
φt + f (φ)x = 0,
2 2 2 −1
with f (φ) = φ (φ + a(1 − φ) ) and a a parameter (0 < a < 1). This fonction
has an inflexion point. Contrary to the convex case, for which the solution involves
shock and rarefaction waves, the solution is here made up of shocks and compound
wave resulting from the superimposition of one shock wave and one rarefaction
Solve Huppert’s equation, which describes fluid motion over an inclined plane in the low
Reynolds-number limit:
∂h ρgh sin θ ∂h
+ = 0.
∂t µ ∂x
The solution must also satisfy the mass
Z conservation equation
h(x, t)dx = V0
where V is the initial volume V0 = `h0
Similarity and Transport Phenomena in Fluid Dynamics 25
Generalization to higher dimensions: terminology
We study evolution equations in the form:
U t + A(U )U x + B = 0,
with A an n × n matrix. B is a vector of dimension n called the source. The
system is homogeneous if B = 0. It is a conservative form when
U t + F (U ) = 0,
with A(U ) = ∂F /∂U .
The eigenvalues λi of A represent the speed(s) at which information propagates.
They are the zeros of the polynomial det(A − λ1) = 0. The system is hyperbolic if
A has n real eigenvalues.
Similarity and Transport Phenomena in Fluid Dynamics 26
Generalization to higher dimensions: terminology
Take the particular case n = 2 for illustration. The matrix A has two real
eigenvalues λ1 and λ2 together with left eigenvectors v 1 and v 2:
v i · A = λiv i.
It also has two right eigenvectors w1 et w2:
A · wi = λiwi.
Let us assume that A has the following entries
" #
A= ,
Then we get
1 a−d+ ∆ √
√ a+d+ ∆
v 1 = d − a + ∆ , w1 = , associated with λ1 = ,
1 2
1 a−d− ∆ √
√ a+d− ∆
v 2 = d − a − ∆ , w2 = , associated with λ2 = ,
1 2
avec ∆ = (a − d) + 4bc. Note that
v 1 · w2 = 0, and v 2 · w1 = 0.
In a matrix form:
+ S(r, B) = 0,
dt r=X(t)
along two characteristic curves r = X(t) such that dX(t)/dt = (λ1, λ2); S is the
source term whose entries are µiSi = v i · B. The new variables r are called the
Riemann variables. For B = 0, they are constant along the characteristic curves
and thus they are called Riemann invariants.
Determine the Riemann invariants and plot the characteristic curve for the
dam-break problem
– initial velocity −∞ < x < ∞ u(x, 0) = 0
– initial depth x < 0 h(x, 0) = h0
x>0 h(x, 0) = 0
For linear systems, the eigenvalues define shock waves. For nonlinear systems,
different types of waves are possible:
• shock wave: in this case, the Rankine-Hugoniot holds
s [U ]x=s(t) = F (U (xL)) − F (U (xR)) along with the entropy condition
λi(U L) > si > λi(U R)
• contact discontinuity (when an eigenvalue is constant or such that ∇uλk · wk = 0):
the Rankine-Hugoniot relation holds, with the condition λi(U L) = λi(U R)
• rarefaction wave: the characteristics fan out λi(U L) < λi(U R), self-similar
If we take (h, u) as variables, then the system is put in a nonconservative, but some
2 2
solutions are easier to work out. With U = (h, u), F = (hu, hu + gh /2) and
matrix A: !
∂F uh
A= = ,
∂U gu
∂u ∂u
+A· = 0.
∂t ∂x
eigenvalues λi u − c u + c
c c
right eigenvectors wi − , 1 , 1
n gc o n gc o
left eigenvectors v i − , 1 , 1
h h
Riemann invariants ri u − 2c u + 2c
Shock conditions
σ JhK = JhuK,
2 2
σ Jhu] = Jhu + gh /2K,
with σ the shock velocity. In a frame related to the shock wave, then v = u − σ and
h1v1 = h2v2,
2 2 2 2
h1v1 + gh1/2 = h2v2 + gh2/2.
There are two families
• 1-shock: σ < uL − cL et uR − cR < σ < uR + cR. vL > vR: the flux goes from left to
right when vL > 0;
• 2-shock: σ > uR + cR et uL − cL < σ < uL + cL. vR > vL: the flux goes from right
to left when vL > 0. Similarity and Transport Phenomena in Fluid Dynamics 54
Example: The Saint-Venant equations
Let us determine the Hugoniot locus, i.e., the points (h2 v2) connected to (h1 v1) by a
1- or 2-shock wave
h2v2 − h1v1
σ= ,
h2 − h1
2 2 2
(h2u2 − h1u1) 2 gh2 2 gh1
= h2u2 + − h1u1 − ,
h2 − h1 2 2
This gives us the shock speed and u2(h2|h1 v1) :
g h1 + h2
u2 = u1 ∓ (h2 − h1) ,
r 2 h 1 h2
g h2
σ = u1 ∓ (h1 + h2) .
2 h1
Rarefaction waves
We seek Riemann invariants rk , defined as ∇urk · wk = 0. We work with the variables
(h, u). The first invariant is:
∂r ∂r
−c + λ1 = 0,
∂h ∂u
whose characteristic equations are
du dh
=− .
g c
An integral is u + 2c. For the second invariant, we find u − 2c.
√ √
Along a 1-rarefaction wave, we have: u2 + 2 gh2 = u1 + 2 gh1 and the invariant
r1 = u + 2c is constant along any characteristic curve associated with the eigenvalue
λ1 = u − c (when these fan out, r1 is in the cone formed by the characteristics).
√ √
-1 q2/h2 + 2 gh2 = q1/h1 + 2 gh1;
S2 • Along a 2-rarefaction wave, we get:
√ √
-3 R1 q2/h2 − 2 gh2 = q1/h1 − 2 gh1.
0 1 2 3 4 5
0 L R
-1 A
Note that tangents to the curves R1 et S1 are
-2 R1 the same. Note also that an intermediate
0 1 2 3 4 5
state is possible only if:
h p p
uR − uL < 2( ghR + ghL).
Solution to the Riemann problem for
(hL, uL) = (1, 0) et (hR, uR) = (2, 0) For hL = 0 (hR = 0, resp.), then the 1-shock
wave (the 2-shock wave, resp.) is undefined.