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The Hall of Fire 54

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Issue 54

October 2008
In This Issue
• Peoples of the First Age


• Anawen, Wandering Healer
• Characters for a Fourth-Age Campaign


We are sorry for the lateness of this issue. A combination
of “Real-Life” intrusions and lack of content contributed
to the delay.

In this issue, we continue The Unofficial Guide to the

Elder Days with a chapter describing the people that were
around during the First Age. We also have some new
NPCs that will help liven up your campaign.

Micah A. Walles




This is an unofficial fan webzine created for players of Decipher's The Lord of the Rings Roleplaying Game and the world of Middle-earth created by
J.R.R. Tolkien. There is no affiliation between the creators of this webzine and Decipher, Tolkien Enterprises, or any other related corporation. All
material is either direct from Tolkien sources, Decipher, opinion, or has been created for the said purpose of roleplaying in the world of Middle-earth.
All pictures and graphics, unless otherwise sited, were obtained from Decipher and New Line Cinema, fan contributions or from sources on the
Internet. No claim of ownership is made through their use here. These images are used with no permission. THIS DOCUMENT IS NOT FOR
AGE [T]hey are the Fair Elves, the beloved of Manwe and
by Afrodyte Varda, and few among Men have spoken with them

The First Age offers a striking diversity of cultures Vanyar are not usually appropriate characters for
to choose from—Noldor, Sindar, Edain, Dwarves, most First Age games. They only venture to
Laiquendi, Easterlings, Petty-dwarves, and so on Middle-earth during the War of Wrath.
make the Elder Days a rich cultural tapestry to However, your Narrator may approve a Vanya
play with. who comes to Middle-earth as an emissary of the
Valar sent to convince more Elves to come to the
Here you will find details about the races of the Undying Lands.
First Age, the gifts and powers unique to them.
Unless stated otherwise, what's presented here To make a Vanya character, use the Attribute
replaces the information in the Core Rulebook. adjustments, skills, and edges for Noldor. Vanyar
have the same basic abilities as all Elves, and they
have the following racial traits:
They are the Deep Elves, and the friends of Aule, Vanyarin Lore. Vanyar receive a +3 bonus to all
and they are renowned in song, for they fought and Lore tests dealing with knowledge of the Valar.
labored long and grievously in the northern lands of
Poetry & Song
old. Vanyar get a +3 bonus to Perform tests.

The Noldor were the second group of the Eldar to Inner Light
complete the Great Journey to Aman. Their name Vanyar get a +6 bonus to Inner Light instead of
means "wise," for they possess great knowledge of the usual +4.
lore and crafts, and they are ever thirsty for more.
They are the most skilled of the Elves, and Aule is Teleri
their friend. During the First Age, the Noldor are In water they had great delight, and those that came
at their peak in both might and knowledge. The at last to the western shores were enamoured of the
crafting of the Silmarils by Feanor was their sea. The Sea-elves therefore they became in the land of
crowning achievement. It is to retrieve these Aman . . . for they made music beside the breaking
hallowed jewels that the Noldor of the House of waves
Feanor have returned to Middle-earth. The
Noldor of the Houses of Fingolfin and Finarfin Like Vanyar, Teleri only return to Middle-earth
venture to the Hither Lands to protect others during the War of Wrath, and they do not leave
from the rashness of Feanor and his sons, as well their ships. But with a good backstory, the
as to avenge Finwe's murder. Narrator may approve a Teleri character coming
to Middle-earth to reconnect with lost kin and
Lands: Gondolin, Nargothrond, Hithlum, convince them to come to Valinor.
Dorthonion, Thargelion, Himlad
Speech: Quenya, Sindarin, Taliska Teleri characters use Sindar traits, but they also
gain the Inner Light ability of the Noldor.
Racial Traits: Language or Lore skill or a Racial Flaws
In addition to the abilities +1 bonus to any two Arrogant, Code of Honour,
that all Elves receive, Noldor Language or Lore skills. This Duty, Enemy, Fealty, Hatred,
gain the following traits: replaces the trait in the CRB. Proud, Rival, Stiff-necked

