PaperE Learning
PaperE Learning
PaperE Learning
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The education system provided via the Internet is being improved year after
year and has been enhancing along with the development and advance of Internet
technologies. The advance of e-learning has, to a great extent, been affected by the
development and application of wireless Internet.
Full professor, Ph.D., Institute of Economic Sciences, Belgrade, Serbia,
290 Radović-Marković, M.
with this, recent research has been conducted in the US, covering a sample of 990
educational institutions, organized by Sloan Consortium.
The aim of this research was to find the answer to several crucial questions, as
1. To what extent does e-learning improve the process of knowledge
acquisition, by juxtaposing this educational model with numerous
other models?
2. What are the prerequisites in terms of the technical infrastructure and
logistics for e-learning?
3. What models of e-learning are in use and which ones give the best
4. To what extent is the role of the professor-instructor modified in
working with students who opt for this model of education?
5. What are the costs compared to the profit earned at faculties
organizing Internet studies?
Based on the results of this research, which is considered one of the most
comprehensive and recent of this kind in the world, indicative data for this form of
education have been collected. The most significant indicators include:
It is only 18.7 % of all educational institutions in the USA that do not offer
some of their study programs via e-learning.
About 2.4 % of state educational institutions in the USA have not included
this kind of knowledge acquisition in their educational models and have
kept to the traditional forms
Students at more than 90% of virtual faculties are satisfied with this kind
of education and knowledge acquisition
All the faculties that provided an adequate training for the professors, as
well as other members of virtual faculties, have managed to adapt to the
new method of work in a fairly short time and achieve the desired results
Educational institutions have made significant savings in terms of human
and other resources utilization, and thereby have increased their profits.
For example, at the Wisconsin-Madison University, 172,000 US$ have
been saved, due to savings in professors’ time, who previously had to
spend much more time in teaching sessions in order to cover for large
groups of students; in addition, the number of traditional classrooms has
been reduced, and thereby costs necessary for their use.
On the other hand, by designing an online program, many faculties,
which previously did not have their business site, managed to save large
sums of money for buying their business premises, an example of which is
the University of North Carolina in Charlotte. According to their estimate,
they managed to make a savings amounting to more than 5 million US$,
by not making investments into business premises.
Furthermore, the number of students has increased, and a higher study
efficiency has been achieved. For example, some American faculties have,
owing to varied and high quality programs, succeeded to reach the number
of 800,000 students showing further growth tendency.
292 Radović-Marković, M.
Throughout the year 2006, a research has been conducted (Pulichino, 2006),
exploring the future trends in e-learning. A questionnaire was made, covering three
groups of subjects:
1. higher education institutions
2. corporations
3. e-learning providers
They were offered a multiple choice form, dealing with several aspects of e-
learning and its future use. One of the most important questions referred to the
development perspectives of e-learning. To this purpose, subjects were offered the
following responses:
e-learning has a big future and will continue to grow
e-learning will show decline in its importance in the years to come
e-learning will not develop in either of the two ways
As many as 75% of the subjects circled the first proposed answer, i.e. that e-
learning has a big future and that “it will continue to grow”, whereas 16% circled the
second answer that “e-learning will show decline in its importance in the years to
come”. During the year 2006 the same survey was conducted showing that the number
of those believing that “e-learning will show decline in its importance in the future”
has gone down, while the number of those believing that “e-learning will continue to
grow” has remained stable” (75%).
With regard to perspectives of e-learning, subjects were also offered several
items to choose from, such as “significant increase”, “moderate growth”, “same rate of
development”, “moderate decrease”, “significant decrease”, and “I don’t know”. In this
case, about 43% of all the subjects answered that there will be a moderate growth of e-
learning in the future. Additionally, opportunities for extending the use of e-learning to
other domains, where it has not been applied so far, such as employee, customer and
business associates training, have been considered.
According to the findings of this questionnaire, we can see that 38 % of all
subjects expect “moderate increase in the application of e-learning in other spheres of
its application”, whereas 20% expect “significant development”. The development of
e-learning by means of complex media (simulation models, interactive algorithms,
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databases, flash and streaming tapes) was also covered in the questionnaire. In this
respect as well, subjects expressed their high expectations regarding the application of
the latest state-of-the-art media (48%) in the near future.
Further research can continue to explore how and when online instruction is
most effective. For instance, additional investigation should look at motivational
factors affecting students in taking elective and required courses in traditional, online,
and blended approaches to instruction.
great degree, depend on the degree of utilization of new Internet technologies and the
level of popularization of this form of education. Namely, many world prestigious
faculties offering distance learning studies, engage famous people studying there as the
best promoters of this way of studying.
This form of studying still does not have a large number of advocates in
Serbia, since, in fact, there are no real Internet studies. In other words, Internet
education is even now considered as some form of correspondence studies. In addition,
many faculties yet lack the relevant software and accompanying equipment, as well as
adequately trained staff, which would use them in their work with students.
Furthermore, the development of Internet studies is still lagging behind in this
country, as it is still at the bottom of the ladder among countries in terms of Internet
users (about 20%). A factor further aggravating Internet studies development here is
the fact that people’s beliefs here change very slowly regarding any kind of novelty,
especially in education.
In compliance with this, most people cannot imagine a “classroom without
walls”, nor a completely different way of studying. For a large group of people, it is
unimaginable not to go to the faculty and not to attend lectures, as this would make it
impossible for them to feel as academic citizens.
The number of those among them, who are skeptical towards the quality of
thus acquired education, must also be high. As a result of this, although the Ministry of
Education has made provisions for Internet education in the Law of Education, it is still
in its infancy and has not received full media promotion.
This is why little is known about this area, which is approached with a certain
grain of salt and suspicion. In order to change the existing prejudice, it is necessary to
point out to the general public all the advantages of online education, so that both
future students and their prospective employers could get the real picture. In this way,
in times to come, this country as well could enlist among those who have developed a
new and very profitable branch of economy, by using a modern and flexible form of
This does not mean that faculties with “classrooms without walls” will fully
replace traditional faculties. They will continue to exist and to attract those students
who prefer classical learning models, yet they will also have to change in accordance
with the needs and requirements of contemporary education. In keeping with this, it
may be concluded that virtual faculties and their expansion will have positive
consequences and impact on innovating traditional faculties work as well.
It may reasonably be expected that in addition to high profits earned by
faculties, students will be the ones to enjoy highest gain as they will get the education
to their order and needs, as well as suited to the requirements of their future job
positions. This is further corroborated with the fact that more and more employers do
not distinguish between those students who have graduated from Internet schools and
those who have graduated from other schools in their recruitment decisions.
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