Attribute Adjustments Inner Light Background Packages

+3 BRG, +2 NIM, +2 PER, As CRB. Noldo of Gondolin
+2 VIT, +2 WIT Appraise +1, Armed Combat
Racial Skills +2, Debate +3, Inquire +1
Beloved of Aule Appraise, Armed Combat, Insight +2, Lore +2, Persuade
Though they are already Craft, Debate, Insight, +3, Ranged Combat +2,
gifted in crafts, the Noldor Inspire, Intimidate, Faithful Edge, Wise Edge
have enhanced their abilities Language, Lore, Observe,
after learning from Aule. Perform, Persuade, Ranged Noldo of Hithlum or East
Noldor receive a +2 bonus to Combat, Ride, Smithcraft, Beleriand
a Craft, Smithcraft, or Stonecraft, Survival, Track Armed Combat +3, Lore +1,
Stonecraft skill. Alternatively, Observe +2, Ranged Combat
they can have a +1 bonus to Racial Edges +2, Ride +3, Stealth +1,
any two Craft, Smithcraft, or Ally, Athletic, Craftsmaster, Survival +3, Track +1,
Stonecraft skills. This Curious, Eloquent, Fair, Warcraft +2, Valour Edge
replaces the Noldorin Lore Faithful, Fell-handed,
trait in the CRB. Friends, Gift of Tongues, Noldo of Nargothrond
Hardy, Honey-tongued, Appraise +2, Debate +3,
Noldorin Lore Incorruptible, Indomitable, Inquire +1, Insight +1,
In addition to crafts, Noldor Keen-eyed, Resolute, Language +2, Lore + 2,
take great delight in Stalwart, Strong-willed, Persuade +3, Faithful Edge,
languages and lore. Noldor Tireless, Valour, Wise Friends Edge, Wise Edge
receive a +2 bonus to any


They are called the Sindar, the Grey-elves . . . and although they were Moriquend . . . they became the
fairest and the most wise and skillful of all the Elves of Middle-earth.

The Sindar come from the Teleri who were led by Elwe (now named Elu Thingol) during the Great
Journey. They remained in Beleriand instead of continuing to Valinor. Though not as mighty or
learned as the Noldor, the Sindar are wise and skillful. Sindar live throughout Beleriand, but many
call Doriath home. Most Sindar are reluctant to involve themselves in the quest for the Silmarils or
in the campaign against Morgoth. But there are those who desire a part in the great deeds of the
First Age, and who have their own reasons for fighting against the Enemy and his agents.

Lands: All over Beleriand, especially Doriath, Falas, Gondolin, and Nargothrond
Speech: Sindarin, Taliska

Racial Traits Acrobatics, Armed Combat, Background Packages
In addition to the racial traits Athletics, Craft, Debate, Sinda of Doriath
all Elves receive in the CRB, Healing, Inquire, Insight, Acrobatics +2, Athletics +2,
Sindar gain the following Inspire, Intimidate, Healing +1, Observe +2,
traits: Language, Lore, Mimicry, Ranged Combat +1, Ride +1,
Observe, Perform, Persuade, Stealth +3, Survival +3, Track
Attribute Adjustments Ranged Combat, Ride, Sea- +3, Woodcrafty Edge
+2 BRG, +2 NIM, +2 PER, craft, Stealth, Survival, Track
+1 VIT Sinda of Falas
Racial Edges Acrobatics +2, Athletics +2,
Musical Gifts Accurate, Ally, Athletic, Craft +1, Observe +2,
Instructed in music by Ulmo Curious, Eloquent, Fair, Perform +1, Sea-craft +3,
himself, Sindar gain a +2 Faithful, Fell-handed, Survival +3, Athletic Edge,
bonus to all Perform tests.. Friends, Honey-tongued, Night-eyed Edge, Travel-sense
Incorruptible, Keen-eared, Edge
Sea-crafty Keen-eyed, Night-eyed,
During the Great Journey, Stalwart, Tireless, Travel- Sinda of Gondolin or
the Maia Osse befriended the sense, Wise, Woodcrafty Menegroth
ancestors of the Sindar and Armed Combat +1, Debate
taught them much about the Racial Flaws +2, Inquire +2, Insight +2,
sea. Sindar gain a +2 bonus Arrogant, Code of Honour, Lore +3, Perform +3,
to all Sea-craft tests. Duty, Enemy, Fealty, Hatred, Persuade +2, Ranged
Proud, Rival, Stiff-necked Combat +1, Eloquent Edge,
Racial Skills Faithful Edge


Greater knowledge they had of living things, tree and herb, bird and beast, than all other Elves.

The Laiquendi, or Green-elves (so named for their leaf-green raiment) are the remnants of the
Teleri who began the Great Journey but turned back toward Middle-earth and settled in East
Beleriand. For this they are also known as the Nandor, or Those Who Turn Back. Most live freely
in Ossiriand, but some dwell in Doriath as subjects of Elu Thingol. A few may choose to leave their
peaceful woodland lives if need is great or if something directly threatens their homes.

Lands: Ossiriand, Doriath

Speech: Nandorin, Sindarin, Taliska

Racial Traits care for living things.
In addition to the racial traits Racial Flaws
all Elves receive in the CRB, Racial Skills Arrogant, Enemy, Hatred,
Nandor gain the following Acrobatics, Armed Combat, Rival
traits: Athletics, Craft, Debate,
Games, Healing, Insight, Background Packages
Attribute Adjustments Inspire, Intimidate, Nando of Ossiriand or
+1 BRG, +2 NIM, +2 PER. Language, Lore, Mimicry, Doriath
These replace the original Observe, Perform, Persuade, Acrobatics +2, Athletics +2,
attribute adjustments. Ranged Combat, Ride, Healing +1, Observe +2,
Stealth, Survival, Track, Perform +1, Stealth +3,
Woodsy Unarmed Combat Survival +3, Track +2, Furtive
As CRB ability. Edge, Woodcrafty Edge
Racial Edges
Nandorin Lore Accurate, Ally, Athletic, Fair, Nando of Menegroth
Nandor are the most well- Friends, Furtive, Healing Debate +3, Insight +2,
versed in the knowledge and Hands, Incorruptible, Keen- Language +2, Lore +2,
care of living things. They eared, Keen-eyed, Night-Eyed, Perform +3, Persuade +3,
receive a +2 bonus to all tests Tireless, Travel-sense, Wary, Stealth +1, Surival +1, Track
that involve knowledge of or Woodcrafty +1, Friends Edge

The Atani they were named by the Eldar, the Second People; but they called them also Hildar, the
Followers, and many other names . . . Of Men little is told in these tales, which concern the Eldest
Days before the waxing of mortals and the waning of the Elves, save those fathers of men, the
Atanatari . . .

The Edain are the Men of the Three Houses who
There are other Men in Middle-earth besides the
traveled into Beleriand seeking the light of the
Edain. Many of them, such as the Easterlings,
West. Tall, fair, and strong, they are noble in spirit
ventured into Beleriand in search of rich lands.
and fierce in battle. Although they succumb to
Unlike the Edain, the other Men of Middle-
illness and injury more easily than Elves and
earth are short and swarthy. Some of these Men
Dwarves, Edain are courageous and loyal. They
are as noble and honourable as the Edain.
often commit deeds of valor that rival those of the
Others are greedy and as cruel as any Orc.
greatest Elven heroes. Many serve as vassals to
Elven kings.
These men are created with the same traits as
Edain, but they do not get Attribute
Lands: Estolad, Brethil, Hithlum, Dorthonion,
adjustments, and they do not gain bonus
Speech: Taliska, Sindarin, Haladin
Racial Traits Perform, Persuade, Ranged Adan of House of Beor
Attribute Adjustments Combat, Ride, Stealth, Armed Combat +2, Craft +1,
Edain receive +1 BRG, +1 Survival, Track, Unarmed Debate +2, Insight +1,
STR, +1 VIT, +1 WIT. Other Combat, Warcraft Language +3, Lore +3,
Men receive no adjustments. Ranged Combat +2, Survival
Racial Edges +2, Doughty Edge, Stalwart
Dominion of Man Ally, Curious, Doughty, Edge
As CRB trait. However, Faithful, Fell-handed,
starting Courage for the Friends, Hardy, Honour's Adan of House of Haleth
Edain is 5 instead of 4. Insight, Indomitable, Armed Combat +1, Athletics
Resolute, Stalwart, Stern, +2, Observe +1, Ranged
Adaptable Strong-willed, Tireless, Combat +2, Stealth +2,
As CRB trait. Travel-sense, Valour, Wary, Survival +3, Track +3, Stern
Woodcrafty Edge, Wary Edge,
Skilled Woodcrafty Edge
As CRB trait. Racial Flaws
Arrogant, Battle-fury, Code Adan of House of Marach
Racial Skills of Honour, Duty, Enemy, Armed Combat +3, Athletics
Armed Combat, Athletics, Fealty, Hatred, Proud, +2, Debate +1, Intimidate +1,
Craft, Debate, Games, Reckless, Rival, Stiff-necked Language +2, Lore +2,
Healing, Inquire, Insight, Ranged Combat +3, Ride +3,
Inspire, Intimidate, Background Packages Warcraft +1, Valour Edge
Language, Lore, Observe,

Since they were to come in the days of the power of Melkor, Aule made the Dwarves strong to endure.
Therefore they are stone-hard, stubborn, fast in friendship and in enmity, and they suffer toil and
hunger and hurt of body more hardily than all the other speaking peoples . . .

Besides the deeds of Elves and Men, the First Age also covers the Dwarves and their great works.
Though shorter and broader than Elves and Men, they are strong, hardy, and skillful. Most
Dwarves remain in their great mountain halls (Belegost, Nogrod, and Khazad-dum the most
renowned), but some dwell in Elven realms to
enrich the homes and armouries of Elven kings. PETTY-DWARVES
They usually remain aloof from the war against Petty-dwarves are Dwarves who have been exiled
Morgoth, but they give swift retribution to any from their homes. They wander Middle-earth,
who threaten their homes, clans, or treasures. eking out a living in whatever way they can. They
loathe all save their own kind. Because of this,
Lands: Belegost, Menegroth, Nargothrond, Petty-dwarves are not usually appropriate
Nogrod. characters for a First Age game. But if the
Speech: Khuzdul, Sindarin, Taliska Narrator allows it, use the standard traits for
Dwarves to create a Petty-dwarf character.

Racial Traits Observe, Persuade, Ranged Background Packages
Attribute Adjustment Combat, Smithcraft, Dwarf of Belegost or
+1 BRG, +2 STR, +2 VIT. Stonecraft, Survival, Track, Nogrod
Unarmed Combat, Warcraft. Appraise +3, Armed Combat
The Craft +3, Debate +1, Language +1,
Dwarves have inherited their Racial Edges Lore +2, Observe +2,
maker's love and skill with Ally, Athletic, Craftsmaster, Persuade +1, Smithcraft +3,
crafts. They automatically Doughty, Faithful, Fell- Stonecraft +2, Craftsmaster
have the craftsman's handed, Friends, Hardy, Edge
Enchantment order ability, Incorruptible, Indomitable,
and they only need Craft 6+ Night-eyed, Resolute, Stern, Dwarf of Menegroth or
to use it. Stalwart, Strong-willed, Swift Nargothrond
Recovery, Tireless, Valour, Appraise +3, Armed Combat
Resistant (Fire) Wakefulness +2, Debate +1, Language +2,
See FBWM for details. Lore +2, Smithcraft +3,
Racial Flaws Stonecraft +3, Survival +1,
Racial Skills Arrogant, Code of Honour, Craftsmaster Edge, Friends
Appraise, Armed Combat, Duty, Enemy, Grasping, Edge
Athletics, Craft, Debate, Hatred, Proud, Reckless,
Games, Insight, Inspire, Rival, Stiff-necked
Intimidate, Language, Lore,

Hall of Fire * The Unofficial Lord of the Rings Roleplaying Game Webzine Issue 54 * October 2008


by Celebraen

Race: Man (Dunedain)

Racial Abilities: Adaptable (+2 Willpower), Dominion of Man, Skilled
Attributes: Bearing: 10 (+2)*, Nimbleness: 8 (+1)*, Perception: 8 (+1), Strength: 8 (+1), Vitality: 10 (+2), Wits: 12
Reactions: Stamina: +2, Swiftness: +1, Willpower: +5, Wisdom: +3*
Order: Loremaster
Order Abilities: Scroll Hoard, Expertise
Advancements: 7
Skills: Armed Combat: 3, Climb: 1, Craft: 4, Craft (Potions): 4, Healing: 8, Insight: 4, Language (Quenya): 2, Lore
(History-Gondor): 2, Lore (Herbs): 5, Lore (Region-Gondor): 1, Lore (Region-Eregion): 1, Observe: 5, Persuade: 3,
Run: 2, Survival: 3
Edges: Healing Hands, Wise (+2), Favour of Fortune (+2), Charmed Life
Flaws: Enemy 2, Proud
Health: 10
Courage: 4
Renown: 2
Gear: horse, traveling clothing, scroll bag (water-resistant), scrolls (mostly concerning healing but some include
history and botany), dried herbs, blanket, rope, lantern, 1 dose Sweetened Death poison, insect repellent bundles,
staff, dagger

Born to a well-off family in Gondor, Anawen received every advantage growing up. Highly educated, she was
fascinated by the herbal lore found in the Minas Tirith Houses of Healing. She spent a great deal of her free time
as a child running errands for the healers and listening to their wisdom. Her father taught her the basics of
sword-play, believing that every citizen of Gondor had the right and responsibility to be able to defend the glories
of the realm. She grew into a capable young woman, intelligent and curious, finding great satisfaction in her work
in the Houses of Healing.

Anawen's willingness to try other means when traditional Gondorian lore failed to help a patient led to her
healing a couple of cases thought by the other healers to be incurable. This innovativeness caught the eye of
Garavon, a Minas Tirith noble, and he approached her with a "special request from Lord Denethor himself." The
Steward apparently desired a fast-acting, painless poison for several soldiers who were undertaking a secret mission
that had a high chance of them being captured; the poison was to prevent their torture at the hands of the Orcs.
Flattered by the Steward's notice, Anawen put considerable effort into developing a sweet-tasting poison.

Garavon came to Anawen several times over the next couple of years, each time with a "secret commission" from
Denethor. Most involved creating poisons, though once he requested a drink that would weaken the will.
Though Anawen accepted the task and began work on a potion, she was puzzled, feeling that such a drink could

Hall of Fire * The Unofficial Lord of the Rings Roleplaying Game Webzine Issue 54 * October 2008

only be used for dishonorable purposes. She began discretely investigating Garavon. Using a sample of the
potion she was developing, she questioned one of his servants and discovered that the poisons she brewed for him
were being used against Gondorians to aid Mordor. Horrified, she raced to her workroom and destroyed all the
special potions she'd made for Garavon, except one. Very early the next morning she slipped into the kitchens of
his house and poured the most deadly, painful poison she'd made into his goblet of wine.

Anawen then returned home briefly, filled her herb-gathering basket with supplies, and left Minas Tirith. She
headed to the woods of Lossarnach as she often did to gather herbs. Once deep in the forest, she pulled off her
old cloak, slashed it several times with her knife, then carefully cut her palm. She smeared the cloak with her
blood and left it. Confident that her family would think she'd been killed by a wild animal, she headed into the
very heart of the woods.

Anawen, now calling herself simply Ana, wandered through Gondor and Rohan, seeking healing for her spirit
through healing the bodies of others. She would stay in towns for anywhere from a few weeks to several months,
teaching anyone interested the herbal arts. But her guilty conscience always drove her on eventually. Acting as
healer for a caravan to the town of Dale, she came to the north, hoping that there would be less to remind her of
what she'd done. She stayed there for several years, healing Man and Dwarf alike.

As Orcs grew more numerous, Ana moved on, leaving her apprentice behind as Dale's healer. She headed west,
hoping to find some place where Mordor was only a faint whisper in the oldest stories. She settled in Bree,
winning acceptance through her healing skills. Rumors circulated concerning her past, including one that she was
a princess from the south, but she ignored them. People rude enough to question her received only the brief
reply, "My past is my business and no one else's."

Now approaching her 60th year, Ana began training a young Bree girl to replace her. She passed on all of her
knowledge, including that of poisons, something she'd never taught before. Her apprentice became her friend
and heir.

Sweetened Death
Anawen created this poison out of the hellebores wildflower that grows in shady, wooded areas. Only the petals
can be used so quite a few flowers are needed to distill the poison. The petals give it a reddish tint and sweet taste,
though there is a faint aftertaste. The taste is strong enough that only a half-dose can be added to a single cup of
wine without the drinker noticing. If only a half-dose is consumed, the victim merely goes into a coma-like sleep
that lasts for three days. A full dose means the victim dies in their sleep. Diagnosing the poison requires a
Healing roll TN of 20, and countering it requires a Healing roll TN 20 as well.

Hall of Fire * The Unofficial Lord of the Rings Roleplaying Game Webzine Issue 54 * October 2008


by daedel

Iulian Finanth is one of the sons of Bargal Finanth, an eriadorean/
dunedain noble established near Annuminas in the first years of the
Fourth Age. When Aragorn Elessar reconstructed the lost realm of Arnor
at the beginning of the age, many nobles were called to occupy the land.
Descendants from old Arthedain houses like Eketya or Taermar (Tarma)
claimed rights over great portions of the territory, but Bargal’s father
established himself in the west coast of the Nenuial.

Bargal loved to travel, and Iulian was born in Mirkwood when Bargal felt
in love with a Woodmen Town woman. When the noble decided to come
back to Barad Finanth, he left his lover behind but kept Iulian with him,
decided to educate him under the dunedain ways. When Iulian
discovered what his father did, he decided to go to Mirkwood to unveil
his mother’s fate.

Where to find
You can find Iulian at any place between Annuminas and Mirkwood. He travels with Arath, former Explorer’s
Captain of Finanth House, who joined him in his quest. Although his main purpose is to reach Mirkwood as
soon as possible, he is willing to provide help to other people if this doesn’t delay his march too much.  
Arath was born in an Eriadorean farm near the Misty Mountains in the
first years of the Fourth Age. His father had dunedain blood but his
mother was from Bree. They lived a little bit isolated but happy, until one
dark night when Orcs from Moria descended upon the outskirts of the
Hithaeglir looking for food and slaves. Arath’s parents died trying to
defend themselves, and Arath was kidnapped and taken into Moria. He
spent around twenty years in the Mines until he finally managed to
escape. He went into the east where he met Bargal Finanth in Mirkwood.
After saving the noble’s life and his son’s, he came with him to Barad
Finanth and was appointed Captain of Explorers.

He had been living there last twenty-five years, becoming the trusted
friend of Bargal’s son, Iulian. When Iulian decided to look for his mother,
Arath promised Bargal to protect him with his own life if necessary.

Where to find
Arath is always where Iulian is. He took the oath to protect Iulian and
will take any risk to accomplish this task.

Hall of Fire * The Unofficial Lord of the Rings Roleplaying Game Webzine Issue 54 * October 2008

The youngest daughter of the Eketya House, Menaital is a pure dunedain
woman of unsurpassable beauty. But her deep green eyes hide a terrible
secret: unbeknownst to all, she has been studying Dark Sorcery under the
tutelage of Kather-Tamat, an Eastern magician of great power. Kather-
Tamat is a Follower of Melkor, an eastern organization whose main
purpose is to bring the Dark Vala back from the Void. Manaital met him
in Annuminas, where he has been silently spying and collecting info
about the new Arnor: impressed by Menaital’s natural talent for magic,
he perverted her mind and now the dunadan woman is part of the
Followers. She doesn’t care about betraying her people – she only lives
now to follow the will of her master. She normally behaves as a shy and
educated dunedain noble, but she is evil to the core and ruthless.  

Where to find 
Menaital can be found anywhere in Eketya’s lands, or in Annuminas
Court, accomplishing tasks for Kather-Tamat. Being the daughter of one
of the most powerful nobles of old Arthedain, she is able to spy unnoticed in the very centre of the power of
the realm.


In the first century of the Fourth Age, a bunch of brave and intrepid
Rohirrim decided to settle again in the old lands of their ancestors: the
Buhrs of Rhovanion. They reconstructed Buhr Widu, Buhr Ailgra and
Buhr Waldmardh, and other old places of the Eothraim were claimed
later. Ailwa is the current Thyn of Buhr Widu. A powerful, strong and
beloved leader, Ailwa is a 50-years old warrior who has fought hard
to make Buhr Widu a safe place to live in. He is open and well-mannered,
but it’s not easy to fool him, and if he discovers something can harm Buhr
Widu will take even personal risks to protect it.

Where to find
Ailwa is most of the time at Buhr Widu, although he sometimes travels to
the other Buhrs to meet with the rest of Thyns. He also loves to ride his
horse and hunt along the edge of Mirkwood. When hunting, he prefers to
be alone – something his friends and wife don’t like at all. 
Skills in the cards show the total bonus for ranks, attributes and edges.

Hall of Fire * The Unofficial Lord of the Rings Roleplaying Game Webzine Issue 54 * October 2008


This is a list of Web sites along with Decipher's official Web sites. We have found they supply useful Lord of the Rings game information.


http://halloffire.org http://www.mad-irishman.net
http://wiki.halloffire.org http://thelastalliance.com
http://lotrrpg.fanhq.com http://groups.yahoo.com/group/rpgtools/
http://www.glyphweb.com/arda/default.htm http://www.stewardandking.net
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/fan-modules http://homepage.mac.com/jeremybaker/towerhills
http://www.geocities.com/scott_metz/ http://forum.trek-rpg.net/index.php
http://roleplay.avioc.org/ http://groups.yahoo.com/group/coda_webzine
http://www.merp.com http://www.theonering.com/
http://www.othermindsmagazine.com http://www.theonering.net


